service skills australia - sis10 sport, fitness and recreation training package

19 October 2012 Case for Endorsement SIS10 SPORT, FITNESS AND RECREATION TRAINING PACKAGE Version 2.0 Submission

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19 October 2012

Case for Endorsement


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SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package Version 2.0 Case For Endorsement

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About Service Skills Australia

Service Skills Australia (SSA) is the Industry Skills Council (ISC) for the service industries. Skills councils are the recognised national bodies providing advice on industry training and skills development needs to government and industry.

Service Skills Australia represents the interests of businesses across sectors including retail and wholesale, sport, fitness, community recreation, outdoor recreation, tourism, meetings and events, hospitality, restaurants and catering, caravans, hairdressing, beauty, floristry, community pharmacy and funeral services.

Service Skills Australia supports skills development for our industries by:

1. providing industry intelligence and advice to Skills Australia, government and enterprises on workforce development and skills needs;

2. actively supporting the development, implementation and continuous improvement of high quality training and workforce development products and services, including training packages. SSA currently manages a total of 10 industry training packages;

3. providing independent skills and training advice to enterprises, including matching identified training needs with appropriate training solutions; and

4. working with enterprises, employment service providers, training providers and government to allocate training places.

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Table of contents

About Service Skills Australia ......................................................................................................... 3

Table of contents ............................................................................................................................. 4

Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 6

The Context .................................................................................................................................. 6

The Process ................................................................................................................................. 7

Key Areas of Change ................................................................................................................... 9

Section 1 Responsiveness and Recognition Quality Principles .................................................. 14

Reflects contemporary work organisation and job profiles .................................................... 14

Driven by industry needs .......................................................................................................... 14

Responds to government broad policy initiatives ................................................................... 17

Recognises convergence and connectivity of skills ................................................................ 17

Supports movement of skills within and across organisations and sectors ......................... 17

Promotes national and international portability ...................................................................... 18

Reflects licensing and regulatory requirements ...................................................................... 18

Report by Exception .................................................................................................................. 18

Section 2 Flexibility and Functionality Quality Principles ............................................................ 21

Meets the diversity of individual and enterprise needs .......................................................... 21

Supports equitable access and progression of learners ........................................................ 21

Supports learner transition between education sectors ........................................................ 21

Supports implementation across a range of settings ............................................................. 22

Supports sound assessment practice...................................................................................... 22

Does not impose structural barriers to implementation ......................................................... 23

Section 3 Impact of Changes........................................................................................................ 24

Implications ............................................................................................................................... 24

Industry imperatives .................................................................................................................. 24

Impact of changes for stakeholders ........................................................................................ 24

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Systemic issues ......................................................................................................................... 25

Appendix A - Components for Endorsement ................................................................................ 27

Qualifications ............................................................................................................................. 28

Qualification Packaging Rules .................................................................................................. 29

Units of Competency List .......................................................................................................... 30

Occupational and licensing requirements ............................................................................... 31

Mapping information ................................................................................................................. 32

Training Package modification history ..................................................................................... 54

Appendix B - Quality Assurance Reports ...................................................................................... 59

Quality Review ........................................................................................................................... 60

Editorial Report .......................................................................................................................... 61

Equity Report ............................................................................................................................. 62

Appendix C - Letters of Support .................................................................................................... 63

Appendix D - State training authority feedback ........................................................................... 64

Appendix E ..................................................................................................................................... 65

Enrolment and other data related to qualifications ................................................................ 65

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The SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package (SIS10) was endorsed on 21 December 2010, and first released on NTIS on 6 June 2011. The SIS10 Version 1.3 was released on (TGA) 28 November 2011.

The current Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications were revised at the beginning of a lengthy review process in 2008 that saw four separate training packages rolled into one. This being some years ago, these Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications no longer reflect contemporary industry practices.

The redevelopment of the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications was seen as a high priority and resulted in the SIS10 Sports Continuous Improvement (CI) Project.

Additionally, the Cross Sector units were reviewed and updated where necessary to ensure application across all industry sectors in SIS10.

The Context

Sporting organisations are dealing with significant policy reform as a result of the Independent Sport Panel’s review of Sport and the subsequent release of the Australian Government’s response to the report. The response, contained in the Government’s direction for sport, Australian Sport: The Pathway to Success, includes a commitment to the development of the National Sport and Active Recreation Policy Framework, the development of the National Preventative Health Strategy, and ongoing reform of the national education and training sector.

Alongside the changing landscape of the industry there is a need to support increased professionalism and improved management skills, including business planning, budgeting, human resources, leadership and governance. The need for more leaders in sports governance positions was also raised by the Australian Government’s Independent Sports Panel in 2009.

Service Skills Australia’s (SSA’s) work indicates that the culture of managing volunteers needs to change significantly and reflect more of the practices and behaviours that are commonplace in the commercial working environment. On some level, sport and recreation organisations that utilise volunteers need to make greater use of contemporary human resource practices.

Governance skills remain a training priority for volunteers, as the consequences of not having these skills can be severe. Other training need areas identified through SSA’s Environmental Scans include soft skills like conflict management, technical skills and customer service skills.

In Australia’s sport industry the seventy plus National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) vary in size and capacity, but deliver the majority of training for coaches and officials, generally with State Sporting Organisations (SSOs). These NSOs and SSOs use a competency-based assessment model designed by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) for coaches (National Coaching Accreditation Scheme or NCAS) and for officials (National Officiating Accreditation Scheme or NOAS). Once a coach or official is deemed competent, the NSO issues the coach or official with accreditation and registration. However, this industry-based training is not directly aligned with the National Training System competencies or standards, meaning that qualifications issued under one system may not be recognised by the other. This has been an ongoing area of concern and has limited sport’s engagement with the National Training System.

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Subsequently, the SIS10 Version 2.0 submission comprises:

• Two new qualifications • Thirteen revised Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications • Forty-one new and revised sport units • Ten new sport skill sets • One revised sport skill set • Thirteen new and revised Cross Sector units.

A list of these can be found at Appendix A – Components for Endorsement.

ISC Upgrade

Continuous improvement updates which have been made to the majority of the Cross Sector units are in the category of Industry Skills Council (ISC) upgrade. This means minor amendments have been made such as fine tuning the repetition of language and updating the units to ensure their applicability across all sectors in SIS10. This submission also includes an ISC upgrade of minor changes in the outdoor recreation skill sets and elective offerings in qualifications.

The Process

The continuous improvement process of SIS10 commenced over 12 months ago in 2011. This was overseen by SSA’s Sport, Fitness and Recreation Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) who observe that the process is performed in a transparent and ethical manner.

Service Skills Australia’s Sport, Fitness and Recreation IAC membership comprises representatives from the following organisations:

• Above and Below Adventure Company Pty Ltd • Australian Rugby League Development • Australian Services Union • Australian Sports Commission, Director • District Council of Mount Barker • Fitness Australia • NSW Sports Federation Incorporated • Queensland Fitness Sport and Recreation Skills Alliance • Royal Life Saving Society of Australia • South Yarra Sports Centre • Sport SA • YMCA Australia

The following diagram provides an overview of the Training Package Quality Management System (TPQMS) which underpins SSA’s cycle of continuous improvement process.

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Discussions around rectifying the unresolved concerns in the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications, commenced soon after endorsement of the new SIS10.

Transition workshops to assist stakeholders in implementing the new SIS10 were held across most states and territories during April and May 2011, in which a significant number of issues impacting on the continuous improvement of SIS10 were highlighted.

A high level timeline summary of consultations and feedback that have occurred over the past year is included in Table 1. Table 1. High level timeline summary

Month and Year High Level Timeline - Summary SIS10 Version 2.0 Process

April to June 2011

Transition workshops to the new SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package provided preliminary issues and feedback which led into the SIS10 continuous improvement process. The well-known issues were also highlighted in the issue register at that time.

End July 2011 Meeting of the SSA Sport, Fitness and Recreation IAC on 27 July 2011. Discussion around the SIS10 transition and continuous improvement model.

June to October 2011 Preliminary drafting and discussions with key industry stakeholders.

End September 2011 Meeting of the SSA Sport, Fitness and Recreation IAC on 28 September 2011. Continuing discussions on continuous improvement process of SIS10.

October and November 2011

Industry Think Tanks held to view preliminary drafts of proposed changes to the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications and units.

December to February 2012

Consultation and discussions with key industry stakeholders and NSOs.

Early April to mid May 2012

Draft One of the SIS Sport and SIS Cross Sector continuous improvement projects open on the SSA online feedback register for a six week period from 3 April and closed on 15 May 2012.

Late May 2012 Meeting of the SSA Sport, Fitness and Recreation IAC on 16 February 2012. Continuing discussions on continuous improvement of SIS10 and issues raised.

Late May to mid July 2012

Analysis of feedback and preparation for the Draft Two.

Early August 2012 Meeting of the SSA Sport, Fitness and Recreation IAC on 3 August 2012. Continuing discussions on continuous improvement of SIS10 and issues raised.

Late July to mid August Draft Two of the SIS Sport and SIS Cross Sector continuous

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Month and Year High Level Timeline - Summary SIS10 Version 2.0 Process

2012 improvement projects open and available for feedback and consultation for three weeks from 24 July and closed on 15 August 2012.

Key Areas of Change

Sport, and Sport and Recreation Qualifications

The depth of feedback received from the national transition workshops highlighted particular areas of alarm around the many gaps in the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications. The issues were extensive and ranged from, but not limited to:

• improving the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualification structures to reflect better industry needs and coverage on Sport, and Sport and Recreation working environments

• re-including sport officiating units • including more sport content in the core of the generic qualifications • including introductory knowledge on sports law • including units on governance and how to work with a board and committee • updating sport specific units to reflect current practice and changing industry standards • aligning closer the Training Package units and the industry accepted accreditation


Considerable changes have been made to the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications to address these issues, and therefore this submission proposes:

• One new sport officiating certificate • One new sport and recreation diploma • Thirteen revised qualifications • Forty-one new and revised sport units

o Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Sport Coaching, Sport Officiating and Sport Development

• Ten new sport skill sets: o Officiating – Basketball Referee o Organisation Governance - Board o Organisation Governance – Committee o Community Coach o Intermediate Coach o Advanced Coach o Officiating - Dynamic o Officiating - Static o Officiating - Advanced o Community Coach - Tennis

Cross-Sector Units

The continuous improvement of the cross-sector units was integrated into the Sport Continuous Improvement project.

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New cross-sector units have been developed to cover gaps such as working with groups of volunteers, organising sporting and recreation competitions and small to medium events to using new technology to enhance performance skills.

It was also identified that a gap existed primarily at AQF level 4, related to the skills associated with coordinating work teams or groups. The existing retail unit focuses on dealing with a work team of paid employees and is centred on increasing sales performance, which is not relevant in all sport and recreation contexts. The small business unit has some suitable elements, but essentially is designed for dealing with one team of paid employees. Neither unit covers working with groups of volunteers, or multiple groups.

Existing events units appear to have a gap between providing event support functions (registration, staging) and managing multi venue events that address conducting medium size sporting competitions or recreation events such as fun runs and open days.

Additionally, this submission includes: • Fourteen new and revised cross-sector units.

Furthermore, ISC upgrade changes to all cross-sector units have been made, including:

• addition within units of ‘fitness’ to relevant references to ‘sport and recreation’, now referred to as sport, fitness and recreation‘ to reflect the title of the training package

• modifications to language to reflect all sectors where appropriate • elimination of repetitive language such as references to ‘according to organisation

policies and procedures’. The requirement to follow organisation policies and procedures is now included in Critical Aspects of Assessment and/or Required Knowledge and Skills statements. In some units the range statement for ‘organisation policies and procedures’ has been deleted and the information included in Required Knowledge

• language has been updated and simplified where possible • in lower level units references to ‘responsible person’, ‘supervisor’, ‘appropriate

personnel’, relevant person’ and ‘relevant other’ have been replaced with ‘supervisor’ for consistency

• in higher level units references to ‘responsible person’, ‘appropriate personnel’, relevant person’ and ‘relevant other’ have been replaced with ‘manager’ for consistency.

All cross-sector units have been updated for their applicability across all the areas of the Training Package, and their language simplified.

Draft One

To address the identified shortcomings and commence development of a Draft One, over seventy industry representatives were invited to two Think Tanks, one in Sydney in October 2011 focusing on the Sport specific qualifications and one in Melbourne in November 2011 focusing on the generic Sport and Recreation qualifications. Participants were provided with a preliminary draft of proposed changes, to which they indicated in principle agreement or suggested further amendments.

