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  • 8/6/2019 SNK Newsletter- April 2011


    DIRECT TAXESJudicial pronouncements


    Issue 04 April , 2011

    NewsletterWebsite : Email: [email protected]

    DIRECT TAXES ... 1 - 9

    OTHER LAWS ... 9 - 12



    ACIT v. Harshad V. Doshi (ITA No.1367/MDS/2009) [2011]

    9 48

    Amounts advanced by a company to its director under a

    Board resolution, for specific purpose, would not fall under

    mischief of section 2(22)(e).

    ACIT v. U.P. Cricket Association (ITA NO.422(LUC.)/2009)

    [2011] 9 102

    Transfer of funds by a charitable society to another charitable

    institution is application of income as per section 11.

    Yatish Trading Co Pvt Ltd vs. ACIT (ITAT Mumbai)(ITANo. 456 /Mum/2009)

    No s. 14A disallowance of interest on borrowed funds

    used to buy shares for trading purposes

    The assessee, engaged in trading and investment of shares,

    received tax-free dividend income of Rs. 2.98 crores in AY

    2004-05. The AO invoked s. 14A and disallowed the interest

    on borrowings, administrative and other expenses on propor-

    tionate basis. In appeal, the CIT (A) upheld the disallowance

    but directed that it should be computed as per Rule 8D. On

    appeal to the Tribunal, HELD:

    (a) Rule 8D does not apply prior to AY 2008-09 (Godrej &

    Boyce 328 ITR 81 (Bom) followed);

    (b) The expression in relation to in s. 14A means dominant

    and immediate connection or nexus with the exempt in-

    come. In order to disallow expenditure u/s 14A, there

    must be a live nexus between the expenditure incurred

    and the tax-free income. Disallowance cannot be made

    on presumptions and estimation by the AO. Notional ex-

    penditure can be apportioned for the purpose of earningincome if there is no actual expenditure incurred in rela-

    tion to the tax-free income;

    (c) On facts, the business of the assessee predominantly

    was trading in shares though it also had investments in

    shares. The AO has not disputed the assessees claim

    that the dividend had been received on shares pur-

    chased for trading purposes. Interest on borrowed funds

    used for trading activity is allowable u/s 36(1)(iii) and it

    cannot be treated as expenditure for earning dividend

    income which is incidental to the trading activity. If the

    real purpose was to use borrowed funds for trading pur-

    poses and incidentally there is tax-free dividend, it can-

    not be said that the interest has been incurred for earn-

    ing the dividend income (Wallfort Share & Stock Brokers

    326 ITR 1 (SC), Godrej & Boyce 234 DTR 1 (Bom), Em-

    raid 284 ITR 586 (Bom), Leena Ramchandranan (Ker) &

    Eicher 101 TTJ (Del) 369 followed);

    (d) Though, as held in Godrej & Boyce 234 DTR 1 (Bom), it

    is implicit within s. 14A that expenditure incurred for an

    indivisible purpose has to be apportioned, this principle

    of apportionment is applicable only where it is not possi-

    ble to determine the actual expenditure incurred in rela-

    tion to tax-free income. When it is possible to determine

    the actual expenditure in relation to the exempt income

    or where no expenditure is incurred in relation to the

    exempt income, the principle of apportionment embed-

    ded in s 14A has no application;

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    Judicial pronouncements

    (a) As regards the disallowance of

    administrative expenditure, the

    AOs basis of disallowance based

    on the ratio of taxable income and

    dividend is wrong because the ex-

    penditure did not depend on the

    profit or loss arising from the busi-

    ness activity. If the expenditure is

    apportioned on the basis of in-

    come, then in the case of no in-

    come, no expenditure can be as-

    signed. In case of transaction of

    purchase and sale of shares, the

    reasonable basis for apportion-

    ment of administrative expenditureshould be the volume and nature

    of the transaction under different

    activities. There cannot be an

    equal basis for apportionment of

    admin expenses between delivery

    based transactions and non-

    delivery based transactions etc.

    Hoshang D Nanavati vs. ACIT (ITAT

    Mumbai)(ITA No. 3567/Mum/07)

    S. 14A disallowance cannot be

    made for depreciation

    The assessee, a partner in a firm of

    solicitors, received Rs 14 lakhs to-

    wards remuneration as a working part-

    ner and Rs 46 lakhs towards share of

    profit in the partnership. The question

    arose whether, given that the remu-

    neration was taxable as business prof-

    its, disallowance u/s 14A could be

    made in respect of (a) depreciation

    and (b) deduction u/s 80D in respect of

    health insurance premium. HELD by

    the Tribunal:

    (a) S. 14A permits a disallowance of

    expenditure incurred by the as-

    sessee and not of allowance ad-

    missible to him. There is a distinc-

    tion between expenditure and

    allowance. The expression

    expenditure does not include al-

    lowances such as depreciation

    allowance. Accordingly, deprecia-

    tion cannot be the subject matter

    of disallowance u/s 14A (ratio of

    Nectar Beverages 314 ITR 314

    (SC) followed);

    (b) Similarly, the deduction u/s 80D is

    not expenditure for earning tax-

    free income but is a permissible

    deduction from gross total income

    under Chapter VIA.

    CIT v. Sandan Vikas (India) Ltd. (ITA

    No. 348 of 2011)(Delhi HC)

    Benefit of weighted deduction on in-

    house Research and Development

    expenditure is allowed from the year

    in which the taxpayer has filed an

    application and not when it is ap-

    proved by DSIR

    The Court held that the taxpayer was

    eligible to claim weighted deduction on

    in-house Research and Development

    (R&D) expenditure from the year inwhich the taxpayer made an applica-

    tion to the Department of Scientific and

    Industrial Research (DSIR). The High

    Court observed that the provisions of

    the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act)

    does not suggest or imply that the cut-

    off date mentioned in the certificate

    issued by the DSIR will be the cut-off

    date for eligibility of weighted deduc-

    tion on the expenditure incurred on in-house R&D to avail benefit of Section

    35(2AB) of the Act.

