social casino games - gaining the edge using predictive personalization

Social Casino Games Gaining the Edge through Predictive Personalization 5 ‘Easy’ Steps to a Higher ROI

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Post on 18-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Social Casino GamesGaining the Edge throughPredictive Personalization5 Easy Steps to a Higher ROIAlan Avidan, PhD, MBA, Executive Director, Bees and [email protected]

2. Overview 1 Current 5 Easy Steps to Reaching higher ROI ?Get game, ROI goals, KPIs, Game Elements, & Optimize Optimization Technologies TodayAnalytics, A/B Testing, Segmentation, Predictive Personalization We Need Player Data for OptimizationKPIs and user data Why Predictive Personalization is More Effective 3. Beyond Spot - Local and Global Optimization We Need a to Model Game Our First Test Model: Mass-Action Kinetics, CSTR Local and Global Optimization .Overview 2 A Peak Ahead 4. Gaining The Edge: Steps 1-33. Identify KPIs that Embody Your GoalsARPU %PAY ARPPU DAUDAU/MAUK-FactorAvgSessionTime# ofConcurrentPlayersDx ChurnAbandonRate2. Identify GoalsMonetization:Revenue or Profit?Retention Engagement Virality1. Get Yourself a GameDevelop White-label Acquire 5. Gaining The Edge: Steps 4-55. Optimize the Chosen ElementsAnalytics(manually)A/B Testing(one-size-fit-all)A PrioriAttributeSegmentationClusteringSegmentation(OMG! Big data)PredictivePersonalizationthe Game Elements that Drive the Selected KPIsChoose.4PaymentPagesLocal orUSDcurrencyShopCalls-to-ActionCasinolobbychoicesorder ofunlockedslotsFastPlay tutorial OpenGraph 6. 3rd Party DataTons of User Data, EverywhereFacebook DataFriendsInfluenceLikesInterestsPostsEventsBehavioral DataSpendingBetsBalanceWinning %Played GamesSession DataTime of dayDayDurationGeo-Demographic DataAgeGenderEducationCountryIP addressProprietarySegmentationData:(e.g., WhalesMinnows,Influencer)IncomeLevelEducation 7. KPIs Optimization ObjectivesMonetization Revenue/Profit ARPU/ARPPU %PAY % WhaleRetention DAU/MAU DX Visits/DAU Churn RateEngagement Abandon Rate Session Time Drop-off RatesVirality K-Factor Invites/DAU Acceptance RateAcquisition CPA, CPI Abandon RateTraffic DAU/WAU/MAU # Concurrent 8. Optimization Technologies:Analytics(Source: apsalar)Funnels, Cohorts, FiltersChangeMeasureDisplayAnalyzeDecide 9. Optimization Technologies:A/B and Multi-Variate Testing20% CTR10% CTRPayment pageAPayment pageBWinner: Payment page BDeploy Winner 10. Optimization technologies:A Priori, Rule-Based SegmentationPayment pageAPayment pageB 11. Optimization Technologies:Clustering Segmentation 12. Advanced algorithms find correlations between user data DNA and conversionsUsers Social andBehavioral DataUsers DNAGenerationPredictive Best-FitAlgorithmsOptimization Technologies:Predictive PersonalizationOption AOption BOption C 13. Optimization Technologies:Predictive Personalization 14. Monetization - Payment PageDifferent OrderVariant 1Prices from lowest to highestVariant 2Prices from highest to lowest(Slotolotto) 15. Monetization - Payment PageDifferent IncentivesOption 4Incentive in absolute numbersOption 3Incentive in percentage(Slotolotto) 16. Q: Why is Predictive PersonalizationMore Effective?A: Delivers Persistent Lift Above A/B TestingEasiest to Deploy, Predict Behavior 17. Beyond Spot - Local and Global Optimization We Need a Holistic Game Model Our First Test Model: Mass-Action Kinetics, CSTR Local and Global Optimization .Overview 2 Peak Ahead 18. Modeling Games:Local and Global OptimizationWhy do we need a game model?To determine the time behavior of all KPIin response to different scenariosTo use numerical search optimization algorithmsto find optimal operating conditions 19. What is a Game Model?A Set of Equations Describing all Userinflows and Outflows, Conversion RatesModeling GamesLocal and Global Optimization 20. What are we optimizing?Normally, We Maximize a ProfitFunction While Keeping the ControlVariables within BoundsModeling GamesLocal and Global Optimization 21. Recap:Gaining the Edge via OptimizationNow: Follow the 5-step process to increase game ROI Use Spot Optimizations to raise relevant KPIs Predictive Personalization is the most efficientAhead: Solve your game model to predict all KPIs Use Local and Global Search Optimization tofurther boost profitability 22. Gain the Edge Use Optimization 23. Thanks!Bees And PollenPlease share: