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Never sold online…!

Not a problem, this book is just for you.

Though there are many ways you can sell online but here I will focus on getting your products on


This is a step by step guide so follow each and every step and you will learn a lot. We have a lot

to cover in this mini guide so let’s start straight.

First part of the book is the introduction not about me or but about Google.

Really insightful, though you will get a lot out of it, but if you want to skip the section then head

over to page 9 where you will learn how you can sell your products on Google.

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Understanding Google

So you are into selling your product locally and now want to capture the ever growing “Online

market”. Then guess what you are holding the right book.

Here I will tell you the tips and tricks (all step by step) that will help you promote your product

online by keeping your marketing budgets at its minimum.

Internet today as in 2015 has become a huge resource of information and with that information

has come huge base of readers which very often are consumers/customers who are always

looking for something to buy or consume. Since they don’t know where to look for the exact

source of information, they use Search Engines, and this has grown their popularity by many


Google alone processes approximately 47500 searches every single second and more than 3,000

million searches in a single day. Check out the ever growing market of Google since 2000.

For more info you can take a look for yourself at Here you

will find the live stats not only of Google but of:




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Skype and of

Youtube as well.

If you have already looked at then you know how big is the internet and

how far it can take you in promoting your business not only locally but internationally as well.

To promote your stuff online it’s very important that you grab the attention of Google. If Google

catches you then you need to go no-where to promote your product. This is because if a Google

user searches for anything in your niche then yours having the authoritative website will always

be shown in the top spots and you will get free customers who are ready to buy.

To catch the eyes of Google you should have an understanding of how Google ranks websites.

This subject deals with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Thus you need to have a very

strong SEO of your website and moreover it’s a very long term process and can’t be done

overnight. But if you want quick results then Google Adwords is for you and this is what the

theme of this book is.

To advertise on Google, you should first know how Google actually works, this way it will help

you in choosing the right strategies for your marketing campaign.

Google is a big bank of information that continues to collect, process and index all the data on

the internet and then present that info. in the form of snippets based on the query searched.

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When the information is searched on Google then it travels through a series of servers and the

result is presented in the form of snippets and links.

Along with these results, ads that Google thinks perfectly matches users query also gets pulled

and here is where the game begins.

To show these ads on Google people pay money. Google also gets money if your ad is shown on

other sites. Confused..! Let me explain..

There are millions of websites on the internet that are banking on Google Adwords system.

These sites partner with Google and provide ad slots on their website.

Thus when the query is searched and your website is clicked and you have partnered with

Google Adword system then Google places ads on your site. The ad if gets clicked on your site

then you make money. This is a good opportunity for those who want to make money online. I

plan to write a book on how you can make money from Google, but here in this section I will

talk about how you can promote and sell your stuff online.

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What is Adwords and how does it work..?

Adwords is the Money making machine for Google that works day and night without a halt. It’s

a complete advertising solution from Google that you can use to bring your business online. Its

working can be explained in the following steps.

Step 1: You search for something in Google, let’s say “Best Android phone”.

Step 2: Google looks for all the relevant searches along with the ads that are more closely related

to the keyword “Best Android phone”.

Step 3: At this step Google Adwords system ignores all the ads that are targeting different

location or the ones that are not eligible to be shown.

Step 4: All the selected (filtered) ads appears alongside Google’s organic search results.

Step 5: User sees all the results and most likely will click on the relevant ad or organic search


To match the ads with the user’s queries and to rank them well in search pages, Google takes

into account the following terms:

Keywords: These are the words or phrases that people use to search something in


E.g. If someone searches for “Best restaurant in town” then this is the keyword/

keyphrase he is using to find a restaurant near him.

If I being the restaurant Owner want to advertize my Restaurant then I will consider using

the above phrase (Best restaurants in town) so that my ad appears to my target audience

and I become visible to them.

Placements: It is very often that you see ads almost everywhere on the internet, whether

it’s Google owned properties like or youtube or sites that have partnered with

Google to show relevant ads like or simply any other site or blog.

Ads that show up on Non Google sites we use the term placements for them as they are

placed besides a relevant content that matches your keywords theme or niche.

