special feature: perspective science for a …...2015/10/23  · special feature: perspective...

SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Science for a wilder Anthropocene: Synthesis and future directions for trophic rewilding research Jens-Christian Svenning a,1,2 , Pil B. M. Pedersen a,1 , C. Josh Donlan b,c , Rasmus Ejrnæs d , Søren Faurby a , Mauro Galetti e , Dennis M. Hansen f , Brody Sandel a , Christopher J. Sandom g , John W. Terborgh h , and Frans W. M. Vera i a Section for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; b Advanced Conservation Strategies, Midway, UT 84049; c Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 15853; d Section for Biodiversity & Conservation, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, DK-8410 Rønde, Denmark; e Departamento de Ecologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 13506-900 Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil; f Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland; g Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, Oxford University, The Recanati-Kaplan Centre, Oxfordshire OX13 5QL, United Kingdom; h Center for Tropical Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708; and i Community and Conservation Ecology, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Sciences, University of Groningen, Cocon, 9700 CC Groningen, The Netherlands Edited by Yadvinder Malhi, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, and accepted by the Editorial Board August 5, 2015 (received for review March 16, 2015) Trophic rewilding is an ecological restoration strategy that uses species introductions to restore top-down trophic interactions and associated trophic cascades to promote self-regulating biodiverse ecosystems. Given the importance of large animals in trophic cascades and their widespread losses and resulting trophic downgrading, it often focuses on restoring functional megafaunas.Trophic rewilding is increasingly being implemented for conservation, but remains controversial. Here, we provide a synthesis of its current scientific basis, highlighting trophic cascades as the key conceptual framework, discussing the main lessons learned from ongoing rewilding projects, systematically reviewing the current literature, and highlighting unintentional rewilding and spontaneous wildlife comebacks as underused sources of information. Together, these lines of evidence show that trophic cascades may be restored via species reintroductions and ecological replacements. It is clear, however, that megafauna effects may be affected by poorly understood trophic complexity effects and interactions with landscape settings, human activities, and other factors. Unfortunately, empirical research on trophic rewilding is still rare, fragmented, and geographically biased, with the literature dominated by essays and opinion pieces. We highlight the need for applied programs to include hypothesis testing and science-based monitoring, and outline priorities for future research, notably assessing the role of trophic complexity, interplay with landscape settings, land use, and climate change, as well as developing the global scope for rewilding and tools to optimize benefits and reduce humanwildlife conflicts. Finally, we recommend developing a decision framework for species selection, building on functional and phylogenetic information and with attention to the potential contribution from synthetic biology. conservation | megafauna | reintroduction | restoration | trophic cascades Human impacts are so pervasive that a new geological epoch has been proposed: the Anthropocene (1). The effects on ecosystems and biodiversity are one of the biggest chal- lenges facing modern society. Large-bodied animals are particularly affected, with massive prehistoric extinctions (24) and severe de- clines in many extant species (5). Over the last decades it has become increasingly clear that large animals are often important for ecosystem function and biodiversity via tro- phic cascades, the propagation of consumer impacts downward through food webs (6, 7). Their widespread losses have led to trophic downgrading on a global scale, with negative effects on ecosystems and biodiversity (68). These observations have inspired a new ecological restoration approach that we here refer to as trophic rewilding.The rewilding concept was introduced in the late 20th cen- tury as a large-scale conservation strategy, focused on establishment of core wilderness areas, enhanced connectivity, and restoration of keystone species (911). Subsequently, rewilding has become an increasingly popular term, but with varied meanings (12, 13). We here focus on rewilding as trophic rewilding, defined as species introductions to restore top-down trophic interactions and associated trophic cascades to promote self-regulating biodiverse ecosystems. An important alterna- tive rewilding concept is passive management without any human interference (12, 14, 15). Most or all approaches to rewilding as an ecological restoration method involve restor- ing natural processes to promote ecosystems that maintain biodiversity with little or no need for ongoing human management. A key development for trophic rewilding has been the proposal for Pleistocene rewilding,advocated to restore ecosystem function by rebuilding rich megafaunas (1618), thereby overcoming the massive prehistoric extinc- tions linked to Homo sapiensglobal expan- sion (2, 4). The merits of this pre-Homo sa- piens baseline relative to more recent ones have been much discussed (12). A key point in its favor is that rich post-Mesozoic mega- faunas evolved by 40 million y ago (19) and have been characteristic of Earths ecosystems until the spread of Homo sapiens (20, 21). Author contributions: J.-C.S., P.B.M.P., and S.F. designed research; J.-C.S., P.B.M.P., S.F., and D.M.H. performed research; P.B.M.P. and S.F. analyzed data; and J.-C.S., P.B.M.P., C.J.D., R.E., S.F., M.G., D.M.H., B.S., C.J.S., J.W.T., and F.W.M.V. wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Y.M. is a guest editor invited by the Editorial Board. 1 J.-C.S. and P.B.M.P. contributed equally to this work. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: svenning@ bios.au.dk. This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/ lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1502556112/-/DCSupplemental. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1502556112 PNAS Early Edition | 1 of 7 SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Downloaded by guest on July 8, 2020

