smm checklist

Social Media Management Soſtware Checklist Consumers today have more options than ever before about the media and goods they consume and the services they use. They also have options about the social networks and digital channels where they connect with others and create and consume content. Smart social brands are present across these channels to listen and understand their consumer and to deliver great social experiences that build lasting relationships. Finding the right technology partner to aid brands in this effort takes careful consideration. A Social Media Management software provides deeper insights to help you understand your audience. The tools you need to reach and grow your audience. And the engagement capabilities you need to make social customers your happiest customers. We’ve developed the following checklist to help you clarify the must-haves for social media management and make a more informed choice.

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Social Media Management Software Checklist

Consumers today have more options than ever before about the media and goods they consume and the services they use. They also have options about the social networks and digital channels where they connect with others and create and consume content. Smart social brands are present across these channels to listen and understand their consumer and to deliver great social experiences that build lasting relationships.

Finding the right technology partner to aid brands in this effort takes careful consideration. A Social Media Management software provides deeper insights to help you understand your audience. The tools you need to reach and grow your audience. And the engagement capabilities you need to make social customers your happiest customers.

We’ve developed the following checklist to help you clarify the must-haves for social media management and make a more informed choice.

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1. One Software-Built For Scale

2. Smart Content Planning & Scheduling

3. Trend Tracking

4. Integrated Content Management

5. Smart Organic & Paid Publishing

6. Social Care Monitoring & Routing

7. Efficient Response Management

8. Compliance, Security, & Governance

9. Analytics & Reporting

10. Global Support, Education, and Strategy Consulting

A complete social strategy should also include integrating social into activations on owned or paid digital properties. Learn how to create innovative social experiences.

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Smart Content Planning & Scheduling

Successful social teams must constantly plan and deploy the most relevant content for different audiences across any number of social channels. Look for a solution that can:

What to Look for in a Social Media Management Software

One Software-Built For Scale

Whether you want to activate 10 contributors or 10,000, an ideal application will be able to scale across the complexity of your business. The technology you choose must be able to scale across different organizational needs for social-including global brand awareness, customer care, crisis management, and recruiting. Look for a solution that can:

Create a social organization that matches your actual organization—including different brands, geographies, departments, teams, and/or social use cases

Provide granular access controls allowing employees access to only the parts they need to get their job done within the software or across social properties

Customize roles and responsibilities in addition to providing prepackaged options

Limit user-engagement capabilities to specific geographies or audience segments

Encourage adoption through simplified workspaces based on each user’s day-to-day responsibilities

Enable workspaces to be configured for a variety of specific social activities- such as customer care, content creation, employee advocacy, or distributed social presences

Ensure that only approved content is published, thanks to automatic, multi-tiered content approval paths

Offer configurable workflows for content creation—including content stages (e.g., draft, pending review, etc…), tiered approvals, notifications, and mobile editing

Handle inbound content more effectively, via multi-tiered escalation paths and clear status information

Schedule posts in advance across multiple accounts, channels, and dates

Recommend the best date(s) and time(s) for maximum reach and engagement

Categorize posts by development stages—draft, ready for approval, content needed, and pending publication

Display your organization’s global calendar to show what other brands, divisions, or regions have planned

Enhance strategic editorial planning with a vast database of known, potentially marketable events

Pinpoint the best opportunities with events ranked on brand preference, historical social performance with your audience, and up-to-the-minute trends

Track events with alerts on the most-shared content, and predict how much social volume an event will produce

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Trend Tracking

It’s no longer enough to simply publish planned marketing messages and respond to fans and followers. To drive engagement these days, social teams must stay alert to trends and use context to know when to join the conversation. Look for a solution that can:

Integrated Content Management

The need to have well-organized and compelling brand content at your fingertips has never been greater. The most effective teams create content collaboratively across multiple roles, departments, and even geographies. Look for a solution that can:

Surface the top trending content from multiple social media sources

Track multiple social channels for trends on your own terms, phrases, hashtags, or locations

Visualize trending topics and content in live, real time dashboard

Identify and monitor influencers as they interact with your branded accounts and keywords

Monitor the key terms and topics trending within your own audience

Monitor competition and their audiences across trending topics and hashtags

Filter trends by location, terms, language, and followers

Create alerts for when branded terms begin trending

Store, manage, and rapidly deploy multiple content types through a highly visual interface

Provide easy access to standardized responses for common issues and questions

Bulk upload multiple sources of content at once

Embargo content so that it can only be used during a certain time period

Organize content into folders and campaigns

Enable permission-based access to certain content, campaigns, and folders

Search and discover content via filtered attributes

Customize assets with image editing and a library of templates optimized for each social network’s size requirements

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Smart Organic & Paid Publishing

Effective content distribution requires staying on top of multiple media types and image formats,as well as ever-changing audience expectations and consumption habits. Look for a solution that can:

Social Care Monitoring & Routing

Done right, social care drives loyalty and affinity—but it requires organization around extremely fast response times as well as careful messaging. Look for a solution that can:

Target content to specific audiences on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+ by selecting attributes like gender, education, age, location, job function, and seniority

Adjust planned content using a recommendation engine for best-performing words and words to avoid

Easily segment content via campaigns and content tags

Reach more of your audience with paid publishing options across a variety of channels

Coordinate paid-content workflows with dark/unpublished posts

Distribute content across multiple social channels, regions, or departments simultaneously

Automate link tagging through web-analytics integrations (Google Analytics, Omniture, etc.)

