s^^m^^^m^-^p^^nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035821/1884-05-15/ed... · 2009-02-02 · qur...

& •wwwwraSrasiettteJa^^ :<jM4jujua^a3^*arti^<scc^^^ »jtg^jeBBMap«iis^^^.^^"giawt*«i ite^M iS «4»ti; JS^ ^•;;^35B54BBB^^l^f .J5 ? -1§S4 •mQmmjaTfms;: :..'• •_.--;;'.•• ;-/'-'-;''T-^V-^^.spsv-:^'- '•--' ' "" . .Stec?'; bS^z'-tj^-tt-ayiivnt^j sfSsijay springl-"°. ^;r.,;,J ; v----\^'^Hita^-ii^oTiiV-' -'._ -—V '•" -.- ;d^-itely^pjfta%^;^eflrttta^"^ia»;.•••-' "'• •:' : V.; : : ' ' -' ^oii^it^.iireyioust".; '";' .";".'•*.' - '-'•;_ C^hieJthef-to-socisso^By .window ledge,'-. .-' : . '•',. ..' -&nA : ^ea^4tynn^y-::'. . •-"."••'"*:' ?;".' "''' , ".";- -'-;" -3Eixtvii4rt*-.te»so'Qi!- r ;;.. -.": ; -•." -."'.. -'- ; isfitft;:i^:6^. teii & ''{;•.'• ••-•: '"'.^sitii'sa-i'ejEarfi,:'.• ' •• -:\_: ;-' : " r • •" ^g^^-tSte.scee^j-aaa'oaseffliiJ? haste ;" --> ''.'. 'tEhpu'rii out of;se'isoa^ wantShi-ftaa. raftiSiasfce, j..--. if-'-,-„-\. .v^'Anaddiii't-a^-rVt.Hl'' .;.'••".."•"•' ": -""V >: .'.;'-' --'3&i-b> : .^dVbyi"-''•'.;•'.'•' .'.'-: ' : \-'- - j^Sttn^eritiii^bTrr^^ """• ' ; '-v""^.-..' 2£Q»'^i:fc*ayi•"'. ."-.":•' '.-.:.."' - . ... .'The thunderstorm laatFricury after- noon, was felt quite severely in Wafer* towa,the lightningstriking the house occupied byBennettBros. ,.' florists', on Massey. street. Messrs." Bennett estimate tbefe loss at §S0O; MBS, 3f elzar Jtogerson, living on file Mo, 3 toad, die* tpite suddenly PH. Friday' last, Mrs, Ingerson was a dMghfer pXthe late John Areher,abd s woman; highly ssteempd'by.aH who knew iter*.' T'he funeral was held at- iter latP.resideaee Sunday afternoon. eiOuEttf^s S. Mereness, j; B% Moore, W> L, Scott and Q. B. Easton-y with Hiram Burke and. William Smith as guides,.- left .for- t h e N<nrth vrp.oda.on .gat uirday»'. They will camp for about two' y/«eks oft TwiteheH Lake.. at£Hldip.rd's. ard at She'irird >& THE- $ew York, state fair will be held at Elrnira Sept. 4th to TOth. CHARLES O^Oohri.ix, tho famous"' lawyer, died at'hia'tiomefc Nantuek- et oil Tuesday.' Hamilton Wilcox oi iovra, former- ly superintendent of Black river'ca- nal, is to town. .THE General Assembly of lire Pres- byterian, church met at Saratoga Springs yesterday., •• SijiS; ^Johs 'Hbtrtonn, of MArthis- burg;h/aged f»'3".«u"t , 45--yr>suvt > died'v-«ry ssddewty-ef jjearf^di^?*ie tnsl Ffkisiy M^.-.Bliett ; 'Sjs:<iitpp^TtS5fJyfa.g0od heitov >i ."the ii<!'iul- h s a r md ?•.«>« ftfior "ps&gtet siivay without "any strng- gl^ofp^ia,-_.'. .' . ." . " ;Lp(>K: at :FHi-h &-0os?dy , s.'ejegstf. jies? dSiwCguoW'.iuat.rricay^d.- .. : -•'•"•Gt»nfers!-av"-'I>":'|[toiS^rfaffli of A d a r a s Vdie^>uaSgn3y;.af Adai*>s Center S|im-.; dajr.ttf4erh.e*»B,. of' apoplexy, gged .TC ysjes^," \Htf;W'a« the .oliSest'&ab.tcBt ia t;is; /gfcse; aa'd iof maijf yea'^-.ane.of' teie^dJostp^^tiQ§iitBU'ii in. JeScrcsia." ipaaty; •'.;.-. ,.;. .•.; : . ; - . ; •''"-;•, •.;.-_'--'. : . •-. Nicnolas Bosb&rt has bought-Uiir - teen bales of hop.-s yf Edwin Lsynard at 21 cents a pound. BEV, *W, F, Purln^ton,. of 0open- hagen t will occupy the pulpit, of the M. E, church of this yiilsge, one week from nest Sunday. . SH'EPABD & Stoddard havs just re- ceived another ease of hats, the latest styles to be sold at unheard of pr!ee«, Call and sea them. • . 1 P yoa; want a new 'carpet this Spring yoa should esll repon Fit5\Pi.& Obw^y whahayo the largest line;and hands'oiaiesfc patterns ever toought to ijowviiiej pyieesway aowu; tf. -Mr. John Dryd^n, of Copenhagen wm m t'>wn on Mumlay. —Mr. Henry Bt«ne, of Brooklyn^ S.3 visiting friends in to%v.n. —MM. Henry Ks>U<?y. and son, of Csrthase, are apendins? the We^fc with friends in this village. - —Mr. W- H. Hail, at present a coKipOHiforon t h e X e w Y o r k Trihtfn.fl, is visiting friends in town. —Mi 5- ? Annie Fulton of Hoganj*- hurjjlvFrnnk'Hn roiHdy, is vwf-tuig Horace Bush and family. —Miss Ella Klhjj^r, of Ca,rfhagc>, sp-'-td th« S.ii>Uath with her sLstftf, Mm* O. D, Watson, i.n thiq village^ —Mr. aud Mrs, Balph Oascow, of Gtov&rsvilk', visited friends in this' village, last Friday and Saturday. —Mr, W. P, Ro^ew returned, to his hom? sn *his village on. Satardgy, and remained with, his family a few days.- —Mrs. Edwin White, pf.'Pillar Pointy is vMiKng. her- cousin, Frar.fc Welier, and.btiwi? frieads to -I^o-w-. ViliOj —Frof. Hv.G; iSTortham is conduct-' ing a teach&ra i n s t a t e the., present weefc.?t Htf>' : yla^on,"oc Staten Island,' nt'sr New York eity, •—MriX 0, Jea«s.und wife, of Fo?s~ da4!i.f!,.Wi::eoas!n, i»re •. vSs?tJ»g fhctr. cjiaiifife:'••.'•/•;'jv^: '.•;.":'• "_=A-':<:.r'.y- biffija^l>ltt- : ^ca^ev : :' : '•• : -•.;"'f- -.'%'«:- : '"-•• ^.oSfireafcout W ^ n e K «.'te- M Tue,- j hrr ' lQ ^' Mr; ^ JoB^,of.this yU?ag day, 0B^..lj'pfors» the 'fire -em-ifi ae.^x-; ''-^ r JMa^HA'Smifhpwh6'?diled btj\Crasu ; .ehed thbl'«J^ r ns.^asdan3aff^d Kifeai'BeB»?elKer. ;Fal'fe,/J(ss',.hse%! to .'.the. anic.aat -of #15,000. The fire origliiate^ in the eagu»« .rooiBi PORT LETB3SX. : MLwiU'iwi Seymourh«3 besn.ers-' gagfd to te 'Ch the. school on the East sidiMif th'oriver itt this. iriUftge for the ensuing-year. . , •• .... Mra. J. S, Tardy will ?pehcl tlie largest portion of flje-wi'i^nw with triendrf in Lowvilie, • ' - Qur band' has made rapid improve-; niant under the i'n«tractf&ii of.;Prof, MeQrossen, Thsy have- comsiieneed giving but door eoneeris. Br. J'ojvjtson fe-as' itHprovM the loo-ks of hiaproaaisea-M&r-y; tntich hy ffriiding t h e erratiad Jo Anjt of' Ms K> C! i»ieE'"> mj M:un strcat. ' The new pa°tor of the MjB. chur.(jh, R'iv. ifL A , Harris, is"' w&H, lifeed-Hy oitr people. The pulpit of the Pres^ hyteriah church in this ; village last Sunday ^v*»p?"Sf was ©eoupied by Bev. t)r. Franc?, of Lbwville, .'Who; preached srx a'ileandiftSerbsfingser- mflnt . ' ;,. ,'••" . ; ' ' . ' ' . ; ' -JDBO. ' t?icea: tbtejB.IIKca.'/p.ayl-f!n2-.,. At,. the. ^x>a^^o3 : 2^t^ : 'hJ9/WdUW.n- i^ '%^Jefh^Voft«^t^«t%.teT3tea(:'. «.IS. »•-» .y-vys?. wf<»n?-t "41?* •r B'^g^'.ai3d'she»a-].i ;te>. h« a; : '.'&BVV. If.-S:Jtji:-i*w,- 0L, parlih ;aaQ. ifep^tube*. '.1 Mlh^ofOTbSEarSiihei'..2£h3Jr— i =""~~ ai ~ '^'^-'' r; - : -.-^vv-''- : .'"i-V •'-.'• ^S^p3D^':3^)^edy,-'c^.SjJ^a^:.^iu: . iBPM;fe|^^iuxtfe^fe^i&age#nne '."JSScfcr.VV - f " / ' : : " - : •'-'-•'' ; -'" '; ' : -••'"" v' Ida iw,v; : ^^ta'fey,b:ie"te'..3.»f;.!ip't'h»u. Vj?hs.'ht- figiia' i? \.. ? -. •> ;'"••' •"-•'"; : ".-:'.'•' ; • " " ' .... -_.,, . -__ , .,, -^- ^. ... .. i will "vMt;i&fo#e,'9peMia#;ia6sfc o? .• jFo^-hargainf ^li,. apoa..Fitch :&|thesiimta.gr.iiltrftvoL'." " ; .r •'.""' ggWd^-r-:-' -:'••' • . •. ,-• ' •'•' . '•• - -tf.":"[ "' ; —-—•—rhr r-r-*' ' • : . "—^= ,'iK •: :- ! ; BSy^,Wk:Ff'--3Xa*&ii<3;fii'af;Fulton, . HawMp* .rrf-Iysa j.-who was : sspbeted to ps^aoh" to..tHe ftfi-twerp, .pr^nefret? two ; JVIetaodiatchurch.of this. vHIag'e n e x t 1 Mr. Tories m>s, -a former "resident of I Lowi^ eouiity^ . •..'. • '•• '*;'• ". ••; —I&iv, T. XiL. S h e p h e r d , n b ^ ' i a p£- t'eadanro af rtis.e "feaeKJ. eo^jferenc?.,' prsaelied at Sib Ham6 J 3.stieet : jt.% 32, £=hHt0h.'Gei*mari'town, Pa,.,'Iasl S'aa- «My a t 2 iii. " : . •••" " .• v.uudv'..:r ft^iki ai' A»«_;]&iee" of this.yUfctg^; t«xi%< The Bagan Iectasca. wbre; very Snb. : .Ray. A, Ol J J . a n ^ k ' w ^ .serenaded hythe TurirE corns* feabd one"day last week. Mr; J>ai\for&' resppBdeS to'a nsafe spoettfe, uteft-wasafte^wartl^' iht?Gdaeed to :.thb sieiahsrs. : bf the b s n d . . : ; .-'"• . ; . - . •"••." Quarterly m'e@ki&&'- spssrifss y?e-?e | iibul slj'the. 51' .33,. ehpreh- last' Sunday. moVatosr. _•--In .theah^'fiebi'-of. Pr d s|-: 'dmg. Elder Bher»he?d,, #lib.%a#erii^ ing iho gnneta? .-coh'fe^aCK-at "'PU-Ha- .de.'pJu'a, ?hb«erv;'«e? ^ b r e eb.ndat*.ted.. by ihe.pasJ.ors R6^;A./£l,ifciii€9rth,. : -THi*-ryyvitiiVf-iii of i6hs. : sea?on.'Wl' : h •,ii7--'T«ria t-?*^'.?'?- -ffiEfobfhb masr^se sho. Was experiencing spjae pain hear her heart, aiid before hidfppt niae she parsed away' frois this partly pTlgritoage to that tiome where the weary are at rest. Her funeral waa held on Sunday atSt.Pet«r's ehurbi. Bailey Wetnabrbpaet with a narrow escape of his life on Moftrlay to driv- ing into the barn of Lafayette Brown .where ha"i«-*rt work-, Tb^re m - a te* .reaehihg' from post to postacross the .driyowrty'to which the doors *re faSr tened. This is aboat midway of the : door* up and down. and in: passing through a.perspn rau&tatoop.over a considerable to escape it. This ae did not do quick enough to jtrm -uader.sb.got caught between th'b ba,r' and mills: oka, and the-'team cbntmi- ing to go ahead pressed him apiirst . th* bar.ii'ntsl. the straps wfaic-h- fasten- ed fho can to the wagon gave way and he was released^ ,'it squsez'd him badly,though ja$: was ablefe ijo' about; "Jfcna ..Work tshb next day. T!ia fauebt of: the ean ; was' broken o&M id. .the.eab was ot-hsrwisedaniageds'' b.if &e escape was a fortunate pne.- ••'•. -'...'<"• '•".' " • 3?J0&$$ XlKoii'sauds |I'astei«ea to t h e i r tJirTes?, Relying on testtofeowala written la •vlved; glowing-language of ENXDS MiracutonSotoes jBaade b$ some largely pnflect «p,fi6dtor-<>r pa.ient xoedlciiiB'liss inw>teaea : loasanis to t'sebgraveK.'bclleTir.g-iu tlietf:.' nOBtinsaxie ki£h that'iilie .iamc iaitiieiewl •:. he pG«foi*iii._ ed'.on ..tljeia.-,. and tb-at -16686 Destlm.0H13.is mi'.lsfi.fipflure.s,-wl}ii.siiif so c-allecl .ajeffUstae .teiill?tlie linie Jjaa'teuiftgihemiy ihoiv sieves.-. We have avoided j)ti : biilsb.liia te«(,iino'riials,.as they do bol xttaSe the oilres,. atUipugJa. -v?e haye' ', .'.-•• '• •.. -.'"•"' • ' raOTJSA.;SDSTTPOI*T»aBSAib)S "' of 1.hem/of.lIiemost,%QiidcriuIeurea.-MlH&-;. taiMj'y sent us. It-iS'onf medIctoe ) ."H'o.p-Bit ; ! tsrs tliat 4m1i.es lite cures. II iias'rie'vBT fisii-. eel and never cap, . We-w;iltgivereietenqeto asy one for any disease, similar to'tlietr imxt . if df'siirei}, or win refer to any.neighbor, as •tbPTj> is ijftt a neighborhood lb. the feno'syii' Worldftut caosliow: Its .cares by.Sop BitterSi. •.-...,• ; . A l,0St3Sta JOKTJ,- ; --. • • V . -A prominent piiysloisw of. Pittsburg said to- a l a d y URt-imvr. who Was eomplalnliig - of tier eontmti-ed IU flealtU,- and'of b.ls inability to- cure ber, jokingly said; "Xrv Hop fiit.ierBt" The lady tdofi it la earnest and used tlie Bit- ters, fiKsm which-.she' obtained: J>.erinan»ait heilt-b. -Sheiiow langbs nt.tbe doctor for his) jQite, but he is net so well.pleased wltttiti as |tc'o».l.iiliiiE^Jjjd.patient il - '. ' . ' ."".'.-. .' ':.-;';.'• B B S S Ol? B O p i O B S . *." •;' • •!.• '•- . The fee of dobtors Is aij itexa-'lbat-.-S'.ery. baany-peisons are ibterested la. We belie-ro: Uie schedule for- visits- is S*?.0D,. Which wott'W. tax a-inati'ronfijieil'io.lilsbea fi»*a-year,.attd- .inneea-Qfa-daiiy yisil^ o v e r ??l,G(5D'a y e a r f o r ' medica;! attendance alone!' And one single, bottleSTJBto-p Birtte&S-taken.in ; tiieie- WoBld sas'etlieSS^&andall the-year's igieKn^s.s. ;•. .".'•'•. ,Al&ST's.raH..- '•'•' DR. DAVID -W KI^#KD^# '•'';Are^p^Mss^-3Pot^;-.'; :' A:<;•: .. ; "'"."V.. . - Biico-rerea: JA 'STeilieal -;'.- Practice.- -:•'_• -.' ... SbeK^aiiy.. gidteU- to ' tfi lHE2UsLHttl^.Acii9> -Stoim* ttiih, JEbcnninrtc, Scrof- iiioui and ITeuiale Cbm> Elulnti>-,.'•.;.- , .A'-.V^.:- BLOOD ^ORDERS. ,' P.tse^&lfanatsctof-b'adilo.pd.! 5Jesce4<f<fr ^bO>*"di»>5'e*Hre»9biifer ceit of cases 1A£Sid Blood srlYBsBlodmHisBCealtb: Satisf-atitron -gdaranfeed.. --It "is -Jinrely. Tegetable, iion-AieoholiCi Effec&ej- -SalatablS.- -gXvOO-a botBe. 'Senalbr'pamplHet- Of jSSXBnggsfas, or of , P'i.TXt». 3BOENHE»3S,aMr. JDiiiKondotit, if."X •;.._.. . . . GOPJEpr^ACfJs^.:.-, •-:•• -.:' •;. Wa; eEjoyed : .ii haii ;storm. SuadaJ: .-aftbmo'QH.'• .-..."-'-..''.'.'•'. .- --"•"..-•' . ..Miss Louisa-.Forward Sled .Friday.. Thefu8.eral.w«s held from the M. 13. Charcli pf whteii sfaeWlheena mes i- •ber fat many y«*rs Stmday- .at- two. bblbbte. : Re"v.'. W- F. - Pacriugfoa ;prs!v- efled'the'-serinPia; •'. . •' '• .'••'•.'. .; .^o : afternoon Services " have. -Item \ Slv^^iS^'mf SJSSr^a^lS^SS held # t h e Baptist ciurch - ibr' thms .'S^^f>^?^^; f '^." 1 i5g |r j ll >f||g fr Sundkys m- coasequehce' of fanemia'j^^^' 7 *^^^!^??^ ,-• . :, , . --•, ' ,- -,-. --. . ..-.-.- 1 -Hyp-BiiTajaUS sold by Moxrlsva 4s l^toor-e," bapgheldatthe-same hour. - fX'newiKvy.-Y. .. -.•.•••••';•'•.' y W. J.-'.Qiitbbert9oa preached "Ob. boWI'do wtsh'taysbirtwasaa-elflas;. anrt ?oft.as. y o i u ^ " "said a-'lady to her friend. ; "Ton-can easily niafce it so?*- answered the friend; •• "'- • -. / - ••' , •''••- •• '•'." ••;So*-5 ,,, -iBC[nir«a-thearsKlad#.-. : - - -. "•BSrftslupBiiD Bitt-ew'that rn'afees piire.rieh bio-i-iaisd oluomiftg-heatta;-•'It did' it.idrtrie HMI»H <,b«6?VB." . • ..'..' ..:_ -.' . •' '. sreksb.p'fir THEDOOTOJ?S. ' /-.'•"' "is ftppSKible Ui£t'&,;Goafl-fly'is xm and k'f }.Ms chlldrin,'n6w.-ia this villa-gej.-hb) panied'-by -the foiii'-da.aga-Ciay W llmL 2$.',' 8... Bsilsbti, .orOfevelart'l, QtiVi, iiavA amyed- iu town- to reatato'sev- er*d' v/vfcka,-'. -. ;' .. -.-':,-" . /• •c;-e h-!* it* T'cafc&eva'. >2«*65J2S'. tl The teMiv !rs .'t>f B o w v i l i e ; h e l d ibe 'vbTyg0bd-serniAnstotttfr^.|J,b^ "writes that, on. account of [jgrst mseUii^of tim.Hprinf?-, Friday -last Sund^-HJs'sermbp fK^'© even-Jprsssure of Worlr" oa,his"o-wa charge j. evening last afi-the: State street school iag : ftpj3a'tb'e--ts3rt.^A'tsft^JssUs rbachbd-']'fa Q - i s . uuaWe.to fill tha appptotme.at.! Uoqse* fmm : his.';h|bd;a'b'd |6'4&ed hi.ai; n ' This, arino.UHeei|}$nt will be a.disap- ,. .Mattb—. t'lHC-y-ia-'."the »«m? -.future.:,'They- are.!' people'and. ^ri.ffr?br-iv4thebba^r<-.-'.-.if---! lafion.=-of rs&iiyMbnds.3^4.abqual#-.i ^nces.. "'•-." "• ' - --•' •-.--.• '''{ - Rev. B.iehard 'Is-Jac, ; -of Io-ws, : and j ~ | 'Robert P.. Oweft^i father of B.. B: ! 'Gw?iis t ; of this-pJacbi saii'e'd from Wew f Y'Vrk iasf'ThbfBda'y.fd fob abs'ent>eV- '/ ; >:3ffifei 1, Sataaei : -Stbyen's- -h"as;;sbld'a -..%M<dBi%^£piai^t^'^^fi^.tg^3' : '3P^,.fpf#li^.V J "':;'?,';."lK^"-V qjttE^mpsaj)^rs.p| theBra^tinghaii) 3S£i 3p;^fflrchMr& KpidlBga flenie.%hd;. m-. ':-l|4»i^.:ia" 1 S^fc^j^fc-J(®aet.-'?s ©rand Mara&lll fm G435>Batiey ;'Ppst ^dboaraHpad^yy". V r v.rV •;_ \ ;':::.-:- .' v5B^.-"Wages :pf enipipye^ pii- the H. ' fk%. gtvte^fepabjns^^eea-a&alnj :^^bn#fhii^g^d%;.; : ;:\^; ' ±?.. ':> ~ 'y : .toB, T k feastpn,'&.$atis.ii ' r 'fi>riSrX'^efi!g^'".'--:':;.'-:--:"//; -.-.':. ^^a?Ep^-A| tils'bffles, *, good {cpmgpsi;tor; ; tb ;\?^m.l{beia| pdy^d •"steWyptopioytoebfi wilf J>ef 'g^vexij _._'.-; : ' : . : B^.j!.:Bxp3BE^BSQ2t ^ ^ j v i a v S / j i ^ t iecel*ed;.al^cge"riewsafbao^. ^ps--r .ler^ahpaacan. ;&;t%.,>b>f Gtoetobati'; " e r ^ l i a ^ . b b ^ ; estabijaftied:- ; inith§ : ibw#' ^.:.V>B^j^ : £gK>|geris-^-ctsi^; \ : -. : SEasE*3@ttfe"BE. B o h b r t e h a O e e a - l a c : ^tei--.tb:deliyerthp.anian»r address .Tbefora .the-Societies;' of• Gpavpinettr eei^^^-iumiS^ .5 -.',;:•-.." ''•-.>'".. '!". ,. GfeistEt' "pa?i^;-s^3V.""gt" ; BE^65# -:3&r^'"-.'-''••' '.'•;.'.".-:;•:-':i;-:'X '--: r : v "; :;$&A : : was; bsjbemlly'; elipqtieiiit Bbdana'press iv^ : -hp'Mto^thb'abriienefrin closest .mtteM|bii^b?lft? its dbjivery. ' '"" -.:'. :dS&f» ^Biehard. Garter^-proprietor, of. thbSatonySbtoiBj'has.abbpt -3,^00 : 090^ feet' pF lumber, on. hand, and is abw- putting 5n. SS.tiOQf- ^brth, of : new. .tXJaehktery for .the purpose, ofincreas-, .ifigitM-capaeligrbf .his pajlii- . He..wi|l'. -emibloy. tea feraersto the .maniifaa- turbVoI tabls-tegs.,: which '.wiii- hesttrp- :ped to' .various --fqraitnre#stabli«b-t. rtoebistfe^iu^hbitt tbeeountry.:'-,.. ': •.;' The/ steabsbff Bothesay' w&a s&W" at.. .-(rf--K^fer4a:T.'Jfta'5H : S^0ffi. TSe-si^si^r- '.wfitrebsivb a ^ener^b'yeihauiifig at .^^^d^fefe;.b&-^Eced;"oii- '.her old irblSebet#bbn. Glaytdn-ana^' Biekiij-' lsbn f s .landings,' -riaa^dfbg-.' c&nhbetipns .-ia^ei^.'b'efe^'&^ed-teiiave'a^j^alsae'- •'Jfee.;;..pf : "atgatae^'sttiajrpff-. betweeB," ytli^e-^pibfe:.; -;..'" : ;>\.•"'.'.• : '-- ; - '. -"••-"•-.-" :; .-.SEBSi'Hs9ibr £-.- IZo&ng dfed at iier ;^^dyp^-te.'."Pioek_p^.':May/2,'-I-88S,' ^aged^.iSfj.yesrs, 1-toobth-^asd 4 days. She i^,bapji3e&£n profession bf lier- ,^th : cwSenl bha. Was';blbvea yejtrs pi fage^'aadiv'^sited/Mth -the-'Baptist ehoreftffe". SteubenjObeids eouiity." Tiip3S^a^iner.was.in-her^b '^h©. : ;?s^' , .^'.i^Jdi.^i'BheSS"feitaikBtt ; ^eatjaeligfitin^e^n^^ever^slHa^ ShS ;^s.'^.«arnes^ ahdl*i^faf b&ia- tMs-:;Trlio«d^M^?'i;.la^bibt^ Sha wBl. : Qf:hM;$)^e^&^0e&. V ^«:|abera| W^l»eidffora:hW;lMe.T^d©nce\S5fey' P h t P e v i - i * G*Perfei-n-a oMeiatl-ng;-. j>oiatment, to his m«uy aisuda Who had hoped to hear him Pa .that ctey. c^ 1 , - -'- - '-*' - .-,'- ; " S © f e j ^ :SeSpoJ ;&g--ii|^ayer- meeti, : : togf a|'the-JC;S.;eli^<3h^n^ '-. Jfp -jptter5seryieb^^wiSybai^ld^the , '4torc&08afnat'^ay^ : .- : . r ^": u iv ^ !.'' v •";":'. ^piVJEJi^sPg-: ^oplb'-raised-ssot "ptitM: -fsmjse» : fef:ihe^-w.hPffese- •:. ^edvb^taf 'gs^iiext; mt&Q^Whii-- v ; 3B^^H^b'&^rl£3.;: ~ : '."'\\ ":'[(• \-[:\.- <; ; y; /jfe^afpito JDgace Jisfc W'^paa ; inak*l- icbws ^aid/par .y ; ouii^ hOMes : which hb' .. .ssftt seH at^Qioi : .WSfe:.farmj~Hp." ; -'-• .Itey^,-Sf.- B;.. j^lBiaEasj,-of.Portiiey^ .; dbftypeedpibd:-*Ke?i>ai:f>it;bfthbp£es^ J>y^flfiaa' ffibpibh: i & t h l i ^ a g b ^ j a b t ':'::^^^^;ti^r^^^^^efei4']^,:: : -,:-•'•' _ ' -;;"=%^,"0^^;B^^^-^3fl^OT5(i-.. : : : ;i^;d#yer;th&^ ;.i''j^'.i.i^i^^'ira^pi.BB^^%iTyjp ";. :jESM. Dbwi^Wbst-Mid^/hoMi bt . ^Sk^ixdf Stoltli .^^aser; prpprietprs^ f ^i^ : ii.pne ; pf ; ^8.fln.elt tftt'tfe-'^tt^ , "SPiP^MTE^^ipf^ -; .^has^habiaffei;^"ina^fig': a'conjptetb ipar'pf the Blaei- Ejiye* :.canajt ; pVQ-, ;^p^hc^i^M'-ex(^Be^ tkut.••"' - : '". ; '-;'•'':; :>-' ; V-v' - -- T h e best-25"c e a s h t o e r e in town at 'Shepaiil'i.Stoddkra.'s, " :'. : . :: ". MBS, Kaney A. Jaquier^ wife of. Sagob Ja'ctoibr;- dibd bf'• ephsunapfcipa 'si fier -xesi'dends hsar'. tMa village last BaitAa^"tmjiiiiijg,,-Jirk- Ja<pier!iad. -bbeb : "a,- great,-sufferer; "for,-'several nipftthsi and:-.feeling' that:deithhad f&stsBM; his jr&n.:giip upon' hexi'pid^-- ed sarnbs^y- tjfaithe sad; would ibon' .coine: aad : tSat shbibight entes'totb' XBStL.; Sh,blb4%es- % hesband• arid four ^hMo^b^V'tte^GlEagest only t^o^ejffis :tosb,' .."Thefaribraf seryxce'was field.-ai; 8 ^.clpbfc, : -itpMay Mteikbbn.'.-,/' '•-•'•" •• "-A FBiGfffipl'PS aeBtdEHt.bbciu'xed* at" Ctertex!§ybiJHi: SataH^l'lb,;iasfc Friday \ 'As Handfey'J^itehbiij a; ybttoi iban. alxrtit'P-yeasisj ol : age. Whpsp-' -^sseatS'- .^i&^:'i€^ba]K^ = •^^^.«b^^t'^il:-•'' .mng,b,-iblt biis.'^ttltsyi his clpthing bau'g'li^" :Pn' : a hprizontal;;' revolving, ; shaftari47b;efore:-1;he; m a c h i n e r y bpMd, bbstpp^'ed' iie ' was-drawn; against,a- iarge: :palley> the:fxiQMo.a\bi: ;whl«h. %isl^^^'S^^o^^^^^idi-3eim'' Hblbj'to^bbafe ^aeh^b^&lutj6&pf-:lhb! fi&alS tb;sast a;^etser&w : .Sbtb-M3 bedy. ; wMchiTwore ^hole^tetti^chpS; ito-size. •,th¥bbgh,-tb thb ; liM»g: Pf •his.stptoac&i;, I)jS-.