senior awards ceremony - · emma brolly emily mackay aalia shah louis...

Thursday 29 August 2019 2019 Senior Awards Ceremony Williamwood High School

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Page 1: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

Thursday 29 August 2019

2019 Senior Awards Ceremony

Williamwood High School

Page 2: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds
Page 3: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

Welcome and Introduction

Headteacher’s Remarks

Guest Speaker: Michaela Foster Marsh

Musical Interlude

Presentation of S4 Endeavour Awards

Presentation of S4 Subject Awards and Junior Dux

Musical Interlude

Presentation of Sports Awards

Presentation of Special Awards

Musical Interlude

Presentation of S5 Endeavour Awards

Presentation of S5-S6 Subject Awards and Dux Medals

Vote of Thanks

Refreshments served in The Street

2019 Senior Awards Ceremony

Williamwood High School

Page 4: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S4 Endeavour Awards 2018-2019

Juliet Ainsworth Annabel Galt Cara McKenna

Emily Allan Daniel Gear Sarah McKerlie

Faith Allan Anna Ghiro Mia McLuskie

Scott Allan Jaya Gill Scott McMillan

Anna Arghiros Jenny Gordon Annie McNamee

Cara Baker Ellie Guevara Rose Euan Menzies

Morven Ballantyne Mila Haining Roderick Morrison

Andrew Baptie Niamh Harley Mahad Mubbasher

Adam Barnes Michael Hastie Ava Mutter

Kathryn Birnie Caitlin Hillary Orla O'Shea

Rebekah Black Rida Iqbal Hope Palmer

Conor Blackwood Rory Ireland Olivia Park

Kirstie Bowes May Jackson Olivia Pickford

Ross Boyle Nina Jackson Amy Pollock

Hannah Bradley Elena Job Natasha Reid

Scott Bruce Rahul Joshi Kirsty Robertson

Nashmia Butt Arslan Kazmi James Ross

Gordon Cameron John Kennedy Mia Sergeant

Abbie Campbell Flora Kerr Lisa Struthers

Kate Cherry Piet Lages Jack Taylor

Gregor Chesnutt Sophie Lauder Ella Tedcastle

Adam Clark Vicky Lee Mackenzie Thomson

Christina Clarkson Alfie Livingstone-Cameron Eden Thornton

Sophie Cohen Madeline MacKinnon Elias Voukelatos

Gemma Connolly Musa Mahmood Robbie Watson

Jenny Cook Erin Mair Christopher Watson-Sweeney

Stella Cowey Jess Mawhinney Zoe Wearing

Euan Coyle Sophie McBain Rebecca Whitelock

Robbie Currie Luka McCall Iris Williams

Rachel Drummond Ciara McCaughey Katy Wilson

Rona Easton Lauren McClafferty Emma Wood

Elliot Ferguson Erin McGarvey Ali Zaighum

Milly Ferguson Calum McGinn Mahdiya Zubairi

Kiera Friel Maisie McGregor

Page 5: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S4 Subject Awards 2018-2019

Adam Barnes National 5 Administration & IT

Conor Blackwood National 5 Spanish

Kate Cherry National 5 Art & Design

National 5 Modern Studies

Gregor Chesnutt National 5 Hospitality Practical Cookery

Stella Cowey National 5 Modern Studies

Matteo DeLuca National 5 Design & Manufacture

National 5 Graphics

Milly Ferguson National 5 Mathematics

Alex Gajic National 5 Music

Caitlin Hillary Silver ASDAN

Elena Job National 5 Biology

Jamie Kerr National 5 Practical Woodworking

Serena Marchon National 5 Geography

Lauren McClafferty National 5 Drama

National 5 History

Cara McKenna National 5 Chemistry

National 5 Physics

Callum McKenzie National 5 Graphics

Sean Miller National 5 Mathematics

Mahad Mubbasher National 5 English

Ava Mutter National 5 Business Management

National 5 Hospitality Practical Cookery

Orla O'Shea National 5 French

National 5 Physical Education

Mia Sergeant National 5 Fashion & Textile

Eden Thornton National 5 Physical Education

Elias Voukelatos National 5 Computing Science

Cara Mckenna Junior Dux

Page 6: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S4 – S5 Sports Awards 2018-2019

Euan Caldwell Boxing British Championships - 1st Place

Boxing Represented Scotland

Owen Hill Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Adam Hunter Squash Represented Scotland

Andrew Lappin Judo Represented Scotland

Glen Little Rugby Represented Glasgow and West of Scotland

Emma Chamberlain Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Zoe Coyne Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Adam Deverill Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Louis Galasso Karate Represented Scotland

Karate Scottish Champion - Under 18

Struan Kingdom Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Swimming Eian Prentice Award - Best Junior Open Water Swimmer

