senior sendoff 2012


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August 18, 2012



I used to hear these stories about

Oasis. Back when it was spelled o@sis.

I owe so much to the senior classes of

previous years for showing me the

scary world that was known as high

school. Believe me, I wanted to make

our ministry not everything it was, but

everything it could be. I don't think I

did. I’m sorry. Here's why: we can't.

If there's anything that I've

learned, it's that only God can. Every

time we try to do something, we would

fall short, in Oasis or in history. Again and again, nothing is done

without His power. But we can be assured of this -- God is moving,

all the time.

I think when I first believed, there was a God who “was.” But

the word says that He was and is and is to come. I want you guys

to know that He is an active and personal God. The scary thing is,

sometimes we forget about God in Oasis, in our ministry, which

would be nothing without by definition.

Anyway. I don't know how to say all I want to say to you guys.

There's a lot to tell you, but they'll all come out as commands; just

Last Editor’s Page

know that this comes my heart. You can read this and take this to

mind, but nothing is solid until you experience it yourself. Your

story at Oasis is in itself a praise.

When I came in to Oasis in freshman year, I never opened my

mouth during worship. I didn't understand what these people were

doing, hands raised high, and I definitely didn't want to have peo-

ple hear this voice that was not born to sing. God created all of us

to praise. I believe nothing should feel fake in worship because it is

likely one of the most authentic things you will experience. So if

you don't get it, don't sing, take it in. But when you know, then

raise your voice to the Lord.

My parents almost didn't let me come to Oasis. Week after

week, I came, with persuasion and fights, with determination writ-

ten on my forehead. I'm so glad I stayed, though. My high school

life would not have been the same without it. Most of my closest

friends I've made through here. Freshmen, your life is about to

change, if you let it.

I'll be the first one to admit that there were times I "strayed

away" from Oasis. I want you to know that this is okay. There is no

shame or guilt in reorganizing and reaffirming your faith alone. To

be still, to take time. In fact, your faith depends so much on the

other six days of the week that you're not here. Still, know that

there is no home like the Oasis family. Though we are all so differ-

ent, there is community here, there is healing here. I’ll miss this.

- Alice Liang

Every one of you is a leader. Some are naturally born leaders

and will be awesome worship leaders and small group leaders by

the grace of God. Some are not, some make themselves so, some

take on the call. There are so many places in this ministry that need

to be filled -- worship, small groups, the Vine, A/V, photo/video,

clean-up, hospitality, snacks, whatever. Whether or not, you are a

leader by title, you are a leader because you are here. Simple con-

versations can change lives. They've changed mine. And let them

change yours. Listen. Praise. Pray.

Look around and see the

beauty of this fellowship. See its po-

tential if we all stepped up and

came together. Love. As brothers

and sisters, and more importantly,

as I've learned, as friends. Be the

light. Let it go forth from here to the

nations. God bless.

Differences Recently I decided I needed a new blan-

ket. If you've ever come over to my

house, you may have seen mine. It's an

old blanket -- not quite a duvet or com-

forter, not quite a quilt -- that's been

with me for as long as I can remember.

It's so old that the buttons on it have started to fall off, and these

irritating holes keep appearing; yep, it was time to upgrade. I

questioned myself on what to buy. A month of wondering, think-

ing, questioning, pondering, and googling and still nothing, but

here were the choices: A quilt - a thick, quilted blanket/

comforter with various patterns, some ancient, with quilting or

stitching throughout, securing the top layer, stuffing, and bottom

layer together in decorative shapes; a bedspread - which is a pre-

filled bed cover with stuffing to be used as a decorative and

warming bed covering made from a single layer lighter weight

fabric. Bedspreads don't need to be used with quilts, duvets, or

comforters; a duvet - a comforter filled with down feathers, usu-

ally white, beige, or creamy off-white, and usually placed in a du-

vet cover; and a comforter - a thick, quilted, fluffy blanket. It's

decorated and colored with dye, unlike the quilt's embroidered

surface. It doesn't have a cover and is just washed when dirty.

(And by the way, I hope all you little underclassmen get some-

thing from this. Blankets are a serious thing). Which blanket did I

get in the end, you ask? Here's how I decided.

