sparse matrix computations/algorithmique des matrices...

Sparse Matrix Computations/Algorithmique des matrices creuses J.-Y. L’Excellent (INRIA) and Bora U¸ car (CNRS), LIP-ENS Lyon [email protected], [email protected] prepared in collaboration with P. Amestoy (ENSEEIHT-IRIT) 2009-2010 1/ 82

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Page 1: Sparse Matrix Computations/Algorithmique des matrices ·  · 2011-11-11Sparse Matrix Computations/Algorithmique

Sparse Matrix Computations/Algorithmique desmatrices creuses

J.-Y. L’Excellent (INRIA) and Bora Ucar (CNRS),LIP-ENS Lyon

[email protected], [email protected]

prepared in collaboration with P. Amestoy (ENSEEIHT-IRIT)


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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Linear algebra

I Linear algebra: branch of mathematics that deals withsolutions of systems of linear equations and the relatedgeometric notions of vector spaces and linear transformations.

I “linear” comes from the fact that equation

ax + by = c

defines a line (in two-dimensional geometry).I similar to the form of a system of linear equations:

ai1x1 + ai2x2 + . . .+ ainxn = bi , i = 1, . . . ,m

I Linear transformation from a vector space V to W :T (v1 + v2) = T (v1) + T (v2)

T (αv1) = αT (v1)I Linear transformations (rotations, projections, . . . ) are often

represented by matrices. A =

0 1−2 2

1 0

, v =


], then

T : v −→ Av is a linear transformation from IR2 to IR3, defined by

T (x , y) = (y ,−2x + 2y , x).4/ 82

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Use of Linear algebra

Continuous problem → Discretization → Mathematicalrepresentation involving vectors and matrices

This leads to problems involving vectors and matrices, inparticular:

I systems of linear equations (sparse, dense, symmetric,unsymmetric, well conditionned, . . . )

I least-square problems

I eigenvalue problems

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I Resolution de Ax = bI A generale carree : factorisation LU avec pivotageI A symetrique definie positive : factorisations de Cholesky LLt

ou LDLt

I A symetrique indefinie : factorisation LDLt

I A rectangulaire m × n avec m ≥ n : factorisation QR

I Problemes aux moindres carres minx ||Ax − b||2I Si rang(A) maximal : factorisation de Cholesky ou QRI Sinon QR avec pivotage sur les colonnes ou decomposition en

valeurs singulieres (SVD)

I Problemes aux valeurs propres Ax = λxI Exemple: determiner les frequences de resonnance d’un pont /

d’un avionI Techniques a base de transformations orthogonales:

decomposition de Schur, reduction a une matrice tri-diagonaleI Problemes generalises :

I Ax = λBx et AtAx = µ2B tBx : Schur et SVD generalisee

I Implantation efficace critique

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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System of linear equations ?


2 x1 - 1 x2 3 x3 = 13-4x1 + 6 x2 + 5 x3 = -286 x1 + 13 x2 + 16 x3 = 37

can be written under the form:

Ax = b,

with A =

2 −1 3−4 6 5

6 13 16

, x =




, and b =



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Gaussian EliminationExample:

2x1 − x2 + 3x3 = 13 (1)

−4x1 + 6x2 + 5x3 = −28 (2)

6x1 + 13x2 + 16x3 = 37 (3)

With 2 * (1) + (2) → (2) and -3*(1) + (3) → (3) we obtain:

2x1 − x2 + 3x3 = 13 (4)

0x1 + 4x2 + x3 = −2 (5)

0x1 + 16x2 + 7x3 = −2 (6)

Thus x1 is eliminated. With -4*(5) + (6) → (6):

2x1 − x2 + 3x3 = 13

0x1 + 4x2 + x3 = −2

0x1 + 0x2 + 3x3 = 6

The linear system is then solved by backward (x3 → x2 → x1)substitution: x3 = 6

3 = 2, x2 = 14(−2− x3) = −1, and finally

x1 = 12(13− 3x3 + x2) = 3

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LU Factorization

I Find L unit lower triangular and U upper triangular such that:A = L× U

A =

2 −1 3−4 6 −5

6 13 16


1 0 0−2 1 0

3 4 1

× 2 −1 3

0 4 10 0 3

I Procedure to solve Ax = b

I A = LUI Solve Ly = b (descente / forward elimination)I Solve Ux = y (remontee / backward substitution)

Ax = (LU)x = L(Ux) = Ly = b

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From Gaussian Elimination to LU FactorizationA = A(1), b = b(1), A(1)x = b(1):0@ a11 a12 a13

a21 a22 a23

a31 a32 a33

1A 0@ x1



1A =

0@ b1



1A 2← 2− 1× a21/a11

3← 3− 1× a31/a11

A(2)x = b(2)0@ a11 a12 a13

0 a(2)22 a


0 a(2)32 a


1A 0@ x1



1A =

0@ b1



1A b(2)2 = b2 − a21b1/a11 . . .

a(2)32 = a32 − a31a12/a11 . . .

Finally 3← 3− 2× a32/a22 gives A(3)x = b(3)0@ a11 a12 a13

0 a(2)22 a


0 0 a(3)33

1A 0@ x1



1A =

0@ b1




(3)33 = a

(2)33 − a

(2)32 a

(2)23 /a

(2)22 . . .

