[sor juana inés de la cruz, the first...

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez Direction and choreography Rafaela Carrasco Concept and dramaturgy Álvaro Tato

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Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

Direction and choreographyRafaela Carrasco

Concept and dramaturgy Álvaro Tato

Nacida sombra, to track heaven,climb to the stars.

[Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the first dream]

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

[About the shoW]

Nacida sombra means a meeting of the flamenco dance with the great creators of the golden age in Spain. The Flamenco dance is the feminine plural texts of the classical authors of the XVI and XVII centuries.

Four imaginary letters written at different times and places are spinning the dialogue between the voices of four female artists: Teresa de Jesús, María de Zayas, María Calderón and sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Through dance, music and the word, we discover their experiences, concerns, creations and secrets to find the ties that bind them: loneliness as a price of courage, the labyrinth of love and the painful quest for freedom.

The mystic agony of Teresa de Jesús in her convent cell; the intrigues of the novelist María de Zayas in the Court halls; the lights and shadows of the famous actress María Calderón on the tables of a corral of comedies, and dreams and controversial of sor Juana Inés de la Cruz in her lush garden. Four phases of the Moon, four spaces, four women: four worlds to dance, think, feel and live.

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

The thread is made up of the authors own texts, her word to live by: poems, verses and texts that coexist in the song, give form and substance to the music and dialogue through dance and space. The amplitude of the Flamenco expression allows individuals to address these very different worlds and to recreate their poetry from the evocation of the verses of sor Juana, by using styles of “back and forth” to austerity and paradoxical purity of Vivo sin vivir en mí (living without living in me) teresiano por soleá.

In addition, Nacida Sombra joined the different flamenco references of the popular music of the Baroque era, such as the folia, the Chaconne, Marizápalos dance, romance and Carol; a dialogue of the traditions that are related throughout the centuries.

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

Basted by the choreographic talents of Rafaela Carrasco, one of the great creators of the contemporary flamenco, and the dramaturgy of Álvaro Tato, one of the emerging writers of the Spanish scene, the female voices of the classic literature come to a new life. These ladies, Nacidas Sombras, wake up in the XXI century, the light of our consciousness.

[About the dramaturgy and choreographY]

Four letters under the moon. Four creative women. An invisible thread that links them to us.

Nacida sombra passes along a lunar cycle. The Moon is present in its movement, its influence on the seas, and the moods, related from ancestors with the woman, as she studied anthropology; the moon as enchantress, as enlightening, as mother of opposites: serenity/madness, hermetics/ecstasy, protection/violence. The moon as nana and crying of war, as transformative change and as unattainable mystery. Each of the authors represents one of the phases, and Teresa de Jesús will be the one who baste them all and allows the wheel to turn, which is perpetuated in the shade, a model of active, thinking, intellectual, female defender of their rights and their creations despite the siege of a hostile society.

The choreography of the group explores the relationships between the four different ways of looking at the world. This is done through the four classical artists; the dancers adopt different features expressive and cause a “collision of languages” while the spectators hear the letters that are directed; In addition, they create different environments and dramatic spaces through movements, which give way to each of the solos, dances about the poems are sung.

Sometimes the dancers are the dance words. Other times they are mental and imaginary spaces of the authors in their social, human or creative sphere: the mystical visions, the inquisitors that besiege, the courtiers who conspire, the public demanded. In the solos, they represent each of the four authors with their personal conflicts, their quest for freedom and truth from different worlds and approaches.

Teresa de Jesús is the new moon: the absence of reflection, the constant emptiness that fills with the spirit which reads, looks, or feels. The pure shade, from the cradle to the grave. The heart of our show, of our dance, of women is nacida sombra.

Dancing to Teresa de Jesús in Flamenco is a key challenge, an encounter with the quintessence of purity. Their words in the dialogue require containment, exactness, and the balance between the strength of the delirious imagination and the Temperance of the inside look of an earthly mystic who knew how to find “God among the pans”. We chose the solea compas, the inside move, the immanence of the

gesture. A dry rhythm, a clean anatomy and a clear verse.

