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  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    Training for Gaining: Phase I

    Here's an outline of how your workouts should go:

    Monday: Legs

    Most guys lack in the legs more than any other muscle group. Let's get them

    out of the way at the beginning of the week when we're coming off two days

    of rest.


    Squat ! " !

    Leg #ress $ " %&


    Lying Leg url ! " ()%*


    Standing alf Machine ! " ()%*

    Seated alf ,aise $ " %&


    -eck Strap $ " %&

    Exercise Performance Notes

    Squats: ,egular barbell squats are generally preferred but if necessary in

    order to maintain a flat back or for other safety reasons use a Smith machine.

    know it's frowned upon but it beats not doing squats if that's the alternati+e.

    /esides 0orian 1ates can tell you it worked fine for him.

    2ither way the squats are done bodybuilding style: bar high on the traps feet

    less than shoulder width apart descend to below parallel e"plode out of the

    hole but don't lock out at the top. 3eep tension on the target muscles. t helps

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    to keep e+erything tight. 45his means e+erything: tense the thighs hams

    glutes lower back abs lats and traps. 2+en grab the bar with serious intent67

    Leg #ress: 5he incline leg press seems to be the most popular type of leg press

    machine these days. Lea+e the all)too)common practice of loading on e+ery8!)pound plate in reach and doing little quarter mo+ements to the kids. t

    doesn't do much for de+elopment and it sure as hell doesn't impress anybody.

    9gain keep tight and lower down as far as you can without rounding the

    lumbar region off the back pad. 9s with the squat stop ust short of lockout.

    0efinitely a+oid hyper)e"tending the knees.

    Lying Leg url: -othing +ery complicated here e"cept that you want to

    stretch at the bottom and fle" the thigh biceps 4an older term for hamstrings7

    at the top of the mo+ement.

    Standing alf Machine: 5he amount of o+erload is always important when

    you're trying to add muscle si;e but getting a good stretch is paramount when

    it comes to cal+es. or some reason most guys tend to do e+en more short

    bouncy mo+ements with seated calf raises than other calf e"ercises. 5he style

    should be the same as the standing mo+ement: down = stretch = hold = up

    = contract = hold.

    -eck Strap: Most guys neglect the neck. 0on't be like most guys6 t's an

    important muscle group for appearance and inury pre+ention. 5he reason

    included the neck strap 4basically a harness that fits o+er your head and is

    attached to a chain to hold weights7 instead of a neck machine is that +ery

    +ery few gyms ha+e a neck machine. ?ery +ery few ha+e a neck strap either

    so bought one and carry it in my gym bag. 1ou may want to do the same.

    @ith the neck strap start by using the standard bent)o+er style hands braced

    on your knees with the weight hanging down in front of you. Lower your chin

    down toward your neck pause then raise your head as far back as possible

    and pause in the contracted position.

    9s an alternate e"ercise you can use manual resistance either by applying

    pressure with your hand or ha+ing a workout partner do the honors. >or

    starters sit on a bench touch your chin to your chest hold one of your hands

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    to the back of your head then raise your head backward applying as much

    resistance with your hand as is necessary to limit your reps to the target range.

    5uesday: Light cardio

    @alk andAor slow og for &* to $* minutes ust enough to get the circulation

    going to help the legs recuperate from the pre+ious day's session.

    @ednesday: hestAShouldersA5riceps

    5oday we're working all the BpushingB muscles.


    /ench #ress ! " !

    Low ncline >lyes $ " %&


    0umbbell #ress ! " !

    Seated Laterals $ " %&


    0ips or lose

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    shoulders and rotator cuff is a priority. 5his means you set your grip ust

    slightly outside of shoulder width flare the elbows in and push up straight

    not in a modified BSB cur+e or back. @e'll do this touch)and)go style stopping

    ust short of lockout at the top. 5he tempo is piston)like but controlled.

