shrine - syria sojourners blue lodge presentation team with full script & presentation photographs,...

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  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    The Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation was developed by

    Noble Barry J. Lipson as an "Unofficial" Shrine Presentation for Blue Lodge

    Masons, to be performed at the request of the Worshipful Master in the Blue

    Lodge Meeting Room, to acquaint Blue Lodge Masons at their Home Lodge

    with Shrine-type Ritual and interest them in joining the Shrine.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    Presented at the April 2008 Stated Meeting of Brashear Lodge No. 743

    Sojourners found at:

    Home page:

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    The Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation was developed by Noble Barry J. Lipson as an

    "Unofficial" Shrine Presentation for Blue Lodge Masons, to be performed at the request of the

    Worshipful Master in the Blue Lodge Meeting Room, to acquaint Blue Lodge Masons at their Home

    Lodge with Shrine-type Ritual and interest them in joining the Shrine.




    Oriental Guide [in Colorful Dessert Garb]

    Ceremonial Master [in Colorful Dessert Garb]

    1 or 2 Neophytes [Recruited Lodge members in White Robes]Head Sojourner [in Ragged Robe]

    1 or 2 Fellow Sojourners [Recruited Lodge members in Ragged Robes]


    Sand Colored Cloth[sufficient quantity to cover: alter to turn it into sand dune, parts of Lodge floor,treacherous (covered pillows) terrain and hidden/buried Sojourners seated on chairs]

    Recorded Introduction and Music[as noted below]

    Opens with recorded Arabian Nights Background Music

    Preface [Live Or On Tape]:My brothers, travel with us back to the magical and mystical times of the

    Arabian Nights. Let your mental taste buds enjoy a tantalizing teasing taste of the wonders and delights

    you may expect when you, a Master Mason, join us as Syria Shriners in the lush and lively Oasis ofPittsburgh. Only Master Masons may be Shriners.

    Shriners are dedicated to fun and fellowship, --- and feasting also, but with a very serious purpose. That iswhy we are known as The Worlds Greatest Philanthropy, with 22 Hospitals for Crippled and Burned

    Children that are absolutely free to all children needing their services.

    But to truly understand us come back for a moment to our beginnings, to see what we are and what we are

    not. First, there is no relationship between the Shriners and Islam, or the Nation of Syria, except that, like

    all other Master Masons, Masonic brothers who happen to be of the Islamic faith, and Masonic Brotherswho happen to be citizen of Syria, may join the Shrine. The Shriners were founded in 1872 by a group of

    thirteen worthy Master Masons who envisioned a place within Masonry which stressed fun and

    fellowship more than ritual. At that time the Mideast was a far off mysterious place, with little contact

    with the West, thoughts of which elicited exotic visions of the Arabian Nights, with its valorous heroes,limitless adventures, flying carpets, magical lamps and wish-granting Genies. When our historical brethren

    created this branch of Masonic goodwill, they seized upon this sense of awe, adventure and wonder

    engendered by such thoughts of distant exotic Arabia, to interest other brethren in tasting the smorgasbordof delights the Shrine could offer, and still offers today. They named the first Shrine Mecca, and as

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    additional Shrines were founded in other Oases other Arabian names were chosen such as Arabia,

    Crescent, Egypt, Isis, Kismet, Osiris, Pyramid and Sphinx, to name just a few. In 1877, we in the Oasis of

    Pittsburgh chose the name Syria.

    As you know, neither Masonry generally, nor the Shrine, is a religion. As you proceed on your Masonic

    journey, you will be witness to Masons from many walks of life and many lands with differing concepts ofthe Deity. In Masonry and in the Shrine all are valid and we favor no particular concept or religion.

    Instead, we look beyond the barriers of language, ethnicity, and differing concepts of Grand Architect of

    the Universe, and we focus on the uniting universal principles of Masonic Brotherhood.

    If you have not already guessed, the covering on your lodge floor is supposed to represent sand, and the

    piles dunes. Let your mind help us here. We wanted to make this more realistic for you, but your hall

    association would not let us bring in twelve tons of real sand.

