sports norfolk, fall 2013

Long May You Run! Free Magazine Our Athletes Our Teams Our History Volume 1 Issue 2 Page 4 Scotiabank Simcoe would like to commend Ross Coomber on his amazing accomplishment of completing a marathon in each of the fifty states of the USA! Photo by Ross Coomber Norfolk

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1Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

Long May You Run!Free Magazine

Our AthletesOur Teams

Our History

Volume 1 Issue

Page 4

Scotiabank Simcoe would like to commend Ross Coomber

on his amazing accomplishment of completing a marathon in each of the fifty states of the USA!

Photo by KalCommodore.comRoss Coomber


2 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

Canadian Tire SimCoe

142 Queensway E., Simcoe • Phone: 519-426-1513 Store hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 9pm • Saturday 8am - 6pm Sunday 9am - 6pm

Give Kids a Sporting Chance

Call 519.426.1513 ext 228 now so you & your staff Can partiCipate in

Jumpstart the Games!!

Get Ready Norfolk!

Jumpstart the Gameswill take place at

Simcoe Canadian TireDuring the Winter Games

February 7th to 23rd

One in three Canadian families cannot afford to enrol their children in sport or recreation activities (Vision Critical 2011). That means that many kids are missing out.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a charitable organization that is dedicated to removing barriers, so children can participate in organized sport and recreation.

We see it as equipping kids for life, because participation in organized sport and recreation increases a child’s chance for success in life.

They discover and participate. They gain self-confidence. They develop self-esteem. They learn leadership skills. Their lives become richer. This is the power of Canadian Tire Jumpstart.

About Canadian Tire Jumpstart...

3Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

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Sports Norfolk, a division of The Norfolk HubBox 99, RR#3 Simcoe ON N3Y 4K2

Phone: (519) 428-1777Publishers: Dave & Monica Scott

[email protected] www.norfolkhub.caAny reproduction of this publication without permission is prohibited. Opinions and comments within this publication are those of the writers and not necessarily that of Sports Norfolk or the Norfolk Hub.

Who Finds sports?

~ Dave Scott

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Growing up, the arguing and yelling just seemed to be part of the household. Maybe I was over sensitive to it, I don’t know. It is just the way it had always been around the house. At a young age, I figured the way out, was to play sports. I mean any sport; it diverted my attention from all the home problems and gave me that outlet. To this day when things start to pile up, I will go for a run. It is my way to process stress.

I never really wanted to deal with the issues at home; for me sports were how I could survive… playing road hockey as late as I could with the older kids… bugging my friends to take shot after school. I always had a plan to get out of

the house.When high school hit, it was glorious!

I had a built in excuse every night. I tried out for as many teams as I could. After finishing the sport, I would walk home, which at the time was close to 4km.

The reason I am sharing all of this with you, is to remind you that kids get involved in sports for a variety of reasons. When there isn’t any opportunity for kids well… they find other ways of coping… drugs and alcohol for example. As a community, it is our responsibility to give children the opportunity to play sports of any kind.

Sports makes leaders; builds character and friendships that last a lifetime; plus there is the physical fitness and health aspects that goes along with it… which in turn helps to build stronger communities… hmm… every kid needs to be able to play a sport. It can be as simple as swimming or running. Give an ounce of encouragement to a child and they gain a gallon of confidence, which builds continued success in life.

I remember back to an old hockey coach I had who simply kept putting me on the ice. He didn’t say a word, but I knew he believed in me… and for me, that was all I needed to know.

This February during the Winter Olympics (February 7-23), Simcoe Canadian Tire will be doing their part to help local kids get in the game.

You see every hour the store is open, someone will be working out on the fitness display at the front of the store, helping to raise funds for Jumpstart. Already a dozen different diverse businesses have agreed to participate. If you or your organization or business want to join in the fun give us a call at 519.426.1513 extension 228 and we can get you signed up.

I have seen the impact Jumpstart can make on a child. The funding allows children to swim, play ball, hockey, basketball and soccer… adding not only physical skills, but also providing the intangibles like drive, focus, passion, teamwork, leadership and confidence… qualities every child deserves!

Lets all get involved during the games and make sure the children of Norfolk get to play… we just may be helping that next Olympian.

Call 519.426.1513 extension 228 and sign up!

4 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

there is a certain freedom that comes with running, may it be the child in the park, the teenager running home for dinner, the mom jogging and pushing a stroller, or the couple out for 5 km run… the feel of the wind, the jump in your step, the moments alone with your thoughts… clearing your mind… finding yourself again… the spirit of your soul effortlessly sliding through time… okay, maybe that is a little over the top, but you get the gist of it.

Ross Coomber is a tall, slender, distinguished gentleman with a quiet demeanour and relaxed, easygoing, running stride, which seems to glide along effortlessly… if he is working hard when he runs, you wouldn’t know it.

It was the spring of 2013 and Ross was in Newport, Oregon. He was nearing the finish line of his marathon. Family and friends were gathered from all around North America and England to see Ross cross the finish line… and that is where this story begins, at a finish line in Oregon.

This story is about a man on a journey… one he never saw coming, but when the moment arrived, he knew it, and so began an odyssey which took over seventeen years to complete.

Our interview took place along the Lynn Valley Trail. Ross and I started a slow walk down the trail… our common love of running has always made for easy conversations. The sun was out, but it was a cool morning. Teachers and students were quickly walking by as they checked out the trails for the local cross country meet that was to get under way in an hour or so… I wondered what they thought as Kal ( snapped photos of Ross.