    Low ncline >lyes: Set an adustable bench at the lowest le+el possible or

    prop one end of a flat bench up on a solid block. 1ou want to ha+e an incline

    of no more than &! to $* degreesC any higher tends to impact the shoulders at

    the e"pense of the upper pecs. 9nd remember ust because flyes are an

    BisolationB e"ercise doesn't mean you should do them light.

    0umbbell #ress: f you'+e been doing this in the usual manner=seated with a

    back brace =try them the old fashioned way: standing6 Sure you can handle

    more weight seated and braced but the standing +ersion will build not only

    shoulder si;e and power but o+erall core strength. #lus after you work on

    these awhile it'll be fun to shut down a young stud half your age when you

    challenge him to do his presses Blike a man.B

    Seated Laterals: -othing fancy here no twisting the wrists or pouring

    anything out of an imaginary cup. Dust keep the elbows slightly bent palms

    flat toward the ground and keep them reasonably strict. 9 little body motion

    is okay on the last couple of reps but fight to get a peak contraction at the topand don't drop the weight on the negati+e.

    0ips: 9 great all)around upper body e"ercise especially for the tri's and delts.

    5o put more emphasis on the tri's stay more upright and lock out at the top of

    the mo+ement.

    /e careful not to lower too farC triceps appro"imately parallel to the ground

    will do the ob. f you opt for close grip bench presses instead your inde"

    fingers should be about eight to ten inches apart with the elbows flared outslightly to emphasi;e the outer head of the tri's.

    #ressdown: 1ou can use a straight bar or a tricep rope. Ese full)range motionsC

    make sure the forearms touch the biceps. 9nd squee;e at the bottom

    4contraction7 part of the mo+ement.

    5hursday: 9cti+e cardio

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    1ou ha+e two choices here. 1ou can perform a combination of sprinting and

    walking or you can ump rope. f you like the sprintingAwalking combo sprint

    for thirty seconds then walk for one minute. 5en sprints is a good goal for

    now and no they don't ha+e to be +ery fast at the beginning.

    f you choose the ump rope option don't worry about anything fancy with

    your form ust keep mo+ing. Start with one minute rounds resting a minute

    or so between rounds. >or most seniors a half do;en rounds will gi+e you a

    surprising cardio workout.

    >riday: /ackA5rapsA/iceps

    @e finish off the week by working the BpullingB muscles.


    0eadlift ! " !

    /arbell ,ow ! " !


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    tends to put a slightly une+en stress on the back and hips due to difference in

    BlengthB of the arms when using the opposing grip.

    #lace your feet no more than shoulder width apart set your grip as described

    abo+e with the bar close to the shins look up and pull keeping your weighton your heels. -o need to lean back at the top of the mo+ement as this can be

    dangerous to the lower lumbar region and again we're not in a powerlifting


    /arbell ,ow: 5hough 0orian populari;ed the re+erse grip for rows 4a style

    incidentally that ,eg #ark had used decades before7 the regular pronated or

    o+erhand grip puts less stress on the biceps and is safer for most people. 3eep

    your knees bent 4this acts as a sort of shock absorber to protect the lower

    back7 angle your torso abo+e parallel to the ground and pull the weight to the

    waist not the chest. Sa+e the wrist straps for your ma" set.


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    9lternate 0umbbell url: 9 fa+orite of big arm guys from Leroy olbert to

    /ill #earl to ,onnie oleman. >rom a dead hang curl the dumbbell up and

    pause at the top then lower completely before beginning the rep with the

    opposite arm. 5ry starting off each set with the weaker arm first 4if you ha+e


    Saturday and Sunday: ,est 2at 2noy Life6

    Phase I: The Details

    2"ercise 5empo

    Let's keep this simple. 5he matter of tempo of repetitions 4so many seconds

    up so many seconds down so many seconds in the stretch and contracted

    positions7 is not without importance but the simple fact is that building mass

    and power isn't rocket science.

