slave dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · slave (ghulam) or mamluk dynasty •muhammad of...

Slave Dynasty

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Page 1: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Slave Dynasty

Page 2: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

• The period from 1206 A.D. to 1526 A.D. is known as the Delhi Sultanate period.

Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty

• Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence of Mamaluk rule.

• In Quranic term Mamaluk means slave.

• He rose into power on 24th June 1206 A.D.

• He is the founder of the MamalukDynasty.

• 1206 A.D. से 1526 A.D तक की

अवधि को धिल्ली सल्तनत काल के

रूप में जाना जाता है।

गुलाम (गुलाम) या मामलुक वंश

• मुहम्मि गोरी ने कुतुब-उि-िीन ऐबक

को अपना सेनापधत धनयुक्त धकया और

उसके शासन ने मामालुक शासन के

उिय को धिधित धकया।

• कुरान में मामलुक का अर्थ है गुलाम।

• वह 24 जून 1206 ई को सत्ता में


• वह मामलुक राजवंश का संस्र्ापक


Page 3: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence


Page 4: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

• He built Dhai Dinka Jhonpara mosque at Delhi.

• He began the construction of QutbMinar at Delhi.

• He was also known as Lakh Bash (Giver of Lakhs) for his generosity.

Iltutmish (1211 -1236 A.D.)• He was born in the Illbari tribe of

Central Asia.• He was sold as slave to Qutb-ud-din-

Aibak and later become son-in-law of Aibak.

• He killed Aram Shah, the son of Aibakand became king in 1211A.D.

• He built the Turkish Kingdom in North India.

• उन्ोनें धिल्ली में ढाई धिन का झोपंरामस्जिि का धनमाथण धकया।

• उन्ोनें धिल्ली में कुतुब मीनार का धनमाथणशुरू धकया।

• उनकी उिारता के धलए उन्ें लाख बक्श(लाखों के िाता) के रूप में भी जाना जातार्ा।

इलु्ततधमश (1211 -1236 A.D.)• उनका जन्म मध्य एधशया के इल्बारीजनजाधत में हुआ र्ा।

• वह कुतुब-उि-िीन-ऐबक के गुलाम केरूप में बेि धिया गया र्ा और बाि मेंऐबक का िामाि बन गया।

• उसने ऐबक के बेटे अराम शाह को मारडाला और 1211A.D में राजा बन गया।

• उन्ोनें उत्तर भारत में तुकी साम्राज्य काधनमाथण धकया।

Page 5: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence


Page 6: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

• Qutb Minar was built in honourof Sufi Saint Khwaja Qutb-ud-din Baktiyar Kaki

• Iltutmish completed the construction of Qutub Minar(which was started by Aibak).

• Iltutmish set up Iqtas under Iqtadars.

• He was the first Turkish ruler to introduce Arabic coinage.

• Jital – Copper coin, It was introduced by Iltutmish.

• कुतुब मीनार सूफी संत ख्वाजा

कुतुब-उि-िीन बस्जियार काकी के

सम्मान में बनाया गया र्ा

• इलु्ततधमश ने कुतुब मीनार (जो

ऐबक द्वारा शुरू धकया गया र्ा) का

धनमाथण पूरा धकया।

• इलु्ततधमश ने इकतिारों के अिीन

इक्ता व्यवस्र्ा को स्र्ाधपत धकया।

• वह अरबी धसक्का पेश करने वाला

पहला तुकी शासक र्ा।

• जीतल - तांबे का धसक्का, यहइलु्ततधमश द्वारा पेश धकया गया र्ा।

Page 7: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence


Page 8: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Sultana Raziah (1236-1240 A.D.)

• Raziah was the first woman ruler of Sultanate period.

• She defeated and killed FirozShah who ascended the throne after the death of Iltutmish.

• Her rule ended in 1240A.D. because of a conspiracy by the Turkish nobles.

• The successors of Raziah were weak and hence Balban rose to power in 1265A.D.

सुल्ताना रध़िया (1236-1240 A.D.)

• रध़िया सल्तनत काल की पहलीमधहला शासक र्ी।ं

• उसने धफरोज शाह को हराया औरमार डाला, जो इलु्ततधमश की मृतु्यके बाि धसंहासन पर काधबज हुआर्ा।

• उसका शासन 1240A.D में समाप्तहुआ। तुकी रईसों द्वारा एक साधजशके कारण।

• रध़िया के उत्तराधिकारी कमजोर रे्और इसधलए बलबन 1265A.D मेंसत्ता में आया।

Page 9: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence


Page 10: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Balban 1265-1 287A.D.

• Balban, an llbari Turk became the ruler in 1265A.D.

• He believed in the Divine Right Theory of Kingship.

• He introduced Poibos- a form of salutation to the king by kissing his feet in the court.

