singapore: education and change of class stratification chang · 2019. 12. 25. · h.-y. chang:...

Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 32, No.4, March 1995 Singapore: Education and Change of Class Stratification * Han- Yin CHANG ** Abstract In Singapore education has made a significant contribution to the change of class stratification in the past three decades. This contribution was accomplished in two basic ways: (1) by facilitating economic development, thereby helping to create a functional imperative to expand the proportion of professionals, technicians, executives and managers, i.e., to expand the relative size of the upper division of the class hierarchy; and (2) by equipping members of underprivileged groups (the lower class division, the female group, and some ethnic minorities) with necessary qualifications to respond to this imperative and move upward to join the upper division - thus leading to change of the social composition of the upper division. Differential advances of the underprivileged groups are reported. Forces that affect education's transformational power are identified. I Introduction This paper attempts to examine how and to what extent education has contributed to the transformation of class stratification in Singapore in the past three decades. Much research has been conducted on the conservative role of formal education in social reproduction, especially in the contexts of Britain and the United States [Durkheim 1952; Warner et at. 1944; Parsons 1961; Sewell and Shah 1977; Bowles 1977; Bourdieu 1977; Colclough and Beck 1986; Apple and Weis 1986; Bourdieu and Passeron 1990; Scrase 1993]. According to Durkheim [1956], "Education is ... only the means by which society prepares, within the children, the essential conditions of its very existence." This means was perceived by him as one of reproduction rather than production. Thus he [1952: 132J claimed, "Education is only the image of and reflection of society. It imitates and reproduces the latter in abbreviated form, it does not create it." In the capacity of this reproduction education had the job of fitting out children - physically, intellectually and morally - not only for society as a whole but also for that particular section of society for which they were particularly destined [Durkheim 1956: 28]. Following Durkheim's lead, Parsons specified two major mechanisms which are used by education to perform this job, namely socialization and selection. In Parsons' view * The author is indebted to Dr. Ko Yiu Chung for his informative comments first on the outline and then on an earlier draft of this paper. ** Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 0511, Singapore 455

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Page 1: Singapore: Education and Change of Class Stratification CHANG · 2019. 12. 25. · H.-Y. CHANG: Singapore: Education and Change of Class Stratification objective of the first stage,

Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 32, No.4, March 1995

Singapore: Education and Change of Class Stratification *

Han- Yin CHANG * *


In Singapore education has made a significant contribution to the change of class stratification inthe past three decades. This contribution was accomplished in two basic ways: (1) by facilitatingeconomic development, thereby helping to create a functional imperative to expand the proportionof professionals, technicians, executives and managers, i.e., to expand the relative size of theupper division of the class hierarchy; and (2) by equipping members of underprivileged groups(the lower class division, the female group, and some ethnic minorities) with necessaryqualifications to respond to this imperative and move upward to join the upper division - thusleading to change of the social composition of the upper division. Differential advances of theunderprivileged groups are reported. Forces that affect education's transformational power areidentified.

I Introduction

This paper attempts to examine how and to what extent education has contributed to the

transformation of class stratification in Singapore in the past three decades.

Much research has been conducted on the conservative role of formal education in social

reproduction, especially in the contexts of Britain and the United States [Durkheim 1952;

Warner et at. 1944; Parsons 1961; Sewell and Shah 1977; Bowles 1977; Bourdieu 1977;

Colclough and Beck 1986; Apple and Weis 1986; Bourdieu and Passeron 1990; Scrase 1993].

According to Durkheim [1956], "Education is ... only the means by which society prepares,

within the children, the essential conditions of its very existence." This means was perceived by

him as one of reproduction rather than production. Thus he [1952: 132J claimed, "Education is

only the image of and reflection of society. It imitates and reproduces the latter in abbreviated

form, it does not create it." In the capacity of this reproduction education had the job of fitting

out children - physically, intellectually and morally - not only for society as a whole but also

for that particular section of society for which they were particularly destined [Durkheim

1956: 28]. Following Durkheim's lead, Parsons specified two major mechanisms which are used

by education to perform this job, namely socialization and selection. In Parsons' view

* The author is indebted to Dr. Ko Yiu Chung for his informative comments first on the outline and thenon an earlier draft of this paper.

* * Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 0511, Singapore


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[1961: 435], socialization operates to internalize in students "both the commitments and

capacities for successful performance of their future adult roles," and selection functions to

"allocate these human resources within the role structure of the adult society." He believes that

in a society like that of the United States, selection is conducted basically on the basis of


Marxist scholars [Althusser 1971; Bowles and Gintis 1976; Bourdieu 1977] share with

these functionalists in recognizing the function of education in maintaining and reproducing

social and economic systems. But unlike the latter, they question the justice of capitalism (and

capitalist-style social stratification) and on that ground, they further question the reproductive

function of education under capitalism. Furthermore, they discredit the concept of meritocracy

by showing educational attainment as a function of class background. In Reid's words [1986:

274] . such education "appears to follow the biblical edict regarding the social structure: 'for the

man who has something will be given more. so that he will have more than enough...·

Education's role in social.reproduction is also readily discernible in Singapore (see Note 9).

However. the picture is not exactly the same as those painted by Durkheim and the Marxist

scholars: reproduction is only a partial function of education in this country. for education has

also produced tremendous social change. A major part of the change is in the dimension of class


In this paper I intend to emphasize the neglected aspect - namely the transformative

function - of formal education; my focus is to reveal the impact of Singapore's post-independent

education on the change of its class stratification.

"Class" is defined as large-scale social grouping, with its members sharing a similar power

base (in the form of office. property. expertise, skills or muscles), similar power relationships

with the other such groupings (characterized by domination. subordination, and degree of

independence). and subsequently similar material and social returns (such as status, prestige.

income. life style. and life chances). The variation of the power base determines the

differentiation of social classes in terms of kind. whilst power relationships as well as the

distribution of material and social returns define the relative position of each class in the

system of social hierarchy. Using this definition, then, we can identify the foHowing classes in

Singapore: (1) office-based bureaucratic class (legislators. administrators. managers. and

officers); (2) property-based employer class; (3) expertise-based professional class (professionals,

para-professionals. technicians); (4) clerical skills-based clerical class; (5) manual operation­

based working class (production and transportation workers, waiters and waitresses. sales

workers. fishermen, and farmers). The first three classes, which enjoy more income. lJ higher

status [cf. Chiew. Ko and Quah 1991]. and greater controlling power, constitute the upper

division of the class hierarchy and the remaining two classes form the lower division. Children

and non-working wives are treated as dependents associated with the five classes.

