session 15 4th edition pmp

Project Human Resource Management

Post on 19-Sep-2014



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Page 1: Session 15 4th edition PMP

Project Human Resource Management

Page 2: Session 15 4th edition PMP

• Process Groups & Knowledge Areas MappingKnowledge Area


Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Control ClosingIntegration Develop

Project Charter

Develop Project Management Plan

Direct and Manage Project Execution

Monitor and Control Project WorkPerform Integrated Change Control

Close Project

Scope Collect RequirementsDefine ScopeCreate WBS

Verify ScopeControl Scope

Time Define ActivitiesSequence ActivitiesEstimate Activities ResourcesEstimate Activities DurationDevelop Schedule

Control Schedule

Cost Estimate CostsDetermine Budget

Control Costs

Quality Plan Quality Perform Quality Assurance Perform Quality Control


Develop Human Resources Plan Acquire Project TeamDevelop Project TeamManage Project Team

Communication Identify Stakeholders

Plan Communications Distribute InformationManage Stakeholders Expectations

Report Performance

Risk Plan Risk ManagementIdentify RiskPerform Qualitative Risk AnalysisPerform Quantitative Risk AnalysisPlan Risk Response

Monitor and Control Risks

Procurement Plan Procurements Conduct Procurements Administer Procurements Close Procurements

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Project Human Resource Management

Knowledge AreaProcess

Initiating Planning Executing Monitoring & Contol Closing


Develop Human Resource Plan

Acquire Project TeamDevelop Project TeamManage Project Team

Enter phase/Start project

Exit phase/End project





Monitoring &Controlling Processes

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Develop Project Teamobjectives:

-Improve knowledge and skills of

team members

- Improve feelings of trust and

agreement among team members

-Create a dynamic and cohesive team

culture to improve both individual

and team productivity

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Develop Project Team

• The process of improving the competencies, team interaction, and the overall team environment to enhance project performance.


1. Project staff assignment2. Project management

plan3. Resource calendar

Tools & Techniques

1. Interpersonal skills2. Training3. Team-building activities4. Ground rules5. Co-location6. Recognition and



1. Team performance assessments

2. Enterprise environmental factors updates

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Interpersonal skills• Called Soft Skills

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- Classroom

- online,

- on-the-job training from

another project team member,

- mentoring

- coaching

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Team Building Activities

stage of team formation and development:1. FORMING

– The team meets and learns about the project and what their roles and responsibilities.

2. STORMING– Address the project work, technical decisions and the project

management approach. Conflict/disagreement may occurs.3. NORMING

– Work together and adjust work habits and behavior that support the team.

4. PERFORMING– Being a well-organized unit

5. ADJOURNING– Team completes the work and move on from the project.

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Ground Rules

establish acceptable behavior by project

team members.

Early commitment to clear guidelines

decreases misunderstandings and increases


Discussing ground rules allows team

members to discover values that are

important to one another.

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placing many or all project team

members in the same physical

location to enhance their ability

to perform as a team

Example : War room

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• Recognition and Rewards• reward will be effective if it

satisfies a need which is valued by that individual.

• Cultural differences should be considered when determining recognition and rewards.

• People are motivated if they feel they are valued by the rewards given to them

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Motivation Theory: Maslow’s Hierarchy

Basic Needs

Higher Level of Needs

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•Human motivation theory by Douglas McGregor, 1960 -

•Management assumed employees are lazy and hate work.

•Employees will avoid work

•Employees are only after $$

•Managers blame & punish

•Manager’s job is to structure and energize employees.

McGregor’s X Theory

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•Assumes opposite of theory X.

•Employees enjoy their physical and mental work.

•Employees MIGHT BE ambitious & self motivated

•Managers assume that if given the right conditions, people will DO WELL, which is THE MOTIVE.

McGregor’s Y Theory

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Theory Z

• A Japanese management style motivational theory

• Based on the work of W. Edwards Deming

• Proposed by Dr. William Ouchi

• Focus on stable employment (job for life)

• Focus on increasing loyalty by caring about their well being in/out of job.

• Tries to keep employees’ morale and satisfaction high.

