s$lmm shingto - digifind-it · tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance in thie...

^mmmm j \ ,.(' ': SHINGTON ^¥":}S$lmM 5 o( Irom 17,000 to 20,000 'nuilen.'S^BS^IKSSKJ f ConHlilemblcpublicity,iHii'tIt7 :^ : = '*"; : "'vl'gl L*,- WASHINGTON/WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 0, 1902. SUBSCRIPTION: $1.50 PER YEAR |f these JB thnt o Wire. :. :The ITnepher fare live i fn the ' in David i who have . Jr., Frank R)BS, Ayers, ; tfred U*-idin- "and John Wott, Jr. Roys in the hospital are fttulns and Alfred Ooon. ispital, alflo, urelwo boys, Curl infermnt?, whoae first names •net bo learned as the Town Clerk 7a tbe list very carefully. Young !i father accompanied: him. to the Jbil and is assisting the trained I in charge there. This nurse has ften years' experience.. and has nr lost a case. : e secretary of trie State Board of th, who has been In flackeitatown fl week, e tat en tb«t the conditions 9 are all that could bedesired, and a is not near the danger of the dis- spreading further in that town as e la in Nawark or other large city. ^ _ii»._ * . , . ^ a.. large , nlll aag. of ,exam- ounced it'the "ft of diately, Ho wed f' ok tne liny dis- [of the srimina- IJWII was Iiiacbvery Ibem in u Be posted I tbe die- litittloned •cea. Ar- l i a peat f Wade at- Jd. Before Icourr, tne K and the [room had (bur neues- [o¥ Sunday d young id i old plug from trtofirpebt •umun being tips. -\ •.••-•• pas In Post- erea youug t one of the Town Hall, ndoned his ill Incoming rittibt ending la a vvisible i business; rmUC^i;;; keeping be- onetold the a good pre- t men who mall town, he explained, nil know another, but in a large city it is boeaible to keep thoto exposed to E disease off the stretti. He gave It Tils opinion that it waa reasonably a for tho outside world to resume sineas relations with the Huckoits- wn people. .'. • . ;NO CASES IN WASHINGTON. •The \V*H3bingtjn Board of Health ild important meetings on Monday id Tuesday nights. Such btips wnre fcken that it is almost impossible for W disease to become epidemic here, ndeed, all the local physicians join in •ffjing that itis highly improbablethiit inure will he a single OHHO in Wash- lingtin. Hundreds of people have been Ivaucinat id this week, tho Board hav- ing provided thi-.t those who are too poor to pay for tie service shall be I vaccinated ut tho public; expense. No I uuvaucinated child is admitted to tne H public school. One KlrftitiK Ciiptured. . A t loabt ono of tho IcaliuuB who fired the barns burned at Columbia hist week Is under arrost .and it IHnot im- probublo that tho other will be appre- hended within a very faw dajH. Tl.e man under arrest is Silvatora Sepue- colo. Another Itilian, Puillipo Guili- atino, Is held an a witness. Toe arrests were made in Philadelphia. Tne tlrst; named foreigner until re- cently worked for the Consolicliifcid Powur and Ice Go. of Columbia aud, us explained iotiWee columns last week, bad, bcou prosecuted for hunting on Sunday... He and another, buU"charac;. ter undertook to' be" revenged on tbe power compuny and Olurli Uriasman, a well known firmer iu Mio vicinity, by burning their barm. More than thirty head of live fit >rk were destroypd and tb« damage reached a total of §7,000. The authorities had little t-nublein fixing the crime on the t-vo Itiliane, but when they came to search for t lem the pair bud fl*d. The Philadelphia police were notified, as it waa kuown the foreigners had crossed the river. Lieutenant Lynch and Police Sergeant Phillips of tie S-weuth and Cirpunier street police station, went down to the Italian quarter and in a Mitie while found one of the men.- Tho othor fol- low was.with him in the room and he tio waa tnkfn nlong. They will bo brought to Belvidore as soon as fie papers for the transfer can be secured. Npiv Sufeln IMueo. After much unlooked-for delay, the t^frvo-ton eafeof which detailed ruen- tiun was recently made in t icse col- umns, has been Installed within the vault at the First National Bank. If was found necessary to tear mit't-iu cafllng and somo of the masonry ao the entrance to the vau'fc in order to get the strong bos iuHide. The new safe is the mo t modern and "costHpst typo built. Ir, is composed of but two huge castings—the body and the door—there being no bolts, j lints or forgiogB, and the etfol composition is of tne liigliett art. The parts are BOaccurately tit ed tl.'ab it is not easily discernible where tlley meet. The new safe ia spherical City Collection Agency Lands Several yictims Here. ABOUT % WERE BITTEN Stranger Held Out Golden Prospects That '. Did Not Materialize. ' It Falls to Collect According to Promisss But Suit is Brought Agalnsl Victims. A large numbor of merchants and others iu this section who Beveral moLt is ago were induced tj give some of their bad claims to a collecting genc-v lo'cated in a Btnall t m n in Now York State are beginning to re- gret their action. The amounc of bad debt* collected by tio agency does not near equal the amount of good money it has succeeded in abstracting from the packets of its victims. Tue representative of the igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring. He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced litcla difficulty in finding people- ready to take the bait he threw it. Ho represented an agency that never failed tocoltpi.tif the det-tir or any of his heirs were still on earth. They had colluctdl money from N«w J»rm-y people who bad gone to tne Fiji I .lauds and proved it by showing tho money. Tnere was 110 tiupe for a man who refused to pay when fcn&y got after him aud if he didn't give up t the Btart ho did i.t the end even it' he had to sell his coat to get the funds wil'i which to settle. Every business man has a certain niunbur of bad dubts on hid books and tho agei.t had no trouble iu ^tg quite a collection of these. His pro- jjonkion was biuiple. The victim was to furnish ttio ugoncy with «t lct thirty cluims amuiiuting in all to at least §150. Out of tho money col- lected, the victim understood, t it) g y was to dbduct thirty dollars for its work. It is believed not less than twenty- five persons and Hems in town coi;t.i< butid $1 20 each in t-timps for postage expenses aud then tie nmttur dropped out of mind for t le time being. ,T«ey were brought up wit I a sudden jerk a fow months later wtitm a bill wits pre- sented in each cas*» lor $3S 50 for ser- vices rendered. Nobody paid any at- tji.tiou to the documents. A little later there came pome threat- ening ltitfcars and taese were followed by n representative of the agency who proved t j some of their patrons that it was cheaper to pay up than fight. About a dozen of the business men who had gone into the sctitituo finally came to take this view of the matter and very reluctettly paid down tueir good coin. The otherB are still re- ceiving occasional letters threatening immediate Buic. Sjme daya ago an agei.t of the canceru showed up at Columbia and sued one W^shui^bati business man in a justice's comb there. The WdShingtjnian was m.t tied and was on hand. He t >Id the Justice t> givertie agency judgment .for-the umouut and tie would il^l.t the case to to the bitfcjr end in the county courts. As this will coBt the ageucy twice the aoioui t claimed it is " possible the end of tie whole aff.iir le Iu Higbt. In conclusion, it can be truthfully said that the amount of money collected from bad debters by the concern is so smnll that it only proves conclusively tin.t che whole scheme is a awiudle of t:ie worst character. Another concern of the Biime char- ait-r has recently begun several BUHS in Washington against Puillipsburg merchants who, in an .unguarded moment, •were-, inveigled.v into the Bulieme' A th Phillb l GRAM) JUJeV INDICTSSIX. "Dpuatur" Furniuu and Kritnk Wolil', tliuCicrtiiuii Kariner WhoSIioi IJU ycr Do hike, Among tliu Lot. The Grand Jury came into conrt on Friday. lafit nnd reported siz bills of indictment. Tho mnj »rity of them, it is an9umed, are agaiutt the prisoners confined in jail. Some four or five of the priBonors are not indluted and will therefore be released. Among these is McOlellan Furman, a colored man to fame and mlsfoitune not unknown. Wolfr, tho man who assaulted and tried to kill John H. Dili ike, a lawyer of Belvidere, was also indic-t^d. No. 1, Supreme Couit IaBues, John KarrAs.thtj Uiiit-^d Elf-ctric Improve- ment Co., was before tie court when the STAR wei.t to press lust week. The suit was brought to recover commis- sions alleged to be due from the com- pany for goods furnished, time given and comtntaftinns due on sales of vari- OUB kinds. Mr. K irr's cl.ilm footod up some §2,000, butforBOme unexplained rooann the caae was suddenly nettled for $500. Ex-Judge Morrow /appeared for tie phiintiff and ex-Sp;jhtjr Ed- les, Magnus tlley meet. The new safe is s p c .... . .. . A iri[ shape, is equipped with a t-ip'e j bava not signified fcieir m'ovemert <ime lock and is g u a r i i t e d defending the actiun it re, inveigledinto he the Phillipsburg people iri[ shape, is e q p p m'ovemer>t <ime lock, and is ap'Jlutely buglar proof I movemer>t ime o c , g ap'Jjolutely burglar proof. It has about t ur times the capacacity of the safo "*p]aced and ccntains numerous de- ijofl!r:-bo=i?E.^.With:!ta^inatal!aU9E the Fin t National people ba,ve the satis- faction of k,nowirig that'their and their patrons' valuables rest in undoubted Becurity. pe j bava not signified fcieir intentioim^of -ed defending the actiun it is proh'able An Kxcepllowtl Opnortitulty. xTbo shirt ftii t >ry in the rear of the A. h W. Oreveling building, lately oper- ated by J. H. Snyder and controlled by Beavers & Hopple of Washington, of- fers an exceptional opportunity for some enterprising individual or firm t > engage in the manufacture of shift* or i i n d s : s . T h s r a . a r e ; t^venty^uf mafihlhespa^gas-eiigine-amlafs!.: *quipmetit necessary to conduct 1 tiio business. All that is lacking is the re- quired amoiu t of money and a liitlo et;trprisp. T}ie. former operators have had'n6"iSlthculty in gt-fct.ingall t i e fe- male help required and lark of experi- ence and capital seem to have been the Hole reasons-why the plant is not in operation today. ' -~ judgmeiit will be taken against them. In ihe Ice Buainet-s. R. L. pluio & OoM iwently purchas- ed the ice busiuess of W. D. Gulick, to- g* bher with tne ioe bnune, wagon, t iols, etc., and will t io coming season sup- ply the routs Mr. Gulick has taken ca«V; of so well durlug tbe patt two years. Since tbe new dam built on the mountain side back of Bowers' Foun- dry has ntt proved water-tight, ice for next season's supply will bet gathered from a selected flection of the Morris canal—near the Kinneman bridge, and stored in a new building now being erected for the purpose close by on tbe north.. aid€LOf,the,ciu] a)._iNeKr.; mimiin er: Bowerstown with tio viow-ofigtUitig moBC of its ice supply from the" waters of the mountain Btroain. The Gulick ice house will aliio be used for t>t >rage tiiifl winter and in tbe fall it will be torn down. BIG BEOUJTION S\LE OP CO VTS, ^.-•OAPES AND; SUETS AT LAU— BA.OHS', BASrON, PA.;. O00.?12 00 ami $IBW duita reduced to f 00, $10 50 aud f 13,00 Sulta rcducod to ), $22 60 and $25 00 Suits reduced to , $7.50 and $3 00 Ooat9 reduced to j|12 50 and $13 50 Coats reduced to {J.GO aud $10.50 Coats reduced to i In Ohlldrea'B Coats/ In Fur Oosv's rtn«'d iv nt. 8 <»• m. kon A SON, Rwt6n, Pn. los-a-Weob - World, ?2, A Successful Urgiitilztitloii. Tho meiting of lUu Munhlldlri Vigila-t Society at the St. Cloud on SuturdavwtH lurtjtily iittondcd and proved to ba qultu a ropresQiitaiive gituering of farmerd arid liUnl"*-flR men of the o»uhty:v Taoro aie now 203 mumbors <»f thu tcilety, of whicn nhouL 23 per cbiit, joined during, tlm naaL year/ Tno «s4»oltMi)ii ins about ?l00 in thotreftsury.'aud ha-t had to lovy but one small aBsei-ementin the28ye«'fl of Its cx,- iaionco. Tho foliowlug officers weie eiiced for the Qtmufni; y e i r : President, Win. Q. Oufford, Waahingtbi; BecroChlty, Sihiuel Sdtjwurt, 1 Hackelt-towit; treuHiiror, SIIHH tihielda, Wiujbinutm ; diruutoru, J. B. Tbatctier, WaBlilncto-; P*orge B. Vllet, Haokettstonn ; Walter K->.rr, K-trrsvllle; W J Barker, Viennp; W. J Tdomiwon, •ReaMetfowi'j-Wm. R. WyohniJ, JnobHon Vullmi F- * Vimlar, P >rt U.0d«». mr*u- ora, J cJ-ThniDHB, Jauknon Valle\; -John D. Glbhs, Viu'nn«; Wm. Lirihon, P)oas«tit Vdlie^rJitoab Wvckoff, Port O ilde<--;-Al- bert Acb ley, Hackotiatowt; Wm David- son, Bnoioestowa; JicobMiilcr,-Anderses. wards for the company. . Wo. 2, SunremfUourrlsBUL-, ._„„ Pierson vs. tie Alp^a Portland Cement Oo., was (-ailed on Friday and resumed on Monday, to which time couitad- >urned. ay, to w Pierson sued tbe company Judge Shipman Gives Banquet in Honor of Justice Pitney. GOOD SPEECHES MADE Oratorical Efforts of the Warren Counfy Bar of the "Depew" Grand. Judge Shipman Proves a Koyal Entertainer— Judicial Dignity Gives Way (o Jollity. for damages sur-tlined while in the dis- charge of his duty as "miller", having under MB cure a gang of mills which cruHhed the cement rock, and occa- sionally one would become chocked ( r fltalled. On one occasion, in trjing t> t> relieve one of tho mills, by remov- ing a screen from the interior, the ham mer which did the crushing caugl t his hand nnd a portion of it, including three fingers, was BO mnimed thai the} had to be amputated. For the loss of the Angers and fie nriiming of his hand ho asked tbefluin of $5,000 0 i Monday alt*rnnoii the counsel for the company, W. N. Walters, nsLed for a non suiton the ground of contributory negligence. Argument followed by opposing counsel and Judge Pitney, on Tuesday morning, upon the con- vening of couic, gave a very able and "exhaustive review of the cuae, going into all the details t~> show tiat the plaintiff had contributed to the ac cident, and granted the non-suit Mr I It 'seberry, counsel for the plaintiff, will carry the case to t!iehigherc<>urif< The nest and last CSBO WBB NO 2, Joseph M. Roaeberry vs. John 0 De- PUP, Abraham Depae and Charles j tlekt^r. The a'ti>iu was onn of trt-B I pans and was brought by Mr. RiBeberrv I Tor damages resulting from the loss of, trees that the defendant* were charged with cu'fcing and burning. The land I on which tne treeB grew is in 'dlnpute Both parties claim life to it, and the suit is brought hi etfc iblish the owner ship as well as t) recover damages for the loss of valuable timber. The land En dispute ia about a quarter of an aero but is alleged to be of much value. Judgo Morrow appaared for Roseberry and G. A. Angle, Esq., for the defend- ant!. ;. Judge Pitney discharged all jurors until Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 11 a. m., when t ie trial of indictments will be t~aken up as well as appeal cases with jury. The jurors discharged made a rush f.)r the Sheriff's office and after drawing their per diem lefc for home. Por the first t T me in many years the members of the Warren county bar met in social iutercoursoin B»lvidere on Thursday eveningof lat t week when Judge George Shipman gave a dinner in honor of Justice Mahlon Pitney, who on that day made his initial ap- pearance ihere as Judge of the Circuit court. Tho ufftiir was the consummation of a very happy thought which came to Judge Shipman. It was gotten up more or less nattily so that the Bpnak^rs as well as the newspapers were tiken by surprise, which acnoui.ta for any shortcomings which may appear in this and other accounts of the evening's fe^'vitlea Hi til liplvidero was selected as the place of meeting, and here > t 7:30 p. m. nearly all the ait>rnoys of tio county PHYSICIAN STRANGELY ILL: Dr. Fhiggnriy, of Vtomiti, SnflVtrlnt; From . Nttrvuus Strain — Uejiortcd liiiproveiniMitIn Ills Condition. Dr. Frank W. Haegerty, a phyBlcian living and pra-thins: in the neighbor- hood of the QreiitMeadow, has been in a serious condition for several days suffering fr>ra wh4 at lirst appeared to be teianus, commonly known as lockjiw. The latest reports yesterday were that his condition was slightly improved. Several days ago Dr. Haggerty was called to attend a patient iu the vicln- who was reported to ba nfflioted smallpox. Before visiting t ie ity v with man the doctor took the usual precau- tions, even going so far as to vaccinato himself. In doing, this work he took exce,;.t : onal antiacptical care in the use "cf-his instruments and in making the innision, 7 From what can be learned it seems hat t^ie doctor, who is a man of very nervous temperament, worried greatly over the possible consequpnees of his visit to the smallpox patient, nnd also about the possible out some of his own vaccination. Tho next day oymptDDas nf tetanus became manifeBC aiid by che time a specialist from Paterson reached him, MB condition was serious. Many of the.doctor's acquaintances, and somo of the county physicians, claim that his illness is the direct, re- sult of fright and nervous worry, They- are not inclined to believe that'the doctor has the lockjaw. It ,is a well known fact amo->g memDers of the ^ f i ^ ^ ^ i t r l d ^ l ^ Testltself in so ahuitli'period"aB"ardayr Meeting Kor Fannnra. The third annual meming of the Warren Ooui.ty Board of Agriculture will be held .in tlm Court H mse, B -Wi- dere, on Wednesday, Jan. 22d at 10:30 a. m. Afcer the elfCtion of offlcere f>>r the ensuing year and the regular order of business, a number of irapo taut, ^jt ill b d i d & fll t j t3hdance i , p 8 will bo disciiBied. &•< full ht- i l d py q WM. EUO13NE OlJERLY, Secretary. Syinptomn of Sinullpox. The firwt Hymptom thtic tbo patient will have is an iritetwa pnl'i in ttio lower part, of the bdclt:^ Tbo pifn ia no ordloiry pain, but of uim-tual Ho?ority. Tnore is alno a docldod chill, fe?«r aud languor, and a very unyero. lioid.iche. 'Thoer-ip- tion apnoaro Urat on ttio f.>ruhoid:p.t:-ttie edge of, tho tufr, also on tho lips. Ib ho- fjiiiR as a ninall pimptfi and in i ho I'ourt-o of three rin.va tbov will Qlt with pud and tvive rinrk purpli rinK nromid them. Per- sons antioiputinR tho disease should 11*0 on grueli^nd koopthe bowels well opened with Siilina Uxatlyoa; goodVli l l i ' = ^ = there JH hut oneHuru way to win n l»wfU)i «nd thnt is by bcifnc on the rfpht fcidt Uvorv controfforey has two aides an there is always one aido which Is omont la ly right, and the other hide ciaenlLill wrong. In tho complication of ril'dra nn controvorhles, In the confusion and unccr t-ifilycnnceri.ing tbo friclB, and ' In the d f itibt about theappi'cition ol thin leca prfnclfilo or that prii.ciplo or the o'bei principle) to tbo factn, thorn in a ICRl'imit ranaeof floubt in advance of the tri«l. W nro nil liab'e to err. CUUIIHVI may orr i iidRlng an to tno retinbility and credibility 'f Mltncwoi, In tho invtstiiration of facts, In tho cxamlnatlnn and application of prin- ciples nf law. Jurit-s aro liable to err in '" ir findlncH upon matters of fact, and juflgps are JUblo to err in their under- standing nnd application of the rules ol law. So lr>neaa human nnturo Is iropcr ffrtnndiriQ'in, mtutflkt-H will occur In our efTarln to admli.teter justice It Is the duty of tlio membors of tho Bar and of the j'ldgOM upon tho hencn to provent, PO fn as wo c»n, tho errom of wltnepftea and jury- men. P-ia the duty of the jiidgo to cor- rect, HO f^r ns ho may, the error* or the ad- vonatcfl ot the Bar. And, if the judge errs, Jr. is tho dut.v of the advocates to appeal to tho court of last resort, which ia tho Una tribunal eHiabliflbid by human govern ment for tho correction of human errors, nnd thoenforremont nf that which is right HH between man and min. I como among you resolved to do my heat In tho Ifcht of myeducation and traln- injr, to promote nnd ndvancn that which in just and true nnd Hunt. I look to you, ennili-tnon of tho Bar, to cooperate with tno in tl'iit enrlfiAVor. I appreciate nnd ' o this social occasion, chitll , ns It , a the oQlcera nf the court a better op- portunity to umlTstand tho motives of ouch other, and to co-operate towards tbe common Gnri. If wo co forward with tbls purpose, we ihall not fail. I thank you, seam, each nnd nil, for your cordial reception. Following Justice P.tney's nddreBB the toaBtmaster called on Judge Mor- ro-e, who arose and said^in subBtance: When I was young in tht> prnctiuo of the pioietaion I had notictd txcoptiouH for hciHrli g tit Alorrlstown before Jtid^o Dul- r>tnplu, and the ouoohing counsel moved to di*initj.i the proceedIIIRH for the recaon that I tiiid noMiotlced the cause, and tlie t lliud no noticd ourt WIIH about to tll b , the matttor d COUNTY JUDGE GEORGE M. SHIPMAN. gathered,about the festal board. At the head of the long table Bat the host, who acted as toastmaster. At his rigt.t sah Justice Pitney. Aside from these, thoro nut down to dinner thn fallowing gentlemen : J. O. All^n, ProBecutor George A. Angle, Bivid Barrron, J, H. Dihlke, Jam^s Finher, IT«npy S. Hiirri«. Nicho- las Harris. 0. E. HarriP, ff. W. Hurt, O««r Ji-ff-ry, Wm. M. Miickey. O D. Hlioro it tall, robust man «roso and auid to the jud(;e "I baiievo tbe young man Ib right," and tlie court 'reached that couclu- MO i and my exsu was (-avod. My new friend was Ohdiicellor Pltnty, and upon imitation visitiid lib home. I thure met'.a VOUDK lad, who is now our guest uud tbe jjdgeof our curt. Hettieti paid a hiph tribute to the judges whu hfid been assigned to \Vnrren couuty uud welcomed tbe tniest of the evunii'U. Turmer Prosecutir Wm. A. St.*yker WHO tbe fifch to respond to Judge Sliip- oiau's n quest for a speech. Among tier things, he said : OuratUiiiUun has been called to the long line of hble judges whotiavo been assigned to tho Wtirreu circuit, but no ooe nun at- templud to assign tuoreiibon thurefor. lat- tiibute it tn tbe fact that trie Supreme Court of New Jon-ey has recognized tue It^nl Ultnt that is found in VVurrtiiiuuUiity utid has therefore deemed it uawlae to ua- aicn to tbia circuit any judge not of tbe bi^Uejt judiciil talent, uud in tliis respect tatty htive con ft r red upon the guest ol tbe evening an txceplinnal honor. Warren cuumy has over been a fertile neld for the growing of lawyers ard its healthful air nas been most bemflcUl iu tuo develop- ment of their Ibteut tnlents. Tbia county haa given ti> the State a long lint of lawyeis whose power and li Uuence have heen felt amonp the taembtr.n nf ttie profestion to an unusual degree. O ie of the greatest Js»wjera who bus practiced he- fore ttie courts of New Jorney and who served at Attorney-General of thn atate of Now Jertey waa Hon. J^cob Vannatta, vhoso unlive place was Uackettstown, in this county. y. y and E litora Smit 1 ! and K^tchnm. Many nf these were in evening dresa. Behind fie screen were scores of Indies and gentlomen who gathered there to lVt tn f ie speeches which came a littlfilat'r. : Judge Shipman arose wiien all were seated and delivered a neat litile ad- dress in : which "he thanked the members of t'ia bar on the hearty man- ner in which fipy had responded to his invitation atsu^h short notice. Then in his usual aff.ible manner he wel- comed t'ie new Justice on behalf of himself and the enfirR W.-t.rrftn county bar. Ic wtis a taking Hi tie sppech and t^iat of Justice Pitney waa jiif-t as pleading aB:it was able. He said in auhttince: Mr. CbKirmnn and gontlemon of tbe Wirren County B>ir: I am exceedingly Indebted to Judie S ifpman for furniahing this bounteous re- pHBt, and iuvilinu ttie n em bet a of the B^r to meet me in nnri«l inteicourte; and I am . very much gratified th«t no many of the lawyers of this county havfi gnhored on this occafllnn. I do not come to >ou as a trtiDtrcr. I have known rmiHtof jou well ' f o r ^ m e >o<ra, and hav« the pioHsiniebt recollections of our roiationa during that time. Rut I am coran now to assume new Hud diff.-rent renpotis'hilitieB from any I have ht-retoCore held. I esteem it a bigft honor tn be called to prenide over me t fWr t d I anticipute ine time with i d dopeiideiice lownahip. Gen. honor tn be called to courts of.Warren county, with pleamre, and «t tbe snine time ith a sonHe of deep responsibility, the duties that aro tliiiii caat ui> -n me;-1 feel tnnt : I oSn rippfiHl-witho'iiiidft' !rp*"l)6"a"flo"clSt(fd"with Vb f dl I iiuiwh'o'iue th m l t o . . performT b of t-hfae dutlon. I am sworn to nd- ithe IHWHSR j'irtge of tho court, ccording to the best o' my ivdersUndfiiir. Y u. tho members of the Bar, Hre nfllco" f th d t t h Y u. tho membrs of the Bar, H of the court, and are Bwnrn to- t in thoadtninlstn tss th n of, justice ac- Jt be lituking in any part of our cotdl'g to the. btstof your Bkitl and un- derstanding It. IHin thin duty that we are to ben8«oc!i'ted,and I feel that wo ahull tho belter perform it by becoming nioro fully acquainted with «>ich utner at the outset. R'ii) bPRfiininir with the icsolvothnt w-will n ' ' • ' " duty. i It' I am Qt to Qll tho olUce for which I have bion chnHt'i), it Is hd-Huno I tuvo en trained Infboold fasliioti'd prlno.i- plrs of rishr, ami jnntlo,flnd hnvn received my leunl educitinn u<<der the guidance of a learned ai"l uDright man—my'father. And J>twau4<> I have hud dlll lif until Hshort time^qo, wh(v f rtnne tn lose her,,t.hf> c mutant f l I d dKd OhtMi t manmyfa, ud durl"p<ill my life, , whb(vl hiid the mis f rtnne t oe er,,hf> c mutant miirtai.ce of a lo\I»gand devoKd OhrtMim mtthor. i;t,ft5y,tr!tifiins.in.l.i«'.-.haa taugbt m e . i h i t the OoimscHots «t the Bar, no leas than the Judge upon the bench, fire Derformine their "normal'"and proper function'when TUTTLEJLASH Latter Objects to the New Grade on Youmans Avenue. GETS OUT INJUNCTION, Borough Attorney Says Thai in Case of own Will Win. The Rounsovell House Muddle Disposed of— Collectors Give Tltelr Reports. JUSTICE MAHLON PITNEY. Tbatdiatii'culshed lawyer and Christ inn gt-mleuiriii, Plnvel M«c;te, of. Jersey city, wbose jeiietitdeitth cutt a""Blooinoyer the "all I p7!~Th'es(r'irro~a~felv"rG f "t h'eTil I u"it rioCs" Boiis of Warren who have 'gone out '"from am in g na, but I am not prepared to sxy tnut tuo hUpply or talent has been ltfwoi,ed to Hny L-rent detree. Here we have our dMinguHhod fiiriid Moriow, a descendant ofjulni K.nox, the ur.at Suottlsli refurui- ir, wbich auC'Unts for the relorms he b , c inau|;iir>it,i-d. l 1812 for the relorms he h .B grandfuthor was in tho ID| e t jri inau|;ir>t,d. Hi grandfuthor was in tho w«r ol 1812 nnd from ID|H M.urce tne jurigo e bi tlhj bld u H it I ge B bis 01 ed h k , Judue |H Mur jg blo"d. u Here it our I1011 i , whose family and wno i was kniuhled by Lieiny III,and who main- tains the dtijiiiry of tho family wttn so much ability. Oar friend Wyckoft", a vet- emu of the Civil War, hoidt itie t-xdualvo honor of ttetnc ttio only mem tier of our bur w o shed blood for our o lUtur.v's CHUCC. •'• Nut one of uur 1-umbnr fought in tiie war with .Spain, aud not one ia today in' the PhiUpplnes, and I doubt If/ihoy could - ' If Councilraan Joseph BPII DeRemer should carry out his inter,t!on of leav- ing the borough, tbe Washington com- mon council will have to hustle to get a quorum. Mr. Stevens has been away for monthB nnd it is not probable that ho will return at an early date. The • loss of one more member will leave the body where it cannot paBS a measure requiring tha votes of two-thirds of the members. On Monday night when the first meeting of ihe new year was held Mr. Curl was absent Mr. Jeffery announced thai Oharlea M. Tuttle of You man a avenue had se- cured a writ of certiorari againtfc the borough for adopting tbe proposed new grade on that ttreet, ana that he had not opposed tiie application for he same as be did not thiiik it would iave brought about any different re- mit. If council directsd, he would Lake tip the defence when the case _'ame before the couit at the February term, and he believed tho borough had very good chances of winning. If the sourt decided in favor of Mr. Tuttle, It would mean that the street would be left without a grade and that the bor- ough could not fix one without the aousent of Mr. Tuttle. As one coun- cilman remarked, Mr.Tu-t'e and nob ; bo town would DOBB the Btrcet. Delinquent Tax Collector Bos3 called he (ittei.tion of council t> the delin- j'tent tases charged againtt Frank iounsavell's propeity. "Mr. Rounsa- i/ell had not paid the tax, holding tbat it should net bo charged against him For reasons which have been fully ex- Jlained in the STAR before. Mr. Jt'ffrry itated biat m a lawyer he would say :h»t the tax could be collected, but as matter of justice it should not "be.. He held that the WaBliingt in National . Biink, which advanced the money vhich paid for the house, had paid the tax when it nuid tax on iu capita]. Borough Collector Charles A. Miller took exceptions to this view, but in the jnd ib was decided that the Borough iliould release Mr. Rounsavell from IP tlX. ' The Borough Collector presented his •oport Bhowing that he bad collected ill taxeB except about four thousand dollars. Of this the Delinquent Col- lector has gathered in raoro than two thousand dollars, so thst the town baa eot nearly all the money duo it. The Borough Treasurer bas received over ten thousand dollars from the,two col- lectorB. The following bills were read and irdered paid : Vflshington Electric Light Co., light 5106 67 iist Nat.'l BHI k, Interest L. 50 13 ohn It Lindabt-rry, scrvicfH 5.85 .' Vui Bua-*, collecting delinquent OSH & Film, printing and advertis- ing .... :................ „. C. Tbomuson, pi'Or orders Chaa. A. Miller, collfcMtg titxcn.. .. Cha4, A. Milltr, colleciiug brjclc Chus. N Shn'pe"police"!."I"*..*.'.'."!!." C. M. WilliHDiH, mt-rilcHl services Street Com., nay roll 3ll,S(J 'has. L Stryker, piii tn g and ad- vprtisintr ,40 50 Washington Wtitcr Co., October to J^umry, rent 200 00 TotRl ...?909 14 Twenty, five centi "of this big tital vent to Policeman Shrope for burying me dog. Just which dog it was tot speeifled, but it was doubtless as isoless aB a large number of others vhich roam theFtreets Council will ho d an adjourned mett- ing tonight The Fi B ht Is Ou The fight for United States Senator is becoming warmer and mmy candidates •re already in the field to succeed the late General WilliHin J. Sewell. Up to date r-even men are on the list. It. is said that Senator Kean is In the fight for Qrig^s. The respective strength of the several oitidfdatia at present is shown in the fol- lowii g Hrnmeemeutof the county repre- acntHttoia—32 beln? necessary to a choice iu f j:iinfc ballot of &1: GrtL'ga—PHS-a-c. (5: Berpen. 3; Won- mouth. 2: Morris, 3; Union, 2j T.itnl 10. 20.71 40 50 35.62 200.23 20 53 42.50 10 00 ;^ienl^i^vv^fruV'flTbciiIiz;. D^.vden—EsHex,-12; ; Mercer,!.- Total 13, B .frd — Camdnn, 4; Cape MAy, J; l'tucester, 1; Oomin, 2; 8 ilem, 1, Total, fl. Gumraerf Mercer, 3; Somerset, 3; i(in2 Total 7 ' Gumraer Mr U'i(in,2. Total, 7 It I bli d t i(in,2. T It IH believ E-sex and f tal, 7 d tr-at Stokes can break Info in f ur'or six, tube two or d th f M But ue aroonlSsttd In the ...... dun the-profbo-itonof law and to thhtCHUEte we -re must devottd. •-- « « Ho closed alth a tribute to the bar ftvd a' will be but twoor,thno candfrtatra iledtie ti the newJustice ufiloyal supLort "iffin RroTsthnr-cwtHia to.incluaeQrl •• • - - . .*. . *»*.. Dryden and Stokes. f three from Cam den, threo from Mercer ' and two or three from Middlesex. John F. Dr,\den la gaining eirenpth and the f >ct that he eeeniB to nave tbe favor of the Pdntit-ylvrtaia railroad improves his ohancoH c uisidertihly. Tberailroad peoplo are also s*id to ret'nrd Stokes 1 favorably and will nor. oppose Grlees. The Legislators from South and Mfddlo Jersey aro in a position' to control the altu- "iii»n If they enn apreo on a candidate, •™»i= <*«•>•>-•»«• seem posslhle, OH in? to tho [Li^-i^ii»(ii'iir< VL tut several Kepnhi'c*ns from tboso Btctiona iu tbo Senatorial fi^ht. 1 ;. The chancis are that by tho time tbo mit tor com 1 s he fore the LfRialaturo"theio g p . y , H M. Van Horn," the next npenker, id "Onn Who Knowi,» ; ! * TilB K TAR:r Please aend ttie ' ST'AH" to

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Page 1: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced

^mmmmj \ , . ( ' ':


5 o( Irom 17,000 to 20,000 ' n u i l e n . ' S ^ B S ^ I K S S K Jf ConHlilemblcpublicity,iHii'tIt7 : ^ : = '*"; :"'vl'gl


| f these JBthnt o

Wire.:. :The

ITnepherfare live

i fn the' in David

i who have. Jr., FrankR)BS, Ayers,

; tfred U*-idin-"and John Wott, Jr.

Roys in the hospital arefttulns and Alfred Ooon.

ispital, alflo, urelwo boys, Curlinfermnt?, whoae first names

•net bo learned as the Town Clerk7a tbe list very carefully. Young!i father accompanied: him. to theJbil and is assisting the trainedI in charge there. This nurse has

ften years' experience.. and hasnr lost a case. :e secretary of trie State Board ofth, who has been In flackeitatown

fl week, e tat en tb«t the conditions9 are all that could be desired, anda is not near the danger of the dis-spreading further in that town ase la in Nawark or other large city.^ _ i i » . _ * . , . ^ a . .

large, nlll

aag. of,exam-ouncedit'the"ft of

diately,Ho wed f'ok tne

liny dis-[of thesrimina-

IJWII wasIiiacbveryIbem in uBe postedI tbe die-litittloned•cea. Ar-l

i a peat

f Wade at-Jd. BeforeIcourr, tneK and the[room had(bur neues-[o¥ Sunday

d youngid

i oldplug from

trtofirpebt•umun being

t i p s . - \ •.••-••pas In Post-erea youugt one of theTown Hall,

ndoned hisill Incomingrittibt endingla a vvisiblei business;

rmUC^i;;;keeping be-onetold thea good pre-t men who

mall town, he explained, nil knowanother, but in a large city it is

boeaible to keep thoto exposed toE disease off the stretti. He gave ItTils opinion that it waa reasonablya for tho outside world to resumesineas relations with the Huckoits-wn people. .'. • .

;NO CASES IN WASHINGTON.•The \V*H3bingtjn Board of Health

ild important meetings on Mondayid Tuesday nights. Such btips wnre

fcken that it is almost impossible forW disease to become epidemic here,ndeed, all the local physicians join in•ffjing that itis highly improbablethiitinure will he a single OHHO in Wash-

lingtin. Hundreds of people have beenIvaucinat id this week, tho Board hav-• ing provided thi-.t those who are too• poor to pay for t ie service shall beI vaccinated ut tho public; expense. NoI uuvaucinated child is admitted to tneH public school.