    Sit back now and let your minds travel to the far off desert as an important Masonic lesson, in full

    costume, unfolds.

    Narrator [Live Or On Tape]:So! You have rescued a weary traveler and his injured son from the endless

    godforsaken ocean of sand. Though you have agreed to share with them your dwindling supply of water --precious, sweet, wet water -- none to be wasted, none to be squandered -- somehow you felt elated from

    having performed such noble deeds of self-sacrifice. Surely, you could not let a little child or his devoted

    father, suffer. But you are still in the midst of a most perilous journey, traversing the deep, desolate

    devastated Desert! Far from the comforts of sheltering palms and bubbling springs with their dreamed of

    limitless supplies of cool, clear, water [Chanters on tape: Cool, clear water].

    Both a most unforgettable and frightening experience. A scorched, shadeless, waterless wasteland of fierydays and frigid nights, interspersed with awesome sights of amazing beauty, where you are constantly

    walking through a roaring furnace, blinded by the blazing sun, with every dry choking breath a struggle.

    Yet you know the worst may still be ahead, the unthinkable and unimaginable wild winds of stingingstabbing stilettos of silicon, the dreaded storms of sand, which could engulf you at any moment.

    But let us not obsess on such negative things; let us dwell upon the comradery of developing friendships,

    growing brotherhood and shared humor; upon the gratification of a job well done; and upon the satisfactionderived from selflessly helping others. Think of your future arrival at the Well of Zem Zem, as we join the

    advance scout party from the Illustrious Potentates Caravan, consisting of the Oriental Guide, the

    Ceremonial Master and several neophyte brothers who are acting as servants in this their first trek acrossthe Hot Sands, and their dreams of all that awaiting cool, clear water [Chanters on tape: Cool, clear


    Background Music changes to lighthearted travel music

    With OG, CM and Neophytes entering [exhibiting wit, humor and camaraderie in the face of adversity

    as they the cross the desert].

    CM:You neophytes have it so easy! On our last trek through the Hot Sands water was so scarce that we

    had to scurry after scarab beetles to deprive them of their natural internal stores of hard won water. -- Thenout of nowhere the fierce furious winds buried us, beetles and all.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    OG:Wasnt that the trek where you shamelessly boasted you single handedly dug out all survivors, and in

    the process unearthed an ancient urn?

    CM: Indeed, yes. It was truth not boast. Water gone, after rescuing Aazad and Ziad, I continued my

    digging to hopefully find the others. While doing so I uncovered a securely sealed vessel. Desperately

    desiring to consume the potable libation we hoped it still contained, all of us simultaneously grabbed itroughly, breaking the seal, and lo and behold, a Genie appeared!

    OG:And are you now going to tell us that this most grateful Genie granted you three wishes?

    CM:Well, one wish each, and they had to be for our own benefit. Aazad, without a thought, wished to be

    home with kith and kin. I deliberated for a moment and wished to be whisked to the Holy City for libations

    ----- and for liberators for my still buried brothers.

    OG: And, dont tell me, Ziad being overcome with loneliness, wished you both would immediately


    ALL: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    OG:[Raising both arms to audience]Dont be shy my brothers, you may all freely laugh with us.

    Laughter finally stops, music fades and goes silent

    CM:Why is it so silent? ------ Look! What is that?[Pointing off stage]

    OG: Oh my G-d, Oh my G-d, the dreaded stinging storms of sand will soon be upon us.

    Growing Sandstorm sounds erupt on the scene [As OG, CM, etc, stumble through Sandstorm].

    Sound of quickly rising storm noise -- then as it reaches a crescendo:

    OG: Save yourselves, take Cover!!![They quickly take shelter around the covered alter or under sand

    colored cloth].

    Narrator [Live Or On Tape]:As IS the nature of desert sandstorms, first utter silence, and then in the

    blink of a camels eye the full fury falls full-blast upon you. Darkness encompasses you. The howlingharassing storm demons endlessly pound upon you. For a full half cycle of the shrouded Suns passage

    through the darkened sky, these unending demonic attacks, wild wracking winds, and stinging stilettos of

    silicon stabbing and slashing away unrelentingly, continues. All seems lost. Then as quickly as it hadcome, -- [slight pause] -- IT IS GONE! [abrupt end to sound track] --- leaving in its wake only wrack

    and ruin.

