soil, plant, and transport influences on methane in a ... · d. r. bowling et al.: soil, plant,...

Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324, 2009 © Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Biogeosciences Soil, plant, and transport influences on methane in a subalpine forest under high ultraviolet irradiance D. R. Bowling 1 , J. B. Miller 2,3 , M. E. Rhodes 2 , S. P. Burns 4,5 , R. K. Monson 3,5 , and D. Baer 6 1 Department of Biology, 257 South 1400 East, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112-0840, USA 2 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO, 80305, USA 3 Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USA 4 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 80305, USA 5 Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USA 6 Los Gatos Research, Mountain View, CA, 94041, USA Received: 7 April 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 5 May 2009 Revised: 7 July 2009 – Accepted: 23 July 2009 – Published: 30 July 2009 Abstract. Recent studies have demonstrated direct methane emission from plant foliage under aerobic conditions, par- ticularly under high ultraviolet (UV) irradiance. We ex- amined the potential importance of this phenomenon in a high-elevation conifer forest using micrometeorological techniques. Vertical profiles of methane and carbon dioxide in forest air were monitored every 2 h for 6 weeks in summer 2007. Day to day variability in above-canopy CH 4 was high, with observed values in the range 1790 to 1910 nmol mol -1 . High CH 4 was correlated with high carbon monoxide and related to wind direction, consistent with pollutant transport from an urban area by a well-studied mountain-plain wind system. Soils were moderately dry during the study. Vertical gradients of CH 4 were small but detectable day and night, both near the ground and within the vegetation canopy. Gra- dients near the ground were consistent with the forest soil being a net CH 4 sink. Using scalar similarity with CO 2 , the magnitude of the summer soil CH 4 sink was estimated at 1.7 mg CH 4 m -2 h -1 , which is similar to other temperate forest upland soils. The high-elevation forest was naturally exposed to high UV irradiance under clear sky conditions, with observed peak UVB irradiance >2Wm -2 . Gradients and means of CO 2 within the canopy under daytime condi- tions showed net uptake of CO 2 due to photosynthetic draw- down as expected. No evidence was found for a significant foliar CH 4 source in the vegetation canopy, even under high UV conditions. While the possibility of a weak foliar source Correspondence to: D. R. Bowling ([email protected]) cannot be excluded given the observed soil sink, overall this subalpine forest was a net sink for atmospheric methane dur- ing the growing season. 1 Introduction Methane is a greenhouse gas that is primarily produced by metabolism of obligate anaerobic microorganisms (Cicerone and Oremland, 1988). Although there is less CH 4 in the air than CO 2 , the radiative forcing of CH 4 is significant and amounts to about one third of the forcing caused by CO 2 (Forster et al., 2007). Atmospheric CH 4 has been increasing during the last several hundred years due to human modi- fication of agricultural systems and other human activities (Dlugokencky et al., 1994; Etheridge et al., 1998; Ferretti et al., 2005). During the last 15 years, the atmospheric increase rate slowed to near zero (Dlugokencky et al., 2003), but CH 4 has recently begun to increase again around the world (Rigby et al., 2008). The atmospheric CH 4 burden represents the net balance of extremely large sources and sinks, and while some of these are fairly well understood, others are not. The causes of the recent changes in methane increase rate remain unknown. There is a need to understand the biogeochemi- cal processes involved in methane production and oxidation, including those in terrestrial ecosystems, if we are to make defensible estimates of the CH 4 cycle in the future. Until recently, the role of living plants in the methane cy- cle was thought to be limited to transport of microbially- produced CH 4 through aerenchyma in herbaceous wetland plants and some woody plants (Schimel, 1995; Rusch and Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Page 1: Soil, plant, and transport influences on methane in a ... · D. R. Bowling et al.: Soil, plant, and transport influences on methane 1313 2.2 In-situ methane and carbon dioxide analysis

Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324,© Author(s) 2009. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


Soil, plant, and transport influences on methane in a subalpineforest under high ultraviolet irradiance

D. R. Bowling1, J. B. Miller 2,3, M. E. Rhodes2, S. P. Burns4,5, R. K. Monson3,5, and D. Baer6

1Department of Biology, 257 South 1400 East, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112-0840, USA2National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO, 80305, USA3Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USA4National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, 80305, USA5Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 80309, USA6Los Gatos Research, Mountain View, CA, 94041, USA

Received: 7 April 2009 – Published in Biogeosciences Discuss.: 5 May 2009Revised: 7 July 2009 – Accepted: 23 July 2009 – Published: 30 July 2009

Abstract. Recent studies have demonstrated direct methaneemission from plant foliage under aerobic conditions, par-ticularly under high ultraviolet (UV) irradiance. We ex-amined the potential importance of this phenomenon ina high-elevation conifer forest using micrometeorologicaltechniques. Vertical profiles of methane and carbon dioxidein forest air were monitored every 2 h for 6 weeks in summer2007. Day to day variability in above-canopy CH4 was high,with observed values in the range 1790 to 1910 nmol mol−1.High CH4 was correlated with high carbon monoxide andrelated to wind direction, consistent with pollutant transportfrom an urban area by a well-studied mountain-plain windsystem. Soils were moderately dry during the study. Verticalgradients of CH4 were small but detectable day and night,both near the ground and within the vegetation canopy. Gra-dients near the ground were consistent with the forest soilbeing a net CH4 sink. Using scalar similarity with CO2, themagnitude of the summer soil CH4 sink was estimated at∼1.7 mg CH4 m−2 h−1, which is similar to other temperateforest upland soils. The high-elevation forest was naturallyexposed to high UV irradiance under clear sky conditions,with observed peak UVB irradiance>2 W m−2. Gradientsand means of CO2 within the canopy under daytime condi-tions showed net uptake of CO2 due to photosynthetic draw-down as expected. No evidence was found for a significantfoliar CH4 source in the vegetation canopy, even under highUV conditions. While the possibility of a weak foliar source

Correspondence to:D. R. Bowling([email protected])

cannot be excluded given the observed soil sink, overall thissubalpine forest was a net sink for atmospheric methane dur-ing the growing season.

