sports awards evening first ever creative arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base...

18 1 BISHOP DOUGLASS CATHOLIC SCHOOL JULY 2017 Creative Arts Evening Sports Awards Evening Art exhibition 2017 Awards Evening

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Page 1: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic




Creative Arts Evening Sports Awards Evening

Art exhibition 2017 Awards Evening

Page 2: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



I know this is equally true in the lives of other religions where “hospitality” is very important. In this “year of

Brexit” there has been so much turmoil. I have never experienced so much alarm and fear than in these past

months. This is not the will of God. No way can we behave with such wanton hatred in our hearts and claim to be

“on the side of right” or in the name of God.

How do we welcome “outsiders” in our churches, in our temples, mosques, synagogues and in our school? What

about people who have moved from other neighbourhoods or other countries? Do we welcome the Lord in them?

Remember how the Lord welcomes us by giving his life on the Cross to save us all whether we are aware of it,

accepting of it or not! Recently, watching the Grenfell Tower tragedy I was moved to tears with the response of

the local citizens and not so local who came to the aid of the “neighbour in need”. On that occasion I witnessed

and saw the Gospel in action. As we celebrate the final weeks of this school year it is hard to be “joyful” with so

much sorrow and sadness in our midst. However, maybe that is a sign for all of us to do better. Perhaps we can

give more readily of ourselves; perhaps we can encourage others to put away the sword of anger and take on the

mantel of peace.

The long summer is almost upon us. An anxious time as we await the good results we need as well as plenty of

time on our hands “to make everyone we meet happier for the meeting.” So, let us pray to God to make us

welcome people, as he is hospitable to us: Our kind and caring God, your Son Jesus welcomes us in your house,

speaks to us his message of hope and gives us the wisdom to do better. Let him enable us to welcome all those

close to us, known or unknown, who ask for justice and love, for integrity or a mere glass of water. Make us an

open and hospitable school community, that one day you may welcome us with joy in your eternal home. Bestow

your peace upon us and keep us all safe during these coming months.

Every blessing to you and yours,

Fr. Kevin, S.X.


A Summer Message

Ryan’s Ramblings………………………………From the Chaplain’s Desk – Summer 2017

Unless you are an exception to the rule, most people feel very happy when they are made

to feel welcome, especially in homes and communities where they are new. In our times,

certainly in urban settings, the sense of hospitality is disappearing at a very alarming rate.

Christians in their communities, even in their own parish churches, are becoming strangers

to one another. Are we aware that when we receive strangers we receive the Lord himself?

We have Jesus’ own words for this. In the stranger God visits us. This applies not only to

us in our families, but also in our Church communities.

Page 3: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



We, at Bishop Douglass are delighted with the progress that we have made this academic

year. Last week my favourite night of the year came around again and we celebrated

prize giving night with the opportunity to laud those who have shown the best progress

in their curriculum subjects. We were honoured to have Professor Mark Caulfield

whose qualifications and accomplishments and titles are extensive, Mark is an ex-pupil

of the school and is now professor of medicine in charge of the University College of

London research school. He spoke eloquently to pupils and parents and no doubt

inspired our award winners to sustain their efforts next year.

The vast majority of our children are making every effort to achieve of their best. We

will be issuing internal end of year exam results before the end of term and of course we

are keeping our fingers crossed for another set of good metrics for our GCSE and AS/A

Level exams. The governors commissioned an internal progress review through a lead

Ofsted inspector; I am gratified that he found the school to be ‘Outstanding ‘giving a

summary of his main findings.

This is has been extraordinarily busy summer term and next week Year 7 to 9 will be on Wider Horizon week

including trips around the capital and trips outward bound. Our first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to

showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic talent and

some delightful singing. Our Sports Awards evening brought home that we are not a school that is narrowly

academically focused but do sterling work to promote and celebrate the sporting prowess of our students.

I remind parents that we are successful in a substantial bid to carry out replacement and refurbishment of water and

heating systems across the school. Inevitably there will be some disruption but the making good gives us an

opportunity to make sure that all learning areas are up to standard and are conducive to outstanding teaching and


We are so lucky to have Father Kevin as our Chaplain, he celebrates Mass weekly in the chapel and supports the RE

department and Catholic Life in the school. Year 8 and 9 have gone out on Retreats this term with Father to

Provincial House in Mill Hill.

It is always sad at this time of year to say good bye to staff who are leaving. Mrs Zammit, our SENCO is retiring. Mr

Lenane (Assistant Headteacher and Head of Year 8) is leaving us to move to Australia. Mrs Akinrinlola (Teacher of

Maths), Ms Ogbaselase (Teacher of History), Ms Anderson (Teacher of DT), Ms Sivanesanathan (Teacher of

Science), Mr Pilling (Teacher of Maths), Mr Hadjisavva (Teacher of RE) and Mr Robinson (Learning Support Unit

Manager) are leaving to join schools in London. We are also saying goodbye to our trainee teachers, all of whom have

successfully completed their teacher training with us this year: Mrs Isaacs (English), Ms Ali (Maths) and Mr Gant


Finally, I thank you as ever for your continued support over the school year and take this opportunity to wish you and

your family a restful and enjoyable summer.

With best wishes.

Martin Tissot, Headteacher

Headteacher’s Message

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From the Editor

As always, Bishop Douglass School has been swarming with activity and enterprise this term as you will read

about over these pages. Some of my favourite moments were from Wider Horizons week, the week beginning

Monday 10th July. The week saw several residential trips; activities on site and a discrete sixth form programme.

Year 12 students have excitedly embarked upon their UCAS preparation and many of them have been writing

their personal statements after having visiting Reading and Cambridge universities. We hope that our special

Oxbridge and Russell Group programme will lead to more of our students pursuing courses at these prestigious


The Year 7-13 awards ceremony stole the show. How special to be able to celebrate the achievements of our

young people. For the first time this year we celebrated the awards as a whole school. This did make it so much

more special in bringing together all members of the school community. Professor Mark Caulfield was the guest

speaker and what an inspiring speaker he was. As an ex-student of Bishop Douglass school he demonstrated that

once you have a dream, you must go for it! And his was to study Medicine. He is now highly esteemed in his


I was also particularly impressed with the Creative Arts Evening and the Art Exhibition which took place in

June. So much talent and creativity, it really was very inspiring. One Year 13 Art student has had work selected

to be exhibited at The National Students Art Exhibition at the Mall Galleries London. This is to be highly

commended and you will see the selected pieces within the magazine. They are superb! Two of our Year 12

students won national gold and bronze medals at the Biology Olympiad competition 2017. What an amazing


The first ever Bishop Douglass Sports Award Evening took place on Wednesday 6th July. This was another

opportunity to reward and praise the outstanding achievements of our students this year.