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Page 1: SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Science for a …...2015/10/23  · SPECIAL FEATURE: PERSPECTIVE Science for a wilder Anthropocene: Synthesis and future directions for trophic rewilding


Science for a wilder Anthropocene: Synthesisand future directions for trophicrewilding researchJens-Christian Svenninga,1,2, Pil B. M. Pedersena,1, C. Josh Donlanb,c, Rasmus Ejrnæsd, Søren Faurbya, Mauro Galettie,Dennis M. Hansenf, Brody Sandela, Christopher J. Sandomg, John W. Terborghh, and Frans W. M. VeraiaSection for Ecoinformatics & Biodiversity, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; bAdvancedConservation Strategies, Midway, UT 84049; cDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 15853;dSection for Biodiversity & Conservation, Department of Bioscience, Aarhus University, DK-8410 Rønde, Denmark; eDepartamento deEcologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 13506-900 Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil; fInstitute of Evolutionary Biology and EnvironmentalStudies, University of Zurich, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland; gWildlife Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, Oxford University, TheRecanati-Kaplan Centre, Oxfordshire OX13 5QL, United Kingdom; hCenter for Tropical Conservation, Nicholas School of the Environmentand Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708; and iCommunity and Conservation Ecology, Groningen Institute for EvolutionaryLife Sciences, University of Groningen, Cocon, 9700 CC Groningen, The Netherlands

Edited by Yadvinder Malhi, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, and accepted by the Editorial Board August 5, 2015 (received for review March 16, 2015)

Trophic rewilding is an ecological restoration strategy that uses species introductions to restore top-down trophic interactions and associatedtrophic cascades to promote self-regulating biodiverse ecosystems. Given the importance of large animals in trophic cascades and theirwidespread losses and resulting trophic downgrading, it often focuses on restoring functional megafaunas. Trophic rewilding is increasinglybeing implemented for conservation, but remains controversial. Here, we provide a synthesis of its current scientific basis, highlighting trophiccascades as the key conceptual framework, discussing the main lessons learned from ongoing rewilding projects, systematically reviewing thecurrent literature, and highlighting unintentional rewilding and spontaneous wildlife comebacks as underused sources of information.Together, these lines of evidence show that trophic cascades may be restored via species reintroductions and ecological replacements. It isclear, however, that megafauna effects may be affected by poorly understood trophic complexity effects and interactions with landscapesettings, human activities, and other factors. Unfortunately, empirical research on trophic rewilding is still rare, fragmented, andgeographically biased, with the literature dominated by essays and opinion pieces. We highlight the need for applied programs to includehypothesis testing and science-based monitoring, and outline priorities for future research, notably assessing the role of trophic complexity,interplay with landscape settings, land use, and climate change, as well as developing the global scope for rewilding and tools to optimizebenefits and reduce human–wildlife conflicts. Finally, we recommend developing a decision framework for species selection, building onfunctional and phylogenetic information and with attention to the potential contribution from synthetic biology.

conservation | megafauna | reintroduction | restoration | trophic cascades

Human impacts are so pervasive that a newgeological epoch has been proposed: theAnthropocene (1). The effects on ecosystemsand biodiversity are one of the biggest chal-lenges facing modern society. Large-bodiedanimals are particularly affected, with massiveprehistoric extinctions (2–4) and severe de-clines in many extant species (5). Over thelast decades it has become increasingly clearthat large animals are often important forecosystem function and biodiversity via tro-phic cascades, the propagation of consumerimpacts downward through food webs (6, 7).Their widespread losses have led to trophicdowngrading on a global scale, with negativeeffects on ecosystems and biodiversity (6–8).These observations have inspired a new

ecological restoration approach that we hererefer to as “trophic rewilding.” The rewildingconcept was introduced in the late 20th cen-tury as a large-scale conservation strategy,

focused on establishment of core wildernessareas, enhanced connectivity, and restorationof keystone species (9–11). Subsequently,rewilding has become an increasingly popularterm, but with varied meanings (12, 13). Wehere focus on rewilding as trophic rewilding,defined as species introductions to restoretop-down trophic interactions and associatedtrophic cascades to promote self-regulatingbiodiverse ecosystems. An important alterna-tive rewilding concept is passive managementwithout any human interference (12, 14, 15).Most or all approaches to rewilding as anecological restoration method involve restor-ing natural processes to promote ecosystemsthat maintain biodiversity with little or noneed for ongoing human management. Akey development for trophic rewilding hasbeen the proposal for “Pleistocene rewilding,”advocated to restore ecosystem function byrebuilding rich megafaunas (16–18), thereby

overcoming the massive prehistoric extinc-tions linked to Homo sapiens’ global expan-sion (2, 4). The merits of this pre-Homo sa-piens baseline relative to more recent oneshave been much discussed (12). A key pointin its favor is that rich post-Mesozoic mega-faunas evolved by 40 million y ago (19) andhave been characteristic of Earth’s ecosystemsuntil the spread of Homo sapiens (20, 21).

