soalan acids and bases taksonomi bloom

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  • 8/8/2019 Soalan Acids and Bases Taksonomi Bloom


    Soalan Acids and Bases mengikut aras Taksonomi Bloom

    Aras 1 : Pengetahuan

    1. Which of the following is a diprotic acid?

    A nitric acid

    B sulphuric acid

    C hydrochloric acid

    D phosphoric acid

    Objektif :

    2. A solution that can turn blue litmus paper red consists of

    A hydroxide ion

    B hydrogen ion

    C chloride ion

    D oxide ion

    Objektif :

    3. Which of the following is true about an alkali?

    A a weak alkali has a high pH value

    B a strong alkali has a low degree of ionisation

    C an alkali is a base that is soluble in water

    D an alkali is volatile

    Objektif :

    Aras 2 : Kefahaman

  • 8/8/2019 Soalan Acids and Bases Taksonomi Bloom


    1. Which of the following solution gives the lowest pH value?

    A 0.5 moldm-3 sulphuric acid

    B 0.5 moldm-3 ethanoic acid

    C 0.5 moldm-3 aquoeus ammonia

    D 0.5 moldm-3 sodium hydroxide solution

    Objektif :

    2. Which of the following acidic solutions contains the highest number of hydrogen


    A 25cm3 of 1 moldm-3 hydrochloric acid

    B 75cm3 of 1 moldm-3 ethanoic acid

    C 25cm3 of 1 moldm-3 sulphuric acid

    D 25cm3 of 1 moldm-3 nitric acid

    Objektif :

    Aras 3 : Aplikasi

    1. Based on the equation below, 20cm3 of hydrochloric acid reacts completely with

    10cm3 of 0.1 moldm-3 calcium hydroxide solution.

    2HCl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2 + 2H2O

    What is the concentration of the hydrochloric acid used?

    A 0.05 moldm-3

  • 8/8/2019 Soalan Acids and Bases Taksonomi Bloom


    B 0.1moldm-3

    C 0.2moldm-3

    D 0.4moldm-3

    Objektif :

    2. The equation below shows the reaction between sulphuric acid and potassium


    H2SO4 + 2KOH K2SO4 + 2H2O

    What is the volume of 2 moldm-3 potassium hydroxide solution needed to neutralise

    50cm3 of 0.5 moldm-3 sulphuric acid?

    A 6.25 cm3

    B 12.5 cm3

    C 25 cm3

    D 50cm3

    Objektif :

    Aras 4 : Analisis

  • 8/8/2019 Soalan Acids and Bases Taksonomi Bloom




    Hydrogen chloride in

    Solvent W Solvent Y

    Reaction with blue litmus paper No change Blue litmus paper turns red

    Reaction with zinc metal No gas bubbles released Bubbles of colourless gas


    Predict which solvent can conduct electricity and what is the reason?

    Solvent that can

    conduct electricity


    A W Presence of hydrogen ions

    B Y Presence of hydrogen ions

    C W Presence of hydroxide ions

    D Y Presence of hydroxide ions


    Table 2 shows the degree dissociation of four solutions of alkalis which have the same


    Solution Degree of dissociation

    W High

    X Medium

    Y Very high

    Z Low

  • 8/8/2019 Soalan Acids and Bases Taksonomi Bloom


    Compound N

    Hydroxide ion

    Arrange the solutions from ascending order of pH value.

    A Y, W, X, Z

    B X, Z, W, Y

    C Z, X, W, Y

    D W, X, Y, Z


    Compound M

    Ionise completely Ionise partially

    in water in water

    Conclude what is the example of compound M and compound N and compare which one has

    the highest pH value.

  • 8/8/2019 Soalan Acids and Bases Taksonomi Bloom


    Compound M Compound N Highest pH value is compound

    A Hydrochloric acid Ethanoic acid N

    B Ethanoic acid Hydrochloric acid M

    C Sodium hydroxide Ammonia M

    D ammonia Sodium hydroxide N