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Spleen channel and points

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Spleen channel and points

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SP primary channelBig toe (entry point: SP1)

↓medial aspect of the foot

↓in front of the medial malleolus


& Sp channel cross approximately 8 cun above the medial maleolus, then runs up the medial thigh to the lower abdomen

↓Ren 3 & 4 – (Lower abdominal area) all

three Foot Yin channels meet here↓

passes through


LIV14, LU1↓

Then through the Spleen and into the Stomach . . .finally to Sp 21

↓Branch to the Heart

↓Branch to the throat and then to the root of

the tongue (spreads over

the lower surface of the tongue)

Exit point: SP21

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SP Luo

connecting channelST

and Intestine organs

Sp 4St channel in foot

Collateral disordersRebellious Qi: Sudden Turmoil

DisorderExcess: cutting pain in intestines,

severe abdominal cramps and diarrhea;

Deficiency: Drum distention, abdominal edema, in ancient times they thought it looked and sounded like drum;

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Great luo-connecting channel of the SPSp 21 → Chest and


Great Luo-connecting channel


Excess: pain of the whole body e.g. fibromyalgia; qi stagnation or damp accumulation

Deficiency: flaccid of hundred joints, may include: atrophy after injury, difficulty controlling joints, history of being easily injured;

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The divergent channel of the SP

Diverges thigh

Enters abdomen HT

Exits throat through the root of the tongue

Converges with ST

channel and penetrates the


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The Spleen sinew channelStarts big toe

Bundled ankle, knee, hip, and genital organs –

all three Foot Yin channels

Distributed superficially along the Sp channel

United at lower abdominal area (Ren 3) –

all three Foot Yin channels

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SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 SP5On the dorsal aspect of the big toe, at the junction of lines drawn along the medial border of the nail and the base of the nail, approximately 0.1 cun

from the corner of the nail.

On the medial side of the big toe, in the depression distal and inferior to the first metatarso-



On the medial side of the foot in the depression proximal and inferior to the head of the first metatarsal bone.

On the medial side of the foot,in

the depression distal and inferior to the base of the first metatarsal bone.

On the medial side of the ankle, in the depression which lies at the junction of straight lines drawn along the anterior and inferior borders of the medial malleolus.

Perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally 0.1 to 0.2 cun, or prick to bleed.

Oblique inferior insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun.

Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.

i. Perpendicular insertion 0.2 to 0.3 cun;ii. Transverse insertion beneath the tendons towards, or to join with, ST41.

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SP1 SP2 SP3 SP4 SP51. Jing-well2. ghost point

Ying-spring 1. Shu-stream 2. Yuan-source

See next page

Jing-river point

1. Digestive problems2. Local problems1.

Stop Bleeding –

esp. bleeding at lower parts of body 2. Ghost pointdepression: combine w/ Lu11 & moxamania: puncture3. Jing-Well

loss of consciousness, full below Ht (in epigastric


or tightness in chest

1.Ying-Spring –

clear heatFood stagnation GanJi

children malnourished, picky eaters

2.Fire point – mother pt. –



1.Shu-Stream –

Heaviness of body and joint pain earth pt. on earth channel)2.Yuan Source pt – good for Zang organ problems: SP deficiency1)

digestive problems 2) dampness (earth point)3) Qi deficiency

Yuan source and Luo-

connecting combination: SP 3 and ST 40: excessive phlegm. SP3 is an important point to tonify

the Spleen, whilst ST40 is the primary point to resolve phlegm.

See next page

1.Jing-River point (SP points)resolves dampness; tongue stiffness & pain2.Mental problems3.Local problems

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1. Luo Connecting Point:

1) Treating disorders in regions reached by the luo-connecting channelLuo-connecting channel enters the abdomen and connects with the intestines and Stomach: pain and disharmony in abdominal areas.A. Rebellious Qi: Sudden Turmoil DisorderB. Excess: cutting pain in intestines, severe abdominal cramps and

diarrhea; C. Deficiency: Drum distention, abdominal edema, in ancient times they

thought it looked and sounded like drum;

2) Treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zangfu: harmonize the function of the Stomach and intestines (which are governed by the Spleen) and to treat both upper (Stomach) and lower (Spleen) abdominal pain.

