sexual violence in adolescents 2012 tadulako

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  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Sexual Violence in

     AdolescentsYudha Nurhantari


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    • Tujuan

    • Memahami pengertian kekerasan isik danseksual

    • Memahami kepentingan medikolegal

    • Memahami prosedur dan etikapemeriksaan

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako



    • Sexual "iolence is a glo#al pro#lem

    • Majorit$% &omen  men and children #oth

    sexes• Negati"e impacts on health%

    1' (eproducti"e and sexual health %

    un&anted pregnanc$) ST!)*!V) adoption orisk$ sexual #eha"iors

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    •   2' mental health  serious+long lasting%

    depression) su#stance a#use) post

    traumatic stress disorder) suicide'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Sexual "iolence

    • a term co"ering a &ide range o acti"ities)

    including rape,orced sex) indecent assault

    and sexuall$ o#sessi"e #eha"iour 

    • a&are o the legal deinitions o sexual

    "iolence &ithin their o&n jurisdiction  the

    age o consent and marriage'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    -einition ./e&kes et al)2002

    • an$ sexual act) attempt to o#tain a

    sexual act) un&anted sexual comments or

    ad"ances) or acts to traic &omens

    sexualit$) using coercion) threats o harm

    or ph$sical orce) #$ an$ person

    regardless o relationship to the "ictim3'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    4alse agreement to sexual

    acti"it$%• threats o ph$sical "iolence)

    + threats o &ithholding #eneits .such as a

    promotion at &ork or a good grade)+ ps$chological pressure or #lackmail

    • una#le to gi"e consent% a mental disa#ilit$

    incapacitated due to the eects o alcoholand,or drugs)

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Men as victims of sexual


    • Men most commonl$ experience sexual

    "iolence in the orm o %

    5 recepti"e anal intercourse65 orced mastur#ation o the perpetrator6

    5 recepti"e oral sex6

    5 orced mastur#ation o the "ictim'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Sexual 7ences

    •  According to 89*:) coitus ma$ occur&ithin .2;;or non marital.2;ithin marital% injured or caused death to

    the underage &ie• TheMedico legal purpose, e"idence %

    1' signs o coitus

    2' signs o "iolence  ?' estimation o age


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Sign o coitus

    @oitus is penis penetration .completel$or partiall$into "agina'The e"idence are depends on %

      1' sie o the penis  2' degree o penetration  ?' shape and elasticit$ o h$men


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako



    • -etect the sperm  the #est e"idence

    • -etect the component % :?0) acidphosphatase en$me) kholin) spermin)

    • The a#sence o ejaculate %

      1' no coitus

      2' coitus &ithout ejaculation

      ?' coitus using condom

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Time Dstimation

    • Sperm % ound aging'

    @omplete healing % =+10 da$s

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Signs o Violence

    • Eite marks) hematoma) a#rasion

    •   Mouth) lips) neck) #reast) &riest) emur)and genitalia

    • Need toxicological examination  chemical "iolence

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


     Age estimation

    • 89*: art' 2;< and 2;=  under 12 orunder 1B $o

    • ph$sical de"elopment) secondar$ sexual

    signs) teeth) #one) cranial suture usion•  Marrige competence

    #iolog$% menarche

      la& % 1C $'o'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako



    •  a sexual oences  under age .89*:2F2 or married histor$

    • Dxamination

    1' Male % age estimation) ejaculate) anus.unnel shape) m' sphincter ani relaxed'

      2' 4emale % age) signs o genital

    manipulation #$ hands or instrument

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


     Assessment and examination

    • o#taining inormed consent

    •  A medical histor$

    •  a top+to+toe3 ph$sical examination• a detailed genito+anal examination

    • recording and classi$ing injuries

    • collection o indicated medical specimensor diagnostic purposes

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    !normed consent

    • is a central issue in medico+legal matters1'Dxamination) including examination o the genitalia andanus'

    • 2' @ollection o specimens or medical in"estigations to

    diagnose an$ medical pro#lems'• ?' @ollection o specimens or criminal in"estigation'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    medical histor$

    • Relevant medical/surgical/psychiatric


    • Relevant gynaecological history

    • Allergies

    • Medications/immunization status

    • History of offence from patients andother parties

    • Current symptoms

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    descri#ing &ounds

    • consider% site) sie) shape) surrounds)

    colour) contours) course)contents) age)