One KlrftitiK Ciiptured.. A t loabt ono of tho IcaliuuB who firedthe barns burned at Columbia histweek Is under arrost .and it IH not im-probublo that tho other will be appre-hended within a very faw dajH. Tl.eman under arrest is Silvatora Sepue-colo. Another Itilian, Puillipo Guili-atino, Is held an a witness. Toe arrestswere made in Philadelphia.

Tne tlrst; named foreigner until re-cently worked for the ConsolicliifcidPowur and Ice Go. of Columbia aud, usexplained iotiWee columns last week,bad, bcou prosecuted for hunting onSunday... He and another, buU"charac;.ter undertook to' be" revenged on tbepower compuny and Olurli Uriasman, awell known firmer iu Mio vicinity, byburning their barm. More than thirtyhead of live fit >rk were destroypd andtb« damage reached a total of §7,000.

The authorities had little t-nubleinfixing the crime on the t-vo Itiliane,but when they came to search for t lemthe pair bud fl*d. The Philadelphiapolice were notified, as it waa kuownthe foreigners had crossed the river.Lieutenant Lynch and Police SergeantPhillips of t ie S-weuth and Cirpunierstreet police station, went down to theItalian quarter and in a Mitie whilefound one of the men.- Tho othor fol-low was.with him in the room and hetio waa tnkfn nlong. They will bobrought to Belvidore as soon as fiepapers for the transfer can be secured.

Npiv Sufeln IMueo.After much unlooked-for delay, the

t^frvo-ton eafeof which detailed ruen-tiun was recently made in t icse col-umns, has been Installed within thevault at the First National Bank. Ifwas found necessary to tear mit't-iucafllng and somo of the masonry ao theentrance to the vau'fc in order to getthe strong bos iuHide. The new safeis the mo t modern and "costHpst typobuilt. Ir, is composed of but two hugecastings—the body and the door—therebeing no bolts, j lints or forgiogB, andthe etfol composition is of tne liigliettart. The parts are BO accurately tit edtl.'ab it is not easily discernible wheretlley meet. The new safe ia spherical

City Collection Agency LandsSeveral yictims Here.

ABOUT % WERE BITTENStranger Held Out Golden Prospects That

'. Did Not Materialize. '

It Falls to Collect According to Promisss ButSuit is Brought Agalnsl Victims.

A large numbor of merchants andothers iu this section who BeveralmoLt is ago were induced tj give someof their bad claims to a collectinggenc-v lo'cated in a Btnall t m n in

Now York State are beginning to re-gret their action. The amounc of baddebt* collected by tio agency does notnear equal the amount of good moneyit has succeeded in abstracting fromthe packets of its victims.

Tue representative of the igencyfirst made his appearance In thiecounty last spring. He was a."goodlooker" and a smooth talker, and heexperienced litcla difficulty in findingpeople- ready to take the bait he threw

it.Ho represented an agency that

never failed tocoltpi.tif the det-tir orany of his heirs were still on earth.They had colluctdl money from N«wJ»rm-y people who bad gone to tneFiji I .lauds and proved it by showingtho money. Tnere was 110 tiupe for aman who refused to pay when fcn&ygot after him aud if he didn't give upt the Btart ho did i.t the end even it'

he had to sell his coat to get the fundswil'i which to settle.

Every business man has a certainniunbur of bad dubts on hid books andtho agei.t had no trouble iu ^ t gquite a collection of these. His pro-jjonkion was biuiple. The victim wasto furnish ttio ugoncy with «t l c tthirty cluims amuiiuting in all to atleast §150. Out of tho money col-lected, the victim understood, t it)g y was to dbduct thirty dollars for

its work.It is believed not less than twenty-

five persons and Hems in town coi;t.i<butid $1 20 each in t-timps for postageexpenses aud then tie nmttur droppedout of mind for t le time being. ,T«eywere brought up wit I a sudden jerk afow months later wtitm a bill wits pre-sented in each cas*» lor $3S 50 for ser-vices rendered. Nobody paid any at-tji.tiou to the documents.

A little later there came pome threat-ening ltitfcars and taese were followedby n representative of the agency whoproved t j some of their patrons that itwas cheaper to pay up than fight.About a dozen of the business menwho had gone into the sctitituo finallycame to take this view of the matterand very reluctettly paid down tueirgood coin. The otherB are still re-ceiving occasional letters threateningimmediate Buic. Sjme daya ago anagei.t of the canceru showed up atColumbia and sued one W^shui^batibusiness man in a justice's comb there.The WdShingtjnian was m.t tied andwas on hand. He t >Id the Justice t>givertie agency judgment .for-theumouut and tie would il^l.t the case toto the bitfcjr end in the county courts.As this will coBt the ageucy twicethe aoioui t claimed it is " possiblethe end of t ie whole aff.iir le Iu Higbt.In conclusion, it can be truthfully saidthat the amount of money collectedfrom bad debters by the concern is sosmnll that it only proves conclusivelytin.t che whole scheme is a awiudle oft:ie worst character.

Another concern of the Biime char-ait-r has recently begun several BUHSin Washington against Puillipsburgmerchants who, in an .unguardedmoment, •were-, inveigled.v into theBulieme' A th P h i l l b l

GRAM) JUJeV INDICTS SIX."Dpuatur" Furniuu and Kritnk Wolil',

tliuCicrtiiuii Kariner WhoSIioi IJUycr Do hike, Among tliu Lot.

The Grand Jury came into conrt onFriday. lafit nnd reported siz bills ofindictment. Tho mnj »rity of them, itis an9umed, are agaiutt the prisonersconfined in jail. Some four or five ofthe priBonors are not indluted and willtherefore be released. Among these isMcOlellan Furman, a colored manto fame and mlsfoitune not unknown.Wolfr, tho man who assaulted and triedto kill John H. Dili ike, a lawyer ofBelvidere, was also indic-t^d.

No. 1, Supreme Couit IaBues, JohnKarrAs.thtj Uiiit- d Elf-ctric Improve-ment Co., was before t i e court whenthe STAR wei.t to press lust week. Thesuit was brought to recover commis-sions alleged to be due from the com-pany for goods furnished, time givenand comtntaftinns due on sales of vari-OUB kinds. Mr. K irr's cl.ilm footod upsome §2,000, butforBOme unexplainedrooann the caae was suddenly nettledfor $500. Ex-Judge Morrow /appearedfor t ie phiintiff and ex-Sp;jhtjr Ed-

les, Magnus

tlley meet. The new safe is s p c .... . .. . Airi[ shape, is equipped with a t-ip'e j bava not signified fcieirm'ovemert <ime lock and is guar i i t ed defending the actiun it

re , inveigledinto hethe Phillipsburg people

iri[ shape, is e q p pm'ovemer>t <ime lock, and isap'Jlutely buglar proof Imovemer>t ime o c , gap'Jjolutely burglar proof. It has aboutt ur times the capacacity of the safo"*p]aced and ccntains numerous de-

ijofl!r:-bo=i?E.^.With:!ta^inatal!aU9E theFin t National people ba,ve the satis-faction of k,nowirig that'their and theirpatrons' valuables rest in undoubtedBecurity.

pe j bava not signified fcieir intentioim^of-ed defending the actiun it is proh'able

An Kxcepllowtl Opnortitulty.xTbo shirt ftii t >ry in the rear of the

A.h W. Oreveling building, lately oper-ated by J. H. Snyder and controlled byBeavers & Hopple of Washington, of-fers an exceptional opportunity forsome enterprising individual or firm t >engage in the manufacture of shift* ori i n d s : s . T h s r a . a r e ; t^venty^ufmafihlhespa^gas-eiigine-amlafs!.:*quipmetit necessary to conduct1tiiobusiness. All that is lacking is the re-quired amoiu t of money and a liitloet;trprisp. T}ie. former operators havehad'n6"iSlthculty in gt-fct.ingall t i e fe-male help required and lark of experi-ence and capital seem to have been theHole reasons-why the plant is not inoperation today. ' -~

judgmeiit will be taken against them.

In ihe Ice Buainet-s.R. L. pluio & OoM iwently • purchas-

ed the ice busiuess of W. D. Gulick, to-g* bher with tne ioe bnune, wagon, t iols,etc., and will t io coming season sup-ply the routs Mr. Gulick has takenca«V; of so well durlug tbe patt twoyears. Since tbe new dam built on themountain side back of Bowers' Foun-dry has n t t proved water-tight, ice fornext season's supply will bet gatheredfrom a selected flection of the Morriscanal—near the Kinneman bridge, andstored in a new building now beingerected for the purpose close by on tbenorth.. a id€LOf,the,ciu] a)._iNeKr.; mimiin er:

Bowerstown with tio viow-ofigtUitigmoBC of its ice supply from the" watersof the mountain Btroain. The Gulickice house will aliio be used for t>t >ragetiiifl winter and in tbe fall it will betorn down.


BA.OHS', BASrON, PA.;.O00.?12 00 ami $ IB W duita reduced to

f 00, $10 50 aud f 13,00 Sulta rcducod to

), $22 60 and $25 00 Suits reduced to

, $7.50 and $3 00 Ooat9 reduced to

j|12 50 and $13 50 Coats reduced to

{J.GO aud $10.50 Coats reduced to

i In Ohlldrea'B Coats/In Fur Oosv'srtn«'d iv nt. 8 <»• m.k o n A SON, Rwt6n, Pn.

los-a-Weob - World, ?2,

A Successful Urgiitilztitloii.Tho meiting of lUu Munhlldlri Vigila-t

Society at the St. Cloud on SuturdavwtHlurtjtily iittondcd and proved to ba qultu aropresQiitaiive gituering of farmerd aridliUnl"*-flR men of the o»uhty:v Taoro aienow 203 mumbors <»f thu tcilety, of whicnnhouL 23 per cbiit, joined during, tlm naaLyear/ Tno «s4»oltMi)ii ins about ?l00 inthotreftsury.'aud ha-t had to lovy but onesmall aBsei-ementin the28ye«'fl of Its cx,-iaionco. Tho foliowlug officers weieeiiced for the Qtmufni; yeir : President,Win. Q. Oufford, Waahingtbi; BecroChlty,Sihiuel Sdtjwurt,1 Hackelt-towit; treuHiiror,SIIHH tihielda, Wiujbinutm ; diruutoru, J. B.Tbatctier, WaBlilncto-; P*orge B. Vllet,Haokettstonn ; Walter K->.rr, K-trrsvllle;W J Barker, Viennp; W. J Tdomiwon,

•ReaMetfowi'j-Wm. R. WyohniJ, JnobHonVullmi F- * Vimlar, P >rt U.0d«». mr*u-ora, J cJ-ThniDHB, Jauknon Valle\; -JohnD. Glbhs, Viu'nn«; Wm. Lirihon, P)oas«titVdlie^rJitoab Wvckoff, Port O ilde<--;-Al-bert Acb ley, Hackotiatowt; Wm David-son, Bnoioestowa; JicobMiilcr,-Anderses.

wards for the company. .Wo. 2, SunremfUourrlsBUL-, ._„„

Pierson vs. t ie Alp^a Portland CementOo., was (-ailed on Friday and resumedon Monday, to which time couitad-

>urned.ay, to wPierson sued tbe company

Judge Shipman Gives Banquetin Honor of Justice Pitney.

GOOD SPEECHES MADEOratorical Efforts of the Warren Counfy

Bar of the "Depew" Grand.

Judge Shipman Proves a Koyal Entertainer—Judicial Dignity Gives Way (o Jollity.

for damages sur-tlined while in the dis-charge of his duty as "miller", havingunder MB cure a gang of mills whichcruHhed the cement rock, and occa-sionally one would become chocked ( rfltalled. On one occasion, in trjing t>t> relieve one of tho mills, by remov-ing a screen from the interior, the hammer which did the crushing caugl t hishand nnd a portion of it, includingthree fingers, was BO mnimed thai the}had to be amputated. For the loss ofthe Angers and fie nriiming of hishand ho asked tbefluin of $5,000 0 iMonday alt*rnnoii the counsel for thecompany, W. N. Walters, nsLed for anon suiton the ground of contributorynegligence. Argument followed byopposing counsel and Judge Pitney,on Tuesday morning, upon the con-vening of couic, gave a very ableand "exhaustive review of the cuae,going into all the details t~> show tiatthe plaintiff had contributed to the accident, and granted the non-suit Mr IIt 'seberry, counsel for the plaintiff,will carry the case to t!iehigherc<>urif<

The nest and last CSBO WBB NO 2,Joseph M. Roaeberry vs. John 0 De-PUP, Abraham Depae and Charles jtlekt^r. The a'ti>iu was onn of trt-B Ipans and was brought by Mr. RiBeberrv ITor damages resulting from the loss of,trees that the defendant* were chargedwith cu'fcing and burning. The land Ion which tne treeB grew is in 'dlnputeBoth parties claim life to it, and thesuit is brought hi etfc iblish the ownership as well as t) recover damages forthe loss of valuable timber. The landEn dispute ia about a quarter of anaero but is alleged to be of much value.Judgo Morrow appaared for Roseberryand G. A. Angle, Esq., for the defend-ant!. ;.

Judge Pitney discharged all jurorsuntil Wednesday, Jan. 22, at 11 a. m.,when t ie trial of indictments will bet~aken up as well as appeal cases withjury. The jurors discharged made arush f.)r the Sheriff's office and afterdrawing their per diem lefc for home.

Por the first tTme in many years themembers of the Warren county barmet in social iutercoursoin B»lvidereon Thursday eveningof lat t week whenJudge George Shipman gave a dinnerin honor of Justice Mahlon Pitney,who on that day made his initial ap-pearance ihere as Judge of the Circuitcourt.

Tho ufftiir was the consummation ofa very happy thought which came toJudge Shipman. It was gotten up moreor less nattily so that the Bpnak^rsas well as the newspapers were tikenby surprise, which acnoui.ta for anyshortcomings which may appear in thisand other accounts of the evening'sfe^'vitlea

Hi til liplvidero was selected as theplace of meeting, and here > t 7:30 p. m.nearly all the ait>rnoys of tio county

PHYSICIAN STRANGELY ILL:Dr. Fhiggnriy, of Vtomiti, SnflVtrlnt;

From . Nttrvuus Strain — UejiortcdliiiproveiniMitIn Ills Condition.

Dr. Frank W. Haegerty, a phyBlcianliving and pra-thins: in the neighbor-hood of the QreiitMeadow, has beenin a serious condition for several dayssuffering fr>ra wh4 at lirst appearedto be teianus, commonly known aslockjiw. The latest reports yesterdaywere that his condition was slightlyimproved.

Several days ago Dr. Haggerty wascalled to attend a patient iu the vicln-

who was reported to ba nffliotedsmallpox. Before visiting t ie

ity vwithman the doctor took the usual precau-tions, even going so far as to vaccinatohimself. In doing, this work he tookexce,;.t:onal antiacptical care in the use"cf-his instruments and in making theinnision,7 From what can be learned it seemshat t^ie doctor, who is a man of very

nervous temperament, worried greatlyover the possible consequpnees of hisvisit to the smallpox patient, nnd alsoabout the possible out some of his ownvaccination. Tho next day oymptDDasnf tetanus became manifeBC aiid by chetime a specialist from Paterson reachedhim, MB condition was serious.

Many of the.doctor's acquaintances,and somo of the county physicians,claim that his illness is the direct, re-sult of fright and nervous worry, They-are not inclined to believe that'thedoctor has the lockjaw. It ,is a wellknown fact amo->g memDers of the^ f i ^ ^ ^ i t r l d ^ l ^Testltself in so ahuitli'period"aB"ardayr

Meeting Kor Fannnra.The third annual meming of the

Warren Ooui.ty Board of Agriculturewill be held .in tlm Court H mse, B -Wi-dere, on Wednesday, Jan. 22d at 10:30a. m. Afcer the elfCtion of offlcere f>>rthe ensuing year and the regular orderof business, a number of irapo taut,

^ j t ill b d i d & f l l tjt3hdance i

, p8 will bo disciiBied. &•< full ht-

i l dp y qWM. EUO13NE OlJERLY,


Syinptomn of Sinullpox.The firwt Hymptom thtic tbo patient will

have is an iritetwa pnl'i in ttio lower part,of the bdclt:^ Tbo pifn ia no ordloirypain, but of uim-tual Ho?ority. Tnore isalno a docldod chill, fe?«r aud languor,and a very unyero. lioid.iche. 'Thoer-ip-tion apnoaro Urat on ttio f.>ruhoid:p.t:-ttieedge of, tho tufr, also on tho lips. Ib ho-fjiiiR as a ninall pimptfi and in i ho I'ourt-o ofthree rin.va tbov will Qlt with pud and tvive

rinrk purpli rinK nromid them. Per-sons antioiputinR tho disease should 11*0on grueli^nd koopthe bowels well openedwith Siilina Uxatlyoa; g o o d V l i

l l i ' = ^ =

there JH hut oneHuru way to win n l»wfU)i«nd thnt is by bcifnc on the rfpht fcidtUvorv controfforey has two aides anthere is always one aido which Is omont laly right, and the other hide ciaenlLillwrong.

In tho complication of ril'dra nncontrovorhles, In the confusion and unccrt-ifilycnnceri.ing tbo friclB, and ' In thedfitibt about theappi 'cit ion ol thin lecaprfnclfilo or that prii.ciplo or the o'beiprinciple) to tbo factn, thorn in a ICRl'imitranaeof floubt in advance of the tri«l. Wnro nil liab'e to err. CUUIIHVI may orr iiidRlng an to tno retinbility and credibility

• 'f Mltncwoi, In tho invtstiiration of facts,In tho cxamlnatlnn and application of prin-ciples nf law. Jurit-s aro liable to err in'" ir findlncH upon matters of fact, andjuflgps are JUblo to err in their under-standing nnd application of the rules ollaw. So lr>neaa human nnturo Is iropcrffrtnndiriQ'in, mtutflkt-H will occur In ourefTarln to admli.teter justice It Is the dutyof tlio membors of tho Bar and of thej'ldgOM upon tho hencn to provent, PO fnas wo c»n, tho errom of wltnepftea and jury-men. P-ia the duty of the jiidgo to cor-rect, HO f^r ns ho may, the error* or the ad-vonatcfl ot the Bar. And, if the judge errs,Jr. is tho dut.v of the advocates to appeal totho court of last resort, which ia tho Unatribunal eHiabliflbid by human government for tho correction of human errors,nnd thoenforremont nf that which is rightHH between man and min.

I como among you resolved to do myheat In tho Ifcht of my education and traln-injr, to promote nnd ndvancn that which injust and true nnd Hunt. I look to you,ennili-tnon of tho Bar, to cooperate withtno in tl'iit enrlfiAVor. I appreciate nnd

' o this social occasion, chitll , ns It, a the oQlcera nf the court a better op-portunity to umlTstand tho motives ofouch other, and to co-operate towards tbecommon Gnri.

If wo co forward with tbls purpose, weihall not fail. I thank you, seam, each

nnd nil, for your cordial reception.Following Justice P.tney's nddreBB

the toaBtmaster called on Judge Mor-ro-e, who arose and said^in subBtance:

When I was young in tht> prnctiuo of thepioietaion I had notictd txcoptiouH forhciHrli g tit Alorrlstown before Jtid^o Dul-r>tnplu, and the ouoohing counsel movedto di*initj.i the proceedIIIRH for the recaonthat I tiiid noMiotlced the cause, and tliet lliud no not icdourt WIIH about to

t l l b,

the matttord


gathered,about the festal board. Atthe head of the long table Bat thehost, who acted as toastmaster. Athis rigt.t sah Justice Pitney. Asidefrom these, thoro nut down to dinnerthn fallowing gentlemen :

J. O. All^n, ProBecutor George A.Angle, Bivid Barrron, J, H. Dihlke,Jam^s Finher, IT«npy S. Hiirri«. Nicho-las Harris. 0. E. HarriP, ff. W. Hurt,O««r Ji-ff-ry, Wm. M. Miickey. O D.

Hlioro it tall, robust man «roso and auid tothe jud(;e "I baiievo tbe young man Ibright," and tlie court 'reached that couclu-MO i and my exsu was (-avod. My newfriend was Ohdiicellor Pltnty, and uponimitation visitiid lib home. I thure met'.aVOUDK lad, who is now our guest uud tbejjdgeof our cu r t .

Hettieti paid a hiph tribute to the judgeswhu hfid been assigned to \Vnrren couutyuud welcomed tbe tniest of the evunii'U.

Turmer Prosecutir Wm. A. St.*ykerWHO tbe fifch to respond to Judge Sliip-oiau's n quest for a speech. Amongtier things, he said :OuratUiiiUun has been called to the long

line of hble judges who tiavo been assignedto tho Wtirreu circuit, but no ooe nun at-templud to assign tuoreiibon thurefor. l a t -tiibute it tn tbe fact that trie SupremeCourt of New Jon-ey has recognized tueIt^nl Ultnt that is found in VVurrtiiiuuUiityutid has therefore deemed it uawlae to ua-aicn to tbia circuit any judge not of tbebi^Uejt judiciil talent, uud in tliis respecttatty htive con ft r red upon the guest ol tbeevening an txceplinnal honor. Warrencuumy has over been a fertile neld for thegrowing of lawyers ard its healthful airnas been most bemflcUl iu tuo develop-ment of their Ibteut tnlents.

Tbia county haa given ti> the State a longlint of lawyeis whose power and li Uuencehave heen felt amonp the taembtr.n nf ttieprofestion to an unusual degree. O ie ofthe greatest Js»wjera who bus practiced he-fore ttie courts of New Jorney and whoserved at Attorney-General of thn atate ofNow Jertey waa Hon. J^cob Vannatta,vhoso unlive place was Uackettstown, in

this county.

y. yand E litora Smit1! and K^tchnm.

Many nf these were in evening dresa.Behind f i e screen were scores of Indiesand gentlomen who gathered there tolVt tn f ie speeches which came alittlfilat'r. :

Judge Shipman arose wiien all wereseated and delivered a neat litile ad-dress in : which "he thanked themembers of t'ia bar on the hearty man-ner in which fipy had responded to hisinvitation atsu^h short notice. Thenin his usual aff.ible manner he wel-comed t'ie new Justice on behalf ofhimself and the enfirR W.-t.rrftn countybar. Ic wtis a taking Hi tie sppechand t^iat of Justice Pitney waa jiif-t aspleading aB:it was able. He said inauht t ince:

Mr. CbKirmnn and gontlemon of tbeWirren County B>ir:

I am exceedingly Indebted to JudieS ifpman for furniahing this bounteous re-pHBt, and iuvilinu ttie n em bet a of the B^rto meet me in nnri«l inteicourte; and I am .very much gratified th«t no many of thelawyers of this county havfi gnhored onthis occafllnn. I do not come to >ou as atrtiDtrcr. I have known rmiHtof jou well '

for^me >o<ra, and hav« the pioHsiniebtrecollections of our roiationa during thattime. Rut I am coran now to assume newHud diff.-rent renpotis'hilitieB from any Ihave ht-retoCore held. I esteem it a bigfthonor tn be called to prenide over me

t f W r t d I anticiputeine time withi d

dopeiideiice lownahip. Gen.

honor tn be called tocourts of.Warren county,with pleamre, and «t tbe snine time itha sonHe of deep responsibility, the dutiesthat aro tliiiii caat ui> -n me; -1 feel tnnt : IoSn rippfiHl-witho'iiiidft'!rp*"l)6"a"flo"clSt(fd"withV b f d l I

iiuiwh'o'iueth m l t o . . performT

b of t-hfae dutlon. I am sworn to nd-i t h e IHWHSR j'irtge of tho court,

ccording to the best o' my ivdersUndfiiir.Y u. tho members of the Bar, Hre nfllco"

f th d t t hY u. tho membrs of the Bar, Hof the court, and are Bwnrn to-

t in thoadtninlstntss th

n of, justice ac-

Jt be lituking in any part of our

cotdl'g to the. btstof your Bkitl and un-derstanding It. IH in thin duty that we areto ben8«oc!i'ted,and I feel that wo ahulltho belter perform it by becoming niorofully acquainted with «>ich utner at theoutset. R'ii) bPRfiininir with the icsolvothntw-will n ' ' • ' • "duty.i It' I am Qt to Qll tho olUce for whichI have bion chnHt'i), it Is hd-Huno I tuvo

en trained Infboold fasliioti'd prlno.i-plrs of rishr, ami jnntlo,flnd hnvn receivedmy leunl educitinn u<<der the guidance ofa learned ai"l uDright man—my'father.And J>twau4<> I have hud d l l l lifuntil H short time^qo, wh(vf rtnne tn lose her,,t.hf> c mutant

f l I d d K d OhtMi

t m a n m y f a ,ud durl"p<ill my life,, whb(vl hiid the mis

f rtnne t oe er,,hf> c mutant miirtai.ceof a lo\I»gand devoKd OhrtMim mtthor.i;t,ft5y,tr!tifiins.in.l.i«'.-.haa taugbt me.ihitthe OoimscHots «t the Bar, no leas thanthe Judge upon the bench, fire Derforminetheir "normal'"and proper function'when

TUTTLEJLASHLatter Objects to the New Grade

on Youmans Avenue.

GETS OUT INJUNCTION,Borough Attorney Says Thai in Case of

own Will Win.

The Rounsovell House Muddle Disposed of—Collectors Give Tltelr Reports.


Tbatdiatii'culshed lawyer and Christ inngt-mleuiriii, Plnvel M«c;te, of. Jersey city,wbose jeiietitdeitth cutt a""Blooinoyer the

"all I p7!~Th'es(r'irro~a~felv"rG f "t h'eTil I u"it rioCs"Boiis of Warren who have 'gone out '"fromam in g na, but I am not prepared to sxytnut tuo hUpply or talent has been ltfwoi,edto Hny L-rent detree. Here we have ourdMinguHhod fiiriid Moriow, a descendantofjulni K.nox, the ur.at Suottlsli refurui-ir, wbich auC'Unts for the relorms he b, c

inau|;iir>it,i-d.l 1812

for the relorms he h .Bgrandfuthor was in tho

ID| e t j r iinau|;ir>t,d. Hi grandfuthor was in thow«r ol 1812 nnd from ID|H M.urce tne jurigoe bi t l h j b l d u H it Ige B bis

01 ed hk

, Judue

|H Mur jgblo"d.u Here it our I1011

i , whose familyand wno iwas kniuhled by Lieiny III,and who main-

tains the dtijiiiry of tho family wttn somuch ability. Oar friend Wyckoft", a vet-emu of the Civil War, hoidt itie t-xdualvohonor of ttetnc ttio only mem tier of our burw o shed blood for our o lUtur.v's CHUCC. •'•

Nut one of uur 1-umbnr fought in tiie warwith .Spain, aud not one ia today in' thePhiUpplnes, and I doubt If/ihoy could - '

If Councilraan Joseph BPII DeRemershould carry out his inter,t!on of leav-ing the borough, tbe Washington com-mon council will have to hustle to geta quorum. Mr. Stevens has been awayfor monthB nnd it is not probable thatho will return at an early date. The •loss of one more member will leave thebody where it cannot paBS a measurerequiring tha votes of two-thirds of themembers. On Monday night when thefirst meeting of ihe new year was heldMr. Curl was absent

Mr. Jeffery announced thai OharleaM. Tuttle of You man a avenue had se-cured a writ of certiorari againtfc theborough for adopting tbe proposednew grade on that ttreet, ana that hehad not opposed tiie application forhe same as be did not thiiik it wouldiave brought about any different re-mit. If council directsd, he wouldLake tip the defence when the case_'ame before the couit at the Februaryterm, and he believed tho borough hadvery good chances of winning. If thesourt decided in favor of Mr. Tuttle,It would mean that the street would beleft without a grade and that the bor-ough could not fix one without theaousent of Mr. Tuttle. As one coun-cilman remarked, Mr.Tu-t'e and nob ;

bo town would DOBB the Btrcet.Delinquent Tax Collector Bos3 called

he (ittei.tion of council t> the delin-j'tent tases charged againtt Frankiounsavell's propeity. "Mr. Rounsa-i/ell had not paid the tax, holding tbatit should net bo charged against himFor reasons which have been fully ex-Jlained in the STAR before. Mr. Jt'ffrryitated biat m a lawyer he would say:h»t the tax could be collected, but as

matter of justice it should not "be..He held that the WaBliingt in National .Biink, which advanced the moneyvhich paid for the house, had paid thetax when it nuid tax on iu capita].Borough Collector Charles A. Millertook exceptions to this view, but in thejnd ib was decided that the Boroughiliould release Mr. Rounsavell from

IP tlX. 'The Borough Collector presented his

•oport Bhowing that he bad collectedill taxeB except about four thousanddollars. Of this the Delinquent Col-lector has gathered in raoro than twothousand dollars, so thst the town baaeot nearly all the money duo it. TheBorough Treasurer bas received overten thousand dollars from the,two col-lectorB.

The following bills were read andirdered paid :Vflshington Electric Light Co.,light 5106 67iist Nat.'l BHI k, Interest L. 50 13ohn It Lindabt-rry, scrvicfH 5.85.' Vui Bua-*, collecting delinquentOSH & Film, printing and advertis-ing ....:................„.C. Tbomuson, pi'Or orders

Chaa. A. Miller, collfcMtg titxcn.. ..Cha4, A. Milltr, colleciiug brjclc

Chus. N Shn'pe"police"!."I"*..*.'.'."!!."C. M. WilliHDiH, mt-rilcHl servicesStreet Com., nay roll 3ll,S(J'has. L Stryker, piii tn g and ad-vprtisintr ,40 50

Washington Wtitcr Co., October toJ^umry, rent 200 00

TotRl ...?909 14Twenty, five centi "of this big tital

vent to Policeman Shrope for buryingme dog. Just which dog it wastot speeifled, but it was doubtless asisoless aB a large number of othersvhich roam theFtreetsCouncil will ho d an adjourned mett-

ing tonight

The F i B h t Is OuThe fight for United States Senator is

becoming warmer and mmy candidates•re already in the field to succeed the lateGeneral WilliHin J . Sewell. Up to dater-even men are on the list. It. is said thatSenator Kean is In the fight for Qrig^s.

The respective strength of the severaloitidfdatia at present is shown in the fol-lowii g Hrnmeemeutof the county repre-acntHttoia—32 beln? necessary to a choiceiu f j:iinfc ballot of &1:

GrtL'ga—PHS-a-c. (5: Berpen. 3; Won-mouth. 2: Morris, 3; Union, 2j T.itnl 10.


40 5035.62


20 5342.5010 00

; ^ i e n l ^ i ^ v v ^ f r u V ' f l T b c i i I i z ; .D^.vden—EsHex,-12;;Mercer,!.- Total 13,B .frd — Camdnn, 4; Cape MAy, J;l'tucester, 1; Oomin, 2; 8 ilem, 1, Total, fl.Gumraerf — Mercer, 3; Somerset, 3;i( in2 Total 7 '

Gumraer M rU'i(in,2. Total, 7

It I b l i d ti(in,2. T

It IH believE-sex and


tal, 7d tr-at Stokes can break Infoin f u r 'o r six, tube two or

d th f M

But ue aro onlSsttd In the. . . . . . dun the-profbo-itonof lawand to thhtCHUEte we -re must devottd. •-- « «

Ho closed al th a tribute to the bar ftvd a' will be but two or, thno candfrtatrailedtie t i the new Justice ufiloyal supLort "iffin RroTsthnr-cwtHia to.incluaeQrl

• •• • - - . .*. . *»*.. Dryden and Stokes. f

three from Cam den, threo from Mercer 'and two or three from Middlesex.

John F. Dr,\den la gaining eirenpth andthe f >ct that he eeeniB to nave tbe favor ofthe Pdntit-ylvrtaia railroad improves hisohancoH c uisidertihly. Tberailroad peoploare also s*id to ret'nrd Stokes1 favorablyand will nor. oppose Grlees.

The Legislators from South and MfddloJersey aro in a position' to control the altu-"iii»n If they enn apreo on a candidate,•™»i= <*«•>•>-•»«• seem posslhle, OH in? to tho

[Li -i ii»(ii'iir< VL tut several Kepnhi'c*ns fromtboso Btctiona iu tbo Senatorial fi^ht.1;.

The chancis are that by tho time tbom it tor com 1 s he fore the LfRialaturo"theio

g p . y ,H M. Van Horn," the next npenker,id "Onn Who Knowi,» ;! *

TilBKTAR:r Please aend ttie ' ST'AH" to

Page 2: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


' The Real Good MincePie or Fruit Pudding

is host ihailo of Nono Sucli Mince Moat. Ask yourgrocer for a " packago "—it is not sold by the poundout of a mussy, open bucket. It is not "wet"—it iscompressed in air-tight, water-proof cartons whichis the modern, cleanly way of selling high gradofood products. Think of it—27,397 packages of

were sold even/ ihty lastyear—ten million pack-ages in 12 months. Ifyou don't buy it, you willbo different from mostof vour ne ighbors .


STEWAWTSVIL-HS.The township commlt'oo havo decided

to build six miles of nuctdum roads In ac-corditnco with tho wlmifcs of thn people ahexpressed nt tho polls Dec. 26,1001. As weundtrotaid at tula writing, tho contem-

~ ud six lnl'es will not ba continuous„ built in loutionB, bs follows: MorrUturnpike from Lopttcong lino to tbat otFrttnkll.; from old New Villaco road atbrow of liilleiibt of Srowartsvlllo towardsWillow Grove Mill M Franklin line; from'•Little llrldgf" south of VIUHRO towardsBloonmbury I? miles; from Nuw Bridgenoartho Squnro wort to Insloy'tj Coruor,tho lino nt Poliatconff. Tbo wisdom oftills decision is, of course, open to criti-cism, but the partlen in charge appear to(eel jmtitkd in the experiment, for that Itreally la, and In any ovunt tho projectiaastartfr lor eood ronds in thfs part of thecull tv, and an tho proposed sectlonn canbo continued indefinitely, wo ML.to dis-cover uiiy reaHou, or causo, for advancingof arguments or idOHs that nny prove det-rimental, and perhaps fatal to the successof this proposed, and especially needed Im-provement.

Mrs. Harry Hunt and children, who havobeen ei'jiylnir tho Holidayn with hermothf-r, fllrs. M. M. Strader, returned totheir homo in Now York city on Friday.

From present appearances dwellinghouaca wUl bo in great demand the coiningspring, and tho new ones building aro 'ready bespoken for, aro In facty p

Dr. P. P. Fulmer off dl t d

Ferry,tdnfter spending u lew days hero, returned

to bis winter residence in Philadelphia onSaturday UBt.

A valuable farm horse belonging to CalebRin-h wan stricken on Thursday last withspiunl meningitis, nnd no sovcra wis theattack that fears wore entertained for themoment tbat the poor animal would dieia tho street beloro medical assistancecould bo obtained. However, Dr. Gutt-111*11 was11 quickly on band, administeredtuo proper remedies and saved tho animal.

Miss Agnea Hanco, after enjoying theHolidays with her mother aurl family has

•' to Irving College, Mechanics-


Leading Clothing House,222 and 224 Northampton St., Easton, Pa.

•The Overcoat we-wint to talk about is a swell affair ; itcan hold its own in the best of company, but, as it's madefrom' Irish Frieze it's a tough article and will wear like iron/

• and it's cut on long loose lines with a yoke, and plain. Itjsfull of style, but devoid of any passing freakish fashions. Y^ucan find a plentiful stock at our store—priced from $I0d;o>$i5.

" Don't rack your brain; come and see what we have onthe rack for New Year gifts.

TOWNSlJUitY.Tho Bin all pox Is all around u», and a

aumbor of poreonB in this placo who havobeen oXDOsed to the disease ore quaran-tined. It is said tbat in the vicinity ofFreo Union a O*BO of what was supposedto bo tbo Paillpino measles has turnedout to be tho smallpox and tbat tbopatient's children have been attending tbepublic pchool. Thoro wore no services Intho churches on Sunday and the puhlioscho >U have boon clotoi. Tho authoriileaare taking every precaution to prevent thodlseaso from sproidlng ai<d to expialo as

IIH possible tho Mlmoat criminal care-._ ..HOIS on Siimeiady'a part in allowing anuiinccB-sary number of persons to bocomozpowod to tlio disease.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mooro will bo?lnhousekeeping in tbe spring in WilliamMorgan's home bolow town. MIH. Mooru,who ronldes at Suttzvillo was with herhusband here over Sunday.

Mrs. Fr-inte Glbbs of Augusta Ht>ent aday recently with Mr. and Mrs. WlllUmGlbbs. Her dmi<hter Lena arrived a dayor two later and rom lined until last Satut-diiy with her grandparents.

