show us your country denmark

SHOW US YOUR COUNTRY DENMARK We hope you’ll like this presentation of our country, Denmark.

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We hope you’ll like this presentation of our country, Denmark.

GeographyDenmark’s area is 43. 094 km2. So it is a small country.Capital: Copenhagen.There are 5,5 millions residents.Denmark is a very flat country – like a pancake! Denmark’s tallest point is called “Himmelbjerget”.Himmelbjerget is only 147m tall.We don’t have any mountains, falls or rivers.We do have a lot of fields – it’s a farm country.We also have many beaches, because there issea all around Denmark.

Here you see one of the beaches from the west coast. The west coast is a popular place to spend the summer holiday.

Capital of DenmarkThe capital of Denmark is Copenhagen. It is also the biggest city in Denmark.I Copenhagen you can see a lot of things. Here are some examples:

The Opera HouseThe Opera House cost 2,3 billion dkk. It was opened by the queen in 2005. It is 40 meters high.

The Round TowerIn Cph you can also see many historical sights. Like The RoundTower. It was build by Christian the 4th, who built manybuildings i Copenhagen, It first opened in 1642It is 42 meters high.

The little mermaidIt is inspired by a Hans Christian Andersen story “The little mermaid”.It is a very popular touristattraction, but it is very small.It is made of bronze.She had her head cut of three times.


Tivoli is also in Copenhagen. Georg Carstensen establish Tivoli

in 1843.The Tivoli is second oldest park in Denmark The Tivoli

has 27 rides. The Tivoli is the third most visited in Europe. This

is a must for you if you visit Copenhagen!!!

Here you can see of the rides:


AmalienborgYou can also visit Amalienborg castle, wherethe Royal Danish familylives.

Royal Family

In Denmark we don’t have a king, but

we have a queen. Her name is Queen

Margrethe the 2nd . Her husband is

Prince Henrik.

We also have a crown prince and a

crown princess.

The crown princess’ name is Mary

and the crown prince’s name is


We have another princess and a

prince named Marie and Joakim.

The queen

Queen Margrethe was born

April 16th 1940.

She has been the queen of

Denmark for more than 40


Frederik and Mary

Frederik is Margrethe’s son.

He has four children with

Mary. She is from Australia.

Mary and Fredrik have two

boys and two girls.

The boys’ names are

Christian and Vincent.

The girls’ names are Isabella

and Josephine.

The 5 biggest cities in DenmarkThe biggest city is Copenhagen. More than 1 million people live there.The second biggest city is Aarhus. Aarhus is known for “Den gamle by” (The old city).Aarhus is also known for Aros (an art museum ).The third biggest city is Odense. The fourth biggest city is Aalborg. The fifth biggest city Is Esbjerg.Esbjerg has a big harbour.

Aros and Old City in Aarhus

Hans Christian Andersen

H.C Andersen is an author.

He was born April 2nd 1805 in Odense and he died August 4th

1875 in Copenhagen.

He is world famous. He has written many fairy tales eg. The

Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, The Snow Queen.

This is his house, which can bevisited in Odense.

HerningWe live in Herning, which is in the western part of Denmark.Herning is Danmarks eleventh biggest city.

About 50000 people live in Herning.


Heart is an Art Museum in

Herning, where you can see

new exhibitions from time to


It is short for Herning and art =


Danish champions in football

This year our team won the Danish

championship in football. The team is

called FC Midtjylland.

We have a nice stadium. There is room

for 11500 fans at the stadium.

Lego and LegolandIt was a Dane who invented Lego and built Legoland.

Do you know Lego?

Legoland is so funny for kids. Legoland is in Billund,

which is close to Herning. We are going to Legoland on

June 25th with our class and teachers.

In Legoland you can see the “Mini World”. It is a city with

attractions from all over the world built in Lego.

Legoland also have great rides like The Haunted House,

roller-coasters, Lego-train and much more.


We have a good men’s team in handball.

In 2008 and 2012 they won the European

championship. They have also won several

bronze and silver medals.

The captain named Nicklas Landin. He is the

goalkeeper. Another very famous player is

Mikkel Hansen.


This is her official webpage:


Caroline Wozniacki is a good female

tennis player. Maybe you know her?

Her parents are from Poland, but she

was born in Denmark .She was born

June 11th 1990.

She has been world number one more

than one time.

Her nick name is Miss Sunshine,

because she always looks happy.


Nicklas Bendtner (Lord

Bendtner) was born 16.

January 1998. He is a Danish

football player. He plays in

Vfl Wolfsburg. He has played

in this club since summer

2014. He has also played in

Arsenal. He started playing in

Tårnby Ball Club after Tårnby

Ballclub. He changed to FC

Copenhagen, when he was

only 13 years old.

Danish singers (That we like)


Named: Christopher Lund Nissen.

Born: January 31st. Today is he 23

years old.

He started his career in 2012.



Named: Medina Danielle Oona Valbak

Born: November 30th 1982. Today is

she 32 years old.

She started her career in 2007.



Named: Emmelie Charlotte

Victoria de Forest

Born: February 28th 1993. Today

is she 22 years old.

She won the Eurovision song

contest 2013 in Sweden with the

song “Only teardrops”



” Frikadeller ”are danish meatballs. They taste very good.

Many Danes eat them often. We usually eat them with

potatoes and gravy. They are very popular in Denmark.

Danish Food

Leverpostej “Leverpostej “ is something you can put on bread. It is made from pig liver. Many people eat it on rye bread for lunch and kids have it in the lunchbox.

Flæskesteg“Flæskesteg“ is a pork roast. Danish people eat it for chrismas. It’s very popular and it tastes soooo good. We eats it with sugar browed potatoes and sauce.

FiskefiletIn English it’s called Fish fillet. It’s fish that people deep-fry. It also tastes very very good, we think. We eat it with “remoulade” and a little bit of lemon on the top.

Thank you!Thank you so much for the presentations. We have enjoyed

reading them and learning about you and your country.

Now we are looking forward to the summer holiday. We guess you do too!

Bye for now!