Author contributions: J.-C.S., P.B.M.P., and S.F. designed research;

J.-C.S., P.B.M.P., S.F., and D.M.H. performed research; P.B.M.P. and

S.F. analyzed data; and J.-C.S., P.B.M.P., C.J.D., R.E., S.F., M.G.,

D.M.H., B.S., C.J.S., J.W.T., and F.W.M.V. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission. Y.M. is a guest editor

invited by the Editorial Board.

1J.-C.S. and P.B.M.P. contributed equally to this work.

2To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: [email protected].

This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/


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Hence, most extant species have evolved inmegafauna-rich ecosystems and should beadapted to such conditions (22, 23). A furthercontroversial aspect is the proposed use ofnonnative species as ecological replacementsfor globally extinct species (24, 25). However,this also exemplifies that letting pre-Homosapiens conditions guide rewilding can bedone pragmatically. Indeed, it is not only dis-cussed and applied in relation to wild lands,but also human-occupied landscapes (13, 25,26), aiming to increase the ability of ecosys-tems to maintain biodiversity with minimalmanagement, but recognizing that some in-terference may be needed.We here provide an overview of the

scientific basis for trophic rewilding, discus-sing theory and practical lessons, providing asystematic review of the international scien-tific literature, and highlighting underusedsources of information. We then outlineresearch priorities and finally discuss how toselect species for rewilding introductions.

Current Scientific Basis for TrophicRewildingTrophic Cascades. Trophic cascades of-fer a key theoretical framework for trophic

rewilding. An increasing body of literaturedocuments the existence of trophic cascades,where apex consumers shape ecosystems viaeffects on prey and other resources, as wellas competitors, and their multidirectionalpropagation through food webs (6, 27). Theseapex consumers are often large-bodied car-nivores and herbivores. Trophic cascadeshave been truncated by humans, with strongeffects on ecosystems and often negativeconsequences for biodiversity (6, 7). Trophicrewilding attempts to remedy this by re-storing the missing top-down–mediatedprocesses. We note that these need not allbe strictly trophic, but also include associ-ated processes (e.g., nonfeeding related dis-turbances, such as wallows) (28).Since the expansion of Homo sapiens

across the world, megafaunas have un-dergone progressive simplification (2, 4), aprocess that is still ongoing (5). This loss hashad two, sometimes overlapping phases: (i)severe late Pleistocene and early Holocenelosses of a broad range of megafauna, oftenleading to complete loss of herbivores≥1,000 kg (2, 4); (ii) continuing range con-tractions in remaining continental mega-fauna from the mid-Holocene onwards

(29–31), including further rare global extinc-tions (32). On islands, the first phase oftenoccurred in the mid- or late Holocene (3).These losses have had strong ecosystemeffects, notably via trophic cascades. Theinitial extinctions affected vegetation, fireregimes, biogeochemical cycling, and possi-bly even climate (33–36), and are linked tolosses among dependent species, such asscavenging birds and dung beetles (37–40).Later and current megafauna losses havealso had strong ecological impacts via, forexample, abundance increases in medium-sized herbivores (41), mesopredator release(7), and disperser losses (42). Althoughdefaunation proceeds in most places (5),some regions are recovering: for example,Europe (43, 44).Large carnivores and herbivores play im-

portant roles in trophic cascades. Althoughnow rare because of persecution, large car-nivores were ubiquitous until recently (6, 7).Large carnivores may control the density andbehavior of herbivores and mesopredators(7). For example, wolves limit densities ofnonmigratory deer and may do so even morestrongly when co-occurring with other largepredators (45). Herbivores weighing ≥1,000 kg(megaherbivores) are thought to be largelyimmune to adult predation and limited byresources (46, 47). They can have strongvegetation and ecosystem impacts becauseof their abundance and sheer size (28, 46).Formerly cosmopolitan, they are now lim-ited to parts of Africa and Asia (Fig. 1). It ispossible that predation on their juvenilesmay have provided greater regulation of theirabundances during the Pleistocene (48), al-though stable isotope evidence suggests thatmegaherbivores rarely formed a major partof Pleistocene carnivore diets (49, 50).Intermediate-size (100–999 kg) herbivoresare also not always top-down–regulated. Forexample, in some African savanna ecosys-tems large herbivores >150 kg experienceonly limited predation and are largely bot-tom-up regulated (47). More generally, herd-forming migratory ungulates often escapepredation regulation (47, 51). Irrespective oftop-down or bottom-up regulation, largeherbivores can have pervasive ecosystem ef-fects, impacting primary production, nutrientcycling, disturbance regimes, habitat hetero-geneity, and seed dispersal (28, 42, 52, 53).Pre-extinction megafaunas in large parts