I have just commented upon some of my most well remembered moments, but you will read about so much more

over the coming pages. I hope you enjoy reading about the school in this edition of the Douglass. May I take this

opportunity to say a massive thank-you to all the staff and students who have contributed to this edition. I hope

staff and students alike have a restful summer break.

Miss Wilkhu,

Assistant Headteacher,

Head of Sixth Form.

Welcome to the summer 2017 edition of The Douglass. As the year draws to a close, we

can reflect upon all the initiatives that have taken place throughout the year. The early

part of the term was spent thoroughly preparing students for their final GCSE and A level

examinations. The lower school have also been academically challenged by the end of

year exams that took place in June. We look forward to the August results days with

eager anticipation and hope that our students have achieved to the best of their abilities. A

level results day is on Thursday 17th August and GCSE results day is on Thursday 24th

August. Students can collect their results on those days and enrol straight into the Sixth


Page 5: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



RE - Catholic Life of the School

The R.E department have been hard at work this term

with Saturday and holiday intervention for both KS4

and KS5 pupils. If history is to be repeated, this should

translate into great exam success once again for our


Harvey from the organisation ‘Life’ came into our AS/

RX Theology class to talk about the sanctity of life and

the morality of Abortion. The sixth form class found

this particularly useful with their upcoming Medical

Ethics examination. We would like to say a big thank

you to Harvey for giving up his him time and for

making it a truly engaging presentation with life like


This year, our AS Theology pupils were invited to join

pupils from our sister schools to take part in a seminar

hosted by Professor Keith Ward of the University of

Oxford. The seminar explored the relationship

between religion and science. As expected our pupils

were fully engaged and receptive to the ideas being


In preparation for the new GCSE, Years 9 and 10 have

been hard at work studying Judaism and ensuring their

subject knowledge and understanding of Jewish beliefs

are superb. Pupils have been eagerly studying the

nature of the Almighty, Shekhinah, The Messiah and

the Messianic Age as well as the Covenant at Sinai

and with Abraham, the Sanctity of Life and Jewish

beliefs about life after death. Why not test your child by asking them what the

following Jewish terms mean: Pikuach Nefesh,

Mitzvots, Decalogue, The Shema and The thirteen

principles of faith.

A big thank you for all your support

with the Easter Egg Collection. As a

school we sent over 370 eggs to Oak

Lodge, Nazareth House and the North

London Hospice. We received much

joy and gratitude from our generous

donations and hope to exceed this

amount next year so that we can

spread the joy of Easter to even more

people within our community.

Notes of thanks for our donations.

Page 6: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



RE - Catholic Life of the School

Sixth Formers Sharan Fraser 13W; Shneequa Pettigrew 13W; Gabriela Caser 12L; Jesse Towua 12L;

Lubna Khatun 12S; Velerie Moore 12S and Charlie Charalambos 12S did the school proud in helping to

deliver Easter eggs to our local community.

Page 7: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



RE - Catholic Life of the School

Pupils across key stage 3 have had the opportunity to explore their own faith and spirituality through retreats

provided by the R.E department. These retreats have looked at community, the body of Christ and personal


The celebration of the feast of St. Peter and St. Paul

was a great success; pupils had an opportunity to

reflect on the importance of these great saints and

founders of Christianity through drama, music and

scripture. As we celebrate our end of year Mass,

we’d like to take this opportunity to thank all

pupils who are involved in the liturgy, either

through reading, music or drama. We would also

like to thank those staff who continuously support

the distinct Catholic nature of our school and who

generously give up their time to help facilitate extra

-curricular activities such as retreats.

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Sixth Form News

advice and guidance on how to write their personal statements. On Wednesday we will be visiting Reading

University to give students the experience of a Campus university outside of London to encourage them to

widen their horizons in terms of university location. Applicants should have an awareness of where their

universities of choice are located, so studying the UCAS map will be a valuable exercise for them!

The UCAS website also gives excellent advice to parents for them to understand and support their sons and

daughters through what is a lengthy process. By the time they return in September the students of the Sixth

Form should have their personal statements ready to be scrutinised by their subject teachers and their five

universities of choice ready for discussion with the Sixth Form staff team.

We aim to have all the applications to Russell Group universities ready to be sent off before October half

term then all other applications sent by the end of November. The sooner applications are sent off the

sooner our students receive their offers from their chosen universities so we encourage them all to be early


This is what some of the Year 12 students have said about the UCAS days:

“As a student who has Reading University as a possible option, having a trip to the university will be very

beneficial. Actually being on campus and having a taste of student life will aid me in my choices”.

Habib Njie 12S

“On the trip to Reading University, I am hoping to get a better idea of which type of university will suit me

and the subjects that I study”. Gabriella Caser 12L

“I am looking forward to Wider Horizons week as I want to find out more about university. I have already

visited some universities so this week should really help me”. Patrick Lopes 12O

“During Wider Horizons week I hope to get a clearer picture of who I want to be in the future and my

pathway to the right university”. Tomasz Dusanek 12S

UCAS Preparation Days.

As part of our progression programme, Year 12

Level 3 students will begin to plan their next steps

beyond Bishop Douglass during the Wider

Horizons week.

On the Tuesday the Sixth form will have a

presentation guiding them through the university

application process using the UCAS website. After

they have seen the presentation, Mary Mullarkey

(an ex-Bishop Douglass student) from City

University will talk them through the advantages

of going on to university and will give invaluable

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Sixth Form News

Our Sixth Formers have worked incredibly hard this year. The Year 13s especially so, with many of them having

been the first cohort to sit the new linear A levels. These A levels consist of three exams at the end of two years.

They are more content heavy than those A levels in previous years and so therefore more demanding! But we are

confident that our Year 13s will do well and we eagerly anticipate their results in August.

In order to say a particular thank you and farewell to the Year 13s, a special Leavers Mass was held for them on

Thursday 25th May. This was led by our very own Father Kevin and was met with reverence by students and

staff alike. It bought a tear to a few eyes as we are sad to see our Year 13s leave us, but we also wish them the

very best in their futures.

The mass was followed by a pizza lunch in the gardens on one of the hottest days of the year—much enjoyment

was had by all!

Year 13 students during mass listening intently to

Father Kevin. Students enjoying their pizza lunch!

Keren Terzi 13W; Alejandro Marulanda-Beltran 13A; Jasmine Ebimomi 13W and Laura Capitelli 13S reading at mass.

