social hacking

Social Hacking The Future of Information Guerrilla Warfare

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 Social Hacking The Future of Information Guerrilla Warfare

The United States diplomatic cables leak began on 28 November 2010 when the website WikiLeaks and five major newspapers published confidential documents of detailed correspondences between the U.S. State Department and its diplomatic missions around the world. Source: Wikipedia

Julian Assange, Wikileaks website founder detained in custody awaiting extradition proceedings to Sweden removed WikiLeaks from its servers on 1 December 2010 at 19:30 GMT 4 December 2010 Paypal cut off the account used by WikiLeaks to collect donations 6 December, the Swiss bank PostFinance announced that it had frozen the assets of Assange 6 December 2010 MasterCard stopped payments to WikiLeaks

7 December Visa stopped payments to WikiLeaks

A 4 December 2010 article by MSNBC, reported that the Obama administration has warned federal government employees and students in educational institutions studying towards careers in public service that they must refrain from downloading or linking to any WikiLeaks documents. Access to WikiLeaks has been blocked for federal workers. The U.S. Library of Congress, the U.S. Commerce Department and other government agencies


Online activists known as “Anonymous” have initiated what they called Operation: Payback, a call to action to bring down the websites of companies that have publicly removed services once used by the Wikileaks website.

Over 2200 people participated in the attacker chat room and there are currently over 1,700 computers in the voluntary botnet "army".

Sites attacked and the downtime from #operationpayback. Source,, was down intermitently on 8 December 2010. Is this Social Media for change?