sewer%leaks%| · pilot...

Sewer Leaks | May 2015 A Publication of the Los Angeles Basin Section of the California Water Environment Association Featuring: Page 2: One Water LA Page 3: One Water LA, cont. Page 4: LABS Dinner and Presentation I Sidestream Deammonification: Pilot Testing the Anita Mox Process; Downey, Thursday May 21 st Page 5: Biosolids and Renewable Energy Specialty Workshop; Wastewater Treatment Training Seminar SEWER SHOUTS! ... ANNOUNCEMENTS FRESH FROM THE PIPES LABS Donates to the Kirt Brooks Foundation at the CWEA Annual Conference Kent Carlson of City of LA’s Collection System Is Featured in MSW Magazine Los Angeles Collections Division Operations Manager Kent Carlson stands beside one of the division’s new Vactor combo trucks at the Reseda yard in the San Fernando Valley just north of Los Angeles. For the full article please go to: sewer_crews_work_around_the_clock

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Sewer%Leaks% 2% May%2015%%ONE!WATER!LA,!BECOMING!THE!GREENRBLUE!CITY!BY!MEETING!LA’S!WATER!CHALLENGES!% by%Patrick%Griffith%Adel% Hagekhalil% from% the% LA% City%Bureau% of% Sanitation% brought%home% the% growing% importance% of%the%drought%with%an%interaction%he%shared%from%his%own%family.%%After%several% frustrating% and%unsuccessful% attempts% to% get%water%from%his%refrigerator,%Adel’s%youngest% daughter% helpfully%pointed%out%to%him%that%the%failing%was% not% his,% but% rather% the% cause%was% the% drought.% % A% reassured%Adel% took% this% in% a% positive% light;%that% the% drought’s% impacts% are%reaching% a% wider% audience,% and%that% finally,% California% is% getting%serious%about%taking%the%necessary%steps%to%ensure%a%more%sustainable%future%for%its%water.%%Numerous%challenges%face%the%city%in% addressing% its% future% water%needs.% %In%addition%to%the%drought,%these% challenges% include:% aging%infrastructure,% growing%population,% more% stringent%regulations,% growing% uncertainty%of% imported% water% sources,%limited% funding% and% potential%impacts%of%a%changing%climate.%In%a% city% held% hostage% by% imported%water,% an% approach% is% needed%that% treats% all% water% as% one.%%Drinking% water,% stormwater,%ground% water% recharge,%reclaimed% water% and% conserved%water% are% all% part% of% a% water%portfolio% that% will% form% a%sustainable% solution% for% the% city%when% taken% as% a% whole.%Stakeholders% that% traditionally%held% fast% to% their% narrow%interests% must% be% invited% in% the%process% from% the% beginning,% and%communication% is% needed% every%step% of% the%way.% % Adel% reminded%us% that%we% cannot% afford% “out% of%

sight,%out%of%mind”%anymore%when%it%comes%to%our%practices.%%If% not% for% imported% water,% LA%would% not% be% the%worldIclass% city%it% is% today.% Although% Mulholland%was%famous%for%declaring%“There%it%is,%take%it!”%one%hundred%years%ago%when% the% Owens% Valley% aqueduct%began% service,% Mayor% Garcetti% is%now%wisely%proclaiming,% “There% it%is,% conserve% it!”% % Although% the%city’s% conservation% efforts% have%stabilized% water% consumption%despite%an%increased%population,%it%will% never% be% independent% of%imported% water.% % An% intelligent%and% sustainable% shift% is% needed% to%increase% dependence% on% locally%sourced%water%while%continuing%to%reduce%overall%consumption.%%These% challenges% are% reflected% in%the% Mayor’s% Executive% Directive%#5%that%issued%ambitious%goals%for%

the% city.% % These% goals% include%reducing%purchased%water%50%%by%2024,% and% reduce% overall%consumption% 20%% by% 2017.% % Key%to% achieving% these% goals% is% the%need%for%an%integrated%local%water%strategy.% %For%example,%comparing%present% water% sources% to% what% is%needed%to%meet% future%targets,% it’s%clear%that%the%city%will%be%far%more%reliant% on% reclaimed,% conserved%and% captured% stormwater;% all% are%locally% sourced% supplies% of% water%that% are% managed% independently%of%each%other,%at%least%for%now.%%Adel% pointed%out% that% in% the% early%stakeholder% involvement,% many%pushed% for% more% groundwater%recharge% and% expanded% use% of%recycled% water.% % Although% more%miles% of% purple% pipe% will% still% be%needed,% every% gallon% of% water%conserved% and% every% gallon% that’s%recharged% decreases% the%