1 Introduction

Methane is a greenhouse gas that is primarily produced bymetabolism of obligate anaerobic microorganisms (Ciceroneand Oremland, 1988). Although there is less CH4 in theair than CO2, the radiative forcing of CH4 is significant andamounts to about one third of the forcing caused by CO2(Forster et al., 2007). Atmospheric CH4 has been increasingduring the last several hundred years due to human modi-fication of agricultural systems and other human activities(Dlugokencky et al., 1994; Etheridge et al., 1998; Ferretti etal., 2005). During the last 15 years, the atmospheric increaserate slowed to near zero (Dlugokencky et al., 2003), but CH4has recently begun to increase again around the world (Rigbyet al., 2008). The atmospheric CH4 burden represents thenet balance of extremely large sources and sinks, and whilesome of these are fairly well understood, others are not. Thecauses of the recent changes in methane increase rate remainunknown. There is a need to understand the biogeochemi-cal processes involved in methane production and oxidation,including those in terrestrial ecosystems, if we are to makedefensible estimates of the CH4 cycle in the future.

Until recently, the role of living plants in the methane cy-cle was thought to be limited to transport of microbially-produced CH4 through aerenchyma in herbaceous wetlandplants and some woody plants (Schimel, 1995; Rusch and

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Rennenberg, 1998; Terazawa et al., 2007). A recent pa-per by Keppler et al. (2006) suggested the intriguing pos-sibility that vascular plants emit CH4 directly, under aerobicconditions, and without the involvement of microorganisms.These workers used their initial experiments to estimate theglobal significance of aerobic plant emission, and reportedthat as much as 240 Tg CH4 yr−1 might be produced by liv-ing plants (and more from plant litter). This factor is as largeas many estimates of global wetland sources, and larger thanthe combined emissions from rice agriculture and ruminants(Denman et al., 2007), although many studies since thenhave placed the upper limit closer to 50–100 Tg CH4 yr−1

(Houweling et al., 2006; Kirschbaum et al., 2006; Ferrettiet al., 2007). Not surprisingly, this finding has generated avigorous scientific debate, focused on the possible global sig-nificance of plant methane emission (Bousquet et al., 2006;Houweling et al., 2006; Kirschbaum et al., 2006; Bergam-aschi et al., 2007; Miller et al., 2007; Frankenberg et al.,2008; Houweling et al., 2008; Meirink et al., 2008), as wellas the underlying mechanism of emission.

Several studies from independent laboratories have nowconvincingly demonstrated direct CH4 emission from plants(Keppler et al., 2006; Cao et al., 2008; Keppler et al., 2008;McLeod et al., 2008; Vigano et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2008;Bruggemann et al., 2009; Messenger et al., 2009; Wang etal., 2009), but studies by other groups have failed to find it(Dueck et al., 2007; Beerling et al., 2008; Kirschbaum andWalcroft, 2008). It appears that ultraviolet radiation is re-quired for plant emission (McLeod et al., 2008; Vigano etal., 2008; Messenger et al., 2009), and the lack of UV insome experimental studies may help resolve these conflictingresults. UV is not always required, however; very high tem-perature (Vigano et al., 2008) and physical damage to planttissues (Wang et al., 2009) can also stimulate emission. Verylow rates have been observed under low light without UV inpoplar shoot cultures, with strong evidence that microbial or-ganisms are not required for CH4 production (Bruggemannet al., 2009).

A consensus is emerging that the mechanism of plantemission may be biophysical rather than from direct produc-tion of CH4 via a plant metabolic pathway. Emission oc-curs upon UV irradiation of synthetic plant pectin and relatedplant structural compounds (Keppler et al., 2008; McLeod etal., 2008). This is likely via a UV-initiated free-radical chem-ical process (Sharpatyi, 2007). Addition of chemicals thatscavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS) strongly inhibitsUV-induced CH4 emission from pectin, and CH4 emissionin the dark can occur when certain ROS are added to pectin(Messenger et al., 2009). Other environmental stressors caninitiate formation of ROS (Apel and Hirt, 2004), so it is pos-sible that factors other than UV might induce CH4 emissionfrom plants (Messenger et al., 2009).

Most studies investigating CH4 emission from plants havebeen conducted in the laboratory, using either artificial lampsor sunshine (e.g., Keppler et al., 2006; Vigano et al., 2008).

The few studies that have directly observed plant CH4 emis-sion in the field (Sanhueza and Donoso, 2006; Cao et al.,2008; Wang et al., 2008) have used chambers or vials withdetached (or rarely intact) plant tissues, which limit or omitUV irradiation relative to a plant’s natural environment. Atpresent, we have virtually no basis to compare CH4 emissionrates measured in the lab using artificial lamps to those thatmight be expected in the field under natural sunlight withoutchambers.

The soils of most upland forests act as a sink for methane(Dutaur and Verchot, 2007) due to the metabolic activity ofmethanotrophic microorganisms (King, 1992). In ecosys-tems dominated by plants that do emit CH4, the presence ofa local soil sink could limit the overall importance of plantproduction to the atmospheric CH4 budget. However, to datethere have been no studies that were specifically designed toevaluate the ecological significance of plant methane emis-sion from whole ecosystems under natural conditions in thefield.

Our primary objective was to examine the general patternsof summer methane exchange in an upland subalpine coniferforest. The forest was located at high elevation and naturallyexposed to high UV irradiance, providing an ideal situationto examine plant and soil CH4 exchange processes under nat-ural conditions. Micrometeorological techniques were usedto avoid the microclimatic and radiative artifacts of plant andsoil chambers. In this paper we examine the causes for vari-ability of CH4 in subalpine forest air, including forest bio-logical processes and atmospheric transport. We investigatelocal soil production and consumption of methane, and themagnitude of soil-atmosphere exchange. Measurements ofCO2 and CO are used to provide some understanding of ex-pected CH4 patterns within the forest and of transport of ur-ban air masses. Finally, we address the importance of aero-bic CH4 emission from foliage in the context of whole-forestbiosphere-atmosphere exchange.