David Purscl is clvlng his newlv erectedhouse a cmt of paint.' raotnta Fruuiu ofPhlllipsburg 1* doing the woik, and, withhis wife, is stopping with ht-turenta. .Mr.and M.s, A. K Promo. Wo aro sorry toBtato that Mr. Fursel expects to luave usIn tbo spring. Poterson and WllliiuiBeers will take charge of his farm.

Miss Ola Wlldrlck and friend of Well-ington woro guests on New Year's of Mr,ington woro gustsand Mrs. Joseph Kinney,

i Eldor 0. S. RyminT h d

is toi5reach at Janus chapel Thursday eventnc,

an. lC.at which time sacrament will boadministered. Commencing on Sundayevening, J,»n. 19, Rav. Walker expects tobold a series of revival meetings at thochapel.

'Squiro Moore and family, Mr. and Mrs.

A surprise parts- ^ Vor Mr. and Alra. Nilevening, It being Itij)Tho town people rtja good time. W^Sf^Jv

MrQ. John B. Allon ape tit Saturdayher parents at Waltr Gap.

Mm Noel Llizbaa returned homo from avisit with rUulives at Port JanU, N. V.

MnniiU4 Rubblns and blater, Mrs. Georgiabbffdr, spent Saturday aud dun day witnuliiiivod ia Hacktttatown.Wo aro glad to any that Mrs. John Hoti-

dorbbot is improving blowly aud will uooubo around ugaln.

Mr. and M M . Robert Hartung ontor-tfllued several town people onu evuninglast week.

Jacob B. Beck and Frank Beck havebuuu purchiibing several loads of pigs tiiepast week. .

Jjsepb Henry of Smquahaniia county.Pd.i has boenVpanding sevoral days withfriends iu tuts vicinity.

William Andrcaaof Blatrstown mado abuaiutas trip noreon Saturday.

Erigeno Ueek -mado a business trip toStrouddourg on Saturday. .

Mr. and .vlrs. Frank Back ontortainedMr. aud Airs. John Walters of Kuowkonand Mr. and Mra. Marshall llcck on NewYuar's Day.

Next S-inday morning Presiding ElderCharier F. U/man will occupy tnu pui|iltand u full house is axpected.

Mr. and Alra. Auson McCiln ofwero ontortainod at too Loiue of Mr.Mrs, Andrew rimith on Sunday.

Too boys aboiit town.dasiod as mis-queraders, mauo tnoir custom .try Hjlicl.iyL-it.Ua about tho farm and to^n houaoi In

i t d t kLit.Ua about tho farm and t ^ nttiianuigubortiood tuo past week.

A p:irty wuu held at tuo houia of Mr.d lrs Judson Brantls on TuuuUy ov«n-

Marcus Garrlso'i, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall jug,Dean and Milton Mooro were entertained d

A p:irty wuu held at tuo houia of Mr.and jlrs. Judson Brantls on TuuuUy ov«n-

Marcus Garrlsoi, Mr. and Mrs. Marshal jug, Udiuiug WJS tnnDean and Milton Mooro were entertained a u d all uad a good tlmo.M^t « .- „ J& %4 mm A m* mm K f * b ^ A \m m, rt .«« i T .« . m i\ fm f

4( ^JB.*.«^ « j

WJS tnn prinelpul foaturao d tlmo

Smoking Jackets,

Bath Robes,

Fancy Shirts,

House Coats,



Miss Ruth Godfrey returned to Clos'.erN. J., last Saturday.

We are advised upon what is claimed toje "indisputable authority," th«t workwill be commenced upon tlio plant of theCapital Portlnnd Cement Co. almost im-mediately. Good news If truo, but we donot know who authorized our adviser.

The high nrice of corn has bad an ex-hiliratiiig ttVect upon our farmers, but asuiual optimists see hictitr prices iu tho im-mediate future, const queutly Are holdingtueir crops for tbe ex pec led advai CQ but atntij ni'.y have "buen there" before aud arehauling their corn to market.

The question is heard aud repeated onon every tide, " When will the Wkawan-na put on the theatre train from Easton1?"Indirectly, the trniii nus been promised, infict assured, but so Ur there is nettling toindicate that running the wished-for trainwillbeanytniug more tbnu an iniHfiiuaryjiatter.

If ono cares to look bickwnid, in bismind, be tt ill recall the fact that only afew years ago all tbe larger financialopenitior.a, combinations, ete,| were reck-oned by the "thousands," but nowadays"millions" only are considered, the beg-garly little "thousand" being relegated ioa back seat. At the aame time, how manyordinary individuals c*n realize "one mil-lion" in its immensity ?

Freeholder Godf.ey R. Stccker, at pres-ent filling tho micxpirtd term of tt»- Imp.Freeholder. William Sbipman, announceshimself IIH a candidate for Freeholder ofGreenwich, at the hands of the Democra-tic puny, thus being the Brst in tho Held,Everybody knows "Kose," his private, aswell as his business life, and everyoneknows his political history—a strong andunflinching Democrat who has rtceivedno reward, barring the appointment men-

at tea, and Mr. and Mra. Abram tlance ofVlonna at dinner, hy Mr. and lira. SamuelWildrick on Now Year's.

Lewis Parks, together with his sister,

there. He will bo asslsied after tho first ofApril by Marshall Lazier.

Tho Aaron Sharp farm was sold undor!foreclosure nroccudiimH fiiturday, Doc. 28, jby 0. H Albsrtson, administrator of the -- • • -B. S. Drake eaUte, and was bought by d-iy evening. A l i rge number was preauatJames Fisher for the owner for i-2,500.. »ud a good tlrou w<w Qad.Mr. S h a r p pald.f 10,030 for tho farm suveral a i r . and Mm, Bertrou SnytUr of Colura-yeaisago. . blaspoutSuuday wiih Mm. H.iu;uh day-

Mr, and Mrs. Bonjimln Vliot and Mr. der.and Mrs. Wi lUm Mtrlutt ate Nuw Year's j Miss Anna Clnmborliqlis .staying a fewdinner with Mr. and Mrs. E.hvard Mar- daya witu Jdis» Miggio C'att, near Port Murray. • - • - . • i

It now lor-ki aa though the

Mr. and Mrs. J. O, Allen and Mrs. J. V.Allou of BlalMtown apant Ne*v Year'swith Mr. aud Slea. Jncoo Uhamaorlln.

a fuw days with nor p-trents at this pUcu.John and Frank Br.in Isspgnt list Su

d-«y with their slater, Airs. To cod ore Sj<tls,

A burprisa party waa hold at the home" Mr. aud Mrs. Alex. Frouintn on "

.„ ._ . . . „ _ , , P q tho uuineof Mr. n MFurnnte will oo put In bUKt again and our, Those present were: Mr. and tfra. Gdogcitizens are elated over the pmspecL The BM< d-, Abratn Brands, Miss Kale Brandt,old lining is being firn out and now J. \V.* Arnile, Miss Mirgarct ituallng and

tt rial has arrived with which to relino llsv, aud Mis H. P. King.F l l i i d th

Every new fad in Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, SilkMufflers, Hosiery and Canes.

Isn't a present that is useful as well as beautiful doublywelcome? Men are practical beings.

• . A high standard for our Boys' Clothing, This store is a"freeze out" for poor quality.

Our Boys' Overcoats are made in the very latest stylesof Frieze and Cheviots, long, full skirts, pointed lapels, verti-cal pockets. Priced at $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00., The boysget a man's money's worth here.

We certainly have the most elaborate exhibition of Clothingand Furnishings ever displayed .outside oi. New York andChicago. . ,:

no reward, barring the ppointment metioned ubove—to a i lenexpired term ol ' thel F h l d S h i d hi

, A Now VearVdiuuur parly was hold at' tho uoiiie of Mr. and Mru. Poior Brands.

t rial has a r i v d wit hicit. Superintendent Fackentlnl visited thefurnaco Monday and it is f-xpected thatM e t woking force will oetucreasod

gj j e x t Sunday ovenlny Rev. H.P.King[u deliver an adre=M to the EowortblnHj m | i n h f

urnaco Monday and it is fxpected that w[u deliver an adre=M to the EowortblnuHie present working force will oetucreasod :. a t l (j w m H | a o iUBWn the noiv oltlcwra of tho

j fillet niti niou iuawi..i

*' I FJpwortb League.

A Deep Mystery.y women endure Back-

8 l lIt Is a mystery why women onduro Bac

iciio, Headache, Nurvousuess, Sletple:

before long.Aaron Mor;nn and Lstvis Smith, having

completed tbe birn on whicb thoy wereworking at Oencrevlllo, are-cnipinyed onMilton Bartow'u new house near FreeUnion. , . - , - .

Fred Wi'drlok and bride, nee Hln Anna' "ess, MeUucboly, Kaintlne and D.zzyPnritnp- will r>(">in honsckeetiluir oo a SpullB when thousand-i have proven~ u l " " ' VT n i th snrlni \ t!'-'""trl" u>•*•*•••' " 1 " ni i ic lplu CIII*I»

Miss R'ina More waa a guest of relativesat Long Bridge from Thursday until Sat-urday.

Stewart Hopkim will move to Bridge- Bitters wholly cured me, and, ullhousili 78villo today—Tnuraday—where lie has . y e a r s old, \ now am ablo to do all roysecured employment on tbe railroad. houaewotk." It overcomes Conalipatiuii,

Thedanca Riven by Steward and Mrs. improves Appetite, giyus porfeot ncaltti.Lolda at tbe County House last Tnursd^y Only 50c at F. N. Jonkius'a Warren."evening was the Imdif g BOCIHI event of the ty Drug diore.stasoD. Abuui 75 «uesis ~crc prj;?snt aud 'it w«a a decidedly enjoyable afliir. A

trouble," writes Mrs. Pnebo Unut-ley,Pottirson, Ia., "and a lame back pnlntd uso I could not dre.-8 myself, but Eltciri

it w«a a decidedly e j ynumber of tho guus:s cauio from a distance.

Cuturr-h Cannot be Curedwith local nppliciitions, ns they cannotrench the seat of the disease. Catarrh is ablood or constitutional disease, and in

CHAJJOEWATKU,Benjamin HiiRerty and family of New

Haoipion vlsittd his mother nud biaier,Mrs. Ptter U»siner, on Sutidiiy. Li aRounSHvel Is with her sister, Airs. FruitkAnderson of Greun VlllHge

Eula Hill spent New Year's with he•* ~ -•"•"asbingtun.

eeed himself, (the < ihee by t lUKi mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure sou Hospital Tutisday wurning. fllisjUracejnping to him.) But in nny is not » quack medicine. It was prescribed Creveltug visited bim on Friday.• diet for "Hose" 'an almost by one of the best physicimid in this- parhan9 it would be ju3tas well if one of.mination; aud why not? country for years, and ia a regular pre- o u r yotful! men would do hia vlaitinm hy

to do witii conatructtn? macdam a ,never saiv the process, uiideratiindiiigly,and really don't know what tho ttrramo its, so far as it; relr-tes io the proper"good ronda" systt m Persaniilly we are anignorant of Uuriiuiiter, or anythintl per-

. , , , ' i .v i ,• i ttining thereto, as if we had ne\er seen a"W e keep only the real article. Ueuiiou of macadamized rondw,y, consc-

quenty our opii ion if txpouided (whichit isn't) wouldn't. »mount to a hill of uejine.

We cannot see any justice in the propo-sition BO much tnlhe.1 about—of ptnaiuu-ing Mrs. Benjinifn flarri.on, end at thorisk of being aeemtd dislu.val will openlyHtato the remons wo have for oupobingsomething, which if put into efftct, willestablish u precedent, oad in ihe extreme.Mrs. Bei j-imiit HarrUtin wns not the wileof a President, conseiinently she wag notthe widow of a Prtuioent. Truo she is tliewidow, as she waa the wife, of a formerI1 resident, but how does that count, HO taras a pensinn, under the conditions, is con-cerned? Then again, if tbe will oi formerPresident Harrison IIHB been reported cor-rectly, bis widow is beyond w-int, tbiinkdto tbo oiHti whose widow seeks Govern-mental aid. There is entirely too much lee-

i l l i d f n i i l

. order to cure it you must take internal re- aunt, Mrs. David \\ L>IHO ollate'Freeholder Shipinau—and his many . medics. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in* I Eugene Cibtner and'W.ilter Crevolifriends insist that no should mnke the | tcrniilly, and acts direct!v on the blood cnlitid on tue latter'ti fatnor at thu P.ittr-ttV TL to f-ucceed himself, (the i Uice by t am\ mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure sou Hospital Tutisdayiiiurnmg. MisjGracePflt ir lSRV


iri* *

n ^

f l i ^ H i l l i n O.Hf ' :^ . . _ h . . . I* . n J ! i . ! . . / v T. . • . . . f iiri/M>nv!l.iif1 fl tl>. —!.tl«*rl l«i>.> m . l?dir4i*T

event, wunanimous uoi

Road building is now the fad, nnd strange scription.to relate, tne numbtr of indUiduHlawtium - - - 1 — '—Eood roads hiive developed into first-classroad builders is truly nstonlsbing; but nomore so,than tbe fact that four out of liveof thtse^paitiee never had anything ~- , -to do wit. O.o,»tru0t.ng m.oadam .roa1», tarrl,. ^ ^ < f > ^ ^ % M O i O ,

Sold by Druggists, price 75c,

Or uiiM l:i inlnliLUiri!.Tlicitlustrulioii huro produflpd Is

are|irothictlon(»fone."lt'yon inleiulliiguowuriu tho near future wo willly send Uiis umlxjssed Kct to yoit.i iniiilaturcs hiive been prortiH-cil at

will tell u* why the woman, ra»rr.yin« anex, or former member of Congre s, (Senalepr^Hnuse), who has hy his death, becomea'n'idow, is nut equally, with Widow Har-rison, entitled to sucb, and if pohslblo ee-curea pension, we nliall appreciate the ex-ilanatinn nnd accept the siiu iiion.Jshaw 1 Ben Harrison's widow bus beenwell provided, and it is a pity that thewidow of a former PreMrient, not of aPresidenty did not exhibit more pride,Irrosptctive of the unfor uuate familyflght now being fought in the open.

A Curo for Jjitnilmgo.: Wi cT WlllianiHbni ofAuihcrst, Vi..,'F.or mnrHjjjfm a ye.ir.I.sufl'ired.from

_„.., It it composed of "the best the wayo? tne"door"insUad of tne backtonics known, combined with the best wjiidow

C o r " t1°= tm'In^'edlKlJ'-h . " f t ?.°»?=""••«• v l ' IMd r"enda "<Jro °" NoW

diices such wonderful • results in curing Ca-. l t j a r d - ' . . •• , . ." ' All those who will assist in the ont<

tainment to he given by tho married peo-ple will plensi be present at cut) meetingof J.muir,v lUb io bo hold at Mrs. PetiCaninur'a home. ..• ..

Rose, eldest daughter of ri. M. Ley, hibeen quite tiuk, but at tbti present writingissoitit-whaL Improved.

William Cnamer, Foster WattersBenjamin Creveling of Wusbiugion vlsitechem on Sunday. -

Miss Emma Crevoling, a trained nurse,is at the home of Wlllium (Jrovellngfor her nepiiew Echviird, who is sufrom an attack of typhoid fever.

Rllsa Viola Bowers of WaHliintrton spenlNew Year's Day with tier friejd, ilra. UM. Ley.

Jarnea Smith went to E iston to have hi!eyes'ironed but was informed tha tanoperaiion was noeossary and was advf" ~' *"go to Ptiiladclpbia. ••: . . .

Victor Carling, %vho for Homo timo paalhas been working at, Helmutta, is hointvisiting his ptirents, '

The ladies of the church will holdsocial in the basBiuent oa January IS;H.

WiUtam_.Oa:nun had the honor of draw

OXFORD.Miss Pearl Slack of Phillipshurg visited

at the homo of her aunt, Mrs. David Trim-mer, one day last week.

John Snydcr of Martin's Creek, Pa.,hns been spending a few diys bore withIns relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. John Tims of Belviderospent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.Martin.

John Albrn, Jr., h»s been kept in thohouse the piist week by illness.

Theo. Klein and slater Mary spent Sun-day with their slater, Mrs. Mark LusU, atGreen's Pond.

Rev. J. R. Christie will continue hfs ex-tra meeting next Friday and Saturdayevenings and all day Sunday. He is muet,-ing with ercat Biiccess. On Sunday after-noon at 2:30 o'clock he will preach to themen and ooys only.

Berj Kelly Tima of Belvidero and Miss

riod at the. Presbyteiiiri pnfsTiiiage' byRev. Mewhimu'y. They-will make theirfuture borne in BoMdero.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Frpfl Zilaufof Phllllpsburgspent Now Year's Day with Mr. and~Mrs;"Geo. Lacy. .

Miss Annie May Henderson is lying sickat her home with grip on Bolvidere ave-nue.

Edward Dnlbcrg and Miss EUaJangorwero mirrierl nt tbe Preabjterian parson-age on New Year's Day by • P.ov. Mewhin-ney. "•'•Wo wiah them a long and happymarried life. '••

A h'tick load of young pooplo—six couplei^H.vs:, _iourni'ye>1'over tho hills to your town onoll'm^.KCw..YHrt.r-IH-E;o.to_.Mr.Biid.Mrs,..Im'ic

Jalm and It -gave me entire relief, ialt other remedies hid failed to do " . — .Jocikiny, Washington^. A. Allen, Oxford.

REAL KSTA.TK 'Liat of real estate transfers loti?edf/for

record at the County Clerk's office since• Dec. 23,1901: . . : , '

Little C. Oimun toEddah O WyekofT ofWasbinRton, " "* " " "

"if'SJ11 young ladies lost her hat, buf'fo'rttmntely&• "•!«u.. AiA nnt havn in (ro bareheaded. Qnmca

r_ u _ . shmeiits served, andat a late hour all returned home not com-plaining of not having a good time.

Fred Wiggaoaof High Bridge la spendinga few days this week with his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Chafl.1 Wlyans. ,

. U<»bort Potts arrived homo from tnen, D. a , dated Deo. 31, 11)01, Philippine Manta last Saturday ovoninpr.)ts__jn. PhHlipsburg | cp^sidera- | g-G O)l]i*ted wlth pnmpany I of a Pennsyl-

r'~"" ~ ~"~ variiirre^imenttiiyee yoarK""-"--"r-V*.-!----Gflo. B Cole, Sheriff, to Ohns. N, Wnde

of HackettHt.ow'n, dated December 26, 1901,conveys pronertyrin Hackeltstowu: con-sideraiinu, 5300. ;

'M. W. Weller.jand^wife to Enos Chnm-

variia regiment turee yoar ^ rproud of our snldlor from tiiat far-distantland. Ho looks good and healthy.

On Mmday morning tho silk mill hackbroke -dowri on Kersey Hill. Tho frontaxlo broke and threw Home of them out,

berlinof Knowlton,' dated Jan. ,19, 1900, but. no ono WBB hurt and they all footed itconvejalandin linowlion; consideration, to Belvidoro; <•• 'v$1.00. : • " . ,r " ' . . * . :

M.W.Wellcr and wife 1o Clark rrisman R n m 0 l l » B Livor Pills and Tonic Pellf-tof K.nowlton, dated January. 19,1900, eon- c u r £ j c o n B t | p a t )on and ullIouBnosn by^.rcveya Jot in.,O«i|«mblE.;;.cOQBiaer<itt>in, *if&, | | 0 O i n B the cause of the'trouble. Ordinary

J. Turner Brnkeley to Aaron Bill "of pilln purge tbe bowels but leavo tlio liverHackottetown, dated Dec^l, 1801, onvoyafn a dormant state. Ramon's Treatmentland in Mans'Jeld; consideration, $1,800 j 3 thorough—one Pinlt Pill arouses tho

Chan W Oiffln aud wife to Harry W. liver and tho Tonio Polled tone up theGriffiu ofiFtiitavlHe, dated Dee. 31,1901, orcana ani «tirt all Nnturo to work inrnrwtya land IriPohatcoog ; consideration, harmony. 25c. Warren County Drag$1.00. •-•)}• • •! (Store. '"

... Tlov. J.fWYIngllnpt, pastor of tho Bed-ford St. M;JE. church, Cumberland, ftld ,sa.\s: "It affords me gro it pleasuru to roiommend fhamherlain'rt Colic, Cholera anDiarrhoea Remedy. I havo used it amknow others wh-t havo never kno.vn it tcrail." For sale by V. N- Jenkinti, Wash log*ton, nnd J. A. Allen, Oxford.

•• • • -ALI<!Al>VIi i l j l3V

Isaac Juno moved froth • Newark lustweek : i " - t h e . Bnigln. hqui-o vacated, bGeorRe Qtifck. '" ••""•"=—-3i.WalLer.Uunt of ;E^3^oi!;pa«>od, S Uiirdaand Sunday w i t n H i s s Suitu-CU'u.'™"-™-

J. W Flumerfelt and f-imlly a t tendeddinner pnrty on Now War '* Day a t tb>homo of Josoph, near,Groen'3 L.IKO.

Misa•'JJiniia Cruaen of Wirotnwn waaenter tained by Miss Emma Bird Suturdand Sundny,

Miss Gusale Witdrick returned to Waaliinuton Sunday after spending a week wltlhe r grandparents hero.

Some of tho poople from hore nt t indecthe 'dftnce'T'iiesiiay uveulng uold bjvKHsiitHarriB a t Vienna.

• There i i no school horo thla week oiaccount of the smallpnx being so noaiDflimar Greon a t Vienna has i t and seveal more havo been exposed to it.

Jeremiah Glbbs tins rented a.lotnentho Union Brick E-chool house and wl!movo his family there In tho spring."-

Ono of our young men who hag bee:talking or yoing West for .gome time pa*hag dcided to gtay^iiiJerboy so rumtaling y ghag decided), tos a y s ; ~ : ; v • •

r t i e p-Jerboy, so rumo

• - ; • - ' "


.nd othcajPrices, |

New t


Keller's Musi219, 221 NorthamptCH

EASTON, PA. , , d

On Jelliesrrvett iiml ptelili'S. spn

The First National

Bank of Easton allowsinterest on time depos-its, computed by calendar months, at 3. per^cent, per annum.


It Depends on You.'St mt'iit. tilt" l»rc,.«t

thewhich \prices,your attact tVRoofinggrades.

HANCE BROS.,7 Belvidtfe Ave., -Washington,

FOR S.ALE.sale. Tweiity-five acres of Rood farm

The above lies within the corporationof Belvidere. A rare chance. For iurtherparticulars, write or call on

Z. W. EVERITT, Belvidere, N. J.


RUPTURE:urcil I)V .1. A. Sllcnnim'a MKTIIOI) wllliontoiiernllon, t'iriinMUiiiK tpiiuwt'H nr liimlrancotrum im^m.fK. ODiixilltatloll dully.

O. W. BIlKltMAN, ;ll»r.nln Siiixlnlliit,

C SiuicHunrAvi'inn., * rl'iilnlldtl. N'. J.

»•<* I* svil.l for mir Wrnkk" "lliilN mil »««•»" free.-'HOUILLOT COMMISSION CO.,

1224 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Have your Worms got Horses?Arei thoy KMtiuBtlilu midweek? .ire i. ey t-"(itholr food ? " I>n they "swum nnd won-y r " '

DR EHERSON'S "DRAD SHOT" JwillromotDWurmi7u«au;ar sliver-fcrahss!8 • *cattle It will purify the blond. corrocV anuii ttie atomnch nud strongmen tht* norv™.

Dlroctlous with encli box. Snlil by drug;or sow by nmUupou recdin or Fitly Centt. 1

C. B. Smith & CqmpaJN. J j

Ouers h:that fhad cthe b

- settioices l

yAlfred Euck'oy, who han been confined

to the bouso lor some time dnttt>.\ seem toImprove in health. He is eighty years ol<i,

Mrs. John Pcahalo ia visiting at the homeof Silas Cummins. , *- I


Page 3: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


' v Says Mrs. Charles G; McKay of XmstirdanvN. ^^ Mrs. Clmrlps G. McKay, of 153 Division street, Aihfltordain, N; Y.; and .whose'j

•. ausbiuul occupied tlio'important position of Treasurer of tlieCity Board of Excise,1 Bays:: "FpiTtlio past SOyyears I have been a sufferer from fttorturing pain in my ft • e" • , There was no dou1)t in mymind but that f was suffering troui kidney complaint.I tried, various medicinea and liniments but .they Kayo BMonly temporary relief. ; Ky husband saw Or* David Ken-

-- nod]/*B Favorite Remedy advertised,Vand purchased h bot-' tlo, which I begun talcing and in throe days I was relieved

at those terrible paina, and continuing using It, tv&3cured*' Previous to my taking * Favorite Remedy * I wotiluhave to lie on tho couch nuaily half of tho -time umiblo to do.my vorlc I now do all-mylicmschold work and feel first-class iji every way," '.•,;.' - . ; . . . -^ • . ",'•• :

Kidney disease is one of the most fatul maladies known,

_ ntl proper precautions., taken, uo.ono need fear thind r e a u f u l t r o u b l e . •.:• f - : - * : y ~ " 7 ' ' ':*\' r '•,'"" '••',• "r-•-":'' ".'•'•:''•

-":•'.^ \TRYJMGKiUNEYTE^ • /;? :;. Ptit soino of yonr nrine in a glasa tnmblerj if in; 24 hours it has n sediment,or a milky, •ilpudy condition; if it ia jialo or' discolored, ropy or stringy, yourkidhoys are diseased and you need n good medicine, and 'Favorite Remedy* is tho/best one yon cau take. It speedily cures such dangerous symptoms as pain in thoback, frequent desire to nrinato, especially at night, scalding burning pain in

: passing water, staining your linen by tho urine and inability to hold it, and theunpleasant and dangerous effects produced on the system by the use of, whinkey,w i n e o r b e o r . ' • • 1 | ; : ' . Y • : • : ; ' • ' . ' . * . l •'"•'•"• ••'• ••'•'• ' • ' • . - " • •••-• .•

• If you suffer from Iridney, liver or bladder trouble in any form, diabetes,iBright's disease, rheumatism, dyspepsia, eczema, or any form of blood disease, or,if a woman, from tho sicknesses peculiar to your BOX, and are not already con-vinced that Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite!Remedy is the medicine you need, yonmay have a trial bottle,-absolutely free, with a valuable medical pamphlet, bysending your name, with post office address to the Dr. David Kennedy Corporation,Eondout, K\ Y.. mentioning this paper." ~- '"..-.-'

. Dr. Da\*id Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is for sale by all druggists at §1.00 aTjottlo or 0 bottles for $5.00—less than ono cent a dose.

John Oarr Sharp entertained1 a feifrloadfl lost Saturday evening a t Bro3kal<Farm. Y Y . YV.'/.i'. .:•: . ' / y . - ::-••' . . ' - " . '

The W.M. degree waflconforied by tLIndependent Ljdge, F. •& A, M,, lastTuetd iy evening. . v ;.;,•;,.,Tnb milkmen are delivering milk a t 'sicooia per quart whlcb Je a cent more th"ifltwiaifli. ; / ; ; ; , - ; : Y Y - \ .;•'...

Tbe n e w l y i e W e d offl:era of the Mas-conetcoug Lo ige, I. O. O. F . , weie lustallec"last Monduy evening. \ ;

Tbe bat faotory has been closed tempoiirlly; by : the Hattoh>' Union, Ai:ffjrt will be made to re-opeu and contlnuup m tbe iiidDpeiidont prlnclpil . Toifactory bfla bteo gtoing employment lonumber of our young moa uud many girl.toof ttnd )t IB an Industry whlob Hackettitown can notaf l j rd to loose. - -'•'r ' ! Miss'"Madge Young of " the" WomanCollege a t Baltimore apont ber Holidn;vacation with:: her mother cmdrove airtet.


Dr. i Salt Uheau Cream cures OW Sorew, Skin, ltthlng orScrofuloui DUea»M. Hoc.

N E X TT !

SALESwill commencejpromptly. We have provided liber-ally for these sales. Lota of goods, bought recentlyat cut prices, will be in these sales. At the sametime we will clean out all odds and ends—all rem-nants cf everything from regular stock, Y

.- " ". ' -. ' i ; ' . '-——ALSO - " •/ '• ' •


CLOAKS AND FURS.It will be to your interest to visit Eastern during these


BUSH & BULL |Easion's Largest Business House. ~

>j. Notice to Absent Defendant.IN CflAXCBUY OF NuW JEIC8UY.

To LIZZIB LA'OBY:—' ' .!(!, ' \i Tnkt! n o t l c tliivt.1 by > virtue, of nn order ol

., the Cuurt of Wmiicory. of.i.N'6W?Joivo.v; nuiij,'tui tho thtrU'untti iiny «( Disccmlwr IIIHC, In tveau-o tluTt'Iii, itumlnijc wlierdii WiUlutn C.liiift'y li the jictltlmiur and you lire tho <le-feiKiiLjit, you jiro reiiulreil • to 'nnpt ' a r ami

•••jML'tui^it'iNwercOV^iK'iii'ur-tn-thVsrpelHlonor'Hpetition of comnlalnl. ou^or Itefnru tlit'dmr-tvttntli <lay.o[ Kehninry- i ext, or tha t In de-fault tli'Tt'of.MiiclHlecreewlll humailo iinafiiHtyou IIH Llio Chuncollor uhiill think etiultntiloand I1ami lit"'" •

Tint Raid petitil l tl

. i>oii(lrfufHcrtlon.

d petition ofu liy tlio saidf nroourliis u (li

matrimony on tl:

omplaint Iid i)i>tEtlnncr fu (livorc f


ft'odr for thefnnn 1 liemlH of tic-

WM. A. RTItYKER,'• ••••-: -'5 ;; solicitor ill rutltloiier.-1^ P . O. AddrGRH:S^I5. \yaHliliigtoii Avc.,

H'"* : •:,'•" , 7 r ' ''"*''• Wftslilii^ton, New Jcrney.•• D n t c l : ^ n - U ) , l O O l . - — - . ^ ^ : - - - G t - i•'i>r'H fee, J+.CO. J • ( / . . • ;*.;..,. •, .. ..

, : ,^hc-Star and^Tri-Weekly-'N^Y,




S. T. VANNATTA- Belvidere Ave., Washington, K. J.

The Star and the N. Y. Thrice-a-Week .World, $2 per year. -

Marshall Morgan of Vienna has puicbuBod tno Moiler t rac t on Warrnn etreiaud tue bouse and lot on lower W»tRhl-t,ton street. The coiialderuilon was|2,C50.

The announcement tins'Juot baeii"mai!of tbe , marriage .of Neluoa MitchellNorth UackttUdtowD ai.d MISB Mnry HliUer, wnicb ocoured last August a t Pala r s o n . ••••• •••

Edward OlbhH baB leased the hotel .Sprlngtown. Hla brother, Howell Qlbbit a e present proprietor, will take chartbe hotel a t Ledgewood on the 15sb.

The reading to have been glron by M;W . B . Salvago In dt. J d m c s r Guild rootoas been lndeQultoly poatponed owing-R e o r d e r given by tbo Board of Heallfor no publio meetings of tbo people.

The week of prayer which wan, to havibeen observed by the Me'hodiat and Presb>terian congregatloua la uaion serviceswill not be held.

Tbe C O . I students bavobeen requestcthy the pra^Ideotuot to return until noti-fied. If there are n o further develo)muiitaic will re-open on tbe 13:b.;

Misa Eva Hoover of Flock's store 1Bwith Dlurt-potuinonU at tier borne .,Beatyestown. Ube W*H taken ill on ChtlainiuaDAy. >•

Ejg iu te r Georgo W . Hufl bas beeiti'tn^terred to a pusher engine fromHackettatown express.

Tuotnaa Brant bm removed from tbiFlogar property on Moore atreet to thiSoilih bouao at Wiaiiiugton aud Cburchtieets.

Miss Margaret Moore bas gone toYork and will tnnke bur future home thenwltn ber nelce.

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Moore and daughtor are spending a lew weeks wltb lilparents, Mr. acd Mis. J, W. Moore, oiMooru btreet.

Mrs. Thomas Derr ick of Washingtotand Mi<t8 Newman of S .illwater are guestat Mr. C. W. U. Dtdiiuk on Moore street.

Manager Mar of tbe Institute has re.moved bis family from Mra. Hflderbrant'na Wasbiugton atroet to apir t tneata la tinTmtitute. ..;

Mra. Marcla Johns ton and daughteifiave been upending a week with rulattveun Dover. .Ml-wJinnston attended a large

rtcoptlon on Now Yoar'ti evening.Mre. W.'HI. Mitclum and daughters arealtlug ber mother in New York city.Nearly everybody In town bas a stiff

arm fiom vaccination.— Mrs •':Charles Marlat t • »nd'"•'uullui'wNewark are vibliing relatives in town.

V"obnTopber died at bis homo on Mains t re t t early last Saturday m i m i n g . Heconducted a bakery for a great many yeanuntil he waa crippled a few years ago In irunaway acoldens. Tbe deceased waa Lmember of the Q. A. R. He waa born InGermany and is survived by bis wife and a"nrfie family of children. He was-takenlick two days before his death and isthought to have died from smallpox,which did not develop properly. Theundertakers would not take charge of tbebody and it was not buried until Sundaynight when a casket was placed on tbeporch and the remains wero placed in itby tbe family and tbe Interment made.

A meeting of tbe Board of Health wnacalled 1-st Saturday lo investigate the

iuaeof tbo death of John T o p h c r a n d ' t o(gage a specialist for fourteen cascs'/of

supposed measles, and orders were giventba t no services be held in tbe churches

i Sunday. A specialist from Morrhtownme on.Sunday and decided t h a t ' t h eBtiHse was Binallpfix. The Bo'xrd of

Health bas qutrantined tbe>ho'u9es andconverted tbo firemen's aud council room-n the Municipal building into/ a hospital,

"be public school was not veopenod last'hursday owing to aserioup/break in the

iteam pipes and it will no'j be rooponcd!br an indtfln-te tiiue.-tThe disease waairobahlv brought>l:Gro'f'by one of tbe"opher boys and believing It to be measles

he did not remain at home aud on Christ-inas night shifted the fcenes a t Luce'stpera house where the audience was ex-

josed to smallpox, aud i t was not untilPririay tba t the disease was thought to besmallpox. There ara probably twen ty fivepuople lu town ill with some ayraptonB of jihodiwase, " - * * " •his regular]of tho umall

n ill with some ayraptonB ofDr. L. O. Osmua has given up

atients and taken aDle chargeo i patients.

• Tbe Week of prayer was observed bytbe people of the M. E. church at John-sonsborg. No visible rmiilM,'biik RTS20W'1ed consecration of body.soul and spirit tofUol on the part of tbe church member-ship will more than pay for all our efforts.

The members and friends of the M. E,church did not forget their p ie tor la thedlstributl n of their Chris*man presents.Two days before Christmas, while tho paB-tor was enjoying himself amid forry-flvo ofbis friend* a t a Boctal gathering, Rev. Mil-ton McCann, a colleague oft the pastor,who per chance had come to apend a cou-ple of days with his friend, was requestedto present Uw. James H. Gardner a purseas;a token.of their friendship and deep re-gard for his services during the past twoy??™ We net.d_ not^at tempt to expresshow deli^bieu he mBi-j^~-_—^-,~«——:

Mrs. Nathan Ward has returned fromNow^ York .wherei she. spent; almost twow'oo!i3r7ory^p!6!i'»rtnt1yi~w!th~h*rioWeatdaughtoi-,'Mrs.-Walters. , ; . : : '

Mrs. Wi t t e r Aokerson Is still dangerous-ly in land we fear ber slckrieBs will prove6icknes\\ unto death. We pray for herrecovery if i t be God's will.

We hay}d learned that .the smallpox is..it bin uve milcB of thia place—Allamuohy."We true 1i that our people will take everyprecaution possible in order t h i t wo maynot be'ilnfestod .with „ t ha t malignant dia-'*<wier~™$;~—-'"-'-rr-Tr-r-y-rr":-- — - - • -

Miss Gnbel, a maiden lady of Jobri-.. josbug; fell from her door steps )a<?t weekand broke ber hip. W H trust aho miysoon be able to walk and resume her work.

Most of our f irmera are now busy secur-ing thoir next summer'a wood. : .