One dark and stormy night I realized something. These blan-

kets are all representations of different kinds of people. BS, you

say? Nope. Not even. Just think about it a little bit. Are you a quilt

- an old fashioned, conservative stick-in-the-mud? Now this isn't

always a bad thing. Being conservative can lead to great things!

You can be a senator, even president! You can be a nun - exciting!

You can be a math or history teacher, maybe even professor. Go for

it, quilts! But you know what it takes to achieve your dreams? Open

-mindedness. Now I'm not calling you guys out or anything, but

really now. How do you expect to be great when you can't change

the way you think a little? Think outside the box! When a chance

comes, don't be afraid to take it. I think being conservative stems

from a lack of confidence or shyness. At one point in my life I was

like that too. No, I'm being totally serious. I thought, "I'm never go-

ing to wear dresses to school. That's so weird." and "Look at those

girls wearing weird tank tops and earrings and makeup. I'll just

wear t-shirts and jeans forever. Red on Yellow on Denim Blue #1." I

know some of you know this is true. Until sophomore year I wore

nothing but t-shirts and jeans and sneakers. Embarrassing. I also

thought, "I'm going to med school and I'm gonna be the greatest

doctor ever." Look at me now, English/Music/Education major. And

I'm perfectly happy! So don't be afraid to change. If you wanna

take AP art, go for it! Drop that Spanish AP class and take yoga (it's

worth it)! Lighten up!

Are you a bedspread -- you don't need anybody! You can do

everything by yourself! This was me once too. I didn’t need people

to have fun. I could sit here and play video games all day and be

awesome with my online friends. Yep. WRONG. This summer I actu-

ally did the did the aforementioned things. I sat at home on my

online friends. Yep. WRONG. This summer I actually did the

aforementioned things. I sat at home on my awesome laptop

and played League and Guild Wars 2 and XBOX all summer. And

you know what happened? I was lonely. I had separated myself

from my friends earlier this year and I regret it SO much. This ap-

plies to workaholics too. My mom's a workaholic. Yeah, it's great

because she's a genius and does all these cool things and goes

to cool places and things, but she's pretty lonely. So for you bed-

spreads, please go out with your friends more. My friend Rebecca

Wang (class of 2010) told me once, "I was always trying to get

my friends to hang out with me. I always organized the hang-

outs. Don't be afraid to ask." I wish I had taken this to heart. Real

friends will be with you forever. Just think, in 5 or 10 years, where

will you be, at work or at school terribly bored and tired? You

NEED a girls or guys night out. Go out and be social! And don't

worry, this day and age, nobody will be rude to you. Just go up

to someone and say, "Hey. I like your shirt. Let's be

friends." (Don't actually do this, but you get what I mean...I


You could be a duvet -- a squishy, pillowy, shy kid covered in

a thick over-protective parental shell. That's great and all, you can

go to med school and be the great little daddy's girl/momma's

boy they wanted you to be. But you know what? Rebellion is

okay. Go out at night! Hang out with your "bad" friends! As

stated above, when an opportunity shows itself, jump on it!

Charles Ko last year had a rant on how our little city of Troy was a

"bubbo.” That's bubble for you newbies. Go out and have an ad-

venture! I was so blessed as a high schooler to have these great

upperclassmen to take me out to Birmingham, Detroit, Royal

Oak, and all over the place. And I'm sorry for not reaching out to

you guys more while still in high school. But you don't need us old

people! We're outdated and boring anyways. Get some friends and

go on a road trip! And I know your Asian parents will say no, but

just go one step at a time. Maybe go hang out at a park late at

night and watch the stars. Have a sleepover! (Gasp!) Have a party…

at your own house! Step up! Being leaders requires you guys to be

brave! Strong! A little rebellious! Run, my little gazelles! Be freeee!

(Also, you guys can always call me and I'll take you on an amazing

adventure haha) (p.p.s. honor your parents. They still know what's

best for you. Don't go super crazy and run away from home please.

Your parents will have my head qq).