These Think Tanks were not an end point, but rather helped to inform the Draft One revised qualifications for wider stakeholder consultation. Twenty-six organisations participated in the Thinks Tanks, including: • Aquatics and Recreation Victoria

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• Australian Canoeing Association • Australian Sports Commission • AUSTSWIM • Basketball Australia • Charttes Industry Training Advisory Council, NT • Dangerous Minds • Department of Education, Newcastle • Equestrian Australia • Gordon TAFE (The Gordon) • Gymnastics Australia • Gymnastics NSW • North Melbourne Institute of Technology • NSW Sports Federation • NSW TAFE • Professional Golfers Association of Australia • Royal Life Saving Australia • Seams, Sports and Education Management Specialist • Skillshub Victoria • Smart Connections Training Company • Surf Life Saving Australia • Swimming Coaches and Teachers Association • TAFE SA • Tennis Australia • VicSport • Victorian Fitness Academy

Based on the feedback from the SIS10 Transition workshops and the Think Tanks, the required changes were broadly grouped into five key themes:

1. Given increased compliance obligations, occupational health and safety/work health and safety, legal obligations and risk need better coverage

2. Generic Sport and Recreation qualifications do not have enough industry specific content in the core and also need to include event management competencies in electives

3. Higher-level qualifications do not have sufficient depth and are missing core management and business skills

4. Sport qualifications do not align with the NCAS or NOAS, do not reflect the real scope of practice at each AQF level and need more industry specific units, while the removal of officiating units is seen as a loss

5. Conflict resolution, client service and people management skills need enhancing.

Following the outcomes of the Think Tanks, SSA and the ASC commenced the process to refine the coaching general principles and officiating units to more directly align to the NCAS and NOAS, which are currently being reviewed and updated by the ASC. As this work had a direct impact on the structure and content of the Sport qualifications, these were also revised based on the discussions with the ASC.

In-depth consultations before and during the Draft One and Draft Two periods were also conducted with Tennis Australia, Basketball Australia, Surfing Australia and the Professional Golfers Association.

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Draft One of the SIS Sport and SIS Cross Sector continuous improvement projects were open on the SSA online feedback register for a six week period from 3 April and closed on 15 May 2012.

During the month of April 2012, e-newsletters, and email notices were sent out to a broad range of stakeholders advising that Draft One was open and available for comment through the SSA online feedback register including: • State Networks, Industry Training Advisory Bodies • State Training Authority contacts • Over four hundred sport, fitness and recreation RTO contacts • Sydney and Melbourne Think Tank participants • Over three hundred SIS10 Transition RTO workshop attendees • Sixty Industry Associations and Peak Bodies contacts • National Sporting Organisations (NSOs) and State Sport Organisations (SSOs) via the ASC.

During the Draft One feedback stage, some concerns were raised by two RTO groups across Victoria and Queensland about the proposed merging of the three SIS10 Version 1.3 qualifications SIS50110 Diploma of Facility Management, SIS50410 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Administration and SIS50510 Diploma of Sport Development into a new qualification - the Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management. After the feedback for the Draft One was closed, two other RTOs across South Australia and New South Wales also indicated similar concern.

At this stage, SSA considered separating out the Diploma of Sport Development, however it still remained that the core units across the qualifications were very much the same with considerable duplication. Based on the information at hand, SSA in liaison with the ASC decided to keep the merged qualification in the Draft Two.

Draft Two

Feedback on Draft Two closed on 15 August 2012, after being open for a feedback period of three weeks.

Service Skills Australia communicated project updates and reminders to provide feedback to stakeholders on a regular basis via email and the monthly SSA e-newsletter. Stakeholder feedback was collated, analysed and changes were incorporated where relevant.

Service Skills Australia’s responses to recommendations and feedback which arose from Draft One were provided to all stakeholders in the document Draft Two: Sport Continuous Improvement (CI) Project Guide” dated 20 July 2012. Stakeholders were also given questions to consider and comment on for the Draft Two.

During the Draft Two feedback period there was an escalation of resistance from various stakeholders in strong opposition to: • merging the Diploma of Sport Development into the proposed Diploma of Sport and

Recreation Management (but supported the merging of the Diploma of Facility Management and Diploma of Sport and Recreation Administration components into one qualification)

• merging the three units 1) Provide drugs in sport information, 2) Develop nutritional strategies, and 3) Support athletes to adopt principles of sports psychology, into one very large unit, the proposed “Prepare athletes for competition”.

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Service Skills Australia considered the range of issues in liaison with the Sport, Fitness and Recreation IAC and the following agreement was reached: • to keep the Diploma of Sport Development as a separate qualification, instead of merging

into the one qualification • to maintain the merging of the Diploma of Facility Management with the Diploma of Sport

and Recreation Administration into the new SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management

• to keep as separate the three units in question.

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Section 1 Responsiveness and Recognition Quality Principles Service Skills Australia is confident that SIS10 Version 2.0 meets the requirements of the quality principles: • Reflects contemporary work organisation and job profiles • Driven by industry needs • Responds to government broad policy initiatives • Recognises convergence and connectivity of skills • Supports movement of skills within and across organisations and sectors • Promotes national and international portability • Reflects licensing and regulatory requirements.

Reflects contemporary work organisation and job profiles The revised qualifications in SIS10 Version 2.0 reflect contemporary work organisation and job profiles. For example: • The SIS30912 Certificate III in Officiating, reflects the professionalism of officiating at a

regional, state or territory level. This qualification reflects the role of the official within the constraints of the NSO’s structures and requirements, and is most likely for someone who is looking to make a career out of officiating.

• The Sport Coaching qualifications now accurately reflect the job profiles (paid or unpaid) of community coach, intermediate coach and advance level coach

• The SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management provides for the depth of business and management skills required to meet the skills gaps in facility and event management within the industry.

Sport industry job roles not exclusive to one AQF level

It should be noted that some roles of those working in the sport and recreation sector require individuals to perform functions that are not exclusive to one AQF level. The inclusion of one or two higher level units has been offset by some lower level units (for example SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management which includes two AQF level 6 units to cover critical skills highlighted by employers, but also some AQF level 4 units that are also required for success in the role).

Other roles are very narrow in terms of skills performed in a controlled environment, for example in officiating.

Driven by industry needs

The SIS10 Version 2.0 is driven by industry needs as indentified in SSA’s Environmental Scan 2012.

The ageing Australian population, coupled with the low birth rate, has had an impact on the talent pool for elite sport. As a result, this is driving higher skill requirements for coaches charged with developing high performers. Consequently, skills such as performance analysis and skill acquisition are gaining importance. Skill acquisition involves conducting research to design training programs that give athletes a competitive edge, while performance analysis

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focuses on coaches’ use of information and communications technology to develop athlete performance in training and competition environments1.

The ASC’s online entry level training in coaching and officiating is also highly used in the sport sector. Over 100,000 learners undertook the online entry level training in coaching and 20,000 learners undertook the training in officiating from June 2010 to June 2011.2


The NCAS, managed by the ASC is Australia’s system of training and accrediting coaches, and has been in existence for over thirty years.

NCAS training programs include the following components:

• coaching general principles – generic principles of coaching and athletic performance that apply to all sports. Coaching general principles may be included in specific training programs, or they can be completed separately.

• sport-specific – skills, techniques, strategies and approaches to the particular sport.

There are three levels of coaching general principles; community, intermediate and advanced. For NCAS registration, NSOs must include the community coaching general principles in their entry level accreditation. The other levels of general principles are optional for inclusion in NCAS training programs by NSOs.

NSOs determine their own accreditation framework, including the name and number of levels within their coaching framework. For example, one NSO may have three entry levels within their coaching framework and no progression to other levels, while another NSO may have only one entry level and multiple levels of progression within their coaching framework. Therefore the only consistency between NSOs is at the entry level of accreditation. For any other levels, they are at the discretion of the NSO.

The coaching units in SIS10 Version 2.0 have been revised, and the three skill sets which have been developed meet the coaching levels which can be attained in the industry. The competencies in these skill sets meet the skill requirements for the respective level of sport coach when combined with their individual sport’s NCAS technical requirements.

• Community Coach • Intermediate Coach • Advanced Coach.

The ASC will map all general principles against the new units of competence in the immediate future with a view to providing NSOs with clear guidance on how the two systems align. This will allow NSOs to better integrate their sport specific component with the general principles component covered by the revised competency standards, reducing overlap and facilitating skill recognition processes.

The ASC is also currently reviewing the Beginning Coaching General Principles (BCGP) and the Active After-School Communities Community Coach Training Program (CCTP) with the objective of developing a single aligned curriculum and community coaching general principles that will be mapped to the new proposed Community Coach Skill Set.

1 SSA Environment Scan 2012 2 SSA Environmental Scan 2012

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The NOAS managed by the ASC is Australia’s system of training and accrediting officials. There are over forty NSOs participating in the NOAS and it has been operating for over ten years.

NOAS training programs include the following components:

• officiating general principles – generic principles of officiating that apply to most sports • sport-specific – rules, skills, and techniques of officiating in the particular sport.

There are two levels of officiating general principles: introductory and advanced. For NOAS registration, NSOs must include the introductory level general principles in their entry level accreditation.

NSOs determine their own accreditation framework, including the name and number of levels within their officiating framework. For example, one NSO may have three entry levels within their officiating framework and no progression in the levels, while another NSO may have only one entry level and multiple levels of progression within their officiating framework. Therefore the only consistency between NSOs is at the entry level of accreditation For any other levels, they are at the discretion of the NSO.

The contents of three sport officiating skill sets in SIS10 Version 2.0 meet the requirements of the ASC and provide for the two respective levels. The officiating competencies meet the skill requirements for entry level officials when combined with their individual sport’s NOAS technical requirements.

• Officiating – Dynamic, or Officiating – Static • Advanced Officiating.

The ASC will map the officiating general principles (introductory and advanced) to the new officiating units and skill sets in SIS10 Version 2.0 and this information will be provided to NSOs.

The new SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating ensures parity between coaching and officiating, and provides officials with a qualifications option. The ABS statistics from 2007 indicate the total involvements in the role of officiating (referee or umpire and score or timekeeper) total 997,000 and coaching a total of 658,500.


The basketball suite of units was missing a unit around officiating and rules. From technical discussions with Basketball Australia, the unit SISSBSB205 Interpret and apply the rules of basketball was developed to fill this gap.


Service Skills Australia has worked with the Professional Golfers Association (PGA) to update the golf units, as these have undergone minimal change since being written over ten years ago. In summary the key changes are that duplication has been removed and units are more clearly delineated. All golf units have been updated to be reflective of practices of contemporary golf professionals.

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The PGA advocate a strong link between playing ability and coaching proficiency so the new unit SISSGLF517 Apply advanced skills, tactics and strategies of golf in high performance competition was developed.


Tennis Australia is making significant changes to their junior development courses which required the Tennis units, and Tennis skill set in SIS10 Version 1.3 to be reviewed and updated. Tennis Australia considered how the revised coaching units would best fit with their tennis specific units. The suite of units drafted by Tennis Australia in consultation with SSA, are now based on the Tennis Australia sport development program.

Cross Sector Units

While there is limited data available, industry feedback suggests that an increasing number of sporting clubs and associations, fitness enterprises and recreation organisations are moving towards having an online presence. However, there is also feedback that many organisations are struggling to make this transition.3

A challenge for sports organisations is to recruit quality volunteers with the skills required to fill the roles, particularly in the area of governance.

A suite of cross-sector units has been developed and revised to meet these industry identified gaps.

Responds to government broad policy initiatives

The SIS10 Version 2.0 responds to government broad policy initiatives detailed in the Government’s direction for sport, Australian Sport: The Pathway to Success, as previously outlined in the Overview section of this document.

Recognises convergence and connectivity of skills

The inclusion of the proposed units of competency in the qualifications and in skill sets enables movement between job roles where appropriate, without the need to complete entire new qualifications. Cross industry and imported units have also been utilised to ensure mobility of skills across the sectors.

Supports movement of skills within and across organisations and sectors National endorsement of the proposed units of competency and reviewed qualifications will provide the capacity for movement of skilled workers across states, territories, organisations and sectors, thereby ensuring a highly skilled and mobile workforce, both paid and unpaid, with portable skills.

• The inclusion of coaching units into the Sport and Recreation qualifications provides for increased vocational outcomes

• By updating the cross-sector units to reflect all sectors, it allows greater recognition of a commonality and therefore transferability of skills and knowledge

3 SSA Environment Scan 2012, Page 15

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• Alignment of the coaching and officiating units to the NCAS and NOAS will allow greater recognition of skills and also pathways will be provided across the sports with utilisation of the skill sets

• The Sport and Recreation qualifications are reflective of job roles in multi-skilled working environments, where analytical thinking is becoming increasingly important.

A key focus of the SIS10 Version 2.0 is better alignment to the sport industry accreditation schemes, and the qualifications have been designed to address the diversity both within and across roles in the sport sector and in particular dealing with volunteers.

Volunteering provides a direct pathway to employment so it is important their needs are considered.

Promotes national and international portability

Officials have defined career pathways in some sports, with significant vocational opportunities at various levels within sport at local to international level. The updated coaching and officiating units reflect international best practice.

The SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package contains nationally recognised qualifications that meet the training needs of industry in each state/territory. The inclusion of employability skills and resourcing requirements into the Training Package increases national consistency in the job readiness of graduates.

Reflects licensing and regulatory requirements

SIS10 Version 2.0 reflects the regulatory requirements set out by the Training Package Development Handbook.

SIS10 Version 2.0 contains skill sets and qualifications that meet industry registration and accreditation schemes. The ASC has the following registration schemes (via the NSOs)

• Sports Coach – NCAS • Sports Official – NOAS

The revisions to the officiating and coaching units and the sport qualifications have been undertaken to better meet the needs of sport and the sport accreditation schemes.