    #orders and depth'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    >ound classiication

    •  A#rasion% disruption o the outer la$er o theskin'

    • Eruise% an area o haemorrhage #eneath theskin'• Gaceration% splitting or tearing o tissues

    secondar$ to #lunt trauma'• !ncision% a cutting t$pe o injur$ &ith .usuall$

    clear) regular margins'• Sta#% a &ound o greater depth than length)

    produced #$ a sharp o#ject'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step 1

    • patients general appearance and demeanour'

    • Start &ith the patients hands6 this &ill reassure

    the patient'

    • Take the "ital signs)

    • !nspect #oth sides o #oth hands or injuries'

    7#ser"e the &rists or signs o ligature marks'

    Trace e"idence ma$ need to #e collected .some jurisdictions reHuire ingernail scrapings'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step 2

    • !nspect the orearms or deense injuries%

    #ruising) a#rasions) lacerations or incised


    •  An$ intra"enous puncture sites should #e


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step ?

    • The inner suraces o the upper arms and

    the armpit or axilla need to #e careull$

    o#ser"ed or signs o #ruising'

    • Victims &ho ha"e #een restrained #$

    hands oten displa$ ingertip #ruising on

    the upper arms '

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step <

    • !nspect the ace' Elack e$es and the signs o

    #leeding nose

    • The mouth should #e inspected careull$)

    checking or #ruising) a#rasions and lacerationso #uccal mucosa'

    • :etechiae on the hard,sot palate ma$ indicate


    • @heck or a torn renulum and #roken teeth'

    • @ollect an oral s&a#) i indicated'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step B

    • !nspect the ears and #ehind the ears) or

    e"idence o shado& #ruising the ear has

    #een struck onto the scalp'

    • 9se an otoscope to inspect the eardrum'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step C

    • Ientle palpation o the scalp ma$ re"ealtenderness and s&elling) suggesti"e ohaematomas'

    • *air loss due to hair pulling during the assaultma$ cause large amounts o loose hair to #ecollected in the glo"ed hands o the examiner6alternati"el$) a gentle com#ing ma$ reco"er an$loose hair'

    • Dlectrostatic orces can) ho&e"er) cause largeamounts o loose hair to #e retained in the headuntil the patient next takes a sho&er or #ath'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step =

    • Eruising on the neck can indicate a lie+

    threatening assault' !mprint #ruising ma$

    #e seen rom necklaces and other items o

     je&eller$ on the ears and on the neck'

    • Suction+t$pe #ruising rom #ites should #e

    noted and s&a##ed or sali"a #eore #eing


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step ;

    • The #reasts and trunk should #e examined &ith

    as much dignit$ and pri"ac$ as can #e aorded'

    • !n"estigate the presence injur$'

    • Ereasts are reHuentl$ a target o assault andare oten #itten and so ma$ re"eal e"idence o

    suction #ruises or #lunt trauma'

    • ! the #reasts are not examined) the reasons ornot doing so should #e documented

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step F

    • The patient can then #e reclined or an

    a#dominal examination)

    • an inspection or #ruising) a#rasions)

    lacerations and trace e"idence'

    •  A#dominal palpation should #e perormed

    to exclude an$ internal trauma or to detect


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step 10

    • !nner thighs are oten the target o ingertip

    #ruising or #lunt trauma .caused #$ knees'

    • There ma$ #e a#rasions or lacerations to the

    knee and the eet• !t is important to inspect the ankles .and &rists

    "er$ closel$ or signs o restraint &ith ligatures'

    • The soles o the eet should also #e examined'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step 11

    • Dxamine the #uttocks and o the #ack o

    the legs

    • e"idence should #e collected &ith

    moistened s&a#s .or semen) sali"a)

    #lood or t&eeers .or hair) i#res) grass)


    • -ocumented the presence o tattoo

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    • The use o >oods lamps to detect semenon areas o skin &here this is suspected is

    no longer recommended clinical practice do not luoresce semen as &ell aspre"iousl$ thought) and more relia#le

    methods o detecting semen .e'g' s&a#sshould thereore #e used

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    The genito-anal examination

