service orientation considerations poc r1 david groep, scaling and validation programme

Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

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Page 1: Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1

David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Page 2: Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Service Orientation

• Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

"an application architecture within which all functions are defined as independent services with well defined invocable interfaces which can be called in defined sequences to form business processes".

• Web services is a collection of technologies, including XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI,

• Thus Web services does not equal service-oriented architecture.

Source: UvA Grid Master IGC2005, Adam Belloum

Page 3: Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Service Decomposition

Source: UvA Grid Master IGC2005, Adam Belloum

Page 4: Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Service Orientation

• All functions are defined as services.

• All services are independent. Operate as "black boxes";

o external components neither know nor care how boxes are executed

o merely that they return the expected result.

• The interfaces are invocable; At an architectural level, it is irrelevant whether

o they are local or remoteo what interconnect scheme or protocol is used to effect

the invocation, o what infrastructure components are required to make

the connection.

Source: UvA Grid Master IGC2005, Adam Belloum

Page 5: Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Service Orientation

• Typically within a business environment Service means business functions, business

transactions, and system services.

• The difference in the types of services. Business functions are from the application's

perspective, non-system functions that are effectively atomic.

Services might be low-level or complex high-level (fine-grained or course grained) functions

Source: UvA Grid Master IGC2005, Adam Belloum

Page 6: Service Orientation Considerations PoC R1 David Groep, Scaling and Validation Programme

Services are not Servers

• Web Servers (Apache, Tomcat, ISS) Talks HTTP(S) Hosts web sites and pages May be dynamic (.php, .asp, .jsp) Seen by people

• Web Services (Axis, GT4, .NET, …) Bind to a protocol (HTTP(S), SMTP, …) May be hosted in a container Have a syntax and semantics definition Are seen and used by programs

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Defining and building Services in WS-*

[See Introduction to Web Services Tutorial]

1. Start with the WSDL2. Then, generate your interfaces

• E.g. with GT4 tools or JWSDP• See appropriate tutorial(s): “Technologies for

Building Grids” or “Sotomajor”

3. Fill the stubs with an implementation4. Deploy your services in a container

EGEE NA3 Training Home has plenty of material:

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Part 2: Web ServicesCaveats and Deployment Hints

Hints, caveats and the constraints in Service Deployment in the VL-e PoC Environment

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Some general caveats

• Re-use services• Use generic services where possible

‘job submission service’, ‘data location srv’• Don’t over-do it

WS are not suitable for low-latency HPC or bulk file transfer

• We’re not running a course on WS-RF …

• Not all services (nor architectures) are mature jet Be prepared to make compromises … … as long as it’s in-line with our long-term goals

• Test it works with your favourite workflow system!

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Web Services hints

• Web Services are just a syntax

Define proper sementics and document that to make your service re-useable

Match up the semantics with related services

Make sure your services are compliant o with relevant standards (like WS-I Basic Profile)o with the chosen hosting system (GT4)

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SOA Editor

Cape Clear SOA Editor, Cape Clear 2003WSDL © EGEE Consortium and partners, see

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There are multiple ways to bind a portType• RPC/Encoded

In the WSDL: <soap:binding style="rpc"

transport=""/>In Java, methods are like: public void method(String in1, BigInteger myNumber)

• Document/Literal (or wrapped)In the WSDL: <soap:binding style="document" ...>In Java, methods are like: public void method(PurchaseOrder po)

• Just because it’s no trouble: name the XML schema element referenced by an operation

(through a message element) the same as the operation itself This is the only requirement of document/wrapped which isn't

enforced by the WS-I requirements. Note that document/wrapped is a valid document/literal definition.

See also specific presentation on the web page on WDSL styles

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Services Hosting

• Usually, a service lives in a container

• Container takes care of Translating incoming SOAP message to appropriate

objects (Java objects, C structures, …)

Enforcing access control Invoking methods Packaging the results Destroying the invoked objects

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• Many containers, but not all the same

• Vary in what they support, e.g., Platform: JVM, .NET, Unix Language (Java, C, Python) WSDL bindings (rpc or document/literal) Security mechanisms (none or GSI)

• VL-e supplied container GT4 (Axis 2.0-RC2++) Modified to do WS-RF, -Addressing, -Notification With GSI Security framework Almost like standard Axis 2

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• Remember that web services are stateless

Model state via Resources Don’t keep running after the service invocation is

complete Use database/memory based storage, not process-

based state retentiono Much more friendly on the CPUo Resilient to machine/VM restarts

The ultimate horror scenario: R-GMA producer & consumer threads, see Concurrency P&E paper on the web

