shock atten

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  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    Shock Attenuation

    OutlineIntroductionShock attenuationMechanisms of shock absorption during locomotion/gaitactive mechanismspassive mechanismsArtificial shock attenuationinsoles/orthotic materialssurfacesshoesCushioning

    ReferencesPratt, !"! Mechanisms of shock attenuation via the lo#er e$tremit% during running! Clin &iomech!'()(* + -'.-!Collins, "!"! 0 1hittle, M!1! Impulsive forces during #alking and their clinical implications! Clin&iomech! '()(* + '(.')!Robbins et al! o soft shoes improve running shoes! &iomechanics '(()* April +.--!

    2eel strike transient3pon heel strike, a ground reaction force 45R67 is transmitted #hich travels up through the lo#ere$tremit%8he sharp irregularit% in the 5R6 at heel strike 4first -.9- ms7 is kno#n as the heel strike transient2eel strike transient

    Severit% of skeletal stress #ave is determined b%amplitude 4content of tibial acceleration7fre:uenc% 4content of tibial acceleration7components bet#een '; . '-; 2hen it comes to shoe shopping size is step ?*

    So %ouldn't it be nice i" you had one o" those handy metalde(ices that shoe salespeople use to accurately measure "eet5>e'll gi(e you the ne/t best thing = printable "oot measurementtools or !shoe sizers! "or %omen men and children#

    Clic$ on the lin$s belo% to do%nload these shoe sizers in an

    Adobe Acrobat #pd" "ormat# :The %omen's and men's sizers ta$eup t%o pages so ma$e sure to print them both;

    >omen's* 6en's* @ids'>omen's+ 6en's+

    eed Adobe Acrobat5 Do%nload it here#

    AttentionB These shoe measurement tools are general guides to securing your propershoe size# 0ecause o" di""erences in manu"acturing styling and other (ariables "itcharacteristics and sizes may (ary among brands# Shoe sizer designs are based on the

    Genuine 0rannoc$ De(ice a registered trademar$ o" The 0rannoc$ De(ice Company8nc# +99+#

    0ac$ to Find Your Size0ac$ to Top

    7easure Them ourself

    You can easily determine your shoe size the old"ashioned %ay# All you need isa piece o" paper a pencil and a ruler# ust "ollo% these instructionsB

    *# ,lace your "oot naturally stretched on a piece o" paper#+# 6ar$ the bac$ o" your heel#-# 6ar$ the tip o" your longest toe#E# 6easure the distance :in inches; bet%een mar$s#2# Select the appropriate inchtoshoe size con(ersion chart belo%#

    0ac$ to Find Your Size0ac$ to Top

    8on4ersion 8harts

    7nce you ha(e your heeltotoe length in inches simply match it to itscorresponding shoe size#
  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    Women's Men's

    Inches Shoe


    nches ShoeSi6e

    / !



    -*1! - *+ *-*1!

    E *+





    *+! E *+ -*1! 2 *+


    # 2 !0/


    2 *+ *+! 1 *+

    ! 1 ***1!


    -*1! 1 *+ *-*1!

    I *+

    -! I *9!

    *+! I *+ *9-*1!



    *9 -!


    *+ *9 *+! *+

    *9! *9***1!



    *+ *9*-*1!


    *9 -! *9 **! **

    *9 *+! *9*+





    ** ** -! *+



    ** *+! *+*+

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    2 I! **1! E *+

    1 **1! *+ *E! 2

    1 *E! -! 2 *+

    1 -! *+

    1 *1! *9

    0ac$ to Find Your Size+ac* to To)

    General Sizing Hints

    You $no% your shoe size but that's only the beginning# As you select ne%"oot%ear $eep in mind these important sizing "actsB

    Do you remember the last time you measured your "eet5 You're notaloneJ only about +23 o" consumers do# 6easure your "eet at least oncee(ery year or ideally e(ery time you buy "oot%ear#

    Your "eet %ill continue to gro% and change %ith age# Gra(ity and a%eight increasedecrease may also change your "eet#

    Did you e(er thin$ one "oot is bigger than the other5 8t could be# Selectyour shoes accordingly al%ays "a(oring the larger size#

    Kemember to ha(e L to M inch bet%een your longest toe and the end o"the shoe# This allo%s your "oot the e/tra room it needs to elongate andspread during physical acti(ity e(en %al$ing#

    6a$e sure the %idest part o" your "oot "its in the %idest part o" the shoe

    %ithout hanging o(er the outsole# Consider the type o" soc$s you %ear# Their thic$ness %ill a""ect your

    shoes' "it and in turn their com"ort# Good insoles %ill cushion your "eetmuch better than any soc$#