    >rom the standpoint of empirical e+idence or obser+ation '+e trained around

    Larry Scott 0raper 9rnold #earl >ranco Fane >errigno #lat; Serge

    -ubret /ertil >o" 2d orney asey ?iator Mike Ment;er and numerous

    other top guys from the *'s I*'s (*'s and early J*'s plus more currentbodybuilding stars and almost without e"ception if they paid much attention

    to a strict BcountB tempo they were doing their best to keep it a secret6

    n fact most of these guys seemed to use fairly rapid less than full range of

    motion mo+ements. 9rnold for instance didn't lock out on pressing

    mo+ements neither did -ubret or >errigno. @heeler did a lot of short quick

    mo+ementsC ,onnie oleman uses incredible poundages in an e"plosi+e style.

    -ear the end of some sets #lat; did e+erything within his power ust to keep

    the weight mo+ing and /ertil >o" ga+e new meaning to the term Bloose formB

    = but then you can't knock the results as he was as thick and strong as they

    come. >act is a lot of these guys didn't e+en count reps let alone seconds up

    and down6

    So fellow 5)men what can we take home from all thisK /eside the ob+ious

    need for consistency and intensity in training one thing that's key to si;e and

    strength is keeping tension on the target muscle. How do we do thatK n

    general there are two scenarios. @ith compound mo+ements 4those in+ol+ingmore than one oint and muscle or muscle group such as squats or bench

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    presses7 a general rule is to stop short of lockout in order to maintain tension

    on the primary target muscle4s7.

    Gn squats for e"ample if you come fully erect with locked knees you remo+e

    most of the tension from the quads hams and glutes. 5o pro+e this to yourselfwalk out of the rack with your normal squatting poundage and ust stand there.

    1ou might feel some discomfort in your traps and lower back but little or

    nothing in the quads or hams. -ow bend your knees and lower yourself into a

    quarter squat and hold that position. t won't be long before your quads hams

    and glutes start talking to you = loudly6

    @ith isolation mo+ements 4e"ercises that in+ol+e a single oint andAor a single

    muscle or muscle group7 the re+erse is true. Gn leg e"tensions for e"ample

    muscle tension is increased by locking the mo+ement out at the top and

    holding for a brief pause. 9gain a simple self)administered test will furnish

    proof. Select your normal ma" weight for reps on the leg e"tension and power

    through a set with no attempt to lock out on any of the reps. ,est a couple of

    minutes then do the same weight with a two second pause at the top of each

    rep. Halfway through the set you'll feel the difference6

    -one of the abo+e should be construed to mean that you should use an

    Banything goesB cheat)style of e"ercise. ,ather on your hea+y basics keep themo+ement controlled concentrating on the eccentric or negati+e part of the

    contraction and e"ploding on the concentric or positi+e part much like a well)

    oiled piston. 9s /ill #earl once

    told me BListen to your body and it'll tell you e+erything you need to know

    about bodybuilding.B

    ,est /etween Sets

    9gain we're going to keep it simple. Gn your ! " ! e"ercises usually the first

    e"ercise for each body part in this routine rest appro"imately a minute and a

    half to two minutes. 4Gn your last couple of sets of squats you'll probably be

    leaning toward the two minute mark.7 5his will allow you to recuperate

    enough between sets to put forth ma"imum effort with ma"imum poundage.

    Gn the second e"ercise for each body part the $ " %& e"ercises cut the rest to

    about one minute. 5he idea here is to promote the pump. Gn body parts where

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    there's ust one listed e"ercise 4shrug for traps leg curl for hamstrings7 rest

    about a minute to a minute and a half.

    Sets ,eps and #oundage #rogression

    >or the ! " ! e"ercises warm up +ery light prior to the first set add weight for

    the second and hit your working weight for the ne"t three sets. @hen you get

    three sets of fi+e with a gi+en weight increase by fi+e pounds the ne"t

    workout and work up again.

    9s an e"ample for bench presses a hypothetical 5)man might warm up with

    an empty bar then do %$! " ! the first set %I! " ! the second set then &*! for

    the work sets. @hen he can do &*! for all three sets of fi+e add fi+e poundsand start the process o+er. n actual practice the work sets might then run

    something like &%* " ! &%* " 8 and &%* " $. 5ry to add a rep each workout

    until &%* " ! &%* " ! and &%* " ! can be performed.