    [OG, CM, etc, removes cloth/get up].

    CM: Is everyone safe --- and unharmed?

    ALL: Yes/I think so/yah.

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    OG:Then let us continue, --- this way.

    Low somber music begins [Short trek, then OG, CM, etc, come upon treacherous terrain -- Sojournerscovered by sand colored cloth].

    CM:Watch your step my Brothers, the terrain is becoming treacherous.

    [OG trips]

    OG: What is this, not another three-wish Genies Jug?

    [Then senses movement]

    OG:No, it moves! --- Dig quickly with your hands here, but be careful it may be a wild beast!

    [They dig out Sojourners -- removing sand colored cloth].

    Low music gladdens

    OG: There are three, they are human, and they live! Let us help them! [The OG, CM andneophyte(s) each raiseone rescued sojourner acting happy, shaking hands and slapping backs].

    HS: Oh Noble Sirs, we are deeply in your debt. We are brothers from this realms Masonic Lodge, deep inthe desert on important Lodge business. We were overwhelmed by an unexpectedly fierce sandstorm in

    which we lost everything, and would have perished but for your helping hands.

    OG:We know of your worthy Lodge and like you are obligated by oath and respect for human life to

    extend our helping hands to you, our brothers. We ourselves are also on important Masonic business; we

    are the lead team for our Shrines caravan on pilgrimage to the Holy City.

    HS:We thank you again, and find that we must respectfully request your further assistance to enable us to

    return to our Lodge and report on the outcome of our important work, by your sharing with us, your

    Brothers, your cool, clear, water [Chanters on tape: Cool, clear water].

    Low music becomes more somber.

    CM: Noble Oriental Guide, are you sure we have enough water to spare? We have barely enough for

    ourselves, and we are already sharing this meager supply with those we previously rescued from the desert,

    the old man and his injured child.

    OG:Of course we will make do, gathering scarabs if we must. [To neophytes and CM]Wont you all

    consent to this?

    Exclamatory music [As Neophytes cry:]

    All: [Looking at each other]We will! Save them, save our Brothers!

  • 8/10/2019 Shrine - Syria Sojourners Blue Lodge Presentation Team With Full Script & Presentation Photographs, Developed b



    HS: Oh, bless you one and all, Noble Sirs and brothers! --- [Hesitating] Perchance, are we eligible to join

    your pilgrimages and your Shrine?

    Lighthearted travel music returns

    OG:You and your Lodge Brothers, one and all, are most welcome to become Nobles of the Mystic Shrineand join us at the Well of Zem Zem to share with all Nobles itscool, clear, water [Chanting on tape: Cool,

    clear water].

    Epilogue [In person]:Thank you for your time and attention. We hope you have a better understanding of

    the Shrine and your place in it. If you want Petitions or more information, they will be available in the

    outer area. By petitioning now you can shortly be counted with Buzz Aldrin, Ernest Borgnine, Clark

    Gable, Douglas MacArthur, Arnold Palmer, Will and Roy Rogers, Red Skelton, John Wayne; and U.S.Presidents including Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman and Gerald R. Ford, among many other

    noted Noble Americans who are Shriners. But let us not forget those illustrious and patriotic Noble

    Shriners and Masonic Musicians all, Irving Berlin who gifted us with our unofficial National Anthem

    "God Bless America;" George M. Cohan, a "real live nephew of [our] Uncle Sam's," who penned"You're a Grand Old Flag;"and John Philip Sousa who gave us such inspiring marches as "Stars andStripes Forever," "Semper Fidelis"and"Nobles of the Mystic Shrine" (which is even now playing inthe background).

    I am happy to inform you that in the Shrine you will not only be "well-watered" and "well-feasted" (though

    not on scarabs), but you will also have that "grand old" feeling of being part of an organization that putshelping children first. Yes my Brothers, all of you can be Nobles of the "Worlds Greatest Phun-thropy!"

    Copyright 2007-2010 by Barry J. Lipson / (Version 11)