Hmm, should I tell them about Ross’s accomplishments? No, I will wait for the story to unfold…

Ross and I spent a good hour and a half wandering and chatting about his journey, his love of running, and his

travelling bug. Ross was born in England in 1948. His

dad was in the service, so he, along with his two younger sisters and his mom, lead the life of a military family. They lived in different locations around the world and travelled a fair amount. A smile crossed Ross’s face as he thought back to the great fun of visiting places like Egypt and Singapore. Travel was something Ross was very relaxed with.

His dad was involved in sports, everything from field hockey, to soccer, to tennis… and it rubbed off on Ross, with him competing in rugby, soccer and of course, a little cross country running.

After boarding school it was off to Warwick University in England to study history and politics and have a little fun along the way…

Ross and his boarding school classmates at the time are still friends to this day, and have been getting together annually for the past twenty years for dinner. In fact like I said earlier, some even showed up in Newport, Oregon in June to see Ross reach the end of his journey… I know, what is this Journey? Keep reading and you will find out!

With university done, Ross needed work. He was thinking Singapore, when he noticed a small ad in the paper for the Bank of Nova Scotia. So he went and did the interview, got the job and started work in the City of London. Ross said it was a good job, but the travel bug bit again. In January 1971, Ross left England for New Hampshire and then working odd jobs travelled across the country to California. He laughed saying, he thought his English accent helped secure work. Eventually he ended up in Burlington, Ontario where one of his father’s friends lived. He was able to find work again in Toronto with the Bank of Nova Scotia.

It was there that Ross had met the love of his life at the bank (Park Plaza Hotel branch) in downtown Toronto where they were both working. He was actually her boss - something in those days that was frowned upon, but the two kept it quiet. Ross chuckled a little, his eyes lit up, as

he reflected back to the night he called Kathy back to work because there was a problem… no special treatment here!

Kathy is originally a ‘Cheesehead’ from Wisconsin and he an Englishman from across the pond… the two were married and instead of settling in, they quit their jobs and headed out for a year of adventure. They toured Britain, made their way across France and took the ferry to the island of Corsica; back to North America to Fort Lauderdale; up to Chicago; then to Wisconsin to visit Kathy’s family; and sure enough, back to Toronto where the Bank of Nova Scotia brought them back into the fold. 1979 saw the birth of their daughter, Susan, and in 1981 their son, Martin, was born.

A job opening came up in Boston and the young Coomber family was on their way to Beantown. It was there, home of the Boston Marathon, that Ross began to run again… nothing big, 5-10 km fun runs. He enjoyed it, never taking it too seriously. Life was good… but then an opportunity arose for work with the bank in the Bahamas and they were off again for a two year adventure.

~ Dave Scott

LonG May you run!

Ross Coomber

5Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

Ross Coomber with his family and friends after completing the marathon in Newport, Oregon.

In 1988, New York beckoned, which would become home for the next seventeen years. In 1994, Ross’s father, a man whom Ross admired for his athletics, had a stroke. Ross realized it was time for him to get back into shape, his cholesterol was high, it was time to find that stress release from work, and set a good example for his kids. With encouragement from some fellow workers, Ross returned to running and it slowly etched its way into the Coomber family. He and the kids began doing 5 km fun runs and slowly Kathy joined in. The next thing Ross knew, he was running with the New York Road Runners, training in Central Park.

Before long, Ross felt he was ready for a marathon. He laughed as he told me that his first marathon was a disaster. He did not fuel up properly and paid dearly, but did finish. The flame now burned brightly and a year later, he conquered the Toronto marathon and turned his sights to qualifying for Boston and returning to his old stomping grounds. For runners, Boston is the ultimate goal; its long tradition and tough qualifying times are not for the faint of heart. Ross first tried to qualify in New Hampshire but fell short; two months later in Columbus, Ohio he did qualify… he was going to Boston.

The Boston marathon was fantastic; the people were in such high spirits. Ross knew right there he would run Boston again… that it was special.

Ross fondly remembered his daughter, Susan’s, first marathon. Ross’s fatherly pride was beaming as he recounted the story of how they ran it together in Richmond Virginia.

Soon Kathy began training for her first marathon. The location was to be Toronto in 2001. Ross was excited for his wife as

he had watched her grow from her early training days, as she followed the Jeff Galloway Run, Walk,Run, program. It was Kathy’s turn to complete a marathon… she was joining in after watching Ross over the years.

Like I said, it was 2001 and a few weeks before the marathon, as Ross stood on the 24th floor of the building he worked in, less then 200 yards from the Twin Towers, Ross watched in disbelief as he witnessed the second plane fly into the South Tower. His heart sank as the dust cloud covered the city. His focus turned to the employees on his floor and getting everyone out safely. When he finally reached home later that evening, Ross remembered climbing on the rowing machine, trying to understand and deal with the events of the day. He and Kathy talked and they decided to go to Toronto and run… and they did a few short weeks later. Kathy was triumphant in her first marathon and went on to do five more with Ross. Another highlight being Martin joining them both for the Marine Corps marathon in Washington DC.