2 Methods

2.1 Study location

The primary study site was a subalpine conifer forest (the Ni-wot Ridge AmeriFlux forest) in the southern Rocky Moun-tains of the United States (40.03◦ N, 105.55◦ W, 3050 m ele-vation). The roughly 110-yr old stand is dominated byPinuscontorta (lodgepole pine),Picea engelmannii(Engelmannspruce), andAbies lasiocarpa(subalpine fir), with a sparseunderstory. The mean annual temperature is 1.5◦C, and themean annual precipitation is 800 mm, roughly 40% of whichis snow in winter. Further site details and information aboutmeasurement of weather and environmental parameters, en-ergy and CO2 exchange can be found elsewhere (Monson etal., 2002, 2006).

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2.2 In-situ methane and carbon dioxide analysis

Vertical profiles of CH4 and CO2 were measured in the for-est during 28 June–10 August, 2007 (day of year 179–222).Measurement heights were 21.5 m (above the vegetationcanopy), 11, 9, and 7 m (within the canopy, vegetation heightwas 11–12 m), and 1, 0.5, and 0.1 m (in the sub-canopy airspace near the ground). The inlet system (described in de-tail by Schaeffer et al., 2008b) was time-multiplexed withother instrumentation; CH4 and CO2 were measured duringone 0.5 h subset of each 2 h period. The full profile for bothgases was measured within a half hour, on the same gas sam-ples simultaneously. Air flowed continuously through sam-pling lines and was sub-sampled for analysis. CH4 molefraction was measured using off-axis integrated-cavity out-put spectroscopy (Model 908-0001, Fast Methane Analyzer,Los Gatos Research, Mountain View, CA). CO2 and H2O va-por mole fraction were measured using a non-dispersive in-frared gas analyzer (LI-7000, Li-cor, Lincoln, NE). All CH4and CO2 mole fractions are reported relative to World Meteo-rological Organization (WMO) calibration scales, which aremaintained at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-istration/Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA/ESRL, During the 1.5 h not devoted tomethane measurements, CO2 and δ13C of CO2 were mea-sured as described by Schaeffer et al. (2008b); these data arenot used in the present paper.

A 4-way crossover valve (Valco E4UWE, Houston, TX)was used to route sample air from the selected tower inlet tothe selected analyzer. When a given analyzer was not in use,the crossover valve was plumbed to route filtered room airto the analyzer. Immediately downstream of the crossovervalve, sample air entered a 2.4 m length of 1.5 mm innerdiameter Nafion membrane (Nafion MD-070-96P-2, TomsRiver, NJ) to remove moisture. The countercurrent flow onthe outside of the Nafion membrane was generated by pump-ing room air through a 80/20 500 g mixture of molecularsieve 4a (Acros Organics, Morris Plains, NJ) and indicatingdessicant (Drierite, Xenia, OH). The flow was maintainedat 400 sccm (twice that of the sample flow) using a needlevalve downstream of the moisture trap. The minimum dewpoint achieved using this method was−26◦C and averaged−18◦C. The moisture traps were changed every 7–10 daysafter which time the dew point averaged−14◦C; in one casethe dew point rose as high as 5◦C for one 24 h period. Afterdrying, the air passed into the CH4 analyzer via a 2 micronhigh flow filter (Nupro SS-44FW4-2, Solon, OH). The flowrate through the analyzer was maintained at 200 sccm usingthe analyzer’s internal pump and a mass flow controller im-mediately downstream of the instrument. The flow was tunedto optimize both the drying and cell flushing. The exhaustflow of the CH4 analyzer was routed to the sample cell ofthe LI-7000 for CO2 and H2O measurement, while dry N2flowed through the reference cell at 10 sccm.

The CH4 analyzer was calibrated using whole air fromhigh pressure cylinders that were calibrated for CH4 atNOAA/ESRL prior to deployment. A two-point calibra-tion was employed (zero, and span, 1713.9±0.8 nmol mol−1)

given the stability of the analyzer. Additionally, a sec-ond calibrated CH4 tank (1909.2±0.8 nmol mol−1) was usedas a “target tank” to independently gauge the “measure-ment trueness” (accuracy) and “measurement reproducibil-ity” (precision) (JCGM, 2008). The reproducibility as in-dicated by replicate measurements of the target tank was0.35 nmol mol−1. The difference between measured andcalibrated value of the target tank was +2.8 nmol mol−1

(1912.0–1909.2), which is within 0.15% of the calibratedtarget tank (note the reference gas used for calibrationwas 1713.9 nmol mol−1). When the target tank was mea-sured following calibration with a tank closer to the ref-erence gas (1842.5 nmol mol−1), the difference was only1.0 nmol mol−1. This “gain” difference amounts to only0.01, indicating that, for example, a measured vertical ortemporal difference of 20 nmol mol−1 would be in error byonly about 0.2 nmol mol−1. Like methane, in addition to theseven levels, for CO2 both a reference and target gas wereintroduced into the sample cell, in order to calibrate the mea-surements to the WMO scale and verify the calibration. Al-though the target gas exhibited a linear CO2 drift of about0.03µmol mol−1 day−1, the residual standard deviation fromthat drift was 0.2µmol mol−1; the mean offset from the as-signed value was−2.1µmol mol−1 at a distance from thereference gas of 152µmol mol−1. For both CH4 and CO2,the precision and stability of our analysis system indicatesour ability to resolve small atmospheric gradients.

Average CH4 mole fractions for a given intake height ata given time were determined as the mean of the last 60 sof 200 s dwell time at a given level or gas cylinder; the ma-jority of this time was used to flush the sample cell of theanalyzers completely, based on pre-deployment bench tests.For the target tank, the reproducibility was calculated as theone sigma standard deviation of these means over the entiremeasurement period (day of year 179–222).