Or maybe, you’re that comforter - You party animal you. Yeah,

I was here before once too. Pretty recently too, haha. You don't

have a care in the world what happens, because you can just forget

about it if anything happens. (The washing part, if you didn't get

my parallel.) SO MUCH FUN. It's great, I know. I did anything and

everything I wanted. I played with people, threw around money,

and did some stupid stuff haha. I'm not saying there's anything

wrong with being playful and relaxed. You flow with the wind, care-

free and social. Oh what I would give to just do this forever and

ever, but all good things come to an end. I was recently at an party

for something, and of course there were all these cool people I

wanted to talk to and things I wanted to do. But that night I prom-

ised I'd be back at 12 to talk to a friend of mine. Also my parents

would probably worry since I didn't tell them anything, and a

promise is a promise. I left the party and my parents were happy

and my friend was grateful. I was pretty content too. I made the

right choice; yay, everyone's happy! So for you comforters, reign it

in a little. You can still have sleepovers every other night or go

out on weekends, but remember that there are things more im-

portant than that momentary pleasure. God, school, parents,

friends, they should all be put before your own need for that tiny

moment of fun (boy do I wish I realized this earlier haha). So you

can always still be that insane and crazy fun person you were, but

make sure to get what's more important done first. You can do it

secretly if you want. Nobody ever needs to know that you're ac-

tually a straight A student with a serious talent in violin or flute

or whatever.

I love all of you guys, you're all adorable underclassmen that

I'd love to get to know more. Especially you, freshmen! And I'm

not telling you that you guys have to change yourselves. Espe-

cially not just because some dumb college student told you to.

I'm just saying that change is good, and sometimes even encour-

aged. Go out and be the great people God made you to be! He

has a plan for you, you just need to let it

happen. So best regards from me, and all

the other college kids. We'll always be

here for you when you need us. You only

need to ask.


Claire Jiang

(btw, I got a duvet. So fluffy

and soft and nice)

So I have nothing to write about

so Alice kindly sent me this list of

questions to answer: . 1. Name? Alvin

2. But people know you as?


3. School? College: MSU

High School: Troy High

4. Future plans? College

5. Hobbies?

Sleeping, guitar, sports

6. What will you miss the


Underclassmen, healthy food,

lettuce, fruit, squishing Felix,

driving, etc.

7. I view Oasis as:

Oasis is oasis.

It changes with each class.

8. I’d like to thank:

All the leaders for

sticking around.

9. I hope next year, Oasis:

Continues to grow.

10. Bye!


Alvin Chiang

High School Memories As I grew spiritually in the time of when I was in Oasis, God has

always brought new things to me and gave me courage to these

things that He wanted me to do. In the spring of 2011, Brent told

me that Refresh is in need of one more male small group leader

and he would like me to help out. I was surprised that God was

giving me this opportunity because although I was growing spiri-

tually, I thought I just didn’t do good enough or giving out all

I’ve got to meet what He

wants me to be. After pray-

ing and of course, asking my

uncle who had to sacrifice

his time to be my chauffeur

and counselor after I take

the offer, I thought that why

not try something new a

small group has gotten me

to think a lot; like whether I

am doing it right or whether I

am being a good example

for the kids, and also seek

for what God wants me to

get out of it?

Leading a Refresh small group has gotten me to think a lot; like

whether I am doing it right or whether I am being a good example

for the kids, and also how they got so much glycogen to break-

down for their “daily activities.”

Time goes by fast as I graduated from being a Refresh small group

leader to an Oasis small group leader in the school year of 2011-

2012. Honestly I felt a lot of pressure being a small group leader of

Oasis, because our conversation can get deep enough that I would

ask myself if the answer that I give them would be correct.

Thankfully, God put Alvin who was so much more spiritually mature

and knew so much more than I do in the bible in my small group

to be the one answering a lot of the questions, who also super-

vised me and made sure I didn’t go all crazy. Although good time

passed and God has taught me so much through my fellow mates

in the “posse,” I asked God then that why should I be a small group

leader when there is obviously a better candidate in the ballot than

I am? I remained clueless of the answer to that question for the re-

mainder of the school year.

Now that I have served in Xi-men, Taiwan for the Aroma church for

two more months, I think I got the answer to that question. God

doesn’t expect me to know the answer why He wanted me to be a

small group leader given that there were so many people that

were more spiritually matured than I was.

