shell u.k. limitedshell u.k. limited shell-mex house strand london wc2r oox peter clark sheard...

Shell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R ODX Mike MacMahon Concept Loyalty Ltd 6 South Bank Terrace Surbiton Surrey KT6 6DG CONFIDENTIAL Dear Mike 3474 TMp!>one 071 -257 Of 071 -257 3000 T .... 22585 Shell G Faa Grouo .1111071-257 Faa group ./111071 -25 7 3920 Telecom Gold 81-5\)1( 001 ourr.f UORH/132 }'OUf ref ~e 27 October 1992 Thank you very much for coming in to see us a couple of weeks ago and please convey my regards to Michael. Tim and 1 have now seen all of the proposals for Project Onyx but have not had a chance to fully compare each proposal. And since Tim is away this week that is going to be delayed even longer. However, we have done some initial analysis and have identified further information that we do need. Can you pleas8 give me your best estimate of the following costinga in your proposal (you should assume 2000 sites and 5 million cards participating at one time):- .* * * * * * * * Total set-up hardware cost • Total set-up cards cost. Annual hardware cost (eg maintenance). Annual cost of cards replacement. Any costs of site upgrades. Any database costs (set-up or ongoing). Promotion cost. Any other costs. Can you specify these in current money for both the magstripe and the smartcard options that you discussed? Can you also confirm comfortable timescales to launch of a pilot and to full national roll-out. I would much appreciate it if you can put this data together by 14 November. Please pass it on as soon as you have it. \DW4\DATA\F6\AL7.DOC/CB 3056

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Page 1: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone

Shell U.K. Limited

Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R ODX

Mike MacMahonConcept Loyalty Ltd6 South Bank TerraceSurbitonSurreyKT6 6DGCONFIDENTIAL

Dear Mike

3474TMp!>one 071 -257

Of 071 -257 3000

T.... 22585 Shell G

Faa Grouo .1111071 -257

Faa group ./111071 -25 7 3920

Telecom Gold 81-5\)1( 001

ourr.f UORH/132}'OUf ref

~e 27 October 1992

Thank you very much for coming in to see us a couple of weeks ago andplease convey my regards to Michael.

Tim and 1 have now seen all of the proposals for Project Onyx but have nothad a chance to fully compare each proposal. And since Tim is away thisweek that is going to be delayed even longer. However, we have done someinitial analysis and have identified further information that we do need.

Can you pleas8 give me your best estimate of the following costinga inyour proposal (you should assume 2000 sites and 5 million cardsparticipating at one time):-


Total set-up hardware cost •Total set-up cards cost.Annual hardware cost (eg maintenance).Annual cost of cards replacement.Any costs of site upgrades.Any database costs (set-up or ongoing).Promotion cost.Any other costs.

Can you specify these in current money for both the magstripe and thesmartcard options that you discussed?

Can you also confirm comfortable timescales to launch of a pilot and tofull national roll-out.

I would much appreciate it if you can put this data together by14 November. Please pass it on as soon as you have it.



Page 2: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone

Do not hesitate to give me a call if you would like further clarification.I hope to see you again soon.

Yours sincerely

Andrew J LazenbyPromotions Manager

cc: T W Hannagan



Page 3: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone

Shell U.K. Limited

Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R ODX

Alan LeibertMcCorquodale Stuart Card Systems LtdMariner House62 Prince StreetBristolBS1 4QDHIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL

Dear Alan

3474Te1epnone 071 -257 direct line

or 071 -2573000 switchbOard

Telex 22585 Shell G

Fax g"'up 111111071 -257 Olrect line

Fax group II/III 071-257 3920

Telerom Gold 81 -SUK 001

our reI UORM/132yoyr ref

oate 27 October 1992

Thank you very much for coming in to see us a couple of weeks ago andplease convey my regards to Lillian.

Tim and I have now seen all of the proposals for Project Onyx but have nothad a chance to fully compare each proposal. And since Tim is away thisweek that is going to be delayed even longer. So please bear with us - wewill revert to you when we have made any further progress.