-^pTjhy,;i of" Sa:0nS:aib,• -was k t m - iHpnei'aitd djbsse3.1ia':V7P'und&: : -Af 'laBt'abcbtiats: Mi* Sti|chpil- -w^aa-dbing- *ei|^foCs'trbn^ Irppesjarbbn'ttertained .pfiis^rbcpyeiy*v •-.;•;;•;\ yrc, •'-: >- -' \SfeCJtKE5«- G 6 i i i ^ i ^ i 0 ^ i - . S l i b o b s : "is -,-;. ;bt^%a^r&vJh3e;^b'.stirebi|s 4 taariy. of "" i»biefe;ptt ^gpaat;bf^tefea^y spEibg.; - J.--'-ttiosr *J»d-tb:6 jjreaf: anjoujitbf iean?» :; ; '-'. : togV^eififfl!;to^ :\.:' : ;;-Vy -"-: - -=TH^;'Jtci^l^^ tsBiebt ofGonstableville.. '/i0i^pjr^atterifgp aBpttpemoirb.^ .:.'-'. ;*srenlbg y-^.^^l-pV0M:iM'^p-:. i ;. -i^'Vtiietjpro^asiQ; ha ,nse^ foe &b - rpittbKase pf^jpfea^ftir to achdoliri : ;ttatvjitegfe ^:; ^ : : -.':' : .- v •-'sU :: .':';.; .">:' -;'TwJSSs^rro'0» -ilebbses' h^ye-been yyik^em^^^*^^0OTiip. ^ayythat' ; }'){^>omnBX) is«ot iab&pl'- a fetpf - : :: «rice'tpkri U^^vherp^bpfe.^e^aiisg^tb- 1 Rapport so inMyydnbMbf p&cesi' '-; •• ;-^33^v ; B^l^«cej^*^S^^-^o- .V-' .'JiaS'vbeeii aa-trfal at;5^atbjte ; wM;,fhe •y /Resent rweb^-'iptFNP^);-. .wa^i^a^ ; ; t"ciat^edby-pj^br bfAb-cpWtj Mpyb^- > ':;^deijce^g3ittst-M# ^bg'%|b : MeieJftt --y.v-WySESBttabt ^^riyictloBi':. : .';.;;--::; '-;..'. .-I'.SBa^'^prt' foy3%&bri«#^'S26; i'/ ; : | ^ i i ^ t t 8 t o & ; A : K i « A W e e s fe'ttflt -""•-•" ioasteli 1 -'" ^rbpAwyry' itt : jabitleg' $fe . ;'j*flBhBie;. -aod Gtb'er 1 toipMoiis.^ptpger^ '-'--Mm*.. \.-A'.vie.-;:--:-y---.SC;-"'"'• -'-v;-5'--;."" / . - -SEBB^ rftiiEbgd/eoH^^iott^sltavp ::. v g«anie$yi^ -S*'^^Q^iw&bj^a^ i : ^tofijer feeattog^pf .the^^bi»bp?tfl.atpW^ -•©£ « w i # ^ e e M r a g a i a a t ' t l i e i c b t o f kii^ -", - -tlaif-v ^R(fQBfhW. ythb^SsQdy : 0Me@fc: : ;M&m: m tfifeyle&f^^e/lGpftaBgs : TIW>ii luitf toe sfiidtP:be;ittByteni dsys. »^tt8t. v taari; S-y ; e«fe.3igo* ..!P&e rppfe' : isbv*. :S|OG4_'•: Sip. : -wiKtbE. 'exfeeeoifiTy: , 5^U>^ *fi4 iSteie^'iiafe. i i # MH* wlifetf ; GAKc^st Habeier Brps. 9<b:d-.s'ee*irp.' SJ' ehamber:.sHif ^; ..'.'. '-., ,'.'. . ' ;: "- |pybu: want a&umiiier;silk'^^eali.np- ; on •Fit«hli& ;Qp'»dy. z "M ^m: .$&& jt blaefe"' : $8kil Fitcb:;& ;Gbwdy : iiavp'gpfc theiest.'- - : '>lf yptf w^h-a:.. cashnSbrp ; driss it wilt," pfey^ypu'tp^iob^-at'Fiteh: ;<£;Sowd'y^Bea'atifui.nV^ "^fi'b'egtl?|Sek"^pb"ds:&lise.asp|i.at;Fltch. '<&' ; Gb^y'sV>-.Afi '.-yboIVtrecbtt'-for dresse^'jnsire^ly'e^-'at Fltcb & Gaw- dy-*Bi- .'A .handsome, line of-'dplnaan: yblpths ali--eplpis : at vPiteh & Gp^fe's?: Ss|»Tit jBiKadb. : bfejrt|ng4 at Fitch & :,GbWdy%f •: X.lrffip ; Vash ;gpes a. grbai :tt^^''^^ : &yMg":.f;oeHa&. alK Fitch & : Gb^dy'%/':' iffew:;pi"ttsb..'.8^.tegs've?yj ; cbsa-pai^llfh&Gp.wds%i Bigdiayb" M-'hoa'iery.si I^e& ? eurtams-and: tapestry-' at Fiteh & ;Gbwdy , 'g.. ;:>y.';;:;", •.; c -'l''f' y \ •-;-~..ft> ^#ttagb^fahd:tiiat agbhta^rppre- sfefeg^afffbrgrit : .%b fes^iabce ep,to- pariitB "Iptng; basiaess iri 'mix ylliage,-. hate^ee'enfiy: held a :.meeMng.,fQ.r;'thb pbrpbs'&'ibf' bbpIideitHg" riska^btt'the, lasfai® .'properly:W paf,tewb,"and "'fpEestabli^biibg:>ates'io.be pwtt hpreH Mt^:.|b^."issnE«acbi- #e ar.e ript adyis-:. e&i mM> ^w6at-.th6y : .-hiv8:4o;Mj--bat. tibnbliidblip'fcB;*^ ^;i^^bHfad^ifewe% '•;'•-__-'•'- -;;';' . 0af ^psp.pte rbaVb rpisbnfly;. taxed thpinVsIvias 46^9 Mayfly^^|p-proexire&" :Qfe^J*B;Ht#aaeDgifiP.MdJttb3.ei»tB t§!tt%."&f mgpimag. a Bbw Ste .de- rirtmGatr;aadarb.pi;ovtdtog-a#.inst Jpsi %' SEP- tif%b,meahs stppoyda ;fof-its- •e^tto^ttx^iAeiif.affi ol.w'h-Ibh mtiitend fa.m^p the risks pf the m- jgiBranejb <jobip:#9 : ie8' iess,':aed:shoiil'd : : m&k iftei^?' cbirPSipott^i^lbF-' bfe-' ; ;.. -' -. ••-•-.-' : v. ; ' • - - ' ••-'• '--,-• JF- yptt waBt^a-Sse }ob' of pajiittng, .. - -. ,...,.-.,,_.. --faring /- PTgP;i : ; 46w*. ;1T is repprted that Mr. Eugene Ar- .UxxiS w^iBatup the old armery build-. •tog pa Sh^dy avenue, recently pur-, chased by him,"putting in.asteam en- gine and other 'machinery forbailJirsg purpose's, and. ;that : when completed hp. wili" carry . on a general millirig. 'husiHessui cpnnectxon with an agrir baltoral wai^hQuse. and sales robna whfbh he. alsp eontena'plates establisbi togto"thb.saaie. building- The iocs- fiba.is.exeeileat .'jtpr- such ik. bbstoess.. . ..- .... An oidGreek. P roverb-' ; in-'! ^ W^^W^^vMsifym the morbin^of life, work.; in the mid, P t e ^ n * " * ^ safe y ^ a g e across *ne «'want'anything to the, line bf Buggies,' #ggbps, Hgrnesses or hbtpp shelf, goods, call o n W . H . Smith,..•' opposite, Oacapbelt Hpu^P r and'yb'u. wiB ^afe a- big bargain. ••'•• -.;. ; "••• 4&m Y . ; ALif... persons to the vicinity, of BowvIBa .' a n d Gleudafe. who are aSEcted with any des^riptionpf chron- •ie; disease wSI Audit for -theic totbre§it to.eoBsuit-Df., J. W.Owsn - w h o wMI visit Bowville bvery Saturday. Office hours at' Iiowviile, K.ellpgg. HPHH&, frpm.12-to5-p.rii ; ,-.;'.. \ .--.- "'../•"tf..' :~Afexandi|a -Bay ia: q:iM.te ,exeited : over the. uBearth'togbffwpvery large •hufiaansfeeteteBs oia• -Hobby_ialaad^ by.-Mrv Pbpa #hii'©.' Pacayattoij foy. & cottage- fox H . ' .E. H^a tfe. The pEOtMmenf eheels holies, perfect teeth, and other characteristics indicate that they -are tha reaiains. of .Indians,. day "gfye cajjnsel'; in 'the evening, •pray- 1 '' - ' .•/_ '. " . ; .-- .'.'''"-'•'•. •Thasubjbet' of. map..drawing, wks ePP"sidered : arid the following, potots. given-J ' . 'I.'Co'^STjttrcTfON ^i^jEs, ... .1. Teacher: dictate. aud - draw ' at, board, children draw at:spats.' ' •-; . 2-..' Teacher dietaie,.; cla3a diraw eu slates or board. "'.:.. : S. Teacher dk-aw, chfldran .dictate hy .terns till, they fail. 4. OMid.ren' ^dictate to class, and ci's.ss d r a w . •/ , '". - = ' ' ' ' ; 5, OMdrendra.w.&om niemQryc ; n. slates, hoard and paper. . ; II, CQAST j+oms (tb,'be«onsider:Pd}, . The teachers 1;hen top-up thestttdy of. accura,te coastrruetion"' linpff. fui.; drawing Xiewis eobhty, and the projT- •er dietit'doii for. these.lines. The.vvoiis: was upt finished •' biit was : to. be made a •mittsr of study' by the teachers' dik- ing, the. week-, and the cstopleted dit r tationgiyeaat'i&eaexfetoeetiag,:. * General exercises—Tne- following topics were suggested as.proper.eu.h- jeets to be.taken;dp to generaleser- bises-toschopi : " '"_ •/•• X Stogtog. : • ".' •' 5. B-rawtog. '^...Pemsabshipi. .-"•"•. : • £<-. Oivitgovernmeat,. •"•.-..-•" ; 5.'TJ."-S. History,.;- -"-./.-. •-''..•• ..;- 4:Kewsgapet Wpptoj):&as'fsxts : fpr- talliS by thp feaaher, . to? 'fl'm' geppl* «j£'lhis-'c.itraky -coas»' sfpymy.s&a.. ObCAgJOSFAI.. - - .. '•• • • Cd%!?BA&& ' M..P. ^ra-sbn laft IsV't week fGr.'Ws^- tei.?Ka ftbd Dakota .where'he - has -re- cently b^en; inyt'stjag'somewha-t'to realaatate. \ '-,. -'" .'• -.-"- . '• .. Ailargsamoubt pf baifdiHg is. go- ing <>.a in - oar village and ;rnbre is' in couieEaplaUbb... Jlyery: house, isocea- pif'd and. PVfry bustoess. stand,and. still the demau'slfe-, .for : .'mors.; Beai bsta'fei.is'bqomljig nnd business of' H-H. kiHda.&;Kvijiy».. .In 'a-few: .yesss? WP expect la be .a city, with a .iosyor, al- deriaarn. and bth^r.aimilHr luxuries.. Th©ji,bbEh-|,BS''we sfiall -paton airs kfebtfiat.other city.do. , e?'n;ta%riverl ." Oar village Is sooa to be 'connected. by tfiiephoni? with . Waterfown- and 'intbxmediatb. villages..;. Worfe: ha3 ; ai : ready ebuSmenced: on, the new line. . -Mr : - i,,T, Wal'?h-i$'t'&iav.e charge-pf- the rapairs which ara to bs mtdeisu-' several- state badges ..across. Black Biyer. '. - - .. / "• -. ," Great iMj>-x?s,ti<jun fxe betog, iDnade for the.©b'Sf^vaaespf dee&iafipa d>.y. in ; th.is-\iilage. 2. T. GaVttt wiii erect a brick blpeK-' on his vacant Ipt'ppppsite the new BpnesMoeli-early-th'&'s'easaH-.. , •: ; Messis* J.. B,; WQOd &;0o,,,our,' en- esampls; 1 r F'rf»^g dry goods" taerch'ante ate v-COWEKU' >ds».ag'-i\Iavgei^fis»tS^^g.lRJSi&^ . .ftev.'' twp e^er-w'teit ?5"rs3a.bT\s nt tlib-Cbagriif | : \<i i: ,piiiit'.o.j.XVTH>,. h^A i^iitxt-MiA. -Dt.'l X>i':aMui.^-3iafst.l:ib^'Cb^ 5 :c-W*;h '.*"/-;..' fj'srrtsJi;, -.- •'-'.' •'."-.''-.". , "• - ' .' •;-M. JJ/'Bf*bso^S;', iH,-httmi*.'trom : 'thfy, •af4mp.u-J.fe5 : pfe.. board- of'•-'". aMs^ms -ii-.J ynV :"H«w-i»ro^i<-fe'j"-b^Mab"3S. .".'.'.' . Asgl^.hab'&hft'ndsbmb.lihp of..,X>fy. GoodSf fuiaiahtog.gbo'ds: Hats, Sho as •&e; call"and see his.new stpek. . ... ; The.new clothing iSiQi'e is-oa han;;i| they are locatad jn-the 'store former: y -oceupibd;byG.e0. Scbyii. ' . : ,. . , : . -Jas., A. Wa'ters-;&".Jtto#el&rk;to-'.0-. A.-.Thpn$pson'.sstore; .' -.. •"•'-!.-. '- r , ,. Bbnry GhlckoHagj'Thbs.':'Bli;%ia and. Mrs. Jaaaes Corcoran haVB new ;- houses up' } '^hb#.eaj.d:y. this'-seaspn.. :..: Thb Wilbur^Jiurjaphery we.dd'ic'g. .W&s-largBly attended #t .the .Baptiit .church laaf. Thu.raday T .. Eov.' J , -O. .P^rkips'pffiei-atin,w>.; ",.'.-.-;. .'-...• Bishop HaTifegiog will vlsit-Graoe ehureh Friday ^vpnibgr bf this week,' services-at 7,3-0,.... .A jittib dauarhtPr pf B.. W, Stop© aged three years was.. buried ..Sate? day.' .' - - ..' : ' ' " .". - The-.OoH.greg&t&nal ehureh of :;tb-s viilage has given s^unabinaouseall to. Bey., w:.. J. d'afihfoertspa- of .Matins- yitk'i it i4 hoped h& will accept. • .'• •' . ilplley.tjkattog has. riot struck this towb ybt; verily, we more, slow; .'.,"• afr,: Keiser will haveMshousepu •oh t h e w a i l ihia -week if the.rain. do>js abfc.hinder .. .. ''.- '.;•• '.- ' : . - ' - '."•" ; -" : %Sx, Ts'mbl.ib.bF'BlaekBivbriflvMt-' ibs his SOB ;-the dector.• ' : - ' 2<*# mMMt^sm •\tt--z-,- :-.-»-.»•?•:"-'""''^ •V-V-V''*buTfc-?1 j . AA A~- .. >t-».-'i-.- .:• .-.'+••> i.- •''-i.-"^*'' ws:*i v" '" i.'. •{ i-.f-'-i >----iiii.re-iti.£ ^'my'K^ff^h^S^'M'^ ••'•»? - boj-tles^ .•sf «i". : t-rs- ! "*j\fr|^-.,t5'i , '>?9>nd r-.o.w consider . . . . . . ,j- m •, tyV? SrfeA&tsxg catarrh eni-ea. T, - /' ss& eflmti^'s recbninaended- .- / - --sixfej^tt -to .-several o i ' m y a t » e o 3 t o f .:>^KG ) ^wG ! u9o, 5 . , 7. Natural objects as subjects for talks or general investigation; t cr rti^^ - t.- - J n *. - ? •„,.„-,-, readings from "bPoks.of miiurarhK- They-werebanedonih&rockjeovai*- it. '- - - <^r •', „.••« : n , * ^^^„^..„ ^^:*T,^„' „,„«* •-m S ,^-^ 5 -SF_3Si c, -YoanK ! 's Child's Bcfrk at '-set So^W/Mki gallons, bf bedr ,i«^- yfen I ^ M P - fia^^wttfe .sKirP Is 'WsgLM ' ' bt'srfibv.'iaa' with the - mb?i seastffia- -e3 with, stone - and thca ewth. large 'gfowth-bf the;; IhByJwetp.buiied a •' ago. .'-';."• " "'• ' . ' / ' ses !w Tb%f »seafc tbany. fct.m f -YGHeprriuy- a good Sutonjer^SiJ-k d-Eas;s-'at -ts.-.cetits per yard j a"ggo^' Bia^k-SiIIJBres?..at: 03 fronts ?ibr.yar.'5. .a-goPd'O'bJxiEiori Dress-at. 5- ^ r t t s per .yard; AtlaniLe-.P-Shapiteif heavy, by pieepsSJ cents-; ..LaVpreitfij? L ; £ ; Shh-s\ -S.-®torie?. . : <-- - • '-•-.' - '. •••"•- ' V, Efift^lBSe^. •-. ' - •'.•••• '- - -IfK.IrtH&m-tioalo.iae.ai-sra'. .- 11. Pajaio^jgy snd'-th& 'ci|bcts'bf na-rertticsJ. . - IXave. pupils -v;hp are-. p!n''en-oira : h feeep-biaiik"- '.iy^fe to. ree'stcij-'f xct3 4^ raks of conduct, ' - ., -.";.---. -.; Thp-. fcaatbew- 'were ' reeommendfad ibs.finbi-by.'i&Wc0.6i-:eeata'?' beat bett I ^ get *The; Tea.cher^ ?rhiaary '£$~ w^gjitCarpet:W:irp;-all.colossi for .25.gistanj" in -^Mtf«» to^ustfial dxaw- cbats' at Kfillf'Sg '& Wrfipr J s,' tf. ' PBADQ.trA'll'i'EERS'l}. D : .-EArcST-P&aT,") ilO.isllU, XteiT- - . • •- -£i0V>M i'(J. 0 : .-EArcsT-P&aT,"j r. it, 'x., ii. A. K.. . V . JCg'-tr>HP3 .:Thenext Hieetiri^ will.bo holdat.T pi EB., 5 ; Friday Kay 1-6, a~ ihe SAWS pitca. The-subject will fee',. Bict&fi'on. fpf dra^iag- Itewis county aM. nxoald-: bte «oads- which tiieyiaa- sdlia^.afc '. Uaiix and fleafness > , by-;EIy?s.' Cream Ba-'m-'.31-s-ari.iit .wasi d«-af.. Et-restored laer Jiearingi^Fv b.Siffrise. jnsnrancB.-siizabeth,- •^i. J - ;. . ; - ' ' "" • ' '-;.-.--.:-• ':'" .'- -."' Ely's Cream- Baim"eaus4s':n0pain":-G!-V'eg relief at. on*^.- eifetwjses; tfow -lieaa.. Oauses- bealtby'. seert-tlonfu Abates .Spfiam-rantiob.. Prevents fresli colds. Heajstbesofes. Bpstwes the senses bl. tasis.-and saiell,'•&ihbron'^h •treathient w i y e a r e , .Isof-a- litjtt&i or .snuff; Applied with the fiao-eri -Send-for'^u-cnlar.i gold by. drus?iftls.- ila'iied for'. 50c. ELY ,BROTH?EKs,D.r«j»gists,yw«g* J W.T,... s;9 W i •Ely's dre'iaa..'BaIrJai Sold by JlovcUen &' - ' " ' Mo.ore, LfiwyBie, Jjawl5^piiia-fyj.-S'.'''S'.. A. 'leetee npaa pnysMbiy.' gcd' health is.to. be )5 dbHvered Safardty evaatog Slay 17-tb at;Bee&a/!iiite hril by'' Br. Geprge . H> Stprribg. T.t e dobra will bs opened at 7-.30; . A d a i i ^ §ioa. 4 15'.cents. . ' . ' . ' ' . .' .. '•- . ," • •. %k|Xae3day..the'.ladies Missionary' society of the k. E/Ghareh met tA Mr. Thotoas' and it is bnderst'pod fh iateresting Bleefi.ng was'held* Mr&fi'Bi'is, wi'fcw^if: the Ma Bipii- , Hasvin? jiist veWr^eafr<)3nHew'Torlt - -'..• lam prepared to show yon .the : .-:' -Eyerbrongbttotoisro-tinty:. MyfltoiT ,. - is sina-ll put we^ailed. •'. •^^-.ASE«BA3XESO*-^r -.: 'X.' IK Ml : *3lasiifes"pf-..'.' -M.W'. - '^^%-'-0fi3^pMw^W^ i ' :' bet it- be fijreVer" femenibered that the Is fcsbest andSbortest rouftfoaadfroiii CBi- .t'igoand.-Coftnell Biuffs t-Ciinaha-5, and thatit is preferred by .an will posted travelers ybeii passing-to'or from ' • • • • - - It also Qpfirate?-th« .best xonte ana. tne siioi . ? . - V '-' .line.between •" • ; . •• - ;:IIii@ag0. $ai- St.;' Bail Wk s^^m^^^m^-^P^^ Miiwaafcee,- TJa Crpsse, Sparta,. Stadlson, Fort- Howard.'C4re«BTSay.)' Wis.,.-Winona, Owat-s- onna, M^nbalo-, i\uiu.; .Gedaa- fiapids, Bes: .-Moines, W*b«ter City; AlKona, eilntbh, 3Ea*- sliaj'll;own.,"Io%v-a Freeiior't-, Elgin, S&tjkford,-' 1-1*., are atnoiis-.the MOO local-stations on its li-neis. . :• '-,..-" .-» -" . .... - . . ' • ' AtrKing s. few of the numerous points of so> periority .enjoyed by the natrons of t h i s ro'ad-i ar.e its -BAY t'O A CHE*, wbicb are the finest Jttat-liuman art and ingenuity can create; its PALATIAL SLEEPING. CAHS, .-which are models' of 'cotofort and.elegan<je;-!ts'l?A,EA<JE DBAWIHO.ROQ5I -GAS8; wbteh ara.uisux- passed by a'-o-y; ana-its wid-aly celebrated . ' K.esiM-w&stE«r rasiK^'vABs,"- the li'ire' of -wMeli are riot - r«n by any other road-any wher«s. In short, it is a s s m e d t h a t ! I.r I S T H E B E S T TSti-UiPir'tED K O A i ) IiM T H E ' WPKJUD. - - . A3.'.r-olHK i 5of XWMV&I Nre-'h, Hc-sthwesfe and W£3t,'of ,-p:B.i.:-a!;>.i, I>r->j ,v.-,sr r-mxrur, simiis.et lairds iil j«i,4 M iSfjjl'P. rt'bfeTieE' of .Aioft'tgO'ii- >5o«ii to' rbm4yy. wRh .Ms"family- So 3Vrti^v-:U>>. ,.' Wb' -*re^sfio-Xfib' s'ut'hu'ijb he'will er-y'C-j i^ vKitingftiprMt^ m tawh.' Mr. J;. Lewis ha? ...left oy^r foyft i'rxilv .thH Apria^;. :. . .- ' , - ':v! i? •' Jsbir>-- j?viaitlbi'fririd-* .prjfi rf-ic.'-riH^tef:. for AlbKmy wxt Man- •<A£y.r •"'"' .,- :v: :.- : "•••- / : -.'•'. •'. ' Mr. and ^i^<SiriX^¥vsrh wc*-g-M'? Wt'Mv, Koj-lb^krether "m Fm^knsj, •Url Cht^m'^vm^ddaughter -is] ni * lf - iWir'is <)l!r JHl'-fcit" '-'Vhr> cheese fj.et--J.sy ' acar Qiik p)a.- a' 'b>i^sfnsrte : ^fr» Bijn.oawlHfeii it si th^yKyr hy'"M : K Pratt.,'W« h-avp rar-'i'Mrv'F.-'r .tif Hid iikP "zh sppaaran'g.P ' v t*?fy i a s A , , H a ^ t a s ^ £p.'tS.piouj{bJ-y Ti.nd?rit'xbdlb<s'.bttsi»'i( a *?.-and wlfl -; bo - donhf oi;yte<-' 3. 'kiO'f;-'>-,(vf..'it. -' He-'b is.] ey*:-r.-ilali.ei"fitiaTis-;\udi'nippjv/- -ivn'^ 'I "ai t-.n i;+ l a •.:: I « JS efnry, f -ii>i« w<?t>k th<4 teuse'of Gi»?K;t' SPEGIAL' OSBEHj- HO.; 3 paxsuatit;to,rogitfetipiisandG, G,,-.'iagthesamprasaaa.-. A&neBiouht- 'NoirJ.'.-Headquartets dp't, 1ST, Y. s G. "A.-Biv dated'.. April- :S8.th,. -188^- the. meinfeers.of this Post aire hereby di-: rpeted-.to.,.be.abd" appear at the Ppit -Bpoms,';-3fr.Bo^^^ pftFri- .<Sayy~. thp'SOth'-; instant, at i.:S0p....m. shaip. fp't parttctoation- in fhe : cere- monies of ^ieniorial,Day..;...' , : " JS.'•'Hemb'ersM' the Post not yet unifopinedarP-eaxnestiy. requested to p'roeure.ffi© satoefbr;that, p'ecasiotf. ^ h i t e 'gloyeswJll"'bB worn by all.:'.- -. 't. JlilAll, veteran^ pfythe late,war, eitizehs' 'arid teachers, of. .public .sehoolsl^th-t^eir.pubiisarb eprdiaiiy tovitfe<£ t6:.join,. the. .ndembers of; this' Postini the,pb3piy&nce ofa..day .now. beeoaip'.sacred to thp memory, of" the bVave soldiers and sailors^, who di.pd. that the bation.might'Ky'& • -_-, -.';. .:-pra'naer;-fadoohi-s^iekeri^-Kiry,.--,'. -. "•'•': -,. Than,taie ^re'ate'attnat:Ilrigets b,eblnd-;. .iiieyshainivein perpemalstory, •._ ' - . - '.- - . Who saved the Itikt hope of riianiind.'.'. '. •:'jy.'..Gb ; saatBde,.Joseph X.jgs.y£&t\. at Bpme,.'H.'.X 5 .a- gallant- ; so!dier aari •an elaqaeQlspaaierf is announced- fts the drator bf the day, . . ". •m;.Gbmraae;:Q.'P. Smith,'of -tli-ls Posirii hereby detailed-as Marshal, aKdwillbe phbye'd and respected.ac- eofdibgi^.. By.eonj2Q.a-nd'.'iaf'•• .-:]•: " ,-'- ,&.B',.T'©¥S.EK ] ^pQSfc:'C , Cm. ;- : '-W. ; ;iQ.PAjaiiEBti^ai^ •;. '- .- '- tog .board ' ; has been pijoyided by. ife. Jones for-eaeh'-ropiii.'. ' iiupcovi'n^ v«ry'"s5br}yi ; Mxs^^/ftriofI^-Wvi=itto* fit , .. . . . B." *mm$?m:^e^e&st0 mm f D9y»«--*ho\HV« : .la- this fowrf-w^a [for homeiasbbM t w W . '• ' •" ' ' b ^ efr m °' aBir ft ^«derabte ^ Mr. G. mmM^im&M?Ym1hst, mamii of mofety. laken.' The work .: Tke I'Viw'Jw'.fciJwAJ.'-ays-i Mr. : "Baras; .i-^-wri'tttt-i 'i.jOTd.jsSaj-. '.'• Iiis'one'tltat-still livdii'an'f'il 'ilvi-uys.given by-a'cpnipany.-fr 5 -law.'.rhji 1 .as. the c:» fosiAixt? t!it>. .pres.ot'.t ,. •;•--,-.. •,-••• c,:w.;,utk.a,..it wi'u L.n, Bb ; iu^et and pruiit, ,<^? afterappn; it.Miled about twenty 'trip- to-rough-tfe'.*ctipii after eggs, pa^'iffg Iicen#k''di'/xeri,. ' . " ':. ';, Miss Kebrietta/WeEer-was'to town.- ;thP. : other ••&$£',; she-; id .etoppibg fib 'M : aria : asbtii-g'b: •'-.'; '-.'..-'"-;• " '•'"..;,.- • • /:" A; severe hall stbrm-visited'.us'-Sun- -• .tuo a-utl'-Jj-, 'orh T-rvy •ribuite says : ".OBIT' a t-waysi .I^Ufpite^' by.'-Bame^ ^ras gr^. 'S.l-jtj.'l.:as: ,y"at' wi:ii' ar-.-af sucfli?ss^ It'^accident;a-,!ew:<laysago'f he-has crpss- .' SEiflo ^FPHfiy by AJrEEiCAH '.Ex- PSsESs:.Co, 'Mmny,. GE,PJGES. -receipts- given.'- -Mbbey'; refunded' if Orders-are ipist.; 'Sbld'tilalioffleea'pf.th6Go." Pay-. -a-bla^at'giS&a'pla&si 'B'Ai'ES': m SovSe,'':' $lfKgc,\: : -$2Q-I0C,;L ' $S0-12cv £ $M8&-i .si}-2ob,':'"..' -'••.,-"••:.• -- : ' ; - -. -'• •; • • : '. -..'•'-leniB. -.-: .'-•'W. It..GKEaaE'^'Agt, " •• SisvjatTTifivo cents will buy- the same amount of gcpdstfi;'!. one dol- lar will eifewhf-rs- if yoti- g& te the. eaish atom of- Fitefi.&Guwdy. "• Ifc~ toeraber' yr« tiUM f^tli- fruit of the l&fta andpribte g.ttheftstos pffeeswe -biivo In a.' p.'--e'aihy : : MJf;vm , .ti boS in.-its'p'ortrajsl t.f wfelif-a*-*;, ytt thi'iliingly interesting.- :#i>U-/&rteer haaf^bwittttM' daughiei;' •ftio'is'bSlQV'i'd : liy au"'attl:ivii-,"w¥o''Hia>iija •: l-i(H ; -'sififl'-i'-aw's'ta' pmtyet cija. 'clier&Q; hixr; h dbtil- aJ-afa.- ' T'-ii'' rrarg al'teintard: -the : ps'ihoA his.f-i'o-w'u fah-iuas-aad"rlalij AM' Xd '.M'niu rec? J iii lbs -gulss M .ilia wHowaf' 'ttai wHb tfe aia,bf-a ^ol^-Mcampii&fJ siics-oVdfii- iu ..aScaatiil&'-'.tlM'; has'Karia. and .'wift'-", pla^^e-^ife'aDa.CnjM, get S ;.pc^' -.*si4J.i.-: rif'tir. "Hu-;^!..} afei.b.K: •ajqitey.'-li ' Btein-'by' ihti -fester abd -fills'-.'s paappr's! jjT.