The ASC provided details of the proposed changes to the NCAS and NOAS and highlighted their preference for alignment with the VET system through direct relationships with units of competence.

Report by Exception

Throughout the process of the SIS10 Version 2 continuous improvement project SSA made every effort to engage with a range of stakeholders.

This section outlines concerns that were initially raised by the WA STA (WA Department of Training & Workforce Development) and later also the NSW STA (NSW Education and Communities, Office of Education). The concerns were around entry requirements in three qualifications as indicated in Table 2. SSA worked with the STAs to address these issues in a responsive way, and in further consultation with the ASC.

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Table 2. Addressing STA concerns - Outcomes Issue raised Service Skills Australia’s

Response Outcome

The entry requirements in the SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating impose a barrier into the qualification.

The link to the NOAS is a critical factor and the entry requirements are considered necessary. The additional units required for the entry level have been deleted as the NOAS will effectively cover the same content as the skill set.

Entry requirements revised to: Entry to SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating is open to those who hold entry level National Officiating Accreditation Scheme (NOAS) registration in a chosen sport OR Officiating – Dynamic Skill Set OR Officiating – Static Skill Set Through the process of continuous improvement the entry requirements will be reviewed in 12 months time. Agreement received from both the WA and NSW STAs.

The entry requirements in the SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching impose a barrier into the qualification.

Each qualification should stand alone and reflect the skills and knowledge required for the relevant job/s.

Now that the ASC is revising the entry level general principles curriculum it will effectively cover the SISSSCO101 and SISSSCO202 units previously listed, so they can be deleted. The critical factor is the link to the NSO. Reference to playing or coaching experience has been removed

Entry requirements revised to: Entry to SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching is open to those who hold current First Aid and CPR certification and entry level National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) registration in a chosen sport. Through the process of continuous improvement the entry requirements will be reviewed in 12 months time. Agreement received from both the WA and NSW STAs.

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The entry requirements in the SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching impose a barrier into the qualification.

The critical factor is the link to the NSO, however the reference to ‘intermediate NCAS’ has been removed to lessen the requirements and reflect that not all NSOs use the label intermediate”. Also removed was the reference to ‘experience in chosen sport’ and made the NCAS component non negotiable to ensure links to NSOs. Two additional units were deleted, bringing down the additional units total to 5 units.

Entry to SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching is open to those who hold a current First Aid and CPR certification, AND National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) registration in a chosen sport AND the following units: SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport information SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition information to athletes SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt principles for sport psychology SISSSCO409 Work collaboratively with support personnel SISSSCO411 Apply self-management to intermediate level coaching Through the process of continuous improvement the entry requirements will be reviewed in 12 months time. Agreement received from both the WA and NSW STAs.

The WA STA has agreed to endorse the package granted that the entry requirements are reviewed in line with the Australian Sports Commission review of the National Coaching and Officiating Accreditation Scheme.

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Section 2 Flexibility and Functionality Quality Principles

This section provides evidence that the SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package submission meets flexibility and functionality quality principles.

Meets the diversity of individual and enterprise needs

SIS10 Version 2.0 complies with the NQC policy update to increase the flexibility within packaging rules. SSA has ensured that within the new and revised qualifications one third of the total units are electives and up to one sixth of the total units are able to be selected from any endorsed Training Package or accredited course. This allows for each qualification to have the flexibility to support a broad range of job roles to suit individual needs and enterprises.

The coaching and officiating skill sets meets the needs for those who do not require a full qualification in order to gain employment.

Supports equitable access and progression of learners

Multiple entry and exit points for learners, flexible enough to meet a wide range of job outcomes and support a diverse range of career paths and business models, support equitable access and progression. Minimising prerequisite units of competency and removing corequisite units of competency according to current Training Package Development Handbook policy also supports equitable access and progression.

It should be noted however the entry requirements in the:

• SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching and SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching are to ensure that the relevant competencies at the minimum sports coaching level are congruent to the NCAS, in order to operate at that level and between sports

• SIS30912 Certificate III in Officiating is to ensure the minimum sport officiating level is congruent to the NOAS.

The sport coaching skill sets also provides the competency requirements to progress up the levels from Community Coach to Intermediate Coach to Advanced Coach.

The Sport, and Sport and Recreation skill sets provide entry pathways, particularly for those undertaking volunteer work roles.

Furthermore, the qualifications and units of competency that comprise this submission have been proofread and edited against Training Package Development Handbook policy by Service Skills Australia prior to the editorial and equity review by SSA’s internal Quality Assurance section.

Refer to the quality report in Appendix A for specific information on the equity aspects of this submission.

Supports learner transition between education sectors

The qualifications in SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package are all aligned to the appropriate level within the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Advice is given within the qualification descriptors indicating the education sectors in which delivery is appropriate.

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SIS10 Version 2.0 qualifications have been developed to provide work outcomes and the skills for learners to be work ready upon completion of their qualification. Qualifications have also been developed to allow learners to complete traineeships.

Qualifications provide the background for a transition between education sectors, however, this is not the sole purpose of the qualifications. SIS10 Version 2.0 qualifications support the transition between education sectors by providing the skills required to work, obtain a qualification in further education, or upgrade skills between education sectors.

Supports implementation across a range of settings

The components of the SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package have been written to allow implementation across a range of settings, where appropriate. The Assessment Guidelines contain specific advice for delivery of training within the industry. As reflected in SIS10 Version 2.0 industry supports delivery of training in a variety of contexts, including in a workplace environment, simulated environment and institutional environment.

Having the sports units aligned to the industry accreditation schemes provides for the fostering of partnerships between NSOs and RTOs to increase training, skill recognition and employment opportunities.

Supports sound assessment practice The SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package contains detailed guidelines for RTOs on appropriate assessment practice for qualifications within the industry. The Assessment Guidelines contain detailed advice on industry requirements for the quality assessment, including:

• what it means to be a current and experienced assessor • a definition of a simulated environment, and • appropriate assessment environment.

The Evidence Guides of individual units of competency have been strengthened to identify the industry expectations for the depth and breadth of skills and knowledge required to be assessed and recommend appropriate methods of assessment. The inclusion of employability skills, both embedded in units of competency and as summaries for each qualification, provides the framework and parameters to encourage consistency in the training delivery outcomes for job ready graduates.

Concern over the role of the NSO in training and assessment delivery is an ongoing issue for sport. To address this, the following statement has been added to the descriptors of the relevant officiating and coaching units:

“Each NSO has specific training and assessment requirements for industry accreditation of coaches and officials. These requirements will vary between different sports and those developing training and assessment for these units should undertake consultation with the relevant NSO or SSO to determine any specific arrangements for courses, trainers and assessors to facilitate RPL for candidates to achieve the required registration status to operate as a coach or an official in that sport”.

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Does not impose structural barriers to implementation

The SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package has been developed to address industry needs in a flexible and accessible way. A wide range of stakeholders, including RTOs were involved in the consultation processes to ensure that the final product is developed in a manner that provides work ready graduates for the industry.

Entry requirements to the following qualifications are essential, so as to ensure minimum requirements and the generic basics relating to officiating or coaching are met.

• Entry to SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating is open to those who hold entry level National Officiating Accreditation Scheme (NOAS) registration in a chosen sport OR Officiating – Dynamic Skill Set OR Officiating – Static Skill Set

• Entry to SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching is open to those who hold current First Aid and CPR certification entry level National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) registration in a chosen sport.

• Entry to SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching is open to those who hold a current First Aid and CPR certification, AND National Coaching Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) registration in a chosen sport AND the following units:

o SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport information o SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition information to athletes o SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt principles for sport psychology o SISSSCO409 Work collaboratively with support personnel o SISSSCO411 Apply self-management to intermediate level coaching

Entry requirements will be reviewed in line with the Australian Sports Commission’s current review of the National Coaching and Officiating Accreditation Schemes.

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Section 3 Impact of Changes


The implications of the SIS10 Version 2.0 Training Package are described below in the section on impacts and also in the mapping documents in the appendices.

Industry imperatives

The continuous improvement of the SIS10 Version 2.0 has been driven by industry stakeholders and reflects current industry job roles and practices. Speed to market is important as it contains a range of updated and new units of competency that reflect current technologies and trends.

Impact of changes for stakeholders

The SIS10 Version 2.0 will have a range of impacts depending on the particular stakeholder group.

Qualification codes

Qualification and unit codes have been updated to reflect current policy, and to reflect changes to the Training Package. All qualifications are coded SIS (as the qualification identifier) followed by their qualification identifier, sequence identifier and version identifier. The SIS10 Version 2.0 has been submitted and endorsed in 2012, therefore new and revised qualifications only have been coded as 12.

Unit Codes

The non-reviewed units in SIS10 Version 2.0 retain the same code as in Version 1.3. The explicit Content Version identifier, which is visible on, will identify the specific version of the text of those Units of Competency. Also, the revised and new units do not include the ‘A’ suffix and still include the AQF identifier, according to Training Package Development Handbook Guidelines.

Where changes have been made that alter the unit outcome, a new code has been assigned. Amended units have been allocated the next available code in the competency field sequence.

Registered Training Organisations – public and private

Registered Training Organisations will be required to update their teaching strategies, due to the significant change in content and format of the Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications and coaching and officiating units of competency. It is critical that RTOs understand the structure and function of the revised qualifications according to their scope.

Changes to the coding of units of competency will impact on RTOs, and they will need to update their administration and enrolment systems, as well as inform learners enrolling in courses.

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Registered Training Organisations must also ensure that they have trainers and assessors who are able to train and assess against the new and revised qualifications and units. Industry has advised in the Assessor Requirements that it is essential for assessors to have significant experience and comprehensive current knowledge of current industry practices to be competent to assess qualifications in SIS10 Version 2.0.

Industry recommends that RTOs wishing to deliver qualifications from SIS10 Version 2.0 contact their peak industry association or NSO prior to delivery of the qualification or qualifications to ensure they are delivered and assessed to industry standards.

Enterprises and Industry

The industry has been involved in the development of SIS10 Version 2.0 and has provided significant feedback to ensure that the components of the revised Training Package reflect current industry practice. The implications for industry are positive as SIS10 Version 2.0 reflects current industry practices and provides a national training framework for emerging trends.

Licensing and regulatory environments

The NQC VET Products for the 21st Century Report included a number of recommendations related to the simplification and streamlining of training packages.

For the SIS10 Version 2.0 Continuous Improvement, the existing Training Package model was used. However, incorporating some of the recommendations, particularly around streamlining the Training Package content was included:

17. Restructure and streamline Training Package content by:

• Simplifying the endorsed components – by reducing the level of detail included in the endorsed Training Packages, particularly the level of specification in the competency standards.

• Eliminating unnecessary information and consolidating repetitive material; • Continuing to consolidate the units of competence that cover the same or similar areas

of knowledge and skill

Policy Environment

The sport and recreation industries have experienced a renewed level of interest from policy makers in recognition of the significant contribution these industries make to society and the economy.

Systemic issues

Industry continues to hold concerns about the inconsistent levels of quality in training provision, in which graduates are consequently not ‘work ready’. As a result, industry representatives are keen to become more involved in the implementation of training to support the national training system and build the nation’s productivity.

A range of services and products, underpinned by a set of policies and procedures, have been developed that will underpin the work that SSA undertakes in implementing its training packages on a sustainable basis. This quality implementation framework consists of two parts:

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• Training Package User Guides • The Right Way Program (an industry recognition system for quality training providers

delivering in the Service Skills Training Package areas).