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Sixth Form News

On Friday 30th June, the last A level exam was finally

over! The Sixth Formers celebrated with a Leavers

Party at the David Lloyd Club North Finchley. 90

students and staff enjoyed a delicious buffet, speeches,

awards and a disco. Much fun was had by all. Tyrese

Chin-Den-Coy 13F and Weronika Bargiel 13A

(pictured right) were crowned Prom King and Prom

Queen on the night following student and staff voting.

This is what Luca Lo-Conte 13W said about the


“Graduation was a really nice way to end our

experience as Bishop Douglass students. The venue

was spacious and well organised, with David Lloyd

staff serving up nice food such as the lasagne which

was really delicious. The DJ and music weren’t too

bad, but there was room for improvement!

Overall it was a really good way to end our long

journey as students. We were all together with our

friends and our teachers that have supported us all the

way through the years.”

Above: Charlotte Moore 13A pictured with the Science

department - Dr Williams; Mr Burt; Madam Chaganti and Mr


Luca Lo-Conte 13W; Sharan Fraser 13W; Charlotte Moore

13A (Head Girl) and Tisloh Danboyi 13A (Head Boy).

Our very own Prom King and Prom Queen!

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Year 11 Prom

The Year 11 Summer Service and Prom took place on the evening of Friday 23rd June. The Year 11 had really

dressed for the occasion and have to be commended for how elegant and glamourous they all looked. During the

Service the Form Student Council representatives paid tribute to the form tutors. We were taken on a walk down

memory lane with the video montage created by Emily Hopwood Year 12 of pictures from across the years. The

talent of the Year group was showcased by Tzu-Ching Yao who played Canon in D. Dr Williams read

1 Corinthians 13 reminding us that love is the greatest of the spiritual gifts we have.

Once the Service was over, it was time for staff and students to make their way to the coaches as they had a boat

to catch. Once on board, the party began and all students plus staff hit the dance floor to celebrate the end of a

hard working year. We now look ahead to the results in August with the hope that all the effort will be translated

into another set of excellent exam results.

Madam Prina with 11F Madam Chaganti and 11C

Mr Burt with 11M Mr Pilling and Madam Binz with 11O

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National Students Art Exhibition

Wiktoria Kozlowska in 13A has had two paintings selected to be exhibited at

the National Student's Art Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in Trafalgar

Square. The exhibition will feature a selection of the best student work from

across the country, so to have two paintings accepted is fantastic! The

exhibition will run from Wednesday 12th July to Saturday 15th July.

Page 13: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



Highly Able

An article by Ross Ezechuku 9F about the Brilliant Club.

In my life, I want to become a ‘somebody’. Someone with no limits and someone who can think for themselves.

Someone who can make a better future for themselves. Brilliant Club truly motivated me to become a ‘somebody’

in this world. In the beginning I didn’t want to go to Brilliant Club. I thought that it would have been boring and

just a waste of my time, but when I did make the choice to go and had my first lesson I was so grateful for being

chosen. Brilliant Club allowed us to work with a PHD tutor over a number of sessions. The experience truly

opened my eyes. It made me want to work harder and to make sure that I could make myself into a ‘somebody’.

In the beginning the lesson we were taught seemed very lackluster. I didn’t want to learn about air pollution and

how to tackle it. However, when we actually had the lessons and all the information started pouring in, it became a

great experience. Wanting to learn more and wanting to use the knowledge you have acquired to do something was

something that fuelled me in Brilliant Club. We then had our final assessment, at first I panicked. I didn’t know

how to write an assessment and it didn’t help that I left it so late just because I had forgotten about it. The notes I

had written down just became an endless slur of gibberish in my eyes and I couldn’t seem to formulate a plan for

writing my essay. When I wanted to do it I just got bored and did something else. But then when I sat down,

formulated a plan and concentrated, the task felt simpler. Sure I had bumps in writing, not knowing what to say or

not knowing where to get my information from but as I progressed through the task, it felt easier. I was so

surprised when I got a 2:1. I was shocked but also so happy that I had not failed. I then thought to myself that I

could have got a better grade. If I hadn’t left it to the last minute and if I tried even harder I am sure that I could

have got a better grade. That boosted me. Knowing that I had so much potential and all I had to do was try and I

could achieve anything.

After that we had the ceremony. We went to another university, The Royal Holloway University, and the

experience was terrific. It felt so good to be acknowledged for being smart and it felt even better as we graduated.

All in all I loved my experiences at Brilliant Club and I am so happy I was chosen to participate in it. I thank you

for the experience and boosting me to try and become a ‘somebody’ in this vast, vast world.

The Brilliant Club is an award-winning charity that

exists to increase the number of pupils from

under-represented backgrounds progressing to

highly-selective universities. They do this by

mobilising the PhD community to share its

academic expertise with state schools.

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Creative Arts Evening

On a warm and pleasant Thursday evening students

from across the school gathered to take part in this

year’s Creative Arts Evening. In front of a very

appreciative audience, students showed off their

brilliant talent in music, art, dance and drama.

The evening, presented by Raymond Williams 9F,

began with a series of short piano recitals. Featuring

music by Beethoven and Mozart, students displayed a

fine level of musical expression and finger dexterity

whilst entertaining the audience made up of parents,

students, teachers and governors.

This was followed by the energetic Collaborative Arts

group and their performance of ‘We Love Our City,

So Don’t Mess It Up!’ which had been especially

written for the evening by Ms Myles and Ms

McCrone. The performance, which included music,

dance and drama, shared the message of looking after

your environment. Stand out performances include

Melany Kochak 7A and Csaiah Osei 7C. With the

evening now in full swing it was not surprising to see a

short violin recital, a string ensemble performance and

rock gig all being met with great applause by the


New to this year’s Creative Arts Evening was the

introduction of dance, choreographed by Ms McCrone.

This item in the evening saw two contrasting styles of

dance superbly performed by students in Year 7. A

contemporary dance to the music of Sia was, in

particular, expertly performed by Sophia Lee 7O. This

was then followed by the chorus dance item

‘Revolting Children’ from the musical Matilda which

had the audience clapping along as the lights fizzed

across the stage and the performers ran riot (artistically


The final act of the evening was the ever growing

Bishop Douglass Gospel Choir. The choir performed a

number of traditional and contemporary Gospel songs

before finishing with a clever arrangement of Bill

Withers’ Lovely Day. The final song featured a live

band which saw great performances by Tyresse

Clarke-Julien 7F on drums and Rashauna Martin

10C on bass guitar. The band and choir were joined

on stage by all the performers of the evening to belt

out a final chorus of the song before receiving a large,

and well deserved, round of applause from the


A huge congratulations goes to all students and staff

who made the evening possible through their hours of

hard work, enthusiasm and effort throughout the

summer term!

