serious games : games for health dr andrew campbell

Serious Games Games for Health Dr Andrew Campbell [email protected] Prepared by Dr Andrew Campbell – Faculty of Health Sciences ©2011

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Page 1: Serious games : games for health Dr Andrew Campbell

Serious GamesGames for Health

Dr Andrew [email protected]

Prepared by Dr Andrew Campbell – Faculty of Health Sciences ©2011

Page 2: Serious games : games for health Dr Andrew Campbell

Games for Health

› This talk will cover:

- Provide a history on gaming: particularly the advent of ‘serious games’ and simulations for education and health management.

- Demonstrate existing games development for such health areas as pain management, nutrition, mental health and neurological disorders.

- Outline the challenges these games face in both development and implementation through reviewing existing projects.

- Conclude with a projection of the future of serious games for health.


Games for Health

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Game Theory

› Obviously – there must be an aspect of fun!

› What other aspects attract and compel people to play games? [Think of all sorts of games, be they sport, board games, card games, computer games etc!]

› There are 3 main facets to making a good game:

1. Control2. Mastery3. Flow

› Games improve learning and memory!

Why do people play games?


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History of Electronic/Computer Games

› “Pong” (1977) – was NOT the first computer game, but it was the first at home for private use game. Principle was based on tennis.

› The advent of computer games in the home led to genre defining games, such as:- First Person Shooters (FPS)

- Real Time Strategy (e.g. Populous)

- Role Playing Games (e.g. Adventure Games)

The Evolution of Computer Games – The 70’s


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History of Electronic/Computer Games

› The mid 80’s saw new demand for games:

1. Edu-gaming

2. Arcades (Graphics demand) vs. Home Console

3. Game Tournaments

The Evolution of Computer Games – The 80’s


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History of Electronic/Computer Games

› The Games Industry Exploded in the 1990s!!

› Personal Computer Games

› Game Dedicated Consoles

› Hand Held Consoles

› Online Gaming!

Evolution of Computer Games – The 90’s


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History of Electronic/Computer Games

› The new Century brought:

› Online Gaming Communities (e.g. Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Games)

› Casual Gaming

› Mobile Gaming

› Gaming & Social Networking

› Unheralded Graphics & Story Line

› Edu-Gaming Industry

› Serious Games Industry!

Evolution of Computer Games – The new Millennia


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Serious Games

› A Serious Game is:

- A game based activity that leads the user to obtain:

- New knowledge on a serious topic- Lead to positive changes in behaviour

› Research and Development of Serious games are predominantly routed in the history of Edu-Gaming.

› The ultimate goal of a serious game is to:

- Be as engaging as a main-stream leisure game- Lead to new skill set development or individual knowledge development- To promote reinforcement of new behaviour past the point of game play

What is a Serious Game?


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Examples of Serious Games for Health

› Exer-gaming

› The Wii is the leading home Exer-gaming platform in the world at present – Thought the Kinect is fast growing in popularity.

› Health organisations in Australia, USA and UK see it as more effective than advertising to the public to take up exercise!

› Problems with Wii & Kinect:

- Types of exercises are limited- Not suitable for all ages, especially very elderly- Outcome measurement and Cost

Serious Games for Health


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Examples of Serious Games for Health

› Virtual Reality Serious Games for Pain Management:

- Snow World (2008)

› Game has proven to be very effective in reducing pain in burns victims

› Used during and after treatment

› Has been evidence-based through MRI studies in 2010

› Problems: - In hospital use only at present. Home Virtual Reality systems still expensive.

- Repeated means may lead to decline in therapy outcome over time.

Serious Games for Health


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Examples of Serious Games for Mental Health

› Games for Mental Health:

- ReachOut Central! (aka ROC) & Second Life

› These modalities claim to assist youth aged 12-25 with depression, anxiety and social fearfulness.

› ROC is set in a ‘soap opera’ setting with you being the central character learning how to adjust to a serious of social problems most youth are often faced with.

› Second Life is a Virtual World that does have virtual therapists (!?)

Serious Games for Mental Health


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Biofeedback Games

› “Journey to the Wild Divine” (Biofeedback gaming for ADHD – Amon & Campbell, 2008)

› Scientifically tested over 4 years at Sydney University with ADHD children.- Found to increase attention- Improve memory recall- Promote self-calming- Translate to behaviour improvementwithout the game being played!

› As seen on the7:30 Report – June, 2008

Biofeedback Games have been found to increase learning and attention.


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Examples of Serious Games for Health

› Games for Cancer Kids:

› Re-Mission (2006) by HopeLabs

› Aims to reduce fear and give empowerment to kids undergoing Cancer Treatment.

› Study in 2006 found the game did more than empower kids!


› Problem:- Medical Trial Testing

Serious Games for Health


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Developing a Serious Game for Libraries

› 1. Take a few minutes to determine:- A Library Issue/topic you wish to educate people about, or change the behaviour in a person towards accessing and attending libraries.

› 2. Describe in 20 words or less the game concept, its goal, how it’s played, where it’s played, etc?

› 3. Think about how you would test the game to make sure it captures the 'players' you want?

› If we have time, I would be happy to talk with you about how to make inexpensive games for your libraries – Tip: Look into casual game creation on social network sites!

Exercise: Developing Game Concepts for Libraries


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Challenges in Popular Game Production

› Professional Game development, in general, takes more than 12 – 18 months.

› It is expensive for the leisure market and could be even more costly for the serious games market – why – because we need to know the game will return it's investment.

› For Health, there are Ethical Considerations:

- Intrusiveness into peoples problems

- Health Information Sharing and Record Security

- Crisis Management

- Business Ethics: Who has the Intellectual Property?

- What other issues about game development and delivery in libraries might need to be considered?

Considerations for Serious Games


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Facts and Figures

› According to a study in 2009 by Bond University, 68% of Australian’s play computer games of some sort.

› The games industry is expected to yield an annual income of 500 Billion in 2011.

› Serious Games are the next sector of the games industry to grow in profitability by 120 billion dollars by 2012.

› Serious Games are likely to be pioneered by the Asian market.

What we know about the growth of games


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What’s Coming in the next 5 years


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› Serious Games are growing and all industry sectors are taking part:- Business- Technology- Education- Health- Hospitality- Environmental- Government & Defence

› Games promote inquiry

› Games promote learning

› Games promote social connections

› Games are fun!

Games to promote engagement!