    DCIT vs. Edelweiss Capital Ltd

    (ITAT Mumbai)(ITA No. 3971/


    If not Bad Debt, claim for

    Business loss maintainable. Web-

    site development expense is not

    capital expenditure

    The assessee, engaged in investment

    activities, advanced Rs. 27.97 lakhs for

    development of a website. As the ad-

    vance was not recoverable, the as-

    sessee wrote off the amount and

    claimed it as a bad debt even though

    the conditions of s. 36(1)(vii) & 36(2)

    were not satisfied. The AO rejected the

    claim though the CIT (A) allowed it. On

    appeal by the department to the Tribu-

    nal, HELD:

    (i) Though the claim as a bad debt is

    not allowable, the assessee is enti-

    tled under Rule 27 to support the

    CIT (A)s order on the ground that

    the amount should be allowed as a

    business loss. The subject-matter

    of an appeal should be understood

    not in a narrow and unrealistic

    manner but should be so compre-

    hended as to encompass the en-

    tire controversy between the par-

    ties which is to be adjudicated

    upon by the Tribunal. Such a claim

    can be considered provided no

    new facts are needed (Edward

    Keventer 123 ITR 200 (Del) & Gil-

    bert & Barker 111 ITR 529 (Bom)


    (ii) On merits, the departments argu-

    ment that the amounts paid for

    development of websites cannot

    be allowed as business loss be-

    cause if the websites had been

    successfully put up, the expendi-ture would have been capital ex-

    penditure is not acceptable. be-

    cause (a) as the expenditure was

    abortive, no capital asset has in

    fact been acquired and (b) even if

    the website had materialized, it

    does not result in an advantage of

    an enduring nature or in the capital

    field as it is only for the day-to-day

    running of the business and provi-sion of information.

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    Judicial pronouncements

    CIT vs. Niraj Amidhar Surti (Gujarat

    High Court)(Tax Appeal No. 836 of


    Merely because shares are pur-

    chased by taking loan at high inter-

    est does not mean gains are taxable

    as business profits

    The assessee, a CA, offered income

    from profession, LTCG, STCG &

    speculation profits. He borrowed funds

    @ 30% p.a. and bought a large num-

    ber of shares of Home Trade Ltd at Rs.

    50. The shares were pledged as secu-

    rity for the loan. After 14 months, theassessee repaid the loan, obtained the

    shares & sold them at Rs. 750 each for

    a profit of Rs. 1.73 crores which was

    offered as LTCG. The assessee in-

    vested in s. 54 EC bonds & claimed

    exemption. The AO held that as the

    assessee had borrowed at an

    exorbitant rate of interest & taken

    risk, the transaction was an adventure

    in the nature of trade and the profitsassessable as business profits. This

    was reversed by the CIT (A) & Tribu-

    nal. On appeal by the department,

    HELD dismissing the appeal:

    (i) The AO held the transaction to be

    an adventure in the nature of

    trade and not normal investment

    on the basis that (a) assessee had

    borrowed funds at an exorbitant

    rate of 30% and (b) the shares

    were held by the lender till the en-

    tire loan was paid. However, this

    reasoning loses sight of the fact

    that merely because the shares

    had been purchased from bor-

    rowed funds obtained on high rate

    of interest would not change the

    nature of the transaction from in-

    vestment to one in the nature of anadventure in the nature of trade.

    Moreover, as the shares were held

    for a long-period of 14 months, the

    intention of the assessee had al-

    ways been that of making invest-

    ment in shares and not dealing in

    shares. This is also apparent from

    the fact that the shares had notbeen treated as stock in trade by

    the assessee. The fact that the

    shares were in the physical pos-

    session of the lender was not rele-

    vant because the assessee was

    the owner thereof;

    (ii) A capital investment and resale

    does not lose its capital nature

    merely because the resale was

    foreseen and contemplated when

    the investment was made and the

    possibility of enhanced values mo-

    tivated the investment {Sutlej Cot-

    ton Mills Supply Agency Ltd 100

    ITR 706 (SC)} followed.

    CIT vs. M/s Sai Metal Works (P&H

    High Court)(ITA No. 125 of 2004)

    S. 40A(3) Disallowance can be made

    in Block Assessment even if GP es-


    Pursuant to a search, the AO passed a

    block assessment order u/s 158BC in

    which he made a disallowance u/s 40A

    (3) in respect of cash payments ex-

    ceeding Rs. 20,000. The CIT (A) &

    Tribunal struck down the disallowance

    on the ground that s. 40A(3) could not

    be invoked in a case where a block

    assessment was by estimate on thebasis of GP rate. On appeal by the

    department, HELD reversing the Tribu-


    (i) Though the provisions of block

    assessment are special, the argu-

    ment that they are a complete

    Code and the other provisions

    cannot apply is not acceptable. S.40A(3) applies to block proceed-

    ings. Suresh Gupta 297 ITR 322

    (SC) & M. G. Pictures 185 CTR

    (Mad)185 followed; Cargo Clearing

    Agency 218 CTR (Guj) 541 not


    (ii) The argument that if income is as-

    sessed by estimation on GP rate,

    no other disallowance can be

    made is not of universal applica-

    tion. If expenditure which is legally

    not permissible has been taken

    into account that can certainly be

    disallowed even where income is


    JSW Steel Ltd. v. ACIT (ITA No.922/

    BANG/2009) [2011] 9

    77 (bang. - ITAT)

    Conversion of interest liability into

    share capital is not hit by Explana-

    tion 3C to section 43B.

    The loan cannot be equated with Pref-

    erence Share and consequently, it

    cannot be construed that Explanation

    3C to section 43B covers not only

    loans and advances but also prefer-

    ence shares.

    Madhu Rani Mehra vs. CIT (Delhi

    High Court)(ITR No. 541/1992)

    Capital asset treated as stock-in-

    trade of proprietary business has to

    be valued at market value

    The assessee, a partner of a firm, re-

    ceived stock-in-trade on dissolution of

    the firm. The stock was used by the

    assessee to start a proprietorship busi-

    ness. In the assessment of the firm,

    the Tribunal held, following ALA Firm

    189 ITR 285 (SC), that the option to

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    value stock at the lower of cost or mar-

    ket was available only to a going con-

    cern and as the firm had dissolved, the

    stock had to be valued at the market

    value. However, in the assessment ofthe assessees proprietorship busi-

    ness, it was held that as the proprietor-

    ship concern had acquired the stock

    from the dissolved firm and continued

    the same business, the opening stock

    could not be valued at a price higher

    than the book value as the assessee

    had not paid anything in excess of the

    said amount. On appeal to the High

    Court, HELD allowing the appeal:

    When a partnership firm is dissolved

    and the erstwhile partner receives

    stock, it is a capital asset in his hands.