María de Zayas is a growing, mighty, war-like moon. We select different fragments of her novels La fuerza del amor y Aventurarse, among others, and rudimentary verses of her narrative work, to delimit a literary world moved by conscience and an eroticism sometimes dark and terrible tensions, that connects us with unsettling telluric and offending drives of the body and the tribe, and the belligerent attitude to society to expand the rights of women in education, expression, and love. Hence the tear of the seguiriya but also the power of the bulerias, the forces are almost electrical and always travel through a closely monitored, rigid

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

courtiers statesmen that Zayas developed a fierce and fascinating work.

María Calderón, “la Calderona”, is the moon waning, seductive, with a veneer of an Arabian moon; the veil, aura or cloudy luar blurs her figure and insinuates her mystery without showing it all. As well as the own historical character, our scenic treatment part of concealment, of the legend, of the sensuality and, of course, of it own dance that it’s artist made famous in its time, the call danza de Marizápalos, that was reason of scandal and rejoice for the society as ambiguous and contradictory of the Golden Spain. The flamenco tangos lend themselves to this game of tides that come and go, this contained sensuality and lead us to the festive atmosphere of the corral of comedies theatre, where the greater truths were interpreted, recited, acted, sang and danced to the people under the attentive spy by jealous ajar of the nobility and the clergy.

Juana Inés de la Cruz is the full moon, eventful, dazzling, in the starry night of the flamboyant Baroque. We created for her the world’s explosive colors, popular beauty mixed with jungle complexity, and the dance and the words lead us to her flower garden, her bright and accurate work, to her refinement and intelligence. We use fragments of her Respuesta a sor Filotea to thread an imaginary letter from scandalous characters in this time, while claiming the extent of rights for female education and exhibits with jungle sufficiency their freedom of judgment and discernment. This Moon leads inevitably to flamenco styles of back and forth, where we can develop the American splendor of her delusional word and also the beautiful simplicity of their carols.

At the end of the cycle, by closing the phases of the Moon, back wheel to Santa Teresa, we come as spectators to the history and events of the four artists, the main jewels of her literary works, and the different essences of flamenco styles. Nacida sombra is flamenco homage to the living Word of the Spanish classical artists.

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

Teresa de Jesús, María de Zayas, sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and María Calderón, “la Calderona”, are four examples of one of the aspects of the most unknown and fascinating cultural hatchings during the Golden Spain. They represent all female pleiad; poets, playwrights, narrators, actresses, thinkers and artists, who, despite the harsh life conditions and imposed professionals by the Spanish society against reform, managed to circumvent or overcome these prejudices and cannons to offer dazzling creations marked by a look different.

From the poems by Teresa de Jesús until el Primero Sueño by sor Juana, from Zayas novels up to the legendary echoes of life and talent of “la Calderona” (one of the main actresses of the era of the great classical theatre), the scarce and essential artists of the XVI and XVII centuries erected a work of originality unprecedented, where merges the pursuit of free will, independence of judgment and thought, criticism and rebelliousness against the strict social laws, and also the paradoxes, bitterness, defeats and works that mark their lives.

Founding religious orders, dancing risky dances in the corrals of comedies, questioning the narrative molds in defense of women, those creators faced detention, imprisonment censorship, insults, ostracism and scorn by levels of power. Nacida sombra is a tribute to the work and a flamenco rediscovery of her works for the current viewer.

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

[About the four artists of the golden agE]

Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582) is one of the main authors of the Spanish classic literature. Founder of the order of the Carmelitas Descalzas, denounced to the Inquisition for her autobiography Libro de la vida, her work is considered one of the essential pillars of mystical power (Camino de perfección, Las moradas/Path of perfection, The Dwellings) and its precise and precious few poems shine as lyrical heights of universal poetry.

María de Zayas (1590-1661) was a leading figure in the narrative thanks to her romantic novels and specimens and disappointments, her works were already banned by the Inquisition in the XVII century. She has been considered a precursor of feminist literature, since in her pages, influenced by Cervantes, she harshly painted a passionate and impulsive world, sometimes a cruel and gritty world, and sometimes unusually sexual, where there are social injustice patents on the female characters.