In fact, God didn’t care at all if I knew the answer. As He calls me

to do something, it means that whether I think I am a good can-

didate to do the job, he KNOWS that I am the best person to do

the job. God is always doing this kind of things—the unexpected;

in addition God is always us-

ing the unexpectedness to

tell us, “Don’t use your logic

to understand things, just

obey and I will greatly award


This concludes my memory

in high school, and I pray

that for you guys, my fellow

brothers and sisters in Christ

that you find what God

wants you to do and have

the courage to obey it.

- Curtis Hsiung

1. Name? Hi my name is Denny Hall Zhang.

2. But people know you as?

Generally Denny besides the few

(zhangaroo, denden, ...)

3. School? University of Michigan Engi-

neering, Go blue!

4. Future plans?

Have an awesome time at college, get a

job, get married, and have kids?

5. Hobbies?

Camera-ing, and some other stuff.

6. What will you miss the most? I shall

definitely miss the people (you know who

you are, even if you don't), though of

course some more than others.

7. I view Oasis as: A place that I have gone

to for the past four years for fellowship.

8. I’d like to thank: All of you for putting

up with me; me being mostly the technical

difficulties and slides. Slides are just never

done well.

9. I hope next year, Oasis: I hope next

year Oasis becomes more of an oasis be-

cause that is what it's supposed to be.

Spread that maniacal monkeyz mentality.

10. Bye! Bye Oasis! I'll be back. (just like at

IA, when most of them want me gone.)

Denny Zhang


“We cross our bridges as we

come to them and burn them

behind us, with nothing to

show for our progress except

a memory of the smell of

smoke and a presumption

that once our eyes watered”

—Guildenstern, from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by

Tom Stoppard

Well, I guess I have come to the end that bridge crossing from

the shelter I have lived in for the past eighteen years of my life

into what seems to be an entirely new world, filled with new

kinds of responsibilities, commitments, pains, and joy. I hold the

torch in my hand now, trying to remember everything that has

influenced me these fourteen years, holding all of it close to my

heart. The smell of smoke is already filling up my lungs, yet I still

take deep breaths, hoping to hold onto those memories until the

day I die.

The bridge, oh how I remember you so fondly. I remember the

splinters that dug deep into my skin and also how I felt your firm

support as I walked above the rushing waters. Your support beams

have always held me up, and I gratefully thank you as I never really

could let you down. Each of your planks are different: some giving

me a firm foothold while others letting me fall straight through,

only to have a beam catch me and help me pick myself back up.

So I stand here with the torch in

my hand ready to move on only

with the things I can hold onto:

God, my family, and my friends.

I am ready to move on to a new

chapter of my life, a different

bridge where I may lay planks

on. As of now, I do not know

how long this bridge may be or

how treacherous the waters be-

low it are, but I know that my

supports are still there and that

they are the ones that will al-

ways hold me up.

- Jerry Xu

Read This Maybe As I’m typing this article, not

knowing exactly where I’m going to

go with this, I am still unable to grasp

the idea that I am leaving. I remem-

ber looking at the seniors for three

years, each time thinking how I can’t

wait until it’s my turn to be a leader

(boss) and have a wonderful time at senior send off. Well now that

it is my turn and I get to be at where I’ve always wanted to be, I am

unable to find the glory and authority that the term “seniority” has

always seemed to have.

Leaving Oasis is definitely bittersweet not only because of the

cliché “oh I’m going to miss you all” business, but because my

chance of making a difference is over. The idea of being an inspira-

tion to others is probably something that all of us thought about

when we picture ourselves as seniors. Needless to say, I could’ve

done a much better job. Even if it was to show just a bit more pas-

sion during worship, saying hi to a freshman – even though they all

seem to run away from me, or talk a bit more. Looking back, I don’t

know how the previous classes have managed to do it. They made

Oasis feel so lively and warm! I must say breaking the self-

consciousness and restraint that we all place on ourselves is

one of the hardest tasks of being a leader. On a brighter note, the

flame is easily spread once there is a powerful ignition.

Ok, so now onto the “sweet” things. I

must say Oasis has given me a family that I

always look forward to seeing every week.