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Appendix A - Components for Endorsement

This section includes:

• Qualifications list • Units of Competency list • Occupational and licensing requirements • Mapping information • Training Package Modification History

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Sport, and Sport and Recreation Qualifications

The SIS10 Version 2.0 contains 15 Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications:

Two new qualifications

• SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating

• SIS50712 Diploma of Sports & Recreation Management

Thirteen revised Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications

• SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation

• SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

• SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation

• SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching

• SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

• SIS30612 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation

• SIS30712 Certificate III in Sport Coaching

• SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer

• SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation

• SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching

• SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development

• SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching

• SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development

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Qualification Packaging Rules

Sport, and Sport and Recreation Qualifications SIS10 Version 2.0 Qualification code and title

Number of core units required

Number of elective units required

Total number of units required

SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation 5 3 8

SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 5 6 11

SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation

7 4 11

SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching 8 5 13

SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 10 5 15

SIS30612 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation

10 5 15

SIS30712 Certificate III in Sport Coaching 9 6 15

SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer 9 5 14

SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating 10 5 15

SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation 9 7 16

SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching 14 7 21

SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development 14 7 21

SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching 15 8 23

SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development 11 9 20

SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management 16 8 24

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Units of Competency List The SIS10 Version 2.0 contains a total of 54 new or revised sport, sport and recreation and cross-sector units:

Cross-Sector Units of Competency

• SISXCCS202 Process entry transactions

• SISXFAC207 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation equipment for activities

• SISXFAC208 Main sport, fitness and recreation facilities

• SISXFAC409 Plan and provide sport, fitness and recreation services

• SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge

• SISXIND402 Analyse legal knowledge for organisation governance

• SISXIND408 Select and use technology for sport, fitness and recreation

• SISXIND409 Organise a sport, fitness or recreation event

• SISXIND410 Coordinate sport, fitness and recreation work teams or groups

• SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies

• SISXWHS402 Implement and monitor work health and safety policies

• SISXWHS503 Establish and maintain work health and safety systems

Sport Units of Competency

• SISSBSB205 Interpret and apply the rules of basketball

• SISSGLF314 Perform the advanced skills of golf

• SISSGLF315 Apply the advanced tactics and strategies of golf

• SISSGLF316 Interpret and apply the rules of golf

• SISSGLF517 Apply advanced skills, tactics and strategies of golf in high performance competition

• SISSGLF518 Teach the advanced skills of golf

• SISSGLF519 Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of golf

• SISSGLF520 Design and implement strategies to increase junior participation in golf

• SISSGLF521 Manage on course golf operations

• SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices

• SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills

• SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs

• SISSSCO304 Customise coaching for athletes with specific needs

• SISSSCO305 Implement selection policies

• SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport information

• SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition information to athletes

• SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt principles of sports psychology

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• SISSSCO409 Work collaboratively with support personnel

• SISSSCO410 Implement a talent identification program

• SISSSCO411 Apply self-management to intermediate level coaching

• SISSSCO512 Assist athletes to prevent and manage injury and illness

• SISSSCO513 Plan and implement high-performance training and recovery programs

• SISSSDE201 Communicate effectively with others in a sport environment

• SISSSDE502 Design and implement strategies to increase participation

• SISSSDE503 Develop volunteer management policies

• SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge

• SISSSOF202 Officiate games or competitions

• SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations

• SISSSOF304 Roster officials

• SISSSOF305 Officiate in a high performance environment

• SISSSOF306 Apply self-management to enhance high performance officiating

• SISSSOF307 Coach Officials

• SISSTNS205 Interpret and apply the rules and regulations of tennis

• SISSTNS206 Develop and update knowledge of tennis development programs

• SISSTNS307 Coach red stage tennis players

• SISSTNS308 Coach orange stage tennis players

• SISSTNS309 Coach green stage tennis players

• SISSTNS410 Coach stroke production for intermediate tennis players

• SISSTNS411Coach tactics for intermediate tennis players

• SISSTNS512 Coach stroke production for high performance tennis players

• SISSTNS513 Coach tactics for high performance tennis players

Occupational and licensing requirements

SIS10 Version 2.0 reflects the regulatory requirements set out by the Training Package Development Handbook.

SIS10 Version 2.0 contains skill sets and qualifications that meet industry registration and accreditation schemes.

The ASC has the following registration schemes (via the NSOs):

• Sports Coach – NCAS • Sports Official – NOAS

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Mapping information

Qualifications Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0.

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation

SIS10110 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation

E • Qualification notes changed to better reflect

scope of practice, • Qualification packaging rules changed to 8

units in total, 5 core plus 3 electives. Total number of units for completion the same, however 2 units added to the core: o SISCAI101A Provide equipment for

activities o SISCAI102A Assist in preparing and

conducting sport and recreation session • Numerous units added to electives and some

units deleted from electives. • New and updated unit codes and titles in

core and electives. • Imported units updated.

SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

SIS20310 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

E • Community activities assistant has been

added to the list of job roles. • No changes to qualification packaging rules. • Core units changed. Imported units updated. • Numerous units added to electives.

SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation

SIS20410 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation

E • Qualification packaging rules remain the

same. • Numerous units added to electives. • New and updated unit codes and titles in

core and electives. • Imported units updated.

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Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0.

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching

SIS20510 Certificate II in Sport Coaching

E • Qualification notes changed to better reflect

scope of practice. • Job roles changed to community coach. • Qualification packaging rules changed. Total

number of units for completion the same, however: o 2 units added to the core o 2 units deleted from the electives.

• New and updated unit codes and titles in core and electives.

• Imported units updated.

SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

SIS30510 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

E • Number of electives increased by one to

ensure qualification meets packaging rules – this changes the qualification packaging to 15 units in total, 10 core plus 5 electives.

• New and updated unit codes and titles in core and electives.

• Imported units updated. • Units added to the core:

o BSBCRT301A Develop and extend critical and creative thinking skills

o ICAWEB201A use social media tools for collaboration and engagement

o SISXCAI303A Plan and conduct sport and recreation sessions

o SITXCOM401 Manage conflict. • Units deleted from core and added to

electives: o ICAU2006B Operate computing

packages. • Numerous units added to electives.

SIS30612 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation

SIS30610 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation

E • No changes to qualification rules. • New and updated unit codes and titles in

core and electives. • Imported units updated.

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Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0.

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SIS30712 Certificate III in Sport Coaching

SIS30710 Certificate III in Sport Coaching

E • Qualification notes changed to better reflect

scope of practice. • Total number of units for completion the

same, however: o 2 units added to the core o 2 units deleted from electives.

• New and updated unit codes and titles in core and electives.

• Imported units updated. • Moved Group E and F (1 unit in each) to

General electives and renamed remaining groups.

• New elective group added Group I – Surfing.

SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer

SIS30810 Certificate III in Sports Trainer

E • OHS unit replaced with new WHS unit in the

core. • Numerous units added to electives.

SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating

Nil • New qualification.

SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation

SIS40410 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation

E • New and updated unit codes and titles in

core and electives. • Imported units updated. • The job role of grounds coordinator has been

deleted and replaced with recreation coordinator.

• Qualification packaging rules the same, however 2 units have been added to the core: o SISXFAC407 Plan and provide sport and

recreation services o SISXIND410 Coordinate sport, fitness

and recreation work teams or groups. • 2 units have been deleted from the core and

added to electives: o ICAU2006B Operate computing packages o SISXCCS402 Coordinate client services

• Numerous units added to electives.

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Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0.

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching

SIS40510 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching

E • Qualification notes changed to better reflect

scope of practice. • Qualification packaging rules the same. • Entry requirements added. • Imported units updated. • Unit added to the core:

o BSBRSK401A Identify risk and apply risk management processes.

• Unit deleted from the core: o SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of

activities. • New group added – Group H – Surfing: • New and updated unit codes and titles in

core and electives. • Elective groups from H to L renamed. • Numerous units added to the electives.

SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development

SIS40610 Certificate IV in Sport Development

E • Job roles added. • Qualification packaging rules changed. Total

number of units increased by 3 units: o 2 units added to the core o 1 unit added to the electives.

• New and updated unit codes and titles in core and electives.

• Imported units updated.

SIS50110 Diploma of Facility Management

• Deleted

SIS50410 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Administration

• Deleted

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Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0.

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching

SIS50510 Diploma of Sport Coaching

N • Job role revised to high performance coach. • Entry requirements added. • Qualification packaging rules changed. Total

number of units increased by 3 units: o 2 units added to the core o 1 unit added to the electives.

• New and updated unit codes and titles in core and electives.

• Imported units added.

SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development

SIS50610 Diploma of Sport Development

E • New unit SISXWHS402 Implement and

monitor work health and safety policies has been added to the core, and the unit SISXOHS402A Implement and monitor occupational health and safety policies has been deleted.

• The following units have been re-coded in the core due to renaming of Coaching General Principles (CGP) to Sport Coaching (SCO): o SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport

information o SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition

information to athletes. o SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt

principles of sports psychology • New and updated units added to General

electives. • Imported units updated.

SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management

N • New qualification which merges and

supersedes: o SIS50110 Diploma of Facility

Management o SIS50410 Diploma of Sport and

Recreation Administration Management.

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Units of Competency

The following list relates only to this submission.

SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent


SISSBSB205 Interpret and apply the rules of basketball

Nil New unit.

Sport Coaching

SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching practices

SISSCGP201A Apply legal and ethical coaching practices

N Competency outcome changed. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit. Element 1 Source and apply general information on coaching general principles and Element 2 Source and apply information on legal and ethical issues that impact on coaching revised to map directly to ASC Coaching General Principles course and specifically reference NSO requirements. Element 3 Develop Coaching practices PC 4 and 5 removed. Now included in SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice players to develop fundamental motor skills.

SISSCGP202A Reflect on professional coaching role and practice

Unit deleted. Content now included in SISSSCO411 Apply self- management to intermediate level coaching, and self-reflection aspects embedded in other units: SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills

SISSCGP303A Coach junior players to develop fundamental perceptual motor skills

N Competency outcome changed. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit. Unit rewritten to reflect that not only juniors need coaching in motor skills – beginners may be adolescents or older adults. Focus on session delivery incorporating risk management and a review aspect.

SISSCGP304A Coach junior sports players

Unit deleted.

SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs

SISSCGP305A Plan coaching programs for junior sports players

N Competency outcome changed. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit. Unit modified for generic application, not just junior players. Added delivery element to unit (previously only plan) and amended critical aspects accordingly.

SISSSCO304 Customise coaching for athletes with specific needs

SISSCGP306A Customise coaching for special needs groups

N Competency outcome changed. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit. Inclusive practices are now included in SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs and the focus of this unit is now on the additional skills and knowledge required to work with individual athletes with particular needs.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSSCO305 Implement selection policies

SISSCGP307A Implement selection policies

N Competency outcome changed. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit. Unit modified for broader application to include officials, coaches and support personnel as well as athletes. Performance criteria added.

SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport information

SISSCGP308A Provide drugs in sport information

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit.

SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition information to athletes

SISSCGP309A Develop nutritional strategies

E Updated to reflect current industry dietary and nutrition guidelines. No changes to competency outcome. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit.

SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt principles of sports psychology

SISSCGP310A Support athletes to adopt principles of sports psychology

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSSCO409 Work collaboratively with support personnel

SISSCGP411A Work with officials

N Competency outcome changed. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit. This unit has been modified to include other support personnel such as administrators, support staff and medical personnel.

SISSCGP412A Implement recovery programs

Unit deleted.

SISSSCO410 Implement a talent identification program

SISSCGP413A Implement a talent identification program

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Unit re-categorised from Coaching General Principles to Sport Coaching to better reflect the intent of the unit.

SISSCGP414A Implement water based training programs

Unit deleted.

SISSCGP515A Establish selection policies

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Unit re-categorised to Sports Administration field.

SISSSCO411 Apply self-management to intermediate level coaching

Nil New unit.

SISSSCO512 Assist athletes to prevent and manage injury and illness

Nil New unit.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSSCO513 Plan and implement high-performance training and recovery programs

SISXCAI507A Implement high-performance training programs

N Competency outcome changed. Re-categorised from Cross Sector Coaching and Instruction field to Sport Coaching field. Aspects from SISSCGP412A Implement recovery programs and SISSCGP414A Implement water based training programs have been included to reflect the more holistic approach that is now used by high performance coaches.

Sport Development

SISSSDE201 Communicate effectively with others in a sport environment

Nil New unit.

SISSSDE502 Design and implement strategies to increase participation

Nil New unit.

SISSSDE503 Develop volunteer management policies

SISSSPA507A Develop volunteer management policies

E Updated and equivalent. Re-categorised to Sport Development field.


SISSGLF201 Perform the A-Grade skills of golf

SISSGLF201A Perform the A Grade skills of golf

E No changes to competency outcome. Updated to differentiate unit from SISSGLF304A which is now replaced by SISSGLF314.

SISSGLF202 Apply the A-Grade tactics and strategies of golf

SISSGLF202A Apply the A Grade tactics and strategies of golf

E No changes to competency outcome. Updated to differentiate it from SISSGLF305A which is now replaced by SISSGLF315.

SISSGLF203A Interpret and apply the rules of golf at the A Grade level

Unit deleted. Now embedded within the unit SISSGLF316 Interpret and apply the rules of golf.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSGLF307 Participate in conditioning for golf

SISSGLF307A Participate in conditioning for golf

E No changes to competency outcome. Minor updates.

SISSGLF314 Perform the advanced skills of golf

SISSGLF304A Perform the advanced skills of golf

N Competency outcome changed. Female handicap requirements changed from 5 to 6.

SISSGLF315 Apply the advanced tactics and strategies of golf

SISSGLF305A Apply the advanced tactics and strategies of golf

N Competency outcome changed. This unit now references rounds instead of games. Major changes throughout the unit.

SISSGLF316 Interpret and apply the rules of golf

SISSGLF306A Interpret and apply the rules of golf at the advanced level

N Competency outcome changed. Title changed. Combined with SISSGLF203A Interpret and apply the rules of golf at the A Grade level, to make one unit. Major changes throughout the unit.

SISSGLF510 Fit and alter golf equipment

SISSGLF510A Fit and alter golf equipment

E No changes to competency outcome. Minor updates. Application statement modified.

SISSGLF512 Manage the structure and facilitation of golf competitions and tournaments

SISSGLF512A Manage the structure and facilitation of golf competitions and tournaments

E No changes to competency outcome. Minor changes to reflect application to those intending to pursue a career as a golf professional.