Drying air and/or calculating its moisture content was nec-essary to determine accurate methane mole fractions. Inparticular, the WMO methane scale is defined as “dry airmole fraction”: nmol CH4 (mol dry air)−1. Thus a dilutioncorrection must be made to the raw output of a spectrome-ter that measures the ratio of CH4 to total pressure, whichincludes the H2O vapor partial pressure. For example, araw measurement of 1800 nmol CH4 mol−1 with a water con-tent of 1000 mmol H2O mol air−1 – a dew point of about−26◦C at the pressure and typical temperature of the site– is 1801.8 nmol CH4 mol−1 after correction. For a dewpoint of 4◦C (∼12 500 mmol H2O mol air−1 H2O), typical ofdaytime ambient conditions, the correction would be about20 nmol CH4 mol−1. Our primary strategy was to dry the air,and we additionally measured its moisture content with theLI-7000 to be able to correct it regardless of the efficiency Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324, 2009

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of drying. Moreover, even when undried and uncorrected,small gradients of water vapor do not contribute significantartifacts to observed CH4 gradients; the largest H2O vaporgradient we observed was less than 200 mmol H2O mol air−1

after the dessicant ran out.

2.3 Automated flask collection for methane and carbonmonoxide analysis

Air samples from the primary study site, and a second alpinetundra site, were collected in glass flasks for laboratory anal-ysis of several trace gases, including CH4 and CO. Thesedata were used to provide an indicator of regional transportof urban air. The tundra site (40.05◦ N, 105.58◦ W, 3423 m,NOAA/ESRL site NWR) was located approximately 3 km tothe NW and 373 m higher in elevation from the forest site.Samples were collected using an automated flask sampler de-scribed by Schaeffer et al. (2008b), with simultaneous collec-tion at both sites, at midday (14:00 h) and at night (02:00 h),every other day. CH4 and CO mole fractions were measuredin the flasks by the NOAA Carbon Cycle Greenhouse GasesGroup as described by Schnell (2004). To investigate gen-eral patterns of arrival of polluted urban air at the sites, flaskdata are presented from the period 18 September 2005 to 12October 2007 (all data available), and for the subset of timeduring summer 2007 (days 170–230) in this paper.

2.4 Ultraviolet irradiance

Ambient UV irradiance data were obtained from theNOAA-EPA Brewer Spectrophotometer UV Network ( for an adjacent site(MRS, CO), located 1.1 km east of the forest site and 127 mlower in elevation. These data include radiant spectral fluxdensity in the 286.5 to 363 nm range, with one full spectrumcollected roughly every 15 min during daylight hours. Spec-tral UV data were integrated to calculate total irradiance in aparticular wavelength range, and then averaged on a 30-minbasis to match trace gas analysis periods. The measurementrange of the instrumentation was narrower than the usual def-inition of UVA (315–400 nm) and UVB (280–315 nm) wave-length ranges (McKenzie et al., 2004). This leads to an un-derestimation in our reported UVA irradiance by roughly afactor of 2 (under clear sky conditions) relative to the irradi-ance in the unweighted full UVA range (see Fig. 1). There islittle UVB at Niwot Ridge in the unmeasured higher-energyregion of 280 to 286.5 nm, so our reported irradiance is in-dicative of the true UVB irradiance.

2.5 Data selection and analysis: “gradients” and“daytime excess”

Daytime and nighttime periods were selected based on anal-ysis of solar radiation versus time of day. CH4 and CO2 dataare presented for daytime (06:15 to 17:15 h local time) and

Fig. 1. A typical UV irradiance spectrum at Niwot Ridge (middayon day 203). The vertical line divides the standard UVB (left, 280–315 nm) and UVA (right, 315–400 nm) ranges.

nighttime (19:15 to 04:15 h) periods separately, and we ig-nore the 2-h transition periods between to avoid complexitiesof storage fluxes. In all, 238 daytime and 164 nighttime pro-files were obtained. Data were analyzed separately for thewithin-canopy inlets (7, 9, 11 m) and the near-ground inlets(0.1, 0.5, 1 m), assuming these to be indicative of canopy andsoil processes, respectively. There is strong evidence for thevalidity of this assumption under stable atmospheric condi-tions at night (Yi et al., 2005; Schaeffer et al., 2008a). Dur-ing the day, processes from each vertical zone will certainlyinfluence the other. For each group, gradients were calcu-lated as the slope of a least-squares linear regression (molefraction versus height) through the three grouped inlets. Thedaytime excess content of each trace gas within the vegeta-tion canopy was calculated as the mean of the mole fractionsat the 3 canopy inlets minus the mole fraction at 21.5 m. Day-time excess is used as an index of canopy physiological activ-ity. Note that the daytime excess is in effect a gradient (fromwithin the canopy region to above it) but is expressed as amole fraction difference. A positive daytime excess shouldgenerally indicate a source within the forest, a negative onea sink.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Environmental conditions and observedCH4 and CO2

Environmental conditions during the study are shown inFig. 2. Most days were sunny in the morning with someafternoon cloud cover, and later in the summer afternoonrainstorms increased soil moisture. Air temperature peakedat 24.5◦C, and although there were some cold nights, soils

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Fig. 2. Environmental conditions, methane, and carbon dioxide mole fractions during the study.(a) above-canopy photosynthetically activeradiation (PAR),(b) air temperature at 8 m (black line), and soil temperature at 5 cm depth (pink line),(c) soil moisture at 5 cm depth (line,left axis) and above-canopy precipitation (total in a 30-min period, bars, right axis),(d) CH4 mole fractions, and (d) CO2 mole fractions at 3measurement heights within the forest. The legend in (d) also applies to(e).

never experienced freezing conditions (soil temperature datanot shown). Precipitation during June (the month precedingthe study) was very low (70% of normal for the month), andJuly/August precipitation were fairly normal. Near-surfacesoils during the study were moderately dry, with water con-tent declining for the first 30 days from 12 to 8%, and in-creasing following the late summer rains to about 15% (fieldcapacity of these soils is∼40%).