I shall explore the transformational impact of education on two particular aspects of this

class structure - the relative size and social composition of the upper division. Specifically, I

shall examine: (a) how and to what extent education has helped to expand the proportion of the


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upper division, and (b) how and to what extent education has helped to re-construct the social

composition of the upper division.

This investigation will demonstrate that modern education has enormous transformational

power. Regarding transformation of the class structure, this power consists of two dimensions

- that of production and that of allocation. In the first dimension modern education has the

capacity to promote and upgrade industrialization, thereby helping to create a functional

imperative to expand the proportion of professionals, technicians, executives and managers. This

implies that when put into use for industrialization, education can help to expand considerably

fast the proportion of the upper division of the class hierarchy. In the second dimension modern

education has the capacity to allocate people to various kinds and levels of occupation by

equipping them with corresponding knowledge and expertise. Education is not a social closure

by nature - open to some groups while closed to others. Differential access to education,

especially at higher levels, is the product of external forces rather than originating from

education's non-existent built-in social discrimination. It follows that when connected with

management of such external forces, the allocating power of modern education can operate to

alter the social composition of the upper division.

At this point it is helpful to clarify the distinction between "capacity" and "realization of

the capacity." The transformational capacity is an inherent property of modern education, but

this capacity cannot be realized (i.e., translated into empirical effects) without the help of a

number of conditions beyond education itself. Among these conditions the role of the government

seems to be decisive in a country where the government exercises effective control of the

general orientations of the major social institutions. With the transformational capacity,

education is potentially qualified to function as a vehicle for social stratificational change;

however, whether to employ the vehicle and how effectively it can be used-if employed-are

primarily contingent upon the value and wisdom of such a government. Therefore, the empirical

effects of education on the transformation of the class structure reflect both the strength of

education's transformational capacity and the operation of those forces -- particularly the

government-that helps to materialize this capacity. For this reason, in the following sections

1) In Singapore average basic and gross wages by occupation in 1992 were as follows:

OccupationManagersProfessionalsTec hnici an s/para- professionalsClerical workers

Service and sales workersCraftsmen/related workers

Machine operators/assemblersCleaners/labourers

Basic Wage($)4,8512,9901, 9151,083



Gross Wage($)4,9973,1632,3101,242


Source: Reconstructed from the Yearbook of Statistics (Department of Statistics,Singapore), 1992: 62.


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education's transformational effects will be presented in such a way that the direct contribution

of education's capacity and the indirect contribution of government policies will both be


II Expanding the Relative Size of the Upper Division

Before it became a self-governing state in 1959, Singapore had been used as a colonial trading

outpost - an entrepot port - to serve the British economic interests. As such, Singapore was

led to "a dead end, with little economic growth, massive unemployment, wretched housing and

inadequate education" [Goh 1976: 84]. By 1959 even primary education had not been

sufficiently popularised. There were two universities then; but their enrolment was very small,

and the graduates produced by one of them, the Chinese community-backed Nanyang University,

were not officially recognized by the colonial government.

Shortly after assuming the self-governing power of Singapore, the elected PAP (People's

Action Party) Government initiated an ambitious program for industrialization - a program to

advance Singapore's own interests. In order to implement this program, it decided primarily to

mobilize the country's human resources, given the fact that Singapore was lack of natural

resources. One of the major attempts in this regard was to develop education to meet the needs

of industrialization for management, technology, and a skilled labour force. In line with this

thinking, the government adjusted the education system in four dimensions: (1) altering its

previous orientation toward colonial or ethnic interests and shaping it into an effective means of

economic development for an independent and unified republic; (2) popularizing education up to

secondary level and at the same time expanding considerably the scale of post-secondary and

tertiary education; (3) dividing the development of tertiary education into two stages, with an

overwhelming emphasis on training administrators, professionals and technicians in the first

stage;2) (4) keeping public schools-including universities-affordable and open to all school­

aged children and youths qualified according to meritocratic selection regardless of race, gender,

and class backgrounds.

Industrialization in Singapore has passed the first stage of import substitution

(1961-1968) and the second stage of skill intensification (1969-1978) and is now in the

middle of developing technology-intensive industries [Low et al. 1991]. To help accomplish the

2) On 7 February 1966 Mr. Lee Kuan Yew presented a speech at the University of Singapore on therole of universities in social and economic development. In this speech he pointed out that universityeducation in Singapore should develop following a two-stage plan with an emphasis ontechnical/professional training in the first stage:

It is first to produce the teachers, the administrators, the man to fill the professions - youraccountants, your architects, your lawyers, your technocrats, just the people to do jobs in amodern civilized community. And next and even more important, it is to lead thinking-­informed thinking-into the problems which the nation faces.


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objective of the first stage, the PAP Government managed to expand the enrolment of secondary

schools and tertiary institutions by 1.5 and 0.5 times respectively by 1968 as compared with

1960 (Department of Statistics, Singapore, Yearbook of Statistics, 1967: 148; 1970: 148). In

1968, students enrolled for technical, commercial and vocational courses in secondary schools

were 7.2 times as many as those in 1963. The 1968 enrolment of the technical and vocational

institutes increased by 1.6 times as compared with 1963 (Yearbook of Statistics, 1970: 148).

Given the poor foundation of education and extremely limited funds available to the government,

the educational emphasis of the country during this stage was placed on the popularization of

secondary education and the training of lower middle and middle levels of skilled labour force.

However, this emphasis was obviously inadequate for matching the needs of higher levels of

industrialization. To advance beyond the elementary stage, the focus of technical training had to

be elevated to the tertiary level. This would require a substantial re-organization of the tertiary

curricula on the one hand, and a significant expansion of the tertiary enrolment on the other.