Typical Gaussian elimination at step k :

a(k+1)ij = a

(k)ij −



a(k)kj , for i > k

(and a(k+1)ij = a

(k)ij for i ≤ k)

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From Gaussian Elimination to LU factorization

8><>: a(k+1)ij = a

(k)ij −



a(k)kj , for i > k

a(k+1)ij = a

(k)ij , for i ≤ k

I One step of Gaussian elimination can be written:A(k+1) = L(k)A(k) (and b(k+1) = L(k)b(k)), with

Lk =




−lk+1,k .. .−ln,k 1

1CCCCCCCAand lik =




I After n − 1 steps, A(n) = U = L(n−1) . . .L(1)A givesA = LU , with L = [L(1)]−1 . . . [L(n−1)]−1 =0BBBB@

1l21 1



.. . .

ln1 1

1CCCCA . . .


. . .

1ln,n−1 1


0BBB@1 0


.li,j 1


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LU Factorization Algorithm

I Overwrite matrix A: we store a(k)ij , k = 2, . . . , n in A(i,j)

I In the end, A = A(n) = U

do k=1, n-1L(k,k) = 1do i=k+1, n

L(i,k) = A(i,k)/A(k,k)do j=k, n (better than: do j=1,n)

A(i,j) = A(i,j) - L(i,k) * A(k,j)end do


I Matrix A at each step:






0 0




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I Avoid building the zeros under the diagonalI Before

L(n,n)=1do k=1, n-1

L(k,k) = 1do i=k+1, n

L(i,k) = A(i,k)/A(k,k)do j=k, n

A(i,j) = A(i,j) - L(i,k) * A(k,j)

I After

L(n,n)=1do k=1, n-1

L(k,k) = 1do i=k+1, n

L(i,k) = A(i,k)/A(k,k)do j=k+1, n

A(i,j) = A(i,j) - L(i,k) * A(k,j)

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I Use lower triangle of array A to store L(i,k) multipliers

I Before:

L(n,n)=1do k=1, n-1

L(k,k) = 1do i=k+1, n

L(i,k) = A(i,k)/A(k,k)do j=k+1, n

A(i,j) = A(i,j) - L(i,k) * A(k,j)

I After (diagonal 1 of L is not stored):

do k=1, n-1do i=k+1, n

A(i,k) = A(i,k)/A(k,k)do j=k+1, n

A(i,j) = A(i,j) - A(i,k) * A(k,j)

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I More compact array syntax (Matlab, scilab, Fortran 90):

do k=1, n-1A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k) / A(k,k)A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n)

- A(k+1:n,k) * A(k,k+1:n)end do

I corresponds to a rank-1 update:

A(k,k) A(k,j)


k A(k,k+1:n)


A(i,k) A(i,j)i


Computed elements of U

L multipliers

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What we have computed

I we have stored the L and U factors in A:

I A(i,j), i > j corresponds to lijI A(i,j), i ≤ j corresponds to uij

I and we had lii = 1, i = 1, n

I Finally,



A = L + U − I

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Nombre d’operations flottantes (flops)

I Dans la descente Ly = b calcul de la k-eme inconnue

yk = bk −k−1∑j=1


Soit (k-1) multiplications et (k-1) additions, k de 1 a n-1

Donc n2 − n flops au total

I Idem pour la remontee Ux = yI Nombre de flops dans la factorisation de Gauss:

I n − k divisionsI (n − k)2 multiplications, (n − k)2 additionsI k = 1, 2, ..., n − 1I total: ≈ 2×n3

3 (Strassen’s algorithm can reduce this complexityto Θ(nlog27))

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do k=1, n-1A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k) / A(k,k)A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n)

- A(k+1:n,k) * A(k,k+1:n)end do

Compute the LU factorization of A =

2 −1 3−4 6 −5

6 13 16

Answer: A =

1 0 0−2 1 0

3 4 1

× 2 −1 3

0 4 10 0 3

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do k=1, n-1A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k) / A(k,k)A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n)

- A(k+1:n,k) * A(k,k+1:n)end do

Compute the LU factorization of A =

2 −1 3−4 6 −5

6 13 16

Answer: A =

1 0 0−2 1 0

3 4 1

× 2 −1 3

0 4 10 0 3

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I Assume that a decomposition A = LU exists withI L=(lij)i,j=1...n lower triangular with unit diagonalI U=(uij)i,j=1...n upper triangular

I Computing the LU product, we have:{aij =

∑i−1k=1 likukj + uij for i ≤ j

aij =∑j−1

k=1 likukj + lijujj for i > j

I Renaming i → K in the 1st equation and j → K in the 2nd,


{uKj = aKj −

∑K−1k=1 lKkukj for j ∈ {K ; ...; n}

liK = 1uKK

(aiK −∑K−1

k=1 likukK ) for i ∈ {K + 1; ...; n}

I Explicit computation of uKj and liK for K = 1 to n

I Finally, same computations are performed but in a differentorder (called left-looking)

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Existence and uniqueness of the LU decomposition


A ∈ IRn×n has an LU factorization (where L is unit lower triangularand U is upper triangular with uii 6= 0) if det(A(1 : k , 1 : k)) 6= 0for all k ∈ {1 . . . n − 1}. If the LU factorization exists, then it isunique.