Che con^regitlons have been compara-.tfvely smill nt bn tbebu rchea beqauao ofthe extrethely cold weather.' . ,, . . ,

Dr. C . r S,Byminwl i r preach a t tbo M.- . c h u r c h hdro Pobruary-B'.U-at 3 m.,and bold the fourth and last quarterly con-'-Tehce. ~:-y-~, r^^^^-^'^-^^^si^y=^

Rev. Jas. H. Gardueroontenii lateagolngback to his home conference, Wilmington,after graduating a t 'Drew-Seminary thiss p r i n g . 1 •: -••••; . ; ; -r ^-•'~--:^=^^^

VIENNA.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tool attended tbe r«-

ceptlon Riven bla brother and brldo at tbiirruoin'a parents ID Huoleettstowa on Not*Yoar's D yy

The friends of Alfred Buckley en tor tai rfears tbat ho may not recover from hisserious fllckneaa,

Virgil Loiter of Mt. Hormon hai been„ hiaBlater, Mrs. Aaron Ho well, 1

afowdaja. •..- ; , :A number from this place attended the

party Held ut G. A. Lelda's on J-m. 24Dancing WOB the principal feature of tbe- y o D i u g r , .- • ' , • • ; , ' . • ,"" "r.i.' • •'/;',

Mr. Brugler, the popular toaohor of ourpublic school, preaen'ed each of his pupilswith a calendar for 1032. It was decoratedwith a photograph of tbe sjbool bouse,together wltb tbe teacher and scholars. .:. Last,Thursday, while a number of'thoschool boyH wero testing tbe strength* ofthe ice, Lester Cummins and Harry Hlblerstruck a thin place and both fell In. Thewater waa quite deep and bud It not beenfor timely assistance tbe result might haveh*on more eerl'Hi-; HS It was, both escapedwith a good wetting. -• :••••.:

Too young people of Petersburg andVienna, wltb some from abroad, gatheredat tho home of Enos Harris on New Yo&r'aecfl nnd danced tbe old jcar out and thonew year In.

Mrs, Walker with her Infant daugbtirreturned to ber homo:from Omuge onSaturday. - > : •

John Wbltesell baa bla teams engagedhauling rallro id ties from the Birtow lotto tbe Great Meadows station. ;i

Our usually quiet town la alive with ex-cltemuDt over ino appearance of a caso ofsmallpox among its in habitant a. The vic-tim Is Idell Green. : It IB supposed he con-tracted tbe disease while attending a showin* LUSB'B Hall at Hackettatown. Mr.Green resides with bis sister in this placeand they have >be oympatHy of the entirecommunity. Tbo Board of Health bos tbematter lu charge and.no tflort will bewithheld to prevent the spread of thedreaded disease. The churches nnd tchoolsof tbe towntblp have been closed. Theauthorities have been successful In secur-ing an experienced nurse to care for tbeallllcted household. A number who havebeen exposed to the dfcoaae have beenquarantined, and tbe local physician Ishiiflv vaccinctlog a large part of the popu-lation.

Liajkawunna'a Ntw Hummer Book.The Lickawanca Rillroad la aboot

to issue,a Sammer Book for the .com-ing seasoD, In which each towoalongtheIne will be attractively written op. For

the information of tboGedealrfDg summerbom is It has been decided to admit a llm*itod number of advertisements of hotelsand boarding houtes, and tbesa advertl- ements will be placed Immediately follow-ing tbo reading nutter relative to the ton nID which they are looitof. : • "'r- ":••.'.'.

Too demand fcrflECQ. advertisements hasbeenso great tbat tbe Company has de-cided to modify tho policy esUbl shed ayear ago and permit a small number to ap-pear, III* believed that tbe chance willbe a gratifying one to those who are anx* |lous to secure some of tbo Interesting pat-ron tge along the Jine, * '.•'.''•-

Tbo local ticket agent has boon suppliedwith upecimen pRges from, this, book,ibowlng rates for advortitlog, and otherdetails in connection with It. Copies oftbesemay be ohtnindd upon npplicallon,Matter for insertion in tbe new bosk mu>tbe Bont either to tbo General PasseiigerAgent or left with the local ticket aceoton or before the 1st day of Fobrtnry. 7":

The local ticket agent will be glad to answor any inquiries. .

Written in Strotidaburg.Biding on a truck of ono of tbe oars on

the Lickawanna mail train, the 1117! onFriday, wan a cat. It had como all theway from Hoboken and waa recognized bylocal railroaders aa the same feline thatwent down the rjad abouta year ago.

Pusay got on tbVtrain at Hoboken andwas.first discovofea'-at Patersoo. Not

leBbing a ticaet tbe animal was chafedoff but quickly got on another truck andwhen Washington was reached putsy re-posed contentedly under tbe car.

Simeof tbe train crew, tried to catchthe cat but the animal evaded thtm.

A saucer of milk obtained from the re-_ psbment room at tbe Washington depotdid not Inveigle patsy into the baggage oarand tbe aulmul was allowed to remain on'he truck. '.\,

Oa the train'a arrival at the local depotthe cat jumped iff fora stretch and a sec-

JBUTTSSyiLLlS.The two-year-old Jersey heifer of Lamuel

Jootc tnat wandered away from itshome Sunday a week ago bos not yet beenfound. Mr. Cook Is having more tban bissnare of trouble this year. Ho lives onJohn A. Jooet.' farm and this fall his cropswere all destroyed when tbe barn waaburned.

Charles Hunt Is the happiest man Into ivn since iJiturday night, when a littleboy came to belp brighten his home.-

Mrs. William Brands of near „ ,„ ,„„„„„„ H1P „,,,„ . „ „ „ „ , , „ , „ « , .

Mrs. Hany Shuler on Monday. T o e m o r n , D g c o , d 8 p o n g i n B of t h o body, Isl.Jooka M If the Ptqoeat Parnaoe would \ an lnvaluibia. protwtlonm against cban^es

was unsuccessful. When the enginewblatled nnd the bell clanged departurethe cat bopped nimbly on na ptrch andwas cairled to Scranton whoie it myster-iously disappeared.—Strcu'isburg Times.

Colds.To dimlsb excessive xensibllltv t i co'ds,

says uu English writer: First—Free expoa-

. looks as if the Ptquest Furnacblown In again io a short time. '

Mary B o k a w , a little daugbtsr of Mr.nd MIH. Witiiim BrokJW, is quarantined

In a house a t Towns bury with her uncli

i n a l u t b i e protection against changesof tempera ure. Third—Tnis wise man didnot know that a few doses of "77" will pre-vent, or taken at the beginning will "oreakup" a cold., At all drugirlHip, or i^d

Oelmar Greeo, who Is sluk from smallpox'i recpipt of;*prfce,':ii6c/-'UUUsr0R'S BOOKTlie Dsonlein thin vlcinltv ara op'tln^ MAILED FREE. Humphrev's Homte-xcItld^oTer tbe amalltoi ficfre, '« ' '££ : ?athic Medicme Oj... OorW William andlaving appeared in the vicinity of Towns- j J o l m a ' r o e t a , New York.i u r y . -- . . . . - - . .. •• • : • • • • - . .

William Hunt returned home from his'istt lu Easton on Monday.John Anderaon epeat Saturday In Pater-

AN EIV5INENT flCTUArlY SAYS';. •..••;".,'.. ' "LifeHnsurariceJjsIpp

.\,> .;,,•.: which enables^eyery-pixiMi^Sfew

dent man to £truest and loftiest, cpriri'- :--l Tyiciples of practical benevo-lence in his home. .



JOHN P. DftYDEK, I'rcHldent.LESUU D. WATtD, Vlco Pre»ld._..EDGAK U. WAHD. 2d V. PrcH'tand Counnel.FOItUKST F. DltVDKN, Hecretfiry.n.C. DEDRtCK, AHHt. Snot,. WdHtildKton Nat'l BankB'l'd'K. Broad St. and WIIHII!nrrton Avc, Washington, N, J.


On Saturday, February 1,1902, we will occupy the store room in the

Nutze Building, I I ^ A y ^ ' ^

To reduce the labor connected with moving"stock, fixtures, etc., we

are going to reduce our stock as much as possible by allowing •

25 per-cent discount on everything in the store. \ \ " *. ;



The "Outlook" for Jtinuary.Tbe Outlook Is a weekly newspaper and

, moDtrly mneazine in one under one sub-I Bcription price Its Magazine Number foiI January bas eight lllus mad articles, tw

The repnlar meeting of the Woman'a siories(one byliarah Orne Jewetr) a care-Ohrlst-fRn Union w!U.be held: at the :'os:-;:;ul!y w,UL«n hittory of ihe wetfc'udifiDceofMru John A Jones oa S t u d T

t ) a caretfc'udome

lw . e held: at the :os:;:;ul!y w,UL«n hittory of ihe wefcdome

fiDceofMru John A. Jones oa Saturday and many book rovlows. Thcro are inl.ifternoonat2 o'clock. All interested in page portraits of new political fibres o:

the caoae are invited to be present. j prominence, articles of auecdotal bio£-rapby, a moBt eDrflrtaining Instalment oE.iward Everett Hale'a "Memories of sHundred Years," and much else of perma-nent value.

Pledge cards have been distributed In,he Sunday school for signers.

J CNCT1OW.William Butler of Jersey City spent New

fe ir's with his parents.The following students have returned to

heir studios: Misses Harriet Transue andNellie Thomson to tbe State Ni3ertha Shurts to PhlladelJonnell to the Gettysburg

Publicity Is NeceflSary.It Is not often fn this day that anybody

lays advertising doesn't pay, Some formrj f p u l "• J " ""'

' : _,, , T which a man can, use accord! g to hisGeorge Oliver, who ha3 been i.l for a means or bia desire, and if the blat paper

3Dg time, is now very low. . , , , ; . , . ! for.fihe purpose be selected it will pay ac-

9 0

j for tihe purpose be selected it willMiss Nora Buckbea of PJitllipsVurg,i who cording to the »nnunt of space use

jas been visiting relatives in towu, re- —urned to ber home on Monday,Mlas Eveline Bonnell is confined to herome with sickness. -Mies Mulligan of Clinton Is visiting atohn Dineen's. . ' •The gloss blowers are exhibiting this-eefein Backer's store-house. IMrs. Stout, who has been visiting at[oriia Albright'H, is spending tbo.rcBC • f

winter with fiur her niece at Hoboken.Miss B. Waldman spent Sunday at Call-:

Mra. Charles Adams and daughter Ruby:e visiting at Freemanaburg. 'Mits Roxte Apgar of Califon is spendingweek with Miss Belle Waidman. .r \Mrs. Ephrlam Hoppock of Pen Argyl

isited in town over Sunday, c-sj.1. i I \MrB. Young of Trenton and daughter of ,7

ialtimore are guests of Mr. and Mrs.y J

Mrs. Kate Hardy and daughter Minnievisiting at El'Zibetb.

Mr. Davis of New York spent Buo3ay at*- Miller's. ..

i.,-Pitl-flriger-"lB~-yisMf.fiEj;at™BlEgo£3.ttor "daughter; MrarDr. Fulper, also spentday there laat week.With small-pox all around us, we believe

>ur Board of Education should compelery school child to become vaccinattd

I Babies and children needj proper food, rarely euer medi-| cine. If they do not thrive\ on their fcod something is Ij wrong. They need a little |I help to get their digestive j

ly, v

Uncle Sam's Greatest Secret.If there ia any secret .which Undo Sam

jilouily guards it is the process of manu-aoturinc the flbre piper upon.' which his

oney notes are printed. He pays>ssacbusetts firm foriy-tbreo cents „juud for it, and this firm does. Ita workinder the Burveillanco of a Government;ent. The ptpsr is m-*nufdctured of tbelest-ragR, rilHannd^hnHflft-ftod-'mashed110 a pulp. As it i-t rolled into thin Bbeets.Ik tbre»ds are introduced into It by alecrot process These are the dlstingulah-jgciarts.niatins-lmitiiticn cfzthc^ paper,eil-nlgh Imposstole. Tbe sbeet of paper,

1 ready counted twice and placed ia unl-irm pickiges at tbe piper mill, areored in a Treasury vault and Issued to

1 Buroau of Engraving and Printing asnted. Before leaving the Treasuryy era-oouriffld three times uiorej- nnd

_j receiving official at tbe bureau mustloelpt for them. Then the bundliis arewrapped .mid tbe sheets,,are countedwpm fcv

ind tbe sheets are countedtimes'by a" cor p i of women".'pi of \

rlnter g

Tho Star and ThrlcoVWoek" World, f2, Journal.

'bis ia to Insure that each printer gets thncorded number— no more, no Jess. Ifto sheet of this precious paper be lost theitire force of men and women having,ce*a to the room where tnemlsukcolent him occurred are kept in, like solany Bchoo'children, to-find It Eachleet is Nsued from the vault for the•Intin? nf a, defluite amount of moneyson it. If tbo lost sheet were Intendedultimately represent four thousand do!

.•H' w«rth of notes: the~group of cm-loye'eB'tp. whom the respotiBlhillty_of UBBplacepient.hasLbeen. traoed_ maitL mab etod that amount if thevcaciot locate' Itithln a reasonable time. The most ex-;'instve losfl wblob hiq tbui occurred (,W'Ba blank sheetjisaed for the prlnMncr ofFhty"d'iiiarai upon i's fp.ee —John Elfrotbi'h'^s,7 Jr., in tbo January Lft3louf Home

'i wbrki»g|iroper!yr


\ i • • • • ' '" i

s will ^generally - correct this 1

j If you will put from one- j

I in baby's bottle three or four II times a day you^ilKsoon see II a marked impnfpxr&nL. For |j l a r ^^ch i ld j ^ i f ^ " half to; |

I a^e, dissolved in their milk, jI if you so desire, will very jf soon show its great nourish- "son show

ing power If the mother'spmilk docs not nourish thebaby, she needs the emul-sion, it will show an effectat once boia upon motherand child.

50c. ami fi.oo, all se= -- SCOTT & DOWNf, C''S-.:sts, New Ycrlt.


. . : . : , : - . This is considerably less than cost. : ^":'••'•':' "•? V-:

$1.00 Pieces, 50c. 50c Pieces, 25c. 25cvPiecc5^!3c.;'- >;, .EVERYTHING AT THIS. RATE. ; " W - - -! • | . -

25 Per Cent. Discount on Jewelry, 20 Per Cent. Discount on Watches,20 Per Cent. Discount on Ebony Goods, ;

r.-:.: '.*-" •".•These prices onartides 'iastmcriiioricu aic aciiiaiiyiess than cost of:them;~"""'" ~V

This will be your last chance this year to get them at above prices. : * • ';•

Sale Commences Sat., Jan. 4, 1902; Ends Thurs., Jan. 30;. 1902./-N. B.-NOTH1NG RESERVED. -FIRST COME', F1RSTSERVED." '•-" :

S XXT {*rl+wtc4'ir%a Jeweler and Optician, :• VV» W l l F l S L I I I C , 21-33 W. Washington Ave.


It Costs So Littleto be provided with' a sleigh that: everyone who keeps a horse shouldhave one. How many people there, are who would willingly pay niorethan a year's interest on the investment for the use of a nice sleiehjust a few hours when the sleighing is good. "At that time, howeverit is practically impossible to hire one. ' .

/" 'Our stock comprises all the up-to-dateness, all the •goodness,'and,,all the low pneedness to be found in sleighdom. '.-•'•• : ; : ,

Do not delay buying. When the first considerable fall of'.snow. ""comes, we, and other dealers as well, are' apt, to have our stock ex-.hausted within twojdaysj-at least; the~seiectibnrwiirt^^

Washington Foundry; R. 0. BOWtRS, Jr.

Two carloads of finelippea Gats;just'iic1ivldFS":

a t ' t h e , " • ; - . • ' < ' • . . • • : _ _ * • , / ? : • 8 ; '

" WASIiiNij i ;0NWlfS

.,•-.• ^UMBE^VA^I:W, D. Oulick, Prop. , ;

Notice of Klcpt lon. L: K o t l c o o f i C l p u t i o o . ". " ' - - _ • - . v

•Irvcto™ mill trnn.metlMK.'uiyotlifr IHIHIIIOHH plectlnK DItint limy POIHC hefnivtlicra^ I'ollsoiienlroai """'UOMH tl0 t o l l o'clock, n. m. , .' y , ., : ^ r . op^Mfpnv•-; ;"^VM..s."itiTTENHOusE l^dfl8iiior /f • rr^pr--^

.: • ;0t"-] ?>apd ^^^S^XOpi^-^^J^ i^^gg


.„.. . . ,„.. ... ; 3

Page 4: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


I •



1 VEAR, *1 .50:6 MOS., 76o: 3 MOS.i 40cSINGLE COPIES, 5 CENTS.


[Continued from first page ]

Maited. Wo hope to bavoa trolley lino.We hope to have u railroad uuu westill living in Hope.

Years f go a covered bridgs spanned thocrook and or*9 of <r.ir hrigtit yniuiR Minn's

' wrote upon:c in Urge letterw tlitao words"Ho who outers here loaves Hnpo behind.1

Hon. Honry S. Harris, ProsecutorAngle, Postmaster Oicar Jeffery, S. C.Smith, Wm. H. W dicers, Martin Wyck-otT, J. I. B. Reiley and R. S. Price alsoresponded to toastB. Nearly all ofthem mentioned the former Judgesand congratulated Justice Pitney uponhaving become the successor of BUCIIable men. Each speaker, aa did allthe attorneys present, assured him oltheir cooperation in admiuiateripg thelaws in tMs county.

I t was midnight; before the banquetof nine courses was finished. Ic was afeaat long ta be remembered and re-flected great credit upon Mine HostHill, who personally t)ok charge ofthe affair. It is quite possible that outof the meeting will grow a permanentWarren Oounty Bar Awouiation, anorganization of which there has longbeen need. :

What Caiiul "AbuiKloument" Menus.The question of tho abandonment ol

navigation oa the Morris Cuml, wblch Itto be brought before the Lesjialiture tblswluter, is exciting unusual attention amongthe people, and tae Advertiser bus re-ceiv'od many cjmmunlcatluna of luqulryon the suoject. The main points Involvedare herewith set forth for tlie ioformatioQof theae Inquirers.

All the rights and privileges of the Moir!s Canal and Banking Company, whichowns the can-il, ure held under a cbar*from the State.

The Lcihigh Valley Railroad Companyleased the canal from the ciual company,and tbe lease will expire wltb the ctiurtpr.Toe lessees exercise only the canul com-pany's ri^htB.

Failure to navlgato tho canal abrogatesthe cdarter and forfeits all rights midprivileges, unless the Legislature shall ex-pressly authorize abandonment and permit

. t h o canal company to retain tae valuablerlphtB pertaining to the charter.

The rieht of way of 102 miles, from Jer-sey .City to PhUHpsburg, will lapse byabandonment of the charter, and land heldin reversionary right by the canal com-pany will revert either to the private own-

. ers or to tbe State.The canal company has no right to use

the property for any other purpose exceptcanal navigation, '

.,...; Tbe,..canal company owns, under itscharter. Immensely valuaoie water rigiusin the Passaic watershed. Charter aban-donment means that the State will comoInto control of these rights.

The valuable riparian grant to the cancompany on the Hudson is contingentupon navigation. If tho charter is aban-doned this property will be forfeited to theState.

The canal IB-RPCS aim to get private pos-session of the 102 miles of right of way, thewater rights in Paa^aic watershed and tneriparian property on the Hudson. Tbeaggreea^o value of all this property is twi-mated at between $15,000,000 aud f20,ODOr-000 A hill tob» introduced in the Legis-lature this winter provided that the dtrttemike ttiis colosiuil clft to the canal lessees.—Newark D.iily Advertiser.

ADDITIONAL JiOCAJjS.A service of stored sor.p will be given at

the Baptist church oil Sunday evening.Justice J. R, Llndaberry on Tuesday

married William Furimu and GufihieCook at his olilce on Broad street. Both

- the parties are colored.The'.Baptist'cottage praver meetings

have been very well attended this week;It has not yet bEen decided whether theywill be continued or not. An announce-ment will be made on Sunday.

The \V. D. Aclterson Ci., wliirh; con-•iducta.-ihP Pflr^r Riook atoro in .Neivtoo,

Spent $1,700 for advertising"" last "year.' "Ic Iscomparaitvely a new concern but tinsworked up bv far tbe largest business o:nny house in Sussex county. This is aboutthe bestohjuct lesson in udverii.-ing thathas been presented in a long time.

James Johnson, a fifteen-year-old boy,'is fnJHil at Flemington charged with beinga common thief. He recently entered aresidence in High B'idgo and extracted agold watch from the pocket of a coatfound hanging in the hall. He tore thecases apart and hid them in a Odd andthen buried the works in a wheat bin. Bewill doubtless be sent to a reformatory.

A specialletter to tho members of the_ Rnpjjst church la.it_weekj;oui the Pastor

broughfdut'alarso'numbfir to';tbe-ra6ni-ingr service last Sunday. Mr. Boom wasBleb and unable to be out however and theNew Year's message wasinot delivered.Next Sunday "inornins he ho pea to give

;. the address ihnt. he hid prepared (or lustSunday, Members are urged to be ou5 asIt Is Important that a new policy be in-troduced.' This will be a day of great effort on thepart of the Christian people Iti town whoWill try to increase the interest in' church,work. It is thB day of prayer for MIs&ions

—-Hijtl-Ternperancs.- "A 11-d.iy meetings:. *.viilbeheld in the M. E. ctiurch and some

.^apeciil addresses.will bo,delivered. At the"•"evening meeting Hev. Boom wiitMpeak'u'i•

the relation of tne liquor trwlllu to homeanri Fnroiirn Mtalonti.- Tne W..G..T. U. ot

„ J javs-bccBTinTitcdiraadraH^afc"' earnestly urged to attend these services.,.

Some Objections Upheld,Chancellor Mugie upheld some of

1 the exceptions to the will of the late John...j^...;,,'... I.iBlair.last week. Ho took the ground

"""that the estate should-be-divided- BtrioLlyIn accordance with the will and not in ttie

' light of developments whicn came afterthe death of the deceased millionaire.

^However;" it ~ is-held :.tbat:;thoHe_:t change*TVbion were made in the character orvalue of the securities between the time

>£ of tho making of the will and the death of>,-i?cb.e maker, shall be taken into considera-

tion in disposing of the property by theadministrator. Is is probable th'ttt further

;;..'' action will be taken. V.

Ij. B. Plaut tV^Co^ Newark,:"•:"•-• Announoo tbolr.Slat Special Bargain Sain

Which^ is now sinv procretis offering,Oinequalled list of Bpecial bargains from everyDepartment, representing person*! wear

••' and articles for the uome.--T.iIs Salc-\7illprove a wonderful money-saver for, everyone who patronizes it. Goods are markeddown regardless of cost or previous valueand they will bo cleared at once to mike

i toom for oar dfcily wriviog Spring stouts.' Do not delay bat come at oncoto.tho Now*\arfc;3ee"fli7QJi.nd Bave money. •-;•"•'.• |

NOT STRICTLY LOCAL.Notes of the Week's Happenings In Other

Counties and Slates.

Hems of Genera] Interest Picked Up Here and

There, and Humorous Squibs.

Joseph H. Williamson who Tell from ahay mow at Fltmingtou lust week and wnsbidly i'jurod died a few days later in theTrenton hospital.

Proctor, the Now York theatrical manfleer, opened a Hie new op-jra homo inNewark on Monday night. It will bo de-voted to retlned vaudeville.

Miss Mary Wllkins, tho famOUR novelist,and Or. Charles M. Freeman of MoMictienwere nmrri-d there last week in tho homowhich the physician bad had prepared forhit* brldo for over n year.

Thtmus Kilrndp. Palma lias been electedtbe tirst President of Cub t. Those whooppo-tfd him stayed away from the poleswhich in the South Amwtijiui method ofexpressing d'.sipproval of a candidate.

William MCDOURU, one of tho men soseriously injured in the col'npse of tliecupola at tne Stanhope furnace threeueeks aero, died iaBt week HH a result ofbis injuries. He was the second victim.

Tinporttnt- U ilt.jt,


Tne band of Providence has removedour aooA brother, Mr. John Lomplnc, sud-denly from the «ceno of hid Unvorallabois, and from tola church of uhlcn hewasauolUcer. Tuo couucll of thb First mm M § ^% .Lutheran church deuires to testiry their iUg\ • « / §Jr% I£\ \mg § g% « Toitrnest and alTecttontte sympathy with f f f C / l r V U U i U W C / t / O lthe household deprived by ttilt di-peuoa-tlon. Mr, Lorn pin 4 waa sincere, plilu aud ihonest; he waa ju*t, beiievol*nt and kind. I The busv season with us is over, SinceHe nuvur diuHpujltited thoso who believed , * , . . . , ,In lilm. ;it} measured up to ovo y duly taking inventory, I have concluded to offer

5 f C T ^ l S ? inu"^?.™yd to makeup the goods on hand a. less than

^SP CDSt- ' pre("the cash M Ule goods''pre"uuiHuuim mnuro upon HOIUO onu eiae; uuwaH always wilHi'K and re'idy to bear bU fer to be kept busy all the time, and 1 wantju«t proportion of the result. - • , _ . . ,

It wan characteristic of our depnrtcd room for Spring stock,brother to have a cheerful disposition. [He was u Christian. Hi« confidence inGod W4s strong. Ho always ployed an im-portant part, in tbe encouragement andprosperity of tho enngreg ttion and duttplyconcurned himself in the welfrt.ro andprogrifH of his spiritual home', be It there-

It&alccii, That In our natural sorrow forthe lust of a faithful raewer «nd officer,wo urid consoUtion in tho belief tbat It Uwoll with him we mourn.

Ite&olccd, That wo sincerely condolewliti inu family of the deceased on tne dls-

nti with whih It has plna^d Divlnor _ with which it has pleased Divino,••• j Providence to tir.'ut them,*.nd commend

jiiu nut 1UHL issuuu re- t l l 0 i n for consolation to Him who order!that th i population of IH11 lhl(12» f " r t l 1 0 heat, and whoso chastiseand all the colonies f*| m«nta«ro meant in mercy.

Resolved, Thntthe heartfelt testimonial81233,01)1)". Of this number nearly sevenmillions are credited to tho Philippines.

Hunterdon county is said to hare a mov-ing mount din near Q mtct^rtown. It I.H 120feet hlch aud has a trontnge of about 200feet. Within the last few years tbu hillhas moved 50 feet and has left a deep gulchbehind it.

Three men broke into a hotel at Dan-ville one night last week and carried oil" ahusjo sufe in a wagon. The nolao arou-edthe servants and tliti robbers hud to leavethe prize unopened in a nearby Held toavoid urrtst.

They are having a real boom in realCBtate in Morristown during tbcue firstdays of the new ytar. Tranbford since theilratof tbe year agarocate fully f 150.000and include some of tho oest known prop-erllea In tue town. ; :.: . : .:

The Governor has appointed FranklinO. Brlggfli a former mayor of Trenton,to the ofllce of State Treasu'cr, muchto the dUuust of a large nunibor ofparty leaders. Mr. Brig^s1 ntino hadhardlv been mentioned ie cjnneciion withtlie o(liea.

The People's Bank of Dover has becomethe Dover Trust Co. and will make nnactive bid for bUbiuesu. It will remainopen until 4 p. m, on Saturdays aud willalto be open from 7 to 9 p. m. on thatnight to acuomtuodite business men andmechanics who may wish to make latedeposits,

Tne total reduction of Great Britain*military forces in Soutt. Africa, from tbebeginning of tbe war to the end of Decem-ber, including deaths from distrtee, im>'i

ted l t a i n a SS fi2!)_. this number 19130 e actullv killtdor died. A total of 01.330 men were inval-ided home.

The American AJkali Company of Phila-delphia id thB Burject of some aewep^porralk just at present, Ft'tine of the stock hol-ders feeling that W. W. Globs Wtw paid toomuch for promoting the formttlon nt t iecnrporatioii the amount being over f 1 000,-000. Ic is probable there will he litigation

ver the a flair.

A get-rica quick a?ent hid worked up abiir line of business for liis gold miningcompany ia MorrUtown a fow days ago

Resolved, That tho heartfelt testimonialof pru>imt>te and resolutions now adjptcdbo transmitted by ilia secretary of thocouncil iu the family ot tho deceasedfriend. CODICIL.

Public; Sale

Household Goods,IlarliiK.di'cliUxl to tnk«- 1111 my rent,nwlit iiiiotlii-r city, I will HI-II my litiiiitc

linl.l j11 n vi


l i gjorted nilcsinc. etc., auiounnathis number 19*130 were actunllid f 1330

niuriVrrudHe promis

cdid-75,030 for

every £750 invested and the authoritieswisely concluded that he couldn't c.irryout the contract,

Chicago ha? struck upon a now fad inthe stiHpo of "progressive dinners " One'if lhe. e functions was given on New Ycnr'aOay by the tniinbird of ttia Ooimmunt'wuij,' an aristocratic orginiz ttion of lakejbure residents. After tinlaiiinc the firstcourse at ttie reiideiue of onu member theparty "progressed IO the bouse o! another,vutire the Hecond couiaa \v«s served, andio on. • There ware six coursed, aud a halfhour was devoted t j each.

Postmasler-General Payne started on hisbusiness career as a dry K°"ds clerK, andthe new SuureUry of tne Treasury dhawivits thirty yenrn > go peddling fruit trot's tomake a living. Ttie-*K things go to showtbat the rodd to comptieuce and nigh

' Ion issiill open to p>ior boys in theud States. Push hriitgn tut;cess Des.

pile the contrary opinion of ihe pesslinisLthe way to prelerniem is not barred againstnny man,even the humolesc.

The State of Pannsylvania is buyingirne tracts of forest land and holdli'is? it

until intitured. New Jersey 1ms been;ontemDt^tinir a movement in that direc-tion. It is claimed by ihoso who bavegiven the suhjuct study that it is the only

;,y to protect our forests from being cut,on" to th^t id addiitiin they will

n become a auurtie of profit to the State.The forests have a gre-it deal to do withthe climate and should be protected.

Edward B. Dolton of Trenton, who up toa year atro wan one of tbe Durtnen* in thehjg grocery firm of Win. Dolton & G.J. ufTrenton, was examined lant week betore areferee in bankruptcy. His answer lo allquestions wan tnat ho hud tpeculjtud. inMiockfi and had lost. HIH 1> RH»« in Hueyears amounted to more than £125,000 midconsumed hisen'ire hue rest HI inu gro-enry business. It is not p obaol« ihoyoung tnnn will receive bin tliHotmrye inbankruptcy without aome protest from thecreditors.

;o pardoij Frank E. Ewotitt, the dtfauititifiFormer clerk of ttie Morris county Board»f Freeholders. Everitt has now been ioprison ab >ut a year. PracticiHy all themoney taken waa refunded witu the un-' )rHt*ndlng that lie would not be given a

, ison sentence. It wai had enough todeceive the unfortunate muu in to id mun-:.jer but hi* wife and fanillv are the onen:

who have auffdrtd1 moat. Ttiey have been

ithout funds over since tho husband and-,Father was taken away.

John O. Odlar was arrested in.Phillips-_arg lastweett chareod with bewtlnga Mil*lord hotel out of ?75 with a b«d cluck.

|)rt>nt1nf(4 nn Cnui I.1., mmmi'iiclUK iu. i:;toii'i-ltick

KATUIUUY. .1ANUAKY 18, 1OOJ.TIII'HKI .•inhnii'fH 4 Mrii-Hclx cii'i>cl«—tIti-n-iiii mid <itn> Imll; flHlr.n.in *ult, l)lnlii«"uiblf nn.I «-lwui>. {:('iH!k«-ry miU kttclioii uti-ii»l\<, I'nrlnr h-ifa. 'I'IIIIIIN, ll-illsi'luilii S.-vi|nMarlilu... [•••iMIiitfl.f.l in wanlroh.' pnt i rni'otvfi #t>wv* anil c>i>lrr4, oiuvli, VmwitluiitM anil ituwiTK. ItnliluT tlri'il WiminliiitiilHiinii' s.-t nl linr.,i'«H, lilmiki-tK, liariiii-iinliti, irnnIt'll tool", i-tc. No utn'iuiil IIU1) i iniHlc tu uiaki- a c-nni|>1<'tt< ciiiiiiicnitiiii

CttiiilltlutiK m.-iilc Known nn «)ny nf «nl.'..\ii:s. niAXK it. KO.SS.

I'. <\ TlKHUIHMIi, AlK'tlr t'P,I1. S.—Mv iii-w mnl iiKiiliTti «<i|i]i|>|H>il rv>

.l«iR'i> 1.- for mit.> al n euirriuci-. lin^Hrr ,ixivlil Itiiriroii.


Farms, Wood Lots, Etc.•••r Is (*n.i.\vi:t!V d!" .VI:M* JI:I:HI:V.IIN inniAi.r o r .IIIIIN ii. ( I.IM; AND (tTin:]ts,' It'y \ i ru ic i>( mi in'/iur. I^IHMI nut of tl

Ciiiirtof Ciiinit'cr.v in nn% in I lie nbovv p-tiit.mtitttT, 1 will OXJHISL' toHnlt'iupntilicvonilii

WKDXESD i.Y. 'I 'lli: TWKLI'TII DAY <>i"i;ititu.\i(V,

A. H. l!H)J. :it tlit'linni-of tmlf ]inwt 1 »'i-l»<flinri) in tilt- aftt-rtHmn uf tliut any, a t IIKiilmur Uuiwi'. in tlie

VILUUIK Ol-' STKWAKTHV1LLK,yille. In tlit' TD\VIISII||> i»( i

uf Wti , Si"

[1} A -[T'Mil | . . [ ,[lWtlKlllp.fOllttlllltt ttml irt buuuik ' i l li.v Inn

itl! tlie

nt tiiiiil.iiiiillrt

(I) . .Snroilliinnnii.v

Mi hn | mn tlu> Lewis Clii


wih,mnllnioi i . l i i i i i . l r . . l i l iy

nll.uvliivr liin.ls: Nnrili, Win. lillf.v. t rv D. Cliii)-: nnnlK'iiHt. I'ni'innn lint-T: sni i l lnvot . .Ins. All.-n (mil Win.

llumllii Tliis l.»l n-tii«r»rnii>rlrkili)Wiiiit4 DieWin. I'lniiinii-i- ^ Siiiiv<l I<M,.

(."I. A imiiM- «ml l.'it Mtiinic In •Ilnrmnny(iwiiNliip, coiitiiliiliiu fix nun'* ;uxl tlil'ly-

.•ltrliMiiiiiiln<iltlii«n(iin HIT.'. Un tills I'.'t ini uliiilci' yminir hmrlni: aiMili- nri'hnnl. Timtriifit u.ljnliis l.in.ls nf Jnlin OHWIIIII, ili-nryl)i|<-mv<'l-h'r, Mulik'ii iLinl .tui-oli Willliiniriuii,

-:tlvt-lv.(CO. s mnniukliii low

] l l i

Thir* lot(T). S|

lot, sis .vcnr« fin

r.-linll Mllli-rTills

Smll.li lot: iK" l Thi

i iwlili Hurlv H" fnvU'rilu rorsort, . ,

(SI. A f'lnn rfr-mi'rlv In - ....Davl,] I'. ClliiffnriMA It in xliutitu in Urn-n-with tnwtiKlilfi.- M>V\JIIIIH ^iinfjiunilrwd Jin<|

til'h'iiil1 : It'/i

Vihif nut hinnlry-slx-IUMiilrclth-.'l t f

villliiKH tliiUM—.-ill

() t

itui mnlIMI-urid

olm It. Clli•lii'n. Kenn(Hi). A \

'"viiU'iitlni' Vminjr

i i r l r i i r i . ^ f i n j j l c t n c . i tIHIH. Tliis fnrin aOjoliilicrly, .<;.•». lla'iilln >nnIt. Oliiii' ami IIIIUTK,

l l l i

"(JiiriiLT Clhie

uliiH ti-n iieren. It

- llL'lllH <lt .lollll It.,-n liLihlnnf I'lillipml (inriicr Clint'.

nrtH'iiwIch tnwii-lil's VicrV-H ai'il inijnlnri tract.N n ! « ! l n nto U\iv\ii nf Ci'


1 .Oiler.'boarded p.t-:hV--hot I -seyerHl.and then paid up with the bogus choclt,TfInreceiving a tidy diuarence tn cash. Tfie ! am'Droprietur-diti^not i:diHCu'v'Qrr.(iiiH'r>»hn hpH>i.iro(had been swindled tiriiil two" week"S""la"i»*f, j ! ! ' 1

nH be did notdepoHft the check promptly, j VWhen he did.flnd It out he went cmnping • jj.,on the tmil-of his bl)^rder. Ho cuusfht, t.tn..him in a PuiliipHhurg hotel wbero ho was twopreparing to work the same gime. ' ' ] tvnfii_ Albln MoKonna. u^Htoain derrick: engin-

f n n«nr.v fnC]tssz.fiirj1 l*-Kiii»

Inn«liip, c i i itelii-H in fron

that w t ' t l iHfvnnty five U'

lY A t I


uwnthvpiiuiirKilnillillnjrH. nil IH

LuO]ulii^lnmlH_oftir\Vin.- Hitutii and

rl"vlfe ^Lryiiwlt"!ni? tlilrtv-twn fi't't,nniltin MIIIII Mtn-t-t mnl ns-eHtwiinlly. one liiiiidrt'i]'V. It. ii'ljnliiH innilN of

l l i f ' inileer employed hy' the Central railroad, mot I f'i'.|V.L A* vjicn'iit "l '<t .(•niital'ilni; Vifn1

wlthaUHOuidentat High Briritre oue day! tlilrty-Hix-iiumlreiitliH nt an nfn?.mtunn* Inlust week which resulted in his death n Sii'wttrtMviiic ami iv'-}n\»» itimin <>t tlie M. &•few hours lalor at too Eaatou Hospital. [ •<• "'• U Co., Morrln Oaiml Co , iiml Siimli II.