Do not hesitate to give me a call if you would like to discuss anythingfurther.

Yours sincerely

Andrew J LazenbyPromotions Manager

ee: T W Hannagan


Ae;islered OffICe Shell·Me .. House Strand LondOn WC2R OOX Re-gl$lered User 01 Tr~e Mi,r1t.S

Page 4: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone

dale 27 October 1992

Shell U.K. Limited

Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX

Julie HumphreysAT & T Istel LimitedGrosvenor HouseProspect HillRedditchWorcs B97 4DQHIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL

Dear Julie

3474Telephone 071-257

or 071 -2573000

Telex 22585 Shell G

Fax group 111111071 -257

Fax group 111111071 -2573920

Telecom Gold 81 ·SUK 001

our reI UORM/132your ref

direct line


direct line



Thank you very much for coming in to see us a couple of weeks ago andplease convey my regards to Jonathan.

Tim and I have now seen all of the proposals for Project Onyx but have nothad a chance to fully compare each proposal. And since Tim is away thisweek that is going to be delayed even longer. However, we have done someinitial analysis and have identified further information that we do need.

Can you please give me your best estimate of the following costings inyour proposal (you should assume 2000 sites and 5 million cardsparticipating at one time):-

* Total set-up hardware cost.* Total set-up cards cost.* Annual hardware cost (eg maintenance).* Annual cost of cards replacement.* Any costs of site upgrades.* Any database costs (set-up or ongoing).* Promotion cost.* Any other costs.

We are particularly interested to confirm the feasibility of your proposedroute with respect to the possibility of using our current range of tillsand card-readers - Nick Bradshaw should be a bit more available now.

I would much appreciate it if you can put this data together by14 November. Please pass it on as soon as you have it.


ReQlSlered Othc.e Shell-Mex House Stl'¥ld london WC2R OOX Fleglstere-d User 01 Tr~de MArks Regtsteff'd IrI EnQ~n(I No 1"0141

Page 5: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone


Do not hesitate to give me a call if you would like further clarification.I hope to see you again soon.

Yours sincerely

Andrew J LazenbyPromotions Manager

cc: T W Hannagan


Page 6: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone

Shell U.K. Limited

Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX

Peter ClarkSheard Thomson Harris1 Albemarle WayClerkenwellLondonEC1V 4JBCONFIDENTIAL

3474Telephone 071 -257 d.reC1 hne

or 071-2573000 sWItchboard

Telex 22585 Shell G

Fax QrouP 111111071-257 dIrect hne

Fax QrouP 111111071-257 3920

Telecom Gold 81 ·SUK 001

our reI UORM/132your rei

date 27 October 1992

Dear Peter

Thank you very much for coming in to see us a couple of weeks ago andplease convey my regards to Mark and Pascaline.

Tim and I have now seen all of the proposals for Project Onyx but have nothad a chance to fully compare each proposal. And since Tim is away thisweek that is going to be delayed even longer. However, we have done someinitial analysis and have identified further information that we do need.

Can you please give me your best estimate of the following costings inyour proposal (you should assume 2000 sites and 5 million cardsparticipating at one time):-


Total set-up hardware cost •Total set-up cards cost.Annual hardware cost (eg maintenance).Annual cost of cards replacement.Any costs of site upgrades.Any database costs (set-up or ongoing).Promotion cost.Any other costs.

Can you also confirm comfortable timeseales for launch of a pilot and tofull national roll-out.

I would very much appreciate it if you could put this data together by14 November. Please pass it on as soon as you have it.


3042AeQ,stered Otfice SheM-Mex HOuu Slrand London WC2R OOX R~Olslered Uwr 01 TriKte M41rks

Page 7: Shell U.K. LimitedShell U.K. Limited Shell-Mex House Strand London WC2R OOX Peter Clark Sheard Thomson Harris 1 Albemarle Way Clerkenwell London EC1V 4JB CONFIDENTIAL 3474 Telephone

Do not hesitate to give me a call if you would like further clarification.

Yours sincerely

~Andrew J LazenbyPromotions Manager

cc: T W Hannagan