slides 3 marketing

7/23/2019 SLIDES 3 marketing 1/18 Changing lives in rural India

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Changing lives in rural India

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Unilever in India

• Unilever has been in India since 1895

• Hindustan Lever formally incorporated in 1956

• A subsidiary of Unilever 51!5"#

• $ost sou%ht after recruiter amon% India&s ' schools

• (ource of employment

• 15)*** permanent employees

• +**)*** indirect ,obs

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• -ne of the lar%est consumer %oods companies in

the .orld

• /lobal) re%ional and local brands

• 223 000 employees .orld0.ide

• 'rands on sale in 151 countries

• € 65.3 million spent on community projects in

+** 1!2" pre0ta3 profits#

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Mission• Unilever’s mission is to add vitality to life. We

meet everyday needs for nutrition, y!iene, and

personal care "it #rands tat elp people feel!ood, loo$ !ood and !et more out of life.

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• %industan Unilever &imited '%U&( to tap tismar$et conceived of )roject *a$ti. +is project"as started in 2001 "it te aim of increasin! te

company’s rural distri#ution reac as "ell asprovidin! rural "omen "it income!eneratin!opportunities. +is is a case "ere te social !oalsare elpin! acieve #usiness !oals.

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• 4he recruitment of a (hati ntrepreneur or (hati

Amma (A# be%ins .ith the e3ecutives of HULidentifyin% the uncovered villa%e! 4he

representative of the company meets the panchayat

and the villa%e head and identify the .oman .ho

they believe .ill be suitable as a (A! After trainin%she is ased to put up 7s +*)*** as investment .hich

is used to buy products for sellin%! 4he products are

then sold door0to0door or throu%h petty shops at

home! -n an avera%e a (hati Amma maes a 1*"

mar%in on the products she sells!

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• 4he (hati entrepreneur pro%ram creates livelihood

opportunities for underprivile%ed rural .omen!

• 4he (hati ani pro%ram .ors to improve the uality of lifein rural India) by spreadin% a.areness of best practices in

health and hy%iene!

• 4hey are also studyin% the consumption habits of the rural


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Shakti Vani

• An initiative .hich helps support :ro,ect (hati is

the (hati ani pro%ramme! Under this pro%ramme)

trained communicators visit schools and villa%e

con%re%ations to drive messa%es on sanitation) %ood

hy%iene practices and .omen empo.erment! 4his

serves as a rural communication vehicle and helps

the (A in their sales!

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• In +**1) the company embared on an ambitious

pro%ramme) (hati! 4hrou%h (hati) HUL is creatin%micro0enterprise opportunities for rural .omen)

thereby improvin% their livelihood and the standard

of livin% in rural communities! (hati also includes

health and hy%iene education throu%h the (hatiani :ro%ramme) and creatin% access to relevant

information throu%h the i(hati community portal!

4he pro%ram no. covers 15 states in India and has

over 1)*** .omen entrepreneurs in its fold)

reachin% out to 1**)*** villa%es and directly

reachin% to 15* million rural consumers!

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Communicateand(earchin% for a 



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Shakti Vani

• (ocial communication anchored on brands

• health and hy%iene• .omen&s empo.erment

• illa%e .omen are recruited as anis and trained to


• ani audience; ey opinion leaders) schools) (H/ meetin%s)

other villa%e %atherin%s

• (pecially desi%ned communication material

• easy0to0carry it; flip0charts) leave0behind posters) banners

• content developed after in0depth understandin% of local conte3t

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Hand0.ash demo in schools

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 Shakti Activities

-ree %ealt amps in *a$ti /illa!e

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<ree =ental >amps in (hati illa%es

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i - Shakti• In +**?) .e started @i0(hati an I40enabled

community portal across the state of Andhra :radesh!i0(hati is desi%ned to %ive rural people access to

information via a net.or of villa%e @ioss containin%

internet lined computers run by entrepreneurs!

•illa%ers can access free content) developed in theirlocal lan%ua%e) or email uestions on a .ide ran%e of

topics) includin% Unilever products) health and

hy%iene) a%riculture) education) finance and


• 4he aim is to have 1 5** i0(hati ioss on stream by

the end of +**5 coverin% 25** villa%es and 1*m people!

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iShakti Contd……

• 7ural community portal that creates access to


• illa%ers can re%ister as users and surf content areas;

• A%riculture) health) veterinary services) education)

employment opportunities) education) personal %roomin%)

entertainment) %ames

• All content baced by local lan%ua%e voice0over

• -n all content areas) users can pose ueries

• 1)*** ioss in A:) partnership .ith %overnment

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Vision 200



6** million


Shakti shall reach every  home in every  villa!e"

create sustainable livelihood o##ortunities" and

enhance the $ualit% o& li&e in rural India