    >or the $ " %& e"ercises do one warm up set then use the same poundage for

    the remaining two sets. @hen you can hit the same working poundage two

    times in a row increase by about fi+e pounds 4this doesn't apply to the ! " !

    workouts7. Let's use the low incline flyes for e"ample. Gur hypothetical

    trainee might warm up with $*'s " %& then ump to the 8*)pound dumbbells.

    @hen he can do the 8*'s for two sets of twel+e two workouts in a row it's

    time to go up in poundage. 5he reason for stabili;ing at least two workouts on

    a poundage is to gi+e the body time to adapt and to make sure the one

    workout wasn't ust one of those super days we all ha+e from time to time.

    #rogram 0uration

    #hase of our B5raining >or

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    Gnce you get broken into this routine you can add a little more +olume by

    making the last set of each secondary e"ercise a drop set. >or e"ample on

    chest work up to your ma" weight on the low incline dumbbell flyes for set

    number three immediately drop the weight about &* and knock out as many

    reps as you can then immediately reduce the weight again and ma" out onreps 4which won't be many at this point7. n essence this procedure will mean

    you're doing ten sets for each body part = not too many when you're only

    hitting that muscle or muscle group once a week.

    Phase II

    Monday: Chest, Shoulders, !s

    >or senior 5)men who may be increasingly prone to shoulder inury or

    nagging shoulder pains combining pecs and delts makes sense from se+eral

    standpoints. Shoulders get worked strongly with chest and back and to a lesser

    degree with arms and e+en legs. /y hitting chest and shoulders together we

    allow more days for rest and recuperation.

    9lso since the delts are pre)fatigued by doing chest work first you can get a

    shirt)splitting pump with less weight 4which minimi;es ointAconnecti+e tissue

    trauma7 and less +olume especially if you choose the right e"ercises.

    2nough of the sales pitch. 1ou'll note with this that routine we're

    concentrating on BupperB pecs. Here's the outlineC descriptions and a few

    photos will follow:


    ncline #ress 8 " )(

    ncline 0umbbell #ress $ " ()%*

    Low ncline >lyes $ " %&


    Seated Smith Machine #ress: 8 " )(

    Seated -on)Stop Laterals 8 " %&

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    9bs 4superset7

    @eighted runches $ " %!

    @eighted 3nee n $ " %!

    2"ercise #erformance -otes

    ncline #ress: @e want a $* to $! degree incline on this one = any higher

    shifts too much of the focus from the upper pecs to the delts. Lower the bar

    slowly then e"plode upward. 5ry stopping ust short of lockout to keep

    tension on the pecs.

    ncline 0umbbell #ress: 9n old standby for si;e and power. 5ake the

    dumbbells off the rack sit on the incline bench and rest a dumbbell on each

    knee. Lean back and BkickB the bells up to your shoulders one at a time. /egin

    the presses from a dead start and e"plode upward again stopping ust short of


    Low ncline >lyes: Set an adustable bench at the lowest le+el possible or prop

    one end of a flat bench up on a solid block. 1ou want to ha+e an incline of no

    more than &! to $* degrees = any higher tends to impact the shoulders at thee"pense of the upper pecs. 9nd remember ust because flyes are an BisolationB

    e"ercise doesn't mean you should do them light.

    Seated Smith Machine #ress: 9fter the preceding three e"ercises your delts

    will be pre)fatigued. >or some this means a cutback in poundages used for

    shoulder pressing mo+ements but this can be an ad+antage as we can promote

    growth and pump without ha+ing to stress the oints with super hea+y weights.

    3eep the reps nice and smooth = slow descent from the top to ust below

    chin le+el then a controlled e"plosion upward. 9s with most compound

    mo+ements stop reps ust short of lockout to keep tension on the target


    Seated -on)Stop Laterals: 5his is a unique mo+ement that'll make you feel

    like someone is holding a blowtorch to your delts. 0on't load up on this one

    until you get used to it. 5he first couple of sets seem easy but then the fun


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    Sit on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. 9lways start with your weakest

    side. #erform twel+e laterals with one arm only then do twel+e reps with your

    other arm. Still holding onto the dumbbells 4you don't let go until all sets ha+e

    been completed7 switch to the first arm for twel+e more. ontinue back and

    forth until all sets ha+e been completed.

