smart view for-planning

12 1 Oracle Hyperion Smart View For Hyperion Planning Part I Description: BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a list of beginner’s guide and FAQs for Oracle Hyperion Product Suite. Download many such learning documents, student guide, Lab Guide and Hands-on practice materials. This document describes an introduction to Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Hyperion Planning. Join our professional training to learn from Experts. History: Version Description Change Author Publish Date 0.1 Review#1 Amit Sharma 2 th May 2013

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Page 1: Smart view for-planning 1

Oracle Hyperion Smart View

For Hyperion Planning Part I


BISP is committed to provide BEST learning material to the beginners and

advance learners. In the same series, we have prepared a list of beginner’s

guide and FAQs for Oracle Hyperion Product Suite. Download many such

learning documents, student guide, Lab Guide and Hands-on practice

materials. This document describes an introduction to Oracle Hyperion Smart

View for Hyperion Planning. Join our professional training to

learn from Experts.


Version Description Change Author Publish Date

0.1 Review#1 Amit Sharma 2th May 2013

Page 2: Smart view for-planning 2


An Introduction to Hyperion Smart View ............................................................................................................................... 3

Installing Hyperion Smart View ............................................................................................................................................... 3

Verify the installation. ......................................................................................................................................................... 6

Setting up Connection ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

Opening a DataForm. ............................................................................................................................................................ 10

Create AdHoc Analysis and SaveAs DataForm ...................................................................................................................... 10

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An Introduction to Hyperion Smart View

Hyperion Smartview is one of the most exciting features for Hyperion Products Suite users. It is designed primarily to simplify business users, end users and functional day to

day job. Without getting into technical complexity, one can connect to Hyperion products and do day to day job easily. The beautify of of Hyperion Smartview is

No coding required.

No worry about the technical complexity.

No formulas to get data.

Just drag and drop

Automatic drill-down and drill-up through double-clicking

Fully integrates with MS Office to leverage formatting, calculations, etc

Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office (Smart View) is a Microsoft Office Add-in that provides a common interface designed specifically for analysts to interact with the data and business intelligence content that they have stored within their Oracle’s Enterprise

Performance Management (EPM) system.

One of the most common ways of using Smart View is users access Excel to interactively

investigate the data contained in the different sources such as Oracle Essbase, Hyperion Planning, or Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) etc.

Installing Hyperion Smart View

Connect to the workspace http://<<ServerIPAddress>>:28080/workspace/index.jsp

Once you download the Smart View executables. You can invoke it. The below screen shows

the next step.

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Follow the wizard step by step to install the Smart View in your client machine.

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Specify the path where the smart view files will be stored.

This invokes the installation window.

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The below screen shows the installation got completed. The next step is to open MS-Office product

and check the Smartview is visible in toolbar

Verify the installation.

In Excel click Office Button Excel Options. The below window will pop-up. Now click go and

Oracle Hyperion Smart for Office, Fusion Edition is checked.

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Also, Open Excel and check ribbons and the Smart View Panel are visible.

Setting up Connection

You connect to data sources, manage your connections, and open grids, forms, and task lists all from the Smart View Panel. Depending on how the administrator configured Smart View, you may or may not be required to enter your user name and password as you change data providers and Office applications.

Planning: http(s)://servername:port/HyperionPlanning/SmartView

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Click Create new connection and specify the URL and credentials

Specify the URL http(s)://servername:8300/HyperionPlanning/SmartView

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Select the Application

Provide the name

Provide the credentials

Once you connect to the application you can see the list of DataForms and Task Lists.

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Opening a DataForm.

The DataForm can be opened directly from Private Connection/Shared Connection panel.

Alternatively, you can open DataForm from Planning interface. FileOpen in Smartview.

Create AdHoc Analysis and SaveAs DataForm

i) Open Data Form in Ad Hoc Analysis.

ii) Change the PoV as needed in DataForm.

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iii) Specify the member selected as need and Save Ad Hoc Grid to DataForm.

iv) Specify the DataForm Name and browse for location.

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