smaller photo collage with emphasis on construction zone

A cement mixer in church? You’d better believe it! Realism is essential in teaching, and the children were glued to the action thereby being open to accept the truth of the message. A few photographs from ROYAL FAMILY KIDS’ CAMP Summer programs. I wrote some, but directed, and produced all over the last fourteen years. I have the ability to cast a vision which volunteers want to be a part of.

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Smaller photo collage with emphasis on Construction Zone

A cement mixer in church? You’d better believe it!

Realism is essential in teaching, and the children were glued to the action thereby being open to accept the truth of the message.

A few photographs from ROYAL FAMILY KIDS’ CAMP Summer programs. I wrote some, but directed, and produced all over the last fourteen years. I

have the ability to cast a vision which volunteers want to be a part of.

Page 2: Smaller photo collage with emphasis on Construction Zone

I just finished carving the name, “Jesus” into the foundation of our life and then went on to teach the children that life is not complete without

the name that is above all others being written on our heart.

Page 3: Smaller photo collage with emphasis on Construction Zone

The next day, our hard-working crew put the floor of TRUST onto that solid foundation of Jesus. Children need to know

they can “TRUST” Jesus with their life.

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The last addition to our house is the door of choice. Proving that the team is better at acting than building, the door needs a little coaxing to fit in place.

(Don’t force it, get a bigger hammer!)

Page 5: Smaller photo collage with emphasis on Construction Zone

As the Bible teacher, it is my responsibility to present relevant Bible lessons each day. Some of our lessons included, “In God we Trust,” “the Good Samaritan,” “the adulteress caught in the act,” and, “God is worthy of our praise and thanksgiving.” While modern-day analogies are helpful, all lessons

must be grounded in the Word of God to be relevant.

This day we featured the story of Elijah and the Battle of the Bar-B-Ques set to spaghetti Western music. (A great fun way to teach a powerful lesson!)

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Here is where things began to turn south on me. I had just suggested to the crew that they try doing something radical to our new house and their initial reaction pretty much says it all.

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Hey, how was I to know that if we yanked the Floor of Trust in Jesus out from under our house, it would collapse? The campers’ gasp of horror was priceless! The crew quickly rebuilt the house as I wrapped up the powerful lessons.

(I have done this program five times over the years because it is so very relevant!)

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If children are this excited about expressing the joy of the Lord, they naturally want to come back again and again!

(The cute little girl just found her nametag hanging from the ceiling. She now realizes that all the effort

of our ministry was done just for her.)

You will notice that the faces of the Royal Family Kids’ campers have been obscured to protect their privacy.