For each nonsingular matrix A, there exists a permutation matrixP such that PA possesses an LU factorization PA = LU.


A is strictly diagonal dominant if |aii | >∑n

j=1,j 6=i |aij | for alli = 1, . . . , n


If AT is strictly diagonally dominant then A has an LUfactorization and |lij | ≤ 1

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Vector Norms


A vector norm is a function f : IRn −→ IR such that

f (x) ≥ 0 x ∈ IRn, f (x) = 0⇔ x = 0

f (x + y) ≤ f (x) + f (y) x , y ∈ IRn

f (αx) = |α|f (x) α ∈ IR, x ∈ IRn

p-norm: ‖x‖p = (|x1|p + |x2|p + · · ·+ |xn|p)1p

Most important p-norms are 1, 2, and ∞ norm:

‖x‖1 = |x1|+ |x2|+ · · ·+ |xn|‖x‖2 = (|x1|2 + |x2|2 + · · ·+ |xn|2)

12 = (xT x)


‖x‖∞ = max1≤i≤n

|xi |

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Vector Norms – Some properties

I Cauchy-Schwarz inequality: |xT y | ≤ ‖x‖2‖y‖2(Proof based on 0 ≤ ‖x − λy‖2 with λ = xT y

‖y‖2 )

I All norms on IRn are equivalent:∀‖.‖α and ‖.‖β, ∃c1, c2 s.t. c1‖x‖α ≤ ‖x‖β ≤ c2‖x‖α

I In particular:

‖x‖2 ≤ ‖x‖1 ≤√

n‖x‖2‖x‖∞ ≤ ‖x‖2 ≤


‖x‖∞ ≤ ‖x‖1 ≤ n‖x‖∞

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Matrix Norms

I As for vector norms,f (A) ≥ 0 A ∈ IRm×n, f (A) = 0⇔ A = 0f (A + B) ≤ f (A) + f (B) A,B ∈ IRm×n

f (αA) = |α|f (A) α ∈ IR,A ∈ IRm×n

I Most matrix norms satisfyI ‖AB‖ ≤ ‖A‖ × ‖B‖

I Norms induced by p norms on vectors:

‖A‖p = maxx 6=0


= max‖x‖p=1

‖Ax‖p Remark: ‖I‖p = 1

‖A‖1 = max1≤j≤n

∑mi=1 |aij |

‖A‖∞ = max1≤i≤m

∑nj=1 |aij |

‖A‖p ≥ ρ(A) = max1≤i≤n

|λi |

I Frobenius norm:‖A‖F =


∑nj=1 |aij |2 =

√∑i σ

2i = trace(AT A)

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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I Consider the linear system:[.780 .563.913 .659

]× [x ] =


]I Suppose that two different algorithms lead to the two

following solutions:

x1 =


]et x2 =


]I Which of x1 or x2 is the best solution ?

I Residuals:

b − Ax1 =



]et b − Ax2 =


]I x1 is the best solution because it leads to the smallest residual

I Exact solution:

x∗ =


]I Indeed, x2 is more accurate.

Notion of good solution: ambiguous27/ 82

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Sensitivity of the problems

I Let A : [.780 .563.913 .659

]be an almost singular matrix

I Let A′ : [.780 .563001095.913 .659

]singular matrix

→ a perturbation of the matrix entries of the order ofO(10−6) makes the problem unsolvable

I Other problem if A is near singularity: small change on Aand/or b → large perturbations on solution

This is intrinsic to the problem,independent of the algorithm used

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Representation des reels en machine

I Reels codes en machine avec nombre fini de chiffres

I Representation normalisee d’un reel flottant normalise:

x = (−1)sm × 2e

I Plupart des calculateurs base = 2 (norme IEEE), mais aussi 8(octal) ou 16 (vieux IBM), 10 (calculettes)

I macheps: precision machine, i.e., plus petit reel positif tel que1 + macheps > 1

I Norme IEEE definit:I format des nombresI modes d’arrondis possiblesI traitement des exceptions (overflow, division par zero, . . . )I procedures de conversion (en decimal, . . . )I l’arithmetique

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I Simple precision IEEE :

31 | 30 23 | 22 0_________________________________________s | exposant | mantisse

Exposant code sur 8 bits, mantisse 23 bits plus 1 implicite.I Double precision IEEE :

63 | 62 52 | 51 0________________________________________s | exposant | mantisse

Exposant sur 11 bits, mantisse 52 bits plus 1 impliciteI Simple precision :

I macheps ≈ 1.2× 10−7

I xmin ≈ 1.2× 10−38

I xmax ≈ 3.4× 1038

I Double precision :I macheps ≈ 2.2× 10−16

I xmin ≈ 2.2× 10−308

I xmax ≈ 1.8× 10308

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Nombres speciaux

I ±∞ : signe, mantisse=0, exposant max

I NaN : signe, mantisse 6= 0, exposant max

I ±0 : signe, mantisse = 0, exposant min

I Nombres denormalises: signe, mantisse 6= 0, exposant min


I 0/0,−∞+∞→ NaN

I 1/(−0)→ −∞I NaN op x → NaN

I (NaN = NaN) → faux, NaN 6= NaN → true

I Exceptions: overflows, underflows, divide by zero, Invalid(NaN)