In 1966 Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, the then Prime Minister, made the following comment at the

University of Singapore:

... we have established a more or less educated elite in the sense that they can write, they

can read, they can compose their thoughts, they can perhaps become administrators, they

can alleviate suffering as doctors or help discharge the administration of justice as lawyers;

they can, in fact, increase your population and your capacity to consume, but they are

unable to increase the things that the people want to consume. Your men who can produce

your modern industrial society-your industrial chemists, your technocrats-are missing.

Mr. Lee's "diagnosis" was empirically grounded: at that time, the two universities in Singapore

did not offer any courses on engineering, architecture, etc. which could "increase the things that

the people want to consume." In fact. 48.5 percent of the students of the University of Singapore

were committed to law, medicine, dentistry or pharmacy, and an additional 24.9 percent majored

in arts and social sciences.

In 1969 Singapore ushered in the second stage of industrialization, and the University of

Singapore began to enrol its first group of engineering students in line with Mr. Lee's

expectations. Since then, the proportion of engineering majors, etc. has kept expanding, and that

of arts and social sciences majors shrinking. In 1992 the proportion of the arts and social

sciences majors among the university freshmen was reduced to 17.5 percent (in contrast with

38.4 percent in 1968), whilst the proportion of the freshmen who studied science, engineering,

architecture, and business ascended to 74.7 percent (as compared with 42.7 percent in 1968).

When the polytechnic colleges are also considered, the freshmen proportion of the arts and

social sciences category decreased from 11.8 percent in 1968 to 6 percent in 1992, but that of

the second category went up from 68 percent in 1968 to 82.4 percent in 1992 (see Table 1).


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Table 1 Tertiary Freshmen: Proportions by Major (in Percentage) in Selected Years, 1963-1992









Arts & Social Sciences








Science, Engineering,Architecture, & Business








Sources: (I) The figures for 1968-1992 are constructed from Department of Statistics,Singapore's Yearbook of Statistics, 1970, 1974, 1979,1984,1989 and 1992.

(2) The two figures for 1963 are estimates based on the overall specification bymajor of the· general enrolments of the universities and polytechnics. The rawdata used for the estimation are obtained from the Annual Report of the Universityof Singapore, 1963-1964: 149-150; Nanyang University of Singapore: EnrolmentStatistics, 1956-1970: 32-33; Yearbook of Statistics (Department of Statistics,Singapore), 1966.

Along with the adjustment of curricula, the scale of tertiary education has also been

considerably expanded. The enrolment of the first-year tertiary students in 1992 increased by

3.5 times as compared with 1968. Most of the increases occurred after 1979 to meet the needs

of the third stage of industrialization. For example, the 1978 university enrolment was 1.3

times as large as that of 1968 (the concluding year of the first stage of industrialization), but

another ten years apart, the enrolment in 1988 became 2.4 times as large as that of 1978.

Furthermore, with the intention to reduce drop-out rates and improve educational quality

and efficiency, a streaming system was introduced in 1979.

Unlike large and economically developed countries such as the United States or Japan

where education can produce a huge group of researchers to lead economic development using

their discoveries and inventions, the education in Singapore has not taken it as part of its top

priority to produce such research leaders. Most of the major technologies used for Singapore's

industrialization have been introduced by multinational corporations or purchased by the

Government or local enterprises. The basic role played by the education of Singapore has been

to provide an adequate skilled labour force and a sufficient number of economically productive

professionals to ensure highly effective use of the imported advanced technologies.

Many a scholar have raised doubts about the value of education in promoting

industrialization or economic development in general [Berg 1970; Layard et al. 1971; Collins

1977] . This is not the place to reproduce their arguments and assess the validity of their

. research. But so far as Singapore is concerned, education has made a significant contribution to


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its industrialization. This is reflected in education's contribution to the CDP increases. The rate

of profitability of educational investments in generating CDP increases-namely social returns

to education in the terminology of economists-has been impressive (see Table 2). For example,

Table 2 indicates that in 1986 the rate of social returns to tertiary education for males was

17.76 percent, meaning that for every hundred dollars of investment in tertiary education for

males, there was 17.76 dollars of net gain (as profit) or 117.76 dollars of gross gain

(investment equivalent + profit) in the CDP increase.

Table 2 Rates of Social Returns to Education (in Percentage) by Level and Sex, 1977-1986

Primary Secondary TertiaryYear

Male Female Male Female Male Female

1977 - 0.43 2.23 10.15 9.89 40.59 31.32

1978 - 0.73 2.38 8.20 12.98 37.50 25.72

1979 - 0.25 2.53 6.42 7.65 34.07 25.40

1980 - 0.08 2.41 8.33 9.19 29.76 22.25

1981 - 0.02 1.59 8.42 8.00 25.75 20.78

1982 - 0.07 0.08 8.26 9.00 18.91 15.97

1983 - 0.08 3.11 9.65 10.50 16.00 13.08

1984 - 0.51 3.13 5.64 11.14 20.26 15.91

1985 3.51 5.07 8.55 8.75 19.91 16.80

1986 3.49 3.81 8.29 10.23 17.76 15.05

Source: Reorganized from Low et al. [1991: 175].

As signified by the rapid CDP growth, industrialization in Singapore has undergone a

process of fast development since late 1960s. This process has caused continuous change in the

occupation structure characterized by the progressive expansion of the proportion of managing

and professional positions. In 1992, legislators, administrators, working proprietors and

managers constituted 10 percent of the working force - 3 percentage points higher than the

corresponding category in 1974 and 8 percentage points higher than in 1966; furthermore,

professionals, para-professionals and technicians made up 19.5 percent of the labour force in

1992, whereas earlier in 1966 and 1974 this category only shared 10 and 11.7 percent

respectively. From 1966 to 1992, the combined proportion of these two categories more than

doubled, jumping from 12.3 percent to 29.5 percent (see Table 3).