    /y the end of your last set you'll know what mean about not starting too

    hea+y. 1ou'll also know why '+e only included two direct delt mo+ements in

    this program6

    @eighted runches Supersetted with @eighted 3nee)ns: >or the weighted

    crunches lie on a flat bench with a dumbbell held behind your head. ross

    your ankles and raise your knees until they point directly at the ceiling 4your

    thighs will be at right angles to the bench and floor7 then curl your torso up

    slowly hold the contracted position for a full two seconds then slowly return.

    s soon as you get your re"s, ad#ust your "osition so that the

    dum!!ell is held !et$een your feet for the $eighted %nee&ins'

    (ee"ing your !ac% )at on the !ench and your %nees !ent,

    lo$er the dum!!ell until it nearly touches the )oor' Pause

    until you feel a lo$er a! *stretch,* then return until the %nees

    are once again "ointing to$ard the ceiling'

    t's important to keep your knees slightly bent during the Bleg raisesB as thestraight legged position puts undue stress on the lumbar region and also

    transfers some tension to the quads. n engineering terms you ha+e one Bpi+otpointB which is the hips.

    5uesday: /ack 5raps -eck


    0eadlift 8 " 2F)/ar ,ow 8 " )(

    Seated able ,ow $ " ()%*>ront #ulldown $ " %&


    0umbbell Shrugs 8 " )(


  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    -eck Strap 8 " %&

    2"ercise #erformance -otes

    0eadlift: @e went o+er this one thoroughly in #hase . 5o recap: Ese straps

    and an o+erhand grip. #lace your feet no more than shoulder width apartposition yourself so that the bar is close to your shins look up and pullkeeping your weight on your heels. 9gain there's no need to lean back at the

    top of the mo+ement as feel this can be dangerous to your lower back.

    2F)/ar ,ow: @ith the 2F bar you can use a re+erse or curl grip with greatersafety than with a regular bar because the angle places less stress on the biceps

    and biceps tendon.

    3eep your knees bent 4this acts as a sort of shock absorber to protect the lower

    back7 angle your torso abo+e parallel to the ground and pull the weight to thewaist not the chest. 5he combination of a re+erse grip and pulling into the

    abdomen really hits the lower lats.

    Seated able ,ow:

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    the morning BtoningB class. &7

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    &% url: 9 pro+erbial oldie but goodie. Start with the bar at the e"tended

    position down at the thighs. url up to the halfway position stopping at aboutmid waist le+el. #ause momentarily then lower and repeat for a total of se+en


    9t the completion of the se+enth half rep bring the bar up to the shoulders

    then lower to the halfway position hold momentarily and repeat. 9t the endof the se+en BtopB half reps lower the bar all the way to the thighs and do

    se+en full reps all the way up and all the way down. I N I N I O &%. 0o theseright 4strict with little or no swinging and swaying7 and you'll pump you'll

    burn and you'll grow6

    Seated 0umbbell url: 1ou can use either a regular flat bench or a bench with

    a back brace. f you go for the brace minimi;e the pressure you e"ert against

    it = we're working biceps here not thighs and lower back. Starting with thepalms facing one another curl the dumbbells up simultaneously twisting thewrists slightly so that the palms face up at the end of the mo+ement. ,e+erse

    the mo+ement on the way down.

    able url: 0o this one standing using the short straight bar. able curls are

    usually more producti+e if you do them in a +ery controlled manner with adefinite BcrampB or Bsquee;eB at the top of each rep.