Tyresse Clarke-Julien 7F

Melany Marboth Kochak 7A; Rachel

Ogunnimo 7A

Malgorzata Wilk 7A; Sophia Lee 7O; Jade Guikoume


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Awards Evening

On Wednesday 5th July 2017, approximately 450

people attended the annual prize giving ceremony at

Bishop Douglass Catholic School from 6-8pm. This

prestigious event acknowledges students achievements

across all subject areas, ranging from their application

to learning, outstanding progress and exceptionally

high effort levels. Awards were nominated by subject

leaders and teachers based on consistency throughout

the 2016-17 academic year and then whittled down to

just one boy and girl from each year group. It is also an

opportunity to commend those students who have

contributed to the cohesiveness of the school through

the award of ‘Community Spirit certificates’.

We were privileged and delighted to have Professor

Mark Caulfield, son of the school’s first Headteacher

Mr Michael Caulfield, in attendance as our special


Throughout the evening, students were called to the

stage by heads of faculty to receive their subject

awards from Professor Caulfield. Guests were

unanimous in their pride and recognition of all award

winners, who were both deserving and gracious in the

manner in which they received their prizes. Special

Award Winners from Y12 and Y13 were called to the

stage by Madam Wilkhu, Head of Sixth Form. This

included acknowledgement of our Head Boy Tisloh

Danboyi 13A, and Head Girl Charlotte Moore 13A,

who received the Headteacher’s Award. The

‘Community Spirit awards’ awards were presented by

Foundation Governor Sr. Francis and Chair of the

Governing Body, Mr Veal, to worthy winners across all

year groups.

As part of the evening, the opportunity was taken to

showcase the amazing talents on display within the

school community. Our Year 7 Drama group, prepared

by Madam Gibb and supported by the Year 9 mentors,

performed an extract from Shakespeare’s ‘The

Tempest’. Their confidence and delivery was truly

outstanding, ensuring that their efforts were

commended by all staff, guests and students in

attendance. We look forward with great optimism and

excitement for future performances from this talented

group. There was also an excellent showcase of the

musical prowess of our Year 10 students, with Jessica,

Maria, Xenia and Ahunna, accompanied by

Maximillian on piano, performing a heart-warming

rendition of ‘Beautiful Me, by Dappy’. Talent and

ability are always recognised at Bishop Douglass

Catholic School, and will continue to flourish with

such outstanding direction from our knowledgeable

hard working staff.

The evening concluded with an excellent speech from

our special guest, Professor Caulfield. Both

inspirational and aspirational, his words were received

by all in attendance with great thought and

consideration. Professor Caulfield was extremely

complimentary of all winners, and implored students to

aim high in their expectations, and to fully realise their

full potential. On behalf of the school, our Head Boy

and Head Girl presented our special guest with a

memento to thank him for his presence at our

prestigious prize giving ceremony.

As students and guests

shared some light

refreshments and

discussion with staff, it

was clear to see that the

evening was a great

success. On behalf of the school, I would like to

take this opportunity to acknowledge all winners

from this year’s event, and to thank all guests who

attended. Congratulations to all! Mr Lenane.

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Sports Awards Evening

On Thursday 6th July 2017 the PE department hosted the first ever Sports Awards Ceremony. The PE department

nominated and selected students across all year groups and all PE and sporting activities.

A total of 136 young athletes and 212 parents turned up to celebrate this year’s sporting achievements as we

looked back at our successful teams and individuals. The lucky 136 athletes were awarded certificates, medals

and trophies and then we enjoyed some light refreshments after the showcase has been completed. Amongst the

many highlights of the evening was our successful young Olympian award winners (please see below), the overall

team of the year award winners (please see below) and of

course our Cardinal Hume medallist Tisloh Danboyi.

The “Young Olympian Awards 2017” for demonstrating

the Olympic values:

Year 7 Aleksandra Warrington

Year 7 Makeal Scott

Year 8 Manuella Mbundu

Year 8 Jevonte Wright

Year 9 Mary Espolong

Year 9 James Musa

Year 10 Rashanna Dindel Stevens

Year 10 Luke Mercer Team of the year award - Year 10 Basketball Barnet League Champions

and Barnet Championship winners.

(Jiminez, Edgar Escartin, Patryk Rosak, Tehjarne Mellis, Gideon Larn, Luke

Mercer, Luis Gas Granda, Kudakwashe Benza and Jeamar Rose)

Tisloh Danboyi 13A receiving the Cardinal Hume medal.

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Andy Rubin, the CEO of Pentland Brands Limited, came to our school for a careers talk. Their headquarters is

based in Finchley. Pentland Brands has quite a few brands under their name such as: Kickers, Lacoste and Ted

Baker. They also are the major shareholders of JD Sports. This company was started by Mr Rubin’s grandfather

in Liverpool, who was a Polish immigrant, as a shoe company. From there it grew into the Pentland Brands we

know today. Even though Mr Rubin could have entered the business through his parents, he decided to get an

education and also get an MBA from Harvard Business University.

After giving us a brief introduction to himself and the company, Mr Rubin talked to us about how the world is

‘VUCA’: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. He said that these four things could affect a business in a

positive or negative way and talked a bit about the importance of understanding these concepts.

Furthermore, he also went on to discuss the effects of Brexit upon the Pentland Brands. Many of their workers are

from European countries, this is creating uncertainty on whether they can still stay in the country or not. As well

as this, they trade within EU countries, so they do not know if they will need to pay extra taxes to export to EU


This careers talk was very informative and gave all those students who attended an insight into how the company

Pentland Brands Limited operates throughout the world.

By Daman Sawhney 10F

Fawad Arif 9O; Rochelle Gordon-Blake 12C; Emmanuel Nyoni 9F; Yalan Rosa 13W; Kudawashe Benzar 10M; Nelhia

Da Silva 12C; Zachary Kadri 12O; Diego Tonette 12O; Jonathan Rodrigues-Silva 13W; Patryk Sarna 12C and Arya

Elpula 13W. With Mr Rubin in the middle.

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Further to the Bishop Douglass School Chess Tournament Mr Pilling and Mr Carter organised a trip for students

from the chess club, and particularly those who had participated in our tournament, to the 2017 Middlesex Central

Megafinal of the Delancey UK Schools Chess Challenge. We signed up eight students and seven were able to

make it on the first Friday of the Easter Holiday - 7th April 2017. Parents were welcome to attend with their

children however no parent or teacher was allowed in the playing area during the games. The Delancey UK

Schools’ Chess Challenge is an event in which 48,200 children from 1400 schools and across the country took part

in 2016.