of the world were as species-rich as anyextant megafauna, with multiple speciesof megaherbivores and high diversities ofintermediate-size herbivores and large car-nivores (Fig. 1). The exact functioning oftrophic cascades in these ecosystems is un-certain (54), although intact current African

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Fig. 1. Current and estimated present-natural diversity patterns for (A and B) megaherbivores (≥1,000 kg), (C and D) largeherbivores (45–999 kg), and (E and F) large carnivores (>21.5 kg). The term “present-natural” refers to the state that aphenomenon would be in today in the complete absence of human influence through time (111). For this mapping, om-nivores were classified as carnivores when meat constitutes a major part of their diet and as herbivores otherwise.

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ecosystems are useful models (46, 47). Im-portantly, trophic complexity (55), such asdiversity within trophic levels, can be im-portant (7, 56). It is clear, however, thatlarge herbivores were numerically abundantin the Late Pleistocene and had strong im-pacts on vegetation structure and ecosystemdynamics (35, 57, 58).

Lessons From Major Trophic RewildingExperiments. Explicit trophic rewilding ex-periments are few in number, but have pro-vided important lessons. The reintroductionof wolves to Yellowstone National Park inthe mid-1990s is perhaps the most widelyknown example (59). The wolves restored atritrophic cascade, where direct predationand behavioral impacts on American elk(Cervus elaphus) have increased regenerationof Populus and Salix spp., with indirect effectson other wildlife and geomorphology (60).

Controversy exists over the exact role ofwolves in these dynamics (59), but similareffects are reported elsewhere in NorthAmerica (61, 62) and Europe (63). Otherexperiments have focused on large herbi-vores. The 56-km2 Oostvaardersplassen ex-periment in the Netherlands was initiated ata time when closed woodland was assumedto be the naturally dominant vegetation inmuch of Europe. In 1983, feral populations ofprimitive cattle and horse breeds were in-troduced as proxies for their extirpated wildancestors, along with red deer (Cervus ela-phus), with a major—successfully achieved—aim being maintaining grasslands in drierparts as feeding habitats for greylag geese(Anser anser) (64). The geese are themselvesimportant for local bird diversity, becauseduring molting they withdraw to the marshyparts, grazing reed beds and creating a mo-saic of shallow water and vegetation that fa-cilitates many other species (64). Largelyregulated by food availability, the herbivoreshave strongly reduced the predominantlynonthorny woody vegetation (64–66). Intime a dynamic tree–grassland mosaic mightestablish if grazing refuges develop (65) [e.g.,via temporary declines in herbivore abun-dance and thorn scrub establishment (66)].In Siberia, bison and other herbivores havebeen reintroduced to a site, with the goalof restoring grazing-dependent mammoth-steppe vegetation (67). Results to date in-dicate a shift from shrub- to grass-dominancein experimental enclosures (68). In recentyears, many more trophic rewilding projectsare being implemented (Fig. 2). Notably, in-troduction of nonnative large tortoises asreplacements for extinct species is beingtested on several oceanic islands (25).These constitute functional megaherbivorereintroductions, as tortoises were the larg-est native vertebrates on many islands (69).Several studies have documented theirsuccessful establishment (70) and foundthem to improve dispersal and recruitmentin endemic trees (71) and suppress invasiveplants (72).

State of Literature Focused on TrophicRewilding. To further assess the state oftrophic rewilding science, we carried out asystematic review of the international sci-entific literature, identifying 91 rewilding-focused publications (Methods). Despite anongoing increase in publications (Fig. 3A),empirical studies are few whereas essays andopinion pieces predominate (Fig. 3B and SIAppendix, Table S1). There is strong geo-graphic bias in the literature and the fea-tured projects, with most focusing on NorthAmerica, Europe, and oceanic islands (Fig.