    When that asset is introduced into a

    business as stock, it gets converted

    into stock-in-trade. The value of this

    stock will have to be the market value

    on the date of introduction. The Tribu-

    nals reasoning that the assessee can-not value the stock introduced in the

    business at market value because that

    was not the price she paid for it is

    flawed because if the assessee on

    having received her distributed share

    of stock of jewellery from the dissolved

    firm had sold it, and thereafter com-

    menced her proprietorship business of

    jewellery again; within short span; by

    buying the jewellery from the marketfrom the proceeds of stock sold on

    dissolution of the erstwhile firms, the

    stock of the proprietorship concern

    would without doubt be valued at mar-

    ket value. The same principle would

    apply if the assessee used her share

    of the stock obtained from the dis-

    solved firm in the new business.

    Bharat Bijilee Limited vs. ACIT (ITAT

    Mumbai)(ITA No. 6410/MUM/2008)

    Despite s. 50B, transfer of undertak-

    ing for non-money consideration

    not taxable if cost of acquisition

    not determinable

    The assessee transferred its undertak-

    ing on a going concern basis pursu-

    ant to a scheme of arrangement u/s

    391 to 394 of the Companies Act. In

    consideration, the transferee allotted

    preference shares & bonds to the as-

    sessee. The assessee claimed that the

    transfer was not liable to tax on capital

    gains on the basis that there was no

    cost of acquisition of the undertaking.

    The AO held that the transaction was a

    slump sale as defined in s. 2(42C)

    and that the gains had to be computed

    u/s 50B. This was upheld by the CIT

    (A). On appeal by the assessee to the

    Tribunal, HELD allowing the appeal:

    (i) In order to constitute a slump

    sale u/s 2(42C), the transfer must

    be as a result of a sale i.e. for a

    money consideration and not by

    way of an Exchange. The differ-

    ence between a sale and an ex-

    change is this that in the formerthe price is paid in money, whilst in

    the latter it is paid in goods by way

    of barter. The presence of money

    consideration is an essential ele-

    ment in a transaction of sale. If the

    consideration is not money but

    some other valuable consideration

    it may be an exchange or barter

    but not a sale. On facts, as the

    undertaking was transferred in

    consideration of shares & bonds, it

    was a case of exchange and not

    sale and so s. 2(42C) and s. 50B

    cannot apply;

    (ii) As regards taxability u/s 45 & 48,

    the capital asset which was

    transferred was the entire under-

    taking and not individual assets

    and liabilities forming part of theundertaking. There was no basis

    for apportioning the consideration

    amongst the various assets com-

    prised in the undertaking nor could

    the cost of acquisition of the un-

    dertaking be determined. In the

    absence of a cost/date of acquisi-

    tion, the computation & charging

    provisions of s. 45 fail and thetransaction cannot be assessed

    (Premier Auto 264 ITR 193 (Bom)


    ACIT v. C. Rajini (ITA NO. 1239/

    MDS/2008) [2011] 9

    115 (CHENNAI ITAT)

    A developer and builder is not required

    to be owner of land on record for

    claiming a deduction under section 80-


    ITO v. Galaxy Saws Pvt. Ltd. (ITA

    No. 3747/M/2010)

    Revaluation reserve not routed

    through Profit and Loss Account

    could not be added to net profit

    while computing the book profit for

    the purpose of MAT

    The Tribunal held that revaluation re-

    serve not routed through Profit & Loss

    Account but directly transferred to bal-

    ance sheet could not be added to net

    profit while computing the book profit

    for the purpose of Minimum Alternate

    Tax (MAT). Further, the Tribunal reiter-

    ated that principle that once the ac-

    counts have been prepared as per the

    provisions Schedule VI of the Compa-

    nies Act and adopted at the Annual

    General Meeting (AGM) of the com-

    pany, the net profit disclosed in such

    accounts cannot be tinkered with by

    the Assessing Officer (AO) while com-

    puting the book profit.


    Judicial pronouncements

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    Honeywell Automation India Ltd vs.

    DCIT (ITAT Pune)(Stay Application

    No. 08/PN/2011)

    Direct Stay Application to Tribunal

    maintainable. Not necessary that

    lower authorities must be ap-

    proached first

    The assessee filed a stay application

    before the AO, Addl CIT & CIT but

    none of the authorities dealt with it.

    The assessee also filed a stay applica-

    tion before the Tribunal which was op-

    posed by the Department on the

    ground that the application was notmaintainable without there first being a

    rejection by the lower authorities.

    HELD dismissing the departments ob-


    (i) It is settled law that a Direct Stay

    Application filed before the Tribu-

    nal is maintainable and it is not the

    requirement of the law that as-

    sessee should necessarily ap-

    proach the CIT before approachingthe Tribunal for grant of stay. It

    does not make any difference

    whether the assessee filed any

    application before the Revenue

    and not awaited their decisions

    before filing application before the

    Tribunal or directly approached the

    Tribunal without even filing the ap-

    plications before the Revenue au-

    thorities, when there exists threatof coercive action by the AO;

    (ii) In deciding a stay application, the

    following aspects have to be con-

    sidered: (i) liquidity of the funds of

    the assessee to clear the tax ar-

    rears out of own funds at the rele-

    vant point of time based on the

    assessees financial status at the

    time of the stay petition hearing; (ii)

    creditworthiness of the assessee to

    outsource the funds to clear the

    departmental dues; (iii) prima facie

    views on the likely decision of the

    Tribunal on the issues raised in the

    appeal; (iv) departmental urgen-

    cies in matters of collection and

    recovery; (v) guarantees providedby the assessee to safe guard the

    interest of the revenue etc.

    Tata Communications Ltd vs. ACIT

    (ITAT Mumbai Special Bench)(S.A.

    Nos.196 to 198/Mum/2009)

    Despite Third Proviso to s. 254(2A),

    Tribunal has power to extend stay

    beyond 365 days if delay not attrib-

    utable to assessee

    The Third Proviso to s. 254(2A), as

    amended w.e.f. 1.10.2008, provides

    that if the appeal filed by the assessee

    is not disposed off within the period of

    stay granted by the Tribunal (which

    cannot exceed 365 days), the order of

    stay shall stand vacated even if the

    delay in disposing of the appeal is not

    attributable to the assessee. The as-

    sessee filed a stay application request-ing stay of demand for penalty of Rs.