In 2002, Ross was preparing for Maryland. A few weeks before the Maryland marathon, there were thoughts of the run being cancelled as the sniper situation was causing havoc… the run went on. It was during this time on Ross’s return to the hotel by train after the run that a five minute conversation changed his running outlook for the next eleven years. The man he sat with was a member of the Fifty State Club, which meant that he was attempting to run a marathon in each of the fifty states in the US. As the words spilled out of the gentleman’s mouth Ross knew that it was what he wanted to do… there was absolutely no doubt… he would

run a marathon in every state. He already had a good start, so Kathy

and he sat down and started planning future family vacations around marathon season. That way they could travel to the places they wanted to see and Ross could complete another marathon with the goal to complete all 50 States before his 65th birthday

Not all marathons went off without a hitch. There was the one in Wisconsin that both Ross and Kathy took part in. Ross was quite a distance ahead, when a thunderstorm hit. He found shelter during the storm and when the weather let up, he continued on with his marathon… unfortunately where Kathy was running at the time, race officials decided to pull folks off the course. She was forced to stop and after a long wait, bussed to the finish to find many other runners had been allowed to continue. Already upset, she then had to wait for Ross to finish, only to find he had lost the car keys somewhere on the course… Ross laughs now, but somehow I don’t think Kathy was back then.

The couple continued on their marathon journey, booking holidays around marathon schedules and sending out the family Christmas card with future marathon dates and past triumphs.

The long hours of training, the miles racking up, the focus, the drive to continue on…

The Las Vegas marathon included a sandstorm. Ross had his bandana covering his face and ears to keep the sand out of them as he watched a port-

Continued on page 6

6 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

o-potty blow over because of the wind. Ross continued on, never wavering in his determination.

In Maine the hills and the heat were almost unbearable.Utah started on the side of a mountain with a huge bonfire

in the wee morning hours. Ross ran down the mountain and into the desert finishing in Nevada.

There was the splendour and beauty that the Anchorage, Alaska marathon held.

Ross’s eyes lit up magically as he talked of all the places he has been…

Big Sur was another unique run on the California coast, running up Hurricane Point at the halfway mark to find a concert pianist dressed in full regalia playing as the runners passed...

When he ran Maui, Hawaii he would look out over the ocean and watch the whales play.

The huge crowds of spectators in New York and Chicago were amazing and running through Churchill Downs in Kentucky and Mile High Stadium in Denver special.

There are so many stories and so many memories of the places where his running has taken him… every step, every minute, every breath lived within each marathon.

Ross truly understands the importance of the runs to communities… the people who make the marathons, the runners, the organizers, and especially the charities. He talked of the marathon in Oklahoma City dedicated to the memory of the 1995 bombing of the Federal Building, how families gathered along the course under banners bearing the names of their loved ones and also ran the water stations... Ross simply said, “It was an emotional run.” I could tell just by his tone that it must have been a tough one.

The Kansas marathon on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is a memory etched freshly in Ross’s mind. The run was difficult, 26 one mile loops of literally, a parking lot. There was a strong military participation, with soldiers running amongst civilians. Ross would see this one guy running while carrying an American flag the whole way.

These are just some of the stories Ross shared about his fifty state adventures.

The last marathon in Newport, Oregon was one he was a little nervous about. He did not want anything to go wrong, forty-nine down, one to go… all that training, the hours on the road, the mental toughness to never even consider giving up. The commitment of himself and by his family, all reaching a pinnacle… from Ross crossing the finish line at that first New York City marathon in 1996… to here, the finish line in Newport, in 2013. It was done and with just 2 days to spare before his 65th birthday

At some points during this marathon of marathons, Ross would run five a year, sometimes as close as just a few weeks apart.

Ross is so humble. He did it because he wanted to. It was a

goal. He does not think of himself as anything special. Take a moment to think of the hardest physical activity

you do… okay, times that by four hours and then times that by fifty… oh, and that does not count one second of training time. What Ross has accomplished, in my books, is epic. Consider that less than one percent of the world population will ever run a marathon, and he has done over fifty… crazy eh! Ross you are an inspiration!

I jokingly asked Ross, “So what next?”He responded, “Well maybe some international

marathons, maybe the provinces... I would like to try a triathlon!”

After three months off, Ross is back at it. I do believe the three months off, was the longest time off in seventeen years.

These days Ross and Kathy enjoy their retirement in Simcoe and tackle their garden as much as they can. Both still enjoy travelling, visiting their daughter and grandson in Boston, and their son in New York.

Speaking of Boston, Ross will be running it next year. It is one of his favourites and with the tragedies that occurred this year… Ross needs to be there with the running community!

Now you know the story of Ross and his fifty state marathon journey… of his drive and the special person that he is. Ross and his family should serve as an inspiration to the rest of us… to get out and exercise, go for that walk, take a run with our kids… to stay healthy and enjoy life…

Ross, like Neil Young says, “Long may you run!”

Long May You Run!Continued... 361 main street, port dover 519.583.3100

This is how we gift

7Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

stayinG Fit this Winter

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Well, here we are again, the start of another hibernation until spring. Time to hang up the summer sneakers, put the bikes away, and unless you're lucky, put away the bathing suits. Rather than looking at yourself in April, and wondering why you let yourself gain an extra ten, fifteen even twenty pounds over the winter why not keep active over the ccccold winter months? It's really not that hard, and even a little exercise two to three times per week can maintain your weight.

The biggest hurdles to overcome when considering consistent exercise is motivation and routine. We all live in a world of work, personal relationships and perhaps kids, and then add on any other extra activities and THEN try to fit a workout into the day, very hard if not seemingly impossible. We've all done it – started something with good intentions and been able to complete it for a week or two, only to have it taken over by a hockey practice, dance recital or just about anything else. The key to consistent completion of an exercise program is to work it into your weekly routine and treat it as an immoveable appointment. Don't let anything get in the way of putting your health a priority two to three times per week, it's not that hard and you will reap the benefits come springtime.