-.', P."" Th'ist ip'.slje '.wayffie .r&aro.i «<eis:3- "[•j w a t v t»«u",' l»iU tl..> |ttf.'t a'wn'K f.jtows .'ka*; all iV;i c\.f'iit<.4liW ihc etiran'w, of't>j*' -Hiim>.ut.iy=?.i»t-y- tte aotl'op;..ai'e- the'JT-Tnr- .as;*•=..us' a-dn-ata. JC.iU -the dri;itm .CIT^;:. tlss ;i-irk' f. "Iitthp ».'od!.Ws«-'«f t'f v thwptot Iter. !>ctifm ss- a40iiri.ble i .;tliflagli'''y£Ty: ijolO, .followed, tbe ;dey'ftn|>" inr'Ws-wi^ ^?Q iatetest. , : :.; : •-. - . / >';'. - T h « JVV.e 1"".'. , £ Tih^ram nays': Thbjfc. of-tii!. 1 "piny we have Worn desorfbed.ia fmf'?c.Uirt.*arf- feaiawf-ntati^n oil An stag's' - an-t -:'.vi: ; ! y iiiit!c\i-T-tts>i\... •• Eaeli w:tw-m:iui- ' M-tsir haV'-- "- « fi ' ! : ; :V parij «'«! -wyerai ,aisi;lt, iietln^Vjf Uif' : hl^iivst'ot.lf?v' - . ' ; ' •' '-,- '".-. : , TfefvV^w VoW/Tcrni-l ?ny* : l^o.sxifl^st \rhicit- it 5ctiipvi.Hl m w d u ^ j?ojt>iy' te- p^; f-n-'(.-npth of i'li« ((Hty. -' " ':. ' •-.•-..-- 'Iii'* 'Xeil' York- 'Pif'-fftwil rnys ; 3 V - pfc.y :1s tnttwstinv; ilirf-uglf.ut -'te -ilianip is trt;. fiv.riir.t-; 'iti : !—-.cbi'o,.- j-fV-sd., ' - ; '.' .bbebbfiiiMg'theiiafof,- 1f 'P00I5-BOT ^K3«3Ea-T. 'pii .-:Ghfirlie'Sallivart is a. poor but'ftoii» est""lad,, who,.white. W'dkfng dowji Wa'shfefrtbb ati'ee^fbu&d a wallet spiilaiiJtog.cteek'i andaicmpy.tp.tfto -yalHB fat afe^ral'bpjjdjriid.dbiuu^* Al- though almost .de's'titufe, ht> retiirhel to' its owneK, Mp&srs, A,. P.- Ordway & Go., propSiefprd of Sulphur Bitters, wbp gave him. a iibetid .'roward, and also gave him siXi^ottles-pf Sulphur Bitters for his mother, who has been a terrible' sufibrer with, rheumatism, ..aad ^Jio returned many blessings af-. .-'tet'beirii barbd W *b,Pi? a s f t ^ W e b k - minates. ..Sbia'p,-.pf tb.p .ixail atpues 'W^re'asiaygb^WiiirratH. - . _ ;-'-.."-• '•• Mt;.,^am^'6ari:oii met'With aflighi ing'&steep.'gulfwheh-hB-Slippba abd fell .iujuring his leg eoHS.iderably." ". :;. j&.,:. 'DsniaoB '-has- left fla'' and "re- moved to <)obehbgt|;eb- 'We axe s&fey to have' him 1 :go' a& iie was a."good neighbor. He always attended ehureh bbt'Ws pew .^ill'be empty now. , •- r -' ; :.-." :" : ' : - ^'-':.-:.-:kcjiA3S:aiiati' "-• their dotte by :thb-bursars todievit^a'thit they S-new Mi*." D.'.-yktH.bu ; =tees3' : ha'>' its, and werefamiliar, with the prefv- Vje?.'., .'It is thaitght that a.el.ue to'.the. robbearh^be'en/foubd^abxl we b.tfpe .they : . m s y bi-'s.eeured" and the mGa<-~y whieh they tobkreove'red. . ''.-:-. ; ".'. " :- "•" .:••',' '' ^BkoixA. •'- t-iie;'. fyril »£••-!«;" 4gent,.'tV fc-^-'tV. BuiJiFaT. •S7-eo.w,' vl, •'_ C'yif'ACib.JIiU,, il.. 16 -l>T>Tv ! 'f^ A 'X^x^U-yj, y l)."ss- " «i.-uil'.siK flerite foi'..pos- .wge,.a'n.u reee'ive free,a in t'<n:i'.s .y ')-.«h -WJHhelp 50tt- %>' •-: to.ni^j- i-ivUi.-.v,;..:.- Uian af.',d!.'fiBselseta H-(.vt.j. A.j(,,{i^u :•• r-i.is.safioecd frant first' is.j:i.:.lj;.-»fe.yvm;..:-.xii.f.!-.i iouiux^t>fbiuti before :.'>;- r. Wjer,-,! 4 (^f .iiue! f <-.t- ?-f. At owe a<l<«r?sS, fv,vK«S''.O.; A!'gK-s*k',5:-:ine,'.' '• . ... •'i /^-l?TnJ'-'T''C;"'-' , -r»i':il for TI,-. ? xiv-;* df, 'J-il^ » Slf i \ -*: t "jsi-fl tfic : J l r'fsi«t(?"';»« Of-tb* U. v "'i.-ja :ii-!f. i<anil-;.3<virr. t.t--1 birt-A-u-ve'r v-fi tar tea '„"i.-is ><•.-•<-,• .«r M rJc<; :-" > Ii*-*?.V- : i!l- '-i-i;»i!>j ijoob in Aflit-r-i'-i.- I-»JI-"U--»>IS^ pr.siirv tu -J--'f.ir . AiH-iTt^i.i-j*f!M r.£op:«; WKiit it: Any tine eanbe,:oi£ie a s«-et'WK!'n! J Dtfen,tV'-X'tn'.snii vi*: KAbunT i'noK 1'n., PoitbttHi;iJ'air-H..' BusiilESS. LOCAiW.' Staple.andEancyv PricesIngreatva- riety, Ghsaper'than ever. SbiidSihr^ . A Specialty. These .goods are.-all of . thebest raamifaetur*, and WiU be-sold -at'prices to-s'Hit alii •: "'' ":•'..'• Clocks. My-stoefc in thlsiinelslar^ej and will Be.-sold and warranted ^iprides 'tshat eannot, be beat, iodjfc at tberii before bttying,eisewliere.. - '-"-..'•- ,A A. Speeiaslty. Also a Large Line of s mlM '^' ; WN&: m AS/U H4VS>'Erfi. , S^r'AilES^P^'.' '.- '. -: JO'B^"E[;SABiEIBEa. ; - - . . ,QBP;JSaAffiBB?a5;: . . ^jargeiriiiEipJy- rif.. FLp"PB j; F^B v SAET, : c ; : f-"',:..;.- •J ;.;^o^i^sA^;^B6sia^:' THAS, ;: ^GG-FFEM'AS3>SPlOES,'''-' ... SUGABS;:SYBB$^MK3d^ ' -: Headquarters.for' 0^ Jewelry, of all- Des'orlptldhs,- s a d at'•. -•/..,; ' • prices to .Snit All,. .. : ..--. 3'hat I will apt be Undersold by anjf,.'. •Mss^mrm^ -Ireel: All Goods sold by- me"' wiii be n i c e l y -' Engraved Plee-of Ghar^e. .- - . ;' L .... '••.. :-. '• '^.'H.LPQEX-ii^;. Journal &.'Bepuolican Block:, Lowvilie.; on door fionr the-eorneiv : ' 23 - . OLD AMD. XMW -VLMNJJA&E.- .-. - W ill O'Brieii has.-nibyed to Nprton :-viSe,''-- : ; "> ••-. '•• '•• "'-''" ' : .• j,.' -H. House is 'building a eelhir mi- d'er his-store,-'" '...'"' ; '; '••'• -.'.- •It.is said that'H.'.H.;Ooyoy has bb- t$ined; a patent for' a new potato dig- 'e<1'-i.", :-IK: '.•-.IU.'A') ft!*- '«4i\.'?:-,k u<-oi..<S;!t<r p'?;..;' tTi>. - >ifi-.-i4 orf;;ia.i:l;"rt*'a <:~ ••; rjipv.iir--'iit.; .' '••'-.- ".; !-/'-.'- s V-f^r,'^f/' ; frfiays;.'Trt5T : !«i«f;-i'.i ='i-:>-jy d i(i-k':'i byjftit.iittiTi«>u v, .{ •;--.'SJVx-laliio. spiuly-. lis. ike iiuditf-Tiaux. kwt xmhw ASA.,..pefcauK' in the. victoity of LoyJ- vilio ami 'C-ri^mdaler w h o a r e afl-lksteii with any dGScription of chronic di-> Easo. wiii find It for thaif interest to .pousuItBr. X, yV;, Owen whowfll- -Visit thoseplaees every-Bsttnrday. -Df- fie .1-oara at Higby Souco, Glendal'e, fi-oiu it a.ai. tiii'^a>p : ia.; bffieph.pui-a -; . "MATiErzsgrttGH. •-. «Ppa© "faravt?" -lisiyb; tur^M: ,-ypBn;g;s4o3fclof.''S'Jtftve..-;''-' .-""' '.;'; HJEtomett.:. iaus'. bsjs : '• vaa8 : ic<!'- "tit. 'Hp'&" ; ah'msa-;tod ms/vVt'd- iHte-'-'M-ias. Ca^.^a? Pcedta's'bottsQ-. .''-'-5JiJjw.j-^Uiama .pf•-.i;%t''Ii0S'cle-n, .aVftdP afe#'tvifs.OL\ frierife 'hdm -last .'wefek--..-.; -. :- v "-.";." '.""•' .' -'.-•-' ;•;• Jofees and'- Bovejpy-havQ- -ieeelve'd t h e i r steam. ©niftoe;a-ttd ,t-faey-@xpeet- to have it ; ia 'ppevatwa ib abput .thirty" "days;"-- - . ': ' .'"..'"" .. v ' •' -•'., J o h n ' Lbvejf>y of Greig' is : doing blacksmith work for.Frank, Peebles toftia'Bhpp..;.-.-'.--. ' .'."' •-'" :'.' •- '..';•' "A. B^ 1 OhafB'n; weilfe to.-tha ip'wa".'^f ; •Epdia'tm:iust-wee.k-tb ®p.;a:,:laisPJ'S);.. of.rarp&tter" wPrki'|lti''ei f pecfs.tp..be gsj'n'babbu-t^wo' raox?thi?. - : ." . '"-;•' ' ' "'• Mi-i- -H*- Ti - Kapier :and ^HsE.'two. dtiughters havb g^nb-toUtiea'to vit'it her tflotiipr.'..' .. • :. •:€'.-vv'.Peebles haw bc^b improving, his ,5*e?ide»ca by puftiag a tin xvof on'.tho "ffpnih w'lfe.!^;' . ' . • .''.- •.. ; : ;. . 5*?is>. Giiralitifl PesHfefi left- on'. Mpa- i!.--.y."tpbp.'^k>nHbV.th^'f^mp3Pi..; '. ; i>i'.',r;-0, Hfi'KKe.bf Li}wVilie'¥p"e»t ?-r--'fs.!;iy iind TaestliVy here dbifif "den-- tHtry ">vor.k. jte had gt'.'pd sneccas. . Mrs, "P. a. Hougb H-n-l.-hnr-'graad- daniThtei-; iMa-, 'vtvilvdy fa*t- wec-'k Tiii.u-iiluy ' ibi" "W^-w •.,T*'^y, -Mr«. Hou»h wetitto ac«K»'nptiay l.crto her fathers, the Rev'ait.. Giu-riaon, ' - = •Mi-fl.' John Hoffman died very and- dejfillftsl Friday night; She had been about the- house as nuual. duriH'wf..thu' day; performing hor, domcatiu dm-ie.',, . Qhf g. Bruet is building an^ additien tby . ia-sd;' otharwisb. ibjprot-ih;g : -hte, hpu'se bbd'-shop;."-'- :.:;,'•.:'. '•..••'.":.' .'*-: F. B;'Gra ; Bdali and'wife havejgpbe t<\ work,,, ipr": Ahdmv? : Sujiaeyto.hi§ hpt»la^-^Ufeilabt't!s;- ",' -.: ,' .-. '€>rlb of Gep».li>." ft:bi:t-h'fl -.ftoe'ebNXfi" Fo'R biJ*l.dw«Jtt«.b^v'ftbd shiwh-s, M'&W'M Chli ^aFrauk'.HemT^TrlQi'ly A - * : - " ' v " " am. -.- -/._ :•- "••" ••'••::.•'- " , v . - t f , . " •'•' P I A N O S and. yrgnns..for.sale by G, - O. Cooke.. O r ^'»nH clcadncii iiuci ro- pkirecL FirstKdo?® piano tuber fur-, Q-fchpd.. O.dl'at rp^Jdfnee b-s.-H-w-bt-ard' street.. -€(.'i-r^|j-.->iid*-sts.-prci.mptfy';<t--f feadfdjo*,-; "'- •;.. -. '-.., - - t/ r pSiea -.and -r^suieuce..-.- on grouch Stree.t..-Ii*ow.villey--j5 r ..- -Y.., :|re»ts.'.b.!l acute taid';cl!3:'o.uic d-is5.sis.es, .Retoovef, cancers andtutaord wiihpu-t the .kmfe.;. Is successful in' diphtheria, thr«at and lung .dwesse^. " fialls prbtoptiy answeted,':'".- .-••- -. -. • '.'-•'• .-' •' '; "•' WAafe;y.p»a•.£?fB'^^a J l®«S.%sr.'SSEI^sa:f .-' ' . t T ' M ^ i i p - ^ W s &it-ies:B£o.iiiM.a*'.''' . '- ';.• •WJ&i'.J i 1^0^ rFffi^S.'; . "' . f - .;"• ..Fifty T$?-t&, liUpher'^mi bnp'horse- -, i ..,-.. •••- . • , . . ,-- !'B r asbns ! ','Stty-':Pk : fformj-'snd; three ME a bath m % , m -mg -Imt- banday J. %ria ^'--^ ago ^;: 2 (R>-Opeb.-a-M'T&p, morning it revoked the .servicer of. ; BtegiB3 ; . _ u ^, t m - e ^ am . Wagons, eight or-tenvtoea^to.gefc herout.-,; •. j ^ agg Qrto enfepfbarneasesaad^l : A* fhb annual: meeting of thp board jjamesa shop gyotls^.. . 2»m9.. •of excise. coaiiJiifeionbrs,. the.fee .for hotel .license w.a«> 'fised-at' §7S.fl'0.. ifb inanager bf- th'e'Higby house thiakir g It tap" high,-did- not.take'a'-HeeJi&e,. kbpwing .thut fJS0;Ofe Would settle tie- matter before the .court at Lowvilie W.&nycompiatot is made. : '' '\-"-..- •-. '.• •".'-.• " ; AA A -''.'A. : - ' * \DygsX, * '. -:.' 'I>. 3'S»s> Itwsleri,.;.;'. •• ";''': t. - Mrs, A,-.E. .Sea-rl has Just returned from -Hpw York,w'Mh-hbU'-aud;desir-t- blopatteriis.Jtir '.ladies' ami':,^oMldre^.' TLaiilvfai-for p:wt jFaviw^-sKa .'.Vi.il. bo ^1-4:4 to see- one and -.all alher:. ap-v rboifls on Shady avenw. -..:..'.•' ;'.;-. -. -:.'. " MESi A. K.-'SEAHT^ ."" .'tf.-'-. . • 'Sri>8 A. E.-Bi^yL-Es. '..T'b'3 laeate-st -prettiest an.d-.most-coa-: yenifent. oil -stove evbt.'toapufaciured. Ladibs-dPp'fitn^fflt in-oil stove? urirfT 'ypu. have, examined ' jihe' *'Golden' .Skr''-BaEg-e''-st.-Bo#rato &.-.-Gbufre--- ; tobat?s;':'.'"''. ' •• -'• .'.' '-'.•' ..'"•'"."•'. .;'.-The>largest;'.s4ad'.''"b2st''!?»iecticm pf ,¥/ail Piiper'.ever. brought .'tv"Lbwvi'!e ftjtiy-»<*«?=-be'seeb itt t h e TI-MKS Bduk 'Si-'pvo..' B r o w n and white h-jvlia.yufy- _'cheap—^e-" desi«jn^.Ta".^iit--Byrd.f&i '"in-gvC'it vnpinty* ". A-s'w.« buy"out-He | Oif-iVn pool; n'.ui foe.au^h, .wp sjrP&R'B J-.to-^jve iow-ff';p«e<-"-' t h a n ; aVerjiiot:^! •I by. e>.hpr HepietK, " ... :' ..6»£oU._i : !t , e>M>» : a: thing bvery one waBfcs'but. the. f -;. o i l y &%;;•' IUUAVB it. it-, to Im-y'ii'sa^k-j. of B b i f e l o - P d t e M -'HvH.sr.T)l' A> M*\- t ° ; Millrf *V- of BhlMo,.'Chicagii; Hyrrfc-ase, 'Uliui f out mtxik ah'd.-pW'^.'- ".','. . •.'" \ . fiy.-i..- \vli'> b-i'vi" -M-15WM3 ffoin , , , . , ,tl;.M>ff •{.'*-; of -PH(-*s,'reaIir.o t h e t o r t u r e S'«t, rndor^i by the- bftkors. ^ ixii . h (h ^ siivV ^i Uie followliijT M-. i.'j : .ei:d.ar<ul: U>¥ and.oilier piaevs ^ .iiad;>aid to be i.L<j.j. HPM irtvad fl-inr. ever luituu'&ftured. j l ^f- Sold by A. M.'SIiW- A u ' ' > ~ & Hon. at Bpwviltet g&m: Hous^fro'm . ffi S . £ tte evemnf between; thahours! had proved itielf a ypvcilk, $1. .htffi^t a^uiv. .JJiaiV : $$ pi.t0&p*m,:r •:••; V -;^^• : •^^et^.j^•'»W^^^ ti ?»^ , : ; ' •"'••>-'., : -- "-:"-' ; .^- S ^ |iJE«&^r. --;.;. :. ;V.'K1 .on. -h"if. hbyes. of 011- -. Pd:> 1-ij,.>' ; kk''eu'vd myot !;he; ut !•>' v;;'»r-i' .,i-!A»'.U'ijg, after tre- but JI Kiwi tuiu.y "diiiVre'ii remeilivs -._•——— viilujut any b'-ui-fi-'. You do not Y^ar^mMi^i^efdithollhow^rta kuawhw-v grateful lairj, ._' o0^ftttUheatfeby.u^9n>r; qwvtirf, - A. a 'il'/ufih. Mi , .': t V wr & •j"-, rt H BW t•**«!**.. r-,30 .-rs.it ^ [ - ^ ^ ^ S ' ^ ^ ^ M ^ 48yP.' ". .. . 'WE Afts p'sofe MOISE:GN PECK . . BEADt FOB ACTIPK.' ] ., •• ' ' .-—WITH'A^- BOOTS' AW SJI03SS, FO.R "0-Of*. SFBffiG Tf«**£•-' OiX.Vl. Gfc.- BfiUer- FloniiTAiid-other eholdfi DorseyPatentFlonr,,- J--'.:'..brands. -. -':•• •Sabbitt'-s-Best-Sbap":- ;'.'-'. -'• -v- :' -" . : .-".'"- : "Syfaouse-Sali: '•'-'. .. '--•.--. •:.- : ." •--.:-.•. ' . -.-' ".KeriJSeue Qii;... •',..' .••'•.- ..-'--. "Bob'ert's Ppri.and'-JDardi, - .' i..-". .' .Cleveland's BsSingBSwder; : . • -• : -;."-;•"-'; :^tent.Wo6neaiEero6ehe-Daa-0aiiSi •.-''' - -'•."' ".' The Cash: BSBtem; Js-appreeiated :! by-.Si getter-:. OTIS piiWle. ,We kseep the Best Gocds amls'elj: attlie,Lowest.PrIces-at\-- --, ..'.:. .;-;•.•.-.,• . 'A<:'r- :'Hos.i SEnd:S r ©ay*nStreet;. .'?':.',. .;.-..:: A'•:y.'•'• -'-''"-.'.--'-,-- : :-,Lb^pnM^H;^•.-_• tediie ioftlow-andini'PnTe state.of the bWodi.: ffiequ'e'nttyfetttt:diso5dBri jjf-tliS" digesEiva . 'fun"e^6n's,'Wasteda.nd : fn'feebiedte)dyiftrethB-' . diie effects'-of malarial polsbntog. -.'. Dr, jDayia- Eennedy^a; .;--'•,".-".;-, -:.' : - ; ".. :,, •„ -.--" •: •-- •. , ' B^ mmm •preveilts'and- enres-.BBiiAlRlA', Restores'-tli»...'• blo.ot}ioli-ftaS.1;b.ahd keeps'-tne. Liver; Eadneys. -• land^pwel&ln.'good'worltjag'ofae'r... ' "'-.:-.' RE^fffix-'SENAfoR.- Wltl^S '^bb1{|KStENti:y' '. -' : :-.. Ex^i^5^,JJj.JiVF(2bj.2,:i8^iS' " pi*. i>^iaajHfflOT,-Bojid:Qnt.:^3S : ..T.:: ; ',.- ^ .y'~ ' .'fiefirSir-i-My Wlfena'S tfie%ighe'at •qS'liioii':." .of yoni."FavoriteB.emea-y^ for-Malaria..' % ' . - : hsve-iised it-.---ift'oTw. - f a n i i i y , a n d a f t e r ai^LO-. ,- rongb.- trial-arid. exp.erlenpBi doiisiderit-iiie. ' best medicine'ever'piedu-feed; . -" ' . "•• : •-'.-"." Tonre-very truly...-: - JvJ.WiEB-sf.: - -; ' \Pavorlte Remedy is.-asihedtelhe...no". family- should^ h.e 'wiiho.nt. -AM.-druggists keep it •--•' Si:00 per bottle.-. - . - •-. .;_. ..; : -... A ] •:'-- : ••• - .DrCK'enrxedy'5.'-Faybrite'''fifimeffy/:-^bidi• oj - ' . Blorrison &Moore, LowylHs.'.-ije.wfa.-ppmity: -. - WQ kff'e ciaBfj?I-cte -:to'-Eve^T; SS©s»jusissseist said Caisi-ppse^-^S-: tUe-Kfewesfcaumi-ISMst-Wicli^.-.-•. •' -Selapeti&SSFsrtja' ?|ie' MarSiet;. : "'..' ': •' .. -: : ; •,flB,Aiia.asp..B^bB;,.:-'. So.'-I SSAByAvBirrjiii:. ..'. bbwyillei'N, T. : : '• : .-.ifeM m^-w^n^^:^ •-''::';,'• >-.- that so- maay' people siflkbitb u'b^- tibseiy graves when we eobsider how. they tteglept their health. They 4 have -a disordered Liver, cferaaged Bowels, Ctoti»tipaiibn 1 .PiIes or diseased Bad-: neys, but th.sy lettf go a'bd think they "win gel river if." ft grows worae^ pther and : more :seripbs'epmplieatibns follow and soon it' is tob-litte tp gave iheai.» If siich people wbitld take Jtidney Wort it .would preserve their lives. It acts uppn the topat imp'bfo-' :tant oi-gans purlfj'ing the blood and cleansing' the"system, remove^ and prevents these disorders' and pro^- motes;health; ••'"•-: " : -:A:-"A ."• '• "::/ :'. v '":'f^^^V';'""'!--'-'> : ''-- ; '-- : . : ~--'.'- ' A.SSIGKkBE'S-SrQXieE'-3?,£}:.QEEt)ITPBa-i-.-- J3L Ett pursuance of anordfef "inadeiySQii^ " B. .S. MerrelJ,' Lewis ,'Cou'iity' Jndge. oh: tb?.' •I9th day. of.TSIarbh, JSS^notiee.&bereby'giTeii vto all creditor* and -persons' Saving elaihls. - against Sen ry p.-Leonard, -lately doing l>uslr-- : nessln Lowvflle, Lewis-eoniity;- -S.-X;-'-ih'asti they are. required .-to -jresehtf tlieir cla.iins, -.with,1ibB : vbaehers 'therefokjiiiily-": verlBkd. to thesubscrlber, the duty appbiated.assigpDeeof : the said.HenjJy G, Lebhaia, Ibi- tlie benedt of -- ids creditors, athisre'sideneeinHie^saSdviLi lage of Lbw¥ille s oh b-f .before tHeseeond day •of XulyVlSS*.: v.- •- - -•" .-.-•--.'.': •'--." "- . . -•' .-. .-Bated,Match,IS.-lSST. ' -'-"•.-•'""..- '• i*,.- . •--.-•"": S3BW4-- .SEHSsS'C.irOK.'EHiAMi Assignee.- ... pdrsuanttbaa order of.-Hon, E..S r Merrltl; +T Ooiin ty J i i d g e -of Lewis- County, bii the lltb. 'daybRA-prll-A-i B^: 18S4 notice isiiereby-giv^ entoian tbe-.creditors-and -persoas ijavlnff elaiins .against Braytoii B: M:tiler, lately: do- '••iiig.business;Iii-.Lo.wyiite, If..Xwtlrat thgy-ars : te'CjuireSd to present tbetr«a«.d,olaihi5-Wi'tb:th«' VoucKerS $bsreo.f-dnly : v.eaBed'tbthe-Subsorib--. ei-stheddjyapppiiitedassignees'-<)f.-the-s.aid ' B:r'ayfbnB.ilillef for th:e\ben eflf. bfhis erediforS at tbeirpace of business aS the-omeeof'L.W.:' Fi^ke, assignee la BoonvMlei H.-XiVbit-dSbe^ -• fbretiieSftthdaS.of Jnaftnest. •'-.:' :-' V •"..".- • •'., ••Bated'A|!i'illithi 185?'A ' -.-..•;r ,..•"; ':.-> • .-.; . -'.. •:- -> ' •' ."A'L •G-,BPSH«;{H , *... - ' -:.•••- '--'. :V--. ^ L . : W ; F I S K P . . ' '..." '-'".• •;- '-•'-.•'•"-:V .u&ssienee*. -.' .QIBPlSBMB.CO'Ers^.^-Trial-IieslMdiii-LewlS' e5Connty..Orrett:5 , .>Edwards, and; 4Tbijh3.' •EdWards; ElaiBtiffs, against Marthac W;»it, : Charles M,Walt',Starye.tte Atnistr.Qn'gvCb.ftrle» E.- Aimsteotig,- -Innocent Bpyntbn.'Austia:- Bpyntbn, LydiaA, W«jt,Horace.WaifcEilzsa-i". beth fiabiion, Isaae'fi<tbrion- .Uice- JM» Paid- '--•; PervMHo Pardner, Ejtnina Edwards, Harriet; ; : Edw-ardB-;MiwgaTetJohnsbhv^enjaniin:-J)oTiii- .- :'sbb', -MeUssa,'Pafterson}pasiaPatter-sbfijliary;.- •A, Simpson, James- JE'^inipsbn.-peorgtf-fid-- .W^ds,-.HariieI^E'dwaidsrBiizabelhEdwa*ds"j Lucy ASdrus, Jlat-yVLennonj Atrebu Et. Leo- - non, Anhrttijster.I'biliipO'Kteivaeorge W^Ed* ' Wai'ds^Franlc W, Edwards,' HartaetEdwaxiJs, . Lvdia L..Lewis: WlUiata Lewis," Oharlejs'H. ' Edwards, Jaiie Edward^ Florence E.Hollen:-: be'clijAIjert; Hbilehbe'cS.HenrlettalMEatliewS, - X 0. MatheWS;'Annie M. 3-ohns6ti,A.E.'.ti:bnn.T. .' .'son, Fannie Edwards, and EgbBrfc-Edwardsj fitti-Fev. Edw^iSs^KjeliaVd Eitwards.andJWinir:'" nte Sd ward-Si-i-iiIants,.and: ©hasteS-Mi: Wadfear -•tiie sole eSecutors- of the; last Will ajid-testa- 7 in«iit tit: Harriet-Edwards, deceased, defends ants. ..-•.:•' •:' - ..... " ,. - :.'•'."..'•.•.:•-'.-.'•. • ." •' ;afO'XKE-Aa%V.E^1SAMEb'PEFE|i#A3^ ToiiaTe hereby. sijiombpeU to iniswertlfite- eoisipiaint in tJils:ac6lon;aiiidtb:serye } aebEy - of yonr answer- on : ths plaintias*.- attornsy.-i'- 'within, twenty . days afiej.1rhe.iervi<".e-af ..this •Bummbns, exchtsiVe df Uie d a y oS , seYv5:bejajid ; .- lie case of youT-feiture to" appear, «r answer," jiidgrarnt wilt 1 ,be_:tafcen-s.galnst'-'ybn'- : by-de-'' -, fanlt- -for-' the "relief detaanded to the -.co&-* •. plaint...:'- -. : .":••• •'.--.:.:-.: -''„AA. -''"•• - t»-Etea„-ApTll .1d,"-lS14i ••'•- - - - . ' " . -•-" -•' . •:-. . '• Ha5SFB2T.E; *i^isn5B;jPlainlia'«-ittorney r ' •' - '::."." OBIoeaiidPb.*oflice-Address, -'..-•--. -.'-". -:...•' --Lows^l-e^ewis'-X'OHat^-iy.^.-. ToLydissA, Wait! -fltoraesrWa-it, EHpabetb; -. •Gsibi'ion.Ifiaac.GatjrloB, .Alice, 51. Sardiie*,:. SHlo- -e*^^aner;-afci'rgaret-.J»jBnsOT^,-.'Beti>ani^rl^ -Joliason, STeUssaPattersSn,Bayld-Patterson,.'- Franft W-.Edwards, -•Bsrer-iet.Edwa*ds;--Lydl»- L.Lpwis.wniiaaH-Iiewi's.'ChailesHr.Edwards, : :;Jaiie Edwards, FlojericeS.HftlleHbceSj.'Aliert; Hisllenbeck., Henrietta Mathews, J r - O; ifetb.-' ews," Annie'M. Joii»:?Q»i,A. E Johnsbli; Wsmi •hie- Ed'Watas; 3n.d'-;'Sgber6 ..EawatdBi-Haryey .Edwards, Riehard Edwardsand WinnierEd- - wards,-infants j-r*The ' foregoing sunainons Jg served upon you t by ^"'blicfttibn^ pursuant ia.: an Qttler of Hon; Irving ft.. Vann, a,XuBticedi the.Snpreme Uourt-bf tbeatate of Wtiw YfltSe,-'?' dated, t h a 29CK d a y - of A:prll,lSSi 1 Tuid -filea : wltit the complaint', in tbe ofti.cb bt-ths eierk:,-. of tbe-Bou-ttty bf;lfe.wls,in'the vlllaa^of &QW-•'.' yule, Lewis Cbnnty,iiVsaid State.' '•' :-... . -• -••'-- -•: H B K f B t - E / T t l B N E E , - : -'-.;-" '.'.' . .-. . Ofiice-snd-Eosfe-'&filce A d d r e s s " ' . • \ '-'iiW^. •: ••; J.QMiue^EewisCoiintyi.N.X^ : y^