    369 crores. On the expiry of 365 days

    of stay, the assessee asked for exten-

    sion of stay relying on the Tribunals

    order in Ronak Industries where, stay

    had been granted beyond 365 days

    relying on the judgement of the Bom-

    bay High Court in Narang Overseas

    295 ITR 22 (Bom). As it was felt by the

    Tribunal that the reliance in Ronak In-dustries on Narang Overseas was mis-

    placed in view of the amendment to the

    Third proviso to s. 254(2A) w.e.f.

    1.10.2008, the question whether the

    Tribunal had jurisdiction to extend stay

    beyond 365 days referred to the Spe-

    cial Bench. HELD by the Special


    (i) In Ronak Industries, the Tribunal

    held, relying on Narang Industries,

    that the Tribunal has the power to

    extend stay beyond 365 days. This

    decision of the Tribunal was chal-

    lenged by the department in the

    Bombay High Court by specifically

    raising a question as to the appli-

    cability of the Third Proviso to s.254(2A) as amended w.e.f

    1.10.2008. The High Court, vide

    order dated 22.10.2010, dismissed

    the departments appeal. As such,

    the Tribunals order holding that

    there was power to extend stay

    even after 365 days stood af-


    (ii) The departments argument that

    the High Courts order in Ronak

    Industries should be treated as per

    incuriam on the ground that the

    amendment made by the FA 2008

    was not considered by it is not ac-

    ceptable because (a) In Narang

    Overseas (rendered prior to the

    amendment) a wider view was

    taken as regards the power to

    grant stay, (b) In the appeal filed

    by the department in Ronak Indus-

    tries a specific question with regard

    to the effect of the Third Proviso

    was raised and so it cannot be said

    that the High Court had not taken

    cognizance of the amendment, (c)

    the Tribunal cannot ignore a High

    Courts decision on the ground that

    a provision of law was not consid-

    ered by the High Court and (d) the

    fact that there is no discussion in

    the High Courts order in Ronak

    Industries does not mean that does

    not lay down any ratio decidendi;

    (iii) However, the recovery of the ar-

    rears by the AO on the expiry of

    365 days of stay cannot be or-

    dered to be refunded because on

    the date of recovery the stay had

    expired and the application for ex-tension was pending before the

    Special Bench. The AOs act was

    bona fide and as the recovery was


    Judicial pronouncements

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    by adjustment of refunds, it was not a

    coercive measure (RPG Enterprises

    251 ITR (AT) 20 (Mum) & other cases

    holding that the AO must refund taxes

    collected during the pendency of a

    stay application distinguished).

    Synergy Entrepreneur Solutions Pvt

    Ltd vs. DCIT (ITAT Mumbai)(ITA No.


    S. 263 Revision order is Invalid, if

    for reason not stated in show-cause


    The assessee, engaged in share trad-

    ing, claimed set-off of trading losses

    against trading profits which was ac-

    cepted by the AO u/s 143(3). The CIT

    issued a show-cause notice u/s 263 in

    which he claimed that the share trad-

    ing losses were speculation losses u/

    s 73 and could not be set off against

    other income. Upon the assessee

    clarifying that under the Explanation to

    s. 73 the trading losses were eligible to

    be set-off against the trading profits,

    the CIT, without rejecting the claim,

    passed an order u/s 263 on the ground

    that the AO had not examined the is-

    sue. On appeal to the Tribunal, HELD

    quashing the s. 263 order:

    (i) The reason given for the revision in

    the s. 263 order (that the AO has not

    verified the issue) is different from the

    reason set out in the show-cause no-

    tice (that speculation loss cannot beset-off against other income). If a

    ground of revision is not mentioned in

    the show-cause notice, it cannot be

    made the basis of the order for the

    reason that the assessee would have

    had no opportunity to meet the point

    (Maxpack Investments 13 SOT 67

    (Del), G.K. Kabra 211 ITR 336 (AP) &

    Jagadhri Electric Supply 140 ITR 490

    (P&H) followed);

    (ii) On merits, the result of the Expla-

    nation to s. 73 is that the entire profits

    from trading in shares, even from de-

    livery based transactions, is deemed to

    be speculation profits and so the as-

    sessee is entitled to set off the share

    trading losses from the share trading

    profits (Lokmat Newspapers 322 ITR

    43 (Bom) followed).

    CIT v. Subhash Kumar Jain (ITA No.

    225 of 2003) [2011] 9

    112 (PUNJ. & HAR.)

    Penalty for concealment of income -

    Section 271(1)(c) r.w.s. 263

    Once assessees offer to surrender

    certain income subject to no penal ac-

    tion under section 271(1)(c) was ac-

    cepted by department and assessment

    was made accordingly, no penalty pro-

    ceedings under section 271(1)(c) could

    be initiated against assessee thereaf-


    Judicial Pronouncements - Inter-

    national Taxation

    Cummins India Limited vs. DCIT

    (ITAT Pune)(ITA No. 277 & 1412/


    Transfer Pricing: If ALP determined

    by arithmetical mean, 5% deduction


    In determining the arms length price

    for transfer pricing purposes in respect

    of international transactions relating to

    procurement Support Services, the

    TPO considered 61 comparable prices

    and finally relied on 3 prices to arrive

    at the arithmetic mean. However, hedid not give a deduction from the arith-

    metic mean as required by the first

    proviso to s. 92C(2). On appeal to the

    Tribunal, HELD:

    (i) The First proviso to s.92C(2) (pre

    amendment by F (No 2) Act 2009

    w.e.f. 1.10.09) which provides that

    where more than one price is de-termined by the most appropriate

    method, the arms length price

    shall be taken to be the arithmeti-

    cal mean of such prices or at the

    option of the assessee, a price

    which may vary from the arithmeti-

    cal mean of an amount not ex-

    ceeding five per cent of such arith-

    metical mean is clear that the as-

    sessee has an option when thereis arithmetical mean involved while

    computing the arms length price

    and it happens only if more than

    one price is determined by the

    most appropriate method. The

    First Proviso becomes operational

    where more than one comparable

    price is determined. The assessee

    at his option can make claim of

    deduction out of the arithmeticmean not exceeding 5%.