The Megafinal is the second stage of this four stage competition and this year there have been 42 of them in total

throughout the UK. Ealia Hassanian 8C; James Warner 10F: Matthias Alvarado-Schunemann 7C; Tara Dev

7A; Zsofia Kovacs 7M; Rachel Ogunnimo 7A and Aminah Allen 7A each played 6 rounds of tournament

chess, using chess clocks and tournament rules of touch-move and touch-take. The students behaved impeccably

throughout the long day. Around 250 young chess players competed in this Middlesex Central Megafinal to

progress towards the prestigious Southern Gigafinal. To progress to the Gigafinal you needed to have 3.5 points.

They began at 10am and were not finished until 5pm and had up to 20 minutes each to play all their moves so each

game could last 40 minutes if both players made full use of their time. There is time pressure in this method of

playing as a player can lose if they run out of time no matter how close they might be to winning. Each of the

games was scored 1 point for a win, 0.5 point for a draw and 0 point for a loss. Unfortunately none of our students

progressed to the finals however James Warner 10F; Matthias Alvarado-Schunemann 7C and Ealia

Hassanian 8C all finished with 3 points out of a maximum of 6, each only having needed to convert one loss to a

draw to progress to the Gigafinals.

There was some success for our team with Ealia winning Bronze and James Silver medals for their age/gender

groups. James is determined that he will progress to the Southern Gigafinal next year and we are on the lookout

for other tournaments in which it would be appropriate for our pupils to enter. We are sure that all those who have

taken part will have learnt from the experience.

James Warner 10F Matthias Alvarado-Schunemann 7C Ealia Hassanian 8C

Page 19: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



Art and Design

Here are some excellent examples of art work produced by students over the last term.

Aikaterini Pitsi 13A Sandra Kacka 13F

Ngozi Anene 13F Katerina Angadi 13F

Page 20: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



Art and Design

Tomasz Dusanek 12S

April Abad 12S

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Business Studies/Economics

Business and Economics has continued to grow in popularity with a number of students excelling and proving to

be exceptional entrepreneurs and economists.

Our Year 12 Economics class was given the wonderful opportunity to attend an Economics Study Day at the

British Museum supported by the renowned Citi Bank. The day involved numerous speakers; experts in their

field discussing the history of money and its various functions in society. The invigorating discussions allowed

for us students to engage with the topic and see how relevant the study of Economics is to everyday life. We

were astonished to learn that in the 17th Century Russian Emperor Peter the Great introduced a tax on beards in a

hope to discourage people from wearing them, and how hyperinflation led to bread being worth millions in 1940s

Germany! The career talks also gave an interesting perspective on future job prospects that an Economics degree

can lead to.

By Vanessa Agiddi 12S

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This term eight GCSE year 9 students have become year 7 Drama Mentors. Their job consists of:

devising, directing, offering feedback and training up the year 7 Drama Club students. Currently they

are working on a piece in preparation for Celebration Evening. Well done to Raymond Williams

9M, Amber Rayner 9F, David-Oliver Barouh 9O, Juliet Peraja Ramirez 9M, Ross Ezechuku 9F,

Kashf Khawaja 9M, Monique Hart 9C and Diana Penar Alvear 9M for all your hard work.

We have seen the rise of many fantastic performers in the drama department. Due to their outstanding

effort, skill and enthusiasm the following students have been selected as ‘Performer of the Term’.

Congratulations to: Rikiya 7C, Sougand 8F, Alexandra 9C, Litchina 10M and, for Drama Club,

Alison Morales 7F.

Year 9 & 10 GCSE Drama students have been working very hard this term and have

successfully completed their GCSE Drama practical exams. These practical exams

consisted of student devised performances that ranged from themes of The

Holocaust, Knife Crime, Mental Illness and also issues on Social Media. A massive

congratulations to all the GCSE Drama students for all their hard work.

In preparation for GCSE Drama, the year 8’s are jet-setting off to the London

Palladium on the 4th of July to see ‘Wind in the Willows’. The year 8’s will

have to write a live review of the show upon their return in September!

Therefore this is an excellent opportunity to see a piece of live theatre.

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Top left: Malgorzata Wilk 7A

Top right: Malgorzata Wilk 7A; Jade Guikoume 7C and Sophia Lee7O

Bottom left: Victoria Kus 7A; Patrycja Hubka 7A; Malgorzata Wilk 7A; Jade Guikoume 7C; Estefania Henao-Pardo 7A;

Luliana Adamowix 7C;Gabriella Dzienis 7A and Sophia Lee 7O

Bottom right: Victoria Kus 7A; Patrycja Hubka 7A; Malgorzata Wilk 7A; Gabriella Dzienis and Sophia Lee 7O.

Page 24: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic




Haworth Trip – Easter 2017.

Never ones to be deterred from our pursuit of culture and art, 12

of the A-Level English Literature class, accompanied by Ms

Grounds and Ms Prina, made the 4 hour journey up North to the

village of Haworth in Bronte country. “Wuthering Heights”

remains a novel that is central to the English A-Level studies

and immersing ourselves in the landscape that was so influential

for the Brontes was a real eye-opener!

During our visit, our aim was to really get to grips

with the visceral landscape that was the backdrop to

the Bronte’s novels. We visited the parsonage where

these ground-breaking sisters wrote their novels as

well as undertaking a brilliantly educational

workshop session all about critical reception to

“Wuthering Heights”.

In addition to the above we visited the graveyard that

nestles behind the Bronte parsonage helping us to get

a sense of the novel’s Gothic aspects. Of course, no

trip to Haworth could be complete without an

appreciation for the North Yorkshire moors! Students

were stunned by the landscape and scenery that have

made this tiny Yorkshire village such an important

landmark and a brisk walk on the bleak and vast

moors that form such an important part of this story

opened their eyes to the world that Bronte describes

in the novel. All in all, another very successful trip to

one of England’s most treasured gems!

The Curious Incident of the Dog in

the Night-time. One hot and sunny Thursday in May, a small

selection of Y11 students travelled into central

London to the Fortune Theatre to see ‘The Curious

Incident of the Dog in the Night-time’. Given this was

an exam text they were writing about for their GCSE

English Literature exam ten days later, it was the

perfect revision session.

We were sat right up at the front, able to enjoy

Christopher’s world coming to life on a stage that

transformed from suburban streets to outer space and

then to the seaside. We may have lost our cool ‘aww-

ing’ when the puppy appeared on stage but otherwise

remained highly critical and ultimately won over by

such an engaging performance.

The question at the end of the show was not if we

would be going back to the theatre, but when!?

Students and teachers at The Bronte Parsonage

The famous Yorkshire moors: central to the novel.