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Table 3 Distribution of Working Persons by Occupation (in Percentage), 1966, 1974, 1992

Occupation 1966 1974 1992

Administrators, managers,proprietors & officers 2.3 7.0 10.0

Professionals & technicians 10.0 11.7 19.5

Clerical workers 11.9 14.9 14.3

Sales and service workers 34.7 20.2 13.6

Production, transport & othermanual workers 37.2 38.8 38.2

Farmers & fishermen 3.5 2.9 0.2

Non-classifiable by occupation 0.4 4.4 4.1

Sources: Constructed from Ministry of Labour of Singapore, Report on the Labour Force Survey,1974: 51-55; 1992: 39; Ministry of National Development of Singapore and Institute ofEconomic Research, University of Singapore, Singapore Sample Household Survey, 1966,No.1: 146-153. The original figures for 1966 and 1974 are adjusted according to theSingapore 1990 occupation classification codes.

Note: The statistics on the distribution of working persons by occupation over the past threedecades published in Singapore's Yearbook of Statistics and Singapore Census of Populationare based on inconsistent classification criteria and therefore cannot be directly usedfor comparison. Those publications themselves do not contain sufficient information towarrant statistical adjustments using the same classification code.

This change in the occupation structure defines the change of approximately the same

magnitude in the class structure in Singapore. People in the first category of Table 3 constitute

the bureaucratic and employer classes, and those in the second category, the professional class.

Thus, from Table 3, it is reasonable to infer that the upper division of the class hierarchy in

Singapore was about 29.5 percent in proportion - 1.4 times larger than in 1966. Within the

lower division, the clerical class made a slight gain, increasing from 11.9 percent in 1966 to

14.3 percent in 1992; the working class experienced a significant decline in relative size, from

75.4 percent down to 52 percent; the farmers and fishermen stratum of this class dropped from

3.5 percent to an insignificant 0.2 percent. As a result of these changes, the total proportion of

the lower division was reduced from 87.3 percent in 1966 to 66.3 percent in 1992.

III Re-Construding the Social Composition of the Upper Division

1. Education as a Precondition of Upper Division Membership

Education has not only helped to create the imperative to expand the proportion of the upper

division, but also supplied qualified people to meet the needs of this expansion. In 1966

approximately 29 percent of the upper division members had never attended school or had

received incomplete primary education, whereas in 1992 the same category of people


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constituted only 3.5 percent. In other words, in 1966, 71 percent of the upper division

members had school certificates, diplomas or degrees, and the proportion of this category

increased to 97 percent by 1992. Twenty-one out of these twenty-six percentage points of gain

had been created by tertiary education (see Table 4); tertiary education is becoming crucial.

Table 4 Composition of Upper Division by Educational Qualification(in Percentage), 1970, 1992

Qualification 1970 1992

Never attended school!lower primary 29.0 3.5

Primary/lower secondary /secondary/ post secondary 52.4 57.5

Tertiary 18.4 39.0

Sources: Constructed from the Department of Statistics, Census of PoPUlation,1970, VoLl: 130; Ministry of Labour, Report on the Labour ForeeSurvey of Singapore, 1992: 39.

At the individual level, this situation defines education as an increasingly important

channel leading to upper division membership. Furthermore, it also defines varied probabilities

of success for different levels of educational qualification in securing access to the upper

division. In 1992 the probability for university graduates was 93.7 percent, and the probability

for diploma holders was also as high as 75 percent. In contrast, the probabilities for the

primary and secondary school leavers were only 11 and 29 percent respectively (see Table 5).

Table 5 Probability of Gaining Upper Division Membership by Education, 1992


Never attended school!incomplete primary

Primaryflower primary


Post secondary



Probability of Success







Source: Calculated from Report on the Labour Force Survey of Singapore, 1992: 39.


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This fact has several implications at the level of aggregate analysis. First, it suggests that

in Singapore, the social composition of the newly expanded sector of the upper division must to

a large extent mirror the social composition of the tertiary student enrolment in the past three

decades. Second, this means that tertiary education can operate either effectively to reproduce

or alter the social composition of the upper division by keeping constant or changing the social

composition of student enrolment. Finally, it follows that any social force that is capable of

changing the social composition of tertiary enrolment would be able to modify the social

composition of the upper division more or less to the same extent. By "social composition" is

meant composition in terms of ethnicity, gender, and class origin.

2. Government as an Agent of Change

In the past three decades the most fundamental force affecting the social composition of tertiary

enrolment has proved to be the PAP Government. The influence of the government was two-fold:

intended as well as unintended. Intentionally, the government adopted two major policies to

generate expected effects, namely the policy of open boundary meritocratic selection, and the

policy of preferential aid to disadvantaged groups.

When Sir Stamford Raffles first proposed to set up a native college in Singapore in 1823,

he was thinking of providing higher education for sons of "the higher order of natives and

others" and those of the Chinese who "if not possessed of the advantage of birth, have raised

themselves by their talents, to opulence and a respectable rank in society" [Tan 1986]. Even by

the eve of Singapore's self-government, the door of tertiary education in Singapore was still

basically open to children of wealthy families, for the fees were forbidding enough to keep lower

class children away. Under these circumstances, higher learning institutions became a closure

for social class reproduction. The boundary of the closure was largely set in financial terms.

The PAP Government removed the boundary by heavily subsidizing education at all levels.

For example, about 80 percent of the expenses of running higher learning institutions has been

paid from the state coffers. University students are offered scholarships or grants if their

academic performances are outstanding; for those others who have financial difficulty, they can

obtain special bank loans sufficient to sustain their studies. Fees for students at the primary,

secondary and post secondary levels are not much more than nominal. When selection is

conducted, it is done on the basis of school achievements, not according to hidden financial

requirements. This policy has brought all lower class children into education and hope as well

as into a practical race for tertiary qualification. In this wayan opportunity for the poor to

move up has been created.

In order to increase the probability of success for underprivileged groups in the school

race, the government has also adopted measures to offer preferential aid to them. Ethnic­

based community organizations were organized - first, MENDAKI3) for Malays, then SINDA

(Singapore Indian Association) for Indians, and finally, CDAC (Chinese Development Assistance

3) "MENDAKI" originates from a Malay word, meaning "to strive for" or "to move up."