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You can either allow Google to automatically choose where to place your ads on non-

Google sites also called the “Display network ads” or you can keep this control entirely

in your hand by selecting the placements yourself under Tools tab and selecting Display

Planner. This section will be discussed in more detail in later chapter.

Ad Quality: If you are advertising something online then you have to make sure that it

has to be relevant to the query searched. Meaning that your ad should have a:

o Keyword centric headline with a

o Description defining your product and

o The relevant landing page (page you want users to reach after they click your ad).

If Google thinks that all the above given factors matches to the query searched then it

places your ad well giving it higher rankings. Other factors that also play a key role in

determining your ad positions include:

o CPC (Cost per click): How much you are willing to pay per click.

o Impact of ad extensions: These are extra clickable links that you keep in your

ad. The purpose of these links is to provide extra information about your product

or store.

If you are able to improve the quality of your ad then you get the best ad position with

low CPC, meaning it will be a win-win situation for you.

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Put your Business Online

To sell your stuff on the internet it is not necessary to have your website made, but if you have it

then it brings a big difference. Thus if you have a website and if your ad is clicked anywhere on

the internet, a user then can reach your site to place an order.

Now let’s assume you have a website and you want to promote your product online then you can

take the help of Google advertising solution also known as Google Adwords. Here I will teach

you how you can make:

A text ad.

These ads are without an image and you normally see them on Google’s Search Results page

and other websites in Google’s Network.

An Image ad.

These ads appear with a picture and help you grab people’s attention easily.

Video ads.

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These ads appear on video sharing sites. Very often you might see them on youtube with

an option to skip an ad.

Dynamic ads.

These types of ads automatically change the headline and the Url of a website to perfectly

suit Users query.

Mobile ads.

If you are an app developer or simply the owner of an app and wants to increase your app

installs then this section is for you as this will help you to promote your app on mobile


Let’s Create an ad for you

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Are you ready to run then let’s get started by creating:

A text ad,

Image ad

Video ad.

Mobile ads to encourage app installs

Dynamic ads

This chapter itself is sufficient for you to get your product online.

Text ad

Inorder to create an ad you go through the following 3 stages of Adwords:

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First you create an account, under that account you create a campaign let’s say you want to

create a campaign for TV or Cameras; under that campaign you create an adgroup. It is under

this adgroup you make an ad like Flat screen TVs or digital cameras.

1. Your account is associated with a unique email address, password, and billing information.

2. Your ad campaign has its own budget and settings that determine where your ads appear.

3. Your ad group contains a set of similar ads and the words and phrases, known as keywords

that you want to trigger your ads to show.

One account can have many campaigns, one campaign can have many adgroup and one adgroup

can have many ads.

Now for e.g. you are running an Online Electronics store then your account structure will be like:

Here Account Level contains everything related to Online Electronic Store i.e.

o Store’s Email Address.

o Password to login to your account.

o Your stores advertising bills.

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Campaign Level is organized around broad categories like: Television, Camera’s.

Adgroup Level contains ads related to one specific product like:

o One ad for Flat screen TV’s under television campaign

o Other ad for Plasma TV’s under television campaign

o Yet another ad for Digital Cameras under Camera’s Campaign and other for

o Compact cameras under Camera’s campaign.

Since now that you have got the basic idea of how the process flows, let’s start creating an ad


1. Copy this link to your address bar and follow.

a. New to Adwords: click on Get started now.

b. Already have an Adwords account: click the Campaigns tab.

2. Click on +Campaign drop down button.

3. You will be asked to choose 1 out of 3 major campaign types:

a. Search Network only: Broadly this will show your

ads on and other search sites that partner with Google to show

ads. Your ads will appear based on the keywords in search engine. This basically

works for Text ads.

b. Display Network only: There are millions of websites

online that partner with Google to show Google ads and earn their commission.

Thus if you choose Display Network only then your ad appear on these websites

and few other Google owned properties like Gmail, youtube etc. Here you can

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make Text ads, rich media ads, images and even video ads. If you are

experienced advertiser and want to build brand awareness then this type of ad

campaign will suit you.

c. Search Network with Display Select: If you select

this campaign type then your ads will be shown on both the networks

simultaneously. Under this you can make every kind of ad be it Text ads or rich

media ads.

