spire crier april 2013

Inside this issue: The Spire Crier St. Thomas Episcopal Parish School Celebrations of the season 1 Political news 2 5th grade news 3 April Fool’s 4-5 Trends: Games, Music, Technology, Sports 6-9 Ask Lulu Mysteries 10 Editorials Recipe Winner 11 Art Winner 12 April 2013 Volume 25 Issue 3 ... And A Green River! By Helen Hannan March 17 th ! A very, very happy day for the Irish! March 17 th was the day we celebrated Saint Patrick along with the Irish, except people in Ireland celebrate this holy day that turned into a festival for a whole week! Saint Patrick was thought to do a very brave and generous thing- he supposedly scared away all the snakes, but because all the water around Ireland is freezing, no snakes can travel to Ireland anyway. Saint Patrick was born in Britain and kidnapped by Irish raiders and brought to Ireland at age six- teen. Patrick spent six years in captivity, converted to Christianity, and worked as a Christian missionary for the rest of his life, while living in Ireland. Patty died on March, 17 th , in the year of 461. He was largely for- gotten until mythology and legend grew, and eventually Patrick became Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland. Aside from all of that history, Saint Patrick’s Day is booming in places like Chicago and Boston! In Chicago, there is a parade and A GREEN RIVER! Awesome! In Boston they have an AWESOME parade that is all day! Before you stop reading, think about fun ways you celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, from wearing green to throwing a party! April is National Poetry Month By Nicole Ojala The Academy of American Poets started National Poetry Month in 1996. Schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers, and poets throughout the United States band together and celebrate poetry and its place in American cul- ture. Thousands of organizations participate in readings, festivals, book displays, work- shops and other events. Pay attention to all the different ways St. Thomas celebrates poetry during the rest of the month of April!

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Page 1: Spire Crier April 2013

I ns i de t h i s i s s ue :

T h e S p i r e C r i e r S t . T h o m a s E p i s c o p a l P a r i s h S c h o o l

Celebrations of the



Political news 2

5th grade news 3

April Fool’s 4-5


Games, Music,

Technology, Sports


Ask Lulu




Recipe Winner


Art Winner 12

A pr i l 2 0 1 3

Vo l u me 2 5 I s s ue 3 ... And A Green River!

By Helen Hannan

March 17th! A very, very happy day for the Irish! March 17th was the day

we celebrated Saint Patrick along with the Irish, except people in Ireland

celebrate this holy day that turned into a festival for a whole week! Saint

Patrick was thought to do a very brave and generous thing- he supposedly

scared away all the snakes, but because all the water around Ireland is

freezing, no snakes can travel to Ireland anyway. Saint Patrick was born

in Britain and kidnapped by Irish raiders and brought to Ireland at age six-

teen. Patrick spent six years in captivity, converted to Christianity, and

worked as a Christian missionary for the rest of his life, while living in

Ireland. Patty died on March, 17th, in the year of 461. He was largely for-

gotten until mythology and legend grew, and eventually Patrick became

Saint Patrick, patron saint of Ireland.

Aside from all of that history, Saint Patrick’s Day is booming in places

like Chicago and Boston! In Chicago, there is a parade and A GREEN

RIVER! Awesome! In Boston they have an AWESOME parade that is all

day! Before you stop reading, think about fun ways you celebrate Saint

Patrick’s Day, from wearing green to throwing a party!

April is National Poetry Month

By Nicole Ojala

The Academy of American Poets started National Poetry Month in 1996.

Schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers, and poets throughout the United

States band together and celebrate poetry and its place in American cul-

ture. Thousands of organizations participate

in readings, festivals, book displays, work-

shops and other events.

Pay attention to all the different ways St.

Thomas celebrates poetry during the rest of

the month of April!

Page 2: Spire Crier April 2013

T h e S p i r e C r i e r P a g e 2

World Leaders in Transition

Political News by Alec Leyva

Succession in Cuba As you may know, Fidel Castro, the dictator of Cuba since March of 1959, is

dying. He is 86 years old. His successor is going to be his brother Raul Cas-

tro. But there is a light side to all this. Raul Castro’s recent announcement

that he will leave power in 2018, and his choice of 52-year-old Miguel Diaz-

Cannel as first vice president and his de facto successor, are signs of political

change in Cuba. Certainly, these announcements won’t satisfy those who for

decades have been waiting for the Castro brothers’ exit. Nevertheless, the

move marks the beginning of the passing of a new political power for a new


Death of Hugo Chavez When Lt. Col. Hugo Chavez ended his military career in 1992 with a failed

coup attempt, he found a new career as Venezuela’s dictator. During his 14

years as ‘president,’ he fooled Venezuelans into believing he would improve

their lives and strengthen their democratic powers. Actually, he did exactly

the opposite. Chavez was diagnosed with a form of cancer in 2011. Most

people think it was pelvic cancer. He never revealed what his illness was,

which raised suspicion about his presidency. By hiding how severe his ill-

ness was, he was able to be reelected. Chávez died of cancer at age 58 on

Tuesday March 5.