Juana Inés de la Cruz (1651-1695) is one of the great poets and playwrights of the XVII century and the first essential of the new Spain literature (or American, as she deemed). She was known for the field of Court Colonial Mexican and entered in the order of San Jerónimo, without leave of study, reading and writing works as the dazzling poem gongorino Primero sueño (first dream), her popular carols, her sacramental cars and comedies as Los empeños de una casa (The pawns of a house). It was not unrelated to the controversy about the intellectual status of women and the claim of the right to education, as attested by the famous

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

Respuesta a sor Filotea de la Cruz (Response to Sor Filotea de la Cruz).

María Calderón, “la Calderona” (1611-1646) is a figure as famous in her time as mysterious today, blurred biography between rumors and legends. She was one of the most important actresses of her time, in the context of the great creators of the Spanish Baroque theatre. She made el Baile Marizápalos (the dance of Marizápalos) popular, of rogue and sensual content that thrilled and scandalized the society. She was a lover of Felipe IV, with whom she had a son, who was separated from her at birth; her relationship with the King earned her the abandonment of the scenarios in success and forced entry into a monastery until the end of her days.

Álvaro Tato

[On the walls of desirE] Words of the choreographer

Love, loss of consciousness. The union of body and soul. Body and soul. The visible and the invisible. Earthly and spiritual.The Flamenco. Be and stop being at the same time. Here and now. I, and at the same time be possessed by another being, because at that time ceased to be I. Visible invisible my body my being.Something like this should have been santa Teresa. A lover of a body. In fellowship with him.

Love in its different forms of love.An absolute and unconditional love.Love of mother and son.Desired and carnal love.Spiritual love.The union of all in the same woman at different stages of her life.All in a woman and a woman different for each one of them.

The sound of love.Each one of them is different but still remain the same.Each one of them has a sound different, but also sound all of a same way. An instrument for each one and the same sound, same music for all.A soundtrack that unifies all those women and accompanying with shades different to each one of them.It is the voice of the soul which sounds all in the same way. The words of the soul.The word sang and written on paper. The paper written on the body of the woman.An empty and attractive space.The empty of the be only and only but that at the same time filled the space with all your be.

Rafaela Carrasco

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

[Artistic-Technique TaB]

Direction and choreographyRafaela Carrasco

Concept and dramaturgyÁlvaro Tato

Choreography assistantDavid Coria

DanceRafaela Carrasco – Florencia O´Ryan Carmen Angulo – Paula Comitre

MusiciansGuitars: Jesús Torres – Juan Antonio Suárez “Cano” Singers: Antonio Campos – Gabriel de la Tomasa(flute/saxophone): Ramiro Obedman

Voice-over (letters)Blanca Portillo

Musical direction and compositionAntonio Campos (singer), Jesús Torres (guitarist) y Pablo Suárez (pianist)

Scenography designCarolina González

Costume designBlanco y Belmonte

Lighting designGloria Montesinos

Sound technicianJuan Benavides

Production managerAlejandro Salade

A production ofRafaela Carrasco

DistributionEmilia Yagüe Producciones

Photography and graphic designSpectare_ Gabriel BlancoLaura OrtegaPaola VillegasEider Zaballa

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez

[Rafaela CarrascO]Director of the Flamenco Ballet of Andalucía from 2013 to now, as a choreographer and dancer, Rafaela Carrasco, has been a leading figure of the flamenco since 2002, when she created her own company, marked by fruitful artistic collaboration, after winning major awards that same year in the XI competition of Flamenco and Spanish Dance choreography.

Her career highlights her profile as a dancer and, above all, as a choreographer. Since her inception, she has wanted to rethink, to investigate and to customize the flamenco. To venture. Her goal has been to create a dance through her own vision: warm, elaborate, conceptual, and designed for a body of dance in a scenic area.

To develop the flamenco. To update it. For her, she has absorbed knowledge of other dance disciplines, without leaving the root of the flamenco, performing a path of going, which turned very personal in his experience and the expression of dance.

Carrasco is a great connoisseur of the Spanish dance and the flamenco, thanks to her two great masters: Matilde Coral, with whom he learned discipline, technique and a passion for dance, and Mario Maya, who offered her her first professional opportunity and with whom

she discovered the scenarios. First, in the company of Mario Maya and later, in the Andalusian dance company.Rafaela left Seville and arrived to Madrid in 1996 and since then she has worked with prestigious companies and figures: Belén Maya, Israel Galván, Javier Barón, Adrián Galia, Rafael Amargo, Ricardo Franco, Teresa Nieto, Ramón Oller, Antonio Canales, Farruquito, Duquende, Chicuelo o Merche Esmeralda, among others.