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As the rigours of the academic year were subsiding, a group of keen and able writers attended a series of brilliant

writing workshops in the inspirational setting of “Keats House” in Hampstead.

This four day series of creative writing sessions was aptly named “Breaking the rules!”. Run in conjunction with

Camden council this was an entirely free week of enrichment aiming to harness and develop participating

students’ creativity in the very place where one of Britain’s most important and beloved writers lived! 7 students

were selected to attend – most of them in Year 12 with 1 year 11 student and 1 brilliant Year 8 student. The

workshops, run by published authors and poets, took students through some influential literary periods, including

the Gothic and the Romantic, and taught a series of skills and tips to develop their own creative writing.

As Keats’ glorious Georgian house is set in the middle of a lush and leafy garden and a stones-throw from

Hampstead Heath, some of the sessions were out of doors, reconnecting students with their natural environment

in order to help them tap into their creativity! This week was all about learning in a less pressurised and confined

atmosphere and students fully engaged with and appreciated it!

Ferdaous Boukhetala 12S; Leah Aston 12s: Nicole Fayemiwo 12C; Kezzia Macauley 12S; Vanessa Agiddi 12S.

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Here are some excellent examples of display work in Year 8. The theme was Holocaust Causes. The class agreed

on the question and then completed the work individually or in pairs. The work was student-led.

Page 27: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



ICT The ICT and Computer Science department have been

very busy this term. The Year 9 and Year 12 classes

have been using Scratch at different levels of

complexity to program games. Starting from the design

phase, the students have been generating creative ideas

in regards to the type of game they want to create.

Coconut Chaos Michael Ebimomi 12L

The development phase is where they transfer their

creative designs into functional games. Students have

introduced core features into their game such as user

interface, multiple levels and scoring system. All

produced based upon algorithms which they have


Bubble Pop Shamira Ngwu 12L

The GCSE classes have been working on their

controlled assessment, learning to write in CSS and

HTML. They have been following a set of client

specifications to create a website which is fit for

purpose - to advertise their prom planner company.

From the start, students have been taught to critically

analyse peers’ work at the early stages of development

and from the feedback received, they make the

relevant changes.

Vasco Nogueira 10 M

Fabiano Muca 10O

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Jack Petchey

A total of six winners have been chosen for the Jack Petchey Foundation award from January to June from the

votes of students in the school. Winners of this elite award have won £250 which they have spent towards a

department of their choice or an educational based activity. (Pictured in order left to right below).

Ilea Dehghan - 7A

Ilea is overcoming personal challenges yet he has time to support the people around him. A number of students

have nominated him for the guidance he has given them in various subjects. He is seen as a role model. He

completes all voluntary challenges from Drama and tries extremely hard in all his subjects. Ilea will be spending

the money towards the Drama department.

Gadir El Khatib – 8M Gadir has consistently assisted others who have arrived here with little or no English and always offers himself to

support at parent events. He is humble and does not look for recognition, but will always be the first to step out

and support the school, being a true ambassador, a good friend and peer.

Clifford Appiah - 9M Clifford is popular amongst his peers. He always gives the best that he can. He is selfless and has shown kindness

and courtesy towards teachers and peers. He was witnessed giving up his seat on the bus for a member of the

public. Clifford will be spending the money towards the Music department.

Sebastian Vargas - 13W Sebastian has been nominated for his contribution to Sports Science. He sets a good example and always assisting

other students. Sebastian will be spending the money towards the Fitness Suite.

Noraima Arif - 13A Noraima has been described as a ray of sunshine that is contagious. She is hardworking, reliable, responsible and

always willing to help others. She willingly helps her peers within the Sixth Form area. Noraima will be spending

the money towards the Humanities department.

Natalie Kyreme - 13F

Natalie is a warm hearted person who does not hesitate to uplift the people around her. She is humble, genuine,

down to earth and kind. She chooses to help people but does not need to be recognised for it. She is willing to

help others inside of school and out. Natalie will be spending the money towards GCSE resources for the

Business department.

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Visit to the French Institute – From The Land of the Moon (Mal de pierres)

On Friday 9th June, Ms Torpos and Mrs Kolodziejczyk took the Year 12 and 13 students to watch a French

movie at the Institute.

‘From the land of the Moon’ is an adaptation of Milena Agus’s novel, directed by Nicole Garcia. Set in the

1950s, it’s a profound and intimate character study of the fragile mind of the protagonist played by Marion

Cotillard. Gabrielle Rabascal is considered insane by those around her, including her parents, who wilfully

encourage her to marry a Spanish farmworker José (Alex Brendemuhl). Stating from the offset that she has no

intention of ever loving her new husband, Gabrielle is eventually sent to a rehabilitation clinic in the Alps to

help treat her kidney stones. It is there she discovers the sensation of real love, as she falls for fellow patient,

the lieutenant André Sauvage (Louis Garrel), with dreams of abandoning her loveless, isolated existence and

starting afresh with the injured army veteran.

The screening was then followed by a quick meal at the South Kensington Crêperie where the students

enjoyed some authentic savoury or sweet crêpes and each other’s company. It was also a great setting for a

vivid discussion about the film that they had just watched. Overall, everyone spent a wonderful evening and

was set off to a good weekend.

Mrs Kolodziejczyk with Jaelay Mukoko 12L; Luca Lo-Conte 13W; Marta Chiappini 12O and

Yetzahali Garcia 13F.

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On Wednesday 10th May, the Spanish A Level students were invited on a trip to an authentic tapas restaurant,

Salvador & Amanda, in the centre of London. We arrived at 7:00pm where we were impressed with the

traditional décor and the relaxed ambience. First we sampled the delicious tapas on offer including chorizo,

prawns and patatas bravas before getting ready to experience a live Flamenco show. The group were fantastic

and entertained us thoroughly, even inviting us on stage to dance and take part in the show. Overall, we had a

terrific night and we look forward to returning! ¡Olé!

Señorita Venables

“I think it was really entertaining and it was interesting to experience more Spanish culture. The food was also

really nice!” Victor Caballero 12C

“It was really good that the people got us involved in the Flamenco dancing. We loved the friendly

environment”. Patrick Lopes 12O

Ms Venables; Patrick Lopes 12O; Victor Cabellero

12C; Nadia Vera Cruz Carvalho 13A; Sebastain Vargas

13F; Emily Mancero 12C.