Several studies have recently highlighted the importanceof UV radiation for aerobic methane production by plants(Keppler et al., 2008; McLeod et al., 2008; Vigano et al.,2008; Messenger et al., 2009). The high elevation of theNiwot Ridge forest led to high solar irradiance (Fig. 3).Incident photosynthetically active radiation peaked above2000µmol m−2 s−1, with UVA (in the limited measure-ment range) exceeding 30 W m−2, and UVB greater than2 W m−2. On average the daily UV fluxes peaked at 20 and1.4 W m−2, respectively (Fig. 3). In a laboratory study withartificial lamps, Vigano et al. (2008) reported a fairly highmethane emission rate (55 ng CH4 (g dw)−1 h−1) from livingconifer foliage (Pinus ponderosa) under total UV irradianceof 38 W m−2 (note that their UVB irradiance of 24 W m−2

was a much higher portion of the total than ours). As dis-cussed, our UVA values are probably underestimated by afactor of two, so based on the Vigano et al. study one mightexpect the UV at the Niwot Ridge forest to be sufficient tocause CH4 emission fromPinusspecies. The dominant treespecies are all conifers, includingP. contorta, which is con-generic to the pine used by Vigano et al. (2008).

Shown in Fig. 2d and e are time series of CH4 and CO2measured above-, within-, and below-canopy. CO2 exhibiteda distinct diel pattern, with highest CO2 near the ground dueto soil respiration. Day to day variability in CH4 was high.The amplitude of the seasonal cycle of CH4 at Niwot Ridgeis roughly 50 nmol mol−1 (Dlugokencky et al., 1994), andchange during our summer study period that is driven by theseasonal cycle at this latitude should be maximally around5 nmol mol−1 (Shipham et al., 1998a). Simpson et al. (1999)reported a systematic shift in CH4 during the growing sea-son in a boreal aspen forest, and attributed it to increasedsoil production (as soil temperature increased). Neither CH4mole fraction nor soil temperature changed markedly overthe course of our study (Fig. 2b and d). Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324, 2009

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Fig. 3. Diel time course of above-canopy radiant flux densities(a) photosynthetically active radiation,(b) UVA (in the range 315–363 nm), and(c) UVB (286.5–315 nm) irradiance. The data pointsshow the mean over the 43 days of the study, error bars are±1 stan-dard deviation, and the dashed lines show the observed ranges foreach time period. Note that the UVA sub-range 363–400 nm is notcovered by these observations (Fig. 1), so the actual UVA irradi-ances were likely higher by a factor of 2 than those shown.

It is well-known that CH4 production occurs in anaerobicsoil conditions. There were no abrupt changes in CH4 associ-ated with precipitation events in the present study, althoughthere is some indication of a baseline methane increase 1–2 days following many precipitation events (Fig. 2c and d).Rainstorms later in the season that increased soil moisture(days 208–210) did not substantially increase the CH4 base-line. While the soils were never saturated during the study,anaerobic micro-sites (Sey et al., 2008) were likely present

within soil aggregates following the rain events. If CH4 wasproduced in soil aggregates it was likely consumed beforediffusing to the forest air.

Scientists have observed diel patterns in CH4 withinforests, with highest CH4 mole fractions at night, and dielamplitudes of 6–100 nmol mol−1 (Shipham et al., 1998a;Simpson et al., 1999). We observed some periods of dielpatterning in CH4 (Fig. 2d, days 181–185), but most of therecord did not show it. In general, CH4 mole fractions withinthe canopy were similar to those above the canopy, but CH4near the soil surface tended to be lower regardless of time ofday. This was likely caused by soil CH4 consumption. Thecommon diel pattern in CO2 (e.g., Jarvis et al., 1997) wascaused by a consistent respiratory source (from soils alwaysand from foliage at night) coupled with changes in atmo-spheric stability. Stability should also influence CH4, but thelack of significant diel pattern (Fig. 2d) suggests that addi-tional factors were responsible for the day-to-day variabilityof CH4 in the air at the Niwot Ridge forest.

The wind direction in summer at the Niwot Ridge for-est was bimodal, with relatively clean air flowing over theContinental Divide from the west at night, and a daytime re-versal (Fig. 4). Above-canopy winds were primarily west-erly (night) or easterly (midday). Early morning and late af-ternoon winds were usually westerly. Below-canopy windswere primarily westerly at night, but quite variable in direc-tion during the day (Fig. 4c). The daily wind direction re-versal was caused by a well-known regional mountain-plainwind system at this location (Brazel and Brazel, 1983).

The Niwot Ridge forest is situated near the eastern edgeof the Rocky Mountains where they meet the Great Plainsof the United States. The forest is roughly 60 km north-west of a large urban region on the plains (the Denver, Col-orado, metropolitan area). A series of experiments focusedon photochemical processes in air established that pollutantsfrom the Denver urban area can be transported to the Ni-wot Ridge forest by easterly winds in summer (Roberts etal., 1985; Parrish et al., 1990, 1991). Although CH4 wasnot measured in those studies, carbon monoxide at NiwotRidge tends to be higher during summer easterly winds (Par-rish et al., 1991). In general, the highest CH4 observed dur-ing the present study was associated with daytime easterlyflow (Fig. 4a). High CH4 periods were strongly correlatedwith high CO content (Fig. 5), at both the forest and the tun-dra sites, during summer 2007 and also in the longer record.Similar correlations between CH4 and anthropogenic hydro-carbon pollutants have been observed in long-term recordsat Harvard Forest, Massachusetts (Shipham et al., 1998b),suggesting an anthropogenic origin for elevated CH4 events.Combined with the Niwot Ridge air chemistry studies al-ready mentioned, the data in Fig. 5 are strong evidence thatthe day to day variability in CH4 observed during our study(Fig. 2d) was caused by regional transport. High CH4 eventssuch as days 200, day 207, and day 212 were probably urbanin origin and likely not caused by local biological production

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Fig. 4. Wind roses and methane mole fractions during the study. Data are shown for day(a) and(c) and night(b) and(d) separately forabove-canopy (a and b, 21.5 m wind and 21.5 m CH4) and below-canopy (c and d, 2.56 m wind, 1 m CH4). The radius of each wedgeshows the percentage of time that the wind blew from the direction indicated (in 20◦ bins), and the wedges are divided into 4 gray-scale binsbased on the observed CH4 mole fraction during that period. The area of each gray-scale portion of the wedge is proportional to the relativefrequency that the CH4 mole fraction was observed in the indicated range. The wind percentage scales differ in the panels.

within the forest. Although the easterly flow pattern wascommon, not all easterly flow was associated with high CH4(Fig. 4), presumably due to variability of air mass origin, ag-ing, or route of transport.

