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SEO SO GOOD TRAINING Disclaimer SEO changes daily and many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material. Images "Designed by Freepik"

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Post on 03-Mar-2017




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Disclaimer SEO changes daily and many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody

else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.

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What Is Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is best described as the activity of ensuring words and phrases relevant

to what your site offers can be found by the search engines.

It is also about making your site full of content that

people want to view and share.

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Choosing the Right Keywords

Keywords are what your potential customers use when they search a search engine to find (hopefully) your

website e.g. health supplements. You need to identify the best keywords for your site so you can rank at the top of the list in the search engines to get visitors looking at your products/brand. Rank 1 has 30% CTR.

Finding Keywords

Identify keywords that are relevant to your niche. How to start finding keywords?

Search these for keywords and save to a spreadsheet.

Keyword Planning Tools

Take your newly created list and put it into a keyword planning tool e.g. Google Keyword Planner.

Look for keywords with: • 2000 min monthly searches

• Keywords that might indicate searchers are ready to buy

Potential Competition

Enter each of your keywords into Google. Take each of the resulting URL’s and put them into a tool (mozbar or to look at how much work

it will require to get your page to rank 1.

Mozbar looks for PA <40 on first page.

Review the quality of backlinks in

On Page Optimisation

So you’re now asking what is on page optimisation (sometimes known as "on-site" SEO)?

It is the act of optimising different parts of your web site that affect your search engine rankings.

It's stuff that you have control over and can change

on your own website so search engines

love you and people can find you.

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Where to use your Keywords

Ensure you use your keywords:

• In your content ( use >1% of total content)

• Internal site links

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Recommended Pages

These pages create trust:

Set privacy and terms of use to rel=nofollow.

Using Internal Links

Internal links are links that go from one page on your website/domain to a different page on your


These are to make content easier for readers to find.

Create pages that promote

a central offer/page and link

back to them.

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Some Tips

Some others things you might want to consider.

Off Page Optimisation

The way off page optimisation works is to increase the authority of your website/domain by putting your

webpage links on other websites.

So the more links (back links) you have to other sites the more valuable the search engines see your site.

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Link Juice

Two types of links – dofollow & nofollow.

Do Follow links allow the search engine bots to follow them, which means that the site trusts your link and

thinks it is valuable, they give your site “link juice” and readers can also follow your link.

No Follow links stop the search engine bots from

following the link to your site. This means you get no

benefit from this link and only readers can follow

your link.

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Back Links

So what is a backlink?

Back links are when one webpage

links to another webpage, so for

example a page on one site has

links to another websites page.


Previously backlinks were the major measurement for ranking a webpage for all major search engines, including Google and to a large degree this is still

true. Images "Designed by D3Images / Freepik

Building Back Links

Coat tail what your competitor is doing to build

back links.

Post/promote to your niche influencers.

Guest posting on other blogs.

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Black Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is falsely manipulating a websites search position. Using Black Hat techniques are bad

for your site, the users and the search engines.

For example:

• Hiding text or links

• Using irrelevant 301 redirects

• Generating automatic content

stuffed with keywords

• Duplicating content from another site without permission

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Figure out what people are searching for within your niche, create a site/blog/product that uses those keywords, optimise for search engines with great

content, keywords and links.

This all helps people find your

site/product and it’s what search engines want you to do.

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Disclaimer SEO changes daily and many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody

else’s, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.

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