• Balban curtailed and destroyed the ‘Corps of Forty’

• A separate military department called Diwan-i-arz was established.

बलबन 1265-1 287A.D.

• 1265A.D में तुकथ शासक बलबनशासक बना।

• वह धकंग्सधशप के िैवीय अधिकार

धसद्ांत में धवश्वास करता र्ा।

• उसने पोइबोस को राजा के िरबार

में पैर मारकर सलाम करने का एक

तरीका पेश धकया।

• बलबन ने कोर ऑफ़ फोटी ’को

समाप्त कर धिया और नष्ट कर धिया

• िीवान-ए-अ़िथ नामक एक अलगसैन्य धवभाग स्र्ाधपत धकया गया र्ा।

Page 11: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence


Page 12: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

• He patronized Amir Khusrauwho is called as the ‘Parrot of India’ and Amir Hasan.

• He was shocked when his son Mahmud was killed during an encounter with the Mongols.

• He died in 1287A.D.

• उन्ोनें अमीर खुसरो का संरक्षण

धकया, धजन्ें 'भारत का तोता' और

अमीर हसन कहा जाता है।

• जब मंगोलों के सार् मुठभेड़ के

िौरान उनके बेटे महमूि की मौत से

उसे बहुत बड़ा आघात लगा।

• उनकी मृतु्य 1287A.D में हुई।

Page 13: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence


Page 14: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following represents Delhi Sultanate period?

1200 A. D to 1426 A.D

1206 A.D to 1526 A.D

1226 A.D to 1500 A.D

1220 A.D to 1450 A.D

धनम्नधलस्जखत में से कौन सी अवधि

धिल्ली सल्तनत काल को प्रिधशथत

करती है?

1200 A. D से 1426 A.D

1206 A.D से 1526 A.D

1226 A.D से 1500 A.D

1220 A.D से 1450 A.D

Page 15: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

What is the meaning of Mamaluk?





ममलुक का अर्थ क्या है?





Page 16: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Who is the founder of Mamlukdynasty?

Qutb-ud-din Aibak


Aram Shah


मामलुक वंश का संस्र्ापक कौन है?

कुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक


अराम शाह


Page 17: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following dynasties comes under Delhi Sultanate?

Khilji Dynasty

Mamluk Dynasty

Tughluq Dynasty

All of the above

धनम्नधलस्जखत में से कौन सा राजवंश

धिल्ली सल्तनत के अंतगथत आता है?

स्जखलजी वंश

ममलुक वंश

तुगलक वंश

ऊपर के सभी

Page 18: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following built DhaiDinka Jhonpara mosque at Delhi?

Qutb-ud-din Aibak



Sultana Raziya

धनम्नधलस्जखत में से धकसने धिल्ली में ढाई

धिनका झोपंड़ा मस्जिि बनाई?

कुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक



सुल्तान रध़िया

Page 19: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following completed the construction of Qutub Minar?

Qutb-ud-din Aibak



Sultana Raziya

धनम्नधलस्जखत में से धकसने कुतुब मीनार

का धनमाथण पूरा धकया?

कुतुब-उि-िीन ऐबक



सुल्ताना रध़िया

Page 20: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following is called as ‘Parrot of India’?



Amir Khusrow

Sultana Razia

धनम्नधलस्जखत में से धकसे 'भारत का

तोता' कहा जाता है?



अिीर खुसरो

सुल्ताना रधजया

Page 21: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following believed in the ‘Divine Right Theory of Kingship’?



Muhammad of Ghori

Sultana Razia

धनम्नधलस्जखत में से धकसने 'िैवीय

अधिकार धसद्ांत की धिव्यता' में

धवश्वास धकया?



मुहम्मि गौरी

सुल्तान रध़िया

Page 22: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

Which of the following was also known as Lakh Bash (Giver of Lakhs) for his generosity?

Muhammad of Ghori

Qutb-ud-din Aibak



धनम्नधलस्जखत में से धकसे उसकी

उिारता के धलए लाख बश (लाखों का

िाता) के रूप में भी जाना जाता र्ा?

मुहम्मि गौरी

कुतुब-उद-दीन ऐबक



Page 23: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence

In Mamluk Dynasty ‘Diwan-i-arz’ was associated with which?

Revenue department

Military department

Agriculture department

Religious department

ममलुक राजवंश में ‘िीवान-ए-अ़िथ

’धकसके सार् जुड़ा र्ा?

राजस्व धवभाग

सैन्य मिभाग

कृधि धवभाग

िाधमथक धवभाग

Page 24: Slave Dynasty - · 2019. 4. 9. · Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk Dynasty •Muhammad of Ghori appointed Qutb-ud-din Aibak as his commander and his rule marked the emergence