space and volume


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Post on 01-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Space and volume
Page 2: Space and volume
Page 3: Space and volume

1.2 What is the reason why we perceive the tomato as red?

When the light shines on an object, the surface absorbs all or part of that light (absorption). The part of white light that is not absorbed by the surface is rebounded (reflection), change the direction and this produced the sensation of colour in our brain.The tomato absorbs of colours of white light, except red, which is reflected.

Page 4: Space and volume

1.1 Why does the rainbow show seven colours?

Because when the white light of the sun´s rays goes through the raindrops, this light change of direction and is splited into seven colours. These are the seven colours of the rainbow and we always see in the same order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet

Page 5: Space and volume

1.3 What colours are used to transmit a sense of happiness and joy?

The yellow colour is used to transmit feelings of happiness. It is a warm color and generate good cheer and joy. It is the color of light, the sun, action, power, force.

Orange combines the energy of red with the happiness of yellow. Represents joy, youth, and summer heat.

Red symbolizes passion, power, energy, vitality. Red is the color of fire and blood, it is associated with danger, war, energy, strength, and desire and love.

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1.4 Find a portrait by Renoir that expresses a sad character by using pale colours, and one that express a happy or vivid character.

Alphonsine Fournaise1879

Portrait de Julie Manet 1894

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Page 8: Space and volume

1.- Name the three dimensions of an object

•Vertically, from top to bottom, to compare height,•Horizontally, from side to side, to compare widht•Transversally, from front to back, to compare depht

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2. What is height?

Height is the measurement of vertical distance of any object (from top to bottom)

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3. Define volume

Volume of a object is the space, in the three dimensions, that occupies

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4. Look at "Horses in a Meadow", by Edgar Degas and explain how the painter creates a sense of depth in this painting.

In my opinion, the painter creates the sense of depth in this painting with the techniques: experimenting with size , overlapping.

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5.- What is the technique of "overlapping" and why is it used?

The technique of overlapping is based to put an object hidden behind another, without completely covering it.

This technique is used to create the effect of depth on a flat surface

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6. Look at " The Magdalen reading ", by Ambrosious Benson and explain the relationships between different planes

• On the bottom, there is a porcelain pot. This object is the nearliest to us.

•Then, there is a relationships between the hands and the book.

•Finally, we can see other relationships between the veil and her ear, and the veil and the dress

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7. Look at "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" by John Singer Sargent. How does the painter create the sense of depth?

•He draws on the bottom a girl, which is sitting on the floor with a doll. It is the nearliest plane to us.

•Behind, there is another girl next to wall. This girl is separated of the first diagonally.

• Behind the second girl, there are two girls near a big vase in the shadow With the darkness and shadows the painter creates a sense of depht.

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Page 16: Space and volume

How does the use of colour and perspective affect the way we interpret a visual image?

The painters use colour to represent shapes and transmit sensations. We can use bright, happy colours to transmit hapinness, joy or darker and paler shades to transmit a sense of sadness.

The perspective is used to create a sense of volume or 3D on a two-dimensional support as drawing paper.

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