I Possibilite d’arret avec un message d’erreur ou bien poursuitedes calculs

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Analyse d’erreur en arithmetique flottante

I Avec la norme IEEE (modele pour le calcul a precision finie):fl(x op y) = (x op y)(1 + ε) avec |ε| ≤ u

I fl(x): x represente en arithmetique flottanteI op = +, −, ×, /I u = macheps: precision machine

I Exemple:

fl(x1 + x2 + x3) = fl((x1 + x2) + x3)

= ((x1 + x2)(1 + ε1) + x3) (1 + ε2)

= x1(1 + ε1)(1 + ε2) + x2(1 + ε1)(1 + ε2) + x3(1 + ε3)

= x1(1 + e1) + x2(1 + e2) + x3(1 + e3)

avec chaque |ei | < 2 macheps.I Somme exacte de valeurs modifiees xi (1 + ei ), avec |ei | < 2uI Analyse d’erreur inverse: un algorithme est dit backward

stable s’il donne la solution exacte pour des donneeslegerement modifiees (ici xi (1 + ei )). 32/ 82

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Analyse d’erreur inverse

I solution approchee = solution exacte d’un probleme modifieI quelle taille d’erreur sur les donnees peut expliquer l’erreur sur

la solution ?I solution approchee OK si solution exacte d’un probleme avec

des donnees proches









y’ = F(x’)


I Pb bien conditionne: ‖x − x ′‖ petit ⇒ ‖f (x)− f (x ′)‖ petit

I Sinon: probleme sensitif ou mal conditionne

I Sensibilite ou conditionnement: changement relatif solution /changement relatif donnees

= | f (x ′)−f (x)f (x) |/| (x

′−x)x |

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Erreur sur la resolution de Ax = b

I Representation de A (et b) en machine inexacte : resolutiond’un probleme perturbe

(A + E )x = b + f

avec E = (eij), |eij | ≤ u × |aij | et |fi | ≤ u × |bi |.x : meilleure solution accessible

I A quel point x est proche de x ?

I Si un algorithme calcule xalg et ‖x − xalg‖/‖x‖ est grand,deux raisons possibles:

I le probleme mathematique est tres sensible aux perturbations(et alors, ‖x − x‖ pourra etre grand aussi)

I l’algorithme se comporte mal en precision finie

I L’analyse des erreurs inverses permet de discriminer ces deuxcas (Wilkinson, 1963)

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Notion de conditionnement d’un systeme lineaire

AF7−→ x t.q. Ax = b

A + ∆AF7−→ x + ∆x t.q. (A + ∆A)(x + ∆x) = b


≤ K (A)‖∆A‖‖A‖

avec K (A) = ‖A‖‖A−1‖.I K (A) est le conditionnement de l’application F .

I Si ‖∆A‖ ≈ macheps‖A‖ (precision machine) alors erreurrelative ≈ K (A)×macheps

(A singuliere : κ(A) = +∞)

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Backward error of an algorithm

I Let x be the computed solution. We have:

err = min {ε > 0 such that ‖∆A‖ ≤ ε‖A‖, ‖∆b‖ ≤ ε‖b‖,(A + ∆A)x = b + ∆b}

=‖Ax − b‖

‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖.

I Proof:I

(A + ∆A)x = b + ∆b

⇒ b − Ax = ∆b −∆Ax

⇒ ‖b − Ax‖ ≤ ‖∆A‖‖x‖+ ‖∆b‖⇒ ‖r‖ ≤ ε(‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖)

⇒ ‖r‖‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖

≤ min{ε} = err

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Backward error of an algorithm

I Let x be the computed solution. We have:

err = min {ε > 0 such that ‖∆A‖ ≤ ε‖A‖, ‖∆b‖ ≤ ε‖b‖,(A + ∆A)x = b + ∆b}

=‖Ax − b‖

‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖.

I Proof:

I Bound is attained for ∆Amin =‖A‖

‖x‖(‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖)r xT and

∆bmin =‖b‖

‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖r .

We have ∆Aminx −∆bmin = r with

‖∆Amin‖ =‖A‖‖r‖

‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖and ‖∆bmin‖ =

‖b‖‖r‖‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖


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Backward error of an algorithm

I Let x be the computed solution. We have:

err = min {ε > 0 such that ‖∆A‖ ≤ ε‖A‖, ‖∆b‖ ≤ ε‖b‖,(A + ∆A)x = b + ∆b}

=‖Ax − b‖

‖A‖‖x‖+ ‖b‖.

I Proof:

I Furthermore, it can be shown thatRelative forward error ≤ Condition Number × Backward Error

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Ce qu’il faut retenir

I Conditionnement (cas general):

κ(A, b) = ‖A−1‖(‖A‖+‖b‖‖x‖


mesure la sensibilite du probleme mathematique

I Erreur inverse d’un algorithme: ‖Ax−b‖‖A‖‖x‖+‖b‖ .