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Motivation Theory: Two Factors Theory

• Herzberg’s Theory– Job dissatisfaction due to lack of hygiene factors– Job satisfaction due to motivation factors

Hygiene Factors

- Working condition- Salary- Personal life- Relationship at work- Security- Status

Motivation Factors

- Responsibility- Self actualization- Professional growth- Recognition

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Team Performance Assessments

• the project management team makes formal or informal assessments of the project team’s effectiveness

• Team performance assessment criteria should be determined by all appropriate parties

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Manage Project Team

• The process of tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing changes to optimize project performance.


1. Project staff assignments

2. Project management plan

3. Team performance assessments

4. Performance reports5. Organizational process


Tools & Techniques

1. Observation and conversation

2. Project performance appraisals

3. Conflict management4. Issue log5. Interpersonal skills


1. Enterprise environmental factors updates

2. Organizational process assets updates

3. Change requests4. Project management

plan updates


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Observation and Conversation• Observation and conversation are used to stay

in touch with the work and attitudes of project team members.

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• Project Performance Appraisals• Objectives for performance appraisals can

include clarification of roles and responsibilities , constructive feedback to team members, and development of individual training plans

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Are Conflicts bad?• Way of project improvement

– Can be beneficial– can be Solved by

identifying the causes of the problem and solved by the people involved + their manager

• PM Must be proactive, look for and solve problems before they impact on the project.

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So conflicts are caused by hard-headed ... People?

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Conflict Management.

• Conflicts can be beneficial (an opportunities for improvement)

• Conflicts reasonsSchedulesProject prioritiesResourcesTechnical opinions

Admin Procedures Cost Personality

• Conflict is best resolved by those involved in the conflict.

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Conflict Management

• General techniques to resolve conflict

Confronting & Problem Solving

Treating conflict as problem to be solved by examining alternatives;

Requires a give and take attitude and open dialogue.


Pushing one’s viewpoint at the expense of others; Offers only win-

lose solutions.


Incorporating multiple viewpoints and insights from differing

perspectives; Leads to consensus and commitment.


Retreating from an actual or potential conflict situation.


Emphasizing areas of agreement rather than areas of difference.


Searching for solution that bring some degree of satisfaction to all


Behaviors that focused on others



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Project Manager Power

A Project Manager may yield authority over the project team in one of the following ways

– Formal (Legitimate) - Power due to Project Managers position

– Reward – Power stems from giving rewards.

– Penalty (Coercive) – Power due to afraid of the power the Project Manager holds.

– Expert (Technical) – Comes from being technical or project management expert.

– Referent – Power of charisma and fame. Make another person liking/respecting the Project Manager.

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Important Terms

• Halo EffectThe assumption that because the person is good at technical, he will be good as a project manager.

• ArbitrationA method to resolve conflict. A neutral party hears and resolve a dispute.

• Perquisites (Perks)Some employees receives special rewards e.g. parking spaces, corner offices, executive dining.

• Fringe BenefitsStandard benefits formally given to all employees, such as insurance, education benefits and profit benefits.

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1- What conflict resolution technique is a project

manager using when he says, "I cannot deal

with this issue now!"

A- Problem solving

B- Forcing

C- Withdrawal


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2-You just joined organization as project lead and your main job on current project is to gain the cooperation of stakeholders. What is the best form of power for gaining cooperation under these circumstances?

1- Referent

2- Formal

3- Expert

4- Penalty

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3-A resolution that makes all parties unhappy is called _______.





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4- War room creation during project deployment phase is an example of:

1-Team Building activity

2--Establishing Ground Rules


4-General Management Skills

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5- Theory X holds that:

A. quality improvements lie in the hands of quality


B. profits are tied to meeting schedule deadlines.

C. absenteeism is tied to poor working conditions.

D. workers are inherently unmotivated and need

strong guidance

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6. All of the following are the form of power

derived from Project Manager’s position EXCEPT





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7-Which of the following models of conflict resolution allows a cooling off period, but seldom resolves the issue in the long term?

1-Problem solving




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8- Maslow ranked Human needs from the highest to lowest:

A- self esteem ,Self actualization, social, security and physiological

B-Self actualization; self esteem; security, social; and physiological

3-Self actualization; self esteem; social; security and physiological

4-Self actualization; self esteem; physiological ; security and social

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