Take a look at your weekly routine (putting pen to paper can help with this) and determine when you would be able to fit in one hour two to three times per week to do an exercise routine at home, at a local gym or even with friends. Often having an exercise partner can be invaluable in terms of motivation when one of you would rather sleep in or hang out after work. Meeting for a walk before, at lunch or even after work is better than not doing anything at all.

Home exercise equipment is often purchased with great

enthusiasm, only to be used as a laundry hamper or dust collector. One doesn't have to spend a lot on home based equipment, often websites like Kijiji or Craigslist have a ton of barely used equipment that can be purchased for very little money.

It's important to consider what you do like doing, is it biking, walking, rowing, elliptical trainer?... make sure it's an exercise that you will actually enjoy and build it into your weekly routine.

There are many types of health care professionals that can help you get started such as Athletic Trainers, Fitness Consultants and even your local Physiotherapist, Chiropractor or Massage Therapist could suggest a routine.

So, have a goal, try not to look in the mirror this coming April and be disappointed by the extra weight you've gained, and maybe, just maybe you can go bathing suit shopping early next year! 361 main street, port dover 519.583.3100

This is how we gift

~ Jeff Scott RPT, KinGreat Lakes Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine

8 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

hi! My name is Vee McKey and i am a certified Holistic Nutritional therapist, personal and Group Fitness trainer with aFaa and issa since 2001. I am also a Physique Trainer with the International Academy of Physique Conditioning and a Health Coach through the largest Nutrition school in the world, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition!

My passion is helping people improve their lives and health through correct, clean eating, having a happy and healthy lifestyle, and strength conditioning!

Improving your health through healthy eating seems logical and easy… but what IS healthy eating?

I get a lot of people who tell me they DO eat healthy, but then list off a pile of processed foods they eat regularly along with six cups of coffee and hardly any water.

When I go to the grocery store, I can’t help but look into the baskets of other shoppers and cringe! I know, I know, it is a habit of mine, but I can’t help but think that these people just, must not know what all that processed food and sugar is doing to their bodies!!!!SO lets get down to the nitty gritty…Why shouLd you iMproVe your eatinG haBits????? Here are a some examples of how your health can improve:Healing digestive and skin disordersCuring some forms of cancer – yes I did write that!!Losing unwanted body fatIncreasing self-esteem and happiness!!Gaining large amounts of energy…to name a few and yes the list goes on!

What is heaLthy eatinG?? Healthy Eating is eating fresh, WHOLE foods flavoured with simple herbs and spices! Generally if it is in a box or a package it is NOT a whole food! “Don’t eat anything man has messed with,” I

always say!! So you want to fill up your grocery cart with foods that have come straight out of the ground or picked from a bush or tree plus raw nuts for snacks and fish, farm fresh eggs and organic, pasture fed (if you can find it) lean meats! Support your Farmers’ Market… support our environment! There are a lot of other healthy alternatives to choose from, but this is a short article not a book!

Here are my suggestions to help get you started!

1. Start small! Don’t make big changes that will set you up for disaster! If you have a plain bagel lathered with cream cheese every morning then first start by having half a wholegrain bagel with a very thin layer of goat cheese!

2. Slowly introduce healthy alternatives to your fridge, so that when you are suddenly hungry there isn’t a ton of unhealthy food to choose from but lots of good stuff like raw nuts, fruits and veggies!

3. Think moderation… if you must have something sugary think small and address your sugar addiction – your body

and brain will thank you!4. Have a large salad or bowl of

veggies every day… go from one serving to eventually four to five!

5. Drink water… water, water, water… slowly replace your glasses of juice, soda, coffee and tea for good, clean, fresh water! You will feel cleaner, fresher, FULLER and (Drum roll please!!) ENERGISED!!!!

6. If you are still hungry after eating a meal, first drink a glass of water and then brush your teeth… I can almost guarantee you will not be hungry anymore!

Finally follow the 90:10 rule once you get it all down… eat healthy and clean 90% of the time and indulge your taste buds and cravings 10%! Healthy eating is a lifestyle that is guaranteed to make you feel wonderful inside and out!!

For more information and my regular newsletter please visit my website: or email me at [email protected] for a

free consultation!

Have a happy and healthy day, week, month, year, life!!

What is heaLthy eatinG… reaLLy!?

~ Vee McKey

Vee McKey

9Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

10 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

We all know that exercise, eating right and getting enough sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but have you ever considered incorporating massage therapy into your regular health regime? For the elite or amateur athlete, massage therapy is much more than just a means of stress relief and relaxation. It’s used for a number of physical benefits, which may include increasing circulation, decreasing mental and muscular tension, increasing flexibility, breaking down trigger points and scar tissue and recovering from soft

tissue injury. More and more athletes are using massage therapy as both a preventive and proactive way in maintaining optimal physical and mental performance.

As a massage therapist for over fifteen years, working in both a clinical and home base setting, I have treated a number of athletic related issues. One of the most common muscle ailments that I’ve found to be experienced, especially by runners and cyclists, includes injuries or issues with the iliotibal (IT) band (IT band begins in the hip and runs along the outside of the thigh, it’s important for stabilizing the knee and assisting in hip abduction). Typically an injury to the IT band can be caused by a number of issues including; overuse, repetitive motions, tight muscles, weak hips, improper foot wear, previous injury or poor athletic form.

This type of injury can cause pain, tightness and tenderness on the outside of the knee due to inflammation and can take an athlete out of their favourite sport quickly. In addition to icing, using a foam roller and adding strengthening exercises, a deep tissue massage to the IT band and surrounding muscles can greatly assist in the athlete’s recovery. The deep tissue massage decreases tension to the affected area and stretches out the muscle fibres. It

helps to quickly increase circulation and promote healing. The benefits of regular massage can help decrease incidents of recurring IT band flare ups. It’s also very important that an athlete follows the advice of their health practitioner with homecare stretching and appropriate rest.