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Maths UKMT - Maths Challenges

This term a number of Year 7 and 8 completed the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge and four pupils in Year 8 and

9 competed in the Regional Team Maths Challenge. The UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) runs the maths

challenge which aims to advance the education of young people in mathematics and organises national

mathematics competitions for 11-18 year old UK school. It is the biggest maths competition in the UK and last

academic year over 600,000 pupils from 4,000 schools took part. The maths challenge is a prestigious award with

international recognition. This year the school has achieved some fantastic results. Well done to the pupils who

received various certificates and awards. The top 40% of students nationally receive a gold, silver or bronze

certificate in the ratio 1:2:3.

We are very proud of these outstanding achievers for their efforts and performances in the Maths Challenges this


S/N Yea


First name Surname Certificate Best in Year Best in School

7 Riku TAKEUCHI Gold Best in Year


Overall Best in the School

8 Kyro TAYLOR Gold Best in Year


8 Stella WIN Silver

8 Alexandra WALCZAK Silver

8 Jevonte WRIGHT Silver

7 Victoria KUS Silver

7 Franklin WILSON Silver

7 Chukwuemeka OGBUEHI Silver

7 Estefania HENAO-PARDO Silver

7 Ilea DEHGHAN Silver

7 Patrycja KOSIK Bronze




7 Zakaria NAKMOUCH Bronze

8 Sebastian BURROWS-



8 Trishi BHAT Bronze

8 Andrea OSAWARU Bronze

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In addition to the achievements highlighted, a dynamic, creative and self-motivated student in Year 10 invented

and developed a very efficient and tested method of calculating square numbers without using a calculator. He

had generated this up to 100,000 squared. Amazing! Below is the explanation he wrote on how he did it:

Theorem of squared number by James Warner 10F

I have found a way of finding ANY square number using just the first 6 square numbers:

0, 1, 4, 9, 16 and 25.

If you look at the first 10 square numbers (0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100) you will see a pattern of the last

digits (0, 1, 4, 9, 6, 5, 6, 9, 4, 1, and 0). So what I did if I flipped the first 5 over to make the sequence (0, 4, 9,

16, 25, 16, 9, 4, 1 and 0). With this I looked for a recurring pattern/ link between the first set of Numbers (0, 1,

4, 9 and 16) with the new set (36, 49, 64, 81 and 100). Then it clicked, I realised that if I added 20 to 16 it made

36, 40 to 9 to make 49, 60 to 4 to make 64, 80 to 1 to make 81, and 100 to 0 to make 100. Every time the

number I added to the first five increased by 20.

Then using the numbers I had “found” I could work out any square number by using the same technique as

shown in the excel sheet. You may notice that the intervals change after 20 squared (to 60) and 40 squared (to

100), the explanation for that is a bit more complicated but it works which is the main thing. QED.

(see table on the next page)

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Number Squared Pattern Counter Interval Add pattern with counter

0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 1 0 0 1

2 4 4 0 0 4

3 9 9 0 0 9

4 16 16 0 0 16

5 25 25 0 0 25

6 36 16 20 20 36

7 49 9 40 20 49

8 64 4 60 20 64

9 81 1 80 20 81

10 100 0 100 20 100

11 121 1 120 20 121

12 144 4 140 20 144

13 169 9 160 20 169

14 196 16 180 20 196

15 225 25 200 20 225

16 256 36 220 20 256

17 289 49 240 20 289

18 324 64 260 20 324

19 361 81 280 20 361

20 400 100 300 20 400

21 441 81 360 60 441

22 484 64 420 60 484

23 529 49 480 60 529

24 576 36 540 60 576

25 625 25 600 60 625

26 676 16 660 60 676

27 729 9 720 60 729

28 784 4 780 60 784

29 841 1 840 60 841

30 900 0 900 60 900

31 961 1 960 60 961

32 1024 4 1020 60 1024

33 1089 9 1080 60 1089

34 1156 16 1140 60 1156

35 1225 25 1200 60 1225

36 1296 36 1260 60 1296

37 1369 49 1320 60 1369

38 1444 64 1380 60 1444

39 1521 81 1440 60 1521

40 1600 100 1500 60 1600

Excerpts from James Warner’s work:


Set A

Set B

Set C

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PE Message from Mr O’Brien

We have seen a significant increase in the numbers attending athletics training and competing in the

Barnet League and Championships tournament this summer. As a result, we have gained success

across all year groups and all of the athletics disciplines of field, track and the jumps.

This term we also hosted our very first Sports Awards Evening, to showcase and celebrate all of our

pupils’ achievements throughout the year.

We now cast our eyes to August and results day and we, as well as our pupils, will be hoping to sustain

our 100% A-C GCSE record for a 3rd year running. We also wish the Sixth Form students the very best of

luck as they await their Sports Science and Health and Social results and hopefully gain those all-

important Distinction’s.

I hope you and your family have an active, fun and immensely enjoyable summer holiday.

Head of PE





Well done to the year 11 football team who became the Barnet League Plate Champions.

They squad played JCOSS school in the semi-final and came away with a thoroughly deserved 4-2 victory.

They then went on to beat Whitefield school 4-2 in a very entertaining final to finish off an excellent year for the

squad. I would like to offer a big thank you to the parents and staff members who came to support the pupils and

share in their success.

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Spain Sports Trip

Platja D’Aro is a fabulous town situated on the

Mediterranean coast just north of Barcelona. This is

a very safe and attractive town that combines sport,

culture and leisure in a natural setting, centred on a

lovely seafront with impressive beaches and idyllic

bays. The ease of access to the excellent local

facilities and the opportunity for excursions to water

parks, theme parks, Barcelona and the Nou Camp

makes this an ideal destination for School trips.

After a long journey to get to Spain, the pupils were

given some well-earned time to get to know the hotel

and its facilities. Fantastic weather meant that it was

a perfect time to enjoy some time on the beach

situated directly behind the hotel.

The boys headed to Calonge for some expert

training from one of Europe’s top junior coaches

and the girls headed towards St Antoni for their

first taste of Netball action. Later on that day,

both boys’ teams started the tour campaign with

two fantastic victories. A perfect start! The

U12/13’s winning 4-0 and the U13/14’s coming

from 2 goals down to win 3-2. Flying high from

the victories the group descended on after dinner

to a game of Bowling close to the resort. Girls

showed the boys how it was done when it came

to Bowling!

Wednesday was just as action packed with

coaching sessions taking place in the morning

followed by the day trip to Barcelona. The Nou

Camp was the first destination which was

undoubtedly one of the highlights for the

children. It was a chance to see where their

heroes play the game and soak up some

inspiration. It was an unforgettable experience for

all which left them in awe and amazement.

Alas, all

good things

must come

to an end.

On the final


there was

some time to

shop for


down the strip and get some last minute

mementos of their holiday that will last in the

memories of both teachers and pupils for a very

long time.