Pope Francis The Catholic Church is in trouble because of the resignation of Pope Bene-

dict XVI at the end of February. The last time a pope stepped down from the

position was back in 1415 AD, (600 years ago) since it is tradition to remain

in office until you “shuffle off the mortal coil” and go meet God. That means

that they had to vote for a new one. They chose Pope Francis, who used to

be known as the Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina.

Page 3: Spire Crier April 2013

P a g e 3 V o l u m e 2 5 I s s u e 3

Mulan Jr. Involves Every Fifth Grader

By Katelyn Wenkoff and Cornelia Ehlebrach

This year the fifth grade class is doing the musical Mulan Jr. All of the fifth

graders have an important role in the musical such as the ensemble, which

includes mothers, daughters, fathers, sons, soldiers, townspeople, and many

other roles. There are also the lead roles which include Shang, Shan-yu,

Matchmaker, the ancestors, Yao, Qian-po, Ling, Mushu, and most im-

portantly Mulan.

Here is a sneak peak of the cast: Mulan-Katelyn Wenkoff, Mushu-Marla

Fay, Laozi, Ancestor-Olivia Bacardi Yun, Ancestor-Kyra Wells, Lin, An-

cestor-Luis Mendez, Hong, Ancestor-Natalia Rey, Zhang, Ancestor-P.J. Sua-

rez, Fa Zhou-Juan Andres Lairet, Fa Li-Olivia Byrd, Grandma Fa-Megan

Hoffman, Matchmaker-Yasmina Haddad, Chi Fu-Javier Pardo, Shan-Yu

(Hun)-Carlos Prio-Touzet, Magyar (Hun)-Spencer Perdigon, Subar-Tu

(Hun)-Alejandro Cortinas, Shang-Jack Fitzpatrick, Yao-Patrick Battle, Ling-

Breton Rice, Qian-Po-Maui Quirch, Emperor-Edgar Belaval, Fathers-Brian

Park, Sebastian Quintero, Ben Cobb, Matty Cardoso-Abreu, Carson Hays,

Nico Valls, Alec Leyva, Jack Touzet, Sons-Liam Malloy, Gabby Anez, Ale-

co Sanchez, Nicholas Moran, Ray Fernandez, Mothers-Joya Lahoud, Madi-

son Hewitt, Lauryn Joseph, Sarah Steinhour, Mia Williamson, Sloan Cole,

Medley Bohn, Michelle Lairet, Victoria Hegewisch, Daughters-Jamie San-

ford, Carla Albarran, Federica Besson, Mary Catherine Lorie, Cornelia Ehle-

bracht, Rebeca Restrepo, Bridget Lairet, Catherine Trouillot, Annie Vila,

Young Xiao-Gabriel Gonzalez, Older Yi-Rafa Bru, Younger Yi-Ray de Le-

gorburu, Salesperson-Cornelia Ehlebracht.

Performances are Wednesday, May 8 at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, May 9 at 6:00

p.m. and Friday, May 10 at 6:00 p.m. See you in Rantz Hall!

Ellenton: A Trip to Remember

By Jack Fitzpatrick, Carlos Prio-Touzet, and Luis Mendez

From February 11th to 13th, the Fifth Grade went to a Recreational Camp called Daysprings. Before we got

there, we stopped at Thomas Edison’s and Henry Ford’s summer house to tour the estate. We saw Henry

Ford’s first car, the Model T Car and Thomas Edison’s improved light bulb. After touring the Edison/Ford

Estate, we headed for Daysprings. Once we got there, we unpacked, and had dinner. The next day, we partici-

pated in activities. The activities were canoeing, tree climbing, team building, and Stations of the Cross. Each

one of these activities were exciting. After we had dinner we did a skit that was hilarious. The next day we

left Daysprings at about 11:00. We enjoyed Ellenton a lot and we hope future Fifth Graders will too!