SISSGLF517 Apply advanced skills, tactics and strategies of golf in high performance competition

New unit.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSGLF518 Teach the advanced skills of golf

SISSGLF508A Teach the advanced skills of professional golf

N Competency outcome changed. Title changed. Major changes made to differentiate the unit from SISSGLF509A which is now replaced by SISSGLF519.

SISSGLF519 Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of golf

SISSGLF509A Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of professional golf

N Competency outcome changed. Title changed. Unit rewritten to reflect focus on the competition context.

SISSGLF520 Design and implement strategies to increase junior participation in golf

SISSGLF511A Develop and manage junior development programs in golf

N Competency outcome changed. Title changed. Major changes to include a more strategic and broader approach to increasing participation of juniors as well as skill development.

SISSGLF521 Manage on course golf operations

SISSGLF513A Manage on course golf retail operations

N Competency outcome changed. Title changed. Unit includes a more strategic and broader approach to on course operations to reflect current requirements of the role, rather than focussing on merchandising.

Sport Officiating SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge

New unit. Focuses on the legal and ethical requirements as well as the NOAS. Content maps directly to ASC Entry Level Officiating General Principles curriculum.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSSOF202 Officiate games or competitions

SISSOGP301A Conduct games or competitions

N Title changed to better reflect the intent of the unit. Competency outcome changed. Content modified to focus solely on the role of a ‘dynamic’ official such as a referee or umpire.

SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations

New unit. Focuses on the role of a ‘static’ official such as a judge or adjudicator.

SISSSOF304 Roster officials

New unit. Covers selection of officials and allocation to games and competitions.

SISSSOF305 Officiate in a high performance environment

New unit. Focuses on the skills and knowledge to operate as an official in a high performance environment. Based on ASC Advanced Officiating curriculum.

SISSSOF306 Apply self-management to enhance high performance officiating

New unit. Focuses on the skills and knowledge to sustain an official in a high performance environment, including personal development plans and psychological preparation. Based on ASC Advanced Officiating curriculum.

SISSSOF307 Coach Officials

New unit. Covers the role of an officials’ coach.

• SISSOGP402A Conduct a fitness and recovery program for sports officials

Unit Deleted.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

Sport Administration Unit moved SISSSPA507A Develop

volunteer management policies

E Updated and equivalent. Re-categorised to Sports Development field and recoded to SISSSDE503 Develop volunteer management policies.

Tennis SISSTNS201A Assist in

conducting tennis activities for beginner players

Unit deleted.

SISSTNS205 Interpret and apply the rules and regulations of tennis

SISSTNS202A Interpret and apply the rules of tennis

E Title changed to better reflect the intent of the unit. Code changed. Updated and equivalent.

SISSTNS206 Develop and update knowledge of tennis development programs

New unit.

SISSTNS303A Coach stroke production and tactics for junior tennis players

Unit deleted.

SISSTNS307 Coach red stage tennis players

New unit.

SISSTNS308 Coach orange stage tennis players

New unit.

SISSTNS309 Coach green stage tennis players

New unit.

SISSTNS410 Coach stroke production for intermediate tennis players

New unit.

SISSTNS411Coach tactics for intermediate tennis players

New unit.

SISSTNS512 Coach stroke production for high performance tennis players

New unit.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Sport

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N = not equivalent

SISSTNS513 Coach tactics for high performance tennis players

New unit.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

Coaching and Instruction SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities

SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome Reduction of repetition.

SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and recreation session

SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and recreation session

E No changes to competency outcome. Updated and equivalent. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCAI303A Plan and conduct sport and recreation sessions

SISXCAI303A Plan and conduct sport and recreation sessions

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCAI304A Plan and conduct sport and recreation programs

SISXCAI304A Plan and conduct sport and recreation programs

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCAI305A Conduct individualised long-term training programs

SISXCAI305A Conduct individualised long-term training programs

E No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCAI306A Facilitate groups

SISXCAI306A Facilitate groups

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCAI507A Implement high-performance training programs

N Competency outcome changed. Re-categorised to Sport and Coaching field SISSSCO513 Plan and implement high-performance training and recovery programs.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

Client and Customer Service SISXCCS201A Provide customer service

SISXCCS201A Provide customer service

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCCS202 Process entry transactions

SISXIND202A Process entry transactions

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition Re-categorised to Client and Customer Service field.

SISXCCS402A Coordinate client service activities

SISXCCS402A Coordinate client service activities

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCCS403A Determine needs of client populations

SISXCCS403A Determine needs of client populations

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXCCS404A Address client needs

SISXCCS404A Address client needs

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

Emergency Services SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations

SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXEMR402A Coordinate emergency responses

SISXEMR402A Coordinate emergency responses

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

Facility Management SISXFAC207 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation equipment for activities

SISXFAC201A Maintain sport and recreation equipment for activities

E Title changed to reflect Cross Sector application. Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXFAC208 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation facilities

SISXFAC202A Maintain sport and recreation facilities

E Title changed to reflect Cross Sector application. Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXFAC303A Implement facility maintenance programs

SISXFAC303A Implement facility maintenance programs

E Updated to reflect current industry practice and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXFAC404A Coordinate facility and equipment acquisition and maintenance

SISXFAC404A Coordinate facility and equipment acquisition and maintenance

E Updated to reflect current industry practice and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXFAC409 Plan and provide sport, fitness and recreation services

SISXFAC405A Plan and provide sport and recreation services

N Competency outcome changed. Additional requirements around assessing profitability, partnerships and reporting to reflect industry best practice.

SISXFAC506A Manage stock supply and purchase

SISXFAC506A Manage stock supply and purchase

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

Working in Industry SISXIND101A Work effectively in sport and recreation environments

SISXIND101A Work effectively in sport and recreation environments

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge

New unit.

SISXIND202A Process entry transactions

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition. Re-categorised to Client and Customer Service field and recoded to SISXCCS202 Process entry transactions.

SISXIND402 Analyse legal knowledge for organisation governance

Nil New unit.

SISXIND403A Analyse participation patterns

SISXIND403A Analyse participation patterns

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXIND404A Promote compliance with laws and legal principles

SISXIND404A Promote compliance with laws and legal principles

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXIND405A Conduct projects

SISXIND405A Conduct projects

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

SISXIND406A Manage projects

SISXIND406A Manage projects

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXIND408 Select and use technology for sport, fitness and recreation

Nil New unit.

SISXIND409 Organise a sport, fitness or recreation event

Nil New unit.

SISXIND410 Coordinate sport, fitness and recreation work teams or groups

Nil New unit.

SISXIND507A Manage education initiatives

SISXIND507A Manage education initiatives

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

Occupational Health and Safety SISXOHS101A Follow occupational health and safety policies

SISXOHS101A Follow occupational health and safety policies

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXOHS402A Implement and monitor occupational health and safety policies

SISXOHS402A Implement and monitor occupational health and safety policies

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXOHS503A Establish and maintain occupational health and safety systems

SISXOHS503A Establish and maintain occupational health and safety systems

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

Resource Management SISXRES301A Provide public education on the use of resources

SISXRES301A Provide public education on the use of resources

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRES402A Support implementation of environmental management practices

SISXRES402A Support implementation of environmental management practices

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRES403A Use resources efficiently

SISXRES403A Use resources efficiently

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRES504A Conserve and re-establish natural systems

SISXRES504A Conserve and re-establish natural systems

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRES505A Achieve sustainable land management

SISXRES505A Achieve sustainable land management

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRES506A Undertake open-space planning

SISXRES506A Undertake open-space planning

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRES507A Design and maintain the built environment

SISXRES507A Design and maintain the built environment

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

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SIS10 units of competency summary mapping table: Cross Sector

Code and Title SIS10 Version 2.0

Relates to SIS10 Version 1.3

Nature of Relationship E = equivalent N= not equivalent

Risk Management SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities

SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

SISXRSK502A Manage organisational risks

SISXRSK502A Manage organisational risks

E Updated and equivalent. No changes to competency outcome. Reduction of repetition.

Work Health and Safety SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies

Nil New unit. Based on but not equivalent to SISXOHS101A Follow occupational health and safety policies. Changes to address new national Work Health and Safety (WHS) Bill and updated legislation.

SISXWHS402 Implement and monitor work health and safety policies

Nil New unit. Based on but not equivalent to SISXOHS402A Implement and monitor occupational health and safety policies. Changes to address new national Work Health and Safety (WHS) Bill and updated legislation.

SISXWHS503 Establish and maintain work health and safety systems

Nil New unit. Based on but not equivalent to SISXOHS503A Establish and maintain occupational health and safety systems. Changes to address new national Work Health and Safety (WHS) Bill and updated legislation.

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Training Package modification history

Version Release Date


2.0 To be advised

Two deleted qualifications • SIS50110 Diploma of Facility Management • SIS50410 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Administration Two new qualifications • SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating • SIS50112 Diploma of Sports and Recreation Management Thirteen amended Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications • SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation • SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation • SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented

Participation • SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching • SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation • SIS30612 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented

Participation • SIS30712 Certificate III in Sport Coaching • SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer • SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation • SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching • SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development • SIS50412 Diploma of Sport Coaching • SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Development

Eight deleted Sport units • SISSCGP202A Reflect on professional coaching role and

practice • SISSCGP304A Coach junior sports players • SISSCGP412A Implement recovery programs • SISSCGP414A Implement water based training programs • SISSGLF203A Interpret and apply the rules of golf at the A

Grade level • SISSOGP402A Conduct a fitness and recovery program for

sports officials • SISSTNS201A Assist in conducting tennis activities for

beginner players • SISSTNS303A Coach stroke production and tactics for

junior tennis players

Forty-one New and Revised Sport Units • SISSBSB205 Interpret and apply the rules of basketball • SISSGLF314 Perform the advanced skills of golf • SISSGLF315 Apply the advanced tactics and strategies of


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• SISSGLF316 Interpret and apply the rules of golf • SISSGLF517 Apply advanced skills, tactics and strategies of

golf in high performance competition • SISSGLF518 Teach the advanced skills of golf • SISSGLF519 Teach the advanced tactics and strategies of

golf • SISSGLF520 Design and implement strategies to increase

junior participation in golf • SISSGLF521 Manage on course golf operations • SISSSCO101 Develop and update knowledge of coaching

practices • SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to

develop fundamental motor skills • SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs • SISSSCO304 Customise coaching for athletes with specific

needs • SISSSCO305 Implement selection policies • SISSSCO306 Provide drugs in sport information • SISSSCO307 Provide nutrition information to athletes • SISSSCO308 Support athletes to adopt principles of sports

psychology • SISSSCO409 Work collaboratively with support personnel • SISSSCO410 Implement a talent identification program • SISSSCO411 Apply self management to intermediate level

coaching • SISSSCO512 Assist athletes to prevent and manage injury

and illness • SISSSCO513 Plan and implement high-performance

training and recovery programs • SISSSDE201 Communicate effectively with others in a sport

environment • SISSSDE502 Design and implement strategies to increase

participation • SISSSDE503 Develop volunteer management policies • SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge • SISSSOF202 Officiate games or competitions • SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations • SISSSOF304 Roster officials • SISSSOF305 Officiate in a high performance environment • SISSSOF306 Apply self-management to enhance high

performance officiating • SISSSOF307 Coach officials • SISSTNS205 Interpret and apply the rules and regulations

of tennis • SISSTNS206 Develop and update knowledge of tennis

development programs • SISSTNS307 Coach red stage tennis players • SISSTNS308 Coach orange stage tennis players • SISSTNS309 Coach green stage tennis players

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Version Release Date


• SISSTNS410 Coach stroke production for intermediate tennis players

• SISSTNS411 Coach tactics for intermediate tennis players • SISSTNS512 Coach stroke production for high performance

tennis players • SISSTNS513 Coach tactics for high performance tennis

players Two deleted Sport skill sets • General Officiating • Tennis Officiating Ten new Sport skill sets • Coaching - Advanced Coach • Coaching - Community Coach • Coaching - Intermediate Coach • Officiating – Advanced • Officiating – Basketball Referee • Officiating - Dynamic • Officiating - Static • Organisation Governance - Board • Organisation Governance – Committee • Tennis – Community Coach One revised Sport skill set

• Golf Officiating

Thirteen New and Revised Cross Sector Units

• SISXCCS202 Process entry transactions • SISXCCS405 Coordinate client services • SISXFAC207 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation

equipment for activities • SISXFAC208 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation facilities • SISXFAC409 Plan and provide sport, fitness and recreation

services • SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and

recreation industry knowledge • SISXIND402 Analyse legal knowledge for organisation

governance • SISXIND408 Select and use technology for sport, fitness

and recreation • SISXIND409 Organise a sport, fitness or recreation event • SISXIND410 Coordinate sport, fitness and recreation work

teams or groups • SISXWHS101 Follow work health and safety policies • SISXWHS402 Implement and monitor work health and

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safety policies • SISXWHS503 Establish and maintain work health and

safety systems

ISC Upgrades Six Sport Units ISC upgrades • SISSGLF201 Perform the A-Grade skills of golf • SISSGLF202 Apply the A-Grade tactics and strategies of golf • SISSGLF307 Participate in conditioning for golf • SISSGLF510 Fit and alter golf equipment • SISSGLF512 Manage the structure and facilitation of golf

competitions and tournaments Thirty-three Cross Sector Units ISC Upgrades • SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities • SISXCAI102A Assist in preparing and conducting sport and

recreation session • SISXCAI303A Plan and conduct sport and recreation

sessions • SISXCAI304A Plan and conduct sport and recreation

programs • SISXCAI305A Conduct individual long-term training

programs • SISXCAI306A Facilitate groups • SISXCCS201A Provide customer service • SISXCCS402A Coordinate client service activities • SISXCCS403A Determine needs of client populations • SISXCCS404A Address client needs • SISXEMR201A Respond to emergency situations • SISXEMR402A Coordinate emergency responses • SISXFAC303A Implement facility maintenance programs • SISXFAC404A Coordinate facility and equipment acquisition

and maintenance • SISXFAC506A Manage stock supply and purchase • SISXIND101A Work effectively in sport and recreation

environments • SISXIND403A Analyse participation patterns • SISXIND404A Promote compliance with laws and legal

principles • SISXIND405A Conduct projects • SISXIND406A Manage projects • SISXIND510A Manage education initiatives • SISXOHS101A Follow occupational health and safety

policies • SISXOHS402A Implement and monitor occupational health

and safety policies • SISXOHS503A Establish and maintain occupational health

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Version Release Date


and safety systems • SISXRES301A Provide public education on the use of

resources • SISXRES402A Support implementation of environmental

management practices • SISXRES403A Use resources efficiently • SISXRES504A Conserve and re-establish natural systems • SISXRES505A Achieve sustainable land management • SISXRES506A Undertake open-space planning • SISXRES507A Design and maintain the built environment • SISXRSK301A Undertake risk analysis of activities • SISXRSK502A Manage organisational risks

Outdoor Recreation Skill Sets – ISC Upgrade Numerous ISC upgrades have been made to the Outdoor Recreation Skill Sets. Refer to Volume 1 for detailed information.