Everyone is so loving and most importantly,

I have had many of my role models be stu-

dents of the ministry. Our church has so

much potential as passionate bodies of

Christ because I have seen them crying out

for God! I have seen them get on their knees

to pray. I have seen them worship with pas-

sion. I have seen them surrender. I have seen enough to let me

know that God lives in them. After being with this peer group for

four years, I have found a home that I want to be with forever.

Some advice for the underclassmen, small group is a great

time to talk! Don’t be afraid to share; your small group sessions

should be dandy times of laughter and joy. When Brent is giving

announcements at the end, be prepared to rush to the snacks right

after. The line builds up fast. Lastly, don’t be afraid to shape the

ministry. You are more powerful than you think.

Oasis has taught me so much, and I have so much faith and

hope for the next class and the next and the next and the next…

- Jessica Liang

so it ends We made it! I made it.

Throughout my Oasis tenure, I’ve

had aspirations that were met and

knocked down, and all I can say is

that it’s just been a terrific journey.

I’ve gone from being absolutely

thirsty for Christ to not caring at all

to even disapproving faith, then go-

ing all the way back to craving God.

There were years when I would

spend every moment possible at

Oasis functions and with Oasis people, and there were years when I

wouldn’t show up to anything for months on end. It’s been a jour-

ney for sure. So when I asked myself why I decided to return con-

sistently this summer, my answer was because no matter where I

am with Jesus, he is still my home. I’ve become close to him

through Oasis, so Oasis is still my home—regardless of how many

of you I don’t know.

Now, I can’t say that me showing up to Oasis recently has had

any impact on myself or anybody else faith-wise, but it’s the people

that still make it a welcoming home—people who I’ve been with

since eighth grade. You know who you are. I value you, and I thank

you, for being consistent when I wasn’t. For showing Christ in your-

selves when I couldn’t show him in me. For helping me keep at

least one foot in all this time.

So for you young people, appreciate Oasis. Appreciate what it is

and what it’s doing for you. Thank your leaders. Thank the parents.

Thank Beth and Brent. And never

forget to thank your friends sitting

right next to you, because they

are who make Oasis your home.

Without them, it wouldn’t be


And never, ever forget to thank

God for this fellowship.

It saved my life.

- Tiffany Su

From the Editors This past year, I’ve seen the whole of Oasis drift, bend, and rise

again. I’ve heard stories of hopelessness yet the same amount of

hope, of people who decided it wasn’t worth their time and people

who found a sanctuary in these three hours. The truth is that even

if the leaders of Oasis may reach a conclusion of what they believe

it is becoming, it is not any truer than what the silent newcomers

feel when they enter, worship, and share in small group.

I believe that almost everyone has a different view of what

happened this year, how Oasis is changing, and what it will be-

come, and that is perfectly okay. No matter what individuals of this

fellowship think of the ’12 seniors, they will always, always be our

’12 seniors and our leaders, whether good or bad in our subjectiv-

ity. Each graduating class holds a year of example for us; would this

class be an inspiration to be as passionate for you, or maybe a

challenge to learn and create a closer bond

with your own class? Oasis becomes what we

make it to be, how we see our mistakes as a

chance to grow instead of wallowing in de-

feat or guilt.

This is what I saw in this past year: I saw

the senior class giving more effort in their fi-

nal stretch; I saw some coming back to Oasis,

to their home; I saw juniors stepping up,

ready and eager to take the lead for a new example; I saw a class

discovering the importance of standing united, so that we could

lead, but more importantly so that we could love, no matter how

drastically “incompatible” we seem to be at first.

However we think Oasis is changing, we are right in that Oasis

is constantly changing. The single direction of this fellowship, of

any fellowship, should be to know God more and more through

the Word and through loving each other.

Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me when

you seek me with all your heart.

I wholeheartedly congratulate and thank the class of 2012, for

four years of putting up with the countless ups and downs, for

hearts really thirsting for Him (no matter how deep inside), for the

hard effort despite the frustrations and personal setbacks.

Class of 2012, go change the world with His love.

Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good

to those who love God and are called according to

His purpose for them.