A sneak peek

of the cast

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T h e S p i r e C r i e r P a g e 4

April Fools! A few pranks you might try next year, or anytime you want to have some fun.

By Sarah Steinhour, Olivia Byrd, and Nicole Ojala

Tell your friends (in an email) you broke a limb. Such as an arm, leg, neck, jaw, rib or nose

Make breakfast in bed for your parents, but then, sit on their bed and eat it yourself.

Tell your brother/sister/cousin that they were adopted.

Tell someone who has a crush on you that you love them, and then say April fools!

Tell your parents you failed a test.

Take all the toilet paper from the bathrooms in your house.

Go to someone who is drinking something and tell them, “You have gullible written on the bottom of your drink” this

will make them spill it.

Take a quarter and use a pencil to trace around it--this will leave pencil dust all along the edge of the coin. Hide this coin

in your hand for now. Go to your victim and tell him you want to show them a trick. Tell him you can do something that

you bet he can't. Take a quarter (a new quarter, not the "marked" quarter) and roll in down your face from the top of

your forehead, over your nose, and down to your chin. Challenge your victim to do the same thing--handing them the

"marked" quarter. When your victim finishes, congratulate them and walk away. Let them figure out for themselves that

you tricked them into marking a big line down the middle of their face!

Glue a quarter or dollar coin to the floor or the ground in a busy place. Sit nearby and watch as people try to pick it up.

Put salt on the victim's toothbrush. Then stand by to watch the surprised look on their face.

Fill a box with ping pong balls or packing peanuts and place it into a cupboard. Arrange the box so the box flap will fall

open when the cupboard is opened. Carefully close the cupboard, and then wait nearby for the fun!

While the victim is asleep, reset all the clocks ahead two hours. When they wake up they will panic and think they slept

late and are late for school or work.

Find a scrap of cloth. Place a dollar on the floor and stay

nearby. When the victim comes by and bends down to pick

up the dollar, rip the cloth loudly. Most people will reach

back to see if they ripped their pants!

Put a dark substance around the eyepiece of a pair of binoc-

ulars (we recommend dark eye-shadow instead of the black

shoe polish used in the classic prank of yesteryear). Hand

them to your victim and point out something for them to

look at in the distance. Then laugh at the dark circles

around their eyes.

Page 5: Spire Crier April 2013

P a g e 5 V o l u m e 2 5 I s s u e 3

No more school!! By Andrea Park

I got breaking news!! Mrs. Charlton has been to every class and saw that the teachers were

desperate to get the kids quiet and to do class work. So Mrs. Charlton thought that after all

these years the teachers were exhausted from trying to get the kids organized, so she gave us

the rest of the year off! Here are some things that students plan to do with all that free time.

Katelyn: She would go around the world

Victoria: Go to Hawaii

Helen: Stay home and watch her brother’s baseball games

Alexandra PT: Play electronics

Nicole: Go to Hawaii

Alli: Go to New York

Charlie: Move to Italy for a year

Javier: Go water skiing

Alec: Go to the Bahamas

Luis: Go to Costa Rica and play video games

Here are some ideas that you can do during your LONG VACATION!!!!!!!!!!



By Reporter “Jansie Koober”

On April 20, hamsters will attack the world! A citizen from a country called

“Fakerthanadinounicorn” told me, “The hamsters are coming! The hamsters are com-

ing! They attacked me family with pineapples- ayyy! Me fam’ly is layin’ on the

ground with tasty, razor-sharp pineapples lodged in their bodies!!!” Other citizens,

especially ones from the country “Digbickcheerios” have told me of this raid-

“Hamsters are attacking pet-shop owners! I saw an unfortunate pet-shop worker with

hamster fang-marks everywhere- a violent little hamster was still grabbing onto his

private parts with his claws!”

A little girl from the streets in “Kiolokokoiuonhuh” ran up to my friend re-

porter, Danio Mackdude, and screamed, “DA HAMSTER KILLED MY UNICORN!!


EN AND HE’S HORNLESS!!! SAVE MEEEEE!” Personally, I think that was the

saddest event. Killing a unicorn- how terrible! But, I got attacked too. By… by my

own beloved hamster, Sweetie Pigeon. She is a very clever hamster, and somehow

she managed to make a translator from Hamster Speak to English, and then she ex-

plained that she hated her name. Then she jumped on me, and that’s all I remember

before everything went black.

