sociolinguistic about language and culture

LANGUAGE & CULTURE By : St. Choironnisak Ashari

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Post on 09-May-2015




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  • 1.LANGUAGE & CULTURE By : St. Choironnisak Ashari

2. THE DEFINITION LANGUAGE is a system of (verbal) signs embedded in social and cultural reality of language users. CULTURE : integrated human knowledge, belief and behaviour, which depends on the capacity of symbolic thought and social learning (pan-human or shared by different groups). 3. LANGUAGE & CULTURE The language used by a speech community is closely related to the culture of that community. A community's culture consists of what it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves. 4. LANGUAGE & CULTURE The close relationship between language and culture has long been the focus of linguistic study In fact, there were and still are areas in the world where societies share a very similar cultural orientation and yet speak languages that are not only mutually unintelligible but completely unrelated and structurally different. 5. LINGUISTIC RELATIVITY The recent re-emergence of linguistic relativity has been a reaction against excessive formalism in Generative Linguistics, particularly in its ambitious attempts to explain the nature of Universal Grammar. The re-emergence of linguistic relativity is thus best seen as a balancing effort in the latest development of linguistic theory. 6. LINGUISTIC & CULTURE RELATIVITY Keterkaitan antara relativitas bahasa dan relativitas budaya nampak pada hasil kajian antropologi budaya, misalnya tentang tingkat tutur bahasa Jawa Tingkat tutur bahasa Jawa akan dibahas lebih lanjut di bawah sub-topik leksikalisasi. Pakar sosiolinguistik Hudson (1980: 80-94) menjelaskan bahwa bahasa tercakup dalam budaya. Oleh karena itu, tuturan dalam komunikasi verbal sering mencerminkan, secara langsung maupun tak langsung, nilai-nilai budaya yang dianut oleh penutur suatu bahasa. 7. LINGUISTIC & CULTURE RELATIVITY Bagi pendekatan yang melihat bahasa sebagai cermin masyarakat atau cermin budaya, definisi bahasa yang sesuai adalah paduan antara definisi Sapir (1921: 8) dan definisi Francis (1958: 13). 8. LINGUISTIC & CULTURE RELATIVITY Language is a system of arbitrary vocal or visual symbols used by people of a given culture as a means to carry on their daily affairs. (Bahasa adalah sistem verbal atau visual bersifat manasuka, yang digunakan oleh sekelompok penutur denganbudaya tertentu, sebagai alat komunikasi dalam kehidupan mereka sehari-hari.) 9. LINGUISTIC & CULTURE RELATIVITY Berbicara tentang relativitas bahasa dan relativitas budaya di awal abad ke-21 adalah meninjau topik lama dengan cara pandang yang baru. Kini gagasan tentang relativitas bahasa muncul kembali sebagai reaksi terhadap ide universalitas bahasa yang ditonjolkan secara berlebihan melalui pendekatan formal (Gumperz and Levinson 1996). 10. LINGUISTIC & CULTURE RELATIVITY Definisi ini menegaskan bahwa bahasa adalah entitas budaya, dan menyarankan bahwa konsep-konsep budaya mungkin sekali bersifat khusus dan muncul secara jelas lewat ekspresi bahasa. 11. FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING Language teaching usually refers to the teaching of any language, either as a first language, second language or as a foreign language. In order to improve the efficiency of language teaching, many approaches have been used. 12. FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING Approaching the teaching of language with a social connotation. By approaching the importance of learning the culture of the language we could end the problem of language misunderstanding. Since in one country the meaning of a word could vary, influence by their culture, folklore or traditions 13. POLITENESS Behaving or speaking in a way that is correct for the social situation you are in, and showing that you are careful to consider other peoples needs and feeling. 14. POLITENESS Sometimes we do face-threatening acts. But we can repair the damage by being polite. We can use non-verbal behaviour smiles, etc. 15. ONE-SIDED POLITENESS 16. AND MUTUAL POLITENESS 17. POLITE LANGUAGE Language offers tools for repairing Xs face: Polite language consists of: special polite expressions, e.g. please special uses of ordinary expressions, e.g. I was just wondering whether you would mind awfully if It deals with threats to: Positive face (respect), e.g. darling Negative face (freedom), e.g. please 18. POSITIVE POLITENESS EXPRESSIONS Greeting: hello (We have a relation.) HELLO speaker addressee social relation 19. ..THANK YOU..