GUARANTEED.Clothing nnde here is pressed, cleaned

and kept in general good order at a very

little cost.

We alter Fur Coats to the latest style.


61 £ Washington Aye.

WEALTHis more a matter of saving

than anything else. While

one may get rich through an

oil well or a copper mine, a

hundred gain wealth by sys-

tematic saving.

The first step in saving

should be an account with





VALUABLE LAND.irtue nf mi onlor nf tinis'Uoitrt. nuulf mi the, A. U l'MH i h

irn io inf . lnt public v

SATi;i:i)AY, Til II I'lltST DAYOK KBllULWlEY.A. I). V.W'J,

it. tlii-St.Cloinl lIntel. Iti WiiKtilmrtoti.K.J.,ill that lniftof tlllalilt- a nil w<>..i| lau.l slln-i tein tint tti\viiHlii|ii< of Franklin ami Wnsli-ML'tim. Ill the i-o ii ii IV nf Wjincu. nf niilcliI I C Rl 11d l l l ) l l l l

ilc m nntlk'iiln lti.ink-1i j l W

(y Ailani Wiimiihiir Infn tin' U'an.Mi':onntv0 of Dt'i'O-. ntip-n «:!"i,riUT in 1 N7I; II.'LII n>

in. Kiniit'nnilitin

j T

11 Il'iok IT. of Mi-Mils, Jiairr .10.-. t'llMU M.Cnok. liv "Iwil ilnteil IVhruar.r.jiiul r(>L'iinli>cl la Ilonk l-t:t uf l)wi| f,

O.". mi-.: liv JIHIU'M LnniL'rwnn liv tliri't*niMiiiuk. 'In 1S-.-1. rfcnnled In ltnokei'ds, pimc :t:tti; one iniiile hi 1ST!),opl..|] In Itnnk VJM nt liycdr. pti^o.. Jimi <n»' innilf In ISS(J. 'let'il reeonl-nk IL'S nf n,'tuiK, imire:^.*,.mlt. urv freu from nny liei s as the ro-ill HIIOW.n.] In vnhinhlc fur trucklnir. wlili-h

snt'cpKMfull.v followed while llvlnir.N nuiile kiiOWiTT.L tlniL' anil place.

OSCAR JKKFKUY,Ailniinlrtrrninr of Jai-nti C. Klnney.

cO : Dt't. :t 1, I'M 1. IV* fee, iJT.liO.


norristown,JNew Jersey.



ASSETS, • $2,377,036 /

LIABILITIES, - - - 2,155,235 5

SURPLUS, - - - - ,221.301 2,

•ftNTKREST Is ileclnred mid paid in Jauuary nml July of each year froni Lite

piofits of the previous six mouths" business

jrniiPOSITS made on or before the .1"! dtijw of Inniiiiry. April. July ami OclohctHrnw interest from the first day of saii)_uioiitliH'resjiectively," ;•• '-•:•••—— •>-- " •:-» -

age which had cau^nt under tho derrick I rnnd partly succeeded when a piece of iron |flaw up and hit him on the head. He WHTknocked down and remained unconsclou:for an hour. \?A 8peci«l trwiu w«ii lilted upand tho injured man was taken to E istoo,!a distance of twenty-one milen, in twenty-:

five minutes. His sku 1 vvas fractured, itwas found upon'examination, and deathresulted in a lew hours, ... . ',

"to "tli"**' "piVrt'li a iwriTri t "nny"ucntiniu'd iiren '»ml (lomiln'il

• • • mi tht'fli'tifrl|]trmi m'9 ptirt.leitlri,rl.v(li'rt<-rlln'il from thfi l iwcrli i t l i in nnin r n n t ' incil in <I(M;I)H for tliu name, n o w in the

T i b r

\ a nint.Hunt Clliic.find nUt

What e»erv ono neods for any bloodVborder is Rim'n'fl Iron Tonic. Tno'jt

Frod Henahdw, a fireman of Scrfinton,WHS: badly.-M«Mod in. an. Hcn1de.t)t;r:whl(>h,.-happened at Rockport Tuesday evonlnjjri"He was Hitting nt bis place in tbeca^ whenthe driving rod broke and one of the pieces disc. ._ - -mRde o.revotailou, puncturing ,the boiler most impoverished Byntem wlU.bo.invL,and cauBlng the steam to escape.1 The in-iated and toned no by the uso of tMa pl•ejaredmanw^-bUrcnto'triavEaaton HOB- blood pnrlfl«r, Lar^e bottles ?lpp^-Waipltal.-1- •'•-•'••-•--^:- -rys- •---:::-:- —r-. - .;:..-. - ^ ^ ^ ren OountyDrug Store. " .



PRICES O N . . . .


M.A. VSasten'sHardware Store

1 Now is the time to buy.

The RightPaper.

Your room has limitations.The right paper will improveit, the wrong paper will mar itThe color and figure are bothimportant. Our variety isgreat enough to enable us tosuit you and your room. You'llbe pleased at the range of de-signs and prices-

Cooke's Storehas been the dispenser ofthousands of rolls these lasttwenty-odd years and weknow our business. •

Without going into detail;without making any rashclaims, we urge you to

Look Over OurShoe Stock.

It's not the largest in town,but we know of no worthierline—worthy because ofgrades: worthy because prices

extremely low forup-to-date, reliable

are sostrictlygoods.



B U T T E R I N E-••••• -{.:• 20c ! b ; : 5 lbs for 90c. r :•.-.-

•Ive poiimlri of Pmiiw 2r.cri'.USll IMJItK.s t i / r j.'uitK.



.nrKt'THti Salmon. 10c

" " ('iVrii!!..1".?.!!!!!!;!"!!"!!"!.!"!!!!.'!!!!!!)):TWO I'tHJ.N'DS »l-;ST IIAKiXi: I'OWDKIlAND A J' '1M-: JI)OUUL.K HLANKKT,$l.O0.

Cor. Belvlilcre and Carlton Avenues.





Men'sCold Weather


ULSTERS.They are bin, long fellows that

comedown to your feet, yet iheydon't hanf; heavily on your shoul-ders. - Made of Oxford Friezes and'Chinchillas, $10.00.

REEFERS.The reeler is the thing for the

acth e, ouliloor man; tieeps his body

warn, but the legs free.

Blue Chinchilla »t»rm collar, $3.50

Dark l-'iieze "'.'"••'• '•• $6.50

YOUNG MEN'S SWAGGER OVERCOATS.Extra long, cuffs on sleeves, vertical slash pockets: some with

yokes, others without; worth 312.50; our price $10,00.


Winter is here in earnest; no need to shiver when comfort is so

cheap. Everything that is needed for cold weather.

The best grades at lowest prices.

A PertinentReminder on SHOES For Men, Women

and Children.

You must wear shoes; you should wear GOOD SHOES, espe-

cially if you can get the reliable kinds at reasonable prices

We have the SOLI: AGENCY.for the following celebrated lines:

Ralston Health Shoes ior Men .W. L. Douglas Shoes Jor MenFranklin Shoes for MenQueen Quality Shoes for Ladies .Boardman Shoes for Ladies

Bvery pair guaranteed.\


Dell Sc MarxsenWashington, IN. J. \


Women's Outer-wear and Horns ComfSTtsYears since we became thoroughly convinced that it was business

wisdom to make a clearing of seasonable goods in season, regardless of

the loss ofttimes necessary to accomplish the object. As we look hack

over the season halt spent, we note with pleasure an unparalleled busi-

ness in Women's outer wear. Nevertheless, a few gaiments ri-main,

and these we are willing to sell at a sacrifice in order to < lose out

quickly and at the same time give our customers the chance to enjoy

tnt-ir beauty and wtrmlh the best half of ihe season. These bargains

will make friends of you if nothing else will:

Sio.oo Coats now

S.00 " "

5.00 "

10.00 Jackets now

8.00 " "

S7.oolS7.5o Furs now

5 95




5 =5









$5,00 Ladies' Outer Skirts S3 75153:00 Ladies' Outer Skirts £1.98

4.00 " " " 2.951. 2.00 " . ' • " 1,47

Children's Coats . . . . . . . . S'.oo to S3.06

Blankets and Comfortables all reduced to from 50c to S3.50

It is quite unnecessary to say that in almost every instance the

p:ices quoted above are less than the articles cost us at wholesale, and

so much so, in fact, as to cause us no inconsiderable loss. We do not

believe that many dealers will sustain an equal loss. Come early

j i ! t h t t j b t

liickfeiled t^se l^ at Christ-"


-'•'wdiiiar.-•'Perhaps'they Vwere" a"1

little too expensive. We're

going to sell them, neverthe-

less, and hence announce »

on the price ofall these goods.

They are really exceptional

vr bargains. < k



Warren County Drug StoreF. H. JENKINS, Proj'r.

Pen and in^ or Pencil ?^Which-W.as..used in signing the Declaration of In-



r ^ d ^ e ^ ? V y i / i V e r y i a i r y t h e y usGthc

above arti'des, and when if comes to Tablets'aiid

Boxed Paper, \ve lead and can prove it. We will

sella full pound of fine Satin Finish Paper, about

480 sheets, for 15c. Think of that. We will sell

you our best White Envelopes, good gummed, high{''cutl'at 5c a package; a box of 25 packages for $1.00.

=^Caiuyj}iy;loJiRttej^r.The._hejU, hik_in to\yn.at-5_c.ar. . J

W bottle, fuli 2-ounce". Remember us when you write.


,.., OPERA HOUSE BLOCK?=';- C M. WiUiams.

The Star and Tri-Weekly New York Tribune,

::,i:^:$2.^i£EiiYear,Jn;:Ad^nce.: ; -^ .IZI^


-T. ; , . • . . . . — • ! • • — "

Page 5: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


CHAI. L. STI , Efi

The Celebrated Scrantoi) CoalATJISTA1L. -.;''

. WMhlnirtoa, N.J . , l ) M ombor3 , !«»•At Uo I)., L. * W. U. 1. BlBvnled CIllUeK, nl

n«ncl ..I I rat right Imnil uroot ut»T Now w/a<laor Hotel.

"rnto f 4/B par t?n.'£«.* *.«»[wrtou.Siovo *.7Bporton.Ufaentnut , 4 73 per ton.Tea (tormwl l>y »om» companies .

; . No.3L'hMtuui) atowertoo.Hitrkwlinit $-UiO •

Ulatftcniiitttiliih'ijr lilUimiuouacoal, fc.O) tier ton.ir"UoHt qimlltloit ftlwayu on band, dry (tinder

cover.) •Coal londoil direct from chutett (over Bcreona) ID



' cm be obtained only at ourcbutea Alone tbeMorris t'nnal at Ito juntion wltb llolvTdorc

ie. . , *ftgg , 14.76 per tontitovo ; . . . . B.IW * '•

. . -Chestnut .". . . R.00 •• -l*ea "... . ."8.60 •"All coal UnJ^r uovor and ilollvored to wagon

over ScriM'QH. Tha superiority ot Leblgh ValleyCoal lion In the fnct that It'la harder,' burnslonger, gives forth more heat, burnt) up cleaner—tbe boat, thorotoro tbo cheftpwt.

Bituminous Coal $5.00 per ton .K. L. CLINB &, CO.

The Liekawanna Is having so mo nowcon I cliutcs erected at P>irt Murray.

UustUvo Johnson,a well tnowij citronor Peqtioit, died laitt woofe Tory suddenly.

Uaculled for letters lit tho Washingtonpont-olUco nro nddreitcd to William Brit-ton and H. A. Korr.

Bunuol i'eorof this placo waitho prizeboHtniHti on the c-uul this year. Bipremium amounted to f77 50,


t V .vcent wnter In theDelaware Andrew Yotter of Blairs townlunt about?2 000 worth of railroad (leu,

Watann G.t.n-j of Allamucby has sold hisfarm there to Ills brother, CJinton Qibb»>and expect!) to locate ln Texas i n n fewmonths. • '

Philip' innelly and Charles Mllhatiplayed the final ft a me in the pool tounm-

WhKflold Dunn baa eucceedod GeorgeWilRon In tba butcher business at Alia-muoby. ; • ; • • .

Too ico donlcra are nit bu«y hurvontiitheir crop. Tbo canal ico Is aboutaovoiInches thick.

Tho Methodist people of Port Coldewill hold an oynter suppor there on Siturday ovonlnpr of this wcok.

Mra. Jamea Nixon was takon by Dr. Coxon Monday to tbe hospital ut Newark,whoro flho will undergo fin oporation.

op C<?Ic of Dclawjre will doli?«r. aJccturo on "Forty Years a Tramp" at thoKplflcopnl church on Thursday evening.

nwann* stock his boon high of I a to.Strong efTorta to buyitaontlt to$25S poiHharo laat wcok. This Is a very high price.

Tho Campbell Milk Cvnpinyof Hacketthtown will erect a $3,000 plant it] nddltlon to the croamcry it already has at thatpl'ICO.

Tho bl;j dam at Columbia la nciringcomptctlnu and It Is possible tbo Con-solidated Power & Ice Company will storo

amo Ice this winter.Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Warne or High

BridRo, and formerly of Washington, arethe parents of a little daughter which ar-ivod about a week ago,Mr. Philip Hutcbtnga will leave tbo em-

ploy of the Neodham Company this weekand take a tnoro remunerative positionwith Behr Bros. In New York city.

MIBS Mnrgle Thompson will take chnrgoof tho central olllco of the local telephonecompany after tho romovnl of S im'J Chris-tine from his present placo of bualnetH.

MrH. Frank FOBS Intends to take up bercadence In Philadelphia In the near

turo, Sho will have a public siito of herhousehold goods on the lS;h hist, at horGrand nvouuo homo.

Some trouble with the Hatters' Unionhaa closed tho HanhniKuwn.bat factorytemporarily and thrown a number of per-sons out of employment. An eHjrt is beingmade to adjust matters.

Tho furniture store and manufactory ofDuncan, Fry & Spence on South ThirdBtrect, Canton, was entirely gutted by nrolast Friday. The building being coveredwith sheet Iron, kept the IIro from spread-

monLiit Frank Van Syckle's pool room nB to adj.cont buildings,this week Hnd Donnelly carried o(r tlt-Bt During the recent (looda along thehonor H, I L'ickQwanna, when in BODIO cases tbo

It must bo remembored that the "mule trains were stalled for two and three days,tlckot" la no l r posilble unddr tho nowelection Utvs. AH nominations must boannounce J at least eight dajs before elf c*

..' lion day," ' i:\ "•".' \. '.'-''.: i1"- ". ' '.Ifyoticontemplate having a public silo

during foiruirj/ or &f trch, you should on-

tho railrOHd company not only rofu idedfares but boarded tho stranded passungorsat tbo best, hotels free of all cost.

Philip SUckles and hla son Frederickuncovered u queer nest in moving a strawstack a few days ago on their f-trm at

gageytur auctioneer without duliiy and Johnaoneburu. Io It were two rabbifs andi f d * n o s u m Th rbbi t d b t thtien lnvu amtico of the due cbossn pub-

Ihhcuin the STAB. .Mn Ann Smith, widow of Joahui

Smlt t died at-her homo In Vail last week.Sne ma seventy-two years old and hadlone ""Herod from rheuui:itlmn,lejvs two sons ana two daughters.

kntvn in tits part of tho State and whoforiirly lived in Oxford, hns jubt boon

n opossum, Tho rabbits escaped but tho'pos&um wont iti the ronsting pin.

Tbo Wetk of Prayer meet ings at thoMothodiat church are well attended and ofdeep interest. The pastor will preach

Sho next Suiidny morning on "PrayingGround," and in the evening tho eubj-ct

Clonol JohnSuboonovor, who Is well! will b« "The Knocking at the Door."

March 7th has been set by tho Chancel-lor as iho date on which he will hear the

applntM- city assessor of Trenton by teHtimony In tho case of Jacob It. Davis ofMirtir KdteoojMti.' It is a very desirable Rockport vs. his wife, to establish theboth and one yielding a band tome salary. ] RI,t»-HUpt!iU contract which has dlaitppoHr-

Crant Cooper, a workman In a quarry cd and which the wife siys never existed,net Allamuchy, met with an accidentlas .week which,it is fonrud will causa himto 3ia hla night entirely. A*wnt IKvyoar*)

, nsttie Io4t his left eye In a hunting acci-' dert and on Tuesday of last week was

strick in the other eye by u falling btoncwbte at work.

It tins juit become known locally that

Pastor England will occupy bis onpulpit next Sunday, both mjrnlng amevening.

Robert Hoi man's interest la babyhoodwas revived last Saturday when tho otorkvisited bis West Johnston at roc t homo.Tno littto follow will doubtlesj bo calledTeddy.

Tno Foreign Missionary Socloty of tb<Proibytorlan ohurch wilt hold a prjliieservice ln tho chap jl adj fining tho churchon Monday evening. A number of tbofadfos hava boon selected to speak on mis-sionary tubjacte,

Tbo fntoroit thus far manifested at Ihospecial meetings bains bold at tbo Pres-byterian church this—tbe Week of Pr*ycrI such that 11 baa been doclded to continuethem throughout next Week UIHO, Satur-day night oxcepted.

Noxt Monday ovonlng, Jan, 13>h, theRev. J, VV, Rmdolph will deliver an ad-dross to tbo momberti and friends ofron Council, No 10, Jr. O. U. A. M., Inliulr council room. His subject U ''JUn

and His Duties." There will bo specialinualc.

Uiidortaker D. B. Liubach has been en-gaged for several wueks In tho work ofconstructing a no-v bearao or funeral car.Thus far bo has doao all tUe work without

and he belluves ho can fluiau Itwithout going outside fur anything sipossibly a portion of tho running-gears.

In a rear ond collision which occurredm tho N. Y., N. H. & H. R. H. yesterday

morning at White Piaioa, N. Y.t flftoenle wero killed and more than forty

Beriomly Injured. Tho trains came to-gether in a tunnel and it was over an hourefore any of the dead could be taken

from tho wrockdgo,At a rocent mooting of Starlight Lodgo,

K. of P., tho follow lug officers were elect-ed : C. C, Bernard EagroO} V. 0., Wilson

ox; Prelate, E. A. Boom; M. of 13 , J. W.1ne; M. of F,, Archie Lauce; J. of R. S ,

Charles Force; M. of A., C, N. Sbropt; I.Q., John Sheet*; O. Q., C. E. Oshorn; Kef).G. L , Archie Lance; Alternate, John

heets. , ,.Tho 29th annual meeting of the Neweraoy Bt-tto Board of Agriculture will boold at tho State BOUHO at Tronton on

Wudneadny, Thursday nnd Friday of nexteek. Persons hiving specimens of dlu-ised fruits and vcgQiaoles, and also per-

fect samples of vegetables, fruits and grainsare invited to bring them for exhibition

urposes.When the employcos of tbo Taylor Iron

& Steel Co. at High Bridge opened theiron tbe Stturdjy before Now

fear's each man found another envolopoEinclosed. In this was a card wishing theaoys a "Happy Now Year," and a twoollar bill. As thoro are -150 employees

;hfs little divl lend to labor coit tho com-jany about £900.

Architect Joseph Bell DoRemer contem-latea le-iviig Wushlngton and taking up

Well Known Kx-lt.illroudor l>cud,Aloagandovoatful lift* * « bMUKht to

lolosooo Moad*y wnon Dtvld Sofltndn,a firmer rosidltiii bo*«voeu P.irt Murrayaud Mt, Bdtnel, Huddonly ox pi red whiledoing Hnmi work abuut tbe burn. C

Mr. EIulTnan was fornmrlya well knownrailroad uugluoer «nd pasaod tbo groitorpartofhfs life in theaorvlco of the D., LW. I» 1S9I ho was tho otiglneor ol the lit-fated twlu tnat ran Into tno reir end ofanother passonifer train on the N b

CENT A WORD COLUMN.AdrertlMmeata under tnla bead aro publlined

at tue uniform raw of one cent a word, bat no•dverUBenj.flt will be recelyed fcr leu tain iscents for the first Insertion. C

Pon 8ALK— P'oocrtloi locatodBroad strw«i; 23 E Church street, f.Beetboveo avo <uo. tjinall Hinnuit flrequired. B It Wolvorton,street, NowHrlr, N. J.

FOK SALE—A full blooded maiUoudows In wolch many pooplo wuro (I'mnxlt-I inr {500 St.ounl Klnnoy, Bui-killed, and wblcti went into liUtorV as thoworst wreck thai ever occurred on tboroad. The accident happened on a tvrjr

morni'igand tbo collision was duonegligence of tbo rear hrrfkemnn

nhetd la not putting out bis II ig. Mr.

tjrmilk rirfdje, Wublngfrn H. O. 'Fort SAI.K-Black Plymouth RorJc and

Kngli'b Itttd Ctn Cock-r. I-; f 1 (X) t-cliuntil April 1st. W. J Sickle, W«ubinKt>i

n—Position as farmer r r tuannheid In not puttlnB out bis lltg. Mr. T P o s i t i o as farmer r r tunniUofTmin w.ts very badly hurt and It wad a 8 t D p . t^ t ty°u"K "J i r rle(l win d».|rlng to»-luD4 time before no got about ag*ln. makoaciangp. I q lire ntSTAH om.-o. ItHe never fully recovered and since then! HKALTIIV PEACH THEES—Htvo every-has HulFdrod with What p yshlan cill ajthlfjt 11 wachea tu^t Is worth g r o w i ;

y r e e dhas HulFdrod with What pdflated hunrt A yoar a«

then! KALTIcill ajthlfjit 11 i

l I

E E H t v o eerytu^t Is worth growing;' ptu'm etc ; n * citdilated htntrt. A yoar ago last mjm'aer, also, apulo*, potr<, ptti'm, etc ; no -

when thittectlon wus vlsftod by BO in iny'logue frco. I BtnMntuu every tr^o, plant,heavy tbunder ut'jrms, bo was prostrated | vino, etc., wblub I Hell, to bu stroi>g root*uooti more than ouo occasion by tbo vlo- '"" ' ' — . . .mice of tbe elements, tho heart atmott ro-

filling to perform Its proper functionswhile tho exekiug woatbur conditions con*tinuud.

od, ho-ilthy and hardy. Sinunton'ri Nur-HerloH Asbury N J

lthy and haAsbury, N. J.

O i account of »olling my firm, I offjr for»aloM«fl.|rnier Tnrumer «nd Power with

— , douhlu h..rfijer and tailings elevator, all InMr. Hoffman was novor able to re-mmo^ocHlordo?. O.borns.Binder and iiolior,

railroading after tho wreck on tho me*-; t-n-hoograin drill with ft-rlilizeraud smtsdpws, and since th<t time ho his lived on Beed attachment: hay and foddar cuttt-r;his farm near Port Murray. O.i Monday birn "and c»imt*r BMIW; good fanning

' • - 1 - - " -*"• h ••« -*«•••- mill, and other good farming tools. Mir-shall Burd, Washington, X. J. M0-tf.

A. B. O"na& Bro. and L. M. D tvh atllBlbbard Bo ittjrdBrtraapariiUC«ugti Syrup

m n l K h» went, to tbo barn to do theunual work and shortly after bU wife foundhim dodd In tne corn crib, iln brid evi-dently expired suddenly white shellingcorn wltn which to (eed tho c'lktcenfl.

A poculUr feature of Air. Huff.nan'a lifewas ttiat whoaBchild his only brotherand ulster were separated and, althoughthey miystUl botu bo alive, be hus ricverheard tinvthing concerning ihe whorea->outa of eUrior. Dii'lng tho war hostrve't

In ttic 15 h X. J Vols. Ills ago WHS 67years mid 6 months,

Tho funeral will be held on Saturdayfrom his late homo at 11 o'clock n. m. In*

lon will bo made In tho Alt. Bothelcetnotcry.


J A S U ^RY BCONO VIY SALE.One lot of H tlf-Bltucherf Linens at 22Ac.Odo Lit of Horcerfz*d Bietched ar. 26a.0 ID L it of U >t)l£AClied LInutiM nt 35cO IB Lv. of Ujoleaahed Linens, extra

One L >tof 53'cent Linens at 5(b.One L >t <>f 75 dnrt 85j. Linens at 65c.

BloHcbwd LiDfmi.—TuoTimeto Buy.One L i t ot 50j, BleHctie-J Linens at 392.O I H I,'«.ofB9) Blvair-eJ Linens at SO J.0 id Lot ot 75c. Bleached Linens at 59 s.One L i t of SO.: Btoiicnod Luiens at 75;.0>ie Lot tif $1 00 Blo*cbod Unens at 89j.All vor.v cboico pa1 ternsaud line q>i<lity.l o special prices on goods from $1,23 to

L 75.Weu-geyou to take advantage of this

sale promptly.W J I LAUUVCH A S O X , Easton, Pa.

P.S—ANo upoclal bdrgufns In Towel-iff, 3J j . t -lo.» 5a. and up.

A rilip|iy Cttlt'brutfotl.A very pleasant surp-lio took place a t

,ho borne of Mrd. Win. \V >lfe, ut dte^var s-rille, Stturday eveniog, when a numnor ofelghborH and friend* gathered there to

:oltiOrato the 29;ti annlverr-ary of hor hirtb.imong those p^e^ent wero: RBV. J . O'udor, Mr. and Mra. Joseph Martin, Mr.idMra. Tiito Butler, vlr. and Mrs. Hit-torant and daughter Agnes, MMind Mrs.

Wm. Kidney, Mr. and, M«-H D ivid War-man, Mr. and Mrs. Quorgo VVuifo and twosons, C Inton atid Eirlt-; .Mis Samuel Rlne-

LOST—Gold rimincd utine TI


clfl In a Chrisitable reward

' Gt Gti, U V . S i a l e rewardlor their return tn V»*. 1,1 Ax'ord's Grocery,

HOUSE FOH SALB—Will woik Blnule ordouble; guutle and kl d: sell cicap. In-quiro It S. Smith, No. CO West Warrent re t It



MIsiTheodoHi Flf ffinnn wnnts a plncoaigenoral work elrl in private futility. Ad-dross hor at tho Washington post-oOIco. It

FOR SALK—Twenty toni o ' hi<; 1000bun 'lea of cornstalks. Fort RENT—Two*borso farm'near the baruugu. CharlesDlrtzer; It

FOR SALE—120 gallon oil tank, showCfls s, "tovu, c ock, etc , very cneap. Callat 24 Eist Washington avenue, Washing-ton. 1-2-tf.

FOR -KENT—Tho offices of the lato Dr.Wm. Siiita; barn ou promises. Mrs.3tu< 1-2-tf,

A GOOD DAIRY FARSI for rent or aalo.Theodoro Y. Conovt-r, Box Q2, ClinUu.N. J. 1-2 tf.

FARM FOR RENT—Apply to Jaraea L.1-2-tf.

Idow, with nicely behavedSbiulds.

WANTKD-A . . _ .12 year-old son, desires a position and homofor hotli in a family where f.titbfulntm andcompuioncv would he appreciated. Sevenye:irs In present position; host of refer-ences. Iurjiiiro at STAR "dice,

I F Vou WANT A TASTE of tho finestNew O-leatm m-'hasub that has been InWashington for 10 years, onnie to my storeor ueud me your order. Too old fas/iionedopen bottle pure, unbleached kind we usedto get, sweet as sugar. U. M. Rush.

WASTED—A mnrrled firm hand hy theyear Iroin April 1st, on farm near Wash*Iniitori. Jdcob Fitts*. 1 2 tf.

FARM FOH SALE OR REST—In first clasanpt-; nuvv burn mid ttritds good dairy

fdrm; handy to creamery; gond opportun-ity t" secure an excellent f.irm. Call ouor ..ddresH W o H WHdlk W h iton, N, J.

WHrron H. Wildrlck, Wanblnc-12 tf.

FOR RENT—TWO houses for rent. Each$S pt-r mo.ich. Wm. A. Stryker.

The trustees of the ButUville M. E.! / .Mwn n n H

un t n«T,H irn,bii V n ( ' h " n r hart. Mrs. L. R. Anry mid eon C-rl, Mrs. church will hold an oyster aupper la tho

.H residence at Grand Forks, North Da- ^ (j r t r l | l l i r , \ i ,9 , R. Berber. \IM . Albert; church baaem«nt on Thursday evening:ota, which H a county-seat town locattd Rush and son E trl. Mr. and .M s Herbert i J4»a«-ry 16, 1902. Ice crcaia arid candy

Money Spending Made Easy.When people know and feel that they are spending

money with True Economy, the spending is easy and satis-factory.

Economy is the key-note of our advertising. The dif-rerence, just at this time, is th;it the note is sounded louderthan during the earlier season]1 IVUny staple lines of wintergoods are to be moved You naturally expect a liberal re-duction from regular prices at this season. You'll get themhere. Reductions so pronounced that there'll be no mistakeabout the economy of spending your money here.


A Week of Garment Selling.Several handsome lots have late-

ly arrived. They'll be sold on aclose margin of profit with a viewto doubling the girment businessduring the next few days.Sio.oo Coats, black or gray, latest

style, satin lined, go at S6.9S.S10.S9 Raglans . . . S7.9S

7.50 Plush Capes . 4 S9

5.49 " " • • 3-4913.50 " " . . S.9S

Children's Coats at almost yourown price; no reasonable offer re-fused.

Mi.» U.mio Horn

lust over tbo Red River from Wisconsin,;oiitaiaing a population of nearly 10,000.:ia tans, at leant, decided to leayo Wasblng-:on for a larger fluid. Ills goiug is a matterror tilncorc regret.

Tho following newly elected oflicerawero installed by Pohatcong Council,Royal Arcnum, on Tuesday eveuii g:

lan, the comely daugh- Retjeut, August Gleiiz; vice regent, ft. A.ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Jojoph Hortman of. Sjhuerm.m ; orator, David Bartron ; sec-~ ,'t lormcily of \Vnshinf;tno, wns | rotary, D. M. Perry; collector, J . M. Ktee ;

~ " . Cooke; chaplain, J. D.Geo. R Uetiltin; warden,

g , rotry, .nwried in July of last jour to E Uvard treasurer, J. K.P'irnt', achalfcir porter on tho Lehiali 'rjornisli; guidf,

i Valley Rillroad>;Thoy aro living at H.izlc-, PH.

As sonn as Joseph Boll Dt'R>mor viiCAtesthe second and third 11 ors of the J. W.Filts buildinti, tlio second It >or will be

itsly lUtod up as a (1 ,t for the occu-pancy of tho ownor, Mrs. Fills, who has

jdccldtd to rent hor big reMdencn on VVestCtinrch street. Tno FCCOIK] II it lias boonrented by Pr. C M . Williams fora homo. I

Lucien Siirope; sentry, U. P. Strwtes.Ilio emp'oyees of Mr. Junes II. John-stoi on Chrlstm is ill tdu him tho recipientof f. band^omo Morris chair as ansloiofth'ir good will. On Now Year'sMr. JohnHton entortiined them all atolabonte turkey d'mn'r, as him been hiscunorn forye.ira, and a most enjoyable

. day m» panned. ••

avomn.tblH borotigli.-.vns H! f r o m - . 7 a r ! o ! o l d . - b r i r J . ' . l l - r « . n r . r t j J ! : c . a l ! i t o d . ; t o ^ t h c . o i r r c t ^ t h J i t L t o W . yand lha detnils wero given of how she only papers ou which tho subscription! viitblo record and standing naioug'thecoiitMctpd tho disc iso. A littlo iiivoHtiiH- price linrt been paid in Rdvanco would bo secret aocletiea of tho county.

Warren Council, No. 16, Jr . O. U. A. M,,bus just closed its accounts fur the termand the inuimerd are highly delightedwith tbe .shoA-Ing. During tho pust fourmonths ttioro has boen a treasury gain ofnearly £3Q0, aud tlio council's asset J areshown to be over f-1 000. There were twoinitiations on Mond.iy night, swelling themembership to 312, the largost in tho his-

d.;-to^thc.oirrct^thJitLtoW.e!.t!w.eo'incil.i=:A-vlS;2flS--ar.Tary-on'! d

Wolfe ftnd son, Robert, and daughter, '• will be on sale. If otormy, next fair even-M'ttle, and ulet-e; Mr. and MM. James inff. All are tnvlttd to come aud havuKrlesand ddughter Magcle, Mr. nnd Mra. good time.Walter Stockor and d<tu^hter Clara,Airs. Margaret W >lfep Misses AnnioTbomsin, Lourse Prey, E;hel CHelen>i Sroue, Myrtl" Kutmer,Co'o, E l n a Butler, Bdile Berger, Luell-oo, E n a utand Kdto Warmnnand Warren W-.lfrt

le B b e r , L e Uvlcssra. J-sne Smith

of Stuwrisvllle; Vlr.K f Pflli

and Warren W.lfr of Stuwrisvllle; Vlr.and ilr.4. G irnor \V -Ko of Pafllipsiurt;;\T d M M 13 D li d

ilr.4. G irnor \V Ko. nnd Mrs M 13. D

ipand sig ,

Wnrren and Ronald, and d-iuuhter, Maud,ofCookaville; Mr mid Mrs. CMIVIII Wolfeaim smi, L,*-H'te, (if Now Villngo, Mr. nndWm Wm. Woodruff of Brand way. A nicesuppo1* was serveil tind after t-penriii g avery pleasant eveni-n tin visitors retui-nedro thtif homes but before going all wfebodMrs, Wolfe ujuuy returua of tho tiappy

iA Kinu Kx'tinple.

ThoChristmaa number of tho( N J S I d

tlonshowcd thntahoia and has been for j hereufttjr admltted-to tlie i s ntpoundseveral weokH in a distanting her usunl good


city and enjoy-! rat[ t h e

.^untrue. Tbo STAII Is uotlfltd bylie Department that there has

Atthu 1 iaL meelingof WashingtonCprapNo. 2fi, 1». O S. A., the following officerswero elected: President,-:,-. A m b r o s e

iryjolmtlon and aaor"O W Dills ' b f i 0 " "° a l10 ' ' ru"'"S "copt In.ono onso Scliuler; Vioe-PrCBdent, WHUam Licoy;I'on of tho oatato of tho l«l.o EHi ill j " U o r o U l° p"p<Jr w»s,oirc"ll>t1"= thousands | Mnmci'of' Forms, Goorgo Morrlt; Eocord-

Dilta, sold the farm on tho Mlno Hill road, I f coplw upon which no subscriptions ha,

loading from Winhinffton ti Oxford, oiHHiirdty fori?23 50 per auro. Tlienalo

been pnid for years.Tho recent floods in aud near

mi'in >t. piMltiO'iterv at t4o Hotol New' m i y ups=it the Ingorsotl Sergeant Drill'Windsor and was well attended. Tbe pur- " - " '" " ' "" D *"* 1>""' t i"~ " '-1™ - 1 - l t -cli'fC.-w.a vlr. R'ib-rt M. Puity.

Mr. and Mrs. Georgn P. Buckley of Ox-• f I I t the! Drc'tv littl ditu»ht > T ' l l l t ° C l )^ t ' r t ! c ' ^'10 '"cation proposed for

* I the now buildings with_ soviiral, loot .of7p~wator.—A" halt has been^cnlletrin'tbo*"pro-

gr«m and It U prohablo the works will bo

Compiin.v's plans fur building a big addi-tion to Ita pi int. in that city. Tho U'mhwater not only fl 'oded tho present plant

"more tiraiTtlu'eo yeTirs old an*d thtT pot ofof th i homo'iold. Tlie b or saved puuntahavo the sympathy of the ontiro coinniu-nit.v, especially since there was anotherdeath in tho family only xix months ntro.