    Lying 5riceps #ush: -o this isn't a misprint. t's a lying tricep push,not

    apress.5his is a mo+ement first populari;ed by Larry Scott 4the first Mr.Glympia for you newbies7 at ?ince's

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    5riceps #ressdown: 1ou can use a straight bar or a triceps bar on a pulldown

    machine. 2ither way squee;e at the bottom 4contraction7 part of the


    0ouble ,e+erse url: 5his one gets both the forearm fle"ors and e"tensors4bottom and top of the forearms7. riday: 5highs Hamstrings al+es


    Squat 8 " )(0inosaur Hack Squats 8 " ()%*

    B! /reath #auseB Leg #resses 8 " %&


    Seated Leg url 8 " ()%*

    Stiff Leg 0eadlift 8 " %&


    alf Machine 8 " ()%*0onkey alf ,aise 8 " &*

    2"ercise #erformance -otes

    Squats: 9gain regular barbell squats are generally preferred but if necessaryin order to maintain a flat back or for other safety reasons use a Smith

    machine. 9s mentioned in #hase the squats are done bodybuilding style: barhigh on the traps feet less than shoulder width apart.

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    #lace your heels on a two inch block of wood with a narrow stance. Hold a

    barbell up tight against your lower glutes right where they tie in to the upperhamstrings. 3eeping the bar in that position lower into a full squat pause

    momentarily at the bottom and come back up but don't quite lock out. 3eepthe mo+ement controlled but piston)like: down pause up to near lockout and

    back down again.

    9 couple of sets of these and you'll either want to throw the gym's fancy hack

    squat machine out of the window or you'll embrace it6

    B! /reath #auseB Leg #resses: 5he icing on the leg pump cake6 @e'll use the

    same basic technique as described in #hase with one important difference:

    you do the goal reps then lock out at the top position take in fi+e breaths do

    your second set of goal reps lock out at the top while you take in fi+e breaths

    and repeat for four total sets.

    @ill you feel the pump and burnK Gh hell yes6 /ut you'll probably be more

    concerned with ust trying to breathe = or trying not to throw up6

    Seated Leg url: 5hese hit the hamstrings from a slightly different angle than

    the lying leg curl similar to doing a concentration curl for biceps +ersus a

    standing barbell curl. f you don't ha+e access to a seated leg curl machine no

    problem ust re+ert back to the lying leg curl. 2ither way remember to stretchat the e"tension part of the mo+ement and Bfle"B the thigh biceps 4hams7 at the

    contraction part.

    Stiff Leg 0eadlift: 5hese are actually semi)stiff legged in that the knees are

    BsoftB or ust slightly bent. 5he wrinkle here that really hits the hams is to

    place your toes on a two inch block of wood or a couple of &! pound plates.

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    on a two inch block or weight plate for stretch and a partner or two to ride

    your back.

    Saturday: 1ight Cardio

    @alk andAor slow og for &* to $* minutes ust enough to get the circulation

    going to help the legs recuperate from the pre+ious day's session.

    +est 0et$een Sets

    ,est between sets will +ary anywhere between ;ero to two minutes depending

    on the e"ercise. >or instance a couple of minutes between sets of dinosaur

    hack squats won't seem like much while on arm work a minute will be about

    right. /ut don't forget on some e"ercises like seated non)stop laterals and B!

    breath pauseB leg presses there's no rest at all6

    Sets, +e"s, and Poundage Progression

    Gn e"ercises that call for sets of si" to eight reps pyramid up starting light

    for your first set and ma"ing out for the target reps on the fourth and final set.

    Gn e"ercises that call for sets of eight to ten reps warm up on the first set hit

    your ma" weight the second then immediately drop the poundage %* to &*

    for the third set. Gn e"ercises that call for sets of twel+e reps try to maintain

    the same poundage for all sets.

    9s stated in #hase when you can hit the same working poundage two times

    in a row increase by about fi+e pounds.