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Security model

• We use SOAP over TLS This is the default in GT4 orders of magnitude faster than MLS but cannot do secure message forwarding

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PoC Environment

Hardware and Software

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RP, the P4CTB and the PoC

Application development

NL-Grid production clusterCentral mass-storage facilities

+SURFnetInitial compute


Stable, reliable, testedCert. releases Grid MW & VL-


VL-e Proof of Concept EnvironmentVL-e Rapid Prototyping Environment

DAS-2, local resources

VL-e Certification Environment

NL-Grid FabricResearch Cluster

Test & Cert.Grid MW & VL-software


Flexible, test environment




Virtual Lab.rapid prototyping

(interactive simulation)

Flexible, ‘unstable’

Download RepositoryPoC InstallerCluster Tools

Developer CVSNightly builds

Unit testsstable, tested


Integration testsFunctionality testsAdventurous application people

PoC Release n Release Candidaten+1

Developers environment

Tagged Release Candidates


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PoC: Hardware and Software

• The PoC Distribution is set of software• The PoC Environment is the ensemble of systems

running the PoC Distribution• The PoC Central Facilities (“CF”) are those systems

managed by the P4 partners and designated as such

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PoC Software Distribution

OS Red Hat Enterprise Edition R3

PoC installer

Middleware Globus Toolkit version 2.x as supported by VDT

Current grid services from LCG, EGEE

Globus Toolkit 4.0 (WSRF components)

Storage Resource Broker (version 3.3.1)

• Operating system supported for all operations: RHEL3 & compatibles will work on a variety of similar systems

• Middleware: Services & Hosting Environments

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PoC Software Distribution

Integrative Three systems Kepler, Taverna, Triana

OGSA-DAI as installed with GT4

IBIS (version 1.2)

Tools & Libraries ParaView (version 2.2.1) VTK (version 4.4) MESA (version 6.4 with GLUT)

ITK (version 1.4)

FSL (version 3.2)

MRICRO (version 1.39)

java SDK 1.4.2.x deployment/install

octave (version 2.1.69) MPItb (v2.1.6x) MatLabMPI (v1.2)

lamMPI (version x.x.x)

LUCENE (version 1.4.3)

Ant (version 1.6.2 )

SWI-Prolog (version 5.4.7-190)


Grid Weka (version 3.4.2)

Nimrod client software (v3.0.0)


Sesame (client)

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PoC Central Facility topology

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Service Deployment constraints CF

• Farm of GT4 containers provided on the CF Based on the concept of “VO Boxes” For now: login to these boxes via gsissh Not for compute-intensive work

• You cannot run a container continuously on worker nodes No inbound IP connectivity Resource management and utilization

• And you should not want to, because All services in a container content for CPU and (disk)

bandwidth JVM does not insulate services from each other

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Other constraints on the CF

• Worker nodes are allocated in a transient way

Jobs run in a one-off scratch directory No shared file system for $HOME

(and if it happens to be there don’t use it!) Jobs will be queued

o Short jobs get to run fastero Small jobs get to run fastero Priority depends on your VO affiliation

You can connect out, but cannot listen Your job is limited in wall time

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Central Hosting

• A common hosting environment is offered on a set of VO Boxes Provided: GT4.0 WS (as specified for R1) Visible from the outside world Highly monitored systems Can talk to the ‘inside’

• Requirements for deployment on the CF Appropriate AuthN/AuthZ must be used for all

services(this is available by default in GT4)

Allow for request tracability (e.g. via log files)

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High performance/throughput Services

‘I need lots of * for my service’• Parallelize it

Use fine-grained services decomposition Use MPI (e.g. via IBIS) Use dedicated programs for processing Submit via a resource broker

to the compute service

• Submit jobs to the compute service to run dedicated GT4 hosting environments with your service Keep in mind to submit these to the cluster where

your front-end is running on a VO Box

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Complex Services: job submission

• Use a job submission service GT4 WS-GRAM not (yet) supported on CF:

only single-cluster, security model not complete without use of the WSS

gLite CE WS (“CREAM”): also single cluster, security=compatible, deployment in 2006Q3

Brokered submissiono Select appropriate resources via GLUE schema

constraints & JDLo Submit directly via RB API code on client sideo Use RB job submission WS by Bart

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Brokered Job Submission Service

• Submit brokered jobs in JDLthrough WS-interface to the Matrix Resource Broker

• WSDL specification

• For detailed info: ask Bart Heupers• Future version of the basic Grid middleware will

have a native WMS WS interface

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Questions and Discussion!