    Try to alternate your shoes about e(ery other day so they ha(e time todry out bet%een %earings# This allo%s the material:s; to "ully !reco(er!heightening their longe(ity#

    .i$e )eans shoe sizes can (ary among di""erent brands and styles# >omen's "eet o"tentimes become a M size larger :or more; a"ter


    Studies sho% that around 93 o" consumers %ear their shoes too small#.i$e%ise loose"itting shoes can cause blisters "oot instability and)ammed toes#

    0ac$ to Find Your Size0ac$ to Top

    thletic Shoe Tips

    0uy the right shoes "or your sport# Di""erent sports reNuire di""erent "ootsupport# The %rong shoes may lead to in)ury#

    Select a shoe %ith a shape that most resembles the shape o" your "oot#This %ill %or$ best "or your "oot type#

    The easiest %ay to tell i" you need ne% shoes is to loo$ at the soles# 8"they are %orn out or (ery une(enly %orn you should replace them
  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    immediately# Crosstraining shoes should be replaced e(ery *99 hours roughly once a

    year i" you're %earing them "or an hour t%ice a %ee$# Kunning shoes should be replaced e(ery E99299 miles or e(ery si/

    months# 8" you %ear cross trainers "or a (ariety o" acti(ities especially running or

    (igorous e/ercise then replace them t%ice a year# Kunning shoes %ith polyurethane midsoles are li$ely to maintain their

    le(el o" cushioning longer than shoes %ith

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    Tech Terms Glossary>hat does !

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    returns energy "or increased per"ormance# From A(ia#

    /T TreadH An allterrain aggressi(e tread that ma/imizes the outsole'sdurability# From e% 0alance#

    8.8a' A "irm cushioned midsole "rom e% 0alance made o" pressure


  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    DuraS'on$e A ne% rubber compound "rom Asics "or enhanced durability andcushioning in the "ore"oot#

    ;cli'se K0L0 7;A/ .ight%eight durable midsole cushioning that pro(idesmid"oot integrity and control#

    ;cto.8antile4er System *;8S, This A(ia system is a ne% mechanicallyad(anced technology designed to increase energy return into the ne/t step%hile reducing the shoc$ "elt upon impact# T%o molded plastic plates in theheel the top "or cushioning and the bottom "or impact absorption pro(idee/tra support#

    ;s'adrille A type o" sandal o" Spanish origin %hich has a %o(en "abric:usually can(as; upper and a "le/ible sole typically %o(en "rom rope or grass#Qsually %ith a %edge heel#

    ;A/ *ethylene 4inyl acetate, Closedcell synthetic rubber "oam in themidsole that's lighter and so"ter than the other ma)or midsole "abric =polyurethane#

    ;yelet The holes or rein"orced rings in %hich the laces thread through#

    &isherman Sandal A type o" sandal %ith %o(en or stitched (ertical andhorizontal straps o"ten %ith a closed toe# And an ad)ustable buc$le strap thatgoes around the heel# Qsually %ith a rugged rubber sole "or e/tra traction#

    &leJ $roo4es Anatomically designed groo(es cut horizontally across the

    "ore"oot o" the outsole# They allo% the "oot to "le/ at its ball :its naturalbending point; and roll more naturally#

    fom This A(ia system mimics the %ay your "oot compresses and dispersesshoc$ and is located in $ey impact areas much the same as the "at pads inyour "oot# 6ade o" e/tremely so"t yet dense material it con"orms to your "ooton impact "or e/cellent cushioning and com"ort then bounces bac$ to itsoriginal shape a"ter each impact#

    &orefoot The broad "ront area o" the "oot# 8t's usually the second point o"contact %hile %al$ing or running# Gel padding inserted into the heel "or added com"ort and shoc$absorption# From S$echersP#

    Gait The manner o" %al$ing or mo(ing on "oot#

    Gel 8ushionin$ System Siliconebased gel "rom Asics that pro(ides e/cellentshoc$ absorption in highimpact areas#

    G)DH *Ground )eaction nertia De4ice, 8assette System Small cassette

    made o" inter%o(en Hytrel elastomer that's inserted into a gap hollo%ed out inthe heel# >hen the heel hits the ground the Hytrel strings bend to the heel'sshape absorbing the shoc$# At the same time the midsole compresses# The

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    result is better cushioning and stability# From SauconyP#

