software we have used in our production


Upload: loiselizajones

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Software we have used in our production


Page 2: Software we have used in our production

Throughout our coursework, WordPress has been a massive part of it as this is where we present all our work. We present our work through a blog format where we can add pictures, videos, text and links. We have been able to express our work on the blog and show our skills and technology.It is relatively easy to use and it has allowed us to present work in different ways to make out blog interesting and creative. We are also able to link other software website links onto the blog which expands our ability of creativity in present our work.


Page 3: Software we have used in our production

Final Cut Pro X is where we put together and design our adverts. We have previously used this software in GCSE and AS level so we have experience using it. This year we have found new skills and techniques on the software which has helped us to transformed our adverts to high quality real world adverts.


Page 4: Software we have used in our production

YouTube is used a lot within our production. YouTube is huge part of our distribution for our advert. Having our adverts on YouTube has exposed them to a wider audience and they can give them positive or negative feedback. This helps us to learn and improve from other peoples opinions on our adverts. YouTube has also given us the ability to create our own content for example, montages, equipment video and other things. Gauntlett’s theory of 2.0 is a platform that allows us to connect to our target audience and to a wider audience. Gauntlett states that because of 2.0, we as an audience can become our own producer thanks to websites such as YouTube where you can show footage of your own for free. Viewers also will not have to pay to watch our adverts, which can lead to a big advantage not having to pay of advertising slots e.g. on the TV.


Page 5: Software we have used in our production

Slideshare is very simple to use, as you produce a PowerPoint and then download it onto the website and then your presentation can be viewed over the internet very easily. Slideshare allows you to be creative in imagery but it also allows you to put a lot of information on in a form of text and still keep it interesting for the audience reading it.


Page 6: Software we have used in our production

Prezi is slightly more challenging presentation software but it gets easier the more experience you have on it. We have used Prezi through GCSE to A2 levels so we enjoy using this type of presentation as it allows you to be creative and different. Every Prezi presentation is different so the audience won’t get bored ready and watching them.However, when putting a Prezi onto the blog, you have to put a screen shot of the main page of your Prezi and then put a hyperlink just under the image as Prezi doesn’t allow you to embed on our blog.


Page 7: Software we have used in our production

Powtoon is a very creative presentation software which allows you to produce mini videos of images and text to present your work. You can either follow a template which has already originally been done or you can create your own. Powtoon has allowed us to present our work alternatively and has expanded our creativity side when it comes to the presentation of our work.


Page 8: Software we have used in our production

Emaze is also another way of creativily presenting work. We really enjoy using Emaze to present our work as it allows you to put imagery and text in an alternative ways. It is a bit more of a advanced version of a PowerPoint/Slideshare, as it allows you to put lots of information in it but it keeps it interesting and creative. You follow templates which are full of bright colours and you can change as much as you like to them to fit the theme of what you are presenting.However, when putting an Emaze on the blog, again you have to take an screenshot of the main page of your presentation, upload the image onto the blog and then put a hyperlink below the image to your presentation as embedding does not work on this software onto our blog.