3.2 Below-canopy gradients and soil fluxes

Our principal aim was to assess the presence of local forestCH4 sources and sinks, and there are several possible waysto address this aim. Although the respiratory soil CO2 sourcewas associated with a consistent diel pattern, the diel patternwas largely absent for CH4, and variability in mole fractionis not a robust indicator of fluxes. Others have used CH4profiles within forests and a canopy-layer budget method toassess forest CH4 source strength (do Carmo et al., 2006). In-verse Lagrangian analysis is probably the best way to assessthe vertical distribution of fluxes within a canopy, and hasbeen used for CH4 in rice canopies (Leuning et al., 2000).However, given the complexities of radiative transport inclumped conifer canopies (Baldocchi and Collineau, 1994),the central importance of UV radiation for aerobic CH4 pro-duction (McLeod et al., 2008; Vigano et al., 2008; Messengeret al., 2009), and the non-homogeneous nature of the NiwotRidge canopy, such an analysis is beyond the scope of thispaper.

We chose to use gradients and daytime excess (see Meth-ods) to assess whether soils and vegetation at the site weresources or sinks for CH4. We cannot, however, use ob-served gradients to calculate meaningful CH4 fluxes duringevery 30-min measurement period. Within plant canopies,

Fig. 5. (a) Methane and carbon monoxide mole fractions at theforest and tundra sites during September 2005 to October 2007 and(b) for the subset of time during summer 2007. Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324, 2009

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the direction of trace gas flux can sometimes be oppositethe direction of the mole fraction gradient, and the assump-tions on which flux-gradient theory is based are often vio-lated (Raupach, 1979; Denmead and Bradley, 1985; Cellierand Brunet, 1992). However, over time the direction of thefluxes and gradients should converge in their means, other-wise mass could not be conserved. For example, a persistentsoil CH4 sink should have, in a mean sense, a downward fluxdirection and a matching gradient, with lower CH4 nearer theground. Similarly, a persistent canopy source of CH4 (suchas from aerobic foliar emission) should on average have ele-vated CH4 in the canopy relative to the above-canopy air.

In the following discussion, we present the frequency dis-tributions of gradients (and of daytime excess) to assess thedirection and magnitude of fluxes. Both CO2 and CH4 dataare presented because many readers are familiar with spatialand temporal patterns of CO2 in forest air and can use thatknowledge to interpret CH4 patterns (which are less well-understood). We first describe two example periods in de-tail, and then show the full distributions of observed gra-dients. Shown in Fig. 6 are sample night and day profilesfor CO2 and CH4, each measured within a 30-minute period.The CO2 profile at night (Fig. 6a) showed high CO2 nearthe ground (∼450µmol mol−1), decreasing with height to aminimum above the canopy (∼390µmol mol−1). The gra-dients near the ground and within the canopy are shown assolid lines (regressions through each of the 3 groups of in-lets). The sign convention used is that a negative slope inthe lines shown in Fig. 6 (such as for CO2 at night, panela) corresponds to a positive gradient (µmol mol−1 m−1) inthe figures that follow. By this convention a positive gradi-ent indicates a source, and a negative gradient a sink. Thenight CO2 profile shown reflects a soil source, and there wasa CH4 sink in the soil (based on the direction of each gra-dient in the near-ground inlets). The CO2 gradient withinthe canopy indicates a CO2 source, which includes respira-tion from soil, living woody tissues, and leaf (needle) darkrespiration. Note, however, if we did not know the foliagewas a source of CO2 at night, the profile observed within thecanopy (Fig. 6a) might result from the CO2 source in the soil.In contrast, the apparent canopy CH4 source (in this exam-ple) cannot be attributed to the local soils since they were asink (see opposite direction of gradients in canopy and nearthe ground in Fig. 6b).

During the daytime period shown, the soils remained aCO2 source (Fig. 6c), and a CH4 sink (Fig. 6d). The neg-ative CH4 gradient within the canopy could indicate 1) a soilCH4 sink and no canopy exchange of CH4, 2) a soil CH4sink and a canopy CH4 sink, or 3) a dominant soil CH4 sinkand a smaller canopy CH4 source, with relative magnitudessuch that the combined net CH4 flux is a sink. Analysis ofgradients during individual measurement periods cannot reli-ably be used to distinguish between these possibilities. CO2within the canopy during the daytime was lowest at the mid-dle canopy inlet (Fig. 6c), which illustrates a potential prob-

Fig. 6. Example vertical profiles of carbon dioxide(a) and(c) andmethane(b) and(d) mole fractions. The top panels show a stablenight period (day 192.85) and the bottom panels show a high-UVdaytime period (day 192.44). The inlets near the ground are indi-cated with filled circles, those within the vegetation canopy withfilled squares, and above-canopy with an open circle. The verticaldashed line represents the above-canopy observation and the solidlines show linear regressions through the canopy or ground inletsseparately. The slopes of the regression lines are used to calculatethe gradients of each trace gas for each 30-min measurement periodshown in Figs. 7 and 8.

lem with analysis of small within-canopy gradients. Whilethe photosynthetic CO2 sink in the canopy was clear (sincethe within-canopy CO2 was consistently lower than above-and below-canopy at all 3 canopy measurement heights), theregression line at times like these might have either a posi-tive or negative slope based on the relative drawdown at eachmeasurement height, because the gradient is not consistentin direction. In some of the figures that follow, we presentboth within-canopy daytime gradients and daytime excess(within-canopy mean relative to above-canopy) to clearly in-dicate the pattern in the canopy.

The frequency distributions of all observed gradientsat the 3 near-ground inlets are shown in Fig. 7. Day-time and nighttime periods and subsets of these (highUV or stable nights) are shown separately. In gen-eral, gradients of CO2 near the ground were positive,both during the day (Fig. 7a, mean±1 SD of the day-time gradients was 17.7±14.2µmol mol−1 m−1) and at night(Fig. 7c, 20.5±12.7µmol mol−1 m−1), with a large num-ber of profiles measured for each case (number of pro-files, n, is indicated above each panel). The CO2 gra-dient distributions were positively skewed. CH4 gradi-ents near the ground were generally negative during theday (Fig. 7e, −5.4±5.1 nmol mol−1 m−1) and at night(Fig. 7g,−6.2±8.2 nmol mol−1 m−1), and the distributionswere strongly negatively skewed, indicating a persistent netsoil sink for CH4. Both CO2 and CH4 fluxes were strongenough that the near-ground gradients persisted during theday when greater turbulent mixing had the potential to erasethem.