Andrew Brug'cr, a Columbia cirponter,while putting a slate roof on tho Walnut

oved to Puillipsburcr.If any ofour readers ore R in^ to liavo a

public SHIO this season or at any otbei! t imo, It will ho to tlioir ndvuntage to cottho posters printed at this office and use

or a detailed an-Vslloysohool house a fmv d(y» aen,& th° S-TAR 3 ootofftho roorand b«d]yfpr,inod both nn-' n 0 l l n " m ™ 1 No tstablisHlnent produce,klea. Tho snow and Ico mndo tho work b o « < ! r »rran«od or handsomer posters,verydanBornus butMr. Bruglor believed ; h"l>, t h o STAR s JrculHlioo oo.on.tn,.very dancerous but Mr. Brugio:he cou'd do th<» job without accident and field for over twelve miles iu overy direc-

whon he lost his foothold and cauio down.a--~ ^reRMn-^Varner^oni ployed, as :.a "driver.."by" LpstoV'Spangnrihorg In Pahnqu rry

townt-lilD, wns hauling tios nonr Millbrook]Hst woek anil in nn accidont en mo nenrloslnc tho entire outfit Whilo !n tho actof driving flcrnss a private bridge,- overMillbtonlt crock tho timbor-i gavo why andthe wntion, horsos, cargo nnd driver allwont into the icy waters. Warner nian-

savod thotn. 'The qups'ioa aa to the sanitary condition

at the publh school bulMifig hero was corporated at Trenton to build telephone

Lis t Saturday, as Oapt JOBODII W.Johnston was In tho_iict_of Jighting hiapipe for ttii afor <.liiuiui-7muk.e, liia ueuiiof a lighted milch flaw into tho draperyof a wi ndow tind c-tuf ed a tiliuo wliich putthe housohold in a state of consternationBv prompt acii in on tho pir/. nf tho Cap-tain nnd Mr* Johnston, tho fl tenon woro

not until tho

and a handsomo candola-

rained Inat week, a»d

bra hnd been broken,

Tbo U S. Telephone Co. has boon in-

repro- linoa in Warron;j coiinty. It ia the nn-Bontativo of tho STAR visited tho building nounced intontfon, lo v,cover Bejvidce,at the invitation of the health committee Hncbettstown, Wftablngton and Oxfordof the Board of Education, Everything Ir. has not been Ioarnpd just whn is behind

I j> wns found to bo in^"admlrnblo.conditinn, Ibo new po.-pnri.Mnn h« it In b^]lo\fodthe•"":""a'ffVrdInB"iio E'roundswhVtevor'for tho New^Jersay & Ponnnvltftnia Telephone

••• "cOQipIninl '.hat have beon made hy some Co bas decided to invade Now Jersey uu

ingSdcrctitry, Turner Blalnt; Finmce Sec-rutnry,'•iilcj'iS'. Bity; Trcas., George M.Young; CnnliuoCor, Joseph^Trty'O'; InsideGuard, Prank Christine: Outside Ouard,Henry C. Miller; Tru-tets, IS months,William V.mover; Tru^teo, 1 year, JohnBailey; Trustee, G months, Turner Blnino.

Aflor several weeks' illness, on Thursday

homo iu Lopiitcong of a complication ofnilnients, aged soventy years. The de-censed wns a bachelor and a native of AB-bury. Ho had lived in tho vicinity of Lo-patcoug for tho p i t t four years, duringwhiuli timo be made hid homo with thefamily of Herhert Cook. The funeral vheld on Saturday at Asbury, whoro tho re-mains were taken for burial. He is eur-vivod by one brother, Dr. P. G. Crevellngol liroadwjiy.

Ifjiny of our readers^deefra posters ad-vertiHing~sules of wiih"to tuo ' tbe STAR'ScolumtiH for more tliorouubly informingthe ponpli nt \V irrnrt nounty a»d the ad-j icenr territory oi the event, and U id itln-con^enlont to GO mo to tills oflieo, tho copyof what is wanted In print mty be aont bymail and wo will o"cocute tho orior as cor-rectly and na quickly as if a poraonal callwert> made, and forward tho posters bymall or oxprus", bitlile^soeing that a fewaro posted in Wmhlugton. Our ubmgua

^ rAnnjiiiMe for the service ren-dered.

Suparvising principal James H. Griffithof tno Washington public nchonli hts ic-oeived a loiter from the New Yotk Boardof Rodents acknowledging tbo receipt ofhis iitfomittiou concerning tbe courses,library, o to , of the Washington highschool anil informing him that tbe coursescan bo registered nnd that toe Board of

Tor* (N. J. STAR, IsKiied on December 12,' i ti IO example of progressive country

riulLsm. Tvvoiity-Jour well-printed;es were gotten out, Including a tmnd-

a itno cover in red and >>Iai:k. A specialfeature were the "O.d Priunds' " loiters

s'ciittored"" in d 11 urent sect ons of thoc tuiitry. Tnese were Hccompanied inmoHt Instances by photoerttphs of thiwritars, and innat have proved very interesti'ig to friunds at homo. There wad n\sia summary of locil events tor the panyear, and corresponden e was printerIrotn forty-eight ioAfiin ttnd villages oWnrren »nd arijiltiing coun'ie*. tiom*eighty columns wero fillotl with attractiveI.V displ«\ed ndverii.iKinfcnts. The ertiti' nweliibiid P. wislderably over a ton, and cosnearly f500 to product).—Country Adver-

N e w .l.'rfloy IjfKialHtlve Si'ssion, 1 9 0 2Tne Trenton " True A merienn" han ranrte

arr.4«igetneiL-t for thoroiigtily covorinti thtii^ld. BcHldC4 the full cur ren t reports o<leglslittlvd proceedItiga tho utidercurran1

of opinions and action* which preripn!-* ni>dlead to t h e lefTlslntlvo act will bi? car'afulijt"watuhod nnd faithfully reported. All sub-j-ut- i will be iotellj^enily and ii,depend-mtly discussed, and the full Htundnrd o»ur lostalaiivo reports will bu iniintHlued,

T h e publishers will Bend tho d lily p .per,iMt-go paid d u d n e entire session t'opg

$123.Tt$123. A d f iTrenton, N. J.

li ill y p ppaid, dudne entire session, t'o>ddfi Dally Truo American,

12-26-31,Colonel Daniel P. Bentty, Washington,

New J^rwcy. Beatty's Organs £29.75.Pianos ^97 50

FOR R E S T OR BALE—A good small farm.Herirv (J. LOie, Sumuiei field, N. J. 12 2UH.

W A N T E D — Experienced AgriculturalSale?nun. Splendid position. Faruupreferred. American Farm Co., BuQaNN. Y. 12 20-41.

H O R S E FOR SALE—Wi'l drive single andouble ; vury uenlie, Juquire at KisherSBA' mill on Monroe street. 12-19 2t.

F O R RBNT—Bk-ven acres with brickbarn, good in.me house, norcb lull lengthnear Irvin Oainuu'ti. A. W. Crovtllr-E.

12 5-tf.W A X T E D - 5 0 0 tons of ear corn nt highest

nnrke i P.ICKS. Thomas Craig, Jr., Bultz-ville, N. J.

FOR SALE CHEAP—Three good oreans,mo iu a pianu caso, C. S. AmermaVriHliinqton. ll-2S-tf

F O R SALE—TWO good horses, very cheap;also scventl ir'iod w;c"ttd hauatd bougieat.Climiiiie's Ljvery Stable. — ~--.11 21-rr." THE"BEST"OYSTERS it"trie price of theinditlerent Kind, nt J. K. " • ' *

Go to G. S. Mattison'a for crayon andjicture frames, 19 Taylor street.

T R A I N E D NURSE.—MIBS Annie DuHbrd,uedical, surgical and obstetrical nursing,vddress:—Washincton. N. J. 7-29-tf

ALBUMS, BIBLES..Clocks, Lace Curtainstiid Iiu-4S let out on 'time. E. 0 . Siiyder

WANTED—1,000 pigs, 50 poundu and up-•vard, at jiigbc-Ht cash price. If you haveny for Sile write me, Wm.Tinsman, Poit

Hurray.FOR RENT—TWO first-class dwellings in

.lerfuct oi der ; possession immediately.Vpply to the Cornish Co.

FOR RENT—H IUSO with douhlo lot.sra-bli) ai.d uulukon h'iU9tJs. No._5_En|it.._War=u l u k n t jU9ts. No. 5

U—F.:-"t*I i^Ue ii le 1 n ~-~~~~^ \j24-t rV""1

WANTED—Two single men to work onfarm. Uoud wai*0H to cnnd men; iionoottiers wauted. James L. Stiltlds.

The StRr and Trl-Wm-kly N. Y. Trfbnlief2.25 oflr vear. In nrivannn

The STAR and Trl-Weekly N. ¥ . Tribunefi.25 ucr year, in advance.

Reqents will accept hU certificate. Tbls ooriooffnftloii by the Now Ynrte B >ard of ^

Some Special Blankets.Always have them at this season,

always sell them just as they arefor much less than they're reallyworth. They're the sample1 blan-kets that we sell from and they'recheap.

$5.00.Wool Blankets

About Stockings and Underwear.Cloiely watched is this section.

Always the reliable, honest sortsot hosiery and undrrwear to befound here. There's no wishingyou hadn't if you change jourmoney for any of the followingitems:

Ladies' Ribbed Underwear, regu-lar and extra sizes, at 25c; a spe-cial value.

Men's Heavy Fleeced Under-wear, of the regular 49c quality, at <29c. Don't fail to examine these.

Ladies' Fleeced Hose, fast black,2 pairs for 25c.

Children's Fast Black Hose, 10c,I2j<c, 15c and 25c.

Children's Heavy Fleeced Un-derwear, was 35c; now 25c.

3.00 ••3.50 "2.00 Blankets . .1.50 " . .1.25 . " • . .

1 00 " . .

2.00 Comforts . .1.50 " • . .

1.29 . "

. 2.19• 2.39• i-49. 1.19

. '.98•79

. •'.• 1 . C 9

. 1.19

. .98

Handsome Waists.Good assortment of colors and

prices, but they must go to makeroom for the spring ones.

50c Waists, 39c.gi.00 and Si.19 Waists, 09c.32.79 Waists, Si.99.

". S?.2C| __..,,„„' oo'Sifk"Waists," S2?9S.

Big Stock of Books at Dry Goodsprices.

More of the Underpriced Lots.Chosen because fit. Hut here

because t h e y ' r e bargains. Someitem among them may hit y o u . Ifso, then i t ' s money saved.10 yards Unbleached Muslin 39c10 yards Bleached Muslin . 49c10-4 Sheeting, bleached . . 20cro-4 Sheet ing, un->leached . 16c3,000 yards, of Best American

Calico, a t 33/^c29c Table Linen . . . . 20c50c Table Linen . . . . 39c59c Table Linen . . . . 49cBest Apron Gingham ~. . . 5cIOC Canton Flannel . , . j^c25c Dress Goods . . . . 19c50c Dress Goods . . . . 39c17 x 32 Huck Towels . . . 10cGc Canton Flannel . . . . 5cSc " " . . . . 6c5c Toweling 3cSi 00 Flannelette Wrappers . 79c"1 00 and 75c Silks. . . , 49c

Big assortment of Lace Curtainsat very special prices.

iii'ire. ime of Ladies' I rimmedHats, were up to SO 00, now 52 49.

Don't forget our Shoe and RubberDepartment.

Substantial reductions in every department before webegin stocktaking. A grand opportunity to stock up at prices1 hat no merchant ran name except when bound to accom-plish an object regardless of financial loss.

OMBBEUIIT&.ftiip'r.33 East Washington Avenue.


pnrcnis who have hecn un^arrantodly in- under this now nnino. Tho STAR atntod

[ schools ffitnout examination.

man who attempted to marry hiH white housekeeper. Notwithtt indingfiiofc that rain and anow had practically ruined all the household goods noD

'here he is atable t > see

alill swollen, - - . — — man lived isI with her mother In Port Oo'den, ' v

Heavy reductions have been made in the pi ices of

, Cloaks, Raglans, Fur Scarfs,Dress Goods, Tailored Suits, Skirts,Petticoats, Underwear, Silk Waists.

/ Flannel Waists," j v

a- and all kinds ofiOry Goods. If you wish to say^money in

your purchases, come to the Globe Store,,, '

ALLEN CARPENTER,229 N orthampton St. Below the Square.'




Page 6: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


Uarry Wolfram n bidly Injured lillweek lu gutting off a trolluy c»r on Low:alrtot . Liu lit atilu to bo around agata at

beth to act tut organizer for the Homo Cor*B b o l ot Springfield Maaa., lo

COLUMBIA.Mrs. John Bowers visited her mother,

Mra. Aaron Huydor, lwt week.MIsiTtUleCoMor P*t«rM>a, Miss LCMIO I h r t c h y .

Conn of lUliioxburic vUlted Mrs. OuorRo Jonepb H. Rmta of Ejnton and EUnbothDeWHt lant Situiday. 8. But z of Putlllp-*burft wero married at

Some unknown perron broko opon tbo ihe M-thodtrt p»non*go by Rov. Klugobuomtnt door and a window Bbuttorof

obcol buusu Inst week.to " b


8. But z of Putlllp-*burft wero married aihe M-thodtrt p»non*go by Rov. KlugoRow \eat>* D*y.ow \eat>* D*y.

Tbo town tun just cotton rid of tbo no-


CHEWING TOBACCX)Send wrappers of HONEST Long Cut

by mail or express, prepaid, for pre-;fraiums to The American Tobacco Com- 'pany, 507 West 22d Street, New YorKCity. "Write name and address plainly.State name and number of article desired.

T ^ S l ^ ! ^ C o n i n e , win b.heldat[l«lU t B»urso»S1itUrd r ty.

Mrs. JoslahDeWiitapd jniwof WalnutCorjcr vlattod ilrd. W. W. Woldiiun Bun-

Elinor \V-tlkor of V.»'\ after cilline onrtoidn In Columbk Weduttdity.wonttoButizvllle to vbll Menus.

MlHsTlllloCossnUcrvlHitlngrotatWeslnlliMotvn returned to licr uomo in Putct-

| son Sunday.Mr. utid Mrn A. Transuo mado a busl-

nc»3trlpto Eelvlderolaat week.•Tiieuiiluiir«ti»al meetings held 'by tbemembers of the Portland and ColumbiaM. E. churches beg*n last Monday oven-Ing In Portland M. E. church, Rsv. Cootcapreached Monday ev-ninir, lltsv. H. P.Klnp Tuesday ovetii* g- Next week themeetings will bo utld in UolumbUM.E.

burch.Miss MHIIIIO EiRt visited friends In

Butlzvlllo last Wednesday.Mr. and Mrs. Irvtn Hartzell visited Mrs,HtUell'H father, Jacob Vroom, bUurday,Tho annual meetlnp of the Lidlea1 Aid

Socletv will be held at the homo of Mrs.E Cbambortnln


, - N0.4-^-ffllSFOR • ,-.


EnoaObumborlufn.E i w a r d Carpenter, who baa been laid

up for some weefes at Mr. Mood's homew l t h a s o r o foot, can now walk with t he

| aid of crutcbes. Ho returned to his homeSuluid.y.

I Miss May Davenport wont to Bclvldcre[ lost week wheru stie will spend soino time.

A. A. Tallman went to Now York SUur*d*v to see bU daughtcr-in taw, who is wrysick. Her physician has given tho familya little bope ot her recovery.

Sicramentof the Lord'a Supper will boadmii Wtererl In Columbia M. E. churchSunday.

Epwor h Leagno meeting will be inchareo of Mis 0. L. Daveuporl; topic,Entering the Klrgdora.

It Girdles tlte Globe,The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as

tbe best in the world, extends round theearth, I i 's thnono perftct hoaler of Cut",Corns, Burns, Bruise, Sort's, Scalds, Bolls,Ulcers, FeloiiK, Aches, Pain" and all HktiiEruptions. Only luftlUole Pile euro 2oaa box at F. N, Jenkins's Warren CouutyDrug Store.

j * " * • » . « * ha, gone thereto

^ , blncksmitbB andm achinUw, who n a « noon receiving * Uday, Imvojlveii up their positions and an>Kuli)g 10 Altuoi-n, Pn , wbtiro tboy exptcttoatt-uro workatJ5 perday.

M I a a A R n c 8 B i e b v r o f Phiuipaburp at-tendud ttiu bride at tho wedalujt of Wm,H» Marvin nf Mobile, Ala., nnd Mlts I2d*,daughter of 51r. and Mra. 8. V. Holden ofLamutrtvlile, at Alltmtown, Pa., on Ttiura-day.

Miss EvaCullon wns elected a teacher inthe public schools on Thursday ovetilnR.Sbe t ikvs the nUco of-MIu -Alice .Crovu-Hmr, wbo reigned.

Too electric llsbla hero aro almost asbad aa those In WuBhlnnton. They failedto burn onStlurday nlgbt. •

Charles Schultz, who lost bis fright eorntime ago, has taken up thb Wiirk of caninchairs at hlB homo and la mooting witconsiderable succots.

Fred. W. E -khard', of this place andMtna Dorothy Bonz of E iBton were mar-ri«d at the homo of the bridegroom onSaturday by Kev. G. A. Gruegol.

Fire WHS discovered In the Second Warboiel on SqmWy roorninpat anuarly houra»d about ?«b0 d-in,go was done to tboouWdooftue bulldlnti bofore tbo flimcflcould bo braught undor control.

Thero U Btrang ta'k of tbo Innotso'

John DIvora h&t rocerttty built a now Ice[houutt on bin lot on High street. I t la aI (treat Improvement over tbo old structure.Lot tbe utbors follow Bult.

The Uto Samuel B. Colo farm of lTSacrooin (Iardw!ck township will be BJld oy tboheirs bt-Iaw ut tho Btalr&tomi hotel onSaturday, January 25th.

SOUQQ of tho farmurs who keep their milkurine the ho tied tte>ison with ice »ro Ruth-

.r lugtneir harvest for tno comintrsuHtiotbhweek. Tbo Ice is from ? lo 10 inche

Blair Academy reopened on Tuesdayrltb all tho old btudents and novoral nowIICK present.Tbo two congrcRRtlnns will unite on Sun*

day ovcniiiR nnd listen to n teriunn in t 'eProsbyiorUn cnuicti by Dr. Uhnrlei a.Kyuuii.

ThuBtdowaltcHon High street aro verymuch In need »f repnlrc. If tho properlyowners will not keep thulr oivn walks In HjaiMmblu condition tho city f-therttahnulddo BO Rud charge It up on thoowneib' ta%bllH.

Tbopo who listen can hear the buzzing ofthe political boo occtfllom<ll/ theaud*.vs,

i which re in I nils us ol the ni>prn»eb of theTown Meeting. It is sold t L t W. C. How-

I ell positively rofusea to at and again lor|Committretnnn.- Ho hm* nerved.tno townwell for several terms. The vnt^rs arond vocal ine the candidacy of Dr. II. O. Cat-hurt for the vacancy.

John Duntleld will vacate tho Turnerfarm April l?t and move on ttio Lymanillltut firm. Mr. tlllua will cnl ' i rk In ttieinderuking business inDiuville.

DoWitt Kollcy of Johiiaons, N. Y., haBrecently betm appointed dny operator here.He was formerly tho night operator nt


QUR BUSINESS 'is iiot to bother you with impertinent advice when you come

here for a pair of shoes. You know what you want better

than anybody else, and you*ask for it.

Our stock embraces everything from the size your baby

wore first to top boots for men who take

Special Sizes and Qualityfrom a coarse, strong shoe at Si.25 per pair to the finest hand-

finished kind turned out by the best manufacturers at S4.00.

We have your confidence on the shoe question. A de-

fective shoe will not be passed off on you; we're not bunco-


The Washington Shoe Store,HERMAN PETTY, Proprietor. %

The Dr. Barnes Electro-. Medical institute


School opened on Mondiy with A largenttendancti. The teacher spent her vaca-tion at Marksboro, ber home.

Mre. Benj. Young entertained friendsfrom Columbia over Sunday.

Miss Crcgar returned frnai PhiladelphiaI on Friday where she had been spending acouple of months, accompanied by somefriends, who will make u abort stay witbher father.

Mr. and Mra. Van Young spent SundayIn your town.

Mra. Bowlby does not Ecem to improve, she being BtiH quite sic£c.

Mr. and Mrs. Hartung will begin house-keeping at Brldgevllle in the spring.

James Sagulne entertained his brotherand family of Belvidere on Sunday,

Mr. and Mrs. Lightcap are visiting hismother, who Is very ill, at her home in Mt.Pleasant, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. George Linterman B , .dinner to a Urge number of friends on

i Wednesday,Tbo clny pigeon shooting match on New

Year's Day brought to town a large num-; ber of sportsmen.

John IUiseuer brought hia wife homeone day last week and the boys gave them

I a serenade.Joseph Wilsou, wbo has bfen sick for

1 some time, is now somewhat better.Next Saturday night thu gre«t chief* ol

the State will visit our Red Men. Therewill HIJO ba chiefs-and wartiors Iromneighboring trUies, and Urge will bo tbfleast Bpiead before them.

Mr. Simons will move to Sandt's Eddyin the spriug.

MISB Flo-sie Duckworth of Belvide.-spent 3unday witb. her parents, Air. andMrs. James Duckworth.

Miss Fannie Merritt, wbo Is spendingthe winter iu Phillipiburg, wta the guestof her slater, M r. and MM. R. B. Vannatta,during tbe Holidays.

Sergeant Company of Eastoti locatingttiis place. Tue concern emptoys hunreds of workmen and would glvo 'another creat boom If the de.il shouldcsrncd through.

A quartette, composed of Miss Uertrud,.WiukifSon of Newark, soprano; Miss Anna

I Collum of New Brunswick, alto; JesaoWell or of StewartaviUe, lonor, and RobertMe Per ran of PhiWpsburg. basso, will singat an entertainment to bo given by tbotire company of Flemlncton tonight.

Snapshot pictures wero presented to ox-I ploytea of the Central Kulroud ut recentexaminations allowing a number of tl'ementering or coming out of btir-roOTB v hllo

I on duty. Muny of tliemen are expectingtheir dlscliargo. Some of the pictureswere taken in. Phillipsburg.

Boxing contests, whlcb have been ratheruntiur tnc^iitn for the past year, aro againbecoming r a source of Pinusement andpi 0lit. One was pulled iff at Ctd.ir ParklB8t\VE0k,

As a cure for burn!), bruises, cuts sprainsand the like, Ramoii'u Nerve & Bone Oil

I b -rders on tne miraculous. I<s appli-cation Is painless to the mo *t sensitive sfcln.25c. Warren County Drug Store,

pointed to tTpUce further up the line.John Van Camp has recently been re-

pilrlng tho butldlnqa on tho boraestoxdI'arin which bo purchased ovor a jear Ago.

Oo Saturday Eigar Van Auken and Mi-sAd-i Beneley uf Flat brook vllle v, eto unitedIn lhe holy bolide of mnirlmoiiv at the 51 •

IE. pursoiiage by Rav. William J. Hampton.Hockey 1H the latest fad amontr ttie town

1.n,. „„ rtl, ,*av Tnov have

F. W. Kluppelberg& Son

now have a fine stock of


for the Holidays, consisting of


MAJESTICRADLEat all three stores

Carber Store, NEWTON, N. J.


HACKETTSTOWN, N. J.The oldest and largest dealers in Northern

New Jersey. Established 1S67.

Watch Bargains

Dr. Scsip,


St. Cloud Hotel, Washington

Second and Fourth Fridays Monthly,from 2 to 5 p. n ,

Cramer's Hotel, High Bridge,

First Friday In Each Month,from 9 to 12 a.m.

Welter's Hotel, Clinton,

First Friday In Eacli Month,from 2 |o 5 p. in.

fre. Cy* dcnmlnatlo

Latest Dentistry."PHfPd 'o l work to iot t .pvcFjlmily. Teeth cznmlnedtunl (nlvtce KIVCM Iree. :

Teeth Extracted 2 5 G .All locnl nppllcfttlonn fr«,

Twth extrurtt'il uuRlttTelrwithout 11 illn by tlie une ot 'our vltfilliL-d Rir or vapor,KOcpnttt.

CccthFI11«I with Gold , $1 ami u p .Cccth Killed wftli Silver, 7fic.* set of tcctli, $I».

ent Hrf nrtci ' t l i , $H.""* HetH ot Uvth Are thetipfit thiw ar»

nmttt'rtmw tnuch;<int>(t)- for them.

1 h;we no-Hockey \n the latest fnd amon? ttie town 1 n;wc UuBportH, (jflpecUlly onSu 'day. They have . I -^ .H i h . torganized a team with Eiwurd Li t ta . thu Hved t h a tpopular night oporat jr, us captaiu. other dealers

The Rend Pnl'ls building occupied bv who claim tondertaker Huff la now for rent. Mr. Huff m . ,i. Ik „ c n a1 m 4 K C a sPe*The Rend Pnl'ls building occupied bv

Undertaker Huff la now for rent. Mr. Huffhas not decided whether to erect a build-

, Ing or to rent another.Tne last Quarterly Conference will be

held in the M. E. church on J.uiunry 13.h., Presiding Elder Rjmtn will be pro<uut.

Revival in e ol I nee will be In held In theM K. ebu'eh next week, beginning next

I Monduy evening.The Qypay camp abovo town hud an ad-

ditlou to Uiolr number 'a t i t Sunday. Dr.t looked afttr the lit 1« fellow's ar-

make ac i a l t y

ditlou to Uiolr number 'a t i t Sunday. Dr.| d i rbar t looked afttr the lit 1« fellow's ar-rival tind nltliounh it Is pietty rough wea-ther for cam pit g, both tbe Uctechnp and

i his mother are doing well. By tbe way,| tbe woaieu of tho camp are dolni* q'll'o «tmdti In town In tbo fortuno iellli<g line,and we hear of a uun wno w>t) tuld he

ld b w l d o w e r I n l h i monthB

coniesWatch sdlillR %!§fe,«iiS£this store is - *unquestionably thr.best place to buy. J

a n d V o •'hear of a"m«i WHO wm tola no co upare these prices with" others, the

o mutter how much jmii \my tor them.the U't'th nri> out, patlfntu cnnilnpr la

•hem rntiitccnn hurt' thfir Uftb mnrto tb»Ifttoeday l>y nottfvltiK UH thret' ilnrw In MI>fftnee. TtH'th UU. .1 nH imtnU-HHly nn dont&llelenee will iicrmlt. Hula itltlnic n Hpwlaltr.i^Artlnl MW«I U'dlt put In with BOH) wlth-e will iicrmlt.

l MW«I U'dltM, cnllftl bri


ic n Hpwlaltr.ith BOH) wlth-

ll kinds ott l lDal plftt^d, cnllftl iiriUitt-worK. AH KHIUH UE

ftrlinclnl Ui'tli limtlf. All work IK fullj war -•Aiiifil. • - . • • • . .

Philadelphia Dental Rooms,212 Northampton St., Eastern, Pa.iHUci> u,iiiiiFrin» " iv m. to y n. m.

Ho now liiis bis "onea Hinrt,steatn laundry—to relieve his whard labor, of couise. He alsobb t i a week I d

ALAJtKSBOKOArthur VanHorn and Mr. Day, a lawyer

of Pateraon, were in town last Friday ono y s

fe of thehard labor, of couise. He also visits thobarber twice a week Instead of once asformerly.

CharleB and Cl-mie Llnaborry of Mont-i clalr and Roseville, respectively, wereh m e with their parents over Sunday.

Don't unirer becaane of money, a* •attflfactory arrans&-tnenin cun be mude with lliene UooUirs for pnymant. Con-•ultntlon and udvlco by tnit.ll or In olllce free and oonflden-tlal. If Incurnblfl yon will be told ao, tbus luvlnK Um« *nilmoney. Dtlncuit cuses In particular wanted.

HOURS—u to l'2a. m.,2to & aod 0to& BuQdAvgrrom 10 A.M.to2 P.M. Treatment Klectrio>U ftad ModloaL Ttielat«it *.ad

* ,.v BiTen to ths medlcul world.Aithmt, Eye Dlseasci, Lambapo, '• Self Abase, BltAder Dlieiaet.Bronchitis, Eczema, l a n e Disease, Skin Diseased Chronic Dlieaset,Blond Dlaeaiei. Hysteria, Liver Disease, Stricture), Female Dlie»«e«,Catarrh, HemorrboUa, 'Kidney Disease, Tare Worm, . .HerTom DUeases,Com tl pat Ion, Hay Fiver, Men's Diseases. Tumors, Private Disease*, -

:I>!?irf hflea.^-.-Head Hoiaei, Malaria, Ulcers, Throat Diseases,DealneJe, """'Hydrocetei —":;»:Seiirii£lB,-=->~rVar'|V»?le.-.—^Women'i Diseases,Dyspepsia, Indigestion,: 7haryncltls , Vertieo, Dlaetseioi * eipedilDyBenter^r, Jaundice, Rheumatism, Discharging Htture. ••Xar Diseases. Loit Vitality. Rectal Dlsettses, Ears,T»s• SrC~Eirscs-Sl;ctr*-Medlc«l Institute and Staff of Uoeton, PbysldtHi, S«r-

_. ie time ago m j uouBi»,u, asevere cold. Sbe com jUiued oF paiua iaber cheat and had a bad cough. I gavelier Ctiamberlaiu's Cough Remedy accord-ing to directions nnd ID twodayaabe waswell and able to go to school. I have usedtbiB remedy.In my family for Ibe paat Bovcnyeara and have never Known it to fail,"Biys James Prcndergaat, merchant, AnnatoBav, Jamaica, WKHH India Inlands. The

Eiina la tbe cbest Indicated an approacti-ig atUck of pneumonia, which ID thia

instance was undoubtedly warded off byI»C8 any tendency of a cold toward 'pnea1 monia. For anle by P. N Jenking, Wash'! ingtoo; J. A. Allen, Oxford.

Mrs. Ejgene Sivercool and children,Arthur and Roberta, of Yellow Frame,pa^ed last week at tbe home of her pur-

itfl, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Mott.Mr. and Mrs. RufuB Jennings spent New

:'ear'B Day with Mr. and Mra. Georgejundy near Jobnaontmrfc'.Mr. and Mrs A. L. Cooko entertained on

New Year'd Dty her Biaier, Mra. OlatkHill, aud Mr. Bill of Hardwlclr, andmother sister, Mra. Retta McConacay ofUckaonburg.

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beacheror bad as auest on Ne<v Year's D iy bfir cousin, MTB-1. Caroline McConacby of Jackaonburg,Miss May Cooke apont several days oi

iaat week at tbe home of her uncle, ClarkHill of Hardwlck.

Misses Mame and Mallie Smith were'ueats of Mr. aud Mrs. Aaron N. Luce oulew Year's Day.Misses Edltb Rice and Mame Smith

teachers, and Forrest H. McLaury aiuGeo-ge Linning, students, returned thi.week to tdtir respective duties. Tho reopening of the school term causes Bom*lonesome firesides, after the happy cheeof youwR voices....

Mr. Oiterstocb) our public school teachBr, Ins rtBumtd his duties after a tw<wetks' vacation.

Communion services will be held in th>.Marbsboro cburch on S ibbtith morning aL10:30 Preparatory services on Saturdayal2:30 p. ra. •

Mr. and Mrs. Edward R'ce and MissEdith Bpent tbo labt day of the old year in

I a very happy manner entertaining friends,| botb old aud youn?. tbe entire day andevening. Those entertttiued at dinnerwere lt9V, and Mrs. R. J. Burtt, Rev. and-- " . »»..T , p, l l t rHWi ni l ti Q r a c e :

i clalr and Roseville, respectively,home with their parents over Sunday.

Blalrstown Is becoming a great town for"scraps" these days, scarcely a week gnlngby without a fracas of some kind. Tnfsweek's atTiir was a mix up bfltweer.-larveyHaggerty, who recently floured in tbeh t i g ffir fit Marksbciro mention of


Haggerty, who recently floured in tbeshouting affair fit Marksbciro, mention ofwhich was mnde In the STAR, nnd P. R.

looting all'ilr fit, luarKsunrn, wuuuu•hioh waa mnde In the STAR, and 1?. R.>ivt>nn of tbe Prea-t. UaRgeny allegeB thatHvena waa reapi'nsible for the publication

af a pretty complete account of the shoot-ing afl iir and on Monday evening made ai wage aBsault on bim at the blalrstownlepot. No blood was spilled, however,ind tbe combatants were separated after

a fierce mix up. We understand tbnt Hug-goity will bo arrested on cbaigo of atro-cious assault and battery.

About a dozen young men and as many•f tbe fair 8tx from the surrout ding coun-try gathered on the "Mud pond" nearEbenezer, on Mondny eveniiip,to enjoy tbeskating. A fire was built on the ice andthe bouts were turned over and u'ed furseats where a long chat wns eijoyud untila late hour. It wouldaeemthai Oupld had

I Seth Thomas' movement in a 20-yaar\ guaranteed gold case, 18 size, $11.00.Waltham or Elgin movement in the

same case, $12.00.1 have other sizes at proportionate prices.Here is also jewelry of every other de-

scription, including wedding tings of myown make—mads from the melter b i r . .

Also Q j c k s , Spectacles and Eyeglasses.

O. B. HULL38 E. Washington Avenue.

Everythinga Farmer Wants

in the way of Farm Machinery,

Plows, Wagons and Castings

is supplied upon tl.e most fav-

)rable terms at the old estab-

lished •


R Q. Bowers, Jr., Propvietor. ".\


Chair Coveringat Bargain Prices.

ITtVhour! VwMdraiitbirOupid had I I have on hand about 200 yardsabandintbegame.assomeoftheoiaroita in remnants of chair covering?appoarpdatalaW^our^idwok^^b^eWB w W ( . h [ o f f e r a t . v e r y , o w p t i c e sW1IH.I1 1 uuwi " ^ • ~~ j

Several colors and patternsI do all kinds of repairing an>

upholstering, making a specialty ofre covering parlor suib, couchesand lounges.

At very reasonable expense,put my


wero lt9V. anu mia. it «. «.w, ..Mrs, E A. McLmry, Forrt-st and _Mr. atid Mrs. Alfred W. Co ika and dter, Mrs. Bau»ler, and Mr. and Mrs. E.Pieraon Cook. Tbose entertained at teawere Rev. blcLaury and family, Mr. nnd

1 Mm. RufuB Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.A. Kerr, Mr and *trs. John W, Kerr, Mr.and Mrs. Plavel Kerr and Mr, and Mrs.Wm. H. £ e r r . \ \

Harry G.^Ksrr haB been transferredfrom Mooaic, Pa., station to the Swarts-wood BtaMon. ..-As the position is pe'm/tn-

fentrif is 'very"gratifying-to -hWaud-fcisfriends. :


; ; 2QO . :_„Hundred Thpusand

A measuring party is given, to you,It ia'aorautbins uovul m well aa new.The invitation is ihe sack,To UBO iu bringing or sending back.

; A nickel lor every toot yim're Wll.! Meisure yourselt on door or wall—1, Cents for tne extra inches give,I And thereby snow how nigh yon live.

Witb music and soug,L.—. R-jfruBhumnta and pleasurej ' Will welcome you all"--- r±-- —

At our pa'ty of measure,WhorolBli? Why, at tbe Spruco Run

Lutneran church January 22 jd, 1002. If

We are pleased t JB iy tha t Mrs. RobertBryan, wao has boon suffering with pneumonk for tbe p u t tbree weeks, la muctiImproved at this writing.

I Mr. and Mra. Foster J . Oaatner and Bon[Leon were guests on Sunday of Mr. and

Blown to Atoms.Theold Idea that the body sometimes

needea poworful.draHtionurgatlcepill tiaabeen exploded; for Dr. Kbe'd New LifoPills, wblch are-perfectly uarmless, geiitlystimulate liver and bowels to expel pui ou-om matter, cleanse the system and abso-lutely cure OonatlpaU'm and Sick Head-acne. 0'ily 25j » t F . N. Jenkins's Warren

| County Drug ritore.

home. They feared their daughteis hadrowneo^ ^

P O U T A1UUUAV.Mr. and Rl'H, Harry Beatty of Newark

spent New Year's with hia'parents, Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Buatty.

Mrs. Simuel Perry entertained Miss EllaHuffman part of last week.

Mra. Nathan Parks and Mrs. Smalley are| on Iliai rick Hat.