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Council) for Chinese. These organizations mobilize resources within each ethnic group to help

children who have financial and learning difficulties. But half of their funds have been provided

by· the government. To encourage the Malay community to catch up in education, the

Government also offered free education to the Malay undergraduates for a number of years.

These measures have helped to further increase the representation of lower class children,

particularly lower class Malay children in tertiary enrolment.

The impact of PAP Government policies on the gender composition of tertiary students is

basically unintended in nature. Schools were open to girls even before the PAP Government

came into power; but in those years, education preferences were generally given to sons,

especially for those lower class families which could ever afford to send their children to school

for some learning. A major reason behind the discrimination against daughters was

instrumental: most parents would have to rely on their sons to support them when they became

aged. However, the industrialization program has brought unprecedented prosperity to the

country. On the one hand, this has enabled the government to introduce the CPF program,4)

HDB housing policy,S) etc. to the effect of basically relieving Singaporeans of their dependence

on children for old-age survival; and on the other hand, together with the effects of lower school

fees (and perhaps also of family planning), this has enabled even lower class families to send

daughters to school without the traditional type of worry about draining extremely scarce

family resources. As a by-product, these developments have unintentionally helped to increase

female representation in tertiary enrolment.

To examine the direct and indirect effects of government policies on the social composition

of tertiary students, an ideal approach would be to study the composition of all tertiary students

who were Singaporeans or permanent residents and who graduated from the local tertiary

institutions over the past years since 1958, the year before Singapore became a self-governing

state. However, because of resource and information limitations, I decided to basically focus on

graduates of the local universities for selected years since 1964, the year before Singapore

became fully independent.

3. Change of Ethnic Composition of University Graduates

I found it impossible to obtain access to official data on ethnic identity of the graduates; so, as a

substitute, the convocation lists of the local universities are used as a major data source and the

spelling of the listed names is taken as the basis for determining ethnic identity. This method is

marred by the problem of being unable to identify the foreign graduates and some of

4) CPF (Central Provident Fund) is designed mainly to ensure old age security. Each and everygainfully employed Singaporean citizen or permanent resident is entitled to establish a fund of thiskind for himself/herself. The value of each person's CPF is accumulated through his/her owncontribution plus a substantial contribution from his/her employer, which is normally equivalent to12 to 20 percent of his/her salary/wages.

5) The Housing Development Board (HDB) is in charge of building government-subsidized flats for lowincome families. These flats are referred to as "HDB flats."


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the Eurasian Singaporean graduates. However, the proportions of both of these two categories

were very small and the graduate names of these unidentifiable categories were scattered on the

graduate lists of all the major ethnic groups; consequently, the error of classification associated

with each ethnic group cannot pose a fundamental threat to validity.

Table 6 presents a summary of my findings on the change of ethnic composition of the

graduates of the local universities. The Malay group gained marked progress -- from 1.2

percent in 1964 to 3.8 percent in 1993, an increase by 2.2 times. The proportion of the

Chinese graduates remained relatively stable - 90.1 percent in 1964, followed by a slight

increase to 92.6 percent six years later, and then falling back to 90.1 percent in 1988 and 90.5

percent in 1993. The Indian group experienced greater fluctuations over the years, resulting in

a measure of competitive loss. The proportion of the Indian graduates in 1993 was only 70

percent as much as in 1964.

Table 6 Ethnic Composition of University Graduates (in Percentage)

Year Chinese Malay Indian Others

1964 90.1 1.2 5.3 3.4

1970 92.6 1.4 3.6 2.4

1976 93.0 1.9 3.2 1.8

1982 92.8 2.3 2.9 2.0

1988 90.1 3.2 5.0 1.8

1993 90.5 3.8 3.7 2.0

Sources: Constructed from the convocation lists of the National University of Singapore (NUS),Nanyang Technological Institute(NTI), University of Singapore(US). and NanyangUniversity(NU). The higher degree (Master or Ph.D) receivers are excluded. The 1993graduates of the Nanyang Technological University are not calculated for this table.

Because these ethnic groups vary in proportion in the general population, it is helpful to

examine each group's ratio of participation in university graduation in evaluating their

competitive strength and change. This participation ratio is defined as the ratio of the proportion

of university graduates of an ethnic group in a certain year over the proportion of the same

ethnic group in the general population in the same year. Table 7 presents the participation

ratios of all the four ethnic groups in selected years between 1964 and 1993.


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Table 7 University Graduates: Participation Ratio by Ethnic Group

Year Chinese Malay Indian Others

1964 1.18 0.08 0.74 1.70

1970 1.22 0.09 0.54 1.14

1976 1.22 0.13 0.46 0.95

1982 1.21 0.16 0.45 0.91

1988 1.19 0.21 0.77 0.75

1993 1.17 0.27 0.52 1.82

Sources: Constructed from convocation lists of NUS, NTI, US and NU.

This table shows that the Chinese community was over-represented by 17 percent or more

in the university graduates as compared with its proportion in the general population. Eurasians

were over-represented even by a larger margin in some years. Both the Indian and the Malay

groups were under-represented. The Malay group had the weakest position.6) Nevertheless, the

competitive strength of the Malay group relative to the other groups has undergone drastic

change. In 1964, the competitive strength of the Chinese group, the Indian group, and the

category of the "others" relative to that of the Malay community was 14.8, 9.3 and 21.3 times

respectively. By 1993, these figures have been reduced to 4.6, 2.8, and 5.1 times respectively.

Probably, this change partly originates from MENDAKI's operation and the Government's

encouragement and preferential aid to the Malay community and partly from the overall

improvement of the competitive strength of the lower class division. Details of the situation of

the lower class division will be presented shortly. Here suffice it to say that because the

6) The ethnic composition of pupils at the primary level is proportional to the ethnic composition of thegeneral population. However, under the system of meritocratic selection, it becomes progressivelydisproportional as the level of education moves up. To the extent of the perpetuation ofdisproportion, education exerts a reproductive effect on the ethnic composition of the upper classdivision.