    • in the lithotom$ position

    • make the patient eel as comorta#le and

    as relaxed as possi#le

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Ienital examination

    • The external areas o the genital region andanus should #e examined) !nspect the monspu#is'

    • The "aginal "esti#ule should #e examinedpa$ing special attention to the la#ia majora) la#iaminora) clitoris) h$men or h$menal remnants)posterior ourchette and perineum'

    •  A s&a# o the external genitalia should #e taken#eore an$ digital exploration or speculumexamination is attempted

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Step 2

    • ! an$ #right #lood is present) it should #e

    gentl$ s&a##ed in order to esta#lish

    • its origin) i'e' &hether it is "ul"al or rom

    higher in the "agina'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Supporting examination

    • Seminal detection% :?0)

    • Sperm detection

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    •  collection o orensic specimens

    •  la#eling) packaging and transporting oorensic specimens to maintain

    • the chain o custod$ o the e"idence

    •  therapeutic opportunities

    •  arranging ollo&+up care

    • storage o documentation

    •  pro"ision o a medico+legal report

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Ethical issues

    •  Autonomy 'The right o patients to makedecisions on their o&n #ehal' All steps taken inpro"iding ser"ices are #ased on the inormedconsent o the patient'

    • Beneficence. The dut$ or o#ligation to act in the#est interests o the patient'

    • Non-maleficence' The dut$ or o#ligation to a"oid

    harm to the patient'• Justice or fairness' -oing and gi"ing &hat is

    rightull$ due'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Diagnostic tests specimen

    collection and forensic issues

    • The primar$ aim o a orensic examination

    is to collect e"idence that ma$ help pro"e

    or dispro"e a link #et&een indi"iduals

    and,or #et&een indi"iduals and o#jects orplaces'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    • collect careull$) a"oiding contamination6

    • collect specimens as earl$ as possi#le6 =2 hoursater the assault the "alue o e"identiar$ material

    decreases dramaticall$6•  la#el all specimens accuratel$6

    •  dr$ all &et specimens6

    •  ensure specimens are secure and tamper proo6

    • maintain continuit$6

    • document details o all collection and handlingprocedures'

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Ta!ing a "lind vaginal s#a"

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Ho# to perform a s#a" of the

    mouth for spermatozoa

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    • -ocumented all inding to the medical


    • Visum et (epertum  projustia) &ritten


    • Dxpert &itness explain in the court

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  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako



    • Memahami pengertian inanticide

    • Memahami kepentingan medikolegal

    • Memahami tujuan pemeriksaan

    • Memahami memperkirakan maturitas)umur #a$i,inant

    • Memahami perkiraan #a$i lahir mati atau


  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako



     According to 89*: ?

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    The role o orensic pathologist

    •  Assist in identi$ing the mother .i she isunkno&n

    • Dstimate the maturit$ o the child

    • Dsta#lish &hether the child &as ali"e atthe time o #irth

    • To determine the cause o death  natural

    or unnatural

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Dstimation o maturit$

    4ull term .

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    • Testes are palpa#le in the scrotum6 "ul"alla#ia closes the "aginal opening

    • The um#ilicus is mid&a$ #et&een

    xiphisternum and pu#is• -ark meconium present in the large ints'

    • *aase .@ro&n+heel and Streeter .@ro&n+

    coccigeus rule

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    Age (month) Haase Streeter1 1x1=1

    2 2x2=4 0,23

    3 3x3=9 6,10

    4 4x4=16 11,60

    5 5x5=25 6,40

    6 6x5=30 20,80

    7 7x5=35 24,70

    8 8x5=40 28,30

    9 9x5=45 32,10

    10 10x5=50 36,20

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    >as the child ali"e at #irth J

    • *$drostatic test) loating the lungs in&ater' Sink still#orn ) loat #reathed

    • @ollapsed al"eoli  had not #reathed

    • -etection o air in the stomach• :ro#lems% putreaction) resuscitation

  • 8/20/2019 Sexual Violence in Adolescents 2012 Tadulako


    The cause o death

    • Natural % diseases) atal a#normalities)pre+immature age

    • 9nnatural death%

    1'Suocation  direct application to theace to close the nose and mouth


    ?'*ead injur$% thro&ing) dashing