As you can see, these hamsters are merciless killers. If you are a hamster

owner, beware!!! Make sure your hamsters are completely locked in their cages all of

the time. Try to treat them nicely so they will not revolt against you, and if none of

this works and your hamster is blood-thirsty for YOUR blood, trap your hamster in a

glass container and lock it up in a crate. Good luck- you will probably need it.

Congress just passed a law

that only children in the pos-

session of an octopus will be

allowed to go to college. Buy

your octopuses at Petco.!!!



By Javi Hidalgo-Gatos

and Justin Wong

Slender Man might be reading this

right now; by the time this paper is in

your hand we are dead. Evacuate the city and protect yourself and every-

body you know. Just keep calm and

move in a group and keep a source of light with you like a flashlight. Gather

food and never go in the woods; sleep

in shifts so you won’t get caught asleep. You cannot kill him; don’t

even try just keep on running and

never hide and think you’re safe. Just follow these steps and you might be

fine. Here is our recording:

Justin: We have to leave dude Javi:I know, but what about every-

body else?

Justin: We’ll tell them, and we’ll come out together,

Javi: Eh.. Okay.

*SNAP!* Javi: What was that?!?!

Justin: Dude get out your flashlight.

Javi. Ok, one sec. Javi: Ehm… We don’t really need a




Javi: If you are listening to this please

HELP us!


*Footsteps* *Static noises

Both: RUNNN!!!!!

Justin: Dude the doorway is

that way

Javi: Then let’s move

Justin: That thing is in the door-


Both: Agggh

Javi: Don’t look at him

Both: Agggggh……….

*Recording Stops

April News...

or Fools?

Page 6: Spire Crier April 2013

T h e S p i r e C r i e r P a g e 6

Secret Bear World

By Alexandra Prio-Touzet and Sarah Steinhour

Secret Bear World is a very fun game quite like Club Penguin; you make your

account and create your bear. You can choose a koala, panda, honey bear, or a

brown bear. You can add friends and shop. You can walk around to the beach,

castle, rainforest, castle road, and to three different cities. Jack Fitzpatrick says,

“It’s so awesome!” Luis Mendez says, “It’s a place where you can communi-

cate with random people!” It’s a really fun game you can play with your

friends. You can also go to each other’s houses and have a party! In conclusion,

Secret Bear World is a very fun game for everyone.


In Games!

Little Alchemy

By Alexandra Prio-Touzet

Little Alchemy is a very fun game. It is appropriate for all ages, so I’d recom-

mend it to everyone! In the game, you mix together elements. The goal is to

be able to find ALL of the possible elements. I think it is very fun, but I won-

dered what other people thought! So I asked some people what they thought of

the game.

Here are the results:

Please join! I’d recommend to play it WITHOUT cheats because it is enter-

taining to try and find them by yourself. Some easy beginner things that you

can make are ocean by adding two waters together to create sea, then add two

seas to create ocean! The game is FANTASTIC- as you can see, 5/6 people

play it and everybody who plays it says it’s fun! So, join today!

Name: Do you play


One juicy

word to de-

scribe it:

Fun or bor-


Better to

play it with

cheats or


Justin Yes Interesting Fun With cheats

Javier Yes Alchemy Fun With cheats

Helen No Smartening? Boring? Without


Nicole Yes Exciting Fun Without


Me Yes Epic Fun Without


Page 7: Spire Crier April 2013

P a g e 7 V o l u m e 2 5 I s s u e 3


In Music!


By Carlos Prio-Touzet, Luis Mendez, and Jack Fitzpatrick

Harlem Shake is a dance that started in Harlem in 1981. To do it you move

your shoulders up and down, wave your arms downward, and flick your wrist

in one motion. In May 2012, the song Harlem Shake was made from baauer.

At the start of the week, it wasn't even selling enough to make the Top 20—

but it is now one of the UK's most popular tracks. In 2013 the meme was cre-

ated where one person dances at first and then when the song says HARLEM

SHAKE everybody goes crazy.