On the basis of scholarly research conducted in other countries, it may be hypothesized that thedisproportion in question has probably originated from unequal distribution of cultural capital (seeNote 8 for definition) and material resources among the various ethnic groups. One indicator of thedifference in cultural capital is that on the average the Malays seem to appreciate speech, behaviourand beliefs more than money, education and occupation - a sharp contrast with the Chinese [Quah1991: 48-49]. An index of the difference in material resources is that in the Malay group, those whoowned an expensive private house or flat in 1990 constituted 1.6 percent, but the proportion of thesame category of people was 12.3 percent for the Chinese and 10.6 percent for the Indians (Census ofPopulation, Housing, 1990: 43).

If this hypothesis holds up, then, the selection system based on meritocracy necessarily helps toperpetuate the disproportion in question, since this kind of selection encourages each student toutilize his/her resources to achieve learning merit, and since unequal distribution of cultural capitaland material resources would thus quite logically lead to unequal acquisition of learning merit.


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lower/upper division membership ratio of the Malay community is the largest among all the

ethnic groups in Singapore, this community is likely to be the most sensitive in reflecting the

overall improvement of the status of the lower class division. However, given the absence of

relevant data, I have to keep it as an unresolved problem regarding the exact extent to which

the improvement of the Malay group can be explained in terms of the overall improvement of the

lower class division vis-a-vis MENOAKI's operation and the preferential aid of the PAP


4. Change of Class Origin Composition

Because accurate information on the class backgrounds of the university graduates is also

regarded as confidential, only obtainable proxies can be used for approximation. The proxy

used here is the family housing type of tertiary students.

According to Singapore's 1990 census (Singapore Census of Population: Households and

Housing, 1990: 11), the average of monthly household income from work was $3,076. Eighty

percent of the households who owned a 1-3 room government HOB flat received a monthly

income below this average; in contrast, about 70 percent or more of those who owned an

expensive house, a private flat or a high class public flat had a monthly income above the

average. Thus it appears reasonable to use the ownership of private flats and houses (not

including shop-houses and attap/zinc-roofed houses) as an indicator of upper division

background and the ownership of 1-3 room HOB flats an indicator of lower division


Obviously, these indicators involve inaccuracies since there is a small number of high­

income upper division families owning just a 1-3 room HDB flat. Furthermore, these indicators

basically represent families on the two extremes-the upper sector of the upper division on the

one hand and the lower sector of the lower division on the other. Thus the data originating from

these indicators cannot generate statistics on the exact proportions of tertiary students by class

origin. However, by betting on the information of the majority households of each housing type,

this kind of data should be adequate for determining whether the upper sector of the upper

division families on the average has significantly greater opportunities in gaining access to

tertiary education than the lower sector of the lower division families. For example, to

determine whether or not there is marked difference of this kind between the two sectors, we

can compare the participation ratio of the children of each sector at the level of tertiary

education; "participation ratio" here refers to the ratio of the proportion of the tertiary students

with a certain type of family housing over the proportion of the households with the same type

of housing in the general population in a given year. Moreover, such data should also be

effective for characterizing change (if any) of the competitive strength of both sectors in the past

three decades.

Table 8 shows that in 1980, 39.5 percent of the tertiary students were from families

owning an expensive private house or flat. This proportion resulted in a participation ratio of

approximately 3.2 for the upper sector of the upper division. In the same year 27.9 percent of


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Table 8 Proportion and Participation Ratio of Tertiary Studentsby Type of Family Housing, 1980, 1990

Proportion Participation RatioHousing Type

1980 1990 1980 1990

Private houses!private flats 0.395 0.230 3.2 2.1

1-3 room HDB flats 0.279 0.320 0.5 0.7

Sources: Constructed from Census of population, 1980, No.6: 34; Straits Times, 16 January 1992.

the tertiary students were from families owning a 1-3 room HDB flat; and this percentage

reduced the participation ratio of the lower sector of the lower division to approximately 0.5.

The striking difference in participation ratio suggests that children of the upper division had

overwhelming advantages in competition for tertiary education in 1980.

This disparity seems to have been gradually narrowed. By 1990, students from the lower

sector of the lower division had outnumbered students from the upper sector of the upper

division by 39 percent. That year, the participation ratio of the upper sector of the upper

division had dropped to approximately 2.1, down by 34 percent from 1980; and the

participation ratio of the lower sector of the lower division had increased to about 0.7 - a 40

percent gain as compared with 1980. The margin of change is probably much larger still if the

1990 data are compared with the situation of the 1960s. (Unfortunately, no relevant data on

the 1960s could be obtained.)

The narrowing of difference between upper and lower division children in gaining access to

tertiary education seems to attest to the working of the government policy of heavily subsidizing

education at all levels to ensure its financial affordability to lower class families. While the

upper division families can afford to send their children to school with or without such

subsidies, these subsidies have made a tremendous difference for the lower division families,

enabling almost all of them to send their children to school to pursue as high an education as

their learning merit allows them to. As more and more lower division families respond to the

benefit of subsidization positively, the proportion of lower division children in the tertiary

enrolment will naturally increase for a period of time; and for that matter, it will also be natural

for the proportion of the upper division children to decrease. In this sense, the policy has the

effect to reduce the family income-based privileges of the upper division children in gaining

access to tertiary education. This kind of effect may be called "equalization effect," and a policy

that generates such effects "equalization policy."

In contrast with the logic of equalization, the policy of early streaming7) is expected to

7) Streaming initially began with primary 3 when the policy was first introduced in 1979. Later, thestarting point was adjusted to primary 4 as a result of the PAP Government's response to publiccritique.


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generate a bias in favour of upper division children, because early streaming tends to be

substantially based on cultural capital8) of each pupil obtained through family socialization, and

because cultural capital is unequally distributed along class lines with upper division children

having an advantage on the average [Bourdieu 1977; Bernstein 1961; Kahl 1961]. In other

words, it is theoretically meaningful to hypothesize that early streaming probably tends to

reduce the probability of lower division children in gaining access to tertiary education while

increasing the probability of access of upper division children. This kind of hypothetical effect

may be called "polarization effect."