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Post on 27-Mar-2019




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& •

•wwwwraSrasiet t teJa^^ :<jM4jujua^a3^*arti <scc^^^ »jtg^jeBBMap«iis^^^.^^"giawt*«i i t e ^ M

iS «4»ti; JS^ ^•;;^35B54BBB^^l^f .J5?-1§S4


:..'• •_.--;;'.•• ; - / ' - ' - ; ' ' T - ^ V - ^ ^ . s p s v - : ^ ' - '•--' ' "" . .Stec? ' ; bS^z'-tj^-tt-ayiivnt^j s f S s i j a y springl-"°.

^ ; r . , ; , J ; v - - - - \ ^ ' ^ H i t a ^ - i i ^ o T i i V - ' -'._ -—V '•" -.- ; d ^ - i t e l y ^ p j f t a % ^ ; ^ e f l r t t t a ^ " ^ i a » ; . • • • - ' "'•

• •: ' :V.; :: ' ' -' ^ o i i ^ i t ^ . i i r e y i o u s t " . ; '";' .";".'•*.'

- '-'•;_ C ^ h i e J t h e f - t o - s o c i s s o ^ B y .window ledge,'-. .-' : . '•',. ..' -&nA:^ea^4tynn^y-::'. . •-"."••'"*:'

?;".' "''',".";- -'-;" -3Eixtvii4rt*-.te»so'Qi!-r;;.. -.":; • -•." -."'.. -'-

; isfitft;:i^:6^. teii & ''{;•.'• ••-•: '"'.^sitii'sa-i'ejEarfi,:'.• '•• -:\_: ;-':"r• •"

^ g ^ ^ - t S t e . s c e e ^ j - a a a ' o a s e f f l i i J ? ha s t e ;" --> ''. '. 'tEhpu'rii o u t of;se ' isoa^ wantShi -ftaa. raftiSiasfce, j . . - - . if-'-,-„-\. .v^'Anaddiii't-a^-rVt.Hl'' • .;.'••".."•"•' ": -""V

> : . ' . ; ' - ' --'3&i-b>:.^dVbyi"-''•'.;•'.'•' .'.'-: ' : \-'-- j^St tn^er i t i i i^bTrr^^ """•

' ; ' - v " " ^ . - . . ' 2£Q» '^ i : f c*ay i • " ' . ."-.":•' '.-.:.."' -. ...

. 'The thunders to rm laatFricury after­noon, was felt qui te severely in Wafer* towa , the l igh tn ings t r ik ing the house occupied b y B e n n e t t B r o s . ,.' florists', on Massey. street. Messrs." Bennet t es t imate tbefe loss a t §S0O;

• • M B S , 3f elzar Jtogerson, l iv ing on file Mo, 3 toad , d i e * t p i t e suddenly PH. Friday' last, Mrs, Ingerson was a dMghfer pXthe late J o h n Areher,abd s woman; h igh ly ssteempd'by.aH who k n e w iter*.' T'he funeral was held at-i te r latP.resideaee Sunday afternoon.

• eiOuEttf^s S. Mereness, j ; B% Moore, W> L , Scott and Q. B . Easton-y with Hi ram Burke a n d . Wi l l i am Smi th as guides,.- left .for- the N<nrth vrp.oda.on

.gat uirday»'. They will camp for about two ' y/«eks oft TwiteheH L a k e . .

a t£Hld ip . rd ' s .

ard at She'irird >&

T H E - $ e w York, state fair will be held at Elrnira Sept. 4th to TOth.

C H A R L E S O^Oohri.ix, tho famous"' lawyer, died at 'hia ' t iomefc Nantuek-et oil Tuesday. '

H a m i l t o n Wilcox oi iovra, former­ly superintendent of Black river'ca­nal, is to town.