    Program Duration

    #hase of our 5raining >or

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    always the e"act workout days are up to the indi+idual. Howe+er the

    recommendation is three onAone off two onAone off to allow for ma"imumrecuperation. Here's an outline:

    Monday: Quads Hamstrings al+es

    5uesday: hest and 9bs

    @ednesday: /ack plus a BfeederB workout for quads hams and cal+es

    5hursday: Gff

    >riday: Shoulders and 5raps

    Saturday: /iceps 5riceps >orearms

    Sunday: Gff

    -ote: 2+en though this routine includes a feeder workout for legs only the

    arms are worked to some e"tent during chest back and shoulder workouts andshoulders are worked during chest and back. n other words don't panic. 1our

    arms and shoulders will get plenty of work6

    -ow let's break it down workout by workout. 9fter that 'll pro+ide e"ercise

    descriptions where appropriate.

    Monday = Legs


    Squat ! " !)(

    Hack Squat 8 " ()%*

    Leg 2"tension $ " %&


    Lying Leg url ! " ()%*


    alf Machine ! " ()%*

    5uesday = hest and 9bs

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man



    /ench #ress ! " !)(

    Smith Machine ncline #ress 8 " ()%*

    ncline >lyes $ " %&


    Hanging 3nee)in & " &*

    ,ope runch & " &*

    @ednesday = /ack 4#lus >eeder @orkout for Legs7


    /arbell ,ow ! " !)(

    Gne 9rm ,ow 8 " ()%*

    >ront #ulldown $ " %&

    0eadlift ! " !

    >eeder workout for legs

    Leg #ress & " &*

    Seated Leg url & " %!)&*

    Gne Leg alf Stretch & " &*

    5hursday = Gff

    >riday=Shoulders and 5raps


    Seated 0umbbell #ress ! " !)(

    Gne 9rm Laterals 8 " ()%*

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man



    @ide orearms


    2F)/ar url 8 " )(

    9lternate 0umbbell url $ " )(

    Scott url $ " ()%*


    0ips 8 " )(

    0umbbell 5riceps #ress $ " ()%*

    #ressdown $ " %*)%&


    ,e+erse url $ " %*)%&

    @rist url $ " %*)%&

    2"ercise #erformance -otes

    n our o+er+iew of #hases and we co+ered e"ercise performance for mostof the mo+ements in the abo+e routine plus other fine points such as e"ercise

    tempo rest between sets and weight progression. 5here are howe+er a fewmo+ements in #hase we ha+en't done in the other two phases. Let's co+er

    them briefly.

    Hanging 3nee)in: 5his is best done from a chinning bar with some type of

    strap de+ice to relie+e stress from the grip and allow you to concentrate fulleffort on the abs.

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    3eeping your knees bent raise your upper legs up toward your chest hold for

    a two count at the contracted position then lower slowly and repeat. 1ou canhit obliques along with lower abs by doing Bthree wayB reps: one rep off to the

    left side one to the center and one to the right side.

    +o"e Crunch: The ro"e used for trice"s "ressdo$ns and

    trice"s extensions $or%s "erfectly here' (neel in front of a

    high "ulley or lat machine, %ee" your hands and el!o$s

    loc%ed, then curl or *crunch* your torso do$n$ard, trying to

    touch your el!o$s to the ground' Pause and contract the a!s

    forcefully, then return slo$ly to the !eginning "osition' s $ith

    the %nee&in, you can do a three $ay ro"e crunch, doing re"s

    alternating from side to middle to side'

    Leg 2"tensions: 5hough admittedly not in the same class as squats 4or hack

    squats or leg presses7 when it comes to adding quad mass leg e"tensions like

    any resistance training e"ercise can help add leg si;e.

    5he problem often lies not so much with the e"ercise itself but with the

    e"ecution. 9ll too often guys look to leg e"tensions as a BfinishingB mo+ement

    4whate+er that means7 or as a way to Bburn cutsB into the frontal thigh. 1ou

    hear a lot of that e+en from top le+el bodybuilders which ust tends to +erify

    the hypothesis that the best ad+ice on building muscle doesn't always come

    from the pro le+els6

    f you use a weight that wouldn't begin to challenge a female 92)certified

    personal trainer or if you substitute leg e"tensions for squats or leg presses

    don't e"pect to get much in the way of si;e. f howe+er you work into a

    0orian 1ates)like psych up put on the absolute limit you can handle for the

    required reps and work those reps as if the blonde hottie in the sprayed)on

    tights is doing a little breast)hea+ing cheer for you well you might ust addsome si;e6