Sewer%Leaks% 3% May%2015%%infrastructure% elsewhere.%%Experiences% like% this% with%stakeholders% inspired% Adel% to%formulate% his% “Three% I’s”%approach:% Innovation,% Integration%and% Inclusion.% % Although% many%clever% solutions% are% part% of% our%standard% practice,% more%innovation% is% needed% like% tapping%our% vast% network% of% stormdrains%to% convey% recycled% water% where%it’s% needed.% % Innovative% solutions%that% cross% regulatory% boundaries%will% need%an% integration%of% efforts%to% clear% a% path% forward.% % Finally,%efforts% like% the% MWD’s% “Cash% for%Lawns”% program% that% encourage%water% efficient% native% landscaping%and%embracing%onIsite%stormwater%capture% to% reduce% runIoff% should%be% incentivized% to% broaden% their%appeal.%%Roughly% 250% MGD% is% still%discharged% to% the% ocean,% thus% the%opportunity% to%make% a% significant%impact% is% still% tremendous.%%Effective% projects% like% the%reclamation% underway% at% West%Basin%are%an%important%part%of%the%solution,%however% it%may%be%more%efficient% to% treat% and% reclaim%water% regionally% than% have% it% all%treated% at% Hyperion% and% then%pumped%back%to%its%origin.%%%Water% recognizes% no% boundaries,%yet%the%regional%and%neighborhood%projects%underway%by% the%city%are%bringing% a% sense% of% ownership% to%the% communities% that% are% directly%benefitting% from% these% projects.%%Adel% shared%with% the% audience% an%impressive% discussion% of% some%stormwater% capture% projects% that%have% been% implemented% and%others% that% are% underway.% % He%

explained% that% stormwater%capture%is%exciting%because%people%are%now%involved%in%solutions%that%are%no% longer% “out% of% sight,% out% of%mind.”% % In%addition% to% the%obvious%improvements% to% the%neighborhood% like% decreased%flooding,% these% communities% are%now% more% livable.% Although% it’s%hard% to% quantify% the% true% dollar%value% of% these% improvements,% in%many% cases,% it’s% likely% that%

property%values%have%increased.%%In% closing,% Adel% believed% that% the%future% is%bright,%and%the%$8%billion%being% spent% on% these% stormwater%projects% will% more% than% pay% for%themselves% in% added% benefits.%%Moreover,% the% city% will% be%transformed%by%these%projects%into%a%more%water%resilient,%greenIblue%city.%%For%more%information,


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Featured Speaker:!Michael!Liu!!Michael!Liu!received!a!B.S.!in!Civil!Engineering!from!UC!Berkeley!and!a!M.S.!in!Civil!and!Environmental!Engineering!from!Stanford!University.!He!has!been!working!for!the!Sanita@on!Districts!of!Los!Angeles!County!!as!a!staff!engineer!for!9!years,!with!the!last!7!in!the!Wastewater!Research!group!focusing!primarily!on!biological!treatment!!processes.!!


Please! join! the! LABS! group! for! a! presenta@on! on! the! 2014! CWEA!Research! Project! of! the! Year.! The! Sanita@on!Districts! of! Los! Angeles!County! pilot! tested! two! variants! of! the! ANITA! Mox! process! for!removing!centrate!nitrogen!at!the!Joint!Water!Pollu@on!Control!Plant.!The! two! variants! include!Moving! Bed! Biofilm! Reactor! (MBBR)! and! a!FixedUFilm!Ac@vated!Sludge!(IFAS).!