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Fig. 7. Frequency distributions of observed CO2 (top) and CH4 (bottom) gradients using the near-ground inlets (0.1, 0.5, and 1 m height).The data are separated into all daytime periods(a) and(e), daytime periods with UVB flux density greater than 1 W m−2 (b) and(f), allnighttime periods(c) and(g), and stable nighttime periods with friction velocity<0.15 m s−1 (d) and(h). Vertical dotted lines show the zerogradient. The sign convention means positive gradients indicate a source, negative gradients a sink. The titles on the 4 top panels also applyto the lower 4 panels.

The soil-source CO2 gradient pattern has been observedin summer-long mean diel patterns at the Niwot Ridge forest(Bowling et al., 2005), and this is no surprise given the respi-ratory production of CO2 by soil organisms, including roots.The soil methane sink, which is common in temperate forestsoils (Smith et al., 2000; Le Mer and Roger, 2001), is mostlikely due to activity of methanotrophs.

If we assume scalar similarity between CO2 and CH4, thegradients of each gas near the ground should be related tothe respective fluxes by the same eddy diffusivity. This isthe basis of the flux-gradient method for estimation of fluxes(Baldocchi et al., 1988), and can be formalized as:

FCO2 = −KdCO2


FCH4 = −KdCH4


FCH4 = −



] [dCH4



where FCO2 and FCH4 represent the flux of each gas,dCO2/dz anddCH4/dz the summer mean daytime gradientsof each gas near the ground, andK the eddy diffusivity.Equation (3) allows us to estimate a summer mean flux ofCH4 from a known summertime CO2 flux and mean mea-sured gradients of each trace gas. Midsummer soil CO2

efflux in the Niwot Ridge forest is typically in the range4–6µmol m−2 s−1, and at the soil moisture levels of thepresent study, around 4µmol m−2 s−1 (Scott-Denton et al.,2003; Scott-Denton et al., 2006). Using this value andthe mean daytime gradients of 17.7µmol CO2 mol−1 m−1

and −5.4 nmol CH4 mol−1 m−1 from Fig. 7, with Eq. (3)we estimate the magnitude of the soil methane sink as1.7 mg CH4 m−2 d−1, (for comparison with studies below,this equates to 70µg CH4 m−2 h−1 or 17 g CH4 ha−1 d−1).

We are unaware of any previous reports of CH4 uptakeby high-elevation subalpine forest soils. This is clearly anapproximation, but should be of the correct order of mag-nitude. Our estimate is well within the range of publishedvalues for upland forest soil methanotrophy. In a compre-hensive review of emission and consumption of methaneby soils, Le Mer and Roger (2001) reported the medianCH4 uptake flux for primarily tropical and temperate for-est soils was 9.9 g CH4 ha−1 d−1, with a range of 0.16 to1659 CH4 ha−1 d−1. CH4 uptake by temperate coniferousand deciduous forest soils in Europe tends to be in the range0–100µg CH4 m−2 h−1 (Smith et al., 2000). The soils atNiwot Ridge are always saturated during and shortly afterthe period of snowmelt (Monson et al., 2006; Molotch et al.,2007), usually leading to overland flow (Hood et al., 2003).The snowmelt time period was not covered by our observa-tions, and local soil CH4 production is quite possible underthose conditions. Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324, 2009

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Fig. 8. Same as Fig. 7, but for the within-canopy inlets (7, 9, 11m height).

3.3 Within-canopy gradients, daytime excess, andcanopy fluxes

Gradients of both gases were generally smaller within thevegetation canopy (compared to near the ground) under allconditions (Fig. 8). At night, the within-canopy CO2 gradi-ent was generally positive as expected for a combined soiland canopy respiratory source. The nocturnal CH4 gradientsobserved in the canopy were not principally positive or neg-ative, but more evenly distributed (Fig. 8g). Under stablenighttime conditions usually associated with katabatic flow,the Niwot Ridge forest experiences vertical flow stratifica-tion. Tracer experiments and isotopic studies have shownunder these stable conditions the air within the vegetationcanopy does not mix with air near the soil, and so canopy airshould be indicative of canopy physiological processes (Yiet al., 2005; Schaeffer et al., 2008a). The study of Schaef-fer and colleagues used several meteorological parameters toindicate these conditions; here we use only the friction ve-locity u∗. The within-canopy CO2 gradient on very stablenights was small and positive (4.4±2.5µmol mol−1 m−1),indicating a respiratory source. The nocturnal CH4 gra-dient under very stable conditions was small and positive(2.0±2.7 nmol mol−1 m−1, Fig. 8h), and also indicated apossible weak canopy source at times. This methane sourcecannot be attributed to the local soils, since they were clearlya CH4 sink (Fig. 7).

There are several possible explanations for the apparentnocturnal CH4 source within the canopy. Aerobic foliaremission at night seems unlikely since UV radiation ap-

pears to be required for plant emission (McLeod et al., 2008;Vigano et al., 2008; Messenger et al., 2009). Plants appar-ently can emit CH4 without UV radiation, but at very lowrates unless exposed to extremely high temperatures (Viganoet al., 2008) or following foliar injury (Wang et al., 2009),neither of which apply in this case. In a very wet forestwith thick moss mats, epiphytes, and termites in the canopy,anaerobic microbial emission is possible (do Carmo et al.,2006), but our forest has a dry canopy except immediatelyafter rain events, and no similar organic microbial habitatwithin the canopy or termites. The possibility exists fordeep soil anaerobic microbial CH4 production, followed bytransport through the stem and out through the stomata, butthis mechanism is highly speculative at present except forflood-adapted species that possess aerenchyma (Rusch andRennenberg, 1998; Terazawa et al., 2007; Megonigal andGuenther, 2008). The evening wind direction reversal fromsomewhat-polluted to relatively-cleaner flow at Niwot Ridge(Fig. 4) could leave lower CH4 above the canopy than withinat night, and the apparent CH4 “source” in the canopy couldsimply reflect this external forcing. We attempted to find ev-idence for this scenario in our data based on several analysesof wind speed and direction, continuity of wind direction,and storage fluxes, but were unsuccessful. Wetlands in theregion are known anaerobic sources of CH4 (Wickland et al.,2001; Chimner and Cooper, 2003). The most likely reasonwe observed a positive CH4 gradient in the canopy undervery stable conditions (Fig. 8h) is due to horizontal trans-port from upwind wetland sources. There are several pondsand boggy areas in the predominant nighttime flow direction

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within 1–3 km distance. The flow stratification pattern onstable nights already discussed (Yi et al., 2005; Schaeffer etal., 2008a) probably leads to horizontal transport from thesesources.