. T H E General Assembly of l ire Pres­byterian, church me t a t Saratoga Springs yes terday. ,

•• SijiS; ^Johs 'Hbtrtonn, of MArthis-burg;h/aged f»'3".«u"t ,45--yr>suvt> died'v-«ry ssddewty-ef jjearf^di^?*ie tnsl Ffkisiy M^.-.Bliett ; 'Sjs:<iitpp^TtS5fJyfa.g0od heitov > i ."the ii<!'iul- h s a r md ?•.«>« ftfior "ps&gtet siivay without "any strng-gl^ofp^ia,-_. ' . .' . ." . "

• ;Lp(>K: at :FHi-h &-0os?dy ,s.'ejegstf. jies? dSiwCguoW'.iuat.rricay^d.- ..:

-•'•"•Gt»nfers!-av"-'I>":'|[toiS rfaffli of Adaras Vdie^>uaSgn3y;.af Adai*>s Center S|im-.; dajr.ttf4erh.e*»B,. of' apoplexy, • gged .TC ysjes^," \Htf;W'a« the .oliSest'&ab.tcBt i a t;is; /gfcse; aa'd iof maijf yea'^-.ane.of' teie^dJostp^^tiQ§iitBU'ii in. JeScrcsia." i p a a t y ; •'.;.-. ,.;. .•.;:.;- . ; •''"-;•, •.;.-_'--'.:. •-.

Nicnolas Bosb&rt has bought-Ui i r -

teen bales of hop.-s yf Edwin Lsynard at 21 cents a pound.

B E V , *W, F , Purln^ton,. of 0open-hagen t will occupy the pulpit, of the M. E, church of this yiilsge, one week from n e s t Sunday. .

S H ' E P A B D & Stoddard havs just re­ceived another ease of hats , the latest styles to be sold at unheard of pr!ee«, Call and sea them.

• . 1 P y o a ; want a new 'carpet t h i s Spring yoa should esll repon Fit5\Pi.& O b w ^ y w h a h a y o the largest l ine;and hands'oiaiesfc pat terns ever toought to

ijowviiiej py ieesway aowu; tf.

-Mr. John Dryd^n, of Copenhagen wm m t'>wn on Mumlay.

—Mr. H e n r y Bt«ne, of Brooklyn^ S.3 visit ing friends in to%v.n.

— M M . Henry Ks>U<?y. and son, of Csrthase, a re apendins? the We^fc wi th friends in this village. -

—Mr. W- H . Ha i l , at present a coKipOHiforon t h e X e w Y o r k Trihtfn.fl, is visiting friends in town.

—Mi5-? Annie Fulton of Hoganj*-hurj j lvFrnnk'Hn roiHdy, is vwf-tuig Horace Bush and family.

—Miss Ella K l h j j ^ r , of Ca,rfhagc>, sp-'-td th« S.ii>Uath with her sLstftf, Mm* O. D, Watson, i.n thiq village^

—Mr. aud Mrs, Ba lph Oascow, of Gtov&rsvilk', visited friends in this ' village, last F r i d a y and Saturday.

—Mr, W. P , Ro^ew returned, to h is hom? sn *his village on. Satardgy, and remained with, h i s family a few days.-

—Mrs. Edwin Whi te , pf . 'P i l la r Pointy is vMiKng. her- cousin, Frar.fc Welier, and.btiwi? frieads to -I^o-w-. Vil iOj

—Frof. Hv.G; iSTortham is conduct-' ing a teach&ra i n s t a t e the., present weefc.?t Htf>':yla^on,"oc Staten Is land, ' nt 'sr New York eity,

•—MriX 0, Jea«s.und wife, of Fo?s~ da4!i.f!,.Wi::eoas!n, i»re •. vSs?tJ»g fhctr.

cjiaiifife:'••.'•/•;'jv^: '.•;.":'• "_=A-':<:.r'.y-

• biffija^l>ltt- :^ca^ev :: ' : '••:-•.;"'f- - . ' % ' « : - : '"-••

^.oSfireafcout W ^ n e K «.' te-M T u e , - j h r r ' l Q ^ ' M r ; JoB^,of . this yU?ag day , 0B^..lj'pfors» the 'fire -em-ifi ae .^x- ;

' ' -^ rJMa^HA'Smifhpwh6'?di led btj\Crasu ; .ehed thb l '«J^ r ns .^asdan3af f^d Kifeai'BeB»?elKer. ;Fal'fe,/J(ss',.hse%! to .'.the. anic.aat -of #15,000. The fire

origliiate^ in t h e eagu»« .rooiBi


MLwiU'iwi Seymourh«3 besn.ers-' gagfd to te 'Ch the. school on the East sidiMif th 'or iver itt this. iriUftge for the ensuing-year. . , •• ....

Mra. J . S, Tardy will ?pehcl t l i e largest portion of flje-wi'i^nw with triendrf in Lowvil ie , • ' - •

Qur band' has made rapid improve-; niant under t he i'n«tractf&ii of.;Prof, MeQrossen, T h s y have- comsiieneed giving but door eoneeris. •

Br. J'ojvjtson fe-as' itHprovM the loo-ks of hiaproaaisea-M&r-y; tntich hy ffriiding the erratiad Jo A n j t of' Ms K>C!i»ieE'"> mj M:un strcat . '

The n e w pa°tor of the MjB. chur.(jh, R'iv. ifL A, Harris, is"' w&H, lifeed-Hy oitr people. The pulpit of t h e Pres^ hyteriah church in this ; vi l lage last Sunday ^v*»p?"Sf was ©eoupied by Bev. t)r. Franc?, of Lbwville, .'Who; preached srx a ' i leandif tSerbsf ingser-m f l n t . ' ; , . ,'••" . ; ' ' .

' ' . ; • ' - J D B O . '

t?icea: tbtejB.IIKca.'/p.ayl-f!n2-.,. A t , . the. ^ x > a ^ ^ o 3 : 2 ^ t ^ : ' h J 9 / W d U W . n - i^ '%^Jefh^Voft«^t^«t%.teT3tea(: ' . «.IS.

»•-» .y-vys?. wf<»n?-t "41?* •r

B'^g^'.ai3d'she»a-].i ;te>. h« a;

:'.'&BVV. If.-S:Jtji:-i*w,- 0L,

pa r l ih ; a a Q . ifep^tube*. '.1

• Mlh^ofOTbSEarSiihei'..2£h3Jr—i=""~~ai~

' ^ '^- ' ' r ; - : - . -^vv- ' ' - : . ' " i -V

•'-.'• ^S^p3D^':3^)^edy,- 'c^.SjJ^a^:.^iu: . i B P M ; f e | ^ ^ i u x t f e ^ f e ^ i & a g e # n n e '."JSScfcr.VV - f " / ' : : " - : •'-'-•'';-'" '; ' : -•• '"" v'

I d a iw,v; :^^ta'fey,b:ie"te'..3.»f;.!ip't'h»u. Vj?hs.'ht-figiia' i ? \ . . ? - . • > ; ' " • • ' •"-• '" ; :".- : ' . ' • ' ; • " " '

. . . . - _ . , , . -__ , .,, -^- . ... .. i will "vMt;i&fo#e, '9peMia#;ia6sfc o? ..• j F o ^ - h a r g a i n f ^li,. apoa . .F i t ch :&|thesiimta.gr.iiltrftvoL'." " • ; .r •'.""' ggWd^-r-:-' -:'••' • . •. ,-• ' •'•' . '•• - -tf.":"[ "' ; • • —-—•—rhr—r-r-*' • ' •:.

" — ^ = • ,'iK •: :- ! ; BSy^,Wk:Ff'--3Xa*&ii<3;fii'af;Fulton, . HawMp* .rrf-Iysa j.-who was : sspbeted to ps^aoh" to..tHe

ftfi-twerp, .pr^nefret? two ; JVIetaodiatchurch.of this . vHIag'e n e x t

1 Mr. Tories m>s, -a former "resident of I Lowi^ eouiity^ . •..'. • • '•• '*;'• ". ••;

—I&iv, T. XiL. Shepherd, n b ^ ' i a p£-t'eadanro af rtis.e "feaeKJ. eo^jferenc?.,' prsaelied a t Sib Ham6J3.stieet : jt.% 32, £=hHt0h.'Gei*mari'town, Pa, . , ' Iasl S'aa-« M y a t 2 u« i i i . • " : . •••" " .•

v.uudv'..:r ft^iki ai' A»«_; ]&iee" of this.yUfctg^; t«xi%<

The B a g a n Iectasca. wbre; v e r y Snb. :

.Ray. A, Ol J J . a n ^ k ' w ^ .serenaded h y t h e TurirE corns* feabd o n e " d a y last week . Mr ; J>ai\for&' resppBdeS to'a nsafe spoettfe, uteft-wasafte^wartl^' iht?Gdaeed to :.thb s ie iahsrs . :bf the b s n d . . : ; .-'"• . ; . - . • " • • . "

• Quarterly m'e@ki&&'- spssrifss y?e-?e | iibul slj'the. 51' .33,. ehpreh- last' Sunday. moVatosr. _•--In .theah^'fiebi'-of. P r d s | - : 'dmg. Elder Bher»he?d,, # l i b . % a # e r i i ^ ing iho gnneta? .-coh'fe^aCK-at "'PU-Ha-.de.'pJu'a, ?hb«erv;'«e? ^ b r e eb.ndat*.ted.. by ihe.pasJ.ors R6^;A./£l,ifciii€9rth,. : -THi*-ryyvitiiVf-iii of i6hs.:sea?on.'Wl':h •,ii7--'T«ria t-?* '.?'?- -ffiE fob fhb m a s r ^ s e

sho. Was experiencing spjae pain hear her heart , aiid before h i d f p p t n iae she parsed away' frois th is p a r t l y pTlgritoage to tha t tiome where the weary are at rest. H e r funeral waa held on Sunday a tS t .Pe t« r ' s ehurbi .

Bailey Wetnabrbpaet with a narrow escape of his life on Moftrlay to driv­ing into the barn of Lafayette Brown .where ha"i«-*rt work-, Tb^re m - a te* .reaehihg' from post to postacross the .driyowrty'to which t h e doors * re faSr tened. Th i s is aboat midway of t h e

: door* up and down. and in: passing through a.perspn rau&tatoop.over a considerable to escape it . This ae did not do quick enough to jtrm

-uader.sb.got caught between th'b ba,r' and mills: oka, and the-'team c b n t m i -ing to go ahead pressed h im a p i i r s t

. th* bar.ii'ntsl. t he s traps wfaic-h- fasten­ed fho can to t h e wagon gave way and he was released^ , 'it squsez 'd h i m badly , though ja$: was ab le fe ijo' about; "Jfcna ..Work tshb n e x t day . T!ia fauebt of: the ean ; was' broken o&M id. .the.eab was ot-hsrwisedaniageds'' b . i f & e escape was a fortunate pne.-

••'•. - ' . . . ' < " • '•".' " • 3 ? J 0 & $ $

XlKoi i ' sauds | I ' a s t e i « e a to t h e i r tJ irTes?, R e l y i n g on testtofeowala w r i t t en la •vlved;

g lowing - l anguage of ENXDS M i r a c u t o n S o t o e s jBaade b$ s o m e largely pnflect «p,fi6dtor-<>r pa . ient xoedlciiiB'liss inw>teaea : l o a s a n i s t o t 'sebgraveK. 'bclleTir.g-iu tl ietf: . ' nOBtinsaxie k i £ h that ' i i l ie .iamc i a i t i i e i e w l •:. he pG«foi*iii._ e d ' . o n ..tljeia.-,. a n d tb-at -16686 Destlm.0H13.is mi'.lsfi.fipflure.s,-wl}ii.siiif so c-allecl .ajeffUstae

.teiill?tlie l in ie J jaa ' teuif tgihemiy ihoiv sieves.-. W e h a v e avoided j)ti:biilsb.liia te«(,iino'riials,.as they do b o l xttaSe t h e oilres, . atUipugJa. -v?e h a y e ' ' , . ' . - • • '• •.. - . ' " • " ' • • '


of 1.hem/of.lIiemost,%QiidcriuIeurea.-MlH&-;. taiMj'y sen t u s . I t - i S ' o n f medIctoe)."H'o.p-Bit;! t s r s t l ia t 4m1i.es lite cures . I I iias'rie'vBT fisii-. eel a n d n e v e r c a p , . W e - w ; i l t g i v e r e i e t e n q e t o a s y one for a n y disease, s imi l a r to ' t l ie t r imxt

. if df'siirei}, o r w i n refer t o a n y . n e i g h b o r , a s •tbPTj> is ijftt a ne ighborhood lb. t h e feno'syii' Worldf tut caosliow: Its . c a r e s b y . S o p BitterSi.

• . - . . . , • ; . A l,0St3Sta JOKTJ,- ; • --. • • V .

-A p r o m i n e n t piiysloisw of. P i t t s b u r g s a i d to-a l a d y URt-imvr. w h o Was eomplalnl i ig -of t ier eontmti-ed IU flealtU,- and 'o f b.ls i n a b i l i t y to-cure ber , j o k i n g l y s a i d ; "Xrv H o p fiit.ierBt" The l ady tdofi i t • l a ea rnes t a n d u sed t l ie B i t ­t e r s , fiKsm which- . she ' obtained: J>.erinan»ait hei l t -b . -Shei iow langbs n t . t b e doc to r for his) jQite, b u t h e is n e t so well .pleased w l t t t i t i a s |tc 'o».l.iiliiiE^Jjjd.patient i l- ' . ' . ' . " " . ' . - .

. ' ' : . - ; ' ; . ' • BBSS Ol? B O p i O B S . *." •;' • •!.• '•-

. T h e fee of dobtors Is a i j itexa-'lbat-.-S'.ery. baany-peisons a r e ib teres ted l a . • • W e belie-ro: Uie schedule for- vis i ts- i s S*?.0D,. Which wott'W. t a x a-inati ' ronfij iei l ' io. l i lsbea fi»*a-year,.attd-. inneea-Qfa-da i iy yisil^ over ??l,G(5D'a y e a r for ' medica;! a t t e n d a n c e a lone! ' A n d o n e s ingle , bottleSTJBto-p Birtte&S-taken.in ; tiieie- WoBld s a s ' e t l i e S S ^ & a n d a l l the -year ' s igieKn^s.s. ;•.

." . ' • ' • . , A l & S T ' s . r a H . . - '• '• '

D R . D A V I D - W

KI^#KD^# '•'';Are^p^Mss^-3Pot^;-.'; :'A:<;•:

.. ;"'"."V.. . -• Bi ico- rerea : JA 'STeilieal -;'.- • Pract ice . - -:•'_• -.'

... SbeK^aiiy.. gidteU- t o ' tfi lHE2UsLHttl^.Acii9> -Stoim* ttiih, JEbcnninrtc, Scrof-i i iou i a n d ITeuiale Cbm> Elulnti>-,.'•.;.- , .A'-.V^.:-

BLOOD ^ORDERS. ,' P.tse &lfanatsctof-b'adilo.pd.!

5Jesce4<f<fr ^bO>*"di»>5'e*Hre»9biifer c e i t of c a s e s 1A£Sid B l o o d srlYBsBlodmHisBCealtb: Satisf-atitron -gdaranfeed.. --It "is -Jinrely. Tegetable, iion-AieoholiCi Effec&ej- -SalatablS.- -gXvOO-a botBe. 'Senalbr'pamplHet- Of jSSXBnggsfas, or of , P'i.TXt». 3BOENHE»3S,aMr. JDiiiKondotit, if ."X

•;.._.. . . .GOPJEpr^ACfJs^.:.-,•-:•• -.:'

•;. Wa; eEjoyed:.ii hai i ;storm. SuadaJ: . -af tbmo'QH. ' • . - . . . " - ' - . . ' ' . ' . ' • ' . .- - - " • " . . - • '

. ..Miss Louisa-.Forward Sled .Friday.. Thefu8.eral.w«s held from the M. 13. Charcli pf whteii s f a e W l h e e n a mes i -•ber f a t m a n y y«*rs Stmday- .at- two. bblbbte. :Re"v.'. W- F. - Pacr iugfoa ;prs!v-efled'the'-serinPia; •'. . •' '• . ' • • ' • . ' .

.; .^o :af ternoon Services " have. -Item \ S l v ^ ^ i S ^ ' m f S J S S r ^ a ^ l S ^ S S held # t h e • Baptist c i u r c h - ibr' t h m s . ' S ^ ^ f > ^ ? ^ ^ ; f ' ^ . " 1 i 5 g | r j l l > f | | g f r

Sundkys m- coasequehce' of f a n e m i a ' j ^ ^ ^ ' 7 * ^ ^ ^ ! ^ ? ? ^ ,-• . : , , . --•, ' ,- -,-. --. . . . - . - . - 1 -Hyp-BiiTajaUS sold by Moxrlsva 4s l^toor-e," b a p g h e l d a t t h e - s a m e hour. - fX'newiKvy.-Y. .. -.•.•••••';•'•.' y

W . J.-'.Qiitbbert9oa preached

" O b . b o W I ' d o wtsh ' taysbi r twasaa-e l f las ; . anrt ?oft.as. y o i u ^ " "said a-'lady t o h e r f r i end . ; " T o n - c a n eas i ly niafce i t so?*- a n s w e r e d t h e f r i e n d ; •• "'- • -. / - ••' , • •''••- •• '•'."

••;So*-5 , , ,-iBC[nir«a-thearsKlad#.-. :- - - . "•BSrftslupBiiD Bitt-ew'that rn'afees piire.r ieh

bio-i-iaisd oluomiftg-heatta;-• 'I t d id ' i t . id r t r ie H M I » H <,b«6?VB." . • . . ' . . ' ..:_ -.'

. •' '. s r e k s b . p ' f i r T H E D O O T O J ? S . ' /-.'•"' " i s ftppSKible Ui£t '&,;Goafl-fly'is xm a n d k'f

}.Ms chlldrin,'n6w.-ia this villa-gej.-hb) panied'-by -the foiii'-da.aga-Ciay W llmL 2$.',' 8... Bsilsbti , .orOfevelart'l, QtiVi, iiavA amyed- i u town- to reatato 'sev-er*d' v/vfcka,-'. -. ;' .. -.-':,-" . /•

•c;-e h-!* it*

T'cafc&eva'. >2«*65J2S'. tl The teMiv !rs .'t>f Bowvilie; held ibe

' vbTyg0bd- se rn iAns to t t t f r ^ . | J , b^ "writes that , on. account of [jgrst mseUii^of tim.Hprinf?-, F r iday -last S u n d ^ - H J s ' s e r m b p fK^'© even-Jprsssure of Worlr" oa,his"o-wa charge j. evening last afi-the: State street school iag : ftpj3a'tb'e--ts3rt.^A'tsft^JssUs rbachbd-']' faQ - i s . uuaWe.to fill tha appptotme.at . ! Uoqse* • fmm : his. ' ;h|bd;a'b'd |6 '4&ed hi.ai;n ' This , arino.UHeei|}$nt will be a.disap- ,. .Mattb—.

t'lHC-y-ia-'."the »«m? -.future.:,'They- are.!'

people'and. ^ri.ffr?br-iv4thebba^r<-.-'.-.if---! lafion.=-of rs&iiyMbnds.3^4.abqual#-.i ^nces.. "'•-." "• ' - --•' •-.--.• '''{

- Rev. B.iehard 'Is-Jac, ;-of Io-ws,: and j ~ | 'Robert P.. Oweft^i • fa ther of B . . • B :

! 'Gw?iist; of this-pJacbi saii'e'd from Wew f Y'Vrk iasf'ThbfBda'y.fd fob abs'ent>eV-

'/; >:3ffifei1,Sataaei:-Stbyen's- -h"as;;sbld'a -..%M<dBi%^£piai^t^'^^fi^.tg^3' :'3P^,.fpf#li^.VJ"':;'?,';."lK^"-V

qjttE^mpsaj)^rs.p| theBra^t inghai i ) 3S£i 3p;^fflrchMr& KpidlBga flenie.%hd;.

m-. ' : - l | 4» i^ . : i a" 1 S^fc^ j^ fc - J (®ae t . - ' ? s ©rand Mara&lll fm G435>Batiey ;'Ppst ^ d b o a r a H p a d ^ y y " . Vrv.rV •;_ \ ; ' :::.-:-

.' v5B^.-"Wages :pf enipipye^ pii- t he H . • ' fk%. g t v t e ^ f e p a b j n s ^ ^ e e a - a & a l n j : ^ ^ b n # f h i i ^ g ^ d % ; . ; : ; : \ ^ ; ' ±?.. ':>

~ 'y:.toB, Tk feastpn,'&.$atis.ii 'r'fi>riSrX' efi!g '".'--:':;.'-:--:"//;

-.-.':. ^ a ? E p ^ - A | t i l s ' b f f l e s , *, good {cpmgpsi;tor;; t b ; \ ?^m. l{be ia | p d y ^ d •"steWyptopioytoebfi wilf J>ef 'g^vexij _._'.-;:' :.:B^.j!.:Bxp3BE^BSQ2t ^ ^ j v i a v S / j i ^ t i ece l*ed ; . a l^cge" r iewsafbao^ . ^ps--r . l e r^ahpaacan . ;&;t%.,>b>f Gtoetobati';

" e r^ l i a^ .bb^ ; estabijaftied:- ; inith§ : ibw#' ^.:.V>B^j^:£gK>|geris-^-ctsi^;

\: -. :SEasE*3@ttfe"BE. Bohbr tehaOeea- lac : ^ t e i - - . t b :de l i ye r thp . an i an» r address .Tbefora .the-Societies;' of• Gpavpinettr eei^^^-iumiS^ .5 -.',;:•-.." ''•-.>'".. '!".

,. • GfeistEt' "pa?i^;-s^3V.""gt";BE^65# -:3&r^'"-. '- ' ' •• ' '.'•;.'.".-:;•:-':i;-:'X ' - - : r : v " ; :;$&A::

was; bsjbemlly'; elipqtieiiit Bbdana'press iv^ : -hp 'Mto^ thb ' ab r i i ene f r in closest .mtteM|bii^b?lft? i t s dbjivery. ' '""

-.:'. :dS&f» • ^Biehard. Garter^-proprietor, of. t h b S a t o n y S b t o i B j ' h a s . a b b p t -3,^00 :

090^ feet ' pF lumber, on. hand , and is abw- pu t t ing 5n. SS.tiOQf- b r t h , of :new. .tXJaehktery for .the purpose, ofincreas-, .ifigitM-capaeligrbf .his pajlii- . He..wi|l'. -emibloy. t ea feraersto the .maniifaa-turbVoI tabls-tegs.,: which '.wiii- hesttrp-

:ped to' .various --fqraitnre#stabli«b-t. rtoebistfe^iu^hbitt tbeeountry.:'-,.. ':

•.;' The/ steabsbff Bothesay ' w&a s&W" at..

.-(rf--K^fer4a:T.'Jfta'5H:S^0ffi. TSe-s i^s i^ r -'.wfitrebsivb a ^ener^b 'ye ihaui i f ig a t .^^^d^fefe ; .b&-^Eced;"o i i - ' .her old irblSebet#bbn. Glaytdn-ana^' Bieki i j - ' lsbn fs .landings,' -riaa^dfbg-.' c&nhbetipns

.-ia^ei^.'b'efe^'&^ed-teiiave'a^j^alsae'-•'Jfee.;;..pf:"atgatae^'sttiajrpff-. betweeB," ytli^e-^pibfe:.; -;..'" : ;>\.•"'.'.•:'--;- '. -"••-"•-.-"

:; .-.SEBSi'Hs9ibr £-.- IZo&ng dfed a t i ier ;^^dyp^-te.'."Pioek_p^.':May/2,'-I-88S,' ^aged^.iSfj.yesrs, 1-toobth-^asd 4 days . She i ^ , b a p j i 3 e & £ n profession bf lier-

, ^ t h : cwSenl bha. Was';blbvea yejtrs p i fage^ ' aad iv ' ^ s i t ed /Mth -the- 'Baptist ehoreftffe". S t e u b e n j O b e i d s eouiity." Tiip3S^a^iner.was. in-her^b

'^h©. :;?s^' ,.^'.i^Jdi.^i'BheSS"feitaikBtt ;

^ e a t j a e l i g f i t i n ^ e ^ n ^ ^ e v e r ^ s l H a ^ ShS ; ^ s . ' ^ . « a r n e s ^ a h d l * i ^ f a f b&ia-tMs-:;Trlio«d^M^?'i;.la^bibt^ Sha wBl.:

Qf:hM;$)^e^&^0e&. V ^ « : | a b e r a | W^l»eidffora:hW;lMe.T^d©nce\S5fey' P h t P e v i - i * G*Perfei-n-a oMeiatl-ng;-.

j>oiatment, to h i s m«uy a i s u d a Who had hoped to hear h i m Pa .that ctey.

c^1, - -'- - '-*' -

.-,'-;" S © f e j ^ :SeSpoJ ;&g--ii|^ayer- meeti , : : togf a | ' the-JC;S . ;e l i^<3h^n^ '-. J fp - jpt ter5seryieb^^wiSybai^ld^the , '4torc&08afnat '^ay^ : . - : .

r^":uiv ^ !.'' v

•";":'. p iVJEJi^sPg-: ^ o p l b ' - r a i s e d - s s o t "ptitM: -fsmjse» :fef:ihe^-w.hPffese-

•:. e d v b ^ t a f ' g s ^ i i e x t ; mt&Q^Whii--v ; 3 B ^ ^ H ^ b ' & ^ r l £ 3 . ; : ~ :'."'\\ ":'[(• \-[:\.- <;

; y; / j fe^afpi to JDgace Jisfc W'^paa ;inak*l-i c b w s a i d / p a r .y;ouii^ hOMes: which hb' .. .ssftt • seH at^Qioi : .WSfe: . farmj~Hp."