Jmncfl Y^wger will move in the springto the R S irus farm neur PortColdon, and IFred MH>berry will tube charge of the on furniture. They will not pullfarm that Yiwgor vacates. ! out

Couches and Adjustable He;Couches made to order.

ami not "retufntng within a reasonable! Special attention given to trimftuHdhS^^ m i»g caimfies.. All classes of v- r lfailure was the cause of death. (guaranteed.

Frank Anderson is very sick at bis home. DrOp a postal and I will call and.itpAVSSyil.'.'.^ttS'p^1"1- Mve.you prices on either new or-~M««,-Gip]ty..-pwaented Jimmy with a r e p a i r . w o r k .pair of twtrfboya 3und*y nigUu—~^rr^.:r^:

Mr. Bar nan has gone on a business tripto Brooklyn and New York.

Lemuel Gardner of Bentyestown is visit-1ing life daughter, Mrs. Wm. Bigler, for a Q2 West Stewart Street,

i f e * d f lyB- „ | Near Grand Avenue.F. P. KlotzofNemi.Pa., the partner of1

O, G. Moaer, spent Blond-iy in thl-< place, and while here bou =jut«. nArload of OIES of

y tkrm tliat Yawgor vacates.H. M. Cregar presenter! his family with

a handsome piano for a Christmas present.David Huffmin wont out Monday morn-

|ing, as. ueu-ti, to foed the chickensid not returning witbln a reasonable

ManuIncturerH ot



Fifth Avenueand 15th Street,

New York.

UANUFAOTOKY:Waahlngtou,New Jersey

Wall Paperlcents and upwards oer roll of eight yards.

! Borders l -2c per yard and upwards. PictureMoulding l c per foot and upwards.

Great redaction in prices, of all grides ofWall Paper and Borders over last yearat

A. Pi.. AICHER'S102 S. Third Street. Easton, Pa.


J LUMBER YARD( Broad St., Washington, N»*J.


.-'The.Week of.Prayer is being observedthis week in our churches with union' ecr-vlcea., .;:

Mra. Townley of your borough is theueat of Wm. O 9 nitb and fAmfiy.TMr7and MrgrjrUowarQ of OlliitOu-n w

the quests of ylr, aud Mra. Wm. Howardduring a part of the past week.

A part.v of young people wont on a strawI ride to Wnshfng>o i luat 3 iturday evening.[ Tnoy reported a fi ie time. ,-,

Mrs, Mary II. Holmes, who bos boen

Mrd. William W t e n and son Hirold ofyour town vhrtied at E. G. CtisLOor'a a partof last week. Mr. Waiters otine overThursday aud accompnnied themh.omtV^

BzraAp^ar, wbo has been openiilng theHolidays tflth his p irauts at Newport, lofcMdiiday for New Vyrfc, where he eXjjecWto Htxure a poaltion. '

Miss EmmaCrevollngof Orango, who isa tr lined nur^e, ia atieudlng tiOl uopiew,Edward Crevcliiig of Wt. Airy, wuo iasufferinc; with typnold fever, ^;

Mrs. Edward Backer of your town spentSunday with her p'aronls, Mr, and Mrs.'WlliUmP.Saiilb.

What everv-ona-needs for any blooddisorder is Un"mr-"n'a Iroc:vTonic. - T h emoat impoverished Byattm'will be Invigor-ated and toned up by tbe use ot tMB preat

I blocd pariflfiT. Lirge bottles $100. War-tea County Drng S

I Bpending toe past two months with''herjelater, Mlsa Sallio Oimun, ret fled to herhome iiTMoutclntr this'weeltj*^™•"~ -:'~ -r~~^

The memorkl service in the Presnyter-lan churcb last Sdnday evening WUH wellattended. An apDroprkte addros», lawbtcn the life of Mra. El laheth Runkle

,wta clearly pnrtraved, waa deliveied byRev. F. IJ. Gornisa. (Lottora of tributefrom former pistors were aluo read. The8Drvic<> wts Inturestlog and Impreaalvo.

P. B. B nterwirk, H victim of the lateflre, b«w move! hia mirbleyard to hh new

! qu-triers on M tin etroot.The Lidles'-AM 3ooiety gathered at the

M, E. pnrrionav> iaat Friday ovoning andattempted to give tba.tr pastor, Rdv. G. F.Iilmnti, a surprise. Tnis WHB the only partof a very pleaaant aff-ir that did not provea SUCCOBO,, as Mr. Ill man hid learned oftheir attention and Was waiting to receivethem.""" R^freahmontt wero 8ervcd|-;':.iH..:.

Win. Tlnsmao and took them bacK withhim. f,

A trained nurse from PlainQold Hospitalhas been secured to aucnd S. R, Brownbuttnereis no hope of nls recovery. "

The revival meetings at tho MethodlBtohuroh closed this week and with goodresults. r • \-

ANTHONY. ' ; :^^"WiUiiitii Ccatty ia cot -improving.aa,fastas hlsm-iDy t'ritnds could wiohV" ~~~ ~ -

Mcce Hllderbrant and John Nunn a fewUnya ago drove home a horao from the cityto Do uaed on tho Beatty farm.

Mattuiia Johnsoa^will work for ArthurBeatty tho coming yeir.^

Htirvey Coleman Is tlio proud

The STAB and Tri-Weekly N. y . Trlbnn|2.25 por year, In advance, o ; c,

stool, scarf and mus-COL. D«N,ELF BEATH ic bOOklrUuded.

'."fora very handsomHarvey Coleman la tlio proud posscBsar An'tlmr'™tn '•fiiraiiiii" linnn.»for a very nanosumcn.rnn-old.OAvalr^Bwqrd inlaid with gold ""J1 "'ir.r^'t- I«'!;l?wl!«w,lllJrB*a-tt,y. *>ra»n,and bavliiff'an ivorv b a « d l « ^ = ^ - - ^ = = = = = ^ ' ^ K * ^ » ^ - . « ^ stool and music

MattblaaJohngod'andsomeothermarkH. fi." «) i"7!.1;,,f?rZ, ^'iVJrb'iolt-Krefi."--——~meiitiadaBiiouai.a'mUchun Now Vuar'a Om.i MeKiWTI i w n U r i n i W-ite at once foi

' * -1-- -"J - 1 - 1 " - n.iltn , num. rmlu March, uwi.-1'i-umt. illustrated Catalogsmen had autiouttiig m«cn uu nun inn,, oDay Tor ducks nnd chickens. .Qalto a num-ber participated. l |

^UJ ;Vi',iiwi.-i'iu»N. illusuateiicataloguber participated. . l | Address or Gall Upon

Joseph Opdjkaand wifeof Bloomaburv p y HfiVfiR n A N I D F RFATTYBpuut duturdny and riuuday witn frieiidd t A " m A ™ U K U A M I t L X. B t A 1 I T

u the Mountain. <,[ | WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY.Frank'Apgap will remove from Stephens- - • -

burg to IUO old uomestead aud farm for \ ll . • . , - . .I h» mother; .« jhc Stav and the N. Y. Thnce-a-

Jacob Rlbbins Is still on the sick Hat. * "School reopened Monday after the usual

Holiday vacation Blnoe Ubrtstmaa. 1:

The Pennsylvault railroad company,like mauy or the leading lines, Bas an-noucced n voluntary incre»se in wages oial] oraployeea ninoiimlng to ton per cent.!Tho Lickawanua t as not yet announedwhat action it will take in the matter , of.Increased wagos. v:f< |

Week World, $2 per year.

C.S. Ammerman,Successor to Shurts Hros.,:

Washington, N. J.

A SEE C. FORCEfor Choiwst De-ignsT-Best-"-

Workmanship and Most .Reasonable Prices.


Frank E. Van Syckle,Billiardand Pool

Opera House Block, Next Door to |Poel Offloe. '

I Six Splendid Tables. Courteous Tre«tmert |I Full Stock "of Fine Cigars and Tobacco. |

Page 7: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


WM. A. STBYKER,20 E. .Wuhlngtm Avemit, WathlngW. N. J


SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY.rmslllIoiK-r iii All |]iilii'«l.s iin-H, Slut*' «'><!

Coimly CoitrlH.

DAVID BARTRON,Noxl Door lo SI. Cloud Hotel, WiiWngtoo, N. J.


Xutiiry Vtthlic unit iwwWr In Ilfiii Katute.

CHAS. B. SMITH, M.D.,136 W. WatMngton Avenue, Waihlngton, N. J.

I s t<i it a in .Olllc,. lluiirH I in :i ]>: in.

U::l.toH.,, in.l

28 W. Washington Avon us, Waittnptort, N. J., I S Ml 1(11. II..

. (Mike Jlutirn! I tu :i p. r •141 to 7:«u •. III.

«IIIlllH,VK 1 t(l Up. III.

HEMRY M. COX, 15. D.,102 W. Washington Avenue, Wtihlnglon, N. J.

Olllix. Himrrt 1 t ' !apl III!l7tut>l>.M.

Telephone Conner Minn. /.

CHAS. M. WILLIAMS, M. D.,133 Belvldira Avemis, Wniblnjlon, N. J.

IS ic. Hill. 111.niHei' IlitiirN; 1 t<i :l i>. m.

[ (J;:l(i ti> ••* p. in.I)lHniH..NiifKy(...Vfixi., IIiir.Tliront.il SpH'lnlty

P. N. JACOBUS, M. D.,67 Railroad Avenue, Washington, N. J .

S:»-i-lnl!Ht In <;hr<'itlc CUM*.At U'aHlilni:toii, U'<'iliii<rt.lay»iiiMl Hut unlay*.

At .Vfwl..n, MOII.1II.V- (iii'l TiK-wliijH.

Wailit CureMe?

DR. P. JUDSON ECKEL,24 W. Washington Avenui, Washington, N. J.


..OpiiurtlU-St.Otiiinl tiutfl.

DR. F. PIERCE FARROW,37 E. Walhlnglon Avenue, Washington, N. J .


o.ii..,. ir..,,r»{Y j ; ; , ' . 1 ; , ; ' ; , ; ; ' .Stec'iml I'lroir, r.inl * IVmlnt" Muililliii.-.


31-2 E. Washington;Avenue, Washington, N.J.


D. V. WYCkOFF,7 2 Carlton Avenue, Washington, N.J.


I . u c n l T i - l c l ' l i n i l t ' C a l l N o . I I I .

J. R, UNDABERRY,: 11 Broad Stronl, Washington, N. J.


'Comm!»»liiiiL>r of Ilit'il* iiml I't'iinloii Ai


UntiiriiHHKuil In location, iivciiiniiimliittnii

--ue-'trt well oiiU'rlulm-d. 1'Hcos n'iMuiiaUk'.


Tluelf arrmiKfd, npnelou(t Krollmlw. (;k'i:trlcifKlttf, Hti'iim hmt . frci- 'Iniw 10 an I from

all trulnH. Slalih-s Atlnulii.il.


M l i ' t . - ' l i i i i i l ( J o i i t i i l n l i i i r A l l H i e M m l u r

li'lllN'S. A Hl.lfll.ll-.i IlllltW t.)HlO|. WllUl l l

That'!* the personal question a womanasks herself when situ reads of the curesof womanly diseases by the use of Dr,Pierce's I'avoritc Prescription.

Why slioultin't it cure her?Is it n complicated case? Thousand!

of such caws have been cured by "Fa-vorite Prescription." Is it a conditionwhich local doctors have declared in-curable? Among the hundreds of thou-sands of sick women cured by the use ofPr. I'icrce's Fnvorite Prescription thereare :i 'great many who were pronouncedfnciirable by local doctors. Wondershave beu. worked by "I'avorile Pre-scription" in the cure of irregularity,weakening drains, inflammation, ulctra-tion and female weakness. It alwayshelps. It almost always cures,

"Three years ORO," write* Mrs. Jolin f.rnlmra,oraoiH l'lunil) Street, (l-nitiklor.l) I'liiin-Uiphin,Pit., " I li:id n very bail nltnck uf tlropny wlifchleft me willi hwirt trouble, mid also n very weakback. At times I watsalKirt tlmt triltl not kiiuwwhat to ilo with myself. .My children ailvkedme to tnfce your M'avorilc 1'rcscriiilioti.' Init Ihad hcen inking MI much iiK-diciuc- from tUu doc-tor ttiat I wns <li-.cnuraK(-il with cvcmhlnf,'. Icame to I'liitn<ld|.lila two yc.-ir* n^./ntut pick-!ng up one uf vour little- books out* d;iv IWRIIII torend wliat vniir nirttlcinc had done Tor other*, I(Ictcrtniiictl to try it myself. I iiw.k H-ITII lnjt*Ik*, n.ii'l Uiflny I nm n rtrrintr. will wi.mnn,

shYcc ' " st:ittcilT"t'j"ii-c * \iVorlu.''il>rI.'!<TitilYol|"t »Dr. I'ierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the

ftOUlplcxiou aud dwcolen tile Wtatli,

IJCLVIDKHE.Jacob Tro-iter lias boon mado executor

of tliu cHtHtu of O. Schwartz, deceased, andwill proceed to aottlo ttiu uaaio, :

Tbo Good Will flremoti bavo elected thofollowing ofllccra; Pros., Quo, M. Hti.k:V. I'., O*cnr Uoyur; Sec, S S. Allen: ABHUSec., Ira Smori; I'/oafl., Ooo. P. Young;Clifof, Uoo. H.Currle; Aest CfifoT, aatnuulAUceor; Porut>Hn,J(mesMcri'z; l*tA«it.,WMIW Wligou;2id AtfC, Jesatf Vowell;3rd A<wt, Henry Senoeri; Attorney, JosephH. Wilson.

The qup«|Ion Is frequently askod—Willfarm la..d over cot iuiyl"wer In Warrencounty tiiin it tn today? No ono can«nawcr this question to H certainty, hut attlrbt KI ineu ono Is prompted to say " N J , Itcan't fjosiibly not down any lower, forforms aro HdHiiR today for tweutj-fiv'ecenid on tbo dollar; I.e., farm« that worebought yonrH ngo for foventydvo andtl^hty doilara an ucru aro being Bold rightalong for twenty uad twentj-llvo dollarsnn acre." An Instance of this kind cum aunder our observation very recently. A

i fiirm iri Indfpundonco townnhip wnn aoldf under forecluburo and brought $2,000 les*; limn wna originally pnld fur ii,uiid tboparty wlio bought it bad given ttie inort'

Dr. Humphreys'Spcflflcs cure by acting directly uponIho iliHcase, without exciting disorder iuliny other purt of tbo system.so. cents. rnicEs.

I-Fever*. Conucstlotw, I till am mat Ions. .U5S-Worm... Worm Kovw, Worm Collo... .'25y—Ti;i;tlilii[:.Colic,Crjlntr.Wnki'fulnesa .'2,1•1-fHnrrlien, ot ClifUirun or Ailulta " 37-Coiinht, COMR, L'ronchltla 'is8-NcurnltfIa, Toottiaehu.Faccachc ii.l0—llcnilnche, Sk'lc Headache, Vertigo.. ,'25

10-rty-.[iL'iHln,ln(Jlsestloii.WeakStoniach.«3I t-hiiiiiir.--.fU or l'nliirut Period*;..; .'23

'I'i-U'tillfN. Too Profuso l'crlods '£$I J -Ouup.^nrvnsi t l !* . Hoarseness '23l l - H n l l lUit'iim, Erysipelas, Kruiitlona..' .'2315-HlieiimilDiin. Ithcutiiatlc I'alna '25lC-Malnr in , Clillb, l-'ovcr anil Ague '2319—C'stnrrli, Inlluenxa. Cold In tlmllcuJ .'23Ut^-U'lioiiDlns-C'uiiuli '23fST—Kldticv Illwimeii '23UK-,VervoiM DnlilUty 1,0030-L'rinarv Wenkne**, Welting Bet!..,. .'2377-Cr lp . lla/."• vcr as

Dr. I!utn|ihri'.vs> Manual of all Dlacnsea nt yourruujrlstd or JliillL'il Free

„ !u tbo runr of Ufa uovvlyf purctiaBed factory, on Prospect fltreot, onthe bimkaof tho PtqiiOit creek. Ho nowbus factor It. a on botli Prospect and Hard-wick HtrcotP, and hia object la to uiovoHO mo of tho muchlncy to luo now building.1 ho now structure will bo eomo uixty feetI" length mid will hold tho beating ma-chinery, Th) two factories wo under-ctmd will ho connected by ciblo NO thatHood.s can bo tout back and lorth without

Bo mo of tho small stream H and ponds arofrozen nearly Htilid. Tno iuteiiBo coldweather has boon making ice very fast,much to thu satisfaction of tho donlern.Up the Hudson road tho lafces aro frozenover nni\ at .ttier Nature Is doing her bentto prcduceA harvest of the cougealod ar-ticlo tor uext auminor'b consumption.

Ono of our young inou htui a torrlblo cx-porlonco on the public thorough to ret) a

K O O K I ' O I t T ,MM. WhIIHeld Waltora und Bon Andrew

of tltcktttalown wero among tbo vlaltonhero la»t Tuesday and Wednend*y.

Daniel Allen returned to bla botiio L .Somcrvlllo after apondlog aeveral weekswith frlondo hero.

Mliios O^rrlo Wlllorer and Ulllo Bcattywere with frlonda at Port Coldun Saturdayand Sunday.

Air. and Mrs. Charles Walker havemoved from Bloomsbury and aro com-fortably eett!«ct In a part of H, W. Duvis1

house. I.;-..-"Mnrtln WUlnvor of G iston was with his

pnrenM from W'odnosaay until Sunduy.Freeholder Hoover entertained liia

brotborl^on from UackctUtuwn lubt tint-urdny,

Wra, O. Oregar of your town spent Sit-urduy and Suuday with bis parontti, Air.and Airs. A. P. Cregnr.

Wilbur Uregar and Lelffh Curl of Waah-ngton were Hund«y guesut of tne former's

brother.There wilt bo services in tho Rockport

chtircli Sunday conducted by Mr. CharlcuHUBBO. ; •' •

Mrs. O . J .Bi rbcr attended tbo funeral ofbor brottiur, Cnarlts Ojinun of New Yorkcity, last Tbursduy.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beatty entertainedn Hiivi Year'u Day Mr. uud Mm. George

i NJIIIO Hoffimin returned to herschool utSiiecauiinu lout Thursday aftera week's visit wltb her parents, Mr. undMrs. Cyrus Uoflman,

Frank Anderson tins boon suffering fromauBvero Jittnck of Rrlpninco lant TuesdayIn very much better.

Dayton MJnton of Swnrtewoori andHurry Lnko of Dovor spout laat Fridayand Saturday with tho former's coutiin,Henry Gray,

Mrs. Wm. Everltt Is another victim ofgrip.

Thoro U no ocbool hero this week owingto tno number of armIIpox CUHCS at Huck-ettstown wbero tho teacher IIvia.

Mrs. Thomas Purki and Mrs. T. Hooverrctiiriiftl hmrm InMtHiturdtty from a vlnitwith Mends at Morrlatown and Nowarfr.

James Bercausb of N'oivburg was amongtho visituru huru lunt Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Win. Feslor and babyElizabeth of Easton spent lint wt ek with

Tbosaioof tho Nte John Adam's pcr-eonal propeityon Saturday alterooon andovotilric last amounttd to over {(XI.

MI*f Sara Bird of Vienna took part Intbo entertainment In tho Christian churchon New Ytmr'n nfgit. Her recital ionshave alwa.va btoti onlertaltilni;. Tho or'Of)cutra of btrluged iuatiumeutM, threeviolins which wore pint f>ri by MtfiSrH.Harry AlborMoti, John W^t , Jr., andSamuel Cooko, and three munrlollns playedby Mesirs A^bort Albtrtaon, 15 luiia Ariulomid Wanen Glbhs, und the two

Jluyed by Ais S m u l C kmd aneJluyed by

unulo AlA

n Glbhs, und the two fuAirs. Simuul Cooko and

h hlo Alborison won nwclt apphu e.AlttiouRh tbo orchestra IB «ti!l ytiung i toteltctlona wore well rendered.

A law suit bctwi en A. H. 8MY and Mnr-"Hlt Plitoneer will be tried In Hope be-oro a jury on Salu'duy aforuoou, Jan.

ltth, to determine fbo rlglit to eortttloproperty.

At tho shooting match on New Year'sDay H. W. Ituudlo won tbo beef whichwas put up. Frank Korr got tho 25 poundturkey, and IWHU Giobn, one of tbe amallerones. Tno mutch brought out a. guodcrowd.

It is said that three young men from heroattended a party about u week ego wtieroRHtttierto Dehmr Ureono, tho smallpoxpailout, WHS prtsunt. If tbls be t ruu l tWill be well lor our local Uourd of He.HhWhich hnsjubt beon orgHiiiztd to quuran-tfno tho thniw Indt forntltriu ut lonst.

A donation wfll bo tendered ltur. W. I.Bussut In tbe Sunday school room of tbuUnrlHlIftnctiurcii on Friday evening, Jan.17th Inst. An invitation is extended to all.

A little nnti arrived at tbo homo of Mr.ind Alrd. Edward Cooko on Xuw Year's3vg,Jrflpph C.Siitton, a membor of Co. Q.

<o SUt N. J .Vul , In Iho Civil War, waslaid ut rest In tho Hope ei:niet«ry on Fri-day, Jun. 3-d, hfcbr an Ulncutt of about onoyear. Sumo tlm-iugo iiu wan thrown fromH wagon by ucuidunt while out riding withhis son-in-law, Joseph Mnrlutt, withwhom titt lived, and nuvur recovered. Hisigo WAH 79 years. « months. Ho hud been .totally blind for four yenrg. Kurlv in life I -be married Mary Ann Bartholomew In tho 'Episcopal c,.un.;h uf tbla place and from;helr union were born several childrenlour of whom bewlde tbe widow Hurvive:flz. AuHtin of Bulvfriere, Eupheml^ wifef Ruubun A hi ' of BernartlHvlllo, darah,•"•" -r Albert Yuiser of dluiuigton, " •


ESDAY,January 8, 1902,


Rummage SaleAs soon as Christmas is over we commence to prepare for this sale.

Every nook and cranny is thoroughly looked into.



Epi«»;p.io:;'uro'iiuf tiru"ptai;Vi.d"VVom ARTICLES THAT DID NOT SELL AS WELL AS WE THOUGHT


and Belle, wife of Joseph Marl.itt. withwhom be lived. He e til In tort nsa volunlcort Flemingion In dept. 1SG2 under Cape.

iuw nltjhtHHgo. Tue hour was on towttrdj her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woller Wiiluver. ChHiKellorBvillt; did [>uircl nnd gtrrtaouthe Rray dawn of u new day when our I Q.'n*r Minimi of Vienna was the auest of dot* at NowportN'emiand Fali>moutb,i.nd

. - . . . *• while at Bello Pnilu was strk-kon withtyphoid fever whwi lie wan honorably dls-cliarced May 4,1SB3. He died on tho lubtday of tho old year.

mlnIt," and reaching 'round to his hip

rjfeet he pulled out Ills gun and, pointingat the men, asked t tie in if thoy had

1 chungo for a twenty-dollar bill. The read-

"t:.VS<;AKi:T.H <lo nilml iiru ,-i truly ivoiiiii-rfiil ilshfi! for ii ine<tli-li)u i>le:Lt.

r l I i C

v The recent rains havo tilled the cl.itorns,^ veils and springs. It was feared fur a time

Thousands Sent Into Kxlle \ l tluH we might tuftar from a water fiituitioEveryyeara large number of poor su.'- «« wd ldayda r ago.

- ~ . - - - • •— ----- -- - - - - - - forers wboso IUDCS nro sore and racked1-. A Hw daya HGO Constable Barghartat-ef HUKui lo LBVO neon •those two bravo w[tn Cou?hs «re urged to go to another ell-! -nche.i » lot ot olnl.bl»« which belonqed totiigbwiiymoii f*iihi nwny. Tofy never mate. Ilut tliltt In costly mid uoi alwava I a-jcr.'pedrtlur of!3 intoa for debt. Ho didstopped umit they put three blocks be- wire. Don't ho an exllo when Dr. K\va'a a 'Qtoi 'Dutch" awoaring for a time buttween them and their propoHtd victim. New Discovery for Consumption will cure j U u a l Iy S ( 5 t t l e d ltia c l ' t l m-And then our friend made ft sPurt tor homo you at home. It's the moit lufalllblo med- On Now Year's night a large number ofand never stopped until ho had barred the folne for Couiihs, Cold^ and all Throat and I people, hot.n old and young, called at thecellar door and nailed up tbo exit leading LUBe diseases on earth. The first dose ' home of lteuhon Se tries and pave him ato the root. [ briuqs relief. Abtoundfng cures retult from surprlto, Tlie.v spentaverv cIoneint eve-

It !H repurteil that ex-Sheriff Mackoy lias persistent UHO. Trial bottles free at F. N. I nl"g and lolt many tuiatantial prtaonla tobought the proporty aojoiuingLLc Warrtn Jenkins's VVwrren Cciunty Drug Store. r«mlnd tne old entluman of tbe high es-Hou'ic, on front street, and will occupy It Price 50c and $1.00. Every bottlo gunran-, ttem in which he Is held.In the Hprl-.if. It. IB aline big housu and teed. T l l 0 o i d hickory tree that stood nearhas two ofllcea and a restaurant all under ^ — Theo. Hopler's nam. on the ronci to Belvl-

dere, was cut down by Edward Willut lastweok. Two years ugo ic waa htruck bylitfbtning and GO bidiy shattered that itdied. It h»d stood tbe storms for 75 yearn.

The venerable John E. Buttz of S ireptamet witb a painful accident one day lastweek by tailing beivlly to the trczenground. Howaaprelty badly brusitd and

. , . . . , is no* housed up, i-uQarlng from a weveraBurton Saannon, wife and son, Walter, BO A'H of water that it bubbles up in the o-Jd bebtdea beioe lame from hia ii juries,

havo returned to their home in Newark road In many places. Ice has formed Previous to the ncciaimt he was out in allniter ei joying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. around these holes aud they are unsafe for . kindd of weather. <Thoufas Shannon. i horses to travel over. i iaf lc Reeae, a s /ctlon hand at this plnce,

Our peoplo rt-joico to learn that some! Miss E. Cre?eling, formerly of Mt. Alrv moved to the Prquoat Furnace lait week.' good friend, presumably Mr. E. T. Luktna, vicinity, now of ttjotrnined nurses home Several o'hers wnl seek employment there

IIHH donntfcd a suflU-ient Hiini of money to in Orange, is nurairg Edward traveling,. tu the near future.

All are brought out and placed on Hie,.bargain tables. Often youwill find just the wanted articles at a half and less of what they were

F How'ey,inraaont;age(i hi the batiiw'of only it few days ago. livery department in the store will contributeto this sale.

Dress Goods Department, Silk Department. Cloak and Suit

Department, Domestic Department, Notion Department, Underwear

Department, Upholstery Department and Carpet Department.

It is a sale looked forward to'with a great deal of interest by thepeople of this section of the country, and it'looks, as-fur us we havegonc,-as though this sale will eolip.se all~< previous sales of its kind everheld in our city. "Wednesday, J a n u a r y 8th, will be the day thatwe will start this sale, und you can afford to come many miles, for thesaving on each and every article you buy will be great—often two for one,

oue roof.James W, WyckolT, one of old Oxford's

wealthy citizons, may conclude tn quit thel i th i d t B i d

GLKN G A K D N E K .Milton Hunt and family have gone toDruBKistsiirJiiiiieiiFreo. J wealthy citizons, may conclude tn quit the Milton Hunt and family have gone to

mie bere.Mrs. Wm. Jonai, milliner, has relin- Alexander Anderson of near AnthonyDlla. iVEU. Jt/ilui, 111 NilIIur, IIUM rGllu* ajw4nuucL £LuuQta^iti \JI ntsai n u i u u u j

(jubhed builnct-s and gouu to join her bus- w a ^ here last week collecting HSnessincutsbund, wbojseonduc lug a boarding house for the Hillaboro Fire Insurance Uo.at Ocean Grope. The recent rains have filled the ground

lift the mortgage of §3 000 that for H long who la dnujjertiualy sick with typhitime has been'banging nver the Presby- at her parents' home.

At Al|ger's Organ FactoryAll kimlrt o( Machine Work>Hch

" InnTiunl Plan^nz to onlvr,

Whllu waltltiK Place your tinierfur ti Ktxnl piano or orKiin.

ALLEQER ORGAN FACTORY,40 Broad Street, Waihlnftton, N. J.

loid fever Tbere wm a feeling of sadnesss in the_ ., ig nver the Presby- at her parents'home. j home of Miller Sinter when be Jbutid hiaterian church and parsotiHgo of Oxford. | Joseph Peopledorph will move to the favorite horse, M j >r, dead in tho stableThere «ra other churches In Warren vicinity of Annandale. lust Sunday morniiiif. Mnjor was tbe petconn.y that wo-ild rejoice to tlud Just such . M f i a n d H n ) J o l m M i H o r o f C h n r i e s t o n ! of the form and I>H h<id roacbert thea triond as this. I eniertui-ied frieuda at tboir borne New aS? l o r a l l o r s 3 °:

There is a slight scare along the lino of Year's Eve.coal supply here and elsewhere. Ourdeal- T [ j 0 M , M K entertntnod a fe v

S$ £««»« iriendaattueir home New Year',sizes J " ' •Thnnns Sheridan of Echo was in town

N l ' D

tbo stock grows less. The small sizes, m L _, . ,notably buckwheat and pea, aro getting Thnnns Sheridiprutty low, while Lh» cheatnut and larger New lear'a Day.sizes are holding out quite well. -] The Lebanon Township Cominitteo v-'ill

. . ,. . j O h n w . Adams of J.icksonsburfr, this m t e t a,S»^ on tbe 10th inst., to receive ap-« f f i & T C r K n . wwiwfuw'criwfMS^S' EO£ county, wan urrefted by CinstBblo.Teeier. plications for the Poor Home Stewardbhlp.

on tbu charge of threatening to kill JolinHill of that villaee, {fbrmorly of Belvi-dere,) and slapping his wife "in the f,ice.

! out of the riiilit to occupy a b«rn or out*•' building. Adims wa»Ukcn before Justleo

'" " und bound ov«r in the sum of!

, Qeorgo Uinehart of Woodglen lost a eoltl t w k

. '.Vfirm and

years. When in hisprime ho WHS phutogiapbcd and WHS abeauty to beho'd-

Our farmers are Qllinc their ice housesfrom Saiepta Fund, thu icy blanket ofwhich is eight inches tbics.

Theodore Elopier linds It Impossible toBupply^aii-iiln'sustoinera/o.i'eo'niter bu.vinc:all t^e-niiik be can. Tne 111 lite \H utiortat tne creamery, a nmnbtr of furmer-i hav-ing quit delivering fur a lime, feed beinghifjti and prices too low to make it pay.

last week. i(;«josepu siuton, WHO lorme;Hirnin Purcoll has a hlg demand for bis'jftliis vicinity, died at the hime o"f bis snn-

[»\Joseph. Smton, who formerly lived in

buckwbeat and wheat fl mr, 'pin-law near" tlonc and was burit-d la r, Pri-filra. Robert Bryant ofWoodport fs im-' day. Ho was SO ytais old and hud been

|MJK-k(jv and bound ov«r in the sum of.1" ,*"&."* •fin Yfill ^QpthlQ $200, SIOO on tach charge, and John A . 1 " ^ 1 1 1 8 1 b e r-UU lUUOCDlllld TiniH dt'BDlvlderu heunnm his bondsman. EdEfir Oal

proving in health though her age Is much

^ D*NOV M'F'G. CO . 2 2 4 4 2 6 Warhel SI. . Newark.

iric nciiit . Kllmt-

rin.tc It from theriVHtt-m and .vimwill havL'tm rlii'ii 111-

SITHEN'S "SPEEDY" RHEUMATIC CURE will..ire vuii JUHtaH Hurcly u« water will iiueni'hthlrwt. If you will UiUa the rtinu'tiy. liverybottle Kimmntwil. Oni« luittl'1 will not curt;everv cam;, hut continue HH UHO for a xlinrttime mill it cure iHHHKiirud.

75c au all ilniK«'ntn' ami Kfiioral H to res.W. H. SITHENS. MTr . Waodbury. H. I


iVi brr Ts Co u riiy 3 avrri'rj s ' B a h k,r


59th Semi-Annual Interest Dividend.I [inhl from tlK't'iirniliKN of lilt- IKIHIMI'SM

t ^ . j ^ j J ^ ^ ^yiui.—At tho mto of thrw CM iiur'vimtniiiTaiinmn nn nii.vuxi-cHrt nlS.-.UO, up lo amicluding Mii-mnn of Si!,{Mi», . . . ..'In I.—AI tlii' niti 'nf l,wn (2) per centum jiur

i nn mi.v.i'xciw of S'J.nou.I'liyiililiMintuiil a tt'-i'Tui'Milay,.run. 21,10112

Deposit .s I'liccived o n o r hol 'oro •liin-Jir t l , wil l (II ' l l .w,imerest I ' rom

.InnujU'y i s r . ;•.

H. W. MILLER, President. •

H. T. HULL, Sec'y and Treas. •DuccnibtM- M, T.lfll.

'ima of Bolvldero became his bondsman.The newly elected odicers of Bolvidere

Lodso, No. 5S, K. of P , were duly installedby Dmtrict iJeputy Voasillor of Oxford onTiie.Hdnyevpnittg,-.;„;-..- . • . ... ,',/..'

Andrew Widonor and Misses jlarjorfoBeck and. *'Toots>V Wille'ver.. are tnking acourse nt the Knstou liuslneHa College.

Kelley Timsand Miss Phoebe Woolflngerwero married on Jan. 1 by the Itev. Sir.Sheddeu of Hiizen. They wilt live in Bel-vidtre. Mr. Tims has a big milk routehero.

Chfls, Biker, the oyster man, lias two

not for sate. The sttrk brought ttitm ajay or two ago und both are uirla. Char-ley is very naturally the happiest man intown.

T H A N Q U 1 L I T Y . !

Josnph Aublu, a young man who former-ly resided nt HuniHtmrs, mot with a s^dacMdunt at Fni'iklin Furuaco that resultedin his death. He bad been omoloyed onlytwodayaas bmkera in on the Sussex rail-road and In attempting to diBinouiit-frora

car WHS caught by tbo post of a c iwlierand rolled along the bide of thu oir, whenhr, droppDu to the ground In an Unooiia'iitmioconditlou. He Is survived by h>a inothtr,thruo brothers nnd suvo'i Bbtors.

The Week of Prayer is being observed inthe church this week.

M s. William \'.in Ulpor pnterlalnod her.brqther.-.lHmHH^WinU'rmjiti'. niid w I jo. ofSpringdalb bii'SucTdiyr" '" ""

Mrs. Bonjaiuin Hamilton of Newarkvifiifod tier ttnuglitors, Mrs. Anna M-rlinand Mrs. George Coper, a part of thia

A Tew of our town people attended a sur-.rti&P'U'ty given Mr. mid Mrs. F^oteher

timo.' u t w"". ' v o v ° " " y l l u u iaVun

We aro sorry to loam that Irvina Staek-1OUHO will uiovo from thH place quito soon

near Morris town, wtiero bo will manage afarm, ' • ,

Harry Vass Is vory busy flillng his new

Tho STAR and Trl-Wo'iRly New YorkTribune, $2 25 per year, In advanoo. -|t

Mrs. Elizabeth Wi'oy is the Superin-tendent of tlie Ilolnton Methodist Orplian-ace, located at Gruoneville. Tenn. Siir-rqunded by hVi droila of little orphanotitldj'^n, BIIO writes! (1I uwo Rimun'tiBnglloh Com-b Syuu) in tho Orphanngo.Ir, gives perffct,s^tiHfaciion, and I think itthe best roiriedy for flougbs, borfrsoness/t> filmed throat and lungs anr) Horonosa 'breast. I heartily recommond it."

Edgnr Oaks has foiled tho ble willowtree thatstiaded his front door during thop*st half century.

Thirty years ago on tue 13th of thismonth, tho day being flaturriuy, -thr-fifi ofour promfnont cltizBiia^'iaei-'Bii-tHo" hoteirviz: Dr. John Blain, Win. R Prall andAbraham Baiighrtit. They have till goneto their rewaru,

Tho famous glass rblowers wero heror o niiH l t eek M li t i l

d fora long time.Wm. A. Henderson of Oxford announces

lii'iiself as a candidate for re-tlcction to theoflice of Pree'iolder. Ho lias pr.iveri him-self a competent ofilcidl and deserves are-election.



us glass rblowers wero herolast week. Many line articles

li we l dlireo ni-jHB last week. Many line articles

of workmnnaliip were glvou away undmany Itsaons given in tho art,

Thomas Wallace, tho aeclion boss, pre-sented iiis sister with a handsome piano asa New Year's gift.