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Appendix B - Quality Assurance Reports

• Quality Review

o SSA contracted the Quality Assurance Panel member Nicola Burridge of TMI Management Solution to conduct the independent Quality/Holistic Review of SIS10 Version 2.0 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training package. The review is attached.

• Editorial Report

o The editorial report was undertaken by SSA’s internal quality technical area. The report is attached.

• Equity Report

o The equity report was undertaken by SSA’s internal quality technical area. The report is attached.

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Quality Review

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PR E P A R E D F O R SE R V IC E SK I L L S AU S T R A L I A B Y: Nicola Burridge TMI Management Solutions September 2012

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Training Package title and code Sport Recreation and Fitness Training Package (SIS10) Version 2

Number of new or revised qualifications or total number if a whole Training Package review

2 new qualifications SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management 13 revised qualifications SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation SIS30612 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation SIS30712 Certificate III in Sport Coaching SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development

Number of new or revised units or total number if a whole Training Package review

29 new units of competency 35 revised units of competency

Sampling size of units 10 units

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Summary of comments including a definitive statement on whether the draft endorsed components meet the Training Package Quality Principles in Section 2

The panel member has reviewed draft units of competency, qualifications and the case for endorsement for the draft components. Service Skills Australia has undertaken internal equity & editing reviews. Responsiveness • Revisions to SIS10 are a direct response to stakeholder feedback.

• There has been active industry involvement and appropriate consultation with key stakeholders. Recognition • Connectivity is recognised through the inclusion of cross-industry units, and units from related industries.

• A key focus of this work has been to draw better links between the Training Package and important

industry recognition schemes for the accreditation of coaches and officials, but there is something of a

mismatch between industry ‘levels’ and the AQF (see below for details); in terms of alignment, it is also

true that the SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development (an existing qualification with few changes) does

not seem to have sufficient rigour for a Diploma qualification, and that the SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport

and Recreation includes a First Aid unit that is not really appropriate at that level.

• While new skills sets have been developed for SIS10 Version 2, they have not formed part of this review. Flexibility

• Qualifications vary in their level of flexibility, as some reflect very specific roles (e.g. coaching) and others

are very broad (e.g. sport and recreation).

• While qualifications appear to allow for one third electives and one sixth of units to be selected from any

Training Package or accredited course, there are limitations on this flexibility in many cases because of

sports specific elective requirements and pre-requisite units (see below for details).

• Some units have pre-requisite units, including a hierarchy of pre-requisites in the new tennis units

• A number of qualifications have entry requirements – strictly speaking, these are not expressed according

to policy, but seem valid as they meet particular industry requirements. Functionality: • Units are clearly written and generally support sound assessment with specific guidance for users

• Units are in the CAT format.

• In the view of the panel member, the content of some units is packaged in qualifications at too low a level,

or content could be amended to more clearly indicate the limited scope of functions being performed. In summary, draft components mainly meet Training Package quality principles, with some divergences - variations from packaging flexibility rules due to industry-specific requirements and pre-requisites; a sometimes uneasy alignment against the AQF; and minor divergence in expression of entry requirements.

Panel member completing Quality Report Nicola Burridge, TMI Management Solutions

Statement confirming Panel member has not been involved in the development or validation activities associated with this Training Package

Nicola Burridge has not been involved in development or validation activities associated with this Training Package

Date completed 20 September 2012

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The endorsed components of a Training Package must …

How do the endorsed components of a Training Package achieve this?

Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet the Quality Principles with specific reference to the evidence provided

Reflect contemporary work organisation and job profiles incorporating a futures orientation

Open and inclusive consultation and validation commensurate with scope and impact is conducted Other national and international standards for skills are considered

Be driven by industry’s needs

Clever, sustainable approaches to incorporate feedback from stakeholders


…to the needs of

contemporary industry and its


Respond to government broad policy initiatives

Innovative responses to government policy initiatives

• Draft components comprise revisions to SIS10, the need for which was identified by

RTO and industry stakeholders early in implementation of the first release of this

Training Package. In particular, changes relate to:

• improving the sport and recreation qualification structures to reflect better

industry needs and coverage with more sport specific content

• re-inclusion of sport officiating units

• providing a greater focus on legal and governance issues

• updating sport specific units to reflect current practice (e.g. changes to golf and

basketball units and complete re-write of tennis units to meet new Tennis

Australia ‘levels’)

• improving the alignment between the training package units and the industry

accepted accreditation schemes.

• Consultation processes have been appropriate to scope of development

• Think tanks attended by 26 organisations were held in Sydney and Melbourne

• There was involvement of several key industry groups (e.g. Australian Sports

Commission, Tennis Australia, Basketball Australia)

• Drafts were distributed widely for comment to broader stakeholders

• SSA’s Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) acted as a reference group for the

project and made decisions on issues where there were varying stakeholder

perspectives. This Committee includes a range of industry organisations.

• A feedback register was used for the project to record comments, though this did

not include detail of responses to all issues raised. Recognise convergence and connectivity of skills

Incorporation of cross industry units and qualifications


..of an individual’s

competence across industries and occupations

Support movement of skills within and across organisations and sectors

Clear and consistent packaging rules for qualifications Qualification framework and pathways are effectively designed Incorporation of skill sets

• Connectivity with other occupations is recognised in the proposed content. In

particular, qualifications either include or offer as electives:

• cross-industry units from packages such as Business Services and Information

and Communications Technology

• units from related industries such as hospitality and events

• There are some challenges around qualification alignment against the AQF. Sport

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Promote national and international portability

Qualification outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework Other national and international standards for skills are considered

Reflect licensing and regulatory requirements

Solutions to incorporate licensing and regulatory requirements are brokered

industry accreditation and registration systems have multiple levels, but these do

not align with the AQF. Trying to reflect accreditation levels in the VET framework

leads to something of a square pegs in round holes situation and is an ongoing


• In the panel member’s opinion, some SIS10 units are first packaged at AQF levels

lower than content analysis would support. For example, officiating and coaching

units where a person is required to judge performances, handle disputes (first

packaged at Certificate II with an introductory unit first packaged at Certificate I).

SSA advises that this approach directly relates to the need to strengthen links with

industry accreditation schemes.

• The SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation includes a First Aid unit in the

core, which is not really appropriate at this level. This was raised as an issue in

Northern Territory, but the IAC made the decision to retain the unit because of the

importance of First Aid across the industry.

• At the opposite end of the spectrum, the content of the proposed SIS50512 Diploma

of Sport Development seem to lack rigour and includes more units first packaged at

Cert 3 than in the SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development. SSA advises that

the original intent was to remove this qualification. However, there was resistance

from some RTOs, so the IAC decided to retain it and mark as an area for continuous


• Sport and Recreation qualifications include job roles that do not seem to be part of

the Sport and Recreation industry. While multiskilling is important in the industry, it

seems odd that people working in retail or hospitality roles would require a sport and

recreation qualification rather than a retail or hospitality one

• There are no licensing requirements that affect the job roles in the draft

components. However, industry accreditation and registration is very important in

the sport industry, especially in the areas of coaching and officiating. New officiating

units have been developed to link with Australian Sports Commission levels and

definitions The panel member has suggested that these links could be made clearer

in relevant units.

• New skill sets have been developed in SIS10 Version 2, but these have not formed

part of the holistic quality review.

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Meet the diversity of individual and enterprise needs

Clear and consistent packaging rules for qualifications Provide flexible qualifications that enable application in different contexts

Support equitable access and progression of learners

Provide multiple entry and exit points1. Pre and co-requisite units of competency are minimized Units of competency are clearly written and have consistent breadth and depth


…to meet individual

enterprise and learner needs

Support learner transition between education sectors

Advice is provided on implementation/pathways

• It first appears that qualifications meet flexibility requirements with at least one third

of units as electives and one sixth of electives able to be selected from other

qualifications within the host Training Package, another Training Package, or from

accredited courses. However, as raised in equity review, the structure of sport-

specific elective groups and the presences of pre-requisite requirements means that

in some cases there are actually no ‘free’ electives; and in one case, the sport-

specific requirement exceeds the number of electives when pre-requisites are

counted – however, these sport-specific requirements are considered vital:

• For example, SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation – due

to the larger size of some of the Elective groups (e.g. Group A – AFL) and the

prerequisite requirements of some of the General electives (e.g. SISSSCO202),

depending on which Elective group a learner selects to complete the learner may

not be able to select from the full range of General electives within the packaging

rule requirements. This applies to other sport qualifications.

• For example, SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching – Due to the number of

prerequisites, learners who select Group B – Golf or Group F – Tennis, are unable

to select any units from the range of General electives as the elective

requirements of the packaging rules have already been met (or exceeded)

• More broadly and separate to the point above, in the view of the panel member, the

free electives are quite restricted, as in some qualifications those free electives must

be units first packaged at the level of the qualification with no flexibility around

selecting units from different levels to suit the outcome required.

• Most qualifications allow for direct entry, though some officiating and coaching

qualifications have entry requirements. In the coaching qualifications, the

requirements are expressed as First Aid and CPR certification combined with selected

units of competency, industry accreditation and ‘playing or coaching experience’. The

playing and coaching experience is not defined and is quite open to interpretation.

Strictly speaking, these entry requirements do not meet policy requirements,

however they are strongly supported by industry.

• SIS10 does include pre-requisite units, and some are found in the content being

submitted for endorsement, including in the new tennis units, which have a hierarchy

of pre-requisites. The holistic QA reviewer questioned the need for these and SSA

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has advised that these must be maintained, in part due to the high levels of risk and

to meet industry requirements. At the time of review, qualifications did not identify

prerequisite unit requirements, and SSA has advised these will be added. Support implementation across a range of settings

Advice is provided on implementation/pathways

Support sound assessment practice

Units of competency are clearly written and have consistent breadth and depth


…through ease of understanding,

clever design and consistency with

policy and publication


Not impose structural barriers to implementation

Clear and consistent packaging rules for qualifications Compliance with the National Training Information System (NTIS)/National Register standard for loading and publication Compliance with Training Package policy

• Units of competency are generally clearly written and support sound assessment:

• expression of requirements across units is consistent

• knowledge and skills requirements are generally specific, and therefore provide

sound guidance to users about scope and depth

• critical aspects of assessment and context of assessment statements provide unit

specific information

• Some improvements suggested to SSA include:

• Removing justification statements in titles and in many areas of Required


• Clarifying application in officiating descriptors to make the links clearer around

differences between static and dynamic officials

• Checking for consistent expression in Required Skills and Evidence Guides

• Draft units of competency are in CAT format

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SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package Version 2.0 Case For Endorsement

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Editorial Report

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Training Package title and code SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package Version 2

Number of new or revised qualifications or total number if a whole Training Package review

15 new or revised qualifications:

• 10 Sport qualifications

• 5 Sport and Recreation qualifications.

13 new or revised Sport skill sets

2 new or revised Outdoor Recreation skill sets

Number of new or revised units or total number if a whole Training Package review

63 new and revised units:

• 13 Sport Coaching units

• 3 Sport Development units

• 8 Sport Officiating units

• 3 Basketball units

• 13 Golf units

• 10 Tennis units

• 13 Cross Sector units.