This dancer and choreographer is also presented as an outstanding teacher in important schools, like the Amor de Dios en Madrid, el Centro Flamenco de Estudios Escénicos de Granada o el Festival de Jerez, teaching international courses, and as a Professor of methodology and didactics of the flamenco in the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Madrid “Maria of Ávila”. First and foremost, she is a generous and adventurous artist.

Awards and recognitions:Giraldillo a la Mejor Coreografía y Premio de la Prensa, for her show Vamos al tiroteo. “Premio de la Cultura” in the dance category awarded by the community of Madrid (2010). Giraldillo “Premio Especial del Jurado “for her work as an Artistic Director of the Gala Clausura La punta y la raíz. Un paso por el baile de Sevilla. Giraldillo al Mejor Espectáculo por Imágenes. 20 años de Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía.

[Álvaro TatO]

Álvaro Tato is a writer, actor and literary director of the company of theater, humor and music Ron Lala; his shows have retrieved unanimous critical and public success in its national and international touring (United States, United Kingdom, India, Germany, Bulgaria, Serbia, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras, Peru, Paraguay, Dominican Republic…) and distinctions such as the Premio Max to the best company of performing arts in 2013. The more recent shows of the company, in co-production with the national company of classic theater are, Cervantina (2016) y En un lugar del Quijote (2014).

He is the author of the version of El alcalde de Zalamea of the National Companys Classic Theater (dir. Helena Pimenta, 2015; candidate award Max to the best Version / adaptation by 2015) and he has written shows such as Ojos de agua (2014, with Charo López; dir. Yayo Cáceres) and El intérprete (2013, with Asier Etxeandía).

He has published books of poetry, Zarazas (2015), Gira (International prize of poetry Miguel Hernández 2011) and Cara máscara (Hiperion poetry prize 2007), among others;

he has coordinated magazines and literary anthologies and won various awards for poetry, theatre and fiction.

He graduated in Hispanic Philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, he took doctoral courses with the Professor of Spanish literatura, Javier Huerta Calvo, and he studied three years of scene management in the RESAD.

He has taught courses and workshops in drama, verse and poetry in el Master en Creación Teatral (dir. Juan Mayorga) of la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the title of the course was specialist in contemporary theatre of la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, la Academia del Verso de Alcalá de Henares, la Cátedra Leonard Cohen de la Universidad de Oviedo y la Escuela Universitaria TAI, among other schools.

More Information: www.alvarotato.com

[Antonio CampoS]He was born in Tarragona the 30 of June of 1972, he is the son of Andalusian, as so many others marched to Catalonia to work. However, a few months after he was born, he moved to Granada, in Atarfe.

Raised in a family of fans, he began to hear the flamenco from the cradle. His mother says, that he was not yet walking, but he was already passionate with the flamenco guitar, he has been playing since he was little. He began as a guitarist in Granada, playing in dance academies and in penalties, accompanying the singer for almost a decade.

He started singing by chance. On the disc ‘Graná baila por Tangos’ he did a version of some tangos that he had listened to in the Macanda. In the presentation of the disc, the dancer granaína Angustias la Mona, offered for him to work as a singer in el tablao La Reina Mora del Sacromonte. It was the year of 1997.

After a year and a half in the tablaos of Sacromonte, he started to work in some theaters of Madrid at the hands of the singer, Tony Maya. It is from that moment, that began a dizzying career, by each and every one of the circuits and flamenco routes in the world.

He works with some of the greatest figures of dance, such as: Mario Maya, Antonio Canales, Rafaela Carrasco, Merche Esmeralda, Javier Barón, Manuela Carrasco, Isabel Bayón, Ana Cali, Mercedes Ruiz,

Rocío Molina, Javier Latorre, Andrés Peña, Manuel Liñán, La Moneta, Belén Maya, Marcos Flores, Alfonso Losa, Rafael de Carmen, Adela Campallo, Manolo Marín, Joaquín Grilo, ShojiKojima, Rubén Olmo and a long etc.