→mesure la fiabilite de l’algorithme

→a comparer a la precision machine ou a l’incertitude sur lesdonnees

I Prediction de l’erreur:Erreur directe ≤ conditionnement × erreur inverse

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Soit A =

[ε 11 1


[1 01ε 1

]×[ε 10 1− 1


]κ2(A) = λmax

λmin= 1+ε+



5+ε2−2ε' 2.6.

Si on resoud : [ε 11 1

] [x1



[1 + ε


]Solution exacte x∗ = (1, 1).

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En faisant varier ε on a :

ε ‖x∗−x‖‖x∗‖ κ2(A)

10−3 6× 10−6 2.62110−6 2× 10−11 2.61810−9 9× 10−8 2.61810−12 9× 10−5 2.61810−15 7× 10−2 2.618

Table: Precision relative de la solution en fonction de ε.

I Donc meme si A bien conditionnee : elimination de Gaussintroduit des erreurs

I Explication : le pivot ε est trop petit

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I Solution : echanger les lignes 1 et 2 de A[1 1ε 1

] [x1




1 + ε

]→ precision parfaite !

I Pivotage partiel : pivot choisi a chaque etape = plus grandelement de la colonne

I Avec pivotage partiel :1. PA = LU ou P matrice de permutation2. Ly = Pb3. Ux = y

I LU avec pivotage: backward stable

‖Ax − b‖‖A‖ × ‖x‖ ≈ u(1)

‖x − x∗‖‖x∗‖ ≈ u × κ(A) (2)

1. la LU donne de faibles residus independamment duconditionnement de A

2. la precision depend du conditionnementsi u ≈ 10−q et κ∞(A) ≈ 10p alors x a approximativement(q − p) chiffres corrects 41/ 82

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Factorisation LU avec pivotage

do k = 1 a n−1f i n d j such t h a t|A( j , k ) | = max { |A( i , k ) | , i = k a n }

i f |A( j , k ) | = 0e x i t . // A i s ( a l m o s t ) s i n g u l a r

e n d i fi f needed , swap rows k and j i n A ( and b )A( k+1:n , k ) = A( k+1:n , k ) / A( k , k )A( k+1:n , k+1:n ) = A( k+1:n , k+1:n )

− A( k+1:n , k )∗A( k , k+1:n )end do

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Systemes bande

| x x 0 0 0 || x x x 0 0 |

A = | 0 x x x 0 | largeur de bande = 3| 0 0 x x x | A tridiagonale| 0 0 0 x x |

Exploitation de la structure bande lors de la factorisation : L et Ubidiagonales

| x 0 0 0 0 | | x x 0 0 0 || x x 0 0 0 | | 0 x x 0 0 |

L = | 0 x x 0 0 | U = | 0 0 x x 0 || 0 0 x x 0 | | 0 0 0 x x || 0 0 0 x x | | 0 0 0 0 x |

→ on peut donc reduire le nombre d’operations

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Systemes bande

I KL: nombre de sous-diagonales de A

I KU: nombre de sur-diagonales de A

I KL+KU+1: largeur de bande

Question: Si p = KL = KU (largeur totale, 2p+1), quel est lenombre d’operations de l’algo de factorisation LU (sans pivotage)?

Reponse:(n − p)× (p divisions + p2 multiplications + p2 additions ) +23(p − 1)3)

≈ 2np2 flops (quand n >> p), au lieu de 2n3

3 .

Pivotage partiel ⇒ la largeur de bande augmente !!

I echange des lignes k et i, A(i,k)=max(A(j,k), j > k)

I KL’ = KL

I KU’ = KL + KU

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Systemes bande

I KL: nombre de sous-diagonales de A

I KU: nombre de sur-diagonales de A

I KL+KU+1: largeur de bande

Question: Si p = KL = KU (largeur totale, 2p+1), quel est lenombre d’operations de l’algo de factorisation LU (sans pivotage)?Reponse:(n − p)× (p divisions + p2 multiplications + p2 additions ) +23(p − 1)3)

≈ 2np2 flops (quand n >> p), au lieu de 2n3

3 .

Pivotage partiel ⇒ la largeur de bande augmente !!

I echange des lignes k et i, A(i,k)=max(A(j,k), j > k)

I KL’ = KL

I KU’ = KL + KU

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Systemes bande

I KL: nombre de sous-diagonales de A

I KU: nombre de sur-diagonales de A

I KL+KU+1: largeur de bande

Question: Si p = KL = KU (largeur totale, 2p+1), quel est lenombre d’operations de l’algo de factorisation LU (sans pivotage)?Reponse:(n − p)× (p divisions + p2 multiplications + p2 additions ) +23(p − 1)3)

≈ 2np2 flops (quand n >> p), au lieu de 2n3

3 .

Pivotage partiel ⇒ la largeur de bande augmente !!

