session 2: james

Faithful to the End • Zion Church • June 5 / 3 zion summer elective 2011 aithful to the F nd E Word inDeed living faith and living community James

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handout for session 2, james


Page 1: Session 2: James

Faithful to the End •!Zion Church • June 5 / 3zion summer elective 2011

aithfulto theF n dE

Word inDeedliving faith and living community


Page 2: Session 2: James

Faithful to the End •!Zion Church • June 12 / 1

James: Word inDeedliving faith, living community

Introducing James: Kicking off the GEThe “frame” of the GE

“First books” of canon

James in Composition: Putting it TogetherJames’ Structure at First Glance• James “seems” to be …

James’ Structure Upon Reflection• James seems to be a series of “_______” hooked together by _____, _______ and __________.

• see page 3 for structure proposal

James in Message: TheologyThrough the TextWhat does the introduction to James (chpt. 1) tell us the book is about?___________ through ________ in ________ to ___________

What are the trials that James addresses?Chapter Two:Chapter Three:Chapter Four:Chapters Four-Five:

Page 3: Session 2: James

Faithful to the End •!Zion Church • June 12 / 2

James in Message: TheologyWhat does James seem to orbit around? _________, _______, _______________

In SummaryFaith, Life, and CommunityJames is an epistle about the work of the Word of God, incarnate and written, as expressed by the faith and in the lives of God’s people; in particular, the way God’s people wisely abide within and shape by their own words and deeds the community of faith as an incarnation of the Word, His Body on earth.

Kingdom of PriestsJames depends for its theology on the theology of Torah and its focus on God’s missional plan to redeem creation through the establishment of a people and a kingdom on earth through the seed of Abraham, a people whose own missional purpose thereby involves particular kinds of (priestly) activity and set-apart character, a people who are supposed to look like the Law and its Messiah.

James’ treatment of faith, life, and community gather these two things together: (1) (2)

James in Detail: 2.1-13

A community that is quick to ____, slow to ______, and slow to become _____ about Scripture is one that aligns itself with the ______, ______, and very ______ of those that God and His Messiah specially choose to care for.

Page 4: Session 2: James

Faithful to the End •!Zion Church • June 12 / 3

James Structure ProposalJames Outline ProposalI. Salutation: To the 12 Scattered Tribes, 1.1II. The Word inDeed: Living Faith and Living Community, 1.2-5.6 A. The Two Ways: Perseverance unto Salvation, Wavering unto Evaporation, 1.2-27 1. Persevering with Wisdom in Faith; Double-souled with Sinking in Doubt, 1.2-8 2. High Road of the Humble; Fleeting Life of the Rich, 1.9-11 3. Persevering in Temptation to Life; Dragged Away unto Death, 1.12-18 4. The Word in Deed; The Word Ignored, 1.19-25! ! 5.! Worthless Speech of the Unbridled Tongue; ! ! ! Pleasing Deeds of Protecting the Helpless, and Pure from World, 1.26-27 B. The Deeds of Living Faith: Keeping the Law of Love, 2.1-26 1. Partiality in Community and the Law of Love, 2.1-13 2. Saving Faith, Saving Deeds: The Law of Love in Practice, 2.14-26 C. The Words of Living Community: Directing the Course of Life, 3.1-18 1. Wisdom about Words: Teachers, Tongues, and Two Directions, 3.1-12 2. Wise Ones are Known by Their (Peacemaking) Deeds, 3.13-18 D. The Two Ways Once More: World-Love and War, God-Love and Peace, 4.1-5.6 1. War and Peace: It's All a Matter of Whose Friend You Are, 4.1-10 2. Judge or Doer (of the Law): It's All a Matter of What You Say, 4.11-12 3. To Those who Pursue Wealth: Rather Seek the Lord's Will, 4.13-17 4. To Those who Possess Wealth: Repent from Doing Ill, 5.1-6 III. For the Faithful and the Falling: Perseverance by Word and Deed, 5.7-20 A. Faithful Patience: Persevere to the End in Word and Deed, 5.7-12 B. Healed Weakness: Restoration by Word and Deed, 5.13-18 C. From Fallen to Faithful: The Community's Word inDeed, 5.19-20

Page 5: Session 2: James

Faithful to the End •!Zion Church • June 12 / 4

Preparing for 1&2 PeterReading

1. read 1-2 Peter this week, preferably in one sitting2. while reading, write down answers to the questions below

Study Questions1. Structure: These books have a more distinct epistle-type

structure. Can you sketch the major sections (salutation, introduction, parts of the body, benediction)?

2. Message: Each letter has its own message, but they go together. Reflect esp. on the first chapter of each book; can you write a sentence or two based on them that introduces each letter?Message: What do you see that the two letters have in common?

3. Passage: Pay particular attention to 1Pet 1.13-25.Based on our wonderous salvation (1.1-12), what three things are we to do? (hint: these are the main verbs and are imperatives/commands)

Spend some time looking at each of the three paragraphs. The things that “flesh out” the three verbs aren’t quite what we might expect. How do these challenge how you normally think and live?

4.Incarnation: How do we and you need to live 1 & 2 Peter?