Come! learn! about! the! pilot! results! and! next! steps! in! this! exci@ng!research!project!

Thursday May 21st 6:00 PM: Social Hour, 7:00 PM: Dinner & Presentation

Venue: Frantone’s Pizza & Spaghetti Villa, 9148 Telegraph Rd, Downey, CA 90240

Cost: $20 Member, $25 Non-Member, $10 Retiree & Students

RSVP online by May 20th: Questions? Please email Bryan Trussell: [email protected] Or call: (626) 463-0385


Biosolids & Renewable Energy Specialty Workshop

May 12 & 13, 2015

Workshop Overview:

The California Water Environment Association & California

Association of Sanitation Agencies are proud to present the Biosolids

& Renewable Energy Specialty Workshop on May 12 and 13 in two


Workshop participants will be provided with an introduction to

innovative technologies for biosolids treatment and renewable

energy production. Attendees will learn a framework for

determining the questions necessary to critically evaluate the merits

and applicability of technologies for implementation. Decision-

makers, engineers, project managers, operators, consultants, and

regulators will find these seminars of great value to their

organizations as they explore long term biosolids treatment and

renewable energy options. See the following pages for detailed

agendas for each day.

Earn up to 7.1 CWEA Contact Hours

● Environmental Compliance Inspector (ECI)

● Laboratory Analyst (LAB)

● Industrial Waste Treatment Plant Operator (OP)

● Biosolids Land Application Management

See the following pages for detailed agendas for each day.

Register Online:


Martinez, CA – May 12, 2015

Los Angeles, CA – May 13, 2015

Mail or fax: Complete the registration

form below. Mail or fax it to CWEA’s office.

CWEA & CASA Biosolids & Renewable Energy Specialty Workshop

Name: __________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________

Agency / Company: _________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________ State: _______________________________ Zip: ______________________

Phone Number: ___________________ Fax Number: _________________ Participants e-mail address: ______________ ___

Special Services: __ please check here if you require accommodations to fully participate. Attach a written description of your needs.

Choose a Location: Martinez, CA - May 12, 2015 Los Angeles, CA – May 13, 2015

Fee: $165 Early Bird Rate before May 4th $185 Regular Rate after May 4th

Credit Card #: Exp date: billing zip:

Name of Card holder: _________________________

Payment method (check one): Check (made out to CWEA 2015 Biosolids Workshop)

Purchase Order (must be attached)

Full payment or purchase order is required to process registrations. If you have to cancel…Written cancellation notice is required and must be received at least 15 days prior to the webinar date. A 25% service fee shall be retained on all cancellations. No refunds shall be given for cancellations made less than 15 days prior to the webinar. A written special service request is required 30 days in advance.

Register online at or complete this form and mail or fax to:

CWEA FAX: 510.382.7810 7677 Oakport Street, Suite 600 Oakland, CA 94621 Questions: 510.382.7800 x 125

2015 LABS Sponsors

For information on becoming a sponsor of LABS, contact:

Valerie Ratto: [email protected]


Chris Rasmussen Vacall Regional Sales Manager Cell phone: 562-533-4635 [email protected] 17160 Alburtis Ave. Artesia, CA 90701

Valerie Ratto, P.E. 800 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Phone: 213-312-3329 Fax: 213-312-3399 [email protected]

Bruce Zimmerman 2011 Palomar Airport Rd Ste 303 Carlsbad, CA 92011

Phone: 760-931-0555 Cell: 714-745-0678 [email protected]

Gabriel Zink Sales Engineer 22785 Savi Ranch Parkway Yorba Linda, CA 92887 [email protected] Phone: 714-779-0911 Mobile: 714-904-7487

Supplier of Pumps and Process Equipment


5841 Engineer Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 [email protected]

Ph: (714) 891-2323 Fax: (714) 891-2524

Specialists in Pipeline and Structure Rehabilitation for over 30 years

Dhiru Patel, P.E. Vice President 1199 S. Fullerton Rd. City of Industry, CA 91748 Ph: 969-667-3505 Direct 626-912-3391 x205 Main 626-290-9794 Cell Fax: 626-912-2015 [email protected]