I echange des lignes k et i, A(i,k)=max(A(j,k), j > k)

I KL’ = KL

I KU’ = KL + KU

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Matrices symetriques

I A symetrique : on ne stocke que la triangulaire inferieure ousuperieure de A

I A = LU At = A↔ LU = UtLt Donc(U)(Lt)−1 = L−1Ut = D diagonale et U = DLt , soitA = L(DLt) = LDLt

I Exemple :

| 4 -8 -4| | 1 0 0 | | 1 0 0 | | 1 -2 -1 ||-8 18 14| = | -2 1 0 | x | 0 2 0 | x | 0 1 3 ||-4 14 25| | -1 3 1 | | 0 0 3 | | 0 0 1 |

I Resolution :1. A = LDLt

2. Ly = b3. Dz = y4. LT x = z

I LDLt : n3

3 flops (au lieu de 2n3

3 pour LU)

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Matrices symetriques et pivotage

I pas de stabilite numerique sur A a priori → pivotageI maintien de la symetrie → pivotage diagonal, mais insuffisantI approches possibles: Aasen, Bunch & Kaufman, . . .I En general on cherche: PAPt = LDLt ou P matrice de

permutation L : triangulaire inferieureD : somme de matrices diagonales 1× 1 et 2× 2

| 1 0 0 0 | | x 0 0 0 | | 1 0 0 0 |t| x 1 0 0 | | 0 x x 0 | | x 1 0 0 |

PAPt= | x 0 1 0 | * | 0 x x 0 | * | x 0 1 0 || x x x 1 | | 0 0 0 x | | x x x 1 |

L D Lt

I Examples of 2x2 pivots:

| 0 1 | | eps1 1 || 1 0 | | 1 eps2 |

I Determination du pivot complexe: 2 colonnes a chaque etape

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I Let PAPt =

[E C t


]. If E is a 2x2 pivot, form E−1 to get:

PAPt =

[I 0CE−1 I

] [E 00 B − CE−1C t

] [I E−1C t

0 I

]I Possible pivot selection algorithm (Bunch-Parlett):

µ1 = maxi |aii |; µ2 = maxij |aij |if µ1 ≥ αµ2 (for a given α > 0)

Choose largest 1x1 diag. pivot. Permute s.t. |e11| = µ1


Choose 2x2 pivot s.t. |e21| = µ2

I Choice of α to minimize growth factor, i.e., the magnitude ofthe entries in B − CE−1C t , with E 1x1 or 2x2

I 1x1 pivot (µ1 ≥ αµ2), C has 1 column,|B − C 1

µ1C t |ij ≤ maxij |Bij |+ maxij(|cicj |/µ1) ≤ µ2 + µ2

2/µ1 =

µ2(1 + µ2/µ1) ≤ µ2(1 + 1/α)I 2x2 pivot, one can show that bound is 3−α


I Choose α s.t 3−α1−α = (1− 1

α )2 (2 pivots) gives. α = 1+√

178 .

I Unfortunately, previous algorithm requires between n2

12 and n2

6comparisons, and is too costly.

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I More efficient variants exist, also with a good backward errorI Example: Bunch-Kaufman algorithm (1977)

Determination of first pivot:α← (1 +

√17)/8 ≈ 0.64

r ← index of largest element colmax = |ar1| below the diagonalif |a11| ≥ α× colmax

1x1 pivot a11 is okelse

rowmax = |arp| =largest element in row rif rowmax× |a11| ≥ α× colmax2

1x1 pivot a11 is okelseif |arr | ≥ α× rowmax

1x1 pivot arr is ok, permuteelse

2x2 pivot

[a11 ar1

ar1 arr

]is chosen

interchange rows r and 2endif


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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Factorisation de Cholesky

I A definie positive si x tAx > 0 ∀x 6= 0I A symetrique definie positive → factorisation de Cholesky

A = LLt avec L triangulaire inferieure, L est uniqueI Par identification :[

A11 A12

A21 A22


[L11 0L21 L22


L11 L21

0 L22

]I De la :

A11 = L211 → L11 = (A11)

12 (7)

A21 = L21 × L11 → L21 =A21


A22 = L221 + L2

22 → L22 = (A22 − L221)

12 (9)

. . . (10)

I Pas de pivotage, Cholesky est backward stableI Factorisation : ≈ n3

3 flops

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Algorithme de factorisation de type Cholesky

do k=1, nA(k,k)=sqrt(A(k,k))A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k)/A(k,k)do j=k+1, n

A(j:n,j) = A(j:n,j) - A(j:n,k) A(j,k)end do

end do

I Schema similaire a la LU, mais on ne met a jour que letriangle inferieur

I LU factorization:

A(k+1:n,k+1:n) = A(k+1:n,k+1:n) / A(k,k)- A(k+1:n,k) * A(k,k+1:n,k)

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Factorisation QR

I Definition d’un ensemble de vecteurs orthonormes{x1, . . . , xk}

I x ti xj = 0 ∀i 6= j

I x ti xi = 1

I Matrice orthogonale Q : les vecteurs colonnes de Q sontorthonormes, QQt = I , Q−1 = Qt

I Factorisation QR:


= QA

I Q orthogonale

I R triangulaire superieure

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1 −82 −12 14


13 −2

3 −23

23 −1



23 −1


3 60 150 0

= Q × R

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Factorisation QR

I Factorisation QR obtenue en general par applicationssuccessives de transformations orthogonales sur les donnees :

Q = Q1 . . .Qn

ou Qi matrices orthogonales simples telles que QtA = R

I Transformations utilisees :I Reflexions de HouseholderI Rotations de GivensI Procede de Gram-Schmidt (auquel cas Q est de taille m× n et

R est de taille n × n)

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Reflexions de HouseholderH = I − 2v .v t ou v vecteur de IRn tq ‖v‖2 = 1H orthogonale symetrique.Permet en particulier d’annuler tous les elements d’un vecteur saufune composante.