3) Treating psycho-emotional disorders mania-depression disorder, manic raving, insomnia and restlessness,

SP4 Gongsun

公孙 Grandfather Grandson

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SP4 Gongsun

公孙 Grandfather Grandson

2. Opens to Chong (penetrating) channel

(the Penetrating vessel) Classic of Difficulties 31 “When the Penetrating vessel is diseased, counterflow

qi and abdominal urgency will occur”: SP4+P6

1). counterflow

qi: (rebellion of ST qi) vomiting and sudden turmoil disorder2). abdominal urgency: a sensation of acute cramping abdominal pain, usually

associated with dysenteric disorder, SP4 is for distention and pain due to any etiology in any area of the abdomen.

3). Penetrating vessel ascends to the face: edema, especially edema of the face.

4). Despite the fact that the Penetrating vessel (Sea of Blood)

originates in the uterus in females, it is notable that there are few gynecological indications.

According to the Ode of the Obstructed RiverSP 4 for abdominal pain below the umbilicus.

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channel Lower abdomen (uterus) Ascending

inside of spine

ST 30 KI channel


Curves around the lips

terminates below the eye

CAM (12 point)

Ren1K11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21ST 30?

Indications:1. Disorders of the reproductive systems: Spasm and pain in the abdomen, irregular menstruation, infertility, 2. Other disorders: adverse flow of qi in the abdomen and chest, abdominal pain, asthmatic breathing …

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SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9On the medial side of the lower leg, superior to the prominence of the medial malleolus, in a depression close to the medial crest of the tibia.

On the medial side of the lower leg, 3 cun

inferior to SP9, in a depression just posterior to the medial crest of the tibia.

On the medial side of the lower leg, in a depression in the angle formed by the medial condyle

of the tibia and the posterior border of the tibia.

3 cun 6 cunPerpendicular or oblique proximal insertion, 1 to 1.5 cun.


contraindicated in pregnancy.


according to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.

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SP6 SP7 SP8 SP9Meeting pt of SP, KI, LIV

channelXi-Cleft pt He-Sea point

1. Sp / St digestive problems – mostly Sp6 & 92. Resolve dampness – best Sp93. Reproductive problems – esp. Sp6 no matter if excess/def, male/female4. Local problems – leg painSee next page

Dripping valley –

gynecology problems: spotting…

1.Xi-Cleft pt –

resolving blood stasis in the uterus and lower abdomen: dysmenorrhea (especially

when acute), irregular menstruation and abdominal


2.Three jiao

problems Upper Jiao –

Sp21Mid Jiao –

St 25Lower Jiao –


1.He-Sea point (water) – Best point for every kind of damp retentionOn the lower limb, the yin he-sea points (SP

9, KI

10, LIV

8) all strongly

drain dampness and damp-heat

from the fu or extraordinary

fu in the lower jiao,

specifically the

BL, intestines and uterus.

2.Sp Deficiency

3.Local problems (knee)

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Note: Meeting pt of 3 Foot Yin channels: Sp –

source of qi & blood, Liv

stores blood, moves QiKi

stores essence <=> blood1.

Blood disorders

–nearly all blood problems1)

Blood deficiency–

pale face, tongue, blurry eyes, poor

memory, poor concentration; when tonifying

blood should

also tonify

Qi2) Blood Stasis –

sharp fixed pain, bruises, swollen, masses, purple tongue, choppy pulse

3) Blood Heat –

red skin rashes/ulcers, may be worse in summer, insomnia, restlessness in Ht, thirsty, tongue red, pulse rapid, sometimes bleeding, thick bright red color

4) Stop Bleeding?