So far, no empirical research has been conducted to systematically determine if such an

effect is real or to what extent it is real in Singapore. However, one thing is certain at this

point: if it is real at all, it must have been expressed in or after 1988 - about nine years after

the first attempt at primary 3 streaming. Table 8 shows that actually, in 1990 the difference

between the upper and lower division children in their chances of being admitted to university

or polytechnic had been reduced to the ratio of 3:1 as compared to 6:1 in 1980. Assuming that

the hypothetical effect exists, then, it must be true that such an effect has been substantially

overshadowed by the equalization effect.

5. Change of Sex Composition

The greatest change has turned out to be in the gender dimension: basic equality has been

achieved between males and females in tertiary education. In 1964, 72 percent of the university

graduates (not including higher degree receivers) were males, 1.5 times larger than the

proportion of female graduates. However, the percentage of females gradually increased to 30

percent in 1970, and then rapidly to 53 percent in 1993, even surpassing males by 6

percentage points (see Table 9). The overall proportion of female students graduated from the

higher learning institutions (including the polytechnics) was 47 percent in 1992, up from 37

percent in 1972 (Department of Statistics, Singapore, Yearbook of Statistics, 1976: 203; 1992:


Table 9 Sex Composition of University Graduates (in Percentage), 1964, 1970, 1993













Sources: Constructed from convocation lists of NUS, NTI, US and NU.

8) Cultural capital may be defined as cultural potential which can be utilized for educational attainment,for example, education·related values, aspirations, knowledge, sensitivity to differentiation andanalysis, language skills, etc.


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However, the situation varies by ethnic group. For both the Chinese and Malays. females

have gained an upper hand at the university level; the Indian community is the only group in

which males have managed to sustain their traditional superiority.

When a historical ~omparison is made within each ethnic gender category (see Table 10).

Malay females are found to have obtained the greatest margin of progress, from 0.2 percent of

the graduate population in 1964 to 2.2 percent in 1993, an increase by 10 times. Within the

same period, Chinese females advanced by 0.9 times; but females of the other two ethnic

categories have made little progress. If change is measured in absolute terms, then Chinese

females should be regarded as the top winner. In 1964 Chinese females constituted 25.3 percent

of the university graduates whereas in 1993 this category occupied as high as 48.8 percent.

This gain of 23.5 percent of the graduate population absolutely outshone Malay female's gain of

2 percent and Indian female's gain of 0.2 percent (see Table 10).

Table 10 Proportions of University Graduates by Gender and Ethnic Group(in Percentage), 1964, 1970, 1993

Chinese Malay Indian OthersYear

Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

1964 64.8 25.3 1.0 0.2 3.8 1.5 1.9 1.5

1970 64.2 28.5 1.0 0.4 3.1 0.5 1.4 0.9

1993 42.4 48.8 1.5 2.2 2.0 1.7 0.7 1.3

Sources: Constructed from convocation lists of NUS, NTI, US and NU.

Female's competitive strength is also affected by class origin. In 1980, tertiary students

from households with an expensive private house or flat were equally divided between the two

sexes, regardless of ethnic backgrounds; of those whose families lived in a 1-3 room HDB flat

only 44 percent were female in contrast to 56 percent for males (d. Census of Population. 1980,

Table 11). There is no information available to the public of the male/female ratio of tertiary

students by type of dwelling for the recent years. However, we can reasonably assume that the

1:1 male/female ratio of the upper division children has been sustained after 1980. According

to published government statistics, in 1992 nearly 47 percent of the tertiary graduates were

female (Table 8). If our assumption holds. then the six-percentage-point difference between male

and female graduates must have originated from the lower division of the society.

The difference and change of female children of the upper and lower divisions suggest that

the overall major improvement of female representation in tertiary enrolment is basically a

result of the newly acquired affordability of lower division parents to send their daughters to

school. This affordability has three meanings. First, these lower division parents are now

capable of paying school fees for their daughters. Second. they can afford not to rely on the

work of their teenage daughters for a supplementary income to ensure the survival of the


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family. Finally, they can afford to break away from the traditional pattern of fundamental and

almost exclusive reliance on the sons for security in old age and expect more or less equal but

non-fundamental care from both sons and daughters when they become aged. This affordability

reflects the combined equalization effects of such government policies as school subsidization,

national welfare, and promotion of lower division family income through industrialization and

community assistance.

The affordability factor has improved the status of lower division female children of all

ethnic groups. However, the fact that the margin of improvement varies by ethnic group

suggests that some other factors have intervened to differentiate the influence of the

affordability factor, although their strengths appear to be much weaker then the latter. It should

be interesting, therefore, to investigate and identify these "residual" factors. But before such

investigations are materialized, it is perhaps better not to speculate their types and dynamics at

this point.

6. Change of Social Composition of the Upper Division

In this section, so far I have discussed how some of the equalization policies of the government

have effected to change the social composition of tertiary graduates. Given the extremely high

probability of success of tertiary graduates in acquiring upper division membership, we can

reasonably infer a picture of compositional change of the upper division from the compositional

change of the tertiary graduates.

However, three major cautions need to be made about the inference. First, the state and

change of the social composition of tertiary graduates have been characterized using proxies as

the basis of calculation. There is naturally a gap between empirical reality and the statistics

presented above, although the disparity is probably not large. Second, only less than 40 percent

of the upper division members have tertiary qualifications. In 1992, for example, 58 percent

had educational qualifications at lower levels. Because ethnic and class origin composition is

more equalized at lower levels, statistics on the ethnic and class origin composition of the

tertiary graduates need to be adjusted accordingly in order to precisely reflect the overall

change of the social composition of the upper division. The overall ethnic representation of the

Chinese and "others" in the upper division is probably somewhat smaller in percentage than

their proportions in the university graduates. The same might be true of the overall

representation of those upper division members who had an upper division family origin.

Finally, a certain portion of female graduates became housewives after they married an upper

division husband. Therefore the overall proportion of females in the upper division must be

smaller than the female proportion of tertiary graduates.