- Melody Zhang

From the Editors It feels weird. Having a Senior Issue when all the “seniors” have al-

ready graduated and are now entering college as freshmen. As the

sun sets on their senior year, it is rising on mine.

Knowing that I’m now an upper-upper-classman is a joy as it is a

burden. A burden to be an example, to lead, to give my all, All the

time. A responsibility half of me wants to recoil from as the other

half runs to embrace.

It is strange, knowing that I’ve been in everyone’s shoes that I see –

I’ve been the freshmen, the sophomore, the junior, and now I will

experience what it is like to be a senior. My class is now the oldest.

Our time has come.

But as I think upon these things, I look at the faces of those who

will be leaving us soon, for better and greater opportunities, to

pursue careers, interests, dreams, who’ve contributed so much to

Oasis, whether it be as simple as a smile or full-time service.

I don’t want to feel any regrets one year from now, when I’m stand-

ing where they stand, looking at the new seniors, telling them ad-

vice, of what and what not to do.

I don’t want to feel as if I only gave a mediocre amount of energy,

something that I have done in the


God has given each of us so much in talent and ability, some of

which I feel I haven’t fully invested in or

explored. I could be so much

more of an instrument, but in-

stead I’ve walked towards my own


that do not glory Him.

I suppose that I’m making a reso-

lution – to stop procrastinating in

effort and commitment, and to


putting forth the maximum

amount of effort possible from


Keep me accountable, guys.

- Kelly Yu

From the Editors You know, it’s like we never imagine actually growing up. At

least, not me. Then all of a sudden, bam here we are. In my mind I

am still an incoming freshman, every year; because goodness, me,

being a senior? 2013—what? That year would never come.

But now here we are. Time likes to play games. When does it

cease to be a game but rather become a journey we willingly take

on? You always hear about how life is full of choices, and all those

clichés like “live without regrets” or “tomorrow will be better” so

then why does it seem as if our generation is still the end result of

such restlessness? Everything we still wish to do, everything we

didn’t do and wish we had done—there becomes an almost vicious

cycle of longing for something that is certainly unattainable, at

least of mundane quality. Where is our shooting star when we need

it? And so I reminisce upon my life through the years (was I really

that trusting? Was I really that shallow? Was I really that quiet? Was

I really that passive?), but shall I look at it as a depressing well of

regrets of everything I didn’t do or as a reminder of how small our

lives are in such a huge picture?

And so again it is a conscious choice. It is a matter of perspec-

tive. Isn’t it always? It is a sweet kind of freedom, for those of us

who have chained our souls to our thoughts that are always kept

inside; a freedom finally found when we break through our own

limitations and through it find peace. We have but one race to fin-

ish; where the Lord leads us by still waters, there are thirst will be

quenched and our hearts renewed. It is a choice, to desire this, but

more so a choice to live out that desire. I take seeing a new day

dawn, every morning, so much for

granted. I expect to live until at

least my fifties. I mean, that’s a

whole other… 33 years. But in real-

ity—the end is coming sooner

than we think. It is this sense of ur-

gency that violently shakes us from

our slumber because He is like the

thief that comes in the night. Is it

enough that I tell myself

“tomorrow will be better,” tomor-

row I will give my heart to God?

Our tomorrows are numbered.

So with the passing of one class onto the next, it is a blunt re-

alization that this is no longer a half in half out game with time. Ah,

running is seriously such a good metaphor for life. You leave it all

out on that course; there is no next race if you don’t give it your all.

We are binding together the ties of many graduating classes, link-

ing together all the ones to come; there is a lasting legacy that is

carried on only through the spirit of the people moving in line with

the spirit of God. And what greater thing is there than this? The

church, fixed upon Christ our cornerstone. We are His church, His

children. In this we find our identity and forthcoming freedom. We

are a fire, slowly burning, and there is no turning back.


- Sharon Shen


To the Seniors

I pray that the Lord our God will protect you, sustain you, be glori-

fied through you, overflow you with hope, never cease to bring you

joy, and preserve your undying faith. And may Jesus Christ be with

you forever and ever.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In

this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome

the world.” —John 16:33

Thank you for everything you have

done for us :)

I want to say more, but that would

probably just be repetitive and useless.

- Peter Sun