social media for job search: why and how

Social Media for Job Social Media for Job Search Search by Sheny Gregory by Sheny Gregory @shenyker @shenyker http://l http://l

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Social Media for Job Social Media for Job SearchSearchby Sheny Gregoryby Sheny Gregory




Toolbelt essentials

for job search


Cover letter


Professional clothing

Sharp hair cut

Solid handshake

Phone #, email

List of companies

Research companies

How do you research companies?discover new networks? Find the hidden jobs?

Research methods

As a customer you go in person into the company

Company website

Phone company & talk to employee/manager

Read reviews in...newspaper, TripAdvisor, online blogs

Research via FB, Twitter, Linkedin, and other social platforms

why? why?why?

1. Find job postings

2. Find information about a company to help write your cover letter

3. To help with your interview questions like: Why do you want to work here?

4. To see if the company is a good fit for you in terms of values and culture

5. To see if the company sponsors or supports charities or is community-minded

6. To increase your research and technology skills

7. To increase your knowledge of Labour Market Information

8. To increase your job search options

9. To increase your teamwork (as finding information in teams)

10.To Increase your social media skills

the plan

First hour and a bit - Information on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin as research tools for your job search;

quick break

2nd hour and a bit - How to - some job search exercises to practise your knowledge

Questions? Ask at anytime please!

Facebook: for information interviews

Who uses it?

1 Billion or so users in many countries

Largest growing #?

55+ women


Job search groups

Jobs shared

Links shared

Culture of company shared

Helps you find your fit

twitter: hidden job market,

informational interview

140 characters, mircoblog, #seniorsrock largest growing demographic

often has a website link, photo or vido link

real-time: I just had a shite cup of coffee at Starbucks

businesses use for communicating with audience

Great for research, to set your brand online, to connect with people of like-minded and in your career/sector

linkedin: 6 degrees of separation to 3 degrees

347 million users

2 new linkedin members per second

Linkedin’s goal 3 billion users

187 million users in USA

reduces 6 degrees of separation to 3 degrees

Connect with CEO’s of businesses,


How to time....

Look at Linkedin, Twitter and Faceblook, and company websites

Find one piece of information, a job lead, charity the company supports...

Share back learning to the bigger group

Close out: your next step toward your own soical media saaviness?

Thank you!

Check out my website:

Resources page has links for how to’s and latest goodies on social media

I appreciate your time!