An increasingly popular massage with athletes today is the Thai massage, many swear by it, including soccer star, David Beckham. Thai massage incorporates components of deep tissue massage, stretching and acupressure. Both relaxing and energizing, the routine actively stretches the client into various yoga poses. It targets the entire body and is perfect for the weekend warrior or the athlete preparing for the next big event.

Whether you’re choosing to pamper yourself or just want to clear your head, keep in mind, regular massage therapy is not just a luxury; it has many healing benefits and can also help prevent unnecessary injury. Next time you’re in for a massage, speak with your Registered Massage Therapist about the various ways you could benefit from a treatment, and remember your next massage may be the best way to return to doing the things you love most.

Giving Yourself a Healthy Advantage through Massage

~ Julie Leatherland, RMTSimcoe Therapeutic Massage

sports & MassaGe therapy

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11Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

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More than sportsi cannot think of many sporting good stores that have stood the test of time, like Boyko source for sports in simcoe. Current owner, Ric Boyko, and I sat and chatted about what it is that brings folks back, generation after generation.

In 1973 McArthur Sports settled into the Boyko Source for Sports current location at 25 Sydenham Street in Simcoe. Ric chuckles as he thinks back to his first days working at McArthur’s when he was in grade eight. His thoughts quickly jump to all the folks over the years that have stopped by the store for a visit…

Darryl Sittler, Steve Shutt and locals like Rob Blake and Dwayne Roloson to name a few.

The store has always changed with the times and needs of the Norfolk sporting community… from those early days of hockey equipment and bikes, running shoes and golf clubs. It still carries on the tradition today with top of the line hockey equipment and a large selection of bikes for anyone’s needs. They have top-notch clothing apparel for any fitness person. The array of different sporting goods can quench the thirst for any number of activities, from swimming, soccer, lacrosse and baseball… it is all there!

I have to admit, when you walk into Boyko Source for Sports you feel good, like it’s your store. The solid customer service is there to greet you. There is always local chatter about our athletes. Ric can be found holding court on any variety of sports issues, as he sharpens skates or helps a customer with a new bike. It is a very comfortable atmosphere and folks like it.

There are not a whole lot of shops like this any more and well, we are pretty lucky to have such a rare commodity at our disposal. So this holiday season, stop by and do a little shopping!

~ Dave Scott • 519.428.3241 421 Unit 1, Queensway West, Simcoe

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12 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

Peewee “Simcoe Lions” GiantsOBA Peewee “B” Champions

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13Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

Mosquito “Cleaver Orchards” GiantsOBA Mosquito “B” Champions

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14 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

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15Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

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16 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

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Left: Daunte Henriques won the 400 metres in a time of 59.9 seconds, taking the gold at the Hershey Track and Field Meet, the 36th National Final.


17Sports Norfolk Fall 2013


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18 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

What is yoGa?

~ Christie Delahunt, CYTand Why I Stayed for the Ride…

yoga is a practise that has been around for more than 5,000 years. It combines stretching (asana), breathing (pranayam) and meditation techniques to help balance and strengthen the mind, body and spirit.

Yoga teaches that there is no separation. That everything is interconnected.

There are many schools of yoga and even more styles of classes and teaching, including Hatha (traditional, gentle), Power (a "sweat it out" approach flow of poses and breath work), and Restorative (therapeutic in nature, controlled, soothing).

Every body has different needs and these change daily. Yoga is about self-discovery, both on and off your yoga mat. Challenging your comfort zones. Respecting where you are at. Being gentle, and yet willing to go to your personal edge.

Yoga is NOT a competitive sport.There truly is a yoga for every body. Take

the time to find the styles and teachers that are right for you.

It's all about being right here, right now.

It's not the story of how you got here but where you are right now.

On your mat, off your mat.In your body.Home.Namaste.Christie Delahunt, CYT, is a Certified

Yoga Teacher. She has been practising yoga for seventeen years and teaching for well over ten years.

Initially taught by an Iyengar trained teacher (very alignment and detail oriented), certified by a Kripalu inspired teacher (focusing on the right alignment for your body, and loving what is!), Christie feels blessed by the many teachers she has had along the way, both on and off the mat.

Christie trained at Mohawk College in the ACE Personal Fitness Trainers program in 1999, in 2002 took YTT (200 hours) with Denise Davis Gains at Atlas Yoga Studio in Cambridge, has completed her first level of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy as well as finishing her first level of Thai Yoga Massage with Drew Hume (previously with Still Light Centre for Thai Yoga Massage in Toronto). She is currently working on her "Masters" (500

hours) in Yoga Certification and training with Denise Davis Gains.

With various certifications and specialty training programs under her belt, having trained under Denise as well as having worked with other wonderful teachers such as Seane Corne, Leslie Kaminoff and Bo Forbes to name a few, Christie has worked with hundreds of clients over the years and is adept at making yoga accessible for just about any population. From individuals in need of therapeutic applications to athletes in training and larger groups in schools, in the workplace and yoga studios, Christie fluently weaves her well rounded knowledge of the physical, psychological and spiritual practise of yoga, health and wellness into her teaching and life.

She feels honoured many times over for being able to share her adventures in yoga with her sisters, her friends and all the yogis along the path to light in life!

Facilitating a community space for yoga and creativity has been a dream come true.

Christie seeks to live with intention and teach in truth.

