software libre en el mundo empresarial

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  • 1. Software Libre en el Mundo Empresarial Miguel Angel Barajas Data Center Technology Specialist [email_address] @gnuowned Octubre 8, 2010

2. Agenda Linux en el Data Center de Hoy FLOSS en el Mundo Empresarial Casos de xito en Mxico Q&A 3. Linux en elData Center de Hoy 4. 6% 25% 71% de los Centros de Datos cuentan con Linux hoy en da. Source:Gartner Data Center Conference, Interactive Polling Results, November 2007. 3% 10% 5% 10% 40% P:Cul es la composicin de los principales centros de datos de empresa? 1% 5. IDC: Crecimiento de ganancias globales de sistemas operativos, 2009-2012 Linux mantiene su crecimiento Average Annual Growth, 2009-2012 Source: IDC, Worldwide Operating Systems and Subsystems 20082012 Forecast, Dec 2008 6. Linux ha alcanzado su tercera generacin 2007 gastos en servidores: US$8.6 Miles de Millones 2009 gastos en servidores: US$10.5 Miles de Millones *Tambin incluye infraestructuras virtualizadas, grids, tiempo-real, SOA, tolerancia a fallos, y Sitios Web comerciales masivamente escalables. 55% Distribucin de ganancias de Servidores 2006/2007 42% 20% Servicios de red e Infraestructura Servidores Web / Clusters de computadoras Servidores de aplicaciones/Departamentales 1a. Generacin 38% Source: Gartner (October 2007), What Is Third-Generation Linux? Distribucin de ganancias de servidores en 2009 15% 3a. Generacin 30% 2a. Generacin Rolesde misincrtica para la empresa* 7. Software Libre en el Mundo Empresarial 8. Software Libre en el mundo empresarial (en que se usa) 9. Software Libre en el Mundo Empresarial Soluciones Basadas en FLOSS

  • Sistema Operativo SUSE Linux Enterprise Server RedHat Enterprise Linux Base de Datos MySQL Posgress WEB Apache Tomcat Jboss Alta Disponibilidad HeartBeat OCFS2
  • CRM SugarCRM Desarrollo MONO PERL PHP Virtualizacin XEN KVM VirtualBox Telefonia IP Asterisk Etc, etc, etc, y un largo, etc

10. Qu ofrece el Software Libre al Mundo Empresarial?

  • Bajo TCO Incrementa el desempeo Ofrece Soluciones de Alta disponibilidad Soporta virtualizacin Soportado por SAP, Novell, IBM, HP, DELL, etc Corre en la mayoria de las plataformas actuales
    • Arquitecturas: i386, Itanium, AMD64-EM64T, POWER, zSeries
  • 11. Databases: SAP MaxDB, IBM DB2, Oracle 10g

Usado por miles de clientes en el mundo Historias de xito Disponible 12. Grandes Empresas lo Respaldan 13. Grandes Empresas Lo usan 14. Casos de xito en Mxico 15. Casos de xito en Mxico Gobierno Infonavit (zLinux, portal y recaudacin de imp) SAT (Linux, portal) Liconsa (Linux, deployment en el escritorio) Secretaria de Economa (Linux) 16. Casos de xito en Mxico Iniciativa Privada BBVA (linux, ofimtica, portal, virtualizacin) Chedraui (Bases de datos, virtualizacin) Liverpool (zLinux, Gestor de Identidades) Walmart (POS, virtualizacin, servicios de red) 17. Q&A 18. Making IT Work As One 19. 20. Unpublished Work of Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This work is an unpublished work and contains confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information of Novell, Inc. Access to this work is restricted to Novell employees who have a need to know to perform tasks within the scope of their assignments.No part of this work may be practiced, performed, copied, distributed, revised, modified, translated, abridged, condensed, expanded, collected, or adapted without the prior written consent of Novell, Inc.Any use or exploitation of this work without authorization could subject the perpetrator to criminal and civil liability. General Disclaimer This document is not to be construed as a promise by any participating company to develop, deliver, or market a product.It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contentsof this document, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.The development, release, and timing of features or functionality described for Novell products remains at the sole discretion of Novell.Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to revise this document and to make changes to its content, at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes. All Novell marks referenced in this presentation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Novell, Inc. in the United States and other countries.All third-party trademarks are the property of their respective owners.