Teachers’ Favorite Songs of 2012-13 Survey taken by Luis Mendez, Carlos Prio-Touzet, and Jack Fitzpatrick

Songs Most Popular with the Students Number of teachers

who said it was their

favorite song on the


Number of teachers

who said it was

their least favorite

song on the list

Harlem Shake 1 8

I Knew You Were Trouble 5 0

Thrift Shop 1 4

Feel This Moment 1 0

Sweet Nothing 2 0

Suit and Tie 3 0

When I was Your Man 1 0

Scream and Shout 2 1

Page 8: Spire Crier April 2013

T h e S p i r e C r i e r P a g e 8

The Makey Makey

By Javier Hidalgo and Justin Wong

Makey Makey is a new object that helps you do things more innova-

tively and creatively. The Makey Makey was released in the 21st centu-

ry. Makey Makey has 11,124 backers and has made $568,106. The in-

vention is for beginners and experts doing gaming, engineering, and

everything inbetween. Makey Makey costs about $50. If you want to

know more about it, go to makeymakey.com


In Technology!

iPad or Laptop Survey

By Justin Wong

iPad 13 votes Laptop 0 votes Javi voted for iPad and said: Because I like it better than the computer.

Helen voted for iPad and said: because an iPad has a touch screen.

Andrea voted for iPad and said: it’s more comfy and lighter.

Alec voted for iPad and said: because it is more modern and better than

our laptops.

Jack voted for iPad and said: the iPad is way faster than our computers.

Carolina voted for iPad and said: you could get more things on the iPad

To Our Readers: Do you have a favorite

game, online activity, or technology you

want to tell us about? Submit a description

of its features and why you enjoy it. Send

your description, including your name and

grade to us at [email protected].

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P a g e 9 V o l u m e 2 5 I s s u e 3


In Sports!

Survey of Favorite NBA Players

By Charlie Silva

Lebron James IIIIII = 6

Kevin Durant II = 2

Tony Parker II = 2

Tim Duncan I = 1

Chris Paul L =1

Blake Griffin III =3

Rojon Rondo 0

Darek Rose IIII = 4

Kevin Ware Injury

By Charlie Silva

Kevin Ware, the 6ft 2in basketball player on the Louisville basketball team in

the NCAA tournament, is now injured. On Sunday March 31, Kevin went to

block a made shot after number 3 Tyler Thornton of Duke shot. Kevin first fell

forward on his right leg and then fell back on his leg and that’s what caused the

shin bone to pop out. People in the stands were throwing up and crying. A lot

of people thought that he was done for life, but he says that he will be back

next year to play basketball, and he is already back at school. By the end of

the game Louisville had took it home. I hope they win the tournament. This is

the first time that this has happened in college basketball history.

Page 10: Spire Crier April 2013

Ask Lulu

Put your questions in the box in the office or

email them to [email protected]

Dear Lulu,

My friend is bullied a lot. People bully her by saying

things like “You’re fat,” and “You’re weird,” and I usual-

ly agree. I don’t stand up for her, and I feel guilty

about that. What should I do?

Sincerely, Untrue Friend

Dear Untrue Friend,

Stand up for her! Maybe not necessarily with fighting, but with

words. Some good things to say are, “Leave my friend alone!”

or maybe, “Right back atcha!” Remember, being a friend is

standing up for everybody. So next time that happens, help her


Love, Lulu

Dear Lulu,

If you get a Homework Note and your parents are tak-

ing you out for something fun, what do you do?

Sincerely, Worried

Dear Worried,

Tell them before you go! Even if they don’t let you do that fun

thing, if you tell them after they will be much more angry. They

might even ground you! Besides, if you decide to tell them af-

ter, you might forget to tell them and then you will get AN-

OTHER Homework Note!

Love, Lulu

Dear Lulu,

There’s this bully who is really mean and when I tell

her to stop she won’t!

Sincerely, I wish bullies stop

Dear I wish,

Whatever you do, don’t make it worse! Bullies usually have sad

secrets, such as their parents being divorced or “separated.”

Maybe try to stay with friends that will stand up for you all the

time so the bully will go away, afraid that they will overpower


Love, Lulu

T h e S p i r e C r i e r P a g e 1 0

Secret Hobbies: Match the teach-

ers to their secret hobbies.

By Katelyn Wenkoff, Victoria Hegeswich,

Olivia Byrd and Sarah Steinhour

1. Musical Theater

2. Tubing

3. Paddleboarding

4. Stamp Collecting

Teachers to choose from:

Mrs. Jenks

Mrs. Bohn

Miss Dean

Mrs. Crews

Answers on next page.

Mystery Student

By Sarah Steinhour, Katelyn Wenkoff,

and Cornelia Ehlebracht

This student is in 5th grade in Ms. Karam’s home-

room. His favorite color is orange, his favorite food

is mozzarella sticks. His favorite movie is Breaking

Dawn part 2 and Harry Potter. His favorite animal is

a golden retriever but only if they don’t shed, and his

locker number is #105.