Swimming National Champion - 2km

Swimming Represented Scotland

Orla Lang Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Reuben Nairne Athletics Represented Scotland

Athletics Scottish Athletics National Academy

Athletics Scottish Schools International - 100m Hurdles - 3rd Place

Athletics Scottish Schools International - Best Male Athlete

Athletics Scottish Schools International - Pole Vault - 1st Place

Athletics Scottish Schools International - Team Captain

Athletics UK School Games - 100m Hurdles - 2nd Place

Ross Nesbitt Skiing British Schools Indoor Championships - 1st Place

Skiing British Schools Indoor Championships - Team - 1st Place

Skiing National Schools Snowsport Squad

Skiing Scottish Schools Dry Slopes Championship Qualifiers - Team - 1st Place

Skiing SSSA Autumn Dual Slalom Series - Team - 2nd Place

Skiing Scottish Schools Snowsport Event - 1st Place

Severin Nielson Rowing Represented Scotland

Rowing Scottish Indoor Championships - S5 - 2nd Place

Rowing Scottish Schools Indoor Rowing Championships - J18 - 3rd Place

Tom Simmonds Skiing Scottish Schools Dry Slopes Championship Qualifiers - Team - 1st Place

Skiing SSSA Autumn Dual Slalom Series - Team - 2nd Place

Craig Thomson Crossfit Scottish Champion - 16/17 Category

Tennis Scottish Champion - Indoor Doubles - Under 16

Charlie Weir Rowing British Record - 30 Minutes Indoor

Page 7: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S6 Sports Awards 2018-2019

Logan Hannah Karting Scottish Schools Championships - 1st Place

Karting International Driving Licence - W Series

Tom Kennedy Karting Scottish Schools Championships - 1st Place

Andrew MacPhie Skiing British Schools Indoor Championships - Team - 1st Place

Skiing National Schools Snowsport Squad

Skiing Scottish Schools Dry Slopes Championship Qualifiers - Team - 1st Place

Skiing SSAA Indoor Skier Cross Championships - 2nd Place

Skiing SSSA Autumn Dual Slalom Series - Team - 2nd Place

David McAleer Karting Scottish Schools Championships - 1st Place

Charlotte McKenna Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Individual - 3rd Place

Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Lynn McKenna Athletics Scottish Schools Cross-Country Championships - 3rd Place

Cormac O'Hara Athletics British (Para) Championships - 800m - 1st Place

Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Athletics Scottish (Para) Championships - 800m - 1st Place

Athletics Scottish (Para) Cross-Country Championships - 2k - 1st Place

Calum Young Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Individual - 3rd Place

Athletics East Renfrewshire Cross-Country - Team - 2nd Place

Triathlon Represented Team GB

Page 8: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

Special Awards 2018-2019

S6 Charities Committee represented by Ruaridh McInnes and Emma Hamilton

Baguette Express Enterprise Award

Communication Support Service represented by Matthew MacKinnon

PTA Citizenship Award

Ewan Ferguson Drummond Miller Award for service to the Local Community

Rights Respecting School Group represented by Reece McKay and Callum Johnstone

Parent Council Award for Outstanding Contribution to the School Community S6

Katie Fox

The Parent Council Award for Vocational or Work Based Learning

Ekta Singh The John Smith Advanced Higher Geography Project Cup

Aribah Chaudhry and Eden Thornton Women into Engineering (STEM) Junior Award

Katie Cranston Women into Engineering (STEM) Senior Award

Catrin Adams Head Girl

Max Proctor Head Boy

Page 9: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S5 Endeavour Awards 2018-2019