*caution about needling during menses*

SP6 Sanyinjiao三阴交 Three Yin Intersection

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2.Reproductive System problems1) Female: (Women: normal period 28 +/-

7 days or 21-35 days)Menstrual problems, infertility –Early (Yin Xu, Blood Heat, Sp Qi Xu),Late (Liv

Qi Stagnation or/and

Blood stasis +4 gates;

Blood Xu

+St36)Dysmenorrhea; Amenorrhea Heavy menses –

often combined with early;

Pregnancy –

contraindicatedInduce labor –


LI4 while reducing Sp6

Vaginal discharge –

leukorrhea, defic/excess; Dryness in vagina

2) Male: Infertility –


/ Liv

Qi; Damp Heat; Impotence, Nocturnal emission

SP6 Sanyinjiao三阴交 Three Yin Intersection

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SP6 Sanyinjiao三阴交 Three Yin Intersection

3.Urinary Problems


& Sp –

for dampness) Excess / Defic.May combine with: +Ren3 &4, Sp9, St36 and sometimes 4 gates

4.Skin problems

(blood problems, damp, wind…)5.Strengthen Sp:

digestive problems

6.Tonify Yin:

(Note: Blood or Yin Xu

should also use herbs)

7.Local problems

– legs

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SP10 SP11 SP122 cun

proximal to the superior border of the

patella, in the tender depression on the bulge of the vastus


muscle, directly above SP9.

On the medial side of the thigh, 6 cun


to SP10, on a line connecting SP10 with SP12.

3.5 cun

lateral to RN2, on the lateral side of the femoral artery.

Perpendicular or oblique insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.

Perpendicular or oblique insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.Caution: deep needling may puncture the femoral artery.

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SP10 SP111.

Resolve Dampness

dribbling or retention of urine2.

Local problems

inner part of legs

1.Sea of Blood –Blood HeatBlood Stasis lower body (below umbilicus) GYN; Blood deficiency skin

SP6, SP10

2.Local problems

3.Parasites –


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SP12 SP13 SP14 SP15 SP163.5 cun

lateral to RN2, on the lateral side of the

femoral artery.

On the lower abdomen, 0.7 cun

superior and 0.5 cun

lateral to SP12, 4 cun

lateral to the midline. This point is also defined as lying 4.3 cun

inferior to SP15.

On the lower abdomen, 1.3 cun

inferior to

SP15, 4 cun

lateral to the midline.

On the abdomen, in the depression at the lateral border of

the rectus


muscle level with the umbilicus.

On the abdomen, in the depression at the lateral border of the rectus


muscle, 3 cun

superior to SP15

Perpendicular insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun.Caution: deep needling in a medial direction may puncture

the femoral artery, and in a lateral direction, the femoral nerve.

Caution: in thin patients deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity.

Caution:i. in thin patients deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity; ii. deep needling at this point may penetrate a substantially enlarged spleen or liver.

Caution: i. in thin patients deep needling may penetrate the peritoneal cavity; ii. deep needling at this point may penetrate an enlarged spleen.

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SP12 SP13 SP14 SP15 SP16Meeting point of the SP, LIV and Yin Wei

channelMeeting point of the SP and Yin Wei



Regulate Sp & St: Digestive problems: 1.Reproductive problems2.Urinary


1. Hernia 1.Constipation

located at the descending colon;

+Sp15 & St25

1. Digestive problems –

constipation / diarrhea; +St252.

Weight loss –

esp. abdominal area

(Thread needle technique Sp15 → St25 or electric acup. with individual circuits on ea. Side)3.

Psycho emotional problems

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SP 17

SP 18

SP 19

SP 20


On the lateral side of the chest, in the intercostal

space, 6 cun

lateral to the mid-line.

On the mid-


line, in the seventh intercostal

space. Note: some sources locate this point in the sixth intercostal

space.5th 4th 3rd 2nd 6th or 7thTransverse-oblique insertion along the intercostal


0.5 to 1 cun.Caution: perpendicular insertion, especially in thin

patients, carries a substantial risk of inducing a pneumothorax.

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SP 17

SP 18

SP 19

SP 20


Great Luo

Connecting Point

of SP

1. Chest tightness & pain2. Hypochondriac pain

1.Digestive problem



Breast problem


1. Great Luo

Connecting Point Excess: General pain in whole bodyDeficiency: weakness, flaccidity2. Acute muscle strain –

LI-10 & GB34 easier & safer3. Upper Jiao problems

Great luo-connecting channel of the SP, which emerges at six


below the axilla

spreading in the chest and lateral costal region.