    (ii) All the judicial pronouncements

    (SAP Labs 6 ITR (Trib) 81 (Bang),

    Sony 315 ITR (AT) 150 (Del), UE

    Trade Corp (Del), Essar Steel

    (Vizag) & Perot Systems 130 TTJ

    685 (Del) are uniform in making

    the proposition that where arithme-

    tic mean is involved, the assessee

    obtains the eligibility for claim of

    deduction out of such arithmetic

    mean. It is commonsense that the

    statistical concept of arithmetic

    mean arises only when there ex-

    ists more than one price data.

    Such concept is irrelevant to the

    data with only one variable. In the

    assessees case, as there were

    three comparable price data, the

    assessee was entitled for deduc-

    tion not exceeding 5% out of the

    arithmetic mean.


    Judicial pronouncements (International Taxation)

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    Judicial pronouncements (International Taxation)

    TNT India Private Limited vs. ACIT

    (ITAT Bangalore)(ITA No.1442


    Transfer Pricing: Prior Years data

    cannot ordinarily be relied upon to

    justify ALP. Non-operating income

    & expenditure should be excluded

    while comparing

    The assessee, a courier company,

    paid Rs. 43.46 crores to its holding co

    in Netherlands towards the reimburse-

    ment of cost in transport of consign-

    ments. The TPO & CIT (A) adopted

    the TNMM and claimed that as theoperating profit /operating income of

    the comparables was higher than that

    earned by the assessee, an adjust-

    ment had to be made. It was also

    claimed that the assessee was not

    entitled to rely on the data of earlier

    years. On appeal to the Tribunal,


    (a) In respect of FY 2001-02, the as-

    sessee used data pertaining to

    AYs 1999-2000 & 2000-01. While

    the argument that at the time of

    TP study, the data relating to rele-

    vant comparable for FY 2001-02

    is acceptable, the assessee has

    to adopt the data available for the

    TP study at the time of filing of the

    return. By the time of filing of re-

    turn, the data relevant to FY 2001-

    02 was available. Further, prior

    year data is relevant only if the

    assessee is able to prove that the

    pricing pattern of the assessee for

    the relevant financial year has

    been influenced by the market

    conditions/business cycle/product

    life cycle of the earlier years

    (which is not there in the courier

    business). The OECD guidelinesare not of binding nature and even

    the Proviso to Rule 10B (4) pro-

    vides that any subsequent year

    data cannot be considered. The

    contemporaneous data of relevant

    financial year is to be used for

    making the comparable analysis

    for arriving at the ALP unless it isproved otherwise;

    (b) For arriving at the net margin of

    operating income, only operating

    income and operating expenses

    for the relevant business activity

    of the assessee has to be taken

    into consideration. Other income,

    such as dividend income, profit on

    sale of assets, donations as well

    as non-operating expenses which

    are included in the operating in-

    comes of other comparable com-

    panies should be excluded as it

    effects the net margin of the oper-

    ating profits of the comparables.

    Working capital adjustments also

    have to be considered while arriv-

    ing at the operating net margins.

    (c) The assessee is entitled to a stan-dard deduction of 5% as provided

    under proviso to s. 92C (2) before

    making adjustments of the trans-

    fer price. (Schefenacker Mother-

    son 123 TTJ (Del) 509 and SAP

    Labs 6 ITR 81 (Bang)(Trib) fol-


    Marubeni India Private Ltd vs. ACIT

    (ITAT Delhi)(ITA No. 809/Del/2009)

    Transfer Pricing: For TNMM, inter-

    est on surplus & abnormal costs to

    be excluded

    The assessee, a subsidiary of a Japa-

    nese company, received commission

    for agency and market research ser-

    vices. For Transfer pricing purposes,

    the assessee adopted the Transac-

    tional Net Margin Method (TNMM)

    and chose the Operating Profit Margin

    on Operating Cost (OP/OC) as the

    PLI and treated itself as the tested

    party. As the assessees margins

    were higher than that of comparables

    (9% vs. 8.37%), the transactions were

    claimed to be at arms length. The

    TPO & CIT (A) held that in computingthe Operating Profit (a) interest in-

    come and (b) abnormal costs had to

    be excluded. On appeal to the Tribu-

    nal HELD:

    (a) Even if interest on surplus funds is

    assessed as business income, it

    has to be excluded in computing

    the operating profits because if it

    is included, one is computing the

    return on investment which is an

    inappropriate profit level indicator

    for a service provider. As the PLI

    is the Operating Margin on Cost,

    neither the interest income nor

    interest expenses is a relevant

    factor. The essential element is

    the cost incurred for the operating

    activity which has to be taken into

    account;(b) In computing the ALP, abnormal

    expenses which are not of a rou-

    tine nature as well as those of a

    personal nature have to be ex-


    (c) Compensation for closure of cer-

    tain units, though not a regular

    phenomena, has a direct link with

    the international transaction. The

    assessee was receiving certain

    charges at cost plus 10%. By

    closing down certain branches,

    the cost to the AE was reduced

    and so such receipts would al-

    ways be considered as operating

    expenses. The cost of closure

    cannot be excluded in computing

    the operating expenses;

    (d) The current year data should beused for comparison purposes

    and not the data of preceding two


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    Judicial pronouncements (International Taxation)/ Circulars / Notification

    (e) The argument that as the assessee

    did not take any financial risk while

    providing agency services and as it

    also did not have a patent etc,there must be an adjustment for

    the functional and risk level differ-

    ence is not acceptable because

    no evidence as required by Rule

    10D to show the risk born by com-

    parables is shown. The assessee

    has to demonstrate exact details,

    exhibiting the risk born by the com-

    parable vis--vis the risk in running

    the assessees business (SonyIndia 114 ITD 448 (Del) where a

    20% adjustment was permitted


    (f) The argument that there is a

    general recession in the interna-

    tional market and so an adjustment

    should be made is not acceptable

    because the comparables adopted

    by the TPO takes into considera-

    tion the general factor available to

    the assessee vis--vis to the com-

    parable in the market. No ad-hoc

    separate adjustment can be made

    for the general conditions of the

    market at the relevant point of time;

    (g) The benefit of +/- 5% adjustment is

    not a standard universal deduc-

    tion. This option is available only

    when assessee is computing theALP and not when the AO/TPO is

    computing the ALP.

    ABN AMRO Bank NV vs. CIT

    (Calcutta High Court)(ITA No. 458 of


    Interest paid by a branch of a For-

    eign Bank to its HO is deductible in

    the hands of the branch. Such inter-

    est is not taxable in the HOs handsThe assessee, a Netherlands Bank,

    carried on banking business through a

    PE in India. The PE borrowed funds

    from its HO on which interest was paid.