IV Conclusion and Discussion

In Singapore education performs a double function - for social change as well as for social

reproduction.9) Education has helped to transform the class structure in two basic ways: (1) by


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promoting economic development, thereby generating functional imperatives for enlarging the

proportion of administrative and professional occupations, and thus creating a practical

necessity of expanding the relative size of the upper division of the class hierarchy; and (2) by

training qualified personnel to fill in the expanded high-status and high-paying positions and

through this connection, re-constructing the social composition of the upper division. The

transformation is impressive (although not revolutionary).

However, the transformational operation of education cannot be adequately understood by

focusing on education's transformational capacity alone; the strategic role of government policies

should be appreciated also. Education is a dynamic vehicle for change; but the way it is used in

Singapore has been fundamentally defined by policies of the PAP Government. In a sense,

therefore, the scope and depth of the stratificational change originating from education may be

regarded as intended as well as unintended consequences of the education-related policies of the

PAP Government.

The PAP Government's education policies are subordinated to its industrialization program

and its general attempts at nation building. Under these policies, education has primarily been

used as a tool for fast industrialization. It is not the only tool; but it is a powerful and

indispensable one, because it has supplied knowledge and information as well as managerial and

professional personnel and a skilled labour force to meet part of the most essential needs of

Singapore's industrialization [Goh 1993J. It should be noted, however. that the relationship

between education and industrialization is dialectical. It is precisely because it is connected to

industrialization that education in Singapore has been able to transcend its traditional

limitations and play a major role as a locomotive to advance productivity. The change of

occupational structure and the expansion of the upper division of the class hierarchy are both

unintended effects of this dialectical relationship. Assuming that the PAP Government had

adopted a less effective industrialization program or a different kind of education policy - for

example. one that does not emphasize technical education - it would not have been possible for

the proportion of the upper division to have expanded by 1.4 times between 1964 and 1992. In

other words. the realization of the transformational capacity of education in altering class

structure at the division level would have been restricted correspondingly. (Following the same

logic. one may also speculate that education might have been able to do even a better job

9) In Singapore education has played a major role in reproducing the social system - including classstratification - since independence. Although it has helped to substantially expand the relative sizeof the upper class division. the general configuration of the class structure has remained intact.Today, the number and types of classes, the relative position of each class in the class hierarchy. and

the inter-class relationships. etc. are virtually the same as in the early post-independent years.Moreover, the Malay group and lower division children are still in a relatively weak position in

gaining membership of the upper class division. despite the fact that their competitive strengths havebeen significantly improved. It requires serious efforts to study the causes and conditions of theconservative role of education in Singapore. This paper is not meant to deny or play down the

reproductive function of education. Rather, it is an attempt to address one particular aspect ofeducation's transformative function. which has been largely neglected in sociological research.


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in expanding the upper division if more effective policies had been designed and practised for

industrialization and education.)

At the level of intra-division social composition, the PAP Government's policies have also

played a substantial role in shaping the direction and strength of education's transformational

operation. In this regard, the Government emphasizes open boundary meritocracy. This principle

differs from the kind of elitism proposed by Raffles in that it makes the doors of higher learning

institutions widely open to the children of the less privileged groups. It is also distinguished

from Malaysia's quota policy which is designed to ensure the representation of Malay students

at the tertiary level to be more or less equal to the Malay proportion in the general population

[Ashari 1988; Lim 1992], or the quota policy of the former Soviet Union under Stalin and

Khrushchev [Dobson 1977] which was deployed to ensure prominent representation of working

class children and worker/peasant students in higher learning institutions; the difference is that

the Singapore Government rejects academic compromise and insists on merit-based selection.

Had any of these policies been implemented in Singapore for the past three decades, the social

composition of university graduates and the upper division would have been considerably

different from what it is today.

The Singapore policies have their own features, and these features reflect the Government's

firm belief in meritocracy, its pragmatic attitude in adaptation, its categorical emphasis on

rationality, and its specific knowledge and understanding of education.

However, it would be mistaken to conclude that the Government has implemented these

policies simply according to its own wish and will, for the formation and choice of these policies

have been definitely conditioned by higher-order conditions and constraints. These constraints

include: (1) Singapore's pressing need for industrialization; (2) its equally pressing need for

efficiency of economic development; (3) general societal imperatives which are shared by various

kinds of society - for example, those to use stratification as a means for survival and

development [d. Davis and Moore 1945] ; (4) society-specific system imperatives - for

example, given a certain level of technology and scale of the economy, a certain number of

managerial and professional personnel is required to ensure optimal productivity [d. Clark

1962; Bendix and Lipset 1967] ; (5) the post-colonial class and ethnic composition of the

society and balance of demand, power, and influence associated with it; (6) the history and

cultural background of Singapore; (7) the geo-political location of the country; and (8) others.

These constraints constitute definite boundaries and would negatively sanction the Government

for any of its policies that attempt to trespass them.

For example, if the Government decided to strive for complete social and educational

equality, it would be fated to fight a losing battle in the face of the constraints (3) and (4). The

Government would also be in trouble if it tried to imitate Malaysia's quota policy, because such

a policy violates the constraints (2) and (5), particularly (5). In Malaysia, although the Malay

group is relatively weak in education, it is dominantly represented in the legislature,

government, police and armed forces; and as a majority in the population, it also carries a

substantial weight in determining social stability or instability. This kind of power has been


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effective in legitimizing and enforcing a quota system using different cut-off points of

examination for university admission in favour of Malays (in the name of national reconciliation,

social order, and progress).

In Singapore, however, the majority (the Chinese community) are relatively strong in

competitive strength in education; the Malaysian type of quota policy would neutralize this

competitive superiority and take away something they could otherwise legitimately earn based

on learning merit. Given the significance of tertiary education, it is not likely, then, that the

majority of the population in Singapore would approve of such a policy. Thus, if a government

insists on implementing it, it would not only lose substantive legitimacy, but probably also lose

political support from the majority in democratic elections. The Government has to be alert to

all these constraints and formulate policies within their boundaries. These constraints, with the

exception of the first item, will continue to define boundaries for the future education-related

policies of the government.

Higher-order conditions and constraints define the strength and limitations of government

policies which, in turn, affect the realization of the transformational capacity of education. If the

change of class structure directly reflects the transformational capacity of education, indirectly,

then, it is clearly a product of government policies and those forces operating behind the



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