Within the daytime canopy under high UV radiation, pho-tosynthetic drawdown of CO2 was apparent (Fig. 8b), andCH4 gradients were small and usually negative (Fig. 8f).As discussed previously, the sign of the gradient withinthe canopy in the short term might not correctly reflectthe source/sink nature of canopy physiological processes.Shown in Fig. 9 are the frequency distributions of day-time excess CO2 and CH4 within the canopy. Gener-ally, the daytime excess indicated sinks for both gases,for all daytime periods, and particularly for high UV pe-riods. On average for the 62 profiles with the highestUV irradiance, the CH4 mole fraction within the canopywas −0.93±4.0 nmol mol−1 (mean±SD of the distributionin Fig. 9d) lower than above the canopy (Fig. 9d). Themean CO2 drawdown by the canopy photosynthetic sink was−0.8±1.3µmol mol−1. While these means were not differ-ent from zero, both distributions were strongly negativelyskewed, implying a canopy (or possibly soil, in the case ofCH4) sink for both gases.

The fact that negative CO2 gradients (Fig. 8b) and negativedaytime CO2 excess (Fig. 9b) were detectable in the canopyunder high UV irradiance causes us to conclude that turbu-lence was not sufficient to mask the CO2 sink. Clear evidenceof net photosynthesis in the canopy was obtained, and thisprovides some confidence that a foliar CH4 emission source,if present, would be detected (or smaller than our method canresolve). As discussed, it is possible that the canopy could bea source of CH4 that is masked by a stronger soil CH4 sink,but the data in Figs. 7–9 strongly indicate that the vegetationcanopy at Niwot Ridge is at most a very weak CH4 source,and the Niwot Ridge forest during our study acted as a netsink for atmospheric methane.

To our knowledge only Vigano et al. (2008) have at-tempted to find aerobic CH4 emission from conifers, andonly from the single tree speciesPinus ponderosa, whichwas found to be an emitter. Our study provides evidencethat aerobic foliar CH4 emission from the dominant coniferspecies at Niwot Ridge (Pinus contorta, Picea engelmannii,and Abies lasiocarpa) is minimal, and likely does not needto be accounted for in large-scale emission inventories.

We caution, though, that Wang et al. (2009) have recentlyshown that of ten congenericArtemisiaspecies studied, onlyone species emitted CH4 without physical injury to the plant.Hence, demonstrated emission byP. ponderosaunder UV ir-radiation (Vigano et al., 2008) does not necessarily imply thatall conifers emit CH4. Similarly, the absence of evidence forstrong foliar emission in our forest does not necessarily meanthat no conifer forests emit methane from the trees. Giventhe growing body of literature documenting aerobic methaneemission from plants, more work is clearly needed to assessthe general phenomenon of methane emission across plant

Fig. 9. Frequency distributions of the daytime excess CO2 (top) andCH4 (bottom) within the canopy, for daytime periods only. Daytimeexcess was calculated as the mean of the mole fractions at the 3canopy inlets (7, 9, and 11 m) minus the mole fraction above-canopy(21.5 m) for a given 30-min period. Negative values indicate lowerCO2 or CH4 within the canopy compared to above it (a sink, suchas during strong photosynthetic drawdown of CO2). Positive valuesare suggestive of a canopy source. Data are divided into all daytimeperiods and high UVB periods as in Figs. 7 and 8.

taxa, and to determine the general ecological significance ofplant emission of methane in intact ecosystems.

4 Summary

Patterns of biosphere-atmosphere methane and carbon diox-ide exchange were examined in a high-elevation subalpineforest using canopy profile observations over a 6-week sum-mer period. Variability in the CH4 mole fraction of forest airwas related to a mountain-plain wind system and influencedby air mass transport from the Denver, Colorado, urban area.Local soils were a persistent CH4 sink during the study pe-riod. No evidence was found for substantial emission of CH4from the foliar vegetation, even under high UV irradiance.We cannot rule out the possibility of a canopy source given Biogeosciences, 6, 1311–1324, 2009

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the observed soil sink, but the magnitude of such a vegetationsource in this forest must be very weak if it exists at all.

Acknowledgements.Thanks to Ed Dlugokencky and Patricia Langfor calibrating standards and CH4 flask measurements, Paul Novellifor CO flask measurements, Andrew Crotwell and Doug Guentherfor loaning scientific equipment, and Sean Schaeffer for assistancein the field. We are grateful to Patrick Disterhoft and the NEUBrewproject members for freely providing UV data. Several colleaguescontributed helpful ideas and discussion at AGU including Pat Crill,Gunnar Schade, Torben Christensen, and Todd Rosenstiel. Primaryfunding for this work was provided by U.S. Dept. of Energy, Officeof Science (BER), Grant No. DE-FG02-04ER63904 (to DRBand JBM). We acknowledge additional support from the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration Ernest F. HollingsUndergraduate Scholarship Program (to MER) administered byOak Ridge Institute for Science and Education under a contractbetween the U.S. Department of Energy and Oak Ridge AssociatedUniversities, from a grant from DOE National Institute for ClimaticChange Research (NICCR) Western region (to RKM), and NSFgrant DEB 0423662 to the Niwot Ridge LTER program.

Edited by: G. Wohlfahrt


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