sji npcc newsletter

SJI NPCC Newsletter 2011

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SJI NPCCNewsletter 2011


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Contents1) Foreword from OC of Unit (Pg 3)


3) Unit Outing: Bintan

4) SJI 159th AP

5) Batch 38 POP

6) Angry Birds Competition

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Foreword from OC of Unit2011 has come and gone in a flash and what a year it has been! Importantly, the unit has returned to the realm of being a Gold Unit. This would not have been possible without the collective effort of the cadets, CLs, CIs and officers who have invested much time and effort in bringing the unit to where it should be. In particular, the unit owes a great deal to the following:

SI Tan Ci Kang and the 37th Batch CLs for their efforts in 2010 in galvanizing the unit and steering the unit through a difficult time to set the foundation for the subsequent batches.

SI SI Sai Surya and SI Kishowaran and the 38th Batch CLs for building on the efforts of the 37th Batch and taking the unit forwardwith many new innovations and practices.

The Cadet Inspectors, SCI Donovan Ng, CIs Sim Guo Chen and Darrell Leong for all their effort in guiding and mentoring the CLs and making many invaluable contributions over 2010 and 2011.

The officers, in particular, the long serving officers, Mr Tang Woh Un and Mr Gary Sim for their effort in cultivating batch after batch of committed and passionate cadets.

On the personnel front, we welcome the stepping up of the 39 th Batch of CLs with the stepping down of the 38th Batch CLs after the 159thAnniversary Parade. CI Sim Guo Chen will be stepping down shortly to fulfill his National Service obligations. The Unit has also lost the services of Ms Linda Goon who has left SJI. The unit is thankful for all the contributions and services rendered by these officers and cadets. We also take this chance to welcome aboard new CIs, Javier Ler, Tan Ci Kang who joined the unit in Jan 2011 and a new TO, INSP Lynette Lin who successfully completed her officers basic training course in Nov 2011.

SJI NPCC is fast developing a reputation as an innovative unit, and some of these innovations will be evident as we look through the newsletter. One particular innovation that the unit can be proud of is the Inter-Unit Angry Birds Competition,

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conceived and implemented by the 39th Batch CLs, which has never been attempted by any other NPCC Unit in Singapore!As we look back on 2011 with a sense of pride and accomplishment, we look forward to 2012 with a keen sense of anticipation as we seek to take things forward and strive for SJI NPCC’s continued achievement.

Ora Et Labora

Mr Daryl TanOC UnitSJI NPCC

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NPAPNPAP was a very interesting experience for me, since it was my first time going for a parade outside of school, with cadets of different units and background from all over the island. NPAP has its ups and downs, even though I get to meet a lot of different people through it, and make more friends; the rigorous training was not easy to bear. Having spent my entire March holidays at the Home Team Academy from morning to evening, I really felt like giving up once or twice during the training. Even though there is a huge contingent of cadets, the Field Instructor will never fail to pinpoint any mistake you make, even a sneeze or a cough will not escape his sharp eyes. But I know that success doesn't come easy, and my hard work will pay off during the actual day of the parade. I got the chance to wear the prestigious Number 1 Ceremonial uniform through this parade, and standing at Unity Square with hundreds of people looking down at you from the grand-stand, you really feel proud. 'Unity and Honour'; these are the two words that stand out even from the parade square. 

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Unit Outing: BintanWriter: Ron Mak

During the early June holidays, the Batch 39-41 went to Loola Resort to Bintan for a inter-unit bonding camp. The main objective was for the new sec 1s to get to know the sec 2 and 3s better, through enjoyable activities which were both challenging mentally and physically, and thrilling. Like all camps, everyone was introvert at the start, so we had to step in to foster interaction between the units. We played a variety of games, but the highlight of the first day was the flying fox.

All the cadets had to scale a 10-15m tower, and then “fly” down into the water. Everyone enjoyed it, even those with acrophobia. We even persuaded our TOs, Mr Chew and Mr Ng to participate despite their initial reluctance. After that, we had an early dinner, and proceeded to our bunks to rest. Our bunks consisted of a large and tall room with double-decker beds. However, everyone was restless, so we told stories and played card games, which helped us bond even closer.

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The 2nd day was more fruitful than the first. We started the day by helping an Indonesian school in its renovation efforts. Some carried the gravel and sand in wheelbarrows shoveled by others, while the rest helped to place the bricks on the ground, to make a new driveway. Unfortunately, the torrential rain prevented us from completing our task. However, our spirits were not dampened, and we make in all our best to paint a bookshelf. For all of us, this was a new and unforgettable experience, doing such manual labor at a young age. This further strengthened our bonds as a unit.

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Afterwards, we took to the seas in an activity called bom-net. While the boat was moving, everyone would take turns to jump from the 2nd level down to the nets at the side of the boat. It was a bit like jetty jump, but at a lower height. Afterwards, we had archery, where the sec 2 had a bet with the sec 3 on which batch would win. Eventually, the Sec 3s won just by a margin, which made this leisurely activity intense.

At night, we participated in a mass campfire with Boon Lay Sec, playing musical chairs and singing songs. Afterwards, we yet again played cards and celebrated

like there was no tomorrow before catching forty winks.