I Exemple :

x =



u = x +





et v =u


Alors :

H = I − 2v × v t =1


−10 5 −105 14 2

−10 2 11

Donc :

H × x =


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Reflexions de Householder



Vect {u}

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Reflexions de HouseholderVecteur de Householder : u = x ± ‖x‖2e1 puis v = u/‖u‖2Permettent d’obtenir des matrices de la forme:

A =

a11 a12 a13

0 a22 a23

0 a32 a33

0 a42 a43

0 a52 a53

Soit H telle que :

H ×








Si H ′ =

[1 00 H

]Alors H ′ × A =

a11 a12 a13

0 a′22 a′23

0 0 a′33

0 0 a′43

0 0 a′53

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I Triangularisation d’une matrice 4× 3 : Q = H3 × H2 × H1

| x x x | | x x x | | x x x || x x x | H1 | 0 x x | H2 | 0 x x || x x x | -> | 0 x x | -> | 0 0 x || x x x | | 0 x x | | 0 0 x |

| x x x |H3 | 0 x x |-> | 0 0 x | = R

| 0 0 0 |

I QR backward stable, avec une erreur inverse meilleure que LU

I Nombre d’operations ≈ 43n3

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Rotations de Givens

I Rotation 2× 2 :

G (θ) =

[c s−s c


avec c = cos(θ) et s = sin(θ).

I Utilisation : x = {x1, x2}

c =x1

(x21 + x2

2 )12

et s =−x2

(x21 + x2

2 )12

y = (y1, y2) = G tx alors y2 = 0

I Permet d’annuler certains elements d’une matrice

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Rotations de Givens

I Exemple : factorisation QR de

A =

r11 r12 r13

0 r22 r23

0 0 r33

v1 v2 v3

I On determine (c , s) tels que :[

c s−s c






[r ′11



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Rotations de Givens

I Rotation dans le plan (1,4) :

G (1, 4) =

c 0 0 s0 1 0 00 0 1 0−s 0 0 c

G (1, 4)t × A =

r ′11 r ′12 r ′13

0 r22 r23

0 0 r33

0 v ′2 v ′3

I Rotations successives pour annuler les autres elements : 4n3

3flops pour triangulariser la matrice.

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Gram-Schmidt Process

I Hypothesis: a basis of a subspace is available

I Goal: Build an orthonormal basis of that subspace

I Very useful in iterative methods, where:I each iterate is searched for in a subspace of increasing

dimensionI one needs to maintain a basis of good quality

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Gram-Schmidt Process

Consider two linearly independent vectors x1 and x2

I q1 =x1

‖x1‖2has norm 1.

I x2 − (x2, q1)q1 is orthogonal to q1:

(x2 − (x2, q1)q1, q1) = x t2q1 − (x t

2q1)qt1q1 = 0

I q2 =x2 − (x2, q1)q1

‖x2 − (x2, q1)q1‖2has norm 1

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Gram-Schmidt Process

1. Compute r11 = ‖x1‖2, if r11 = 0 stop

2. q1 =x1

r113. For j = 2, . . . , r Do

(q1 . . . , qj−1 form an orthogonal basis)4. rij ← x t

j qi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , j − 1

5. q ← xj −j−1∑i=1


6. rjj = ‖q‖2, if rjj = 0 stop

7. qj ←q

rjj8. EndDo

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Remarks1. Compute r11 = ‖x1‖2, if r11 = 0 stop

2. q1 =x1

r113. For j = 2, . . . , r Do

(q1 . . . , qj−1 form an orthogonal basis)

4. rij ← xtj qi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , j − 1

5. q ← xj −j−1Xi=1


6. rjj = ‖q‖2, if rjj = 0 stop

7. qj ←q

rjj8. EndDo

I From steps 5-7, it is clear that xj =∑j

i=1 rijqi

I We note X = [x1, x2, . . . , xr ] and Q = [q1, q2, . . . , qr ]

I Let R be the r -by-r upper triangular matrix whose nonzerosare the ones defined by the algorithm.

I Then the above relation can be written as

X = QR,

where Q is n-by-r and R is r -by-r .