    The assessee claimed that in the com-

    putation of profits of the PE under Arti-

    cle 7(3)(b) of the India-Netherlands

    DTAA, the interest paid to the HO wasdeductible. The AO & CIT (A) held that

    while the interest was deductible in

    principle in the hands of the PE, it was

    taxable in the hands of the HO and as

    there was no TDS u/s 195, the interest

    had to be disallowed u/s 40(a)(i). The

    result was that the interest paid by the

    PE to the HO was disallowed in the

    hands of the PE while being assessed

    in the hands of the HO. On appeal, theSpecial Bench (98 TTJ Kol 295) held

    that the PE and the HO were the same

    person and the interest paid was nei-

    ther deductible in the hands of the PE

    nor assessable in the hands of the HO.

    On appeal by the assessee, HELD re-

    versing the Special Bench:

    (i) As regards deductibility of the inter-

    est in the hands of the PE, though

    a branch and the HO are the

    same person in general law, Arti-

    cles 5 & 7 of the DTAA provide that

    the PE shall be assessable as a

    separate entity. Under Article 7(3)

    (b) payment of interest by a banks

    PE to its HO is allowed as a deduc-

    tion. The result is that the interest

    paid by the PE to the HO is de-

    ductible in computing the PEs

    profits (Betts Hartley Huett 116 ITR

    425 (Cal) distinguished);

    (ii) As regards taxability in the hands

    of the HO & obligation for TDS u/s

    195, in accordance with the princi-

    ples of apportionment of profits

    between the PE & the HO as laid

    down in Hyundai Heavy Industries

    291 ITR 482 (SC) & Morgan

    Stanley 162 TM 165 (SC), only thePE is to be taken as the assessee

    and not the HO. As the interest

    was not chargeable to tax in the

    hands of the HO, the PE was un-

    der no obligation to deduct tax u/s

    195 and consequently no disallow-

    ance u/s 40(a)(i) can be made in

    the hands of the branch.

    Circulars / Notifications

    Notification No. 16/2011 dated 29-3-


    Two new information required in

    quarterly statement of deduction of

    tax from 1st April 2011

    CBDT has notified amendment to Rule

    31 and inserted tow new information to

    be provided by every deductor of tax in

    its quarterly statement of tax deduction.

    Under Rule 31, every person responsi-

    ble for deduction of tax under ChapterXVII-B, are required to submit quarterly

    statement of tax. Sub Rule 4 of Rule

    31A prescribes what information are

    required to be given . Till 31s March

    2011 , the Sub Rule 4 was as under

    (4) The deductor at the time of prepar-

    ing statements of tax deducted shall,-

    (i) quote his tax deduction and collec-

    tion account number (TAN) in thestatement;

    (ii) quote his permanent account num-

    ber (PAN) in the statement except

    in the case where the deductor is

    an office of the Government;

    (iii) quote the permanent account num-

    ber of all deductees;

    (iv) furnish particulars of the tax paid to

    the Central Government includingbook identification number or

    challan identification number, as

    the case may be.

  • 8/6/2019 SNK Newsletter- April 2011



    Circular / Notifications

    However, from 01/04/2011, two new

    clause to sub-rule 4 are being added.

    These are

    (v) furnish particulars of amount paid

    or credited on which tax was not

    deducted in view of the issue of

    certificate of no deduction of tax

    under section 197 by the Assess-

    ing Officer of the payee;

    (vi) furnish particulars of amount paid

    or credited on which tax was not

    deducted in view of the compli-

    ance of provisions of sub-section

    (6) of section 194C by the payee."Please note that Rule 28AA is also

    being substituted which provides for

    certificate for deduction at lower rates

    or no deduction of tax from income

    other than dividends.


    Circulars / Notifications

    Circular No. 942/03/2011-CX dated

    the 14th March, 2011

    Liability of interest where CENVAT

    credit was wrongly taken but re-

    versed by assessee before utiliza-

    tion- Circular No. 942/03/2011-CX

    Attention is invited to the Boards Cir-

    cular No. 897/17/2009-CX dated

    03.09.09, wherein it was clarified that

    in light of clear and unambiguous pro-

    visions of Rule 14 of the CENVAT

    Credit Rules, 2004, the interest shall

    be recoverable when credit has been

    wrongly taken, even if it has not

    been utilized.

    2. References have been received to

    re-examine the issue in light of

    judgment of P&H High Court in

    the case of Ind-Swift Labs. V/s

    UOI [2009(240)ELT328(P&H)].The said judgment of P&H High

    Court held that under provisions

    of Rule 14 of CENVAT Credit

    Rules, 2004, interest cannot be

    claimed from the date of wrong

    availment of credit. It is required

    to be paid from the date it iswrongly utlilized.

    3. The matter has been examined. It

    is observed that the issue has

    now been conclusively settled by

    the Apex Court in the departmen-

    tal appeal against the above men-

    tioned judgment of P&H High

    Court. The Apex Court vide its

    judgment dated 21.02.11 in Civil

    Appeal No. 1976 of 2011 has set

    aside the aforesaid order of

    Honble High Court. The Apex

    Court has ruled that If the afore-

    said provision is read as a whole

    we find no reason to read the

    word OR in between the expres-

    sions taken or utilized wrongly or

    has been erroneously refunded

    as the word AND. On the hap-

    pening of any of the three circum-

    stances such credit becomes re-

    coverable along with interest. In

    effect, therefore, the view taken

    by the Board in circular dated

    03.09.09 has now been endorsed

    by the Apex Court.

    4. Immediate action may be taken to

    safeguard revenue in light of the

    judgment of Apex Court.



    General Circular No. 09/2011, dated


    Compulsory Filing of Balance

    Sheet and profit and Loss Account

    in extensible Business Reporting

    Language (XBRL) mode

    It has been decided by the Ministry of

    Corporate Affairs to mandate certain

    class of companies to file balance

    sheets and profit and loss account for

    the year 2010-11 onwards by using

    XBRL taxonomy. The Financial State-

    ments required to be filed in XBRLformat would be based upon the Tax-

    onomy on XBRL developed for the

    existing Schedule VI, as per the exist-

    ing, (non converged) Accounting

    Standards notified under the Compa-

    nies (Accounting Standards) Rules,

    2006. The said Taxonomy is being

    hosted on the website of the Ministry

    at shortly. The Fre-

    quently Asked Questions (FAQs)about XBRL have been framed by the

    Ministry and they are being annexed

    as Annexure I with this circular for the

    information and easy understanding

    of the stakeholders.