    0umbbell Gne 9rm ,ow 4Standing7: 9 good mo+ement that hits lats rear

    delts and lower traps. 0o this 5)man style: both feet planted firmly on the

    floor though in an offset position. f you're doing the rows with your right

    arm your right leg will be positioned back to the rear and your left hand will

    be positioned on your lef thigh. Lea+e the knee)on)the)bench stuff to the girlsC

    they look great doing them that way. Gn the other hand if you're using a

    weight equi+alent to those little pink plastic dumbbells they use in BtoningBclasses then you can put your knee up on a bench too.

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    Gne)Leg alf Stretch: Some years ago watched my longtime friend /oyer

    oe a Mr. 9merica Mr. Eni+erse and Mr. @orld title winner doing one)leg

    calf raises off a high block. He didn't use any weightC he simply concentrated

    on ma"imum stretch 4especially in the down position7 and performed sets ofabout twenty reps with each leg non)stop for at least fifteen minutes6

    t was /oyer's opinion that stretch was absolutely +ital for superior calf

    de+elopment and that working the cal+es lightly and for pump in)between

    hea+ier calf workout sessions aided in the de+elopment of this BtoughB muscle

    group. /oyer's cal+es were solid testimony to the effecti+eness of his

    methods. @hen started incorporating calf stretches a couple of times a week

    in addition to my regular leg workouts my cal+es sprouted new growth as


    9s noted in the workout o+er+iew do three sets of at least twenty reps for

    each leg and do the sets non)stop one leg right after the other until all sets are


    Gne)9rm Lateral: 5his is a good si;e and power mo+ement for the delts. Hold

    onto something solid like the uprights of a squat rack with your free hand anduse a little body mo+ement to get the weight Binto orbit.B 9nd don't be afraid

    to go hea+y. Sure it's an isolation mo+ement but isolation doesn't mean

    lightper se,only light in comparison to a compound mo+ement.

    hances are you won't use as much weight in lateral raises as you do for

    dumbbell presses but if you deliberately limit yourself to little bitty weights

    in an e"ercise the results will be little bitty muscles. 1ou should be able to use

    about %! to &* more weight on these than on regular lateral raises.


  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    throughout the mo+ement which tends to relie+e some types of rotator cuff

    stress while hitting the target muscles +ery effecti+ely.

    Scott url: n recent years this e"ercise has become known as the preachercurl or bench curl but ha+ing trained at ?ince's

  • 7/26/2019 Senior t Man


    4rist Curl: 2ou/ll de5nitely $ant a straight !ar here' Perha"s

    the most e6cient 7or at least comforta!le8 $ay to do these is

    seated on a )at !ench, $ith your forearms resting on your

    thighs' Try to curl the !ar u" as high as "ossi!le, and don/t

    s%im" on the "oundage' 0ill Pearl used to do these $ithsomething li%e 9; "ounds and his forearms $ere !eyond



    9fter four to si" weeks on this final phase recommend you take up to a

    week off from training 4you'll probably need it anyway7 then you can start

    either on a +ariation of #hase 4perhaps grouping quads hamstrings and

    cal+es on one training day chest back and abs on the second and shouldersand arms on the third7 or #hase 4the primary idea here being to combine a

    maor body part with a minor or smaller body part7.

    f you find that #hase has gi+en you the most results in si;e and strength

    you could try adding a second feeder workout during the week. >or e"ample

    you could do two sets of fifteen reps each on incline dumbbell presses and

    seated cable rows on your shoulderAtrap day.

    Dust for kicks you might e+en try one of the si")day)a)week routines used by

    such mass monsters of yesteryear as /ill #earl ,eg #ark Sergio Gli+a and

    0a+e 0raper. 5hese guys worked each body part two or e+en three times a

    week 4the +ery thought of which causes some of today's trainers to shake their

    head in horror at the grim specter of o+ertraining7 but they were big= and

    they were Brelati+elyB drug free especially by today's standards.