3D and SI Appendix, Tables S1 and S2). Amajority were positive to reintroduction ofspecies extirpated regionally within the last5,000 y (Fig. 3C). Support for reintroducingspecies extirpated >5,000 y ago or in-troducing ecological replacements for ex-tinct species was weaker (Fig. 3C). Largecarnivorous and herbivorous mammals, aswell as reptiles (tortoises), are the focus of thecurrent literature (Fig. 4A and SI Appendix,Table S3), reflecting the importance attrib-uted to them in generating trophic cascadesand, for tortoises, also ease of implementation(25). Furthermore, most cases concern rein-troduction of species regionally or locallyextirpated during the last 5,000 y (Fig. 4B),likely reflecting their greater acceptance. Still,a substantial proportion concerns intro-duction of ecological replacements (Fig. 4B),mostly substituting species extinct <5,000 yago (SI Appendix, Table S3), illustrating at-tention to rewilding with large tortoiseson islands.Among the empirical studies, many cover

the most studied island rewilding experi-ments to date, the introduction of exotictortoises (Astrochelys radiata, Aldabrachelysgigantea) on small islands near Mauritiusas replacements for extinct giant tortoises(Cylindrapsis) (e.g., refs. 25, 70–72), and gianttortoise (Chelonoidis spp.) translocationswithin the Galapagos Islands (e.g., ref. 73).These studies document that large and gianttortoises are low-risk, high-impact rewildingcandidates that provide key ecological func-tions as dispersers of large seeds, herbivores,and disturbance agents. These factors and theinitial successes have led to proposals fortortoise rewilding efforts on other islands(25). An important point comes from a>30-y reintroduction project for a Galapagostortoise (Chelonoidis hoodensis) to EspañolaIsland, showing successful population estab-lishment but limited ecosystem recovery be-cause of self-reinforcing past anthropogenicvegetation changes (74). The authors con-clude that functional reinstatement of eco-system engineers may necessitate large-scalehabitat restoration efforts jointly with pop-ulation restoration (74). The nontortoise em-pirical studies cover a broad range of topics,such as climatic suitability, biodiversity im-pacts, and public acceptance, but are too fewand scattered in focus to allow generalization(SI Appendix, Table S1).

Insights from Unintentional TrophicRewilding. Building on Wilder et al. (75),we define unintentional trophic rewilding asintroduction of a species or functional typeof relevancy for restoring trophic cascadesdone without knowledge that it was once

Fig. 2. Examples of reintroductions or extant functionalcounterparts to replace extinct species in ongoing or pro-posed rewilding projects on islands and continents: Islandexamples include (Bottom to Top): Snares Island snipe(Coenocorypha huegeli) replacing the South Island snipe(Coenocorypha iredalei) on Putauhinu Island, New Zealand;giant Aldabra tortoise (Aldabrachelys gigantea) replacinggiant Cylindraspis tortoises on Rodrigues Island, Mauritius;African sulcata tortoises (Centrochelys sulcata) replacing aflightless bird, the moa-nalo (Chelychelynechen quassus) onKaua’i, Hawai’i. Continental examples include (Bottom toTop): Wild boar (Sus scrofa), experimental reintroduction toa fenced rewilding site in the Scottish Highlands; EuropeanBison (Bison bonasus), an increasing number of rewildingreintroductions of this species are being implemented acrossEurope, here in Vorup Enge, Denmark (all ongoing projects);Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) replacing straight-tuskedelephant (Elephas antiquus) in Eskebjerg Vesterlyng, Denmark(3-d pilot experiment, 2008). Approximate times becauselocal or regional extinction of the original taxa are given.Images courtesy of (Top Right) J. Kunstmann and (BottomLeft) C. Miskelly.

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native. Large-scale examples include the re-introduction of equids (Equus spp.) to theNew World (75, 76), fallow deer (Damadama) across Europe (76), muskox (Ovibosmoschatus) across the Eurasian and NorthAmerican arctic (76, 77), and certain in-troduced birds in New Zealand (78).Unintentional rewilding offers an under-exploited research opportunity, often onlarger spatiotemporal scales than possiblewith experiments. North American feralhorses constitute one of the best-studiedcases. Local effects on vegetation and wild-life have been documented (79, 80), but ourcurrent understanding on how feral horsesinfluence ecosystems nevertheless remainslimited [e.g., in terms of geographic vari-ability, scale dependency, and predation ef-fects (81)]. Studies of introduced speciesgenerally also have potential to inform re-wilding; for example, as seen in a recentstudy comparing native and introducedplant mutualists, concluding that ecologi-cal replacements may benefit native plantswhen native mutualists have been lost (82).Exemplifying this, feral pigs (Sus scrofa) inthe Pantanal have helped restore dispersal ofplants adapted for dispersal by extinctmegafauna (83, 84).

Insights from Wildlife Comebacks. An-other underexploited source of informationcomes from spontaneous wildlife comebacks.