The first night ended with a trip to the Magic Park

Arcade where the pupils were treated to a ‘crash’

course in driving.

Following the first night, students were taken for

their first coaching sessions.

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PE Barnet Championships Athletics 4th July 2017

We took a record 65 pupils to this year’s Barnet Championships and with such a fantastic representation,

combined with our Athletics league performances, we were hoping to see some excellent results. Every school

in Barnet, 22 in total, must select 1 pupil from each year group to enter into each event. This means that each

pupil is invariably competing against the best pupil from each school. Even with such strong competition all

schools hope to get at least 1 Gold Champion so they can sustain the bragging rights of being the best in that

particular activity. Well, I am delighted to say that Bishop Douglass School can boast of having 6 Champions.

With success in the discus, long jump, hurdles, relay, shot putt, 1500m and 300m, we obtained our best haul of

medals to date. Well done to all our competitors but particularly our medal winners:

Year 7 Nikolas Silva (4x100 relay silver medal), William Ansa-Oto (4x100 relay silver medal), Samuel Kouka

(4x100 relay silver medal), Mikael Scott (4x100 relay silver medal) Eyobed Tsegeya (1500m silver medal and

70m hurdles bronze medal)

Year 8 - Manuella Mbundu (4x100 relay silver medal), Asha-Marie Ormsby Jackson(4x100 relay silver medal),

Angela Lawal (4x100 relay silver medal), Chipego Kalebwe (4x100 relay silver medal), Elizabeth Ezekiel

(shot putt silver medal)

Year 9 James Mussa (100m bronze medal and long jump gold medal), Anthony Anderson (300m bronze

medal), Vladimir Bursuc (discuss silver medal) and Tehjarne Millis (shot putt silver medal)

Year 10 - Pedro Lima ( hurdles gold medal), Luis Gas Granda (800m bronze medal), Kuda Benza (discus gold

medal and javelin gold medal) and Ruvarshe Benza (discus gold medal)

Barnet Championships Year 8 4x100m Silver medallists 2017 (Angela Lawal, Manuella Mbundu, Asha-Marie Ormsby Jackson and Chipego Kalebwe)

Page 37: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



Science BIOLOGY FIELD TRIP June 2017

Flatford Mill Field Study Centre

Another fantastic three days were spent by the A level Biology group in the wilds of Suffolk. The intrepid 15

braved woodlands, salt marshes, grassland and the all time favourite- ROCKY SHORE! They expertly picked

their way through 4 zones of seaweeds, periwinkles, limpets and barnacles, and hunted for crabs and other


Jo our tutor was delighted with the enthusiasm and thirst for knowledge, and kept us going well into the evening

with exciting statistics test and amazing graphs.

Well done everyone: Jesse Towua 12L; Ruth Juma 12S;Valerie Moore 12S; Danika Sritharan 12S; Nneka Ekene-

Micah 12S; Gabriella Hajda 12L; Fatemah Adat 12S; Lenon De Vera 12S; Nicole Fayemiwo 12C; Eula Togle

12L; Trisha Garing 12S; Aiden Delor 12O and Jason Barroso 12L!

The winning prize crab!

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Royal Society of Biology

This is our first time at entering this prestigious competition and we are delighted that both are entrants won

medals. CONGRATULATIONS to Lenon De Vera 12S (Gold award) and Nneka Ekene-Micah 12S (Bronze

award) for their success!

“We would like to thank our Biology teachers for all the support and opportunities they have given us.

We feel very honoured to have had the opportunity to represent Bishop Douglass school and to have

won medals” Lenon De Vera 12S and Nneka Ekene-Micah 12S

Page 39: Sports Awards Evening first ever Creative Arts evening was an opportunity to showcase the broad base of talent that we have in this school and included musical renditions, dramatic



Sociology Charlie Charalambos 12S writes about the benefits of attending a Sociology conference:

“Recently, I and a group of Year 13’s attended a tutor2u Sociology A level grade booster conference. This was

an enriching experience, it consisted of activities that aim to bolster our grades. We were handed a booklet which

was filled with various sociological tasks which aim to provide an opportunity to achieve higher grades in the


One of the tasks was an analysis of different answers. We had to work out which mark band the answers would

go in and we had to pretend we were examiners. This gave me an idea of what an examiner will look for in my

exam paper and it gave me a better understanding of how to get into the top band for essay style questions. This

showed us the standard of work we should be aiming for.

I would like to thank tutor2u and Madam Wilkhu for organising the workshop and allowing me as a Year 12

student the opportunity to attend what was really a Year 13 conference. This gave me a strong chance to deepen

my understanding and help me to succeed in Year 13 Sociology”.

Charlie Charalambos 12S; Nkumbu Kaluwe 13A; Noraima Arif 13A; Phillipa Ize-Iyamu 13W; Shamarv Davis 13W;

Jasmine Ebimomi 13W; Raabiya Soyler 13A and Emily Hopwood 13A eagerly awaiting the start of the conference at Westfield

Vue Stratford.

Sociology is the study of society. It goes with the study of

all the subjects pictured in the diagram on the left. It leads

to opportunities in many careers.

Do you question why certain groups in society have more

opportunities than others? Do you wonder why people

live in different types of families? Why do people commit


If you are interested in discovering more about the study

of society see Madam Wilkhu or Mr Harris!

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Term Dates 2017-2018

N.B: All dates are correct at time of going to press. They are ALL subject to change.

Key Dates Autumn Term 2017

Inset Day – Tuesday 5th September Wednesday 6th September – Year 7 in and Year 7 enrolment Mass for parents at 2.15pm (Year 13 enrolment and timetables) Thursday 7th September – Year 7 & Sixth Form (year 12) Induction Friday 8th September – Whole School except Sixth Form Monday 11th September – Sixth Form teaching starts

Bishop Douglass School

Hamilton Road,

London N2 0SQ

Tel: 020 8444 5211

Fax: 020 8444 0416

2017/2018 Term Dates AUTUMN TERM 2017 First Half: Tuesday, 5th September – Friday, 20th October Inset Day Tuesday 5th September Half-term: Monday, 23rd October – Friday, 27th October Second Half: Monday, 30th October – Thursday, 21st December SPRING TERM 2018 First Half: Friday, 5th January – Friday, 9th February Inset Day Friday 5th January Half-term: Monday, 12th February – Friday, 16th February Second Half: Monday, 19th February – Friday, 29th March SUMMER TERM 2018 First Half: Monday, 16th April – Friday, 25th May May Day: Monday, 7th May Half-term: Monday, 28th May – Friday, 1st June Second Half: Monday, 4th June – Friday, 20th July