spanish american war causes

Spanish-American War vs

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Spanish american war causes

Spanish-American War


Page 2: Spanish american war causes

Other countries besides the U.S. had lands around the world. One of those was Spain-which is a country in Europe that borders France and

Portugal. Spain had owned lands in the western hemisphere since their explorer Columbus first found the islands south of Florida and

claimed them for the country!

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At one time, Spain owned Mexico and all of South America (which is why the people there speak Spanish). They even

owned Florida and Alabama and other parts of the Southeast and Southwest U.S. at one time.


South America



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Some of those lands were close to the United States such as Cuba and Puerto


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When Cubans began to demand freedom/independence from their mother country of Spain the Spanish government smashed them and

killed many and burned many of their crops and businesses. Caution: Dead bodies in a pit below.

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The leaders of Spain’s government in Cuba tossed thousands of Cuban people in jail for

revolting against them!

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Many Americans felt sorry for our neighbors –the Cuban people and some wanted the U.S. to help them. President

William McKinley refused to get involved in Cuba’s business at first.

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American business owners and the U.S. government became angry when American sugar and tobacco

plantations in Cuba were being destroyed. The U.S. made a LOT of money from their businesses in Cuba.

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Cubans growing tobacco

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The United States Ship: The Maine photographed here in January of 1898 was sent by U.S. President McKinley to Cuba to “protect”

American lives and property. One month later it would be blown up

and destroyed!!!

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When the Maine exploded, 260 American sailors died and many assumed that the Spanish army in Cuba was responsible. Fact is, it could have been an accident and some even say the U.S. may have

exploded it themselves to get the war started!

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This is what was left of the Maine after the explosion.

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Another view of the Maine wreckage

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U.S. newspapers blamed Spain without any proof!!!! Outrageous lies were told to American citizens about the

event to sell more newspapers. This is called “Yellow Journalism” and it is bad….m’kay?

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Americans were furious that Spain would destroy a U.S. ship! A new battle cry was begun in the States: “Remember the Maine!”

With enough public support for a war with Spain, Congress declared war on them April 25, 1898. Notice the name of this history channel

DVD. Birth of a WHAT?

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