When Dave first asked me to write an article on yoga for athletes, I was excited at the prospect of sharing what I know, not just about yoga, but about all over health and wellness. His suggestion to first share a little about myself seemed like the best place to begin. We’ll get into all the other bells and whistles, eventually…

Hopefully this will allow you a window into who I am, why I do what I do and open the door for new conversations as I welcome your questions and input.

I am a Dover girl through and through. Raised in Port Dover I headed out west as a teenager (like any hotblooded kid growing wings is apt to do!), and returned seven years later to my roots and my family to raise my children. Community has always been important to me, and

raising my family in a caring and creative community like we have here in Port Dover became a priority for me.

I first discovered yoga in a Richard Hittleman book an old roommate had left in my house about eighteen years ago. I thought the pictures were interesting (seriously, a man that can kiss his own a**?). Up to that point I had really thought that yoga was some new age hippy craze that required you to forfeit all worldly pleasures like chocolate and coffee, twist yourself into weird pretzel poses (what if I couldn’t get out of them?) and “om” your way through life, while sipping on tea and drinking soup. I wasn’t really interested.

As I checked out the book periodically in my spare time, I began to try some of the more simple stretches and to my

surprise and delight, really enjoyed them! The movements felt natural to me and gave me a delicious feeling of space in my body.

While I was pregnant for my first child and battling with feelings of isolation and depression, not to mention all day morning sickness, a friend suggested I try yoga to ease some of my mental and physical discomfort. Since at that time it seemed to me that all other stress relievers and worldly pleasures were off limits, I thought I would give it a try. I found a lovely older lady, Peggy Gabbott (at the time she was 79 years young), who was teaching free classes in the east end of Vancouver.

Classes with Peggy very quickly became the highlight of my week. Blissed out on my Everlast exercise mat, wearing

hoW i Found yoGa

19Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

old jogging pants and a baggy t-shirt (this is BEFORE the Lululemon tight yoga pants craze hit!), using a man’s suit tie for a strap in the dirty, old, smelly and fluorescent-lit rooms of the east end community centre, I found moments of peace, tranquillity and calm. I discovered my body was capable of things I had never even thought to ask it to do!

I was hooked. Three days after the relatively

easy birth of my sweet daughter Hope, as I slid into a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans, I realized my body had never felt or looked so good. Could this be my yoga? I recognized (almost with shock), that I wasn’t dealing with the same debilitating bouts of depression so much anymore, that I was aware enough to see it coming and do the things that helped me to stay connected and stable. My body was strong, lean and flexible. I felt balanced. At least more so than I had been used to up to that point in my young life.

Since that time yoga has been a part of my daily life.

In 1999, thinking that I had to grow up and get a real job, I enrolled in and completed the Mohawk College ACE Personal Fitness Trainer’s Program. At that time I had begun sharing what I knew of yoga, and with my teacher’s blessing, began to teach group and private classes. It became very clear to me early on in my teaching experience, that people were trusting me with their bodies and their minds and that I needed to know more to keep them safe and engaged in what they were doing.

This led me to my first Yoga Teacher Training course (YTT-200 hours) with Denise Davis Gains of Atlas Studios in Cambridge, ON. ( I was fascinated by the study of physiology and anatomy. I loved the practice. This natural inquisitiveness led me deeper. I wanted more.

I went on to complete my first level of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy as well as finishing my first level of Thai Yoga Massage with Drew Hume (previously with Still Light Centre for Thai Yoga Massage in Toronto).

Today, with various certifications and training programs under my belt, having trained with amazing teachers such as Denise, Seane Corne, Leslie Kaminoff and Bo Forbes to name a few, I continue to explore the world of yoga, movement therapies and exercise with my special interest being the therapeutic aspects and neuroscience of yoga and their practical applications. I am always a student first and work to integrate and embody the knowledge I absorb as it applies to my daily life. It still makes me giggle to say it, but I am now working on my “Masters” in Yoga Training Certification. That’s cool in my world.

I have had the opportunity to work with hundreds of clients over the years and find myself adept at making yoga accessible for just about any population.

From individuals in need of therapeutic applications to athletes in training and larger groups in schools, in the workplace and yoga studios, I work to weave my fairly well rounded knowledge of the physical, psychological and spiritual benefits of yoga, health and wellness into my teaching and my life.

I’m a human being first, and have some rough edges that need polishing, but I find that my yoga practice is a wonderful tool for introspection, self-discovery and growth, both on and off the mat.

I feel honoured many times over to be able to share my adventures in yoga and life with my sisters, my friends and my community.

Facilitating a community yoga space has been a dream come true. I’m in a position to teach, train and mentor yoga, alongside my teacher and friend, Denise. It is an honour that goes far beyond what my original vision of my life encompassed. When you share your dreams, they grow!

There is so much to share and only so much space, so until next time, be well, breathe deep and perhaps I’ll see you this side of the studio doors soon!

~ Photo by Hope Wardell

Christie Delahunt

20 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

the reeL deaL~ With Larry Mellors

Fall Fishing Opportunities in Norfolk County

so far this fall has been gorgeous. a stark contrast to the weather of May and June. We have bluebird skies and warm daytime air temperatures. Windows and doors are open to allow fresh air into our homes. The night time cools off so we are able to get a great sleep. What a remarkable time to enjoy the outdoors!

Norfolk County offers many fall fishing opportunities. Fishing can occur in the inland waters or within Lake Erie. There is certainly less competition on the rivers or lakes at this time of the year.