After millennia of declines (2, 3), largemammals are making a comeback in Europeand North America, with legal protection,targeted species conservation, supportivepublic opinion, and land abandonment asdrivers (e.g., 43, 44). It is important to assessthe impacts. For example, are the recoveriesof apex predators sufficient to restore trophiccascades in human-dominated landscapes?Outside large reserves, human impactscould limit their ecological role (85). How-ever, there are examples of restored trophiccascades in such landscapes (43). The re-covery of large herbivore populations hasbeen even more pronounced than carnivoresand often has strong ecological effects. Deerhave expanded dramatically in many areasand can suppress tree regeneration as well asaffect plant and animal diversity (41, 86),and not always negatively (41, 87). Again,human activities are likely to influencethese effects.

Priorities for Research on TrophicRewildingThere is a clear need for developing a larger,more systematic research program to developthe scientific basis for trophic rewilding, withtrophic cascades as a key framework (6, 27).A difficulty is that to assess its role as alarge-scale restoration tool, large experimentalareas are needed (cf. ref. 88). If ecologicalresearch received a level of funding compa-

rable to that of space research, it would beeasy to conduct strong factorial-design ex-periments in replicated 100- to 1,000-km2

enclosures to rigorously test key issues.Pragmatically, an increasing number of re-wilding programs are being implemented(Fig. 2), providing important opportunitiesif designed to allow scientific assessment oftheir effects and with a monitoring programto follow their dynamics (e.g., ref. 89). It isimportant that assessments provide broadcoverage of biodiversity and ecosystem pro-cesses: for example, also more rarely assessedspecies-rich groups, such as insects and fungi.In the following, we discuss key priorities forrewilding research.

Global Scope. The potential ecological im-pact of trophic rewilding should increasewith the degree to which megafaunas havebeen impoverished. We provide a global es-timate of such deficits (Fig. 1) by comparingthe current species richness for three keyterrestrial megafauna functional groups withtheir estimated species richness given thepresent climate, but in the absence of LatePleistocene and Holocene extinctions andextirpations: megaherbivores (≥1,000 kgbody mass), large herbivores (45–999 kg),and large carnivores (≥21.5 kg), corre-sponding to the size where predators switchfrom small to large prey (90). Mega-herbivores are absent from most areas today,except in increasingly small parts of South-east Asia and Africa. However, most conti-nental areas had megaherbivore richnesscomparable to or higher than those currentlyseen in Africa and Asia (Fig. 1). Becauseproboscideans were members of this guild inall regions except Australia, extant elephantspecies are relevant to consider as ecologicalreplacements in most areas (16, 18, 91).Major diversity deficits are also widespreadfor large carnivores and large herbivores, al-though most areas still have some represen-tatives (Fig. 1). The strongly reduced diver-sities in all three groups in most regionssuggest a global relevancy of trophic rewild-ing, and a need for overcoming the stronggeographic research biases.

Trophic Complexity. The complexity ofrestored trophic networks is likely highlyimportant (55), but not well understood inthe context of rewilding: that is, how dosimple pair-wise systems, such as a wolf-reddeer, differ from complex networks involvingmultiple carnivores and a broad range ofherbivores, some partially immune to pre-dation (6, 45, 47)? Importantly, outside Africaand Asia no experiment has yet assessed theeffects of restoring full Pleistocene-like



Fig. 3. Characteristics of international scientific publications focused on trophic rewilding (n = 91) (see Methods forfurther details on the systematic review): (A) number published per year, (B) literature categories, (C) attitude towardrewilding using reintroduction of species extirpated <5,000 y, reintroduction of species extirpated >5,000 y ago, orecological replacements, (D) geographical focus.

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trophic complexity. Notably, experimentalrewilding studies on megaherbivores arelacking, despite their high functional im-portance and former omnipresence.

Landscape Setting and Interplay withSociety. Trophic rewilding projects rangefrom small fenced biotopes to large landscapesand are situated in a variety of environ-ments and landscape structures. As land-scape factors—such as area, climate, envi-ronmental gradients, and disturbance, as wellas societal circumstances—may be highlyimportant for the ecology of megafauna-rich

ecosystems (e.g., refs. 47 and 92), researchneeds to address how this restoration ap-proach can best be implemented in differentlandscape settings. One important issue ishow constraints on animal movement (e.g.,seasonal migration), such as fences, will affectits ecological effects, and how these con-straints can be overcome if needed (93). Al-though fences sometimes have negative ef-fects [e.g., limiting the ability of largeherbivores to disperse seeds across landscapes(cf. ref. 94)], they may also have positive ef-fects, by excluding negative anthropogeniceffects (93). More generally, it needs to beaddressed how trophic rewilding integratedwith other conservation approaches (92) maybe best implemented to promote biodiverseecosystems that are as self-regulating aspossible within the constraints of limitedspace and human needs in urban or agri-cultural areas. Whether a land-sparing orland-sharing approach should be adopted toachieve these goals remains an open question(95, 96), although some land sparing seemsessential (96). Related to this, there is a needto assess how rewilding will impact ecosystemservices. Agricultural land is a dominant landuse over much of Earth’s terrestrial surface(97) and returning it to wild land will likelydecrease the provision of food but restoreother services, particularly regulating andcultural services (98). Understanding thebalance of such costs and benefits and thefactors determining them will be importantfor guiding policies on rewilding. Finally, inlandscapes dominated by nonanalog novelecosystems (99), it may also be relevant toconsider rewilding introductions to establishnovel trophic cascades to promote self-regu-lating biodiverse ecosystems (100). Such aradical approach would clearly require a solidscientific base.

