social media week london 2011 - video optimisation

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Video SEO

“Tweaking for engagement and visibility”

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OverviewYouTube and Google similarities

Metadata – Description





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Comments, Likes, Dislikes, Faves & Ratings

Watching Habits

Related Videos


Description Links

Video Responses

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YouTube Organic Results & Homepage






#6 `

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Google Organic Results


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Driving Views: YouTube Home Page

To get on the home page of YouTube you’ll need approx 50k-100k views in the first day...

... But that is only part of the equation...

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#smwldn tips

Metadata Optimisation

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YouTube Metadata OptimisationTITLE• 100 characters max (65 are visible in search results)

• Currently has the most weight of any single item for optimisation

• Represents your video (along with the thumbnail) wherever it appears on YouTube: Search results, related videos, etc.

#SMWLDN only tip• Make sure:

– Your core keywords are present

– You keep your phrases together - proximity is important

– Ordering doesn’t appear to be much of a factor

– Using a keyword more than once appears to provide lift

– Your Titles entice users

• Add your Titles into the Description

– An optimised Title will help with optimisation – so use it

– The first ~140 char appear in the search results

• searched for keywords will be bolded to users and

• will help draw the searches attention – like in Google results.

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YouTube Metadata Optimisation DESCRIPTION• 5,000 characters max – make sure you use it!

• The first 80 characters are displayed by default – take advantage of this

• Not many people utilise this although it’s a MAJOR factor for optimisation.

• Lazy?

• Time Constrainsts?

#SMWLDN only tip• Two useful ways for utilising the first 80 characters:

– Add link to drive traffic to your website

– Use text with special characters to get searchers to view the full description

• E.g. ----

• Include detailed info, tips, techniques and transcripts – becomes an “info source” can encourage “likes” and favorites which are crucial.

• SEO Keyword processes are relevant here… e.g. Google Keyword Tool

• Add links to your other videos

– YouTube notices which videos drive views to other videos

• Factor for determining related videos.

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Metadata OptimisationTAGS• 120 characters max

• Can consist of words or phrases (use quotes for phrasing)

• Tags are a KEY factor for optimisation

#SMWLDN only tip• Tag order isn’t currently a factor.

• Add ALL your targeted keywords.

• Use phrasing (“ “) for the targeted core keywords

– And then break them down into single tags

• Use keyword stems (e.g. bake, baking, baked, bakes)

– YouTube isn’t reliable for this

• Don’t duplicate !

• Don’t use irrelevant tags !

– Dislikes + low attention span = a buried video

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Metadata Optimisation Tips CAPTIONS• Indexed by YouTube and Google and have proven to be a

ranking signal

• SubViewer (*.SUB) and SubRip (*.SRT) formats are fully supported

#SMWLDN only tip• Write scripts before you record

– Optimistion will be more natural

– Keep your keywords in mind

• Don’t force optimisation into the captions.

– Mainly for hearing impaired

– Videos will appear unprofessional if mismatch between spoken word and text on screen

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#smwldn tips


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YouTube EngagementCOMMENTS• User must be signed into their account

• Each comment counts as an engagement

– Even your own !!!

• Keeps conversations going by

– Users coming back (which increases views).

• Remove overly negative comments.

– Like a garden: if you don’t pull the weeds eventually that’s all you’ll see.

– These affect all engagement.

LIKES / DISLIKES / FAVES / RATINGS• You want as many “likes” as you can get.

• You want a “like” percentage of 88+% but take it case-by-case with competing videos.

• A “like” has less impact than a “dislike.” Your video has to work harder to make up for a “dislike”.

• Negative arguments in the comments may raise the risk of a “dislike”.

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YouTube EngagementFAVOURTING• Essentially a bookmark – and is posted on the their YouTube channel

• May have more positive impact than a “like” (gathering data).

– Why? The video was so valuable to you that you felt the needed to save it

• NOTE: losing a favorite may have a negative impact.

• By adding detailed info in the description increase chance of gaining favorites.

• Use annotations

– Remind users they can find more info in the description

– Recommend they “bookmark” the video in their favorites.

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#smwldn tips

Watching Habits

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Guiding YouTube Watching Habits RELATED VIDEOS• The more similar your video metadata is to another video the more likely

they may wind up related.


• Fnd a balance between respecting a video’s topical uniqueness and relating to it.

• Consider using similar related tags and series-like titling:

– Tree House: Choosing location

– Tree Houses: Materials, longevity and security

ANNOTATIONS• Suggest the next video to watch by using a linked annotation before a video


• ASK for the “like” – if you don’t you may not get one!

• Remind the user to check out the description for a video special promotion code, recipe, instructions, more tips, etc., they may bookmark (favorite) the video.

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Guiding YouTube Watching HabitsLINKS IN THE DESCRIPTION• Link to other related videos you have

• Use tracking URLs for each link so you can test how effective they are

– E.g.

VIDEO RESPONSES• Feature two of your own videos as responses to a related video of yours

that’s getting more views.

• Keep an eye out for 3rd party popular videos as well.

– Keep an eye on “new” videos appearing in search results

– Keep an eye on the most popular, viewed, rated, favourited, videos in your category.

– Cross promote with another YouTuber exchanging relevant video responses.

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