On the 3rd day, all of us were sad to leave this little island and resort. But that did not stop us from enjoying ourselves in the obstacle course and the tightrope walk, where one had to jump down 5-7m to the ground suspended by a bungee cord. This simple yet tough activity instilled confidence in us, and the teamwork during the obstacle course was clearly present. Afterwards, we took the bus back to the ferry back to Singapore, where our new bonds of unity and friendship would never ever be broken

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SJI 159th Anniversary ParadeWriter: Nathaniel Too

This year's SJI 169th anniversary parade has seen the NPCC cadets in both the Guard of Honor (GOH) contingent and the supporting contingent.This momentous occasion is held every year in celebration of the school's anniversary since its founding. In addition, it serves another important function which is to mark the handing over of command from the secondary 4 cadets to the secondary 3 cadets. Through the parade thanking the secondary 4 seniors for their hard work to bring their respective uniform groups to greater heights.Our cadets both the GOH and the supporting contingent demonstrated great endurance, swiftness and accuracy in their drills. Although the GOH contingent was not in the number 1 uniform, they demonstrated great precision in their drills proving their mark to be proudly called the Guard of Honor.We would also be proud to announce that the parade commander this year is SI (NPCC) Sai Surya. He had commanded the parade with great pride and charisma, which he has always demonstrated during trainings. He is truly an inspirational leader and role model whom many cadets aspire to become more like.Furthermore, through the parade we recognize the outstanding cadets, who showed great skill and leadership throughout the year. Hence we would like to congratulate this year's secondary 4 best cadet SSGT (NPCC) Eugene Wee, for his great contribution to the unit.Through the parade, not only did the cadets take away how a parade is conducted. The cadets have witnessed a passing on of the passion and the importance of leadership. While learning important life lessons like endurance and being steadfast.

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Batch 38 POPThey say it all happens in the blink of an eye. Four years have already passed since I set foot in this unit, and it is time to “pass out”. Today will mark an important milestone in my life, here at SJI Lecture Theatre 1. The wonderful memories I had with my squad mates, juniors and even seniors will be cherished forever. I would like to thank everyone for their contribution to the unit, no matter how small, for great things is achieved by doing small things.

I would also like to thank Batch 39, for their effort they put in to organizing this event. The skits played out by Batch 39 and 40 were truly meaningful, as they depict the experiences we have all shared together in our journey. They were indeed original and amused the audience. Next was the speeches made by Mr. Tan, the CIs and myself, as well as Kishor. Most of us prepared a lengthy speech and expressed our wishes for the unit, hoping the upcoming Cadet Leaders, Batch 39, would continue our legacy and strive for future success.

As my batch and I move on to the next stage in life, I believe a part of our hearts will always keep these memories close and when we look back to what we’ve done in these 4 years, I’m certain that we’ll all walk away with a smile. To those still in the unit, I urge you to give it your all because you’ll never know what you’ll receive at the end of it all.

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Angry Birds CompetitionWriter: Kevin Chee

On a Saturday morning, several schools from all over Singapore came over to SJI to compete in the Angry Birds Competition organized by SJI NPCC. Named after the famous game, Angry Birds, the competition made use of concepts similar to the game and evoked a sense of excitement to the participants. Participants needed to build a structure and a catapult using the logistics provided and within an allotted time. Basically, participants formed teams and challenged each other by firing different types of balls such as tennis balls at each other’s structures and for each component of the structure knocked down, points were awarded. The team with the most points would then win that match.

In the beginning, the teams were briefed of the rules and were given time to build their catapults and structures. Many teams displayed their creativity and camp craft skills in the process. When the competition commenced, many teams struggled with aiming with the catapult but eventually got used to it and aimed rather accurately. It was rather close with no distinct winner but at the end of 4 hours of intense competition, Nan Hua High School’s Team 1 eventually prevailed. As organizers of the competition, we were delighted to see the participants giving their all and enjoying themselves in the competition.

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Looking Ahead to 2012

Calender of Events 2012HQ Camps28 Apr 2012 – High Ropes Challenge (Sec 4)7 Sep – 9 Sep 2012 – ATC/STC (Sec 2 and 3)

HQ Competitions4 Feb 2012/11 Feb 2012 – Campcraft Competition Preliminaries7/13/21/28 Jul 2012 – Inter Unit Drill Competition Preliminaries

HQ Events27 Jul 2012 – NPCC Service DayTBA – Road Safety Marshal Duty

HQ Courses and Visits (Dates TBA)Sec 1 Police Knowledge 1Road Safety Marshal CourseSec 1 Swearing-inPolice Heritage Centre Visit

Sec 2SANA CourseCivil Defence CoursePolice Knowledge 2 CourseHome Team Tactical Village Visit

Sec 3LMSCHome Front Security CourseCSI CourseHome Team Gallery Visit

Shooting19 Apr 2012 – Sec 3 Classification Shoot19 Jul 2012 - Sec 2 Practice Shoot29/30/31 May 2012 – 0.22 Competition Preliminaries

NPAP2/9 Mar 2012 – NPAP Guard of Honour Selection12-17 Mar 2012, 25 Mar, 28 Mar, 31 Mar 2012 – NPAP Training

Unit Events12-14 Mar 2012 – Unit Training Camp13-14 Mar 2012 – Sec 1 CampJun 2012 – SJI NPCC Overseas Adventure Trip (Sec 1)Jun 2012 – Unit CIP