Generate custom URLs via integrated link shorteners

Automatically categorize huge volumes of inbound content for maximum efficiency

Get the right content in front of the right people, using rules-based routing according to topic, influencer, category, or sentiment

Triage inbound items for response, workflow, or action from other teams—whether desktop or mobile

Deliver instant and ongoing visibility into content sentiment

Track social for “crisis flags” around the brand, set alerts if they gain traction, and monitor the social lifespan around a crisis

Rapidly spin up response teams with the appropriate approvals and permissions, so that the right people can access information and make decisions quickly

Ensure efficiency with team and individual reporting on the service level agreements (SLAs) that matter to you

Report on various customer-care analytics including open rates, time to close, and issue tracking at team and individual level

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Efficient Response Management

Context is everything when it comes to resolving an issue on social. To respond effectively, social teams must be armed with historical data, consumer affinity, and response preferences across any channel. Look for a solution that can:

Compliance, Security & Governance

Risk and cyber-security management are top of mind for many brands and media properties, especially those in regulated industries. Look for a solution that can:

Enable multiple response actions across your Owned social accounts- including private messages and replies to comments

Identify influencers contributing to social conversations, to help with response priority

Maintain a repository for pre-approved content and assets related to different potential crises

Provide an easily configured dashboard for rapid response and action

Enable deeper understanding of the issue with a view into conversation history

Provide public social information and context for help tailoring an authentic response

Hide or delete posts from social networks with easy spam identification and removal

Engage directly with third-party systems (e.g., care dashboards, external listening vendors)

Retain independent access to social activity without relying on social networks

Capture all inbound and outbound activity in a single system

Record engagement audit trails across team members and social channels

Store approval audit trails

Leverage data API for integrating social archive information with data warehouses

Automate daily exports via SFTP or SMTP

Provide a single, controllable user login to grant access across your branded social media accounts

Manage passwords including expiration dates and CAPTCHA

Encrypt data in transit and at rest

Restrict application access using whitelisted IP addresses and ranges

Support backup encryption using SSL and GnuPG

Enable Single Sign-On using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2

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Analytics & Reporting

Accurately measuring and reporting on social business value is mission-critical for most organizations, yet most still struggle to get there. Look for a solution that can:

Global Support, Education & Strategy Consulting

Many vendors provide basic software training, but the partnership stops there. A true strategic partner will guide and support you in attaining your social business goals. Look for a partner that can:

Integrate with existing web analytics tools to track conversions

Identify top content, contributors, engagement, activity, and time of day

Compare message and campaign performance across any and all social channels

Enable competitive comparisons of campaign performance and social activity

Report on Share of Voice to track the social footprint of any campaign, sponsorship, or crisis

Report on volume, reach, and sentiment

Analyze key account information to track fan growth, demographic trends, and impression data

Customize reports and dashboards to reflect the data that matters to your business

Provide visibility into audience demographics and composition on specific social channels

Aggregate engagement and account metrics across different social networks and owned social accounts

Offer visibility and context to all internal stakeholders, using custom dashboard displays that aggregate various metrics (community, listening, real time marketing, experiences)

Provide complete software training, certification, and continuing education through onsite and online instructor-led courses

Offer a dedicated customer-success team for ongoing advocacy and account planning, as well as best-practices guidance and usage optimization

Tailor software configuration to meet your unique needs

Deliver 24/7 support, along with onsite event support as needed

Provide community management and moderation services for live events as well as ongoing social communities

Design and execute breakthrough social curation and other digital experiences for major events and campaigns

Provide consultative services on social strategy, customer care strategy, digital content strategy, and more

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At Spredfast, our collective mission is to enable Smart Social to make every con-sumer touch point better. We bring data and insights into content planning and publishing, from knowing audience trends, influencers and advocates, to effec-tively moderating and managing social at scale, to analyzing results. The Spredfast Social Software Software is unique in its ability to manage, integrate, and amplify social content across any digital touch point in real-time. Our passion for enabling smart social also plays out in the way we partner with customers to inform their social strategy.

Spredfast customers manage over one billion social connections across 84 coun-tries and have the power to process 650 million pieces of social content per day in multiple languages. Over 600 customers, including all five major broadcast net-works and fifty percent of Interbrand’s 2013 World’s Best Brands have partnered with Spredfast to create first-class social experiences.

To learn more about Conversations or request a demo, email [email protected].

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About the Spredfast Social Software