; -'-• .Itey^,-Sf.- B;.. j^lBiaEasj,-of.Portiiey^ .; dbftypeedpibd:-*Ke?i>ai:f>it;bfthbp£es^ • J>y^flfiaa' ffibpibh: i & t h l i ^ a g b ^ j a b t ' : ' : : ^ ^ ^ ^ ; t i ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e f e i 4 ' ] ^ , : : : -,:-•'•'

_' - ; ; " = % ^ , " 0 ^ ^ ; B ^ ^ ^ - ^ 3 f l ^ O T 5 ( i - . . : :

: ; i ^ ; d # y e r ; t h & ^

; . i ' ' j ^ ' . i . i ^ i ^ ^ ' i r a ^ p i . B B ^ ^ % i T y j p

";. :jESM. D b w i ^ W b s t - M i d ^ / h o M i b t . Sk^ixdf Stoltl i . ^ ^ a s e r ; prpprietprs^

f ^ i ^ : i i . pne ; pf ; ^8 . f l n . e l t tftt'tfe-'^tt^

, " S P i P ^ M T E ^ ^ i p f ^ -; .^has^habiaffei;^"ina^fig': a ' conjp te tb

• i p a r ' p f t h e Blaei- Ejiye* :.canajt;pVQ-, ; ^ p ^ h c ^ i ^ M ' - e x ( ^ B e ^

tkut.••"' -: '".; '-;'•'':; : > - ' ; V-v' - --

The best-25"c e a s h t o e r e in town a t 'Shepaii l ' i .Stoddkra. 's , " :'. :. : :".

M B S , Kaney A. Jaquier^ wife of. Sagob Ja'ctoibr;- dibd bf'• ephsunapfcipa 'si fier -xesi'dends hsar'. tMa vil lage last BaitAa^"tmjiiiiijg,,-Jirk- Ja<pier! iad. -bbeb : "a,- great,-sufferer; "for,-'several nipftthsi and:-.feeling' t h a t : d e i t h h a d f&stsBM; h i s jr&n.:giip upon' hexi'pid^--ed sarnbs^y- t j f a i the s a d ; would ibon '

.coine: a a d : t S a t s h b i b i g h t entes ' to tb ' XBStL.; Sh,blb4%es- % hesband• arid four ^hMo^b^V'tte^GlEagest on ly t^o^ejffis

:tosb,' .."Thefaribraf seryxce'was field.-ai; 8 ^.clpbfc,: - i t p M a y Mteikbbn.'.-,/' '•-•'•"

•• "-A FBiGfffipl'PS aeBtdEHt.bbciu'xed* at" Ctertex!§ybiJHi: SataH^l'lb,;iasfc F r i d a y \ 'As Handfey'J^itehbii j a; y b t t o i iban. alxrtit'P-yeasisj ol: • age. Whpsp-' -^sseatS'-. ^ i & ^ : ' i € ^ b a ] K ^ = • ^ ^ ^ . « b ^ ^ t ' ^ i l : - • ' ' .mng,b,-iblt bi is . '^ t t l tsyi h i s c lp th ing bau'g'li^" :Pn': a hprizontal;;' revolving,

;shaftari47b;efore:-1;he; m a c h i n e r y bpMd, bbstpp^'ed' iie ' was-drawn; against,a-ia rge : :palley> the:fxiQMo.a\bi: ;whl«h. %isl^^^'S^^o^^^^^idi-3eim'' Hblbj'to^bbafe ^aeh^b^&lutj6&pf-:lhb! fi&alS tb;sast a;^etser&w:.Sbtb-M3 b e d y .

; wMchiTwore ^hole^tetti^chpS; ito-size. •,th¥bbgh,-tb thb ;liM»g: Pf •his.stptoac&i;, I)jS-.-^pTjhy,;i of" Sa:0nS:aib,• -was k t m -iHpnei 'a i td djbsse3.1ia':V7P'und&: :-Af 'laBt'abcbtiats:Mi* Sti|chpil- -w^aa-dbing-*ei |^foCs'trbn^ Irppesjarbbn'ttertained .pfiis^rbcpyeiy*v •-.;•;;•;\ yrc, •'-:

>- -' \SfeCJtKE5«- G6i i i^ i^ i0^ i - .S l ibobs : "is -,-;. ;bt^%a^r&vJh3e;^b'.stirebi|s4 taariy. of "" i»biefe;ptt ^ g p a a t ; b f ^ t e f e a ^ y spEibg.;

- J.--'-ttiosr *J»d-tb:6 jjreaf: anjoujitbf iean?» :;;'-'. :togV^eififfl!;to^ :\.:':;; -Vy

• -"-: - -=TH^;'Jtci^l^^ tsBiebt ofGonstableville.. • • '/i0i^pjr^atterifgp aBpttpemoirb.^ .:.'-'. ;*srenlbg y-^.^^l-pV0M:iM'^p-:. i ;. - i ^ ' V t i i e t j p r o ^ a s i Q ; h a ,nse^ foe & b

- rpit tbKase p f ^ j p f e a ^ f t i r to achdoliri : ; t t a tv j i t eg fe • ^:; ^ : : -.':':.-v •- 'sU : :

.':';.; .">:' -;'TwJSSs^rro'0» -ilebbses' h^ye-been

'£ yyik^em^^^*^^0OTiip. ^ayythat' ; }'){^>omnBX) • i s « o t i a b & p l ' - a fetpf - :

: :«rice'tpkriU^^vherp^bpfe.^e^aiisg^tb-1 Rapport s o i n M y y d n b M b f p&ces i '

'-; •• ; - ^ 3 3 ^ v ; B ^ l ^ « c e j ^ * ^ S ^ ^ - ^ o -.V-' .'JiaS'vbeeii aa-trfal at;5^atbjte;wM;,fhe •y / R e s e n t rweb^ - ' i p tFNP^) ; - . . w a ^ i ^ a ^

; ;t"ciat^edby-pj^br bf Ab-cpWtj Mpyb^-> ':;^deijce^g3ittst-M# ^bg '%|b : MeieJ f t t --y.v-WySESBttabt ^^riyictloBi':. :. ';.;;--::;

'-;..'. • .-I'.SBa^'^prt' foy3%&bri«#^'S26; i ' / ; : | ^ i i ^ t t 8 t o & ; A : K i « A W e e s fe'ttflt

-""•-•" ioasteli1 -'" r b p A w y r y ' i t t : jabitleg' $fe

. ;'j*flBhBie;. -aod Gtb'er1 toipMoiis.^ptpger^ '-'--Mm*.. \.-A'.vie.-;:--:-y---.SC;-"'"'• -'-v;-5'--;.""

/ . - -SEBB^ r f t i i E b g d / e o H ^ ^ i o t t ^ s l t a v p

: : . v g « a n i e $ y i ^ - S * ' ^ ^ Q ^ i w & b j ^ a ^ i : ^tofijer feeattog^pf .the^^bi»bp?tfl.atpW^

• -•©£ « w i # ^eeMragaiaat ' t l ie icbtof kii^ -", - -tlaif-v ^R(fQBfhW. y thb^SsQdy : 0Me@fc:

: ;M&m: m tfifeyle&f^^e/lGpftaBgs : TIW>ii luitf toe sfiidtP:be;ittByteni dsys. »^ t t8 t . v t aa r i ; S-y;e«fe.3igo* ..!P&e rppfe'

:isbv*. :S|OG4_'•: Sip.: -wiKtbE. ''exfeeeoifiTy: ,5 U> *fi4 iSteie 'iiafe. i i # MH* wlifetf

; GAKc^st Habe ie r Brps. 9<b:d-.s'ee*irp.' SJ' ehamber:.sHif ^; . . ' . ' . '-., ,'.'. . ' ; : "-

| p y b u : wan t a&umiiier;silk'^^eali.np-; on •Fit«hli& ;Qp'»dy. z "M ^m: .$&& j t blaefe"' :$8kil Fitcb:;& ;Gbwdy : iiavp'gpfc theiest. '- - : '>lf yptf w^h-a:.. cashnSbrp;

dr i s s i t wilt," pfey^ypu'tp^iob^-at'Fiteh: ;<£;Sowd'y^Bea'atifui.nV^ "^fi'b'egtl?|Sek"^pb"ds:&lise.asp|i.at;Fltch. '<&' ;Gb^y'sV>-.Afi '.-yboIVtrecbtt'-for dresse^'jnsire^ly'e^-'at F l tcb & Gaw-dy-*Bi- .'A .handsome, l ine of-'dplnaan:

yblpths ali--eplpis:at vPiteh & Gp^fe 's?: S s | » T i t jBiKadb.:bfejrt|ng4 a t F i tch &

:,GbWdy%f •: X.lrffip ;Vash ;gpes a. grbai :tt^^''^^ :&yMg":.f;oeHa&. alK F i t ch & : Gb^dy'%/': ' iffew:;pi"ttsb..'.8^.tegs've?yj

; cbsa -pa i^ l l fh&Gp.wds%i Bigdiayb" M-'hoa'iery.si I^e&?eurtams-and: tapestry-' a t F i teh &

;Gbwdy,'g.. ;:>y.';;:;", •.; c-'l''f'y\ •-;-~..ft>

^ # t t a g b ^ f a h d : t i i a t agbhta^rppre-sfefeg^afffbrgrit :.%b fes^iabce ep,to-pariitB "Iptng; basiaess iri 'mix ylliage,-. hate^ee'enfiy: held a :.meeMng.,fQ.r;'thb pbrpbs'&'ibf' bbpIideitHg" riska^btt'the, l a s f a i ® . 'p roper ly :W paf, tewb,"and "'fpEestabli^biibg: >ates ' io .be pwtt hpreH Mt^:.|b^."issnE«acbi- # e ar.e ript adyis-:. e&i mM> ^w6at-.th6y:.-hiv8:4o;Mj--bat. t i b n b l i i d b l i p ' f c B ; * ^ ^;i^^bHfad^ifewe% '•;'•-__-'•'- -;;';'

. 0af ^psp.pte rbaVb rpisbnfly;. taxed thpinVsIvias 46^9 Mayfly^ |p-proexire&" :Qfe^J*B;Ht#aaeDgifiP.MdJttb3.ei»tB t§!tt%."&f mgpimag. a Bbw Ste .de-rirtmGatr;aadarb.pi;ovtdtog-a#.inst Jpsi %' SEP- tif%b,meahs stppoyda ;fof-its- •e^tto^ttx^iAeiif.affi ol.w'h-Ibh mtiitend fa.m^p the risks pf the m-jgiBranejb <jobip:#9:ie8' iess,':aed:shoiil'd:

: m&k if tei^?' cbirPSipott^i^lbF-' b f e - ' ; ; . . - ' - . • • - • - . - ' : v . ; ' • - - ' ••-'• ' - - , - • •

JF - yptt waBt^a-Sse }ob' of pajiittng, . . <£ - -. , . . . , . - . , , _ . . - - f a r i n g / -

PTgP; i : ;46w*.

; 1 T is repprted tha t Mr . Eugene Ar -.UxxiS w^iBatup the old a r m e r y build-. •tog pa S h ^ d y avenue, recently pur-, chased by him,"putt ing in .asteam en­gine and other 'machinery forbailJirsg purpose's, and. ; t h a t : w h e n completed h p . wili" carry . on a general millirig. 'husiHessui cpnnectxon wi th an agr i r ba l tora l wai^hQuse. and sales robna whfbh he. alsp eontena'plates establisbi tog to" thb.saaie. building- • T h e i o c s -f iba. is .exeei leat .'jtpr- suchik. bbstoess..

. . . - . . . . A n o i d G r e e k . P r o v e r b - ' ; i n - ' ! ^ W ^ ^ W ^ ^ v M s i f y m t h e morb in^of life, work.; i n the m i d , ;» P t e ^ n * " * ^ safe y ^ a g e across *ne

« ' w a n t ' a n y t h i n g to the , l ine bf Buggies, ' # g g b p s , Hgrnesses or hbtpp shelf, goods, call on W . H . Smith,..•' opposite, Oacapbelt Hpu^P r

and'yb'u. wiB afe a- big bargain. •• ' •• - . ; . ; "••• 4&m Y

.;ALif... persons to t h e vicinity, of BowvIBa .' and Gleudafe. who a re aSEcted w i t h any des^riptionpf chron-•ie; disease wSI Aud i t for -theic totbre§it to.eoBsuit-Df., J . W . O w s n - w h o wMI visit Bowvil le bvery Saturday. Office hours a t ' I iowviile, K.ellpgg. HPHH&, frpm.12-to5-p.rii;,-.;'.. \ .--.- " ' . . /•"tf . . '

:~Afexandi |a -Bay ia: q:iM.te ,exeited :

over the. uBear th ' togbffwpvery large •hufiaansfeeteteBs oia• -Hobby_ialaad^ by.-Mrv Pbpa • #hii'©.' Pacayattoij foy. & cottage- fox H . ' .E. H^a tfe. T h e pEOtMmenf eheels holies, perfect teeth, and other characteristics indicate tha t they -are tha rea ia ins . of .Indians,.

day "gfye cajjnsel'; in ' t h e evening, •pray- 1 ' ' - ' .•/_ '. " . ;.-- .'.' ' '"-'•'•.

• •Thasubjbet' of. map. .drawing, wks ePP"sidered: arid the following, potots. given-J ' .

'I.'Co'^STjttrcTfON ^i^jEs, ... . 1 . Teacher: d ic ta te . aud - draw ' at,

board, children d r a w at:spats. ' ' •-; . 2-..' Teacher dietaie,.; cla3a diraw e u

slates or board. • " ' . : . . : S. Teacher dk-aw, chfldran .dictate hy .terns till, t hey fail.

4. OMid.ren' ^dictate to class, and ci's.ss d r a w . •/ , '". - ='• ' ' '

; 5 , OMdrendra .w.&om niemQryc ;n. slates, hoard and paper . . ;

I I , CQAST j+oms (tb,'be«onsider:Pd}, . T h e teachers 1;hen t o p - u p t h e s t t t d y

of. accura,te coastrruetion"' linpff. fui.; drawing Xiewis eobhty, and the projT-•er dietit'doii for. these.lines. The.vvoiis: was upt finished •' biit w a s : to. be m a d e a •mit tsr of s tudy ' by the teachers' d ik ­ing, the. week-, and t h e cstopleted d i t r

t a t iongiyeaa t ' i&eaexfe toee t iag , : . *

General exercises—Tne- following topics were suggested as.proper.eu.h-jeets to be . taken;dp to g e n e r a l e s e r -bises-toschopi: " '"_ •/••

X Stogtog. : • ".' •' 5. B-rawtog.

'^ . . .Pemsabshipi . .-"•"•. : • £<-. Oivi tgovernmeat , . •"•.-..-•"

; 5.'TJ."-S. History,.;- - " - . / . - . • - ' ' . . • • ..;- 4 : K e w s g a p e t Wpptoj):&as'fsxts:fpr-talliS b y thp feaaher, . to? 'fl'm' geppl* «j£'lhis-'c.itraky -coas»'

sfpymy.s&a.. ObCAgJOSFAI..

- - . . '•• • • Cd%!?BA&&

' M. .P. ^ra-sbn laft IsV't week fGr.'Ws^-tei.?Ka ftbd Dakota .where'he - has -re­cently b^en; inyt ' s t jag 'somewha-t ' to rea laa ta te . \ • ' - , . -'" .'• -.-"- . '•

.. A i l a rgsamoub t pf baifdiHg i s . go-ing <>.a in - oar village and ;rnbre is' in couieEaplaUbb... Jlyery: house, isocea-pif'd a n d . PVfry bustoess. s t and ,and . sti l l the demau'slfe-, .for: . 'mors . ; Bea i bsta'fei.is'bqomljig nnd business of' H-H. kiHda.&;Kvijiy».. .In 'a-few: .yesss? W P expect la be .a city, with a .iosyor, a l -deriaarn. and bth^r.aimilHr luxuries.. Th©ji,bbEh-|,BS''we sfiall - p a t o n airs kfebtfiat.other city.do.,e?'n;ta%riverl ."

Oar village Is sooa t o be 'connected. by tfiiephoni? wi th . Waterfown- and 'intbxmediatb. villages..;. Worfe: ha3 ;ai :

ready ebuSmenced: on, the new l ine . .

-Mr:- i , ,T , Wal'?h-i$'t'&iav.e charge-pf-the rapairs which ara to b s mtdeisu-' several- state badges ..across. Black Biyer . '. - - .. / "• -. ," Great iMj>-x?s,ti<jun fxe betog, iDnade for the.©b'Sf^vaaespf dee&iafipa d>.y. in ;th.is-\iilage.

2. T . GaVttt wiii erect a brick blpeK-' on his vacant Ip t ' pppps i t e the new BpnesMoeli-early-th'&'s'easaH-.. , •: ;

Messis* J.. B , ; WQOd &;0o,,,our,' en-e s a m p l s ; 1 t° rF'rf»^g d ry goods" taerch'ante a t e v-COWEKU' >ds».ag'-i\Iavgei^fis»tS^^g.lRJSi&^

. .ftev.'' t w p e^er-w'teit ?5"rs3a.bT\s nt tlib-Cbagriif | :\<ii:,piiiit '.o.j.XVTH>, . h^A i^iitxt-MiA. -Dt.'l X>i':aMui.^-3iafst.l:ib^'Cb^5:c-W*;h '.*"/-;..' fj'srrtsJi;, -.- • ' - ' . ' • ' . " - . ' ' - . " . , "• - ' .'

•;-M. JJ/'Bf*bso^S;', iH,-httmi*.'trom: 'thfy, •af4mp.u-J.fe5: pfe.. board- • of'•-'". aMs^ms -ii-.J ynV :"H«w-i»ro^i<-fe'j"-b^Mab"3S. .".'.'.' . Asgl^.hab'&hft'ndsbmb.lihp of..,X>fy. GoodSf fuiaiahtog.gbo'ds: Hats, Sho as

•&e; call"and see his.new stpek. . ...; The.new clothing iSiQi'e is-oa han;;i|

they are locatad jn-the 'store former: y -oceupibd;byG.e0. Scbyii. ' . : ,. . , :

. -Jas., A . Wa'ters-;&".Jtto#el&rk;to-'.0-. • A.-.Thpn$pson'.sstore; . ' -.. •"•'-!.-. '-r, , . Bbnry GhlckoHagj 'Thbs. ' : 'Bli;%ia and. Mrs. Jaaaes Corcoran haVB new

;- houses up'}'^hb#.eaj.d:y. this'-seaspn.. : . . :

• Thb Wilbur^J iur japhery we.dd'ic'g. .W&s-largBly at tended #t .the .Bapt i i t .church laaf. Thu.radayT.. Eov.' J , -O. .P^rkips'pffiei-atin,w>.; ",.'.-.-;. .'-...•

Bishop HaTifegiog wil l vlsit-Graoe ehureh F r i d a y ^vpnibgr b f this week, ' services-at 7,3-0,....

.A j i t t ib dauarhtPr pf B.. W , Stop© aged three years was.. buried . .Sa t e? day. ' .' - - . . ' :' ' " .". - The-.OoH.greg&t&nal ehureh of :;tb-s

viilage has given s^unabinaouseall to. Bey . , w:.. J . d'afihfoertspa- of .Matins-yitk'i i t i4 hoped h& will accept. • .'• •' . ilplley.tjkattog has. riot s t ruck this towb ybt ; verily, we more, slow; .'.,"•

afr , : Keiser will h a v e M s h o u s e p u •oh t h e w a i l ihia -week if the.rain. do>js abfc.hinder.. . . ' ' . - '.;•• ' . - ' : . - ' - '."•" ;

-" :%Sx, Ts'mbl.ib.bF'BlaekBivbriflvMt-' i b s his SOB ;-the dec tor. • ' : - '

2<*# mMMt^sm •\tt--z-,-

:-.-»-.»•?•:"-'""''^ •V-V-V''*buTfc-?1 j . AA A~- .. >t-».-'i-.- . :• .-.'+••> i .-• ' ' - i . - " ^ * ' ' w s : * i v"

' " i.'. •{ • i-.f-'-i >----iiii .re-iti .£

^'my'K^ff^h^S^'M'^ ••'•»? - boj-tles^ .•sf «i". :t-rs-!"*j\fr|^-.,t5'i , '>?9>nd r-.o.w cons ider

. . . . . . , j -

m •, • t yV? SrfeA&tsxg c a t a r r h eni-ea. T, • - /' ss& eflmti^'s recbninaended-.- / - - - s i x f e j ^ t t -to .-several o i ' m y

a t » e o 3 t o f .:>^KG) wG!u9o,5.,

7. Natura l objects as subjects for ta lks or general inves t iga t ion ; t cr

rti^^ - t.- - J n *. - ? •„,.„-,-, readings from "bPoks.of m i i u r a r h K -They-werebanedonih&rock jeova i*- it. '- - - <^r •', „ . • • « :

n , * ^ ^ ^ „ ^ . . „ ^^ :*T ,^„ ' „,„«* •-mS,^-^5-SF_3Sic,-YoanK! 's Child's Bcfrk at

'-set So^W/Mki gallons, bf bedr ,i«^- y f e n I M P - fia^^wttfe • .sKirP Is 'WsgLM ' ' bt'srfibv.'iaa' • w i th the - mb?i seastffia-

-e3 with, s tone - and thca e w t h . large 'gfowth-bf the;; IhByJwetp.buiied a •' ago. .'-';."• " "'• ' . ' / '

ses ! w Tb%f

»seafc tbany. fct.m

f -YGHeprriuy- a good Sutonjer^SiJ-k d-Eas;s-'at -ts.-.cetits pe r yard j a"ggo^' Bia^k-SiIIJBres?..at: 03 fronts ?ibr.yar.'5. .a-goPd'O'bJxiEiori Dress-at. 5- ^ r t t s per .yard; AtlaniLe-.P-Shapiteif heavy, by pieepsSJ cents-; ..LaVpreitfij? L ; £ ; Shh-s\

-S.-®torie?. .:<-- - • '-•-. ' - '. •••"•-' V, Efift^lBSe^. •-. ' - •'.•••• '-

- -IfK.IrtH&m-tioalo.iae.ai-sra'. .- 11. Paja io^jgy snd ' - th& 'ci|bcts'bf na-rertticsJ. . - IXave. pupils -v;hp are-. p!n''en-oira:h feeep-biaiik"- '.iy^fe to. ree'stcij-'f xct3 4 ^ r a k s of conduct, ' - . , - ." ; . - - - . -.; Thp-. fcaatbew- 'were ' reeommendfad

ibs.finbi-by.'i&Wc0.6i-:eeata'?' beat bet t I ^ g e t *The; Tea.cher^ ?rhiaary '£$~ w^gjitCarpet:W:irp;-all.colossi for .25.gis tanj" in -^Mtf«» to^ustfial dxaw-cbats' a t Kfillf'Sg '& WrfiprJs,' tf.