Many boats are being brought to various marinas for winterizing and storage. But for numerous boat anglers this is the time to be out on the water. I had a person comment to me as I was writing this article that he loves this time of the year – he is putting his boat in the water while the masses are taking theirs out. Lake Erie offers excellent opportunities for rainbow trout, brown trout, chinook salmon, coho salmon, walleye, northern pike, smallmouth bass, largemouth bass and perch.

Deer Creek Conservation Area has a soft spot in my heart. This was one of the last places I got to trout fish with my dad. We found this area about forty years ago on a cold, windy, snowy trout season opener. We were fishing our favourite trout water, Big Creek, when a storm came out of nowhere. We drove to Langton to get a hot drink. Afterwards we spotted a sign pointing to Deer Creek. The rainbow trout fishing we experienced then was nothing short of spectacular. While there are rainbow trout present today, it is not close to being what it was. The Conservation Area is owned by Long Point Region Conservation Authority and is officially open from Victoria Day

Weekend to Labour Day Weekend. There is still good access to this 80 acre reservoir throughout the other times of the year. Expect to catch rainbow trout as mentioned earlier but brown trout, crappie, perch and largemouth bass are other species available for angling.

Young Creek provides great opportunities to fish for migratory rainbow trout, brown trout and salmon. Since the early 1980’s the Brantford Steelheaders conducted aquatic renewal workdays to improve the spawning and nursery habitat for these fish species. The Young-of-the-Year rainbow trout numbers increased over 600% due to the combined efforts of the Brantford Steelheaders and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. There are some properties with “No Trespassing” signs, so abide with the owner’s request. The mouth of the creek where it enters the north shore of Lake Erie is a good place to fish spring and fall as the migratory fish enter and leave the creek.

Big Creek, flowing through the Norfolk Sand Plain, is where I first learned to trout fish. My dad started taking my brother Don and I here at a very young age. I caught my first large rainbow trout from these waters. This river system is home to resident rainbow trout, brown trout and brook trout as well as migratory rainbow trout, brown trout and salmon. Names such as,” Strawberry Patch, Sulphur Hole, Spencer Lumber, One and One A”, amongst others, were concessions we used to fish. My father became known as “Southern Ontario’s Rainbow Trout King” according to Toronto outdoors media in the 50’s and 60’s. Numerous articles were written about his angling skills and photos of him, his buddies and fish appeared in print. It doesn’t have the fishing pressure it once held other than a few well known concessions. In fact, some of the concessions do not see any anglers or close to none. I find it almost impossible in some areas to even get close to the river’s edge. The paths have disappeared completely.

Fisher Glen Conservation Area is a small area that allows you to access Fisher Creek for salmon and rainbow and brown trout. It is very difficult to fish due to the creek’s size and the amount of woody debris found in the creek.

Waterford Ponds provide the angler with a relaxed setting while angling. Willow Pond, Pickerel Lake and Bass Lake are three small lakes, which make up the Waterford North Conservation Area. These small ponds are former gravel pits. Fish species such as northern pike, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, perch and crappie are sought after. The lakes are great for fishing from a canoe, kayak or small utility boat. Good fishing

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Emily Mellors with a perch caught from a dock in a marina.

can be had from shore also.There is some respectable fishing off the piers at Port Dover and

Port Rowan. Not only does Port Dover provide the opportunity to catch perch and smallmouth bass but migratory fish such as rainbow trout and salmon. The Port Rowan pier allows anglers the chance at catching perch and largemouth bass.

As the cool fall days and nights arrive the water temperature in Inner Long Point Bay drops. This triggers fish to move from the cooler and deeper waters of the Outer Bay into the shallower Inner Bay. Perch fishing is what draws a majority of the anglers at this time of the year. Live minnows and Berkley Gulp! Floating Minnows are the bait of choice. Jumbos are the name of the game now. Bass anglers are aware the smallmouth bass return to the North Channel waters and the largemouth stack up on the outside edges of the weed lines. Make sure the vegetation is healthy and green. Fish will not hold around dying vegetation as it gives off carbon monoxide. Pike fishers are throwing in-line spinners, such as Mepps, spoons and body baits, such as Berkley’s Flicker Shad. Early in the fall all of these fish are great fighters.

Migratory salmon and trout begin to hold off the river mouths along the north shore of Outer Long Point Bay. The troller or beach caster can have some dynamite days when the waters are fairly flat. Pike start to congregate in the Bluff Bar area. Expect to find smallmouth and some walleye as well. Perch can be found in the waters throughout the Outer Bay. For any of these species finding the fish is the key. Be on the move and use your electronics wisely.

At this time of the year it is important to check Ontario’s Provincial Fishing Regulations. Seasons are ending, sanctuaries take effect and extended seasons begin. As a responsible angler you must be aware of what and where you are fishing. Enjoy the exceptional angling Norfolk County has to offer throughout the fall season. 605-105 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 1G6

ContaCt Gary Hepburn 519.583.0999Phone: 905.528.0193 or

Toll Free: [email protected]

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22 Fall 2013 Sports Norfolk

LesaGe’s aBsolute ConditioninG

Lesage’s aBsolute Conditioning, located at 26 north Main street in simcoe, is a private studio, where people with many different fitness and training goals can work one-on-one with a certified and specialized personal trainer. Within the sessions, the trainers offer foam rolling, as well as activation and mobility stretches before going into the specialized, intense strength and conditioning session. The facility also offers classes in hot yoga and Judo on specific nights of the week.

For class schedules and pricing please visit the website at

We also invite you to like us on facebook at

Lesage’s ABSolute Conditioning.