    Coverage in Phase I

    2. The following class of companies

    have to file the Financial State-

    ments in XBRL Form only fromthe year 2010-2011:-

    (i) All companies listed in India and

    their subsidiaries, including over-

    seas subsidiaries;

    (ii) All companies having a paid up

    capital of Rs. 5 Crore and above

    or a Turnover of Rs. 100 crore or

    above .

    Additional Fee Exemption

    3. All companies falling in Phase -I

    are permitted to file upto 30-09-

    2011 without any additional fil-

    ing fee.

    Training Requirement

    4. Stakeholders desir-

    ous to have train-

    ing on the XBRL or on taxon-

    omy related issues, may contact

    the persons as mentioned in An-

    nexure II.

  • 8/6/2019 SNK Newsletter- April 2011



    Company Law : Companies (Name

    Availability) Rules, 2011

    In exercise of the power conferred by

    clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section

    642 read with sections 20 and 21 of

    the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956),

    the Central Government hereby

    makes the following Rules:

    1. (i) These Rules may be called

    Companies (Name Availability)

    Rules, 2011;

    (ii) It shall come into force on such

    date as the Central Government

    may, by notification in the OfficialGazette, appoint.

    2. As per provisions contained in

    section 20 of the Companies Act,

    1956, no company is to be regis-

    tered with undesirable name. A

    proposed name is considered to

    be undesirable if it is identical with

    or too nearly resembling with:

    (i) Name of a company in exis-tence; or

    (ii) A registered trade-mark or a

    trade mark which is subject of an

    application for registration, of any

    other person under the Trade

    Marks Act, 1999.

    3. After notification of these Rules,

    while applying for a name in the

    prescribed e-form-1A, using Digi-tal Signature Certificate (DSC),

    the applicant shall be required to

    furnish a declaration to the effect


    (i) he has used the search facili-

    ties available on the portal of

    the Ministry of Corporate Af-

    fairs (MCA) i.e., for

    checking the resemblance of

    the proposed name(s) with the

    companies and Limited Liability

    Partnerships (LLPs) already

    registered or the names al-

    ready approved.

    (ii) the proposed name(s) is/are

    not infringing the registered

    trademarks or a trademark

    which is subject of an applica-

    tion for registration, of any

    other person under the Trade

    Marks Act, 1999;

    (iii) the proposed name(s) is/are

    not in violation of the provisions

    of Emblems and Names

    (Prevention of Improper Use)Act, 1950 as amended from

    time to time;

    (iv) The proposed name is not of-

    fensive to any section of peo-

    ple, e.g., proposed name does

    not contain profanity or words

    or phrases that are generally

    considered a slur against an

    ethnic group, religion, gender

    or heredity;

    (v) he has gone through all the

    prescribed guidelines, given in

    these Rules, understood the

    meaning thereof and the pro-

    posed name(s) is/are in confor-

    mity thereof;

    (vi) he undertakes to be fully re-

    sponsible for the conse-

    quences, in case the name is

    subsequently found to be in

    contravention of the prescribed


    4. Where, the proposed name is

    containing more than one word,

    there will be an option in the e-

    form 1A for certification by the

    practicing Chartered Account-ants, Company Secretaries and

    Cost Accountants, who will cer-

    tify that he has used the search

    facilities available on the portal

    of the Ministry of Corporate

    Affairs (MCA) i.e., for

    checking the resemblance of

    the proposed name(s) with the

    companies and Limited LiabilityPartnerships (LLPs) already

    registered or the names al-

    ready approved and the search

    report is attached with the ap-

    plication form. The professional

    will also certify that the pro-

    posed name is not an undesir-

    able name under the provisions

    of section 20 of the Companies

    Act, 1956 and also is in confor-mity with Companies (Name

    Availability) Rules, 2011 and

    Guidelines made therein.

    5. (i). Where e-form 1A has been

    certified by the professional in the

    manner stated at 4 above, the

    name will be made available by

    the system online to the applicant

    without backend processing by the

    Registrar of Companies (ROC).

    This facility is not available for ap-

    plications for change of name of

    existing companies.

    (ii) Where a name has been made

    available online on the basis of

    certification of practicing pro-

    fessional in the manner stated

    above, if it is found later on that

    the name ought not to havebeen allowed under provisions

    of section 20 of the Companies

    Act read with these Rules, the


    Company Law

  • 8/6/2019 SNK Newsletter- April 2011



    professional shall also be liable for

    penal action under provisions of the

    Companies Act, 1956 in addition to

    the penal action under Regulations

    of respective professional Insti-tutes.

    Where e-form 1A has not been

    certified by the professional, the

    proposed name will be processed

    at the back end office of ROC and

    availability or non-availability of

    name will be communicated to the


    6. The name if made available, is li-able to be withdrawn anytime be-

    fore registration of the company, if

    it is found later on that the name

    ought not to have been allowed.

    However, ROC will pass an spe-

    cific order giving reasons for with-

    drawal of name, with an opportu-

    nity to the applicant of being heard,

    before withdrawal of such name.

    7. The name if made available to the

    applicant, shall be reserved for

    sixty days from the date of ap-

    proval and further extension of

    thirty days with revalidation appli-

    cation and fees. If, the proposed

    company has not been incorpo-

    rated within such period, the name

    shall be lapsed and will be avail-

    able for other applicants.

    8. Even after incorporation of the

    company, the Central Government

    has the power to direct the com-

    pany to change the name under

    section 22 of the Companies Act,

    1956, if it comes to his notice or is

    brought to his notice through an

    application that the name too

    nearly resembles that of another

    existing company or a registeredtrademark.

    9. In determining whether a proposed

    name is identical with another, the

    following shall be disregarded:

    (i) The words Private, Pvt, Pvt., (P),

    Limited, Ltd, Ltd., LLP, Limited Li-

    ability Partnership;

    (ii) The words appearing at the end of

    the names company, and com-

    pany, co., co, corporation, corp,

    corpn, corp.;

    (iii) The plural version of any of the

    words appearing in the name;

    (iv) The type and case of letters, spac-

    ing between letters and punctua-

    tion marks;

    (v) Joining words together or separat-

    ing the words does not make a

    name distinguishable from a name

    that uses the similar, separated or

    joined words;

    (vi) The use of a different tense or

    number of the same word does not

    distinguish one name from another;

    (vii) Using different phonetic spellings

    or spelling variations does not dis-

    tinguish one name from another.