' PBADQ.trA'll 'i 'EERS'l}. D : . -EArcST-P&aT,") • ilO.isllU, X t e i T -

- . • •- -£i0V>M

i'(J. 0:.-EArcsT-P&aT,"j r. it, 'x., ii. A. K.. . V .

JCg'- tr>HP3

. :Thenext Hieetiri^ will .bo holdat .T pi EB.,5; F r iday K a y 1-6, a~ ihe SAWS

pitca. The-subject will fee',. Bict&fi'on. fpf d ra^ iag- Itewis county a M . nxoald-:

bte «oads- which ti ieyiaa- sdlia^.afc

'. Uaiix a n d fleafness >, b y - ; E I y ? s . ' Cream

Ba-'m-'.31-s-ari.iit .wasi d«-af.. E t - res tored laer J iear ingi^Fv b.Siffrise. jnsnrancB.-s i izabeth , -• ^ i . J - ; . . ; - ' ' "" • ' ' - ; . - . - - . : - • ':'" .'-

-."' E l y ' s Cream- Baim"eaus4s':n0pain":-G!-V'eg relief a t . on*^.- eifetwjses; tfow -lieaa.. Oauses-bea l tby ' . seert-tlonfu Abates .Spfiam-rantiob.. P r e v e n t s fresli colds. Hea j s t be so fe s . B p s t w e s t h e senses b l . t a s i s . - and sa ie l l , '•& ihbron'^h • t rea thient w i y e a r e , .Isof-a- litjtt&i or .snuff; A p p l i e d w i th t h e fiao-eri -Send-for'^u-cnlar.i gold by . drus?iftls.- i la ' i ied for'. 5 0 c . E L Y ,BROTH?EKs,D.r«j»gists,yw«g* JW.T,.. . s;9Wi

•Ely's dre'iaa..'BaIrJai Sold b y JlovcUen &' - ' " • ' Mo.ore, LfiwyBie, Jjawl5^piiia-fyj.-S'.'''S'..

A. ' l e e t e e npaa pnysMbiy. ' gcd ' health i s . to . be)5dbHvered Safard ty evaatog Slay 17-tb at;Bee&a/!iiite • h r i l by'' Br . Geprge . H> Stprribg. T.t e dobra will bs opened a t 7-.30; . A d a i i ^ §ioa.415'.cents. . ' . ' . ' ' . .' .. '•- . ," • •. %k|Xae3day..the'.ladies Missionary'

society of the k . E / G h a r e h met tA Mr. Thotoas ' a n d i t i s bnderst'pod fh iaterest ing Bleefi.ng was'held*

Mr&fi'Bi'is, wi'fcw^if: the Ma Bipii-

, Hasvin? j i i s t veWr^eaf r<)3nHew'Tor l t --'..• l a m p r e p a r e d t o s h o w y o n .the :.-:'

-Eye rb rongb t to to i s ro - t i n ty : . MyfltoiT ,. - i s sina-ll p u t w e ^ a i l e d . •'.

• • ^ ^ - . A S E « B A 3 X E S O * - ^ r -.:


I K M l :*3lasiifes"pf-..'.'

-M.W'. - '^^%-'-0fi3^pMw^W^i'

:' b e t it- be fijreVer" f e m e n i b e r e d t h a t t h e

I s fcsbest a n d S b o r t e s t r o u f t f o a a d f r o i i i CBi-.t'igoand.-Coftnell Biuffs t-Ciinaha-5, a n d t h a t i t is preferred by .an w i l l pos ted t r ave le r s y b e i i passing-to 'or f rom • ' • • • • - -

I t a l so Qpfirate?-th« .best xonte ana. t n e siioi . ? . - V ' - ' . l ine .between •" • ; • . •• -

;:IIii@ag0. $ai- St.;' Bail Wk


Miiwaafcee,- TJa Crpsse, Sparta, . Stadlson, F o r t -Howard. 'C4re«BTSay.) ' Wis . , . -Winona , Owat-s-o n n a , M^nbalo-, i \ u i u . ; .Gedaa- fiapids, B e s :

.-Moines, W*b«ter City; AlKona, e i l n t b h , 3Ea*-sliaj'll;own.,"Io%v-a Freeiior't-, E lg in , S&tjkford,-' 1-1*., a r e a tnoi is - . the MOO loca l - s t a t i ons on i t s li-neis. . :• ' - , . . - " .-» -". . . . . - . . ' • '

AtrKing s. few of t h e n u m e r o u s p o i n t s of so> per ior i ty .enjoyed by t h e n a t r o n s of t h i s ro'ad-i ar.e i ts -BAY t'O A C H E * , wbicb a r e t h e finest Jt tat-l iuman a r t a n d i n g e n u i t y c a n c r e a t e ; i ts P A L A T I A L S L E E P I N G . CAHS, .-which a r e models ' of 'cotofort and.elegan<je;-!ts'l?A,EA<JE D B A W I H O . R O Q 5 I -GAS8; wbteh a r a . u i s u x -passed b y a'-o-y; ana - i t s wid-aly ce lebra ted . •

' K.esiM-w&stE«r rasiK^'vABs,"-t h e li'ire' of -wMeli a r e riot - r « n b y a n y o the r road-any wher«s. In shor t , i t is a s s m e d t ha t

! I.r IS T H E B E S T TSti-UiPir'tED KOAi) IiM T H E ' WPKJUD. - - .

A3.'.r-olHKi5of XWMV&I Nre- 'h, Hc-sthwesfe a n d W£3t,'of ,-p:B.i.:-a!;>.i, • I>r->j ,v.-,sr r-mxrur, simiis.et

l a i r d s

iil j«i,4 M iSfjjl'P. rt'bfeTieE' o f .Aiof t ' tgO ' i i -

>5o«ii to ' rbm4yy. wRh .Ms"family- So 3Vrti^v-:U>>. ,.' Wb' -*re^sfio-Xfib'

s'ut'hu'ijb he'will

er-y'C-j i^ vKitingftiprMt^ m tawh.' • Mr. J;. Lewis ha? ...left oy^r foyft i'rxilv .thH Apria^;. :. . .- ' , - ':v! i? •' Jsbir>-- j?viaitlbi 'fririd-* .prjfi rf-ic.'-riH^tef:. for AlbKmy wxt Man-•<A£y.r • " ' " ' . , - : v : : . - : " • • • - / : - . ' • ' . •'. '

Mr. a n d ^i^<SiriX^¥vsrh wc*-g-M'? Wt'Mv, Koj- lb^krether "m Fm^knsj,

•Url Cht^m'^vm^ddaughter - is] ni*lf-

iWir'is <)l!r JHl'-fcit"

'-'Vhr> cheese fj.et--J.sy ' acar Qiik p)a.- a'

'b>i^sfnsr te : ^fr» Bijn.oawlHfeii i t si th^yKyr hy'"M:K P r a t t . , ' W « h-avp rar-'i'Mrv'F.-'r .tif Hid iikP "zh sppaaran'g.P

'vt*?fy i a s A , , H a ^ t a s ^ £p.'tS.piouj{bJ-y Ti.nd?rit'xbdlb<s'.bttsi»'i(a*?.-and wlfl - ;bo - donhf • oi;yte<-' 3. 'kiO'f;-'>-,(vf..'it. -' He- 'b is.]

ey*:-r.-ilali.ei"fitiaTis-;\udi'nippjv/--ivn'^ 'I "ai t-.n i;+ la •.:: I « JS efnry,

f -ii>i« w<?t>k th<4 teuse'of Gi»?K;t'

S P E G I A L ' O S B E H j - H O . ; 3

paxsuatit;to,rogitfetipiisandG, G,,-.'iagthesamprasaaa.-. A&neBiouht-'NoirJ.'.-Headquartets dp't, 1ST, Y.s G. "A.-Biv dated'.. April- :S8.th,. -188^- the. meinfeers.of this Pos t aire hereby di-: rpeted-.to.,.be.abd" appear a t the Pp i t -Bpoms,';-3fr.Bo^^^ pf tFr i -.<Sayy~. thp'SOth'-; instant , a t i.:S0p....m. s h a i p . fp't • parttctoation- in fhe : cere­monies of ^ i e n i o r i a l , D a y . . ; . . . ' ,:" JS. '• 'Hemb'ersM' t h e Post not y e t unifopinedarP-eaxnestiy. requested to p'roeure.ffi© sa toefbr ; tha t , p'ecasiotf. ^ h i t e 'gloyeswJll"'bB w o r n b y all.:'.- -. 't. JlilAll, veteran^ pfythe l a t e ,war , eitizehs' ' a r id teachers, of. .public .sehools l^th- t^eir .pubi isarb eprdiaiiy tovitfe<£ t6:.join,. t h e . .ndembers of; • th is ' Postini the,pb3piy&nce ofa..day .now. beeoaip'.sacred to thp memory, of" t h e bVave soldiers a n d sailors^, who di.pd. t ha t t h e bation.might'Ky'& • -_-, -.';.

. :-pra'naer;-fadoohi-s^iekeri^-Kiry,.--, ' . -. "•'•': -,. Than, taie ^re 'ate 'at tnat:I lr igets b,eblnd-;. . i i i e y s h a i n i v e i n p e r p e m a l s t o r y , •._ • ' - . -

'.- - . W h o saved t h e Itikt h o p e of r i ianiind. ' . ' . •

'. •:'jy.'..Gb;saatBde,.Joseph X.jgs.y£&t\. a t Bpme, . 'H. ' .X 5 .a- gallant- ;so!dier a a r i •an elaqaeQlspaaierf is announced- fts t h e drator bf t h e day, . . ". •m; .Gbmraae; :Q. 'P. Smith , 'o f -tli-ls Posiri i hereby detailed-as Marshal, a K d w i l l b e phbye'd and respected.ac-eofdibgi^ . . By.eonj2Q.a-nd'.'iaf'••

.-:]•: " ,-'- ,&.B',.T'©¥S.EK]^pQSfc:'C,Cm. ;- : ' -W. ;;iQ.PAjaiiEBti^ai^ •;. '- .- '-

tog .board ' ;has been pijoyided by. i fe . Jones for-eaeh'-ropiii.'. '

iiupcovi'n^ v«ry'"s5br}yi ; M x s ^ ^ / f t r i o f I ^ - W v i = i t t o * fit , . . . . .

B." *mm$?m:^e^e&st0 mm f D9y»«--*ho\HV« :.la- th is fowrf-w^a [for h o m e i a s b b M t w W . '• ' •" ' ' b ^ e f r m°' a B i r ft ^ « d e r a b t e ^

Mr. G. mmM^im&M?Ym1hst,mamii of mofety. l aken . ' The w o r k

.: T k e I 'Viw'Jw' . fc iJwAJ. ' -ays- i Mr . : "Baras ;

.i-^-wri'tttt-i 'i.jOTd.jsSaj-. '.'• I i i s ' o n e ' t l t a t - s t i l l

l ivdii 'an 'f ' i l ' i lv i -uys .given by-a'cpnipany.-fr5

-law.'.rhji1 .as. t h e c : » fosiAixt? t!it>. .pres.ot'.t • ,. • ; • - - , - . . • ,-•••

c,:w.;,utk.a,..it wi'u L.n,Bb; iu^et and pruiit, ,<^? afterappn; i t .Miled about twenty

'trip- to-rough-tfe'.*ctipii after eggs , pa^'iffg Iicen#k' 'di '/xeri,. ' . " ':.

';, Miss Kebrietta/WeEer-was' to town.-;thP. : o ther ••&$£',; she-; id .etoppibg fib 'M:aria:asbtii-g'b: •'-.'; '-.'..-'"-;• " '•'"..;,.- • • /:" • A; severe hall stbrm-visited'.us'-Sun-

-• .tuo a-utl'-Jj-, 'orh T-rvy •ribuite s a y s : " . O B I T ' a

t-waysi . I ^ U f p i t e ^ ' b y . ' - B a m e ^ ^ras g r ^ .

'S.l-jtj. 'l.:as: ,y"at' wi:ii' ar-.-af sucfli?ss^ It'^accident;a-,!ew:<laysago'f he-has crpss-

.' SEiflo ^FPHfiy by AJrEEiCAH '.Ex-PSsESs:.Co,'Mmny,. GE,PJGES. -receipts-given.'- -Mbbey'; refunded' if Orders-are ipist.; 'Sbld'tilalioffleea'pf.th6Go." Pay-. -a-bla^at'giS&a'pla&si 'B'Ai'ES': m SovSe,'':' $lfKgc,\:: -$2Q-I0C,;L ' $S0-12cv £ $M8&-i . s i}-2ob, ' : ' " . . ' -'••.,-"••:.• - - : ' ; - -. -'• •; • • : ' .

-..'•'-leniB. -.-: .'-•'W. I t . .GKEaaE'^ 'Agt, "

•• SisvjatTTifivo cents will buy- the same amount of gcpdstfi; '!. one do l ­lar will eifewhf-rs- if yoti- g& te the. eaish atom of- Fi tef i .&Guwdy. "• Ifc~ toeraber' yr« tiUM f tli- fruit of the l&fta a n d p r i b t e g.ttheftstos pffeeswe -biivo

In a.' p.'--e'aihy::MJf;vm,.ti boS in.-its'p'ortrajsl

t.f wfelif-a*-*;, ytt thi'iliingly interesting.-:#i>U-/&rteer haaf^bwittttM' daughiei;' •ftio'is'bSlQV'i'd :liy au"'attl:ivii-,"w¥o''Hia>iija •: l-i(H; -'sififl'-i'-aw's'ta' pmtyet cija. 'clier&Q; hixr;

h dbtil- aJ-afa.- ' T ' - i i ' ' r r a r g al ' te intard: - the :

ps'ihoA his.f-i'o-w'u f ah - iuas -aad" r l a l i j AM'

Xd '.M'niu rec? J i i i l b s -gu l s s M • .ilia w H o w a f '

' t t a i w H b t f e a i a , b f - a ^ o l ^ - M c a m p i i & f J

siics-oVdfii- i u ..aScaatiil&'-'.tlM'; has 'Karia. and

.'wift'-", p l a ^ ^ e - ^ i f e ' a D a . C n j M , g e t S ; . p c ^ '

-.*si4J.i.-: rif'tir. "Hu-;^!. .} afei.b.K: •ajqitey.'-li

' Btein-'by' ih t i - f e s t e r a b d - fills'-.' s paappr ' s !

jjT.-.', P."" Th'ist ip'.slje ' .wayff ie .r&aro.i «<eis:3-

"[•j w a t v t»«u",' l»iU tl..> |ttf.'t a'wn'K f.jtows .'ka*;

a l l iV;i c \ . f ' i i t< .4 l iW i h c e t i r a n ' w , of ' t>j* '

-Hiim>.ut.iy=?.i»t-y- t t e aotl'op;..ai'e- the'JT-Tnr-

.as;*•=..us' a -dn-a ta . JC.iU -the dri;i tm .CIT^;:. tlss

;i-irk' f. " I i t t h p ».'od!.Ws«-'«f t ' f v thwptot Iter.

!>ctifm ss- a40i i r i .b le i . ; t l i f lagl i ' ' 'y£Ty: ijolO,

. fol lowed, t b e ;dey'ftn|>"

i n r ' W s - w i ^ ^ ? Q i a t e t e s t . ,::.;:•-. - . / >';'.

• - T h « JVV.e 1"".'.,£ Tih^ram nays': T h b j f c .

of-tii!.1 "piny w e h a v e W o r n desor fbed . i a

fmf'?c.Uirt.*arf- feaiawf-ntati^n oil An s t ag ' s '

- an - t -:'.vi:;! y iiiit!c\i-T-tts>i\... •• Eael i w:tw-m:iui-

' M-tsir haV'-- "- «fi'!:;:V pa r i j « ' « ! -wyera i ,aisi;lt ,

iietln^Vjf Uif ' :hl^i ivst 'o t . l f?v ' - . ' ; ' •' '-,- '".-.

: , TfefvV^w VoW/Tcrni-l ?ny* : l ^ o . s x i f l ^ s t

\rhicit- i t 5ctiipvi.Hl m w d u ^ j?ojt>iy' te- p^;

f-n-'(.-npth of i'li« ((Hty. -' " ':. ' • - . • - . . - -

'Iii '* 'Xeil' York- 'Pif'-fftwil r n y s ; 3 V - pfc.y

:1s t n t t w s t i n v ; i l i r f -ugl f .u t - ' t e -ilianip is trt;.

fiv.riir.t-; 'iti:!—-.cbi'o,.- j-fV-sd., ' -; '.'

.bbebbfiiiMg'theiiafof,- 1f

'P00I5-BOT ^K3«3Ea-T.


.-:Ghfirlie'Sallivart is a. poor but'ftoii» est""lad,, who,.white. W'dkfng dowji Wa'shfefrtbb ati'ee^fbu&d a wallet spiilaiiJtog.cteek'i andaicmpy.tp. tf to -yalHB fat afe^ral'bpjjdjriid.dbiuu^* Al­though almost .de's'titufe, ht> re t i i rhe l to' i ts owneK, Mp&srs, A,. P.- Ordway & Go., propSiefprd of Sulphur Bitters, wbp gave him. a iibetid .'roward, and also gave him siXi^ottles-pf Sulphur Bit ters for his mother, who has been a terrible' sufibrer with, rheumatism,

..aad ^J io re turned m a n y blessings af-.

.-'tet'beirii barbd W *b,Pi? a s f t ^ W e b k -

minates. ..Sbia'p,-.pf tb.p .ixail atpues 'W^re'asiaygb^WiiirratH. - . _ ;-'-.."-• '•• Mt;.,^am^'6ari:oii met'With a f l i g h i

ing'&steep.'gulfwheh-hB-Slippba abd fell .iujuring his leg eoHS.iderably." ". :;. j&.,:. 'DsniaoB '-has- left fla'' and " r e ­moved to <)obehbgt|;eb- 'We axe s&fey to have ' him1:go'a& iie was a."good neighbor. H e always at tended ehureh bbt 'Ws pew .^i l l 'be e m p t y now. , •- r - ' ; : . - . " : " : ' : - ^ ' - ' : . - : . - :kc j iA3S:a i ia t i ' "-•

the i r

dotte by : t hb -bu r sa r s todievit^a'thit they S-new Mi*." D.'.-yktH.bu;=tees3':ha'>' i ts , and werefamiliar, w i th the prefv-Vje?.'., .'It is thai tght that a.el.ue to'.the. robbearh^be 'en / foubd^abxl we b.tfpe .they :. m s y bi-'s.eeured" and t h e mGa<-~y whieh they t obk reove ' r ed . .

' ' . - : - . ; ".'. " :- "•" .:••',' '' ^ B k o i x A . •'-


fyril »£••-!«;" 4gent,.'tV fc-^-'tV. BuiJiFaT. •S7-eo.w,' v l , •'_ • C'yif 'ACib.JIiU,,

il.. 16

- l>T>Tv ! ' f^ A 'X^x^U-yj,

y l)."ss- "

«i.-uil'.siK flerite foi'..pos-.wge,.a'n.u reee'ive f r e e , a

in t'<n:i'.s .y ')-.«h -WJHhelp 50tt- %>' •-: to.ni^j- i-ivUi.-.v,;..:.- Uian af.',d!.'fiBselseta H-(.vt.j. A.j(,,{i^u :•• r-i.is.safioecd f rant first'

is.j:i.:.lj;.-» fe.yvm;..:-.xii.f .!-.i iouiux^t>fbiuti before :.'>;- r. Wjer,-,!4(^f . i iue! f <-.t- ?-f. A t o w e a<l<«r?sS, fv,vK«S''.O.; A!'gK-s*k',5:-:ine,'.' '•. ...

•'i /^-l?TnJ'- 'T' 'C;"'- ' ,-r»i':il for TI,-.? x iv - ;* df, ' J - i l ^ » Slf i \ -*: t "jsi-fl tfic:Jlr'fsi«t(?"';»« Of- tb* U. - « v " ' i . - j a :ii-!f. i<anil-;.3<virr. t.t--1 birt-A-u-ve'r v-f i tar tea '„"i.-is ><•.-•<-,• .«r MrJc<; :-">Ii*-*?.V-:i!l-'-i-i;»i!>j ijoob in Aflit-r-i'-i.- I-»JI-"U--»>IS^ pr.siirv tu -J--'f.ir . AiH-iTt i.i-j*f!M r.£op:«; WKiit it: Any t ine eanbe,:oi£ie a s«-et'WK!'n!JDtfen,tV'-X'tn'.snii

vi*: K A b u n T i'noK 1'n., PoitbttHi;iJ'air-H..'

BusiilESS. LOCAiW.'

Staple .andEancyv P r i c e s I n g r e a t v a ­r ie ty , Ghsaper ' than eve r . •

S b i i d S i h r ^

. A Spec ia l ty . These .goods a re . -a l l o f . t h e b e s t raamifaetur*, a n d WiU be-sold -a t 'pr ices to-s'Hit a l i i •: "'' " : • ' . . ' •

$£ Clocks.

My-stoefc i n t h l s i i n e l s l a r ^ e j a n d w i l l Be.-sold a n d w a r r a n t e d ^ i p r i d e s 'tshat • eannot , be bea t , iodjfc a t tberi i before bttying,eisewliere. . - ' - " - . . ' • - ,A

A. Speeiaslty. A l s o a L a r g e L i n e of

smlM '^ ' ;


m AS/U H 4 V S > ' E r f i . , S ^ r ' A i l E S ^ P ^ ' . '

'.- '. -: JO'B^"E[;SABiEIBEa. ; -- . . , Q B P ; J S a A f f i B B ? a 5 ; : .

. jargeiriiiEipJy- rif..

F L p " P B j ; F ^ B v S A E T , : c; :f-"',:..;.-

•J ;.;^o^i^sA^;^B6sia^:' THAS,;:^GG-FFEM'AS3>SPlOES,'''-'

... S U G A B S ; : S Y B B $ ^ M K 3 d ^

' -: H e a d q u a r t e r s . f o r '

0 ^

J e w e l r y , of all- Des'orlptldhs,- s a d at'•. -•/..,; ' • p r i c e s t o .Snit Al l , . . . : ..--.

3'hat I wi l l a p t b e Unde r so ld b y anjf,.'.

•Mss^mrm^ -Ireel:

Al l • Goods s o l d by- me"' w i i i b e n i c e l y -' E n g r a v e d Plee-of Ghar^e . .- -

. ;'L . . . . ' • • . . :-. '• ' ^ . ' H . L P Q E X - i i ^ ; . J o u r n a l &.'Bepuolican Block:, Lowvil ie. ; o n •

door fionr the-eorneiv : ' 23

- . OLD AMD. XMW -VLMNJJA&E.- .-. -

W ill O'Brieii has.-nibyed to Nprton : - v i S e , ' ' - - : ; " > • ••-. '•• '•• "'- ' '" ' : . •

j , . ' -H. House i s 'building a eelhir mi-d'er his-store,-'" '...'"' ; '; '••'• -.'.-• I t . i s said that'H.'.H.;Ooyoy has bb -

t$ined; a patent for' a new pota to d ig -

'e<1'-i.", : - IK:

'.•-.IU.'A') ft!*-



p '? ; . . ; ' tTi>.->ifi-.-i4 orf;;ia.i:l;"rt*'a

<:~ ••; rjipv.iir--'iit.; .' ' • • ' - . - " . ;


='i-:>-jy d i(i-k':'i byjftit.iittiTi«>u v,

. { •;--.'SJVx-laliio. spiuly-. lis. i k e

iiuditf-Tiaux. kwt xmhw

ASA.,..pefcauK' in the. victoity of LoyJ-vilio ami 'C-ri^mdaler who are afl-lksteii wi th a n y dGScription o f chronic di-> Easo. wiii f ind I t for thaif interest to . p o u s u I t B r . X, yV;, Owen whowfll-- Visit thoseplaees every-Bsttnrday. -Df-fie .1-oara at Higby Souco, Glendal'e, fi-oiu it a.ai. t i i i ' ^ a > p : ia.; bffieph.pui-a

• -; . "MATiErzsgrttGH. • •-. «Ppa© "faravt?" -lisiyb; tur^M:

,-ypBn;g;s4o3fclof.''S'Jtftve..-;''-' .-""' ' . ; ' ; HJEtomett.:. iaus ' . bsjs: '• vaa8:ic<!'- "tit. 'Hp'&";ah'msa-;tod ms/vVt'd- iHte-'-'M-ias. Ca^.^a? Pcedta's'bottsQ-. .''-'-5JiJjw.j-^Uiama .pf•-.i;%t''Ii0S'cle-n, .aVftdP afe#'tvifs.OL\ frierife 'hdm -last . 'wefek- - . . - . ; -. :-v"-.";." '.""•' . ' - ' . - • - '

;•;• Jofees and'- Bovejpy-havQ- -ieeelve'd the i r steam. ©niftoe;a-ttd ,t-faey-@xpeet- to have i t ; i a 'ppevatwa i b abput .thirty" "days;"-- - . ' : ' .'"..'"" . . v ' •' -•'., • J o h n ' Lbvejf>y of Greig' i s : doing blacksmith work fo r .Frank , Peebles toftia'Bhpp..;.-.-'.--. ' .'."' •-'" :'.' •- '..';•' "A. B^1 OhafB'n; weilfe to.-tha ip'wa".'^f;

•Epdia'tm:iust-wee.k-tb ®p.;a:,:laisPJ'S);.. of.rarp&tter" wPrki'|lti ' 'ei fpecfs.tp..be gsj'n'babbu-t^wo' raox?thi?. -:." . '"-;•' ' ' "'• Mi-i- -H*- Ti - Kapier :and ^HsE.'two. dtiughters havb g^nb-toUtiea ' to vit'it her tflotiipr.'..' .. • :. •:€'.-vv'.Peebles haw bc^b improving, his ,5*e?ide»ca by puf t iag a t in xvof on'.tho "ffpnih w'lfe.!^;' . ' . • .''.- •.. ; : ; . . 5*?is>. Giiralitifl PesHfefi left- on'. Mpa-i!.--.y."tpbp.'^k>nHbV.th^'f^mp3Pi..; '.