Engineering Excellence In Water & Envirostructure

John Robinson, Principal 1055 East Colorado Blvd., Suite 500 Pasadena, CA 91106 (626) 375-9389 cell [email protected]

John Robinson Consulting, Inc. A certified SBE

2015 LABS Sponsors

For information on becoming a sponsor of LABS, contact:

Valerie Ratto: [email protected]

Marjorie Del Toro 27422 Portola Prkwy Ste 345 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 [email protected] Office: 949-540-6800 x104 Fax: 949-540-6810

Environmental, Health & Safety x Training & Consultation

Lou Giordano 3827 Stone Canyon Ave Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 Office: 818-386-9785 Fax: 818-386-9780 Cell: 818-486-8450

Flygt Products Ricardo Guanio, SR 11161 Harrel Street Mira Loma, CA 91752 Cell: 562-382-3930 Phone: 951-332-3671 Fax: 951-332-3679 [email protected]

Office: 213-234-1085 Cell: 213-248-8465

[email protected]

Ian Mackenzie, PE 1049 South Hill St., Ste 450 Los Angeles, CA 90015

Bryan Trussell, P.E. BCEE 232 North Lake Ave, Suite 300

Pasadena, CA 91101 Main: (626) 486-0560

Direct: (626) 463-0385 Cell: (626) 487-9092

[email protected]

Kris Brooks 155 Balboa Sr. Suite D-9San Marcos, CA 92069 Phone: 760-510-8030 Fax: 760-510-8031

%Sewer!Leaks!Editor%c/o%Sophia%Luu%24501%South%Figueroa%Street%Carson,%CA%90745%%%Go!PAPERLESS!!For!a!COLORFUL!electronic!version!contact:[email protected]%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

LABS Board of Directors President% C.%Bryan%Trussell% (626)%486I0569%x117!Vice%President% Valerie%Ratto% (213)%312I3329!DirectorIatILarge% Chris%DeMonbrun% (323)%342I1567!DirectorIatILarge% Hamik%Aghanian% (213)%489I1587!DirectorISecretary% Anne%Carayon% (562)%908I4288%x2438%DirectorICorporate% John%Robinson% (626)%375I9389!DirectorITreasurer% Daniel%Gary% (310)%830I2400%x5316!Past%President% Miluska%Propersi% (310)%566I6460!


LABS Committee Chairs Awards% Miluska%Propersi% (310)%566I6460%Collection%Systems% Michael%Flores% (858)%864I7370%CWEA%Board%Liaison% Ian%MacKenzie%



Newsletter%Editor% Sophia%Luu% (310)%816I5000%x5531%Operator%Certification% Francisco%Ramirez% (310)%648I5857%Outreach%Coordinator% Erika%Bensch% (562)%908I4288%x2836%P3S% John%Boyd% (562)%908I4288%x2907%Programs% Valerie%Ratto% (213)%312I3329%Public%Education% Michael%Simpson% (323)%342I6047%Supergroup% Daniel%Gary% (310)%830I2400%x5316%TCP% Bill%Barnum%


Webmaster% Jennifer%Thompson% (213)%312I3314%Young%Professionals% Veronica%Alvarez% (310)%886I9890% %

Save the Date

May%4th%I%5th%% 19th%Annual%Water%Reuse%and%Desalination%Research%Conference,%Huntington%Beach%

May%13th%% Biosolids%and%Renewable%Energy%Workshop,%Los%Angeles%%

May%21st%% LABS%Dinner%and%Presentation,%Downey%%%

June%3rd%% Wastewater%Treatment%Training%Sem.,%Anaheim%%

June%8th%% Water%for%People%–%Shake,%Impact,%and%Roll,%Anaheim%

June%18th% LABS%Dinner%and%Presentation%%%



July%30th%% Collections%and%Safety%Seminar,%Huntington%Beach%%


Address Changes Please contact Dan Gary at (310) 830-2400 x5316 or email [email protected]