As a singer soloist, he has participated in projects such as:

PALO FLAMENCO: fusion between traditional Basque music and flamenco, where the Txalaparta and the flamenco go hand in hand. Sara and Maika Gómez (txalaparta), José Luis Montón (guitar), Jorge Tejerina (percussion), Andrés Peña (dancer) and Antonio Campos (singer).

ALCÁNTARA: the bridge between Andalusian music and flamenco. AddeslamNayti (qanun), MohanedMortaji (violin), OtmanBenyahya (derbûkat), Mustafá Bakkali (lute), Mohamed El Akel (voice), Emilio Maya (guitar), El Moreno (percussion), Ana Cali (dancer) and Antonio Campos (singer).

CAMERATA FLAMENCO PROJECT: Pablo Suárez (piano), José Luis López (cello), Ramiro Obedman (flauta-saxo) and Antonio Campos (singer).

WORLD-FLAMENCO SEPTET Granada -Madrid -New York: Javier Vercher (sax), Lionel Loueke (guitar and vocals), Pablo Suárez (piano), Massimo Biocalti (double bass), Nacho Arymani (percussion) y Antonio Campos (singer).

[Jesús TorreS]

A flamenco guitarist and composer, who has developed his professional facet in the specialties of guitar accompaniment to the dancing, singing, and guitar solo.

He was born in 1965 in Baracaldo (Vizcaya) son of emigrants from Seville. Through training, he practically taught himself, starting his curiosity with an instrument at the age of 11 years.

He teaches graduates specializing in flamenco guitar on guitar, by the “Conservatorio Superior de Música Rafael Orozco de Córdoba” (Conservatory of music of Córdoba Rafael Orozco). Currently the work of guitarist companion and teacher in the CSDMA.

He moved to Madrid in the early 80’s, focusing his expertise on guitar for dance. From then until now, he has touched large figures and companies of Flamenco, highlighting artists as big as Mario Maya, Antonio Gades, José Greco, Rosa Durán, Mª Rosa, Merche Esmeralda, Paco

Romero, Tomás de Madrid, Sara Lezana, Paco Peña, Javier la Torre, Belén Maya, Israel Galván, Andrés Marín, Rocío Molina, Rafael Campallo, Rafaela Carrasco o Isabel Bayón, among others.

He has composed music for productions of different choreographers and dance companies, among others, composition and musical direction of la Compañía Andaluza de Danza under the direction of Mario Maya, the current flamenco ballet of Andalucía, under the direction of Rafaela Carrasco or the last production of the BNE under the direction of Antonio Najarro.

As a proposed soloist, coined in an album entitled “Viento del Norte” a sample of its composition creation.

He has to his credit, made a musical experience and formed an artistic journey that adds more than 3 decades as a professional.

[Pablo SuáreZ] _Piano

He began his musical studies in Barcelona with the teacher, Rosario Vilanova. After he continued in the musicians workshop in Barcelona, and in 1995 moved to Madrid, where he professionally oriented in the flamenco world, required as a performer, composer and musical director in major companies and flamenco figures. •Compañía Adrián Galia (PENSANDO FLAMENCO) •Eva Yerbabuena y Rafael Amargo (LA GARRA Y EL ANGEL) • (NUEVAS GENERACIONES) espectáculo creado por Cristina Hoyos •Yoko Komatsubara (VIVA FLAMENCO), Rafael Blanco (COLORES - bienal flamenca, 2000) •Cristóbal Reyes (PURA PASION) •NBE (FURIA y ROMEO Y JULIETA) •Rafaela Carrasco (CON LA MUSICA DEL CUERPO, UNA MIRADA DEL FLAMENCO, DEL AMOR Y OTRAS COSAS) •Antonio Márquez (BODA FLAMENCA) •Compañia Kaari Martin de Finlandia •Currillo de Bormujos, Maribel Gallardo, Diego Franco (BORMUJEANDO) • Carlota Santana (EL BURLADOR - Theater Joyce of Manhattan, 2005) •Francisco Suárez (PLAZA ALTA, ORESTES EN LISBOA - bienal 2002), (ROMANCERO GITANO - Teatro-Madrid, Bienal Flamenco 2004 gira nacional), (ITACA - estreno en el Festival de Merida 2006) •Andres Marin (VANGUARDIA JONDA - Bienal 2006)

