social marketing plan

Binge Drinking at Bryant University April 22, 2015 Kirsty Beauchesne (000424455), Justin Brickman (000508191), Marisa Paul (000438414), Taylor Waters (000453264)

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Marketing 201


Binge Drinking at Bryant UniversityApril 22, 2015Kirsty Beauchesne (000424455), Justin Brickman (000508191), Marisa Paul (000438414), Taylor Waters (000453264)

Over the years, at Bryant University, there have been a repeated number of reported transports, the act of transporting someone to the hospital for consuming a dangerous amount of alcohol which may result in alcohol poisoning. College transports have become part of the college culture and have a negative effect on students both mentally and physically, as well as the entire Bryant Community.The purpose of our Marketing Plan is to reduce the number transports by ten percent in one year ,thus, limiting the amount of binge drinking on campus, consuming more than four drinks within a two hour span. We planned to accomplish this goal by creating an integrated marketing plan with a Think Before You Drink Campaign, that spreads throughout the Bryant Community. Think Before You Drink Campaign encourages students to pledge to stop binge drinking in order to find success somewhere else in there life. The hashtag, #THINKB4UDRINK will be a symbol of our campaign that will translate to our target market through social media. Our goal is to encourage Bryant University to get involved with our movement prior to our Up all Night Event, where students will participate in various activities instead of binge drinking. Our promotions follow one after another in order to keep the students attention throughout our whole campaign and to spread awareness of the harmful effects of binge drinking.We have completed our marketing plan, however, the process of our campaign does not start until the following year. Throughout the duration of this process we have learned that changing a behavior becomes quite difficult when said behavior is embedded in the college culture. Since Bryant is a small school. established norms and values remain primarily consistent throughout the entire student body, resulting in students conforming to what others do rather than being individuals. It is hard to change the atmosphere of any aspect of Bryant University. As the marketing department of Bryant University, we have determined that binge drinking is a behavior that needs our attention. We came to this conclusion by collecting extensive primary and secondary research to assess the incidence and severity of this problem within our campus. From there, we developed a social marketing plan with an intended impact of reducing binge drinking among college students. Binge drinking, consuming more than 4 drinks within a two hour span, was determined to be a problem when evaluating the results of our surveys. We had participants who attended Bryant University answer questions related to their personal experiences with binge drinking, their opinions of the behavior and to disclose various demographic information. From this data we found that a large percentage of participants, 85%, personally engaged in binge drinking during this semester and 95% know others who do so at least once a week. In addition to those startling statistics, we also gathered that 40% of these students knew someone personally who has been hospitalized for alcohol poisoning at least once this semester. This primary data clearly shows that binge drinking is a frequent, dangerous activity that students are partaking in. In regards to important demographic information that we collected, 57% of our participants were involved in club or varsity sports and 93% currently attend Bryant. In conclusion, we determined that our target market for this plan should be undergraduate students at Bryant University who are involved in a club or varsity sport on campus, which we call student-athletes. The focus of our plan being to reduce the number of Bryant students in our target market who participate in binge drinking by 10% within one year.Though the use of the primary data collected with our survey, we were able to perform some statistical tests to see if the information found was statistically significant or not. The first question that we tested was, Binge drinking is cool. Indicate your level of agreement with this statement. We decided to look into the relationship between males and females with this question. Out of our 58 respondents, 20 were males and 38 females. If answered with #1 the respondent strongly agreed with the statement or on the other side #5 meant strongly disagreed. We decided to perform a F test which is, ... a value you get when you run an ANOVA test or a regression analysis to find out if the means between two populations are significantly different, ( We found that F(1,56)=6.970, p