Answer on next page

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P a g e 1 1 V o l u m e 2 5 I s s u e 3

Answers to teacher hobbies match on previous page:

Musical Theater = Miss Dean

Tubing = Mrs. Bohn

Paddleboarding = Mrs. Crews

Stamp Collectiong = Mrs. Jenks

The mystery student is Edgar Belaval

2 pouches (1 lb 1.5 oz each) Betty

Crocker® sugar cookie mix

1/2 cup butter, softened

3 tablespoons Gold Medal® all-

purpose flour

2 eggs, slightly beaten

1/4 teaspoon mint extract

1/4 teaspoon Betty Crocker® red

or green gel food color Coarse

white sparkling sugar

20 paper lollipop sticks

STEP 1 Heat oven to 375°F. In large bowl,

stir cookie mix, butter, flour, eggs and mint

extract with spoon until soft dough forms. Divide dough in half. Roll one portion

between 2 sheets of waxed paper into

13x10 1/2-inch rectangle. Remove top

sheet of waxed paper.

STEP 2 To remaining half of dough, add

food color; mix until uniform in color.

Shape into a ball. Roll between 2 sheets of waxed paper into 13x10 1/2-inch rectangle.

Remove top sheet of waxed paper; invert

colored dough onto plain dough. Peel off

top sheet of waxed paper. Trim dough to

11x9-inch rectangle. Tightly roll into a log,

starting at long side and using bottom sheet

of waxed paper as a guide.

STEP 3 Roll cookie log in coarse sugar;

cut into 1/2-inch slices. On ungreased

cookie sheet, place slices 2 inches apart.

STEP 4 Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until

edges are lightly browned. Immediately

insert 1 lollipop stick halfway into each

cookie. With spatula, carefully remove

cookies from cookie sheet to cooling rack.

Cool completely, about 20 minutes.

Congratulations to

Natalia Rey, the winner

of our recipe contest,

with these delicious

Lollipop Swirl cookies.

Proposal for Culinary/Cooking Class

By Alexandra Prio-Touzet

I think we should have a cooking class because cooking is a skill that we

need to know to survive. Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, etc. are all

important, but cooking is something that we practically cannot live with-

out! If you disagree, think of how boring it is to have to look through all

of the cookbook pages to finally find that cookie recipe that you want…

and then realize you don’t have flour!

Cooking, or the culinary arts, would be DURING school. A good place to

do this would be in Rantz Hall, or maybe in the kitchen next to it. You

might be thinking, “Isn’t there already a cooking class?” Well, yes there

is! But it is only for preschoolers. Meanwhile, this would be for Kinder-

garten-5th grade. I truly hope that one day there will be a cooking class.

Why should kids go on field trips?

By Carlos Prio-Touzet

It is important for children to go on field trips. It is key because it introduces

kids to new environment. You also get more responsibility which is essen-

tial to a child’s growth. But it also is fun which makes the children happy.

Field trips are very important.

Homework: how much is the right amount?

By Olivia Byrd

At St. Thomas, we do not get a ton of homework. From 3rd to 5th grade a

normal amount of homework is about 3-6 pages of homework. Homework

is not the best thing to come home to after a long day of work, but it is very

important to your teachers. It is important to your teachers because it shows

them whether or not you were learning that day. In conclusion, homework is

annoying but still very important.

Page 12: Spire Crier April 2013

The Spire Crier is published by the fourth and fifth

grade journalism class for the students of St. Thomas

Episcopal Parish School.

Fourth Grade Staff: Helen Hannan, Javier

Hidalgo-Gato, Nicole Ojala, Andrea Park, Alexandra

Prio-Touzet, Charlie Silva, and Justin Wong

Fifth Grade Staff: Olivia Byrd, Cornelia Ehlebracht,

Jack Fitzpatrick, Victoria Hegewisch, Alec Leyva,

Luis Mendez, Carlos Prio-Touzet, Sarah Steinhour,

and Katelyn Wenkoff

Journalism Advisor: Katrina Murphy

Special thanks to Alli Williams






5692 North Kendall Drive

Coral Gables, FL 33156


Contact us at [email protected]

T h e S p i r e C r i e r

S t . T h o m a s E p i s c o p a l

P a r i s h S c h o o l

Sena Irvin, a 4th grader in Mrs. Crossin’s class, was the art contest winner.

We loved your beautiful drawing of a mermaid.