•Carmen Linares (OASIS ABIERTO - 2010 y ENSAYO FLAMENCO •TRISQUEL FLAMENCO con Antonio Campos y Manuel Liñan •Presentación del disco AVANT-GARDE con Camerata Flamenco Project - 2012 •Estreno del espéctaculo CON LA MUSICA EN OTRA PARTE de Rafaela Carrasco + Camerata Flamenco Project - 2013 •TYPIST de Kerieva McCormick • KILL CARMEN de Kaari y Roni Martin •Composiciones para el Ballet Nacional- Angeles Caídos- junto a Pablo Martin.

Colaboraciones en los CD’s de: •Rafael Jiménez " Falo " EL CANTE EN MOVIMIENTO •Paco del Pozo VESTIDO DE LUCES •Juan Antonio Suárez "Cano" SON DE AYER - FLAMENCO CROSSOVER •Antonio Rey A TRAVÉS DE TI •Los Makarines MAKARINES •Fernando de la rua NUANCES •Nacho Arimany SILENCE-LIGHT •Jesus Torres VIENTO DEL NORTE •Jose Luis Lopez SOLEANDO •Miguel Ortega AMALGAMA •Antonio Campos ESCRIBIENDO EN EL ALFAR •Jesús Corbacho DEBAJO DEL ROMERO •Roni Marin 4 MOVEMENTS FOR MOVEMENT •Antonio Cortés CUANDO QUIERAS.

Discografía:BURLADOR (2006) / ENTRE CORRIENTES (2010) / AVANT-GARDE (2012) / IMPRESSIONS (2014)

[Gloria MontesinoS]

She was born in Madrid, a city where she studied the Arts between 1987 and 1990. In 1991 she received a scholarship from Paddington College in London, doing their internships in the same city, at The English National Opera. Since 1992, she has worked as a lighting designer of shows

She has made dance lighting designs for: Compañía Nacional de Danza, Ballet Nacional de España, Ballet Flamenco de Andalucia, Ballet Nacional de Cuba, Ballet de la Ópera de Essen (Alemania), Compañía Introdans (Holanda), Ballet Madlenianum Kamerna Ópera de Belgrado, Centro Coreográfico de la Comunidad Valenciana, Centro Andaluz de Danza, IT Dansa, y las compañías de Rafaela Carrasco, Teresa Nieto, Olga Pericet, Ramón Oller, Belén Maya y Mayte Martín, Chanta La Mui, Manuel Liñán y Selene Muñoz, Ballet Flamenco David Morales, Nuevo Ballet Español y Compañía Pepa Molina, among others.

She has made dance lighting designs for: Joyce Theatre de New York, Théâtre National Challiot de Paris, Teatro Aoyama de Tokio, Fundación Gulbenkian de Lisboa, among others, and in prestigious national and international festivals. Among her designs for Opera and music highlights “Dido y Eneas” de Henry Purcell y “Acteón”

de Charpentier para la Orquesta Barroca Les Arts Florissants dirigidas por William Christie / Vincent Boussard estrenado en el Brooklyn Academy of Music de New York.

For theatre: “Closer” de Patrick Marber dirigida por Mariano Barroso, “Salir del armario” de Francis Veber dirigida por José Luis Saiz, “Una nit d´opera” para la compañía La Cubana de Barcelona, “Ricardo II” de Shakespeare, “Los enredos de Scapin” de Moliere, “El triunfo del amor” de Marivaux y “La comedia de las ilusiones” of Corneille directed by Adrián Daumas for the International Festival of classical theatre of Almagro.

The 2003 performing Arts Award of the Valencian Community to the best show lighting went to “Sangrepura” of the Compañía Metros-Ramón Oller.

The 2004 performing arts prize of the Valencian Community for the best show lighting went to “Congelado en el tiempo” for the choreographic Center of the Valencian Community.

EMILIA YAGUE PRODUCTIONSRecruitment:Tel: (+34) 913 34 08 [email protected]

Photo: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez


Foto: © Spectare_ Laura Ortega & Javier Suárez