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Example: x1 = (1, 2, 2)T , x2 = (−8,−1, 14)T

I r11 = ‖x1‖2 = 3,

q1 =x1




24 122

35 , r12 = xT2 q1 =


3= 6, and q = x2 − r12q1

q =

24 −8−114

35−6× 1


24 122

35 et r22 = ‖q‖ = 15, q2 =q

‖q‖ =1

24 −2−1


35I Ce qui correspond a la factorisation :24 1 −8

2 −12 14

35 =

24 13− 2

323− 1



35× » 3 60 15


24 13− 2

3− 2

323− 1



23− 1


3524 3 60 150 0

35Factorisation QR ou Q orthogonale et R triangulaire superieure

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Problemes aux moindres carresSoit A : m × n, b ∈ IRn,m ≥ n (et le plus souvent m >> n)

I Probleme : trouver x tel que Ax = b

I Systeme sur-determine : existence de solution pas garantie.Donc on cherche la meilleure solution au sens d’une norme:

minx‖Ax − b‖2




I Principales approches:Equations normales ou factorisation QR

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Equations normales

minx‖Ax − b‖2 ↔ min

x‖Ax − b‖22

‖Ax − b‖22 = (Ax − b)t(Ax − b) = x tAtAx − 2x tAtb + btb

I Derivee nulle par rapport a x : 2AtAx − 2Atb = 0⇒ systeme de taille (n x n)

AtAx = Atb

I AtA symetrique semi-definie positive, definie positive si A estde rang maximal (rang(A)=n)

I resolution: avec Cholesky AtA = LDLt

probleme : κ(AtA) = κ(A)2

pas toujours backward stable

I (AtA)−1At : pseudo-inverse de A

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Resolution par factorisation QR

Si Q est une matrice orthogonale :

‖Ax − b‖ = ‖Qt(Ax − b)‖ = ‖(QtA)x − (Qtb)‖

I A : m × n,Q : m ×m tel que A = QR

QtA = R =



]nm − n

R est triangulaire superieure. En posant :

Qtb =


]nm − n

I on a donc :

‖Ax − b‖22 = ‖QtAx − Qtb‖22 = ‖R1x − c‖22 + ‖d‖22I si rang(A) = rang(R1)=n alors la solution est donnee par

R1x = cI nombre de flops ≈ (2n2 ×m)

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Problemes aux valeurs propres

I Resolution de Ax = λx ou λ valeurs propres et x vecteurspropres

I Polynome caracteristique : p(λ) = det(A− λI ) (revient achercher λ tel que A− λI singuliere)

I Soit T non singuliere et Ax = λx

(T−1AT )(T−1x) = λ(T−1x)

A et (T−1AT ) sont des matrices dites similaires, elles ontmemes valeurs propres.T : transformation de similarite

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Problemes aux valeurs propres

On prend T = Q, orthogonale

I A← QtAQ est tres interessant

I backward stable avec des transformations de Householder ouGivens

I QtAQ similaire a (A + E ) avec ‖E‖ ≈ u × ‖A‖I On cherche donc a determiner Q tel que valeurs propres de

QtAQ evidentes

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A matrice 2× 2 de valeurs propres reellesOn peut toujours trouver (c , s) tel que :[

c s−s c



a11 a12

a21 a22


c s−s c


[λ1 t

0 λ2

]= S

λ1 et λ2 sont les valeurs propres de A : decomposition de Schur

I Si y est vecteur propre de S alors x = Qy est vecteur proprede A

I Sensibilite d’une valeur propre aux perturbations fonction del’independance de son vecteur propre par rapport aux vecteurspropres des autres valeurs propres

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Valeurs propres: methodes iteratives

Methode de la puissance

vk+1 = Avk/||Avk ||

avec v0 pris au hasard

I converge vers v tel que Av = λ1v (|λ1| > |λ2| ≥ ... ≥ |λn|)I Preuve:

- si v0 =∑αixi avec (xi ): base de vecteurs propre alors

- Akv = Ak(∑

αixi ) =n∑


αiλki xi =

α1λk1(x1 +




λ1)kxi )

- avec ( λiλ1

)k → 0

Method is used in google’s page rank calculations.

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Valeurs propres: methodes iteratives


(A− µI )vk+1 = vk

I methode de la puissance appliquee a (A− µI )−1

I permet d’obtenir la valeur propre la plus proche de µ

I factorisation (par exemple, LU) de (A− µI )

I a chaque iteration: Ly = vk , puis Uvk+1 = y

Des methodes existent pour accelerer la convergence

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Linear Algebra BasicsIntroductionGaussian Elimination and LU factorizationVector and Matrix normsError, Sensitivity, ConditioningFactorisation LU avec pivotageSystemes bandeMatrices symetriquesFactorisation de CholeskyFactorisation QRGram-Schmidt ProcessProblemes aux moindres carresProblemes aux valeurs propresDecomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

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Decomposition en valeurs singulieres (SVD)

I A ∈ IRm×n, alors il existe U et V matrices orthogonales tellesque :

A = UΣV t

decomposition en valeurs singulieres.

I Remarque:

AtA = V ΣtΣV t et AAt = UΣΣtUt

I U ∈ IRm×m formee des m vecteurs propres orthonormesassocies aux m valeurs propres de AAt .

I V ∈ IRn×n formee des n vecteurs propres orthonormes associesaux valeurs propres de AtA

I Σ matrice diagonale constituee des valeurs singulieres de Aqui sont les racines carrees des valeurs propres de AtA (tqσ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ . . . ≥ σn ≥ 0).

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I Si A est de rang r < n, alors sr+1 = sr+2 = . . . = sn = 0.I Tres utile dans certaines applications lorsque rang(A) pas

maximalI moindres carres,I valeurs propresI determination precise du rang d’une matrice

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