solving the problem of drug as...

Solving the Problem of Drug Disposal Providing an environmentally safe solution for the disposal of leftover prescription drugs THE PROBLEM: The National Community Pharmacist Association estimates that consumers and health systems throw away on average 250 million pounds of medicine each year. Annually, over 4 billion prescriptions are filled by 67 thousand U.S. pharmacies; 7 out of every 10 Americans take at least one medication, and 40% of these drugs dispensed outside of hospitals are unused. These unused and expired medications are a significant source of both safety and environmental problems, and their improper disposal from home medicine cabinets, managed care facilities, hospitals and hospice care facilities has dramatically contributed to the opioid epidemic, accidental poisonings, drug overdoses and the pollution of our nation’s public drinking water. A recent study by the U.S. Geological Survey shows measurable amounts of drugs in 80% of water samples in 30 states, and with over 59,000 deaths from drug overdoses annually, we need a better way to remove and manage the safe disposal of prescription medications. Current “solutions” are inadequate and include flushing, mixing with kitty litter, and dropping off medications at drug take-back centers. These procedures contaminate water supplies, encourage diversion, are inconvenient and inherently ineffective. We believe that DisposeRx provides a solution that will save lives and substantially prevent the improper disposal of drugs that end up in our water supplies. By permanently removing drugs such as opioids, estrogens, psychoactive drugs, antibiotics, toxic chemotherapies and others from our medicine cabinets, we can create a healthier home, prevent addictions and deaths and promote a healthier sustainable environment. THE SOLUTION, DisposeRx: Our product safely and conveniently captures leftover opioids and other ecosystem-harmful drugs within the prescription vial where they are physically and chemically sequestered in a solidifying gel from which they cannot be accessed for illicit use, extracted, flushed or leach into landfills to contaminate water supplies. We provide the only non-retrievable solution that safely, conveniently, and permanently destroys drugs in a biodegradable solid that is manufactured with components that are safe enough to be eaten. Although it is recognized that a large proportion of the drugs in drinking water come from drugs excreted into the toilet by patients, a significant proportion comes from drugs being flushed or improperly discarded into landfills where leaching effects add long-term environmental dangers. As more and more prescriptions are being written, the control of medication disposal is essential. By simply dissolving medicaments within our patent-pending cross-linking polymers they will become permanently captured, thus cannot be solubilized and eventually biodegrade. 1: Open vial 2: Add warm tap water until vial is 2/3 full 3: Add DisposeRx Powder & shake for ~30 seconds, contents solidifies in <10 min.

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Post on 17-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Solving the Problem of Drug as partners in preventing medication residue from contaminating our ecosystem. nvironmental




1: Open vial 2: Add warm tap water until vial is 2/3 full 3: Add DisposeRx Powder &

shake for ~30 seconds,

contents solidifies in <10 min.

Page 2: Solving the Problem of Drug as partners in preventing medication residue from contaminating our ecosystem. nvironmental




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