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Sampling size of units 1 20 units were sampled, from the across the following unit sectors:

• Sport Coaching (3)

• Sport Officiating (3)

• Basketball (3)

• Golf (3)

• Tennis (3)

• Cross Sector (5)

Units sampled:

SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills

SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs

SISSSCO305 Implement selection policies

SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge

SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations

SISSSOF307 Coach officials

SISSBSB201A Teach fundamental basketball skills

SISSBSB203 Interpret and apply the rules of basketball

1 The size of sample should be commensurate with the number of units of competency being put forward for endorsement and be drawn from the breadth of qualifications involved in the submission. Typically, this should mean that where there are: less than 10 units of competency – sample all units; between 10 – 100 units of competency – sample a minimum of 10 units; between 100 – 250 units of competency – sample 10% of units; greater than 250 units of competency – sample 5% - 10% of units. The exact number of units to be sampled must be confirmed with the ISC before commencing the work.

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SISSBSB305 Teach intermediate level basketball tactics and game strategy

SISSGLF201 Perform the A-Grade skills of golf

SISSGLF202 Apply the A-Grade tactics and strategies of golf

SISSGLF508 Teach the advanced skills of golf

SISSTNS201 Conduct red stage tennis activities

SISSTNS509 Coach stroke production for high performance tennis players

SISSTNS510 Coach tactics for high performance tennis players

SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge

SISXIND402 Analyse legal knowledge for organisation governance

SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities

SISXRES504A Conserve and re-establish natural systems

SISXWHS503 Establish and maintain work health and safety systems

Summary of comments including a definitive statement on whether the draft endorsed components meet the requirements in Section 2

The draft endorsed components meet the requirements in Section 2.

Person completing the Editorial Report and organisation. 2

Joy Harris, Quality Assurance Technical Officer, Service Skills Australia

2 Persons not a member of the Panel are required to provide the following additional information: demonstrated experience in editing technical and industry publications, preferably including education and/or training; demonstrated commitment by the applicant to ongoing professional development; details of relevant qualifications and/or professional membership(s).

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Date completed Wednesday, 19th September 2012



Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of the Editorial Requirements


1. Draft endorsed components have been proofread and edited against Training Package Development Handbook policy by the ISC/developer prior to the formal Editorial review.


2. Draft components are compliant with the most recent CAT template OR are in the format agreed between the developer and the Department (check confirmation of agreement if the latter)


3. Training Package information is sequenced correctly and is complete


4. Training Package code (and review date if NQC Endorsement Required) is included and confirmed with ISC as being correct


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Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of the Editorial Requirements

5. Preliminary pages and ‘Introduction’ include a. information on changes from the previous

Training Package and transition information ie. mapping table

b. A modification history c. A description of specific Training Package

industry coverage

a. Mapping tables for qualifications and units of competency are included providing transition information. A summary of the changes to the Training Package from the previous version is also provided.

b. Modification history is included for each individual qualification and unit of competency, and a detailed modification history is included in the Preliminary pages of the Training Package

c. A description of the Sport, Fitness and Recreation industries is included with clear descriptions of the key sectors covered by the Training Package: Sport, Recreation, Community Recreation and Fitness. The description provides details of characteristics of participation in this industry and workforce characteristics.

6. Information on qualifications suitable for VET in schools is included in the Qualification Framework section

Qualifications suitable for VET in Schools delivery are identified in the Qualification descriptors. The following qualifications are suitable for VET in Schools:

• SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation

• SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

• SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation

• SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching

7. Information on Australian Apprenticeships is included in the Qualification Framework section

Qualifications suitable for Australian Apprenticeships are identified in the Qualification descriptors.

All qualifications in SIS10 are suitable for an Australian Apprenticeship pathway however the following qualifications are not suitable for School Based Traineeships/Apprenticeships:

SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer

SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development

SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development

SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management

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Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of the Editorial Requirements


8. Has any additional industry specific information/ examples been added to the mandatory Assessment Guidelines text? Is this consistent with the mandatory text?



9. Unit codes and titles are consistent with Training Package Development Handbook policy, and are accurately cross-referenced throughout the mapping documents, packaging rules, Index and any reference to pre or co-requisite units


10. Units of competency and their content are inserted in full, including any imported units of competency


List of imported units specifically included in the Training Package is included in the Preliminary section of the Training Package identifying the parent training package. Imported units are available on

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Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of the Editorial Requirements

11. Units of competency have all necessary components, including:

• Unit descriptor (including licensing/regulatory advice)

• Employability skills

• Pre-requisite units (optional)

• Application of the competency

• Competency field (optional)

• Sector (optional)

• Elements of competency

• Performance criteria

• Required skills and knowledge

• Range statement

• Evidence guide, including:

• Critical aspects of evidence and assessment;

• Conditions under which competency may be assessed;

• Relationship to other units, including co-requisites;

• Resource implications.


12. If not using the CAT template, the unit of competency elements and performance criteria are consistent with numbering conventions.

Units are in CAT format

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13. Qualification codes and titles are consistent with Training Package Development Handbook policy, and are accurately cross referenced throughout the Training Package and index


14. Packaging rules and contextualisation advice are consistent with Training Package Development Handbook policy


15. A qualification pathways chart is inserted



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16. Skill Sets have been noted in the qualifications framework where applicable

skill sets are included in the Training Package, including 16 new skill sets:

• Sport

o Sports Medicine Australia Level 1 Sports Trainer

o Rugby Union Officiating

o Surf Life Saving Officiating

o Golf Officiating

o Officiating – Basketball Referee

o Organisation Governance – Board

o Organisation Governance – Committee

o Community Coach

o Intermediate Coach

o Advanced Coach

o Officiating – Dynamic

o Officiating – Static

o Advanced Officiating

o Community Coach - Tennis

• Outdoor Recreation o Wilderness First Aid

o Climbing Instructor (Natural Surfaces) Single Pitch Lead

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17. Skill Sets do not purport to be qualifications or contain electives


18. Skill Sets clearly identify licensing/regulatory advice where applicable

Skill sets clearly identify licensing/regulatory advice where applicable.

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SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package Version 2.0 Case For Endorsement

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Equity Report

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Training Package title and code SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package Version 2

Number of new or revised qualifications or total number if a whole Training Package review

15 qualifications:

• SIS10112 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation

• SIS20312 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation

• SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation

• SIS20512 Certificate II in Sport Coaching

• SIS30512 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation

• SIS30612 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation

• SIS30712 Certificate III in Sport Coaching

• SIS30812 Certificate III in Sports Trainer

• SIS30912 Certificate III in Sport Officiating

• SIS40412 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation

• SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching

• SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development

• SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching

• SIS50612 Diploma of Sport Development

• SIS50712 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Management.

13 new or revised Sport skill sets:

• Rugby Union Officiating

• Surf Life Saving Officiating

• Golf Officiating

• Officiating – Basketball Referee

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• Organisation Governance – Board

• Organisation Governance – Committee

• Community Coach

• Intermediate Coach

• Advanced Coach

• Officiating – Dynamic

• Officiating – Static

• Advanced Officiating

• Community Coach - Tennis

2 New or revised Outdoor Recreation skill sets

• Wilderness First Aid

• Climbing Instructor (Natural Surfaces) Single Pitch Lead

Number of new or revised units or total number if a whole Training Package review

63 new and revised units:

• 13 Sport Coaching units • 3 Sport Development units • 8 Sport Officiating units • 3 Basketball units • 13 Golf units • 10 Tennis units • 13 Cross Sector units.

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Sampling size of units1 20 units were sampled, from the across the following unit sectors:

• Sport Coaching (3)

• Sport Officiating (3)

• Basketball (3)

• Golf (3)

• Tennis (3)

• Cross Sector (5)

Units sampled:

SISSSCO202 Coach beginner or novice participants to develop fundamental motor skills

SISSSCO303 Plan and deliver coaching programs

SISSSCO305 Implement selection policies

SISSSOF101 Develop and update officiating knowledge

SISSSOF203 Judge competitive situations

SISSSOF307 Coach officials

SISSBSB201A Teach fundamental basketball skills

SISSBSB203 Interpret and apply the rules of basketball

1 The size of sample should be commensurate with the number of units of competency being put forward for endorsement and be drawn from the breadth of qualifications involved in the submission. Typically, this should mean that where there are: less than 10 units of competency – sample all units; between 10 – 100 units of competency – sample a minimum of 10 units; between 100 – 250 units of competency – sample 10% of units; greater than 250 units of competency – sample 5% - 10% of units. The exact number of units to be sampled must be confirmed with the ISC before commencing the work.

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SISSBSB305 Teach intermediate level basketball tactics and game strategy

SISSGLF201 Perform the A-Grade skills of golf

SISSGLF202 Apply the A-Grade tactics and strategies of golf

SISSGLF508 Teach the advanced skills of golf

SISSTNS201 Conduct red stage tennis activities

SISSTNS509 Coach stroke production for high performance tennis players

SISSTNS510 Coach tactics for high performance tennis players

SISXIND211 Develop and update sport, fitness and recreation industry knowledge

SISXIND402 Analyse legal knowledge for organisation governance

SISXCAI101A Provide equipment for activities

SISXRES504A Conserve and re-establish natural systems

SISXWHS503 Establish and maintain work health and safety systems

Summary of comments including a definitive statement on whether the draft endorsed components meet the requirements in Section 2


• The fifteen (15) qualifications meet requirements regarding choice of electives and required ratio of core and elective units, including offering units from accredited courses as an option. The Training Package references units that can be imported from other current Training Packages.

• However, in some qualifications the learner’s choice to select from the range of elective options is restricted. o For example, SIS20412 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation – Due to the larger size of

some of the Elective groups (e.g. Group A – AFL) and the prerequisite requirements of some of the General electives (e.g. SISSSCO202), depending on which Elective group a learner selects to complete the learner may not be able to select from the full range of General electives within the packaging rule requirements. This applies to other sport qualifications.

o For example, SIS50512 Diploma of Sport Coaching – Due to the number of prerequisites, learners who select Group B – Golf or Group F – Tennis, are unable to select any units from the range of General

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electives as the elective requirements of the packaging rules have already been met

• The qualifications are applicable in a range of sport and recreation contexts as described in the qualification descriptors. The qualifications meet a range of job outcomes and support a wide range of career paths.

• Some qualifications (e.g. SIS40512 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching) include entry requirements that have been added in this review.

• Pathways information is provided in a pathways diagram for each Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package sector. Australian Apprenticeship pathways and Vet in Schools pathways are identified in each qualification descriptor as appropriate.

• However, information is not provided in the qualification descriptors or elsewhere in the Training Package detailing pathways into qualifications or pathways from the qualifications.


• Prerequisites are kept to a minimum throughout the package and are only included if it is necessary to develop a primary skill and required knowledge before progressing.

• However, some sport specific units, including the new and/or revised golf and tennis units include a hierarchy of prerequisites that have been determined by the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) that administers these sports.

• Co-requisites are not required for any units.

Skill Sets

• The skill sets support equitable access and meet a range of job outcomes.

Person completing the Equity Report and organisation. 2

Joy Harris, Quality Assurance Technical Officer, Service Skills Australia

Date completed Tuesday, 19th September 2012

2 Persons not a member of the Panel are required to provide the following additional information: demonstrated experience in analysis of equity issues in the training or educational context; demonstrated understanding of vocational education and training; demonstrated commitment by the person to ongoing professional development; details of relevant qualifications and/or professional membership(s).

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SIS10 V2– Equity Report


EQUITY REQUIREMENTS COMMENTS Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of

the Equity Requirements

Endorsed components of a Training Package must … reflect contemporary work organisation

1. Is there clear information on:

the nature of the workforce, including public and private sector, full and part time workers, permanent and casual staff, age breakdowns?

A description of the Sport, Fitness and Recreation industries is included with clear descriptions of the key sectors covered by the Training Package: Sport, Recreation, Community Recreation and Fitness, and the involvement of the public and private sector. The description provides details of characteristics of participation in this industry and workforce characteristics, including:

• paid employment

• employment outlook

• age profile

• retention

• involvement of volunteers

the cultural diversity of the workforce and under-represented groups? No information is provided in the overview of the Training Package regarding the cultural diversity of the workforce and under-represented groups. However, these are clearly identified in the Range Statement of many units within the Training Package.

2. Is there evidence that the consultation and validation processes included under-represented groups?

For example, through lead agencies, individuals and groups in workplaces.

Documentation indicates that SIS10 V2 draft endorsed material was made available on the project feedback register as part of the consultation and validation process.

The Consultation Summary document indicates that under-represented groups were consulted via lead agencies, for example:

• CHARTTES Training Advisory Council, NT – the Board includes the Indigenous Development Coordinator and the Indigenous Sport Officer for the Department of Natural Resources, Environment, the Arts and Sport.

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SIS10 V2– Equity Report

EQUITY REQUIREMENTS COMMENTS Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of

the Equity Requirements

Endorsed components of a Training Package must … meet the diversity of individual and enterprise needs

3. Are the units of competency written clearly and concisely so that they can be correctly and consistently interpreted by users?