    For example, J.K. Industries limited

    is existing then J and K Industries

    or Jay Kay Industries or J n K In-

    dustries or J & K Industries will not

    be allowed. Similarly if a name con-

    tains numeric character like 3, re-

    semblance shall be checked with

    Three also;

    (viii)Misspelled words, whether inten-

    tionally misspelled or not, do not

    conflict with the similar, properly

    spelled words;

    (ix) The addition of an internet related

    designation, such as .COM, .NET,

    .EDU, .GOV, .ORG, .IN does not

    make a name distinguishable from

    another, even where (.) is written

    as dot;

    (x) The addition of words like New,

    Modern, Nav, Shri, Sri, Shree,

    Sree, Om, Jai, Sai, The, etc. does

    not make a name distinguishable

    from an existing name such as

    New Bata Shoe Company, NavBharat Electronic etc. Similarly, if it

    is different from the name of the

    existing company only to the extent

    of adding the name of the place,

    the same shall not be allowed. For

    example, Unique Marbles Delhi

    Limited cannot be allowed if

    Unique Marbles Limited is already


    Such names may be allowed only if

    no objection from the existing com-

    pany by way of Board resolution is

    produced/ submitted;

    (xi) Different combination of the same

    words does not make a name dis-

    tinguishable from an existing name,

    e.g., if there is a company in exis-

    tence by the name of Builders and

    Contractors Limited, the nameContractors and Builders Limited

    should not be allowed;

    (xii) If the proposed name is an exact

    Hindi translation of the name of an

    existing company in English espe-

    cially an existing company with a

    reputation, e.g., Hindustan Steel

    Industries Ltd. will not be allowed if

    there exists a company with name

    Hindustan Ispat Udyog Limited;


    Company Law

  • 8/6/2019 SNK Newsletter- April 2011



    The Queen vs. General Electric

    Capital Canada Inc (Court of Ap-

    peal, Canada)(2010 FCA 344)

    Transfer Pricing: Despite Implicit

    support by holding company, sub-

    sidiary entitled to pay holding com-

    pany at arms length for explicit


    The assessee, a wholly-owned sub-

    sidiary of General Electric Capital US

    (GECUS), was in the business of pro-

    viding financial services and took

    loans for this purpose in the form of

    commercial paper and unsecured de-bentures. Between 1988 and 1995,

    GECUS provided to the assessee, at

    no cost, an explicit guarantee for its

    debt issuances. From 1996, GECUS

    began charging a fee equal to 1% of

    the face amount of the assessees

    debt issuances for that same guaran-

    tee which amounted to about $135.4

    million. The assessees claim for de-

    duction of the fee was denied by thetax department u/s 69(2)/247(2)

    (transfer pricing provisions) on the

    ground that as there was implicit sup-

    port by GECUS to the assessee, the

    payment of the guarantee fee was

    superfluous and not at arms length.

    This was reversed by the Tax Court

    on the basis that by the explicit guar-

    antee from the holding company, the

    assessee had a better rating and hadto pay lower interest and received a

    benefit which was valued at 1.83%.

    As the fee paid for the benefit was

    only 1%, it was at arms length. On

    appeal by the department, HELD dis-

    missing the appeal:

    (i) In determining the arms length

    price, all economically relevant

    factors (including the implicit sup-

    port that the subsidiary enjoys

    from the holding company) have

    to be considered. The explicit

    guarantee by the holding com-

    pany also has a value to the sub-

    sidiary (Para 1.6 of the OECD

    Commentary on Transfer Pricing

    Guidelines for Multinational Enter-

    prises and Tax Administrations

    referred). The question is how

    much an arms length party, bene-

    fiting from the implicit guarantee

    would be willing to pay for the ex-

    plicit guarantee;

    (ii) The yield method can be

    adopted which requires a com-

    parison between the credit ratingwhich an arms length party, in the

    same circumstances as the as-

    sessee, would have obtained and

    the credit rating which would have

    been obtained without the explicit

    guarantee. On facts, it was shown

    that the assessee would have en-

    joyed a lower credit rating without

    the explicit guarantee from the

    holding company and would havehad to pay a higher interest than it

    did with the explicit guarantee.

    The incremental cost that the as-

    sessee would have had to pay if it

    did not have the explicit guarantee

    was valued at 1.83% and so the

    guarantee fee was at arms length.

    M/s. Hyderabad Engineering v.

    State Of A.P. (Civil Appeal No. 3781

    of 2003)(SC)

    Goods transported to out-of-state

    depots otherwise than as a result

    of direct sale which would attract

    tax under Section 6 of the Central

    Sales Tax Act

    The SC dismissed the appeal ruling

    that the transactions between several

    cities constituted inter-state sales, as

    contemplated under Section 3(a) of

    the Central Sales Tax Act. The com-

    pany was part of Jay Engineering

    Works with head office in Delhi. It has

    other related companies with different

    names in different states. The com-

    pany claimed exemption on a turnover

    of Rs 8,87,75,643 towards goods

    transported to out-of-state depots oth-

    erwise than as a result of direct sale

    which would attract tax under Section

    6 of the Central Act. It argued, the

    transactions on which exemptions

    claimed cannot be regarded as sales

    in the course of inter-state trade,

    chargeable to tax under the Central

    Act. This contention of the assessee

    was rejected by the high court and the




    Due Dates of key compliances pertaining to the month of April 2011:

    The information contained in this newsletter is of a general nature and it is not intended to address specific facts, merits and circumstances of any indi-vidual or entity. We have tried to provide accurate and timely information in a condensed form however, no one should act upon the information pre-sented herein, before seeking detailed professional advice and thorough examination of specific facts and merits of the case while formulating businessdecisions. This newsletter is prepared exclusively for the information of clients, staff, professional colleagues and friends of SNK.


    April Excise Return ER1 / ER2 /ER615th April PF Contribution for March


    April Excise return ER3 for quarter ended March21stApril ESIC Payment for March25th April Half yearly return of service tax30

    thApril TDS payment for March (whether amount credit on 31st March or not)