Management Targets and Tools. Manytrophic rewilding projects most logicallyshould be implemented as open-ended con-servation projects, acknowledging the limitsof our knowledge and unavoidable futurechanges, for example, in climate (89). Nev-ertheless, direct management decisions willcontinue to play an important role in manycases because of societal requirements orspatial constraints. Hence, research on func-tional rewilding targets is needed (e.g., ref.35), preferably combining paleoecologicaland historical evidence with experimentalstudies. Although trophic rewilding maybenefit natural ecosystems and recreationalvalues, it may also cause human–wildlifeconflicts: for example, damages to crops andlivestock. There is a need to collect empiricalevidence for effectiveness and consequences

of tools—such as culling, targeted feeding,and fencing—to maximize benefits and re-duce costs (93, 101, 102).

Climate Change. Strong changes in climateare expected for the next 100 y and beyond,and are already now driving shifts in speciesranges and ecosystem changes (103). Thesedynamics will impact all conservation man-agement, including trophic rewilding. It willbe important to assess how climate changesmay affect the outcome of rewilding efforts,for example altering the suitability of a givenlocality for a candidate species. Trophic re-wilding has the potential to help mitigatenegative effects of climate change. Free-ranging large herbivores will increase seed-dispersal distances for many plants (94), in-creasing their ability to track climate. Trophiccascades established by rewilding may alsosometimes halt detrimental ecosystem changes.Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) and muskoxen(Ovibos moschatus) can limit shrub expan-sion in tundras, reducing negative effectson herbaceous plants (104). It is even hypo-thesized that restoration of Pleistocene-likemegafaunas in the Arctic may re-establishgrasslands, slow permafrost thawing, andincrease albedo, reducing warming (68).However, it is also plausible that megafaunarestoration in some cases may trade-offagainst climate change mitigation, decreasingcarbon sequestration (105) and increasingmethane emissions (33). There is a strongneed for research to further our under-standing of these issues.

Species Selection for Trophic RewildingSystematic Framework. Introducing aspecies into an ecosystem to restore a processinherently involves uncertainty. Therefore, ascience-based decision framework that allowspractitioners to systematically evaluate po-tential costs and benefits of a given rewildingintroduction would be of high utility. Existingguidelines for conservation translocations arean appropriate starting point, providing bestpractices on aspects, such as monitoring,feasibility assessment, and release strategies(106). However, guidelines for the key aspectof species selection for rewilding are lacking.A systematic framework should considerthree aspects: (i) Match between the ecologyof the candidate species and the focal func-tions to be restored, with functional traits asan important source of information. (ii)Phylogenetic relatedness, to restore the evo-lutionary potential of a lineage but also tocapture subtle functional aspects. Still, theremay be relevant ecological replacements evenwhen no closely related species is available(100, 107). (iii) Suitability of the present and


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Fig. 4. Characteristics of species mentioned for re-wilding introductions in international scientific publica-tions focused on trophic rewilding (n = 91) (see Methodsfor further details on the systematic review). (A) Organismgroup and body mass. (B) Introduction geography [range-restricted species (species extirpated locally, but still ex-tant within the focal zoogeographic region, with reducedrange), species extirpated <5,000 y ago (species com-pletely extirpated from the focal region within the last5,000 y, but still extant elsewhere), species extinct >5,000 yago (species completely extirpated from the focal regionmore than 5,000 y ago, but still extant elsewhere), ecologicalreplacement for a globally extinct species, novel function(introduction to achieve novel ecological function without apast analog)], and body mass.

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forecasted future climate, ecosystem, andsocietal circumstances to accommodate thecandidate species (108). This would includeevaluating conservation and societal benefitsand risks.

Integrating Synthetic Biology andRewilding. Although trophic rewilding hasfocused on reintroducing regionally extir-pated species or ecological replacements forextinct species, an alternative approach thatleverages synthetic biology (109, 110) isemerging. It appears likely that it will becomepossible to engineer organisms to resembleextinct species genetically, phenotypically, orfunctionally (108, 110). It therefore makessense to begin integrating the discipline withtrophic rewilding (110). Synthetic biologycould become a powerful component oftrophic rewilding by overcoming limits towhat can be achieved with extant species, as asubstantial proportion of extinct species haveno close substitutes: for example, mega-herbivores capable of tolerating boreal andarctic climates. Hence, a framework for in-tegrating synthetic biology and trophic re-wilding science is needed to evaluate risksand benefits (108).