4. Can the content of the units of competency easily be made culturally appropriate?


5. Are the Performance Criteria inclusive of other concepts of ‘organisation’ or ‘workplace’?


Endorsed components of a Training Package must … support equitable access and progression of learners

6. If competency standards include stand-alone communication units, have they been developed for use at a range of qualification levels?


7. Has the wording in the units of competency been written to ensure inclusivity of equity groups where possible?


8. Are the language, literacy and numeracy skills required to complete the workplace tasks described and appropriate for the qualification outcome?


9. Does the language, literacy and numeracy content in the units of competency reflect the level of importance/centrality of those competencies to the workplace task?


10. Are the items specified in the Required Skills and Knowledge section clear and necessary to achieve the unit outcomes?


11. Are the Performance Criteria specific enough to convey meaning?


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SIS 10 V2 Equity Report

SIS10 V2– Equity Report

EQUITY REQUIREMENTS COMMENTS Provide brief commentary on the whether the draft endorsed components meet each of

the Equity Requirements

12. Do the units of competency make clear whether a person needs to read and comprehend workplace documentation or whether the issue is one of awareness of its existence relevant to the job role and where it can be sourced?


Endorsed components of a Training Package must … support implementation across a range of settings

13. Are all the critical terms and phrases in the Performance Criteria (written in bold and italics) further defined in the Range Statement?


14. Does the Range Statement cater for reasonable adjustment by allowing for different work environments and situations that may affect performance?


Endorsed components of a Training Package must … support sound assessment practice

15. Is the suggested Method of Assessment in the Evidence Guide an appropriate way to assess performance for the Unit of Competence?


16. Does the suggested Method of Assessment in the Evidence Guide provide flexibility suitable for equity groups, in particular Indigenous people, people with a disability, inclusive of gender and other cultures?


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Appendix C - Letters of Support

This section includes the following letters of support

• Australian Services Union • Australian Sports Commission • Basketball Australia • Fitness Australia • NSW Sports Federation • Outdoor Council of Australia • Professional Golfers Association • QLD Skills Alliance • Sport SA • Tennis Australia

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Page 1 of 1

Karen Beattie Senior Project Officer, Training Packages Service Skills Australia GPO Box 4194 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Dear Karen I am pleased to provide the Australian Sports Commission’s support for the proposed changes to the SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package identified through the continuous improvement project, in particular the coaching and officiating units and qualifications. The revisions to the sport qualifications (for example, Certificate II, III, IV and Diploma in Sport Coaching) now match contemporary practices and will better meet the needs of the sport sector. The SIS10 Version 2 better aligns with the Commission’s National Coaching Accreditation Scheme and National Officiating Accreditation Scheme. Service Skills Australia’s consultation with the Commission was extensive over the recent 12 month period, and included targeted meetings across a range of subject matter with key staff of the Commission. In turn, the Commission provided all National Sporting Organisations recognised by the Commission with the opportunity to provide feedback on drafts. If you require any further information, please contact me as below: Phone: 02 6214 7330 Email: [email protected] Yours sincerely

Kevin Thompson Director Workforce Development Support Australian Sports Commission 19 September 2012

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15th October, 2012

Ms. Karen Beattie

Senior Project Officer,

Training Packages

Service Skills Australia

Dear Karen

RE: Support for Version 2 - SIS10 Sport, Fitness & Recreation Training Package

Fitness Australia is the national health and fitness industry association working for a

fitter, healthier Australia. Fitness Australia is a not-for-profit, member-based

association with over 1,200 registered fitness business members and 26,000

registered exercise professionals Australia-wide.

Fitness Australia supports the changes in SIS10 Version 2, identified through the

continuous improvement process.

Fitness Australia has been consulted throughout the Version 2 continuous

improvement project and supports the endorsement of the SIS10 Version 2 Sport,

Fitness and Recreation Training Package.

Yours sincerely,

Craig Knox

General Manager – Industry Development

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10 October 2012

Ms Karen Beattie

Senior Project Officer

Training Packages

Service Skills Australia

GPO Box 4194


Dear Karen,

Support for Version 2 of the SIS10 Sport, Fitness & Recreation Training Package

The NSW Sports Federation is the peak body for sport in New South Wales operating as an

independent non-for-profit organisation. The Federation is responsible to more than 80 state

sporting organisations that deliver sport in the jurisdiction of New South Wales.

The NSW Sports Federation supports the changes in SIS10 Version 2, identified through

the continuous improvement process. The revisions to the Sport, and Sport & Recreation

qualifications are now better aligned to meet contemporary industry needs and practices.

The SIS10 Version 2 provides harmonisation with sport industry accreditation schemes, and

the re-insertion of officiating units and qualification achieves the necessary requirements.

The NSW Sports Federation has been consulted throughout the Version 2 continuous

improvement project and is pleased to support the endorsement of the SIS10 Version 2

Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package.

Kind regards,

Ross Turner

Chief Executive Officer

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10th October 2012

Karen Beattie

Senior Project Officer, Training Packages

Service Skills Australia

GPO Box 4194


Dear Karen RE: Support for Version 2 of the SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package The Outdoor Council of Australia supports the changes in SIS10 Version 2, identified through the continuous improvement process. The revisions to the Sport, and Sport & Recreation, qualifications are now better aligned to meet contemporary industry needs and practices. The SIS10 Version 2 provides harmonisation with sport industry accreditation schemes, and the re-insertion of officiating units and qualifications fills much needed industry gaps. While adjustments and refinements in unit titles, skill sets and packaging remain, the OCA acknowledges improvement has been made. The Outdoor Council of Australia has been consulted throughout the Version 2 continuous improvement project and is willing to support the endorsement of the SIS10 Version 2 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package. We however remain committed to a more detailed and timely review in the near future to rectify existing issues. Kind Regards

Ken Pullen President, Outdoor Council of Australia

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19th September 2012

Karen Beattie Senior Project Officer, Training Packages [email protected]

Re: Support of SIS10 Training Package - Version 2 Dear Karen, On behalf of the PGA, I would like to endorse the changes being put forward as part of the SIS10 Training Package - Version 2. The PGA is very supportive of the work that has been done on various aspects of the package. The process of engaging industry stakeholders for consultation and feedback has been very thorough and we believe this has resulted in a vastly improved version. Sincerely, Craig Sharp Executive Officer - Training and Education

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8 June, 2012 Karen Beattie Senior Project Manager Service Skills Australia [email protected] Dear Karen, The purpose of this correspondence to provide Tennis Australia’s support for the suggested changes to the SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package identified through the continuous improvement project, in particular the coaching and officiating units. The revisions to the sport qualifications (for example, Certificate II, III, IV and Diploma in Sport Coaching) now match contemporary practices and will better meet the needs of our sport. Tennis Australia was represented at the two Think Tanks in 2011 by Andrea Buckeridge. These Think Tanks allowed an opportunity to be part of the discussion with representatives from other sports and industry stakeholders and to provide feedback on the suggested revisions to the training package. We were also very fortunate to have the assistance of Shirley Brown over a number of days to plan a pathway for tennis coaches from Certificate II through to Diploma level. Shirley has been invaluable in assisting us to review and write the tennis-specific units for each level. Currently in the SIS10 package there are two tennis skill sets – Tennis Australia Junior Development Coach and Tennis Officiating. We request these skill sets be removed from the SIS10 package. We request that a Community Coach (tennis) skill set be included at the Certificate II level. A draft of units to be included in the Community Coach skill set has been sent to Shirley Brown. In March 2012, Tennis Australia partnered with Smart Connection Company to deliver nationally recognised qualifications. The SIS30710 Certificate III in Sport Coaching qualification is the first to be delivered under this partnership. This qualification will be dual branded with the Tennis Australia Junior Development Coaching course (which sits in the Australian Sport Commission’s NCAS and is endorsed by the International Tennis Federation). The first courses will be delivered in Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland commencing in June, 2012. Tennis coaches play a critical role in driving the sport and Tennis Australia is committed to delivering coach education and training which produces quality coaches. We would like to thank Service Skills Australia for providing us with access to Shirley Brown’s services to both review and update the tennis specific units of competency and to plan a pathway for the development of our tennis coaching workforce. We look forward to the endorsement of Version 2 of SIS10. Kind regards

Geoff Quinlan Coach and Talent Development Manager

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Appendix D - State training authority feedback

The few issues which were raised by some of the STA’s have been resolved, and corrections have been made accordingly, for example:

• Fixing up existing unit codes that were used for different units by re-allocating the next available unit code in the sequence

• Ensuring the Diploma of Sport Development remained as a separate qualification • Reviewed the entry requirements to the Certificate III in Officiating, Certificate IV in

Sport Coaching and the Diploma of Sport Coaching. These entry requirements will be reviewed again in 12 months.

All STAs have advised that they have no significant issues with the SIS10 Sport, Fitness and Recreation Training Package Version 2 draft Case for Endorsement, and are supportive of the draft endorsed components being submitted to the NSSC for endorsement.

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Appendix E

Enrolment and other data related to qualifications

Number of RTOs with qualifications on scope4 Number of qualification enrolments for SIS10 and Superseded Training Package 2010-20115 Proportion of apprentices/trainees of total enrolments for 2010-March 20126

Figure 16. Vocational Course Enrolments by Sport and Recreation Qualification (2007–2010), Figure 18. Vocational Course Enrolments by Sport Qualification (2007 -2010) and Figure 1. Vocational Course Enrolments by Coaching Qualification (2007–10) 7

Number of RTOs with Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications on scope

Qualification SIS10 V1.3 RTOs with any unit or qualification currently in scope

SIS10110 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation 40

SIS20310 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 91

SIS20410 Certificate II in Sport Career Oriented Participation


SIS20510 Certificate II in Sport Coaching 53

SIS30510 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 64

SIS30610 Certificate III in Sport Career Oriented Participation


SIS30710 Certificate III in Sport Coaching 27

SIS30810 Certificate III in Sports Trainer 22

SIS40410 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation 26

SIS40510 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching 22

SIS40610 Certificate IV in Sport Development 20

4, 11/09/2012 5 VOCSTATS 08/08/2012. VOCSTATS data only includes publicly funded enrolments. 6 VOCSTATS, 12/09/2012. VOCSTATS data only includes publicly funded enrolments. 7 SSA Environmental Scan 2012 Figures 16, 18, 20

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Number of RTOs with Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualifications on scope

Qualification SIS10 V1.3 RTOs with any unit or qualification currently in scope

SIS50110 Diploma of Facility Management 8

SIS50410 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Administration 18

SIS50510 Diploma of Sport Coaching 16

SIS50610 Diploma of Sport Development 27

Information publicly available on VET enrolments and completions is currently limited to publicly-funded training and accredited training delivered to international students as part of immigration requirements. SSA is aware that the existing data only provides part of the picture and is looking forward to the implementation of the National VET Data Strategy.

Number of Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualification enrolments SIS10

Code and Title Enrolments 2010-2011

SIS10110 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation 0

SIS20310 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 30

SIS30510 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 0

SIS30710 Certificate III in Sport Coaching 13

SIS30810 Certificate III in Sports Trainer 29

SIS40510 Certificate IV in Sport Coaching 0

SIS50110 Diploma of Facility Management 1

SIS50410 Diploma of Sport and Recreation Administration 7

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Number of Sport, and Sport and Recreation qualification enrolments in Superseded Training Package

Code and Title Enrolments 2010-2011

SRS20206 - Certificate II in Sport (Career-oriented participation)


SRS20306 - Certificate II in Sport (Coaching) 5308

SRS30206 - Certificate III in Sport (Career-oriented participation)


SRS30306 - Certificate III in Sport (Coaching) 728

SRS30406 - Certificate III in Sport (Officiating) 144

SRS30506 - Certificate III in Sport (Athlete support services) 248

SRS40206 - Certificate IV in Sport (Coaching) 282

SRS40506 - Certificate IV in Sport (Development) 1027

SRS50206 - Diploma of Sport (Coaching) 39

SRS50506 - Diploma of Sport (Development) 1486

Proportion of apprentices/trainees of total enrolments 2010-March 2012

Code and Title Apprentices/trainees

SRS20206 - Certificate II in Sport (Career-oriented participation)


SRS20306 - Certificate II in Sport (Coaching) 308

SRS20406 - Certificate II in Sport (Officiating) 0

SRS30206 - Certificate III in Sport (Career-oriented participation)


SRS30306 - Certificate III in Sport (Coaching) 3181

SRS30406 - Certificate III in Sport (Officiating) 642

SRS40206 - Certificate IV in Sport (Coaching) 47

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Figure 16. Vocational Course Enrolments by Sport and Recreation Qualification (2007–2010)

Source: NCVER Students and Courses 2010

Figure 18. Vocational Course Enrolments by Sport Qualification (2007–10)

Source: NCVER Students and Courses 2010











Cert I in Sport and Recreation

Cert II in Sport and Recreation

Cert III in Sport and Recreation

Cert IV in Sport and Recreation

Diploma of Sport and Recreation

Advanced Diploma of Sport and Recreation





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800





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Figure 20. Vocational Course Enrolments by Coaching Qualification (2007–10)

Source: NCVER Students and Courses 2010







Cert II in Sport (Coaching)

Cert III in Sport (Coaching)

Cert IV in Sport (Coaching)

Diploma of Sport (Coaching)