•; i>i'.',r;-0, Hfi'KKe.bf Li}wVilie'¥p"e»t ?-r--'fs.!;iy iind TaestliVy here dbifif "den--tHtry ">vor.k. j t e had gt'.'pd sneccas. .

Mrs, "P. a. Hougb H-n-l.-hnr-'graad-daniThtei-; iMa-, 'vtvilvdy fa*t- wec-'k Tiii.u-iiluy ' ibi" "W -w •.,T*'^y, -Mr«. Hou»h weti t to ac«K»'nptiay l .cr to her fathers, the Rev'ait.. Giu-riaon, ' - =

•Mi-fl.' John Hoffman died very and-dejfillftsl Friday night; She had been abou t the- house as nuual. duriH'wf..thu' day; performing hor, domcatiu dm-ie.',,

. Qhf g. Brue t is bui lding an^ addi t ien tby . ia-sd;' otharwisb. ibjprot-ih;g: -hte, hpu'se bbd'-shop;."-'- :.:;,'•.:'. '•..••'.":.' .'*-: • F . B;'Gra ;Bdali and 'wi fe havejgpbe

t<\ work,,, ipr": Ahdmv? :Sujiaey to. hi§ hpt»la^-^Ufeilabt ' t!s;- " , ' -.: ,'

.-. '€>rlb of Gep».li>." ft:bi:t-h'fl -.ftoe'ebNXfi"

Fo'R biJ*l.dw«Jtt«.b^v'ftbd sh iwh-s , M'&W'M Chli ^aFrauk ' .HemT^Tr lQi ' ly A - * : - " ' v " " a m . -.- -/._ :•- "••" ••'••::.•'- " , v . - t f , . "

•'•' P I A N O S and. yrgnns.. for. sale by G, -O. Cooke.. Or^'»nH clcadncii iiuci ro-pkirecL • FirstKdo?® piano tuber fur-, Q-fchpd.. O.dl'at rp^Jdfnee b-s.-H-w-bt-ard' street.. -€(.'i-r^|j-.->iid*-sts.-prci.mptfy';<t--f feadfdjo*,-; " '- •;.. -. '-.., - - t/ r

pSiea -.and -r^suieuce..-.- on grouch Stree.t..-Ii*ow.villey--j5r..- -Y.., :|re»ts.'.b.!l acute taid';cl!3:'o.uic d-is5.sis.es, .Retoovef, cancers andtu taord wiihpu-t the .kmfe.;. I s successful in ' d iphther ia , thr«at and lung .dwesse^. " fialls prbtoptiy answeted,':'".- .-••- -. -. • '.'-•'• .-' •' '; "•'

WAafe;y.p»a•.£?fB'^^aJl®«S.%sr.'SSEI^sa:f .-' ' . t T ' M ^ i i p - ^ W s &it-ies:B£o.iiiM.a*'.'''

. '- ';.• •WJ&i'.Ji 1 ^ 0 ^ r F f f i ^ S . ' ; . "' . f -

.;"• ..Fifty T$?-t&, l iUpher '^mi bnp'horse--, i . . , - . . •••- . • , . . ,-- !'B rasbns ! ' , 'Stty-':Pk :fformj-'snd; three M E a bath m % ,m-mg -Imt- banday J . % r i a ^ ' - -^ a g o ^ ; : 2 (R>-Opeb . -a -M'T&p, m o r n i n g i t r evoked t h e .servicer of.; B t e g i B 3

; . _ u ^ , t m-e^am. Wagons , eight or-tenvtoea^to.gefc he rou t . - , ; •. j ^ agg Q r t o enfep fba rneasesaad^ l : A* fhb annual: meet ing of thp board jjamesa shop gyotls^.. . 2»m9..

•of excise. coaiiJiifeionbrs,. the.fee .for hotel .license w.a«> 'fised-at' §7S.fl'0.. !£ifb inanager bf- th'e'Higby house t h i a k i r g I t tap" high, -did- not.take'a'-HeeJi&e,. kbpwing .thut fJS0;Ofe Would sett le t i e -matter before the .court a t Lowvil ie W.&nycompiatot i s made. : ' ' • ' \ -"- . . -•-. '.• •".'-.• "; AA A - ' ' . ' A . : - ' * \DygsX, *

' . - : . ' ' I> . 3'S»s> Itwsleri,.;.; ' . •• ";''': t. -

Mrs, A,-.E. .Sea-rl • has Just returned from -Hpw York,w'Mh-hbU'-aud;desir-t-blopatteriis.Jtir '.ladies' ami':,^oMldre^.' TLaiilvfai-for p:wt jFaviw^-sKa .'.Vi.il. bo ^1-4:4 to see- one and -.all a lher : . ap-v rboifls on Shady a v e n w . - . . : . . ' . • ' ; ' . ; - . -. -:.'. " MESi A . K.- 'SEAHT^ .""

.'tf.-'-. . • 'Sri>8 A. E.-Bi^yL-Es. •

• '..T'b'3 laeate-st -prettiest an.d-.most-coa-: yenifent. oil -stove evbt.'toapufaciured. Ladibs-dPp'fitn^fflt in-oil stove? urirfT 'ypu. have, examined ' jihe' *'Golden' .Skr''-BaEg-e''-st.-Bo#rato &.-.-Gbufre---; tobat?s;':'.'"''. '•• -'• .'.' '- ' .• ' ..'"•'"."•'.

.;'.-The>largest;'.s4ad'.''"b2st''!?»iecticm pf ,¥/ail Piiper'.ever. brought .'tv"Lbwvi'!e ftjtiy-»<*«?=-be'seeb itt the TI-MKS Bduk

'Si-'pvo..' Brown and white h-jvlia.yufy-_'cheap—^e-" desi«jn^.Ta".^iit--Byrd.f&i '"in-gvC'it vnpinty* ". A-s'w.« buy"out-He | Oif-iVn pool; n'.ui foe.au^h, .wp sjrP&R'B J-.to-^jve iow-ff';p«e<-"-' t h a n ; aVerjiiot:^! •I by. e>.hpr HepietK, "

. . . : ' ..6»£oU._i:!t,e>M>»

: • 1» a: th ing bvery one waBfcs'but. the. f -;. • o i l y &%;;•' IUUAVB it. it-, to Im-y'ii'sa^k-j. of Bbifelo-PdteM -'HvH.sr.T)l' A> M*\-t °


Millrf *V-of BhlMo,.'Chicagii; Hyrrfc-ase, 'Uliui

f out mtxik ah'd.-pW'^.'- " . ' , ' . . • . ' " \ .

fiy.-i..- \vli'> b-i'vi" -M-15WM3 ffoin , , „ , . , ,tl;.M>ff •{.'*-; of -PH(-*s,'reaIir.o the tor ture

S'«t, r n d o r ^ i by the- bftkors. ^ixii.h ( h „ ^siivV^i Uie followliijT M-. i.'j:.ei:d.ar<ul:

U>¥ and.oilier piaevs ^ .iiad;>aid to be i.L<j.j. HPM irtvad fl-inr. ever luituu'&ftured. j l^f-Sold by A. M.'SIiW- A u — ' ' > ~ • & Hon.

a t Bpwviltet g&m: H o u s ^ f r o ' m .ffiS . £ t t e evemnf between; t hahour s ! had proved itielf a ypvcilk, $1. .htffi^t a ^ u i v . . J J i a i V :

$$ p i . t 0 & p * m , : r • : • • ; V - ; ^ ^ • : • ^ ^ e t ^ . j ^ • ' » W ^ ^ ^ t i ? » ^ , : ; ' •"'••>-'.,:-- "-:"- ' ; . ^ - S ^ | i J E « & ^ r . - - ; . ; . :.

;V.'K1 .on. -h"if. hbyes. of 011--. Pd:> 1-ij,.>';kk''eu'vd m y o t !;he; ut !•>' v;;'»r-i' .,i-!A»'.U'ijg, after tre-

but JI Kiwi tuiu.y "diiiVre'ii remeilivs -._•——— — vii lujut a n y b'-ui-fi-'. You d o not

Y ^ a r ^ m M i ^ i ^ e f d i t h o l l h o w ^ r t a kuawhw-v gra te fu l l a i r j , . _ ' o 0 ^ f t t t U h e a t f e b y . u ^ 9 n > r ; qwvtirf, - A. a 'il ' /ufih. Mi , . ' : t V w r & • j " - , r t

HBWt•**«!**.. r-,30 .-rs.it ^ [ - ^ ^ ^ S ' ^ ^ ^ M ^ 48yP. '

". .. . 'WE Afts p'sofe MOISE:GN P E C K .

. B E A D t F O B A C T I P K . ' ]

. , •• ' ' . - — W I T H ' A ^ -


FO.R "0-Of*. SFBffiG Tf«**£•-'

OiX.Vl. Gfc.- BfiUer- F lon i iTAi id -o the r eholdfi D o r s e y P a t e n t F l o n r , , - J - - ' . : ' . . b rands . -. -':••

•Sabbitt'-s-Best-Sbap":- ;'.'-'. -'• -v- :' -" .:.-".'"- : "Syfaouse-Sali: '•'-'. .. '--•.--. • : . - : ." •--.:-.•. ' . -.-' ".KeriJSeue Qii;... • ' , . . ' .••'•.- . . - ' - - . "Bob'ert's Ppri .and'-JDardi, - .' i . .-". . ' .Cleveland's B s S i n g B S w d e r ; : . • -• : -;."-;•"-'; :^ tent .Wo6neaiEero6ehe-Daa-0ai iSi •.-''' - -'•."'".'

• T h e Cash: BSBtem; Js-appreeiated:!by-.Si ge t t e r - : . OTIS piiWle. ,We kseep t h e Bes t Gocds amls 'e l j : a t t l i e ,Lowes t .Pr Ices -a t \ - - --, ..'.:. . ; - ; • . • . - . , •

. 'A<:'r- : 'Hos. i SEnd:Sr©ay*nStreet;. . '?':. ' ,. . ; . - . . : :A'•:y. '• '• -'-''"-.'.--'-,--::-,Lb^pnM^H;^•.-_•

tediie io f t low-andin i 'PnTe s ta te .of t h e bWodi.: ffiequ'e'nttyfetttt:diso5dBri jjf-tliS" digesEiva . 'fun"e^6n's,'Wasteda.nd : fn'feebiedte)dyiftrethB-' . d i i e effects'-of m a l a r i a l polsbntog. -.'. Dr, jDayia-Eennedy^a; .;--'•,".-".;-, - : . ' : -;".. :,, •„ -.--" •: •-- •. ,

' B ^ mmm •prevei l ts 'and- enres-.BBiiAlRlA', Restores'-tli»...'• blo.ot}ioli-ftaS.1;b.ahd keeps'-tne. L i v e r ; E a d n e y s . -• land^pwel&ln. 'good'worl t jag 'ofae ' r . . . ' " ' - . : - . '

• RE^fffix-'SENAfoR.- W l t l ^ S '^bb1{ |KStENti :y '

'. -' ::-.. E x ^ i ^ 5 ^ , J J j . J i V F ( 2 b j . 2 , : i 8 ^ i S ' "

pi*. i>^iaajHfflOT,-Bojid:Qnt.:^3S:..T.::; ',.- ^ .y'~

' . 'fiefirSir-i-My Wlfena'S tfie%ighe'at •qS'liioii':." .of yoni . "Favor i teB.emea-y^ for-Malaria.. ' % ' . - : hsve-iised it-.---ift'oTw. -faniiiy, a n d af te r ai^LO-. ,-rongb.- trial-arid. exp.erlenpBi doiisiderit-iiie. ' bes t medicine'ever'piedu-feed; . -"' . "•• :

•-'.-"." Tonre-very t ru ly . . . - : - JvJ.WiEB-sf.: - -; ' \Pavor l te R e m e d y is.-asihedtelhe...no". f a m i l y -should^ h.e 'wiiho.nt . -AM.-druggists keep i t •--•' Si:00 pe r bottle.-. - . - •-. .;_. ..;: -... A ] • •:'-- : ••• -

.DrCK'enrxedy'5.'-Faybrite'''fifimeffy/:-^bidi• o j - ' . Blorrison &Moore , LowylHs.'.-ije.wfa.-ppmity: -.

- WQ kff'e ciaBfj?I-cte - : to ' -Eve^T; SS©s»jusissseist said Caisi-ppse^-^S-: tUe-Kfewesfcaumi-ISMst-Wicli^.-.-•. •' -Selapeti&SSFsrtja' ? | ie ' MarSiet ; . :" ' . . '

' : •' .. -::; •,flB,Aiia.asp..B^bB;,.:- ' .

So.'-I SSAByAvBirrjiii:. • ..'. b b w y i l l e i ' N , T .

:: '• : .-.ifeM m^-w^n^^:^ •-''::';,'• >-.-

tha t so- m a a y ' people s i f l k b i t b u'b^-tibseiy graves when we eobsider how. they tteglept their health. They4 have

-a disordered Liver, cferaaged Bowels, Ctoti»tipaiibn1.PiIes or diseased Bad- : neys, but th.sy lettf go a'bd th ink they "win gel river if." ft grows worae^ pther and : more :seripbs'epmplieatibns follow and soon i t ' is tob-litte tp gave iheai.» I f siich people wbitld take J t idney Wor t i t .would preserve their lives. I t acts uppn the topat imp'bfo-'

:tant oi-gans purlfj 'ing the blood and cleansing' the"sys tem, remove^ and prevents these d isorders ' and pro^-motes;health; • ••'"•-: ":-:A:-"A

."• '• " : : / :'.v'":'f^^^V';'""'!--'-'>:''--;'--:.:~--'.'-' A.SSIGKkBE'S-SrQXieE'-3?,£}:.QEEt)ITPBa-i-.--J 3 L Ett p u r s u a n c e of anordfef " i n a d e i y S Q i i ^ " B . .S. MerrelJ, ' Lewis ,'Cou'iity' J n d g e . oh: t b? . ' •I9th day . of.TSIarbh, JSS^not iee .&bereby 'g iTei i vto a l l c red i to r* a n d -persons' S a v i n g e la ihls . -aga ins t S e n r y p . -Leonard, - lately doing l>uslr--:

n e s s l n Lowvfl le , Lewis-eoniity;- -S.-X;-'-ih'asti t h e y are. r e q u i r e d .-to -jresehtf t l ie i r cla.iins, -.with,1ibB: v b a e h e r s 'therefokjiiiily-": verlBkd. t o t h e s u b s c r l b e r , t h e du ty appbiated.assigpDeeof : t h e said.HenjJy G, L e b h a i a , Ibi- tlie b e n e d t of --i d s c redi tors , a t h i s r e ' s i d e n e e i n H i e ^ s a S d v i L i lage of Lbw¥il le s o h b-f .before t H e s e e o n d d a y

•of XulyVlSS*.: v.- •- - -•" .-.-•--.'.': •'--." "- . . -•' .-. .-Bated,Match,IS.-lSST. ' -'-"•.-•'""..- '• i*,.- . •--.-•"":

S3BW4-- .SEHSsS'C.irOK.'EHiAMi Assignee.- ...

p d r s u a n t t b a a order of.-Hon, E . . S r M e r r l t l ; • +T Ooiin t y J i idge -of Lewis- County , b i i t h e l l tb . 'daybRA-prll-A-i B^: 18S4 not ice is i iereby-giv^ e n t o i a n tbe- .c red i tors - a n d -persoas ijavlnff elai ins .agains t Braytoi i B : M:tiler, l a t e ly : d o -

'••iiig.business;Iii-.Lo.wyiite, I f . .Xwt l ra t thgy-ars : te'CjuireSd t o p r e s e n t tbetr«a«.d,olaihi5-Wi'tb:th«' VoucKerS $bsreo.f-dnly :v.eaBed'tbthe-Subsorib--. e i -s theddjyapppi i i tedass ignees ' -<)f . - the-s .a id ' B:r'ayfbnB.ilillef for th:e\ben eflf. bfhis erediforS a t t b e i r p a c e of bus iness aS the-omeeof 'L.W.: ' F i ^ k e , ass ignee l a BoonvMlei H.-XiVbit-dSbe^ -• fbret i ieSft thdaS.of J n a f t n e s t . •'-.:' :-' V •"..".- • •'., • • •Bated 'A|! i ' i l l i thi 185?'A ' -.-..•;r ,..•"; ':.-> • .-.;

. - ' . . •:- -> ' •' ."A'L •G-,BPSH«;{H,*... - ' - : . • • • - ' - - ' . :V--. ^ L . : W ; F I S K P . . ' ' . . . "

'-'".• •;- '-•'-.•'•"-:V .u&ssienee*. -.'

.QIBPlSBMB.CO'Ers^.^-Trial-IieslMdiii-LewlS' e5Conn ty . .Or re t t :5 , .>Edwards , a n d ; 4Tbijh3.' •EdWards; ElaiBtiffs, aga in s t Mar thac W;»it, : Charles M,Walt ' ,Starye.tte Atnistr.Qn'gvCb.ftrle» E.- Aimsteotig,- - Innocent B p y n t b n . ' A u s t i a : -B p y n t b n , L y d i a A , W«jt ,Horace.WaifcEilzsa-i" . b e t h fiabiion, Isaae'fi<tbrion- .Uice- JM» P a i d - '--•; PervMHo P a r d n e r , Ejtnina E d w a r d s , H a r r i e t ; ;

:Edw-ardB-;MiwgaTetJohnsbhv^enjaniin:-J)oTiii- .-:'sbb', -MeUssa,'Pafterson}pasiaPatter-sbfijliary;.-•A, S i m p s o n , J a m e s - JE'^inipsbn.-peorgtf-fid--.W^ds,- .Hari ieI^E'dwaidsrBiizabelhEdwa*ds"j • L u c y A S d r u s , Jlat-yVLennonj Atrebu Et. L e o - -n o n , Anhrt t i js ter . I 'b i l i ipO'Kteivaeorge W^Ed* ' Wai 'ds^Franlc W, Edwards, ' Har t ae tEdwaxiJ s , . L v d i a L . . L e w i s : WlUia ta Lewis," Oharlejs 'H. ' E d w a r d s , J a i i e E d w a r d ^ F lorence E.Hollen:- : be'clijAIjert; Hbilehbe'cS.HenrlettalMEatliewS, -

X 0 . MatheWS;'Annie M. 3-ohns6ti,A.E.'.ti:bnn.T. .' .'son, F a n n i e E d w a r d s , a n d EgbBrfc-Edwardsj fitti-Fev. Edw^iSs^KjeliaVd Eitwards.andJWinir: '" n te S d ward-Si-i-iiIants,.and: ©hasteS-Mi: Wadfear -•tiie sole eSecutors- o f t h e ; l a s t Will aj id-testa- 7 in«i i t tit: H a r r i e t - E d w a r d s , deceased, defends a n t s . ..-•.:•' • : ' -....." ,. - : . ' • ' . " . . ' • . • . : • - ' . - . ' • . • ." • ' ; a fO 'XKE-Aa%V.E^1SAMEb'PEFE| i#A3^

To i i aTe he reby . si j iombpeU t o iniswertlfite-eoisipiaint i n tJi ls :ac6lon;ai i idtb:serye }aebEy -of y o n r answer- o n : t h s plaintias*.- attornsy.-i'-'within, t w e n t y . d a y s afiej.1rhe.iervi<".e-af ..this •Bummbns , exchtsiVe df Uie d a y oS,seYv5:bejajid; .-lie case of youT-feiture to" appea r , « r a n s w e r , " j i i d g r a r n t wilt1 ,be_:tafcen-s.galnst'-'ybn'- :by-de-'' -, fanlt- -for-' t h e "relief d e t a a n d e d to t h e -.co&-* •. p l a i n t . . . : ' - -. : .":••• • ' . - - . : . : - . : -''„AA. -''"•• - t»-Etea„-ApTll .1d,"-lS14i ••'•- - --. '". -•-" -•' . •:-. . '•

Ha5SFB2T.E; * i ^ i s n 5 B ; j P l a i n l i a ' « - i t t o r n e y r ' •' -• ' : : . " . " OBIoeai idPb.*of l ice-Address , - ' . . - • - - . - . ' - " . -:...•' --Lows^l-e^ewis '-X'OHat^-iy.^.- .

• T o L y d i s s A , W a i t ! -fltoraesrWa-it, EHpabetb; -. •Gsibi'ion.Ifiaac.GatjrloB, .Alice, 51. S a r d i i e * , : . SHlo- -e*^^aner;-afci'rgaret-.J»jBnsOT^,-.'Beti>ani^rl^ -Joliason, STeUssaPat te rsSn,Bayld-Pat te rson , . ' -Franf t W-.Edwards , -•Bsrer-iet.Edwa*ds;--Lydl»- • L.Lpwis .wni iaaH-I iewi 's . 'Chai lesHr.Edwards , :

:;Jaiie Edwards , FlojericeS.Hftl leHbceSj. 'Aliert ; • Hisllenbeck., H e n r i e t t a Mathews , J r- O; i fe tb . - ' ews," A n n i e ' M . Joii»:?Q»i,A. E Johnsb l i ; Wsmi •hie- Ed'Watas; 3n.d'-;'Sgber6 . .EawatdBi-Haryey .Edwards , R i e h a r d E d w a r d s a n d W i n n i e r E d - -w a r d s , - i n f a n t s j-r*The ' foregoing suna inons Jg served u p o n y o u t b y ^"'blicfttibn^ p u r s u a n t ia.: a n Qttler of H o n ; I r v i n g ft.. V a n n , a,XuBticedi t h e . S n p r e m e Uourt-bf t b e a t a t e of Wtiw YfltSe,-'?' da t ed , t h a 29CK day- of A:prll,lSSi1Tuid -filea : wltit t h e complaint ' , i n t b e ofti.cb b t - t h s eierk:,-. of tbe-Bou-ttty bf;lfe.wls,in ' the v l l l a a ^ o f &QW-•'.' y u l e , Lewis Cbnnty , i iVsa id S ta te . ' '•' :-... .

-• -••'-- -•: H B K f B t - E / T t l B N E E , - : -'-.;-" '.'.' . . - . . Ofiice-snd-Eosfe-'&filce A d d r e s s " ' . • \ '-'iiW^. •: ••; J.QMiue^EewisCoiintyi.N.X^ :