OutlookWe believe trophic rewilding has strongscope for ecological restoration in theAnthropocene, to remedy defaunation andrestore trophic cascades that promote self-regulating biodiverse ecosystems. Notably,it is clear that it can have strong ecologicaleffects and has worldwide relevancy (6).Dense human populations provide an obvi-ous challenge, but successful trophic rewild-ing projects and spontaneous large-animalcomebacks in densely populated regions (26,43, 44) illustrate its potential also as recon-ciliatory approach (95). There is a strongneed to develop a broad empirical researchagenda, as empirical studies are rare. Ideallysuch research should include large-scalereplicated experiments to allow rigorous hy-pothesis testing. However, applied rewildingprojects should also whenever possible bedesigned with hypothesis testing in mind andinclude science-based monitoring to allowassessment of their effects. Trophic cascadesprovide a key theoretical framework fortrophic rewilding, but a better, predictiveunderstanding of how they function inmegafauna-rich ecosystems with high trophiccomplexity is needed. Other key issues con-cern their interplay with landscape settings,societal priorities, human activities, as well asclimate change. Finally, we see much poten-tial in integrating trophic rewilding with re-lated approaches, notably passive rewilding

(spontaneous ecological dynamics withoutmanagement) (12, 14, 15), abiotic rewilding(restoration of natural physical processes, e.g.,river dynamics), and open-ended manage-ment (89).

MethodsWe compared current mammal distributions followingthe International Union for Conservation of Nature withestimated present-natural distributions. The term “pre-sent-natural” refers to the state that a phenomenonwould be in today in the complete absence of humaninfluence through time (111). Present-natural distribu-tions were estimated for all mammal species with oc-currence records from within the last 130,000 y[following a recently revised taxonomy (112)], as the farmajority of extinctions in this period can be linked toHomo sapiens’ global expansion (2–4). A full descriptionof the estimated ranges can be found in Faurby andSvenning (113). For extant species, these were based onhistorical range estimates when available or alternativelyon a combination of historic knowledge and climate. Forprehistoric extinct species, ranges were generally basedon a co-occurrence approach, assuming that they wouldhave responded to the late-Quaternary climatic changessimilarly to the species with which they used to co-occur.Hence, we estimated their present-natural distributionsbased on those of the extant species with which they co-occurred. To evaluate this approach, we compared therange of 39 extant species in North America estimatedwith this approach to their historical (pre-Columbus)distributions. The correlation between present-naturaland historic diversity (ρ = 0.856) was higher than be-tween historic and current diversity (ρ = 0.762) (113). Theresulting megafauna diversity patterns are broadly con-cordant with earlier studies (114).

The systematic review was based on English-languagescientific papers published by December 2014, found inWeb of Science and Scopus using the search terms“rewilding” and “re-wilding.” Additionally, to expand cover-age, for the 10 highest-cited papers, we used GoogleScholar to provide lists of citing articles and reviewed these,too. To ensure that the systematic review was focused onpublications on rewilding in the sense of trophic rewilding asdefined here, we only included articles treating conservationtranslocations explicitly aimed to restore ecological function.For each paper we then assessed: (i) author attitude towardsrewilding, separately for the following introduction geogra-phies: reintroductions of extant species that have beencompletely extirpated from the focal zoogeographical regionwithin the last 5,000 y, reintroductions of extant speciescompletely extirpated from the focal region >5,000 y ago, orintroductions of ecological replacements for globally extinctspecies; (ii) type of publication (essay or opinion piece; re-view; experiment; nonexperimental empirical); (iii) geo-graphic focus; (iv) rewilding projects mentioned; and (v)species for rewilding mentioned. Species were characterizedby organism group, diet, introduction geography (as above,plus reintroductions of locally extirpated species still extantelsewhere within a given region, and introductions toachieve novel ecological functions), body mass, and timesince disappearance from the focal zoogeographical region.The SI Appendix provides an overview of the methodologyfor the systematic review as well as the resulting data.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. This work was supported inpart by European Research Council Grant ERC-2012-StG-310886-HISTFUNC (to J.-C.S.); Aarhus University and theAage V. Jensen Foundations (P.B.M.P.); and ConselhoNacional de Desenvolvimento Científico and Fundação deAmparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (M.G.). Weconsider this article a contribution to the Danish NationalResearch Foundation Niels Bohr professorship projectAarhus University Research on the Anthropocene.

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