Jack Addie Kirsten Hamilton Scott O'Brien

Grace Aitken Kameel Hatta Hannah Petrie

David Aiton Iliane Hifi Harris Ralston

Adam Akram Stephen Hughes Andrew Reid

Grace Allan Scott Jenkins Ashley Reid

Katie Allan Kanyembo Kabaso Lauren Reid

Daisy Anderson Courtney-Louise Keany Thomas Reid

Jack Armstrong Sarah Kelly Emma Richardson

Tanya Baig Jemma Kenny Alexandra Rivers

Adam Bashir Shafaq Khan Caron Rooney

Alex Bell Rachel Kinnear Euan Ross

Matthew Bell Sonya Koleva Euan Donald Ross

Harry Best Orla Lang Eve Ross

Francesca Binning Craig Lightfoot Sampurna Roy

Sophia Blanco Kira Linich Emma Russell

Anna Boulton-Jones Maria Lochhead Holly Savage

Oliver Breckenridge Abbie Logan-Cruden Erin Savelli

Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah

Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh

Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

Matthew Carlin Jahnwi Majumdar Callum Sinclair

Daniel Carmon Caitlyn Marcinek Blair Skivington

Emil Carr Joanne Marshall Hannah Steel

Erin Carruthers Cara Martin Saskia Storey

Emma Chamberlain Yumna Masood Aamina Syyed

Rayhan Choudry Eilidh Mathieson Rae Taylor

Laura Clements Thomas McAuliffe Adam Thomson

Leah Cobb Christie McEwen Austin Thomson

Lucy Collins Reece McKay Ewan Thomson

Freya Cowan Rosie McKay Zara Thomson

Mirin Cowey Sophie McLaren Sarah Thorn

Zoe Coyne Leah McMurray Canbright Tianfield

Andrew Cramb Eilidh McPhail Abby Walker

Claire Cranmer Caleb Meagher Natalie Walker

Katie Cranston Annie Meechan Cameron Walton

Kate Crawford Ewan Millar Ben Wang

Anna Creelman Eilidh Miller Charlie Weir

Adam Deverill Rachel Miller Jodie White

Amber Donnelly Amy Mitchell Rachel Williams

Ben Drake Hibah Mohammed Emma Wilson

Cara Duncan Abbie Moloney Katherine Wilson

Niamh Flockhart Amy Morris Jennie Yang

Leo Foulds Olivia Murdoch Billy Young

Jenna Fuggle Cailin Murray Katie Young

Louis Galasso Ross Nesbitt Lewis Young

Carla Garcia Hannah Nisbet Kylin Zhang

Rebecca Gourlay Kate Nisbet

Amy Anna Graham Sally Nisbet

Page 10: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S5 Subject Awards 2018-2019

David Aiton Higher Chemistry

Grace Allan Higher Geography

Sophia Blanco Higher Spanish

Emma Chamberlain Higher Business Management

Freya Cowan Higher Physical Education

Katie Cranston Higher Design & Manufacture

Kate Crawford Higher English

Adam Deverill Higher Physics

Cara Duncan National 5 Hospitality Practical Cake Craft

Amy Anna Graham Higher Graphics

Kirsten Hamilton Higher Fashion & Textile

Iliane Hifi Higher Mathematics

Keje Ibrahim National 5 English

Kirstie Macnaughton Higher Drama

Ewan Millar Higher Music

Sally Nisbet Higher English

Hannah Nisbet Higher Biology

Higher French

Harris Ralston Higher Computing Science

Eve Ross Higher Art & Design

Adam Thomson National 5 Practical Woodworking

Jennie Yang Higher History

Orla Lang Proxime Accessit

David Aiton Dux Medallist

Page 11: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

S6 Subject Awards 2018-2019

Nina Adams Higher Philosophy

Christopher Brotherton Advanced Higher Physical Education

Jonathan Connelly Higher Politics

Kate Gillespie Higher English

Cameron Griffiths Advanced Higher Computing Science

Advanced Higher Physics

Advanced Higher Mathematics of Mechanics

Gabriela Guevara Rose Advanced Higher French

Kirsty Hogg Advanced Higher Art & Design

Advanced Higher English

Advanced Higher History

Catriona Macintosh Higher Psychology

Andrew MacPhie Advanced Higher Music

Lynn McKenna Advanced Higher Modern Studies

Rachel Norrie Higher Modern Studies

Finlay Overend Advanced Higher Biology

Advanced Higher Chemistry

Catriona Pritchard Advanced Higher Spanish

Cara Raeburn Higher Photography

Liam Robertson Advanced Higher Mathematics

Higher Religious, Moral & Philosophical Studies

Julie Sinclair Advanced Higher Drama

Ekta Singh Advanced Higher Geography

Advanced Higher Religious, Moral & Philosophical Studies

Lara Thomson Higher Accounting

Emma Hunter Advanced Higher Graphics

Page 12: Senior Awards Ceremony - · Emma Brolly Emily MacKay Aalia Shah Louis Buchanan Kirstie Macnaughton Hafsah Shaikh Jonny Campbell Maham Mahmood Tom Simmonds

Michaela Foster Marsh is an acclaimed singer-songwriter with three albums to her

credit whose work has appeared in television and film, including Dawson’s Creek

and The Matthew Sheppard Story. She has been invited to sing at the Monaco

International Film Festival, the Cannes International Film Festival, and for Her

Majesty, Queen Elizabeth. She is the founder and Executive Director of

Starchild Charity, which works primarily with vulnerable children and women and

which has built a School for Creative Arts in Vvumba, Uganda. In 2017, she was a

finalist of Scotswoman of the Year by the Evening Times and has received a Prime

Minister’s award for her work in Uganda. Her first novel will be published next


Guest Speaker

Michaela Foster Marsh