Since we are making a text ad you can make your choice between Search Network only

and Search Network with Display Select.

4. Google will also ask you to choose a Campaign subtype between:

a. Standard: It includes text ads that show on Google search network. With these ad

settings you can target users based on their location and the language they speak.

You can even set your own bids and budgets and can include your location, phone

no. and social links with the help of certain extensions.

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b. All features: Apart from including features from standard settings, this also

includes features that you missed like scheduling your ad, advanced experimental

settings etc.

If you are new to Adwords and exploring things around then it will be always advised

to go with standard ad campaign as it includes everything that is essentially



If you are on a Display network only campaign then you will get “All features” subtype by

default, wherein you can do all kinds of text ads, image ads, video ads and rich media ads.

5. Fill in the info related to Location, Language, and Budgets etc and hit Save and


Congratulations on Completing first step in making your ad.

Now let’s check how to create an Ad

1. After you hit Save and continue in the previous step, you will be taken to “Create an ad”


2. Since we have selected Search Network as our campaign type, we here will make a “Text

ad”. Thus waste no time further and create a very practical ad.

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3. Give your ad a Headline, Description, Display Url and Destination Url.

a. Display Url: This is what users see in the ad. It can be your homepage like:

b. Destination Url: This is where you want users to reach after they click on your

ad. This can be an inner page on your website like:

4. Enter the Keywords that you think your customers will type in the search engine to find

your business. Enter atleast 20 to 30 keywords related to your niche as this will help you

make more visible on Google.

If you are struggling to find new keywords then you can check keyword planner at, a free tool from Adwords.

5. Once you are done, hit Save Or Save and Continue to billing.

6. Enter the billing info and you are done completing your ad.

Now Google will review your ad and once approved you are ready to run your ad on Google.

Congrats on finally completing your ad.

To best organize your account, create:

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One Campaign – with several ad groups – 2 to 3 ads under each ad group to test which ad works

– with 10 to 35 keywords with in each ad group.

Do you know…?

You can add 20,000 ad groups per campaign and can run 10,000 different ad campaigns under

one account (like TV, Camera, Computers, and Phones etc).

Thus if you are making a campaign (an ad) for televisions then you can add 20,000 different

kinds of TV sets (ad groups) like Flat screen TV, Plasma TV, 3D TV or Smart TV.

Now if you want to run a different ad category (for e.g. to promote cameras) then you will have

to create a different campaign.


If your business targets different areas or regions with different language then it would be a good

idea to create different campaigns targeting different regions with their local languages.

Image ad:

Now let’s create an image ad for your campaign

1. Create the campaign with a Display Network campaign type.

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2. Fill out of the relevant info.

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3. Click Save and Continue and you will be shown an adgroup window to create an


a. Give the name to your adgroup,

b. Provide the Enhanced CPC (a value that you will most likely to pay when user

clicks your ad),

c. Choose how to target your ads, select Display keywords and enter the keywords

in the box provided and Save and continue.

4. In the next window that appears create your image ad by clicking View ad ideas. For this

enter the webpage URL you would want users to reach when they click your ad and

then click show me ideas.

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5. Google will scan your website and will generate ideas. Select the one that interests you.

Inorder to update ad ideas shown, click on Update ideas.

6. Click See all variations to see how your ad will appears in different formats.

7. Click Ok, and then hit Save when you are all done.

8. Your image ad is now ready. Google will review the ad and if approved then you will be

running your ad all over the internet.

Video ad:

Want to create brand awareness, then let’s do it with a video ad.

1. Goto the URL to start creating your video ad.

2. Link your Adwords account with your Youtube account. For this:

a. Click on Shared Library, (see image below)

b. Link Adwords to your Youtube account.

3. Click All Video Campaigns > + Campaign.

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4. Create a Video Campaign the way to create a normal text campaign.