Meet the TeamNow we would like you to meet a

portion of the team at Lesage’s ABSolute Conditioning.Chris

Chris Lesage, owner and co-founder of Lesage's ABSolute Conditioning, has been weight lifting for twenty-one long years, giving him a great deal of expertise in the field. To go along with what he has picked up through experimentation on his own body he has also been personal training since 1998, where he has completed many courses and spent countless hours studying some of the top strength and conditioning coaches.

Not only does Chris have first hand experience in weightlifting, but he also boasts an impressive athletic resume. While completing his high school education, Chris always found time to participate in sports, racking up medals in track and field and pole vault, where he made several appearances at OFFSAA. Once Chris had graduated high school and was working he decided to test himself mentally and physically by attending the Toronto Argonauts Rookie Camp in 2000, where he was named

Top Rookie at the camp and even made several appearances for their farm team. Although Chris has many fond memories of his athletic “glory days” the award that means the most to him is his “Top Athlete Award” from his three years in the Canadian Forces Infantry.

To go Along with Chris’ athletic background he uses the knowledge he has gained from his own personal experiences along with his various certifications: NIYCA Strength and Conditioning, Canfit Pro Personal Training Specialist, Strength Performance Institute, and Canfit Pro Nutrition for Athletes. Chris’ countless certifications haven’t stopped him from learning and studying, as he knows the field is always changing. When Chris is not training someone to reach their absolute highest potential or spending time with his family, he is expanding his knowledge of the body and its biomechanics.Sky

Sky Lesage is owner and co-founder of Lesage's ABSolute Conditioning and brings a vast range of knowledge and creativity to the team. Sky is continuously searching for new methods to make her training sessions original and intense. Along with her one-on-one personal training expertise, she also thrives in a group environment, using her Boot Camp Instructor Certification. Along with this certification, Sky has also obtained her Cardio Kickboxing Instructor Certificate and Canfit Pro Fitness Instructor Specialist Certificate.

Sky also enjoys training herself and finding new ways to push her to her own limits before using the workouts on her clients. She has been strengthening and conditioning her own body since 1998 and therefore has built a range of knowledge that she introduces to her clients. In addition to her own experimentation, Sky brings five years of personal training experience to Lesage’s ABSolute conditioning and enjoys researching and learning new techniques with her

husband Chris. Not only is Sky a fulltime trainer at

Lesage’s ABSolute Conditioning, but she is also a fulltime hockey and soccer mom. When Sky is not in the gym she is running her kids around from sport to sport and helping with each team when she can. For the past three years she has been the trainer for her daughter’s hockey team, the Norfolk Hurricanes.

MarthaUpon hearing about how yoga helped

with back pain and stress relief, Martha Atkins decided to, on a whim, pick up a few Yoga DVDs and to her surprise was immediately hooked. Seven life changing years later, Martha continues her yoga journey. One of Martha’s most memorable experiences was when she travelled to Brazil for the month of January in 2012 to participate in an intense training course. Her training continued into the following year and she began to teach classes from the techniques and experiences she had learned.

Martha’s training is geared towards hot yoga, where the increased temperature can provide a deeper overall practice. Considering tense muscles tend to relax in the warmth, this practice acts therapeutically to help those troubled and sore areas. During cold, dreary days, the warm room is a lovely draw that people look forward to.

Martha has learned from her experience and study that yoga is truly for everyone. It is founded on breath, body awareness and directs one’s attention away from the “drama” and “inner dialogue”, instead pointing their attention to the points of stress in one’s muscles. Martha describes hot yoga as being, “the practice of placing attention with intention.” Yoga is a whole person practice, where the mind and body can link, whether it is in stillness or movement. In yoga, breath awareness is key and linking one’s breath to their movement is where the “magic” happens, with a reduction in stress being the

23Sports Norfolk Fall 2013

Andy Heighington, Natalia McCourt (Judo Instructor), Martha Atkins, Sky Lesage, and Sue Baldock (Personal Trainer), with Chris Lesage in front.

measurable outcome. Yoga and hot yoga are great physical

activities, considering the practice incorporates a full body workout, along with “toning”, balance and stretching. Core, back and hip strength and mobility is a focal point of Martha’s sessions which helps relieve pain in many of her clients. Martha believes the mat is a place where one can get to know oneself as well as find kindness and compassion for themselves.

AndyAndy Heighington is the newest

member of the Lesage’s ABSolute Conditioning team and has been employed there fulltime since his graduation at Plattsburgh State University. Andy graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice. Prior to his time at Plattsburgh, Andy attended Simcoe Composite School where he began weight lifting and became interested in studying new ways to change his workout

programs. However, it was not until he fell under the guidance of Chris Lesage at the age of eighteen that he discovered his true passion for studying the body and its biomechanics, which swayed him to earn his Canfit Pro Personal Training Specialist Certification.

Heighington also holds a fairly impressive athletic background. Andy has played soccer since he was six years old, most notably for the Toronto Lynx, where he helped his U17 and U20 teams qualify for the North American Championships. His stellar play with the Lynx caught the attention of several NCAA coaches, where he chose to sign with the Plattsburgh State Cardinals in 2009. It was at Plattsburgh University where his career took off and he won numerous accolades. As a four year starter with the Cardinals Heighington amassed a record of 50-16-12, putting him in 2nd in the Plattsburgh all-time career

wins category. This is not the only place where Heighington’s name entered the record book; he also set the school record for career shutouts with 33 and is 3rd in career saves with 213. Along with Andy’s personal honours, the Cardinals also won the SUNYAC Conference Championship in 2010 (where Heighington was named to the All-Conference team), the SUNYAC League title in 2009 and 2012, and entered the NCAA tournament in 2009 and 2010.

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