MI4S Mabel McColhim, who spent theHolidays with her parents, returned to herschool near Hnckeusack on Sunday,

Charles I. Hoyt of Indiana is expectedhomo soon for a short stay with bis family.We understand ho bas a saw mill out west.

George. C. Adams, who resides south oftown, nnd who hnsbceu very sick larsoy-eral weetta'past, renmiuB in about the samec indltloi), und little hope is entertained forhis recovery...much- to ..the -sorrow-of. hismatiy frfonda. ^^.....-.,- -~.--.-..-..-,

Tho ^u'lshiuo Society ard a number ofheir friends flaw tho old^year out iit tbo

Hlggins building, nnd enjoyed tho occa-sion immensely.

John Ward hns decided to give up farm-ng ami :coriliiiu-uiu"-t;uorLa iuXriii:kiu|i"ourLa

up farmii:kiu|i"ou

Jing ami :coriliiiu-hia lot adjoining.

Miss KKto Welch will soon mnko herhomo with O. H. WcMurtrie and family of,Bolvidere. W

Rlr.H1.' John H. Albortson, accompaniedher duightpr, Mary, to East Stroudiburg,.tvhnrn.th.ii.yniiiifrJwly-lH.A-RUidenMt-.LheStato Norm.il SQUOOI. ^, Miss Emma Albertson of WashlrgtonjD. C , in visiting rulutivcB and friends iutown

The school for ' Tbo Bonk of Kulos onthe Ltickiwiuimi Uoad," held at SiroudSburg last week, was Httendtd on Fridaynight by about twenty day toli'trraphoporators along tho line between Toby-hanna and Wa»ningtou, and by aLmut thesnme number of jilyht operators on idntur-day. Thoy report a very rigid oxumlua-l lnn.

Hov.,,Williams of Ctearfiold county. Pa.,preached at tbo Presbyterian chU'eli horeand at Knowltnn latt Suuday, Rev. S o-

r U O i .; .A liitilu Uuy's.Llfu Saved. ,,

I bave a few words "to" say regardingChamberlHin's Coiigfi Remedy. It savedmy little boy'.s lite aud I feel thnt I can-not praise it enough. I bousjht a bottle ofit from A, E Steere ofUocduin, S. D.,and when L got homo with it the poorbaby could hnrdly breathe. I gavo themedicinons dtn^lft'l ovfirv-tf?t!-r»ir!Utenuntil ' ho"'" "threw up" and tben Ithought sure he was going to choke todeatti. We hud to pull the phlegm out ofhis mouth In great long airings. 1 ampositive that if I bud not got. that bottle ofcough medicine, my boy won'd not bo oneartli tndiy.—JOEI, DuaiONT, In wood,lows. For sale t-y F N. Jenkins, Wash-ington; J. A • Alien, Oxford.

Ul'I'KW MAUA1ONV.Next Sii'id-y, Kev. Ward C. Poibody of.uL'Ubtfi,-N..Y , is expected to preach in

tho Preabyteriao church.Charles limb lost a valuable horse last

Mias Hazol Holden of Mt. Pleasant isspending a few weeas with her aunt, Mrs.Utmrlca Rimsiy. lfr -il-

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hatnlon of Phil-lipsburg spoilt Sunday wUb_George^JLom-,

L t inday being the first Sunday ofthu new year the Pretihyierinn Sunday^chonl eltcied tho following oillcers fortho en-tuing year: : s;-"r~:-'

The ofllce of supfrintonclent was leftvacui1; '83't. supt.. Ir.viu Mlllnr; acc'y-;Juscpti filHcke.\; aHM'tnec'y, Clayton.Buoh-hiBrij"troas~ Unarles ""Kamsa\; oraaTiist^Mrs. Georgo Lnmmnson; as-t'c organist,\U«s Elna Cline; librarinn, ThomaH Do-

l t 1 t 't l f i G Lwltt; 1st nss't2d 't H

, TGeorjio Loniiim-

i Mil Jhson; 2it ans't H>iar(an,* Amzi Millei; (Jhor-istor, Heury^ Miller, .. t,-1 Mr. nnd Bi'rs Uharles Kaub andchildHDO'it Now Year's Day with rclallvoa atOxford.

Jacob Eckhard of Patouburg is visitingold friends hero. ,;

Peter Colo and Sadie Pitts of Montanaspent last Tuesday with Mr. and Airs. G.B. Gardner. _ . r ; . :^

nnd^ Mrs. Lovi^Rmb entertainedMieir daughters and their families on New

i Rilfiy, and daughter Jennie- - ^ - lnPhlHipsburg.

Easton's Best Dry Goods Store,AND FROM WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1902, FOR TWO


A New Leaf Turned.And with the advent of the New

Year, the arrival of Furniture and.. Carpets for our Spring trade begins.

Yesterday's bringings—20 rolls ofBrussels Carpets, direct from the

. mills. More to follow, soon as theycan be woven. "Direct from the

- mills" means a saving of from 5cto 7}<c per yard to you when youcome to buy them.

Why so early, do you say ? Wev find it necessary in order to lake

care of our constantly increasingtrade, to begin early. Ours is a.large family, numbering several

'.„ ...hundred, ali.depending-luppiv u^to :

have just the newest and best the. . markets afford ready for them when

needed.To search the East for the best

obtainable for our Carpet Depart^

and South, requires time.1 But weshall be ready for you,"and we as-sure you our Spring offerings willbe a genuine surprise:" We makethis statement,..and our goods'willbear us out in it, that we havenever been able to show a more

•••••-••• b e a u t i f u l l i n e o f g o o d , • - • s u b s t a n t i a l ' - '•

house furnishings than ours ...will be~this"sea"sdn. "" ~ " ~~~


thrive on less food than do the neg- fcyttlected beasts. It is, therefore, plain j

that it is .real economy to buy warmstable blankets. With this in view,.call arid see our, new line, We havewariTKblankets to suit every wallet,for outside use as well as indoors.

And laprobes, of course; and lotsfothem. Some handsome ones at aowprice;p !


Page 8: S$lmM SHINGTO - DigiFind-It · Tu e representativ of th igency first made his appearance In thie county last spring . He was a."good looker" and a smooth talker, and he experienced


PERSONAL MENTION.A. Week's Record of the Movements of

the People You Know.

Srxlfll Events M the six Days Briefly Chron-

icled lor Quick Perusal.

Aii tMoxlu Ouri'8 Lofkjtiw.Dr Louis C. WllUnim, house phvHlcUn

it St. Francis Hospital in Trenton, anil abrother of Ur. U M. Williams olthwphu:*1.has been winning Roldoii opinions In thuc-ipiUl city through a Temnrkahlo caue oflockjaw which ho ha* joat successfullytroited. The Trenton Advertiser speakingof the cft*o t>ny»:

"Dr LnuU U. Williams, senior residentl i i nt cJt. Francis Uuspitnl, under

U h b in t w

Dr-BklnnorofPhllUpsburg apent Tues-day with friends bore,

Mr.J-tmea Spelts han beonsufferlngfromthe grlo f ir u fo<v daytt.

Ml-* L1zz'o Petty lucpcndlug a week inPblliduljuii'i with friends,

Mr. J. D. Cornish is nnahlo bo on duty nthla store, owing to India portion.

M'si Grtce Everltt U Bponding twoweek* with relatives in Hoboken.

Miss Cora Ilaub hns t>ef n &uifrring foraoverHl d*ya with ft very severe cold.

Mr Uiorfta Hull lms been spending afortnight t» No»v York arid No-vurk.

Mr. Wm. II. Cult) sppnt Sur.diy withMr. Cb*rle9 Myorsnear dtewarlHvillo.

Mrs. Greta Hnfchkiss of NewRrk Is bolngentoitattied by Mrs. Wm, F. Mattison.

Mr». J. W. Nu'zo is spending * few daystbb weak witb relatives in Bablehom,

Mr. Wm Petty resumed bis studies ntthe New York Liw School on MondHy.

pbyhlciri nt cJt. r c i s U,vho8«cnro Utium ir him buo;nk«n to St. l-'rimclH Htwpitinted. H f e i d

Wilson Hurlburt, on Wodntuday evoulug, from tbln board, and cvury such occupierJanuary 22nd, ut 6 o'clock, or owner who ahull ne&ltct or refui-o lo

Henry Smith or West Portal wan in town cleanse any suob cewpo.it or pr| w Tor two

uu bualiiSa loot Tuesday. t *nS* B f l o r 8 U ( U 1 1 0 l l c 0 *h*]* f o r f t i t a n d P*?

•inco tic wan• bit*

reporter yenterduy tbiit (juiiiiur'a casowas ii most severe one mid that hU eurohud been brought about by tlie anmii'U-trntion of GO cubic ceutluiutrt's of anti-toxin, In three dosiss which w.ii inject a Jtntnvll^by p'irt of ttio thigu l»Hl,ir«eantl'tnxlti nyrlriRO. Tno doses wtro ad-ministered twclvu tiourn npirt, the fldttliitvlui: been iilveii the morning uf;cr Chu-mnr wm received nt th't ho^piul. Atturtblsdiiso the pitient felt huitur nnd tlioc mi'iiblons were reduced in frt({ueiicy andIntensity."


It will bo an ecrniouitafee jidviinJcRO of it

O i y U o

ile for those whol


city.Mr. David Krtea ia ablo to be around

again nfier uudergolag a long siege ofBickness.

Mtsa L'zzle Firth of PhilHpsbuni was en-tertained for a tew days this week by MissLldaSpelrs.

MIBS Sadlo Nunn of Port Colden had nsher «ue«t over Sunday Mr. Artrjur Somersof Brooklyn.

MlHs8*rah Brotzman returned on Mon-diy from a visit of two weeks with rela-tives In New York city.

Mias Jcfwio Klne of Belvldcro and MifsTerrell of Plalntleld were tbe guests offriends In town over Sundny.

ElwardUrevelinp.J. R Bryant'* juniorclerk, baa been kept Irom bis duties forthe past two weeks by sickness. .

Miss Et'iel Hahn, one of tbe teachers intbe primary department of tbe publicschool, b> s beeu 111 for a few days.' Mr. Howard Elnjj of, Dover, superin-tendent nf the Dover district for Ibe Pru-dential Insurance Co., spent Tuesday In

* McssrnifAt^ood Petty, Wm. Thompson,John P'jiit and John McNally were InPastor." last TtiLrstlay evening to bear tho"Bosio UIUIB.'VV

Mies ''Mair.o" Bow mi n nnd Sir. AtwoodPotty were the winners of tbe mixes at themeeting of the 20tb Century Eucbre Clubon Friday evening.

Ml«a Sallie Boas of P'ainQcld was visitincMrs. Jobn Efferitt la-t week and on NewYtnr'ri attended the homo gathering atMrB, John Moore's.

Tho Drtzes at tho meelinc ol tbe SsnsE C l b l t F l i i

Our Inventory U over and wo nro readyfor another your.

Wo therefore Hart it with 11 Big Sale.Muslins have been jumping in price. Wo

saw tbis, unii wbilo wo cm not controlmarket, wo can watch tlictn and preparo a

TVuly this will benGreat Jai iinry Economy Salo.Prices are mucb clicnper than a year

L?n. Buy beFnro they aro h!ph ng»in.Yard-wide Unbleached Muslins, ic,-lAc,

5c. tic ,7u. per yard.Y»rd.wldo Blenched Muslins, 52., lie.

7c, 7'u., S;. per ynrd.Fiii'ow t'aso Muslin*, So., 10c , 12Jc. up.Blfacbed BhPetinir, 10.- per yarQ up.Uiibieiicbcd ""

Wlloon and Joseph Skinner or Phillips- wltbany dlaOHsemoitlloned Itburg woru In tmvit on Saturday, ptcpar*- with nnv olher cmnmu'lcable dtseiwis orlory lo attending a surp IHO parly near any oblfd icMdlitK in »i y hoiiso In whichSprinAtown In company witb a numbor of f m . ] , discrso phHll <xlst, to Httonrl anyour town pcoplo. j ichool until Hilfl bonro i-ball bave given UH

Jacob Ureveling,nged72yearB,wa8found pftmit tbtrvfvr Anyuvnon or twnoiindead In bin homo minr Harmony on Fri-. frffundingngitiiiHr nny of the provisiond,iy. De.itb w«fl due to iintnr.il c.ms*8. ' " ' -•——<"•• - - •Tlio reunilt s were pluced in clmrgo of Un-dertaker Pii'cdckAmltmrled buimny morn-ing In the Anbury cemetery.

Mr. Uarliim was the f-uest of hia bro-ther, D.if Id Uirltiitf, 1-st Sunday.

i thl* f>m-inin Httoll forfeit and piy n penalty! of twenty dollnrH.

Sccllnn f> Whenever It f>hall be docmedncveMary by IIIIH hoHrd to e*tnhiHh thetrueclmrpcicrofany diHtas<> which theywy IK Hove to hi'communic-bte.a

l t i ff tlio i nitil* af-

Mrs, Mary V. Smith returned hnmconThurai!ay u'fttir tnukhm »n extvnded visit«itbrcl»tivestn " • ' ' 'North llranuh.

Mr. and Mrs. John F Cox of your fcbr-nu™h tii'idu u recent \h\t. m her parentd,Mr. nnd Mrs. .Mitralnill (lctlman.

Postmaster Prank Apg.ir Is now prepnr-

, , . , , - , . . . . Any person or ner-niukliiu an exiviKlrd visit wnimiruiidlimfg^iiiil HII.V of tlio provWons,ml irlciida In Trtnlon aud ofthl f'cllon HNHII forfeit and p.ty a pen-

alty of llfiyrio lrirs.Section 7. 11 cni-ff nf Infrrtlous or con-

tneiniiH nr commiinlc^hlo di-cnae in ttilstowfhip tbo icr-oris tilcctnd therenyrj,M|l, nt tlio (liHcrotlon of tliH ho«rd, ho

, , i p0.' P»r \HFQ up.

Unbenchcd Shfe iB" . i2Jc, perynrdup,apeclnl one Lot 10 4 Unbleached Sticet-

Inp (stock ton Inree), IS;.; worth 25c.One Lot 10 1 Ble»ci>rtl ShetUug (tttock

toolarce). 19c; wurLU 25toSSo.'A limit ensure to luy in a supply.One Lot Unhlenehed Sheeting, nearly

21 yards wide. Pt 121f!. vprynrrt.WM. LAUUACH & SON, Easton, Pa.

Tho TollowiiiK IITO tho newlv etecle^ ofH-

ed to receive orders fi>r tho following in-• fcointcd, or tticv muy ho removed to suchtereMinn nnil thorouuhly »p tn-il'te uulili- > tncaMty RH t1 is botud mnv order nndcitions: WutOilnpiou J-TAH, N Y World, 'direct; and nil building**, clnthinir, prem-N. Y. Pros, N. Y. Tiniw, PhllHdelphia i«(« H< d vehicles wlil.-h miiy hcuoirto in-North Am-rica and Ktcord. Specimen fcct(d hy ilio proicrco of persnn"i nfl' " *cotiicHortt-eso papers ulways on hand nnd ' • ' - ' * '-Inforuiulion aa to terms, etc., cheerfullygiven.

County Sup't J.ipon HofTman visited ourpublic schools on Monday.

Wo aro pleasfd tot-tntn tiiot Jobn Bla-

bv cnntnuii'ii", inf<-otlfms or cnmmunlcnblid l l l b riHifri t h

n u i i , iHhnll be n t tho cdlpf(IBP,Hhnll be riHiiiftceri nttho cxpenPO

oftlie tennnt, ncciip«ntr>r owner thoreef,nnd mU\ dl.1nf''i-tio'> or fumlcailon shall bomade pnd pt'rfnrnVetl in m«h mnnner andwith Biii-h IHOIO'IHIS and within suc l ih t idtime and uo(> T NUCII cupcrvislon aa

nd hiifl greatly improved.Mr, and Mrs. J wph Boss of near town,

entertained a number of friends to a tur-key dinner last Tliunidwy. Tho-o presentwere Mr. and Mrs. Janum Wlllever, Mr.and M'S. EINhn T. Vli»t, Mitw EmmaVliot, Rov. and M-s. J. B. J. Rhodes, Mr.and MM. Jacob Willevor and Mr. and Mrs.Godfrey Colo.

J. B. Slddow, our butcher, regrets to In-form IIH p-itroiis tb>tt tio cnntiot suipplvthem wUti ice nt-xt summer. He willbavo only enougb for his own usa.

COM1NC S A I J K S .-The following jHirbons havo already se-

lectud duten for the pnMicH U' of personalnuted below. This column iscow'or'LKerii CnuneVi; No. .14, j r . O U. A. i.ropi=rly, ..a nutoil hclnw. Thl . column I.

M™ Uouicllor, Elmer IUdl. j vice cnun- free lo iirrmiH will. pUco tlieir orfera withl l Q W H l ' t c R ( c ' y J l " ' ' l l l > S T A K f o r p o : t » r S o r ; 1 rtljpKy »|>«™ o

quarantine nf the pick from other prrsonsnnt neeewwrv an nttei d intP, nrd «lwrrovfdo and » ff^'t such ppcrlnl euro, dlsin-fwtinn nnd ulnnnhlng of p-operty andnrcniifps as shall. In tho jurfgninnt of tbebnard. he Herded tuordfr to prtvpnt thoBpreading of auoh dlsentwH to o1!«errer-sriiit". Any prrson or pprsons pfloilc"KEHinst nnv of tho provisions of thiitlon shall forfeit and p»y a penalty of ,

Section S Whnif vtr quprnnUno orla'lon ft''d HPpiimtion of ppwons or prop*frtv is ordcrpd bv thip bnnrd, rot fee ofs«id onlur Hh-ill hi elvpn to tho peworsfifi' c'fd thTtibv. S-id n< tic« shall bo In

a"dltmnv bo onrvi'd nerconnlly.w r l l c a dloft with Hm


bo onrvi nercinl ly ,TI at tho HlVc'eri ('OUHP,

diloft with Hm\ I O ,or it mnv ho ros ' rd upon t)m building orp-oin'sni o ' i b f h i f t d a

be given in the cliapel on Was Illusion'sBirthday.

Piwrt-on, nticiiot ct>r.FKU. 1"> —Farm stock, etc..

On WfclneBdny cvoninR of last vvoek Ell- by Ueweo Mnrlml. liB«r Pfqucst Furnace,ward IlalbBrg led lo tl o allnr MkH Klla j M. A. Pifraon, miclmneor.

. .. Janistr, one of Oxford's lending society! THUIISDAV, FKB 20.-F.irra ttfck, sic.,Soocl Eucbro Club last Frldny evonius girls. Ror. Memhlrmey poriarmi d tho by 8m ucUl Eiu.clt-oii on till' Gc.'rpe P.were won by Mr. Thomas Murphy nnd ceremony. Tlio baipy couple returned to Wjcbrfl'laun nt Port Ci-lden. C. V. Car-Mies Bllncbe Biddle. I the homo of the brine's pnrbiits wht-ru mi penicr, fui-tlnnter.

_ I _ 1 1 . . » - MM- - it**...-A*) T h ( ~ t *"» * .»

Mrs Garret A. Hobnrt and son nf Pater-1 0- E. Flcbtol has succeeded Mrs. Fred A s 6 F n p l l , l 0 „ e t c , ,y L l ) v i w Itu.h,nn «re wndinB " few WMIM n ith Mrs.: Buckcnmyer as agent for the Washington n e i i r N o w v.llase. J. T. Thatcber, auotion-

-McKinloy-iii Canton, Ohio. The -two,Steam Laundry. j e e r .women are warm frlendB. Jansen Bros hato put the bar mill on i THURSDAY.- tl Alien (i-Farui »1

L."Wldner, both of Eut'zviile, were mar- houtie witb an attack of tbe grip. M.^A.PloraoiC auctioneer; E. Fraiik Ciiue,ried bere at tbe Methodist parsonace on Dr_ \i§ p . Hoegland gave a supper to clerk.Saturday, Jan. 4th, by Rev. D. B. F. Raw flbont twenty gemlewen fiiends Suturd'iy ; pB I D .V Y A>-n SATURDAY, MARCH t-1 nnddolph. • .'evening. Tlie menu cot.sl-.ted of soup, I5_K» rm MN ck, bou!.fiho d pnod*, ot-t, by

Mtss Martha Etiker, tbe hanaaome ann • ' — - •->— —"-1 •- - - ' - « _ ' . . - • • '

Kiiiehts Templar receptions. Mr. David-, b e lowered evenly nnd safely into the TUKsnAV. MAitcn IS—Pn-m stock, e tc ,son is on a leave of absence. j grave. lie beeps abreast of llic times in by Idd>-c Z tit-r, nt jipj;lncto«rn. Rl. A,

Mlw Annio Gallagher, who hna beenapendlng the Holiday vacation witb hergrandmother on upper BoWidere avenue,returned to her studipg at St. Elizabeth'sAcademy, Convent, N. J., on Monday.

Mr. John H. Dlllrainof Goodison, Mich.,

bis buaiuess.Rov. It J. Christie will n

in" for men only at tho M. E. church, Sun- etc., n Dftviddav afternoon, at 2:30. All men are ic- on MONDAY,

id j —

/, llMr, nt S p i n R t o n . . ,, nutloneer'} E. Prank Clino, clerk,

TUESDAY, MARCH 19 h—Farm stock,Ditvid B ' ' l "vn«»r Asbury ; also,

M 2lt( h d

fir h-r7i"iit •with,n or removed frrni thellinlsorthotowushln without tho wrilpnrini'. nnil undnr'tbe direction ofhoprd o* ho'ltli tt'preof; »nd whrnever itnhnll come to the kn»wledepnf nnv por=ith.it t-jich fcrson or prticto ium bi- _.hrfniglit iciMiju sii"h limit.1?, hn stnll im-mediHtf V- KIVO noticfl thereof to fho putdhd'trd. No person shnll, within thin town-chin, without <* pprnilt, from the hotrdlipnlt'i iht-renf, c r r y or remove from cbuilriitic to aiv oMior, anv pursnn aickcnmtniinicfth'e diaoasf, nnr sha'l unv rer-pon by ami rxpofurf of any indivlriunl sickof aiiy pornin>i'>'RiblQ dlnenHe, or of thebmlvoftmeh rerann.or bv nnv ncclisentni'tt culilirCt-".'1. tiirrCVT'tK "rin rpfspect tothe c'irf* or ovntoHy therfo', or hy a need-

of hlmsi.lf, I'BUOII or con-t rihute'o or oromoto the spread ot com-

""i* iliseice. Auv owner, leien ornny tenint. of anv dweHinc in which there

hall ac.ci.r n cn<*>* of communlcnblo d.fp;.hall imnioflintrlv notify tho hoard ofhealth nfthe naine, and until instninMore 'ere'ved from the paid bnard, ."hull notPermit nnv clothing or other nrnpprtvthnt may hHvn hfpn Piposrd to inf. c'lonto he removed frntn fhe hnu-e. Nor shallany occnpnnt of suoh a house chaneo hisrp«fdenc*> plupwl'erc without tho conrentof UiPB'id hoT-d dnripptthf prevnlence of

ny pnh'ic Hanp^r from unid riiseiBG, Anyperson or norsnrg rfl\*ndine ncainst. avytbp, provisinns oT thia «nction a^all forfeitand pay u pei'o'tv of flrr«' nnUnrs

TAI.F.H t u TtL'sit President,PHILIT RANCR.FllANK *V 'UHTLS, M. D.,11


I .n*l B'vrri of Hnnlth,

;ooda. Jphfe L'ke, • uctlont-er. V-TiiunBOAY, MARCH 20—Farm stock, etc..

vited.Revival meotlngs will be continued at the

beiwpen Hiirmopy nnd Ely S UTSSm

Ku*v miiliil.-aThe membfirs of the Methodist choir,

the married folks accompnnied by wivesand buibnnda, were entertained on Sutur-

„.„„«,„ r .H A M P ' I O N . I PhilllpHhnrc. M. A. Picrson, BUctluneer;

Owing to the stormy weather our Sun ] E. Frjtnk CMre, clerh.

entB"on""too farm" south of town, where chfldren in a pleasing "manner, andPractically all nf hit spire time is spent, netted much credit upon Miss Edi£.Wel-


The L^cal Board of Health of the T"wn-

notbeen equaled In ton year-. 5Xf/X d W oVcomonunl-InvitntionshflT-e been fosoed for the mnr- f^11".1 '"?'"' n f , , , , ' nfnnn tl,n (.kin of a cable dlMMHQ without nionni.iPB nnd dialn-

ri.RQ of Harry WllFonHuMHurtj formerly , o relat1«B at. this place ho skin of a c ^ prohibit, d Every such

NnBbure nnd now oonfldential clprfe to J . I hunting tr i t . in tho mountains.Lydon Flick, arnilroad oiUcinl of Wilkfa-^hnd s\x rattles.

ft • ••: . . . ^ r r g a nd Mis" Gertrude Maude Melick o r Miss Blinchn Riddle is spending thoS;^;^-::;^.~——•——-—--:2[oocisbur_?T•- The nroflppptivp brirln is tho weik In Now "York.

•".<-! Tho cerpmnny will tako place lit Rlonmi-'i1(|Ving hud a return attnek of rheumatism.. . . : . i ^ , _ (I , bnrv on Wednesday evening, Jan. 22nd, a t , u 0 prenched in the Vailoy Presbyter inn™^~'".i^^__^^^^x^^Sc'cloe^^s^^ chinc'n inst Sunday morninfi^nn u«un], hia

, Nearly Axpliyxlnted./ Mrs.. Margaret Yonraar a and her aon,Qooree Plerson, cn.mo near meetins doithat their hom« on Corni'ih street, one nfeVitlast week. They had left the lidsonthobitrhen stove somewhat tilted and thoS i a l \ m atcumnlnHnis durinc tbo rightfilled the boiiBo. George wa .amkon .d

u 0 prenched in the Vailoy PrehbyterinnchVc'ft Inst Sunday mornlnf; nn u«un], hissubject bci-cr "The Acceptable Year of tlio1.0 rd—tbe New^Year."

liev. J. B. Kiicler ofcupicd the pulpit,of tho chnoel l^ihe. bvenlni?. Hl3 aubjsct'•Was the "Iooporial Kingdom."

B L O O M S B U I t Y .

Percy Y. Schelly of PbllllpsbiirRd d i b l t the

filled the bouBo. George was awnkonodbvthe oordltion of tho Blr In tho early

i f h rning nut TO SO near un

Rov. Percy Y. Schelly of Pbldelivered an admirable Bfirmnn

1 Sd

ier-nousp, i-aiinary tir iriuutr.v m PUUH m in-ner ftfl aforPRnld, hhnll be llablo to a ptnal-ty of twoi ty-n«o dolltira.— "-' - •'•'"-' •

Section 4 That anv'ownor tor occupier

• ' ^ ' ^ - T & t h e mSorB«t,d| w^ftlt O.nb»n>oi.t «™o«nctn(. the m.rrisge **>™^™^\Z^,Z?to«l•"•'• -•• "• •—-' ofMlBsGfirtrudoM.,souni!fst dnoiiliiMor promises nnd rero"»o l ho., oontonu tPoro-

Mr. and lire. Theodore Mellok, and Darryi from upon notice In writing to that Moil

airloht. BotSithe mother and son, feltT"n" flVe'b »f tholr elperlenco throughouttheday, - ' v -

isnurui'v ijrciiitjiitu uvci,* PUU-In or building nhall bo oluanaed and

dlBlnfoclcd by or at the cxpenfe of thoowner, tennnt or other poreon rrpponslblefor its condition, and'suld clnanslng nnddit-inffction Hhnll ho made ai d perfnrmedin 3uoh;raan!ier,-nnd:wlth..«uoh...niiloi:inla,and within fiuch' stated"tirri«, nnd'nndorFuch supervlHion, tis this hn»rd may directAny perHon or nernotiH oiT-ndlng affninutthiB section *h'til ho liable to a ponalty oftwenty-fl'6 dollars. '-,

Section 3 That the keeping of any pon•OT enclosure for goats, swine or otheranimHln, or any Hlouiihtpr-honPR, tannery orfactory, In nuch manner thatoffenflvoodo'Sihiill cmnnate thorofr.oni to the detriment

CP of'Tiistu ami Sinr»n CUIHH; Trial Mlzi-, 10 ivuor by tiiati.ELY HllOTHEUS.no W a r n

Until Jan. 10,1902on our entire stock of

Silverware, Rings, Clocks,

Jewelry, Etc.

before we commence inventory. ,," If you want a bargain come in.

Jnweler-OpHcist.Fine watch repairing a specialty.

Eyes examined bv our new method free

of co t. Come in and have yours tested.

It will c s t \ou nothing.


The month of

i l will be interesting53 m our store.


on many lines will bethe great attractions.

Come and see us.


FronvCenteffo CrustThe Oulick Breadis perfection itself.

. VVliite, light, sweet center—nchi;brown, short crust-mixed ana'

aawsf^.sfss.SdSSMi-JK y^ , ^ter-housp, tannery or ftcloryin puch min- just tllG way to Will your approVEu

nfl aforc-nald hiinll be liablo to a ptnal- J - • - ' J r r

One loaf, 5 cents.- - — • - • ' *

THE BRYANT STOREMore men wear Trousers in January than any month in the

year. We have prepared for this and offer youchoice of nearly one thousand pairs.

Men's Working Trousers, warranted not to rip, $1.00• • " • • ; - " • " " 1 . 2 5

" A l l Wool " " " ' • • " 1.50

Fancy Cassimeres . . . . . 2 .00

Fancy Worsteds, for dress wear, $2.50 to $5.00' Fancy Cheviots, in all new colors, » $3.00 to $4.50

Black Cheviots, in all grades, . $1.50 to $3.50Black Worsteds, in all styles . " $3.00 to $5.00Boys' Long Trousers . . $1.00 to $3.00

--•.-Knee'Trousers-,..,_,..- ...::.:,•„..:.._• 25c to $1.25A good time to buy an- Overcoat., -See if \ye--hayen't. just« what you want at a price far below all others.

Specul values all this month in all lines.

Clothier and furnisher


has removed all old sfock and presents

ii new and complete Hue ot

D R U G S ,'aints, Oils. Glass, Palent- McJidnes,•...

Stationery, Cutlery and

FINE PERFUMES.AN'UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORE.Our low prUrs will surprise and please

you. Our pr<fits are smull, but that isour lookout ani your benefit.

We are wishful that the citizens ot 'Washington an.l vUiiiitv will allow us anopportunity to"-piuve tlie truth cf ourst elements and the meits of cur goods.We assure courteous nnd satisfactoryittenltoti.






eviTy-mliiiiMlny Dully,


The Most Widely Read Newspaper in America.

Time has dem -nstrateil that the Thrlcc-aWeek World stuntls alone in its class. Othepapers have imitated its form but not itsuccess. That is because it tells all the new

,J-all the time.aiid t»Jl!s it", impartially, .wnei liethat news be p ilitlcal or otherwise;^ H Is tfact almost a dally at the price oi a weekland you .cannot afford to be w thout it.;-:1 .

in nnd Democrat alike can reai* m

Republican nnd Democrat alike can retheThricu-a-Week Woild with absolute cofi I i th

1 ' ii (ii'iir« Jii Urn Dully Trl-1hinio nt Kmnc iluto, alno DOIIII'HUC (nut For-

.yirii fiirri'MiHiniient-c, Shurt SturK'n, 1-;k'«tuitUalMnnu IlliiKtrnlUiuw,HiniHti-miB ltcmw, In-iluxtrlnl Itiloruwiltoii, pjinlilim NotcH, Ajrrl-ciiltiinilMntUTK nnil Cotniin-h^iiHlve mm Ito-

-lltibli' l-'lnanclai ami Mari't Ilii .nriP. j>• Itcjfuliir HutiMcrliitlnn Iirlte, $i.r>0 per year. [

We Furnish tt with THE STAR for.$2.25.'

per Year. Four papers, each week.

Send all orders"tJ"THE STARrf


BUSINESS SENSE.Good business sense would advise you

to buy that coal which fcives the best re'

•*utts lor the money, 'Ulugli coal being

harder, burns limber; v\vt< UnW\ less K:\$;

leaves no clinker* and produces a'hotter

("ire. Since it burns longer, it is more val-

uable—so much more, indeed, th <t the

slight difference, in the prices of Lehifth

DanU the common sort is quickly wiped out

chigh Coal Is the best and cheapest

coal mined. . , ,. _

Only R.LCLINE& CO. sell

Lehigh Coal in Washington.

Conquer Your*v. Prejudices

if vou have ;iny ithout buyiiiR at a small •store. Try tlie little store nit iheconcr.it's a small store with small expense. Forits size it dues the largest business of anyin town. We itefp'"tm tnc• move all the-time. None but the best.^oods for the1;money.

*No baits to catch those who are notposted. II \vr tan't do a lair, clean, operrbusiness, We'll quit.

Scrilrii liaisiiis,New Cui-i-anis,

•NVw Clliiin,

New l-'lij«,... .. New. IMiuii.l'mltllng,.. •'

' " H«niiMiiinIo MinciT Mi'al, - ™--N'IL'« r a t ChickoiiN,

All kinds ol'.Nms anil Conl'uutfmiory.-I

If you are not satisfied with your pur-chase, bijng it back atid yet your money.-ihat*s our way\>f;yuTiiK:misi7ie\S~;":-^~"-

Blue Front Grocery.L M. DAVIS, PROPRIETOR.

Opposite Cornish's Factory.

Notice/ 1'"l''

III'tliRihiittrrof tli.M.Htii(.-of V Hiiir to BarKiiulii'l TrliiHiH'r.diHviiKwI. Crviilliirn.I'urHtmiiL lo I1H< imicr of tlm Kiirritttiite o f

tiuM.'initit.v ol Wunvii.minhMin tl»> 1 :uit <lnyof ncfctnliiT. A. U. l'.mt, IIIMU-C IH liiTi-hv^l-^'i!:i.":"L1:!l|irH"""'"iiiivliiir (•.lniiiiH-iiiralnHt,•iHOHtairi.t Uirili

County nf WnriTii.Hanu' i<> lln'Hiil'HiTltortiffiin)Llii> l i l i l il'.H)1-1, liHim nltM- iiK

M l

i-riKliiilnlHtnilnr.nii.")f St'i'it(»mli,.r. A.' I).

•.- - . - ln>iii tin- i lnii ' "f tlio-HIIIII iinlt-r; Jtml nny nvHlt.ur mrWtl t i« U)briny; In ami exhibit ninoi-lier r | |i.,u IIIKI.T<kiitli or lUUrmiilloii, within tli«> ilinenn limit-oil, will lie .I.IVVHI- bjirri'i! n! liU or \lf:r nultuu


Dutcd Dec. lillli, 101)1. AflmlnlritnUur.


F0U YOUNG MENurn iim>ni|ili)Vi'(], tll UMndencd in its truth. nw'InHHii'VHn'wY'wiuV^liMr^T'^ni1'^

In addition to news, it publishes first-das mnii. emi im.i.«immcyWith <n\r m-w nivrlt-usrial stories nnd other features suited to the flmmbcr VlHtiiNcoiii' nnd t.iinii»iiiii(lH,ut i»'whome.ant iirebide. | J'l'1'?""/ ?\l>r"j'w"Jjlf 1'hotnirnnilm fromi J[ 1

'•' The Thrice-n-Week Worid's:'reRUlar sub- Viic IMiiiiiini•'"•»• "^>Hp^iJ-VuiiliVJ"viVw"''"•el"''''-scription prlcf is only Si.oo per year and this ninny (mm ttutfnin, WiiHiii»i_:tnnniMinii.Mtmi,pays for 156 papers \ sj'oum-cujil^vitu th« ](it<> Ji'ri'Miociit. MrKhile^; ;

We'offer this unequalleil newspnpar and in^'oiljKrt'un'iiy r™r winiPMt'wnriK'nn'ift'

The Startoijether one year for S 2 . 0 0 . L | ">'mH.y'<i,idiVrti!«\Jint!!r^The regular subscription 'price fortluAwo ^w^tn. 'c^Hury. Write-«t unco lor par--

oapers is Ss 50. | // ' ^-•-AiMress; alllorders to the STAR Washing- ^ G n i F F I T ^ _ O 1 U P P 1 T H , _: .,_ ^ton, N."J. "; .^--"-..r--. -.-'-^-.' Dep( .T. . 2G0G Diamond Street,. Phitftdelp.hf.il.. Pa»__