    -eJalite Honeycomb structure used in the heel rear "oot and "ore"oot thatacts as a shoc$ absorber increasing stability and cushioning# From Keebo$#

    383S3 *onic 8ushionin$ System, Saucony system composed o" molded

    triangular pillars at the rear o" the midsole pro(iding additional cushioning "orthe heelstri$e phase o" each running stride#

    nsole The padded sur"ace upon %hich the "oot rests %ithin the shoe# Qsuallyremo(able "or drying purposes and should be remo(ed i" orthotics are used#Also re"erred to as a "ootbed or soc$liner#

    =itten -eel An ultra"eminine lo% heel that tapers sharply to a narro% base#They are usually * *+ to + inches high# The per"ect alternati(e to "lats andpumps

    2ast The threedimensional %ooden or plastic "orm %hich composes the shoes'o(erall shape and e(entual "it# Hand car(ed or made "rom a mold lasts may bestraight cur(ed or semicur(ed# Di""erent types o" last pro(ide di""erent typeso" support and "it options#

    7ary mni.Gri'H .ight%eight abrasionresistant outsole "rom ColumbiaP# >ith amultidirectional lug design "or better trac$ing and durability#

    >'ti.&leJ ConeH 6a/imizes "ore"oot "le/ibility# From Keebo$#

    >rthotics The branch o" medical science that deals %ith the support o" %ea$or ine""ecti(e )oints and muscles# ,eople su""ering "rom the a"orementionedcan insert medical insoles in their shoes that protect the "eet and an$les "rom

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    the repetiti(e stress o" physical acti(ities#

    >utsole The bottom o" the shoe usually composed o" rubber#

    +hylon .ight%eight

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    %eight e(en %hen %et# ,lus these "ibers' large sur"ace area helps speed upe(aporation#

    Ton$ue 6aterial beneath the laces area that helps protect the top o" "oot#

    Torsion The t%isting or %renching o" a body by the e/ertion o" "orces tending

    to turn one end or part about a longitudinal a/is %hile the other is held "ast orturned in the opposite direction#

    T>)S> System Designed by adidas this system pro(ides mid"oot and archsupport %hile allo%ing the natural independent mo(ement o" the "ore"oot andheel#

    T+@ *thermo'lastic urethane, outsole 8mported rubberli$e material that ise/tra light%eight and strong#

    T+@ rearfoot 'ost A stability de(ice made o" thermoplastic urethane# 8t'splaced medially in the heel o" the midsole to aid pronation control o""eringsupport#

    T+) *thermo'lastic ruer, A synthetic rubber similar to resinrubber or ablend o" petroleumbased synthetics# ,roduces rubberli$e Nualities but canbe "used by heat and there"ore processed into soles by in)ection molding#

    T)/B> 7utsole lugs that are shaped "or ma/imum ground penetration ande(enly distributed pressure against the "oot# The center lugs grip %henaccelerating or running straight aheadJ the perimeterlateral lugs grip %hile

    ma$ing sharp turns or running on slopes# From adidas#

    Trusstic System A molded mid"oot component "rom Asics %hich reduces the%eight o" the sole unit %hile retaining the structural integrity#

    @''er The so"t body o" the shoe# Qsually made o" a combination o" materials"rom light%eight durable synthetic mesh to hea(ier materials li$e leather# Thematerials and construction o" the upper pro(ide stability com"ort and a snugbut not tight "it#

    Waffle A light%eight outsole pattern in(ented by i$e co"ounder 0ill

    0o%erman on his %i"e's %a""le iron# The design %hich is similar to a %a""le inappearance pro(ides e/cellent traction Nualities on most sur"aces %et or dry#

    Walkin$ Strike +athH Technology "rom e% 0alance that stabilizes the "ootthrough the %al$ing gait cycle#

    Width A shoe measurement based on the %idest part o" the "oot# Shoe %idthsizes are generally stated as letters or as the terms arro% 6edium >ide#The letters and terms tend to (ary bet%een shoe manu"acturers# For >omen astandard :or medium; %idth is usually a 0# For @ids and 6en a standard %idth

    is a D#

    J.&2;BH 8nternal and e/ternal "le/ groo(es under the ball o" the "oot "or a

  • 8/13/2019 Shock Atten


    more e""icient and balanced "oot stri$e# From adidas#

    BT.E00 A highly durable carbon rubber outsole material# From Saucony#

    B.eam technology "or a lo%totheground loo$ and "eel "or %or$ing out orstepping out#

    0ac$ to Tech Terms Glossary+ac* to To)