5. Under Video ad Search box, enter the Youtube video name or video URL you want to


6. You will have the option to choose either In-Stream videos or In-Display videos. Under

In-Stream videos:

a. Your ads get played before another video on the Youtube and Google Display


b. In these ad formats viewers can choose to skip your ad after viewing it for few


c. You only pay if the viewer watches the video for 30 seconds or till the end.

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7. Choose if you want to have an In-Display video.

a. These video ads appear at the top of other organic search videos.

b. These ads appear as a part of Youtube search results.

c. You pay only when someone clicks your ad and views your video.

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8. Fill out the info. that follows.

9. On the next screen enter the amount you would like to pay when someone views your


a. If you are unsure about how much to pay, Adwords will give you a bidding range

(appear alongside max CPV) that is currently working for the ads in your niche.

b. Choose the Cost per View (CPV) amount you are comfortable with.

c. Your traffic estimate will appear simultaneously.

10. Choose the targeting option and click Save Targeting Group.

11. Congratulations you have created your first video ad.

Mobile ads to encourage app downloads

1. Click on the Campaigns tab and click +Campaign drop down button.

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2. For this type of Campaign I prefer to choose Display Network only Campaign.

3. Choose Mobile app installs radio button as your sub campaign type.

4. Name your campaign and Select the app you would like to promote.

5. Fill out rest of the form and click Save and continue.

6. Create an adgroup like you normally do (everything self explanatory). Provide your

target CPA (Cost per acquisition) and “Choose how to target your ads”.

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7. To keep your ads specific to people you think will be most interested in your app, you

can narrow down your campaign by selecting “Narrow your targeting further”. This

will have different options like:

a. Installed app categories: Show ads to people who have downloaded other apps

in a category that you’re interested in targeting.

b. New mobile devices: Show ads to people who have recently activated phones and

could be interested in adding new apps.

c. Remarketing list: Shows your ads to the list of people who have already visited

your app or were using your app but uninstalled for some reason. You can target

these very people with your remarketing ad campaign.

8. On the next page choose the ad format. Different ad formats are like:

a. App install ads are automatically generated ads, which are also referred to as

click-to-download ads. Adwords can build this ad using your app icon and

reviews of your app in the Google Play or Apple App store.

b. Image app install ads are created by uploading an image and filling in your text

to create a custom app install ad using your own eye-catching graphics.

c. Video app install ads are video ads on the Display Network created using a link

from your YouTube account, or automatically generated from your app images,

icons, and reviews.

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9. Create your ad and click Review and finish.

Click Save and continue. Adwords will review your ad and you will be ready to promote your


There is also an option with Adwords that helps you promote your app on youtube. So waiting

for what… Christmas..! Let’s create campaign to promote your Mobile apps on Youtube.

Youtube Campaign for app promotion

1. Click on the Campaigns tab and click +Campaign drop down button.

2. Select Online Video as your campaign type.

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3. Enter general details to create your campaign and provide the URL of the youtube video

about your app.

4. Next to Ad formats, select Use video ad formats optimized for mobile app


5. Next to Your Mobile App, enter the URL of your app from the app store (Apple app or

Google play store). This will allow people to install the app directly from your video ad.

6. Click Save and continue.

7. On the next window Name your targeting group and select your CPV (Cost per view).

8. Target your ad to your clients based on below given options:

a. Demographics: Reach people by their age or gender.

b. Interests: Reach people based on their interest.

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c. Video topics: Reach people watching videos in certain topics.

9. When all done click Save targeting group and you will be up and running with your ad.

Dynamic Ads

This ad type uses your website content to create an ad. thus you don’t have to struggle to find

attractive keyword centric headlines and the keywords that will trigger your ad as everything will

be automated.

1. Click on the Campaigns tab.

2. Click on +Campaign dropdown button and select “Search Network Only” Campaign.

3. Choose Dynamic search Ads radio button.

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4. Fill out the form and provide the URL of a website out of which you want to create ads.

5. Click Save.

6. Create an adgroup and provide the billing info to get you started.

Once your ads are approved, you will be live in front of your most targeted audience and will be

ready to make some quick sales.

Hope we were helpful in getting you clients. In case of further assistance reach us at:

Email: [email protected]

Phone no. +91 9953423967