ss edited 2013 special report - little black book copy copy€¦ · an idea why webinars are so...

Little Black Book of Automated Webinars Geoff Ronning

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Page 1: SS Edited 2013 Special Report - Little Black Book copy copy€¦ · an idea why webinars are so valuable for your business. As you may have guessed from the subheading above, a good

Little Black Book of Automated


Geoff Ronning

Page 2: SS Edited 2013 Special Report - Little Black Book copy copy€¦ · an idea why webinars are so valuable for your business. As you may have guessed from the subheading above, a good

The author and publisher of this Report and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this Report. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this Report. The information contained in this Report is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this Report, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

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How Advanced Webinar Strategies give You a Competitive Edge

Webinars have evened the playing field in a big way.

No longer are they the exclusive tool of high-flying corporate organizations and tech-savvy gurus. Thanks to webinar software advances and the economic challenges, home-based solopreneurs as well as “bricks and mortar” businesses are tapping into the Internet’s power to connect with prospects and customers.

What makes webinar marketing strategies a “must have” for 21st century businesses? In our Information Age, the Internet plays a growing role in society. Just as the telephone spawned the emergence of teleseminars in the last century, the current speed of the World Wide Web gives us webinars.

Entrepreneurs of all stripes, even start-ups, use webinars for a plethora of reasons, like:

• Sales Presentations• Lead Generation• Follow-up• Customer Service• Product delivery

Webinars themselves can also be converted into an array of derivative products; i.e. recorded transcripts, report summaries, audio recordings, full presentations, etc.

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Given the exponential growth of online material, forward-thinking businesspeople are forsaking the teleseminar era’s “one and done” mentality to embrace the possibilities that automated webinars offer.

In this report, we will present a new concept that goes beyond the

standard manual labor of webinars.

Leveraging the Power of the Automated Replay

Given the global financial meltdown that slammed businesses and consumers at the end of the last decade, it should not come as a surprise that businesses are looking for the most

profitable strategies possible. Webinars are certainly one of those tools that allow you to maximize your business.

In “Fast Start Guide to Automated Webinar Success” we’ll give you an idea why webinars are so valuable for your business.

As you may have guessed from the subheading above, a good part of webinar marketing appeal lies in the use of automated replays. We’ve briefly hinted at what this can do for your business, but rest assured this report will take you through its overall strategy and the massive benefit.

Thanks for reading,

P.S. No doubt this content will spark some new ideas and strategies for your business. Let’s get to it...

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Webinars 101: Yes, It is that simple

For the uninitiated, webinars may seem like an “advanced” marketing tactic that requires deep technical knowledge.

Nothing could be further than the truth! Thanks to advances in webinar and web simulcasting software, running your own

webinar can be simple as pressing a few buttons! Just visit some of the leading webinar hosting companies and check out some of the testimonials. Chances are you will find many success stories. Many of them are from people that don’t know the first thing about computers or programming.

The Cornerstone of All Business

Make no mistake, having and nurturing a responsive contact list is the cornerstone of any business. It is something to strive for in both the short and long-term. However, if you have no significant list right now, webinars are great ways to “build” subscribers lists. Offering them a webinar of value is a terrific win win!

What if you are just starting out in your business and have not acquired the necessary knowledge of an expert yet? No problem ‒ webinars are excellent vehicles for conducting “expert” interviews. Locate the best people in your field, and allow them to share their expertise with your audience. In time, you will become the expert by simply accessing these “movers and shakers”.

Don’t have any products to sell? Using the expert marketing model above, many people have turned webinar interviews into stand alone

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products like audio recordings, written transcripts, and home study products. You are only limited by your imagination.

Now that we have established some brief rationale for webinars, that brings us to...

The 4 Main Ways to Use Automated Webinars

Before we look at the many profitable applications of automated webinars, lets consider the four main ways we see our most successful users of StealthSeminar use our services. They are by no means the only way, just the most popular:

1. Automated as if live, with automated chat

In this application, you run your webinar exactly as if it is live but it is automated, even the chat messages people are seeing is automated. Any chat messages posted by any live guests is only seen by them.

You may choose to tell them it is live or you may choose to say nothing and let them arrive at their own conclusions.

2. Automated as if live, with live chat

In this manner, your event is automated but your chat is live. Your attendees on your event are literally chatting with other attendees.

3. Automated encore broadcast at specific time

With this application, you tell people you are going to have an encore broadcast.

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4.Tom Antion Method (live rebroadcast with live chat)

In this method, you tell your prospects this is a live rebroadcast. You let them know you have already given the webinar but will be rebroadcasting it for them. You (or your staff) attend the rebroadcast and answer any additional questions in the live chat.

Maximize Your Webinars SuccessCan you see why currently thousands of people in the US and

worldwide have turned to webinars to help them achieve their sales and marketing goals? Now let’s get into the meat of this white paper. Next, we will delve into 7 ways to big webinar success and reveal how your efforts come together for greater profits.

Here are seven ways you can use automated webinar replays to maximize your impact and profits.

The Seven Most Popular Applications of Automated Webinars

These are not the only applications for automated webinars, but they are the most popular.

1) Sales Presentations on Autopilot

There’s no denying that the lifeblood of any business is consistent sales revenue. Now, thanks to webinars , you can craft spectacu lar sa les presentations using a combination of audio, video, text, and images appropriate for your target market.

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Do you need to sell multiple product lines to different niche markets and demographic segments all at once? No problem ‒ just custom build your webinars according to the parameters required.

Think of the difficulties when employing traditional sales practices with new or existing customers:

• “Mixed messages”, i.e., lack of consistency in delivery of sales message.

• Prohibitive costs • Human error• Manual labor

A lack of systemization will kill any business, regardless of product

quality and sales tool. Among the advantages of using of webinar-based sales presentations:

• Multiple yourself and/or your sales associates with perfectly delivered messages every time.

• Timing issues and geography (i.e. time zones) don’t influence first impressions. You appear and are ready to deliver when the time is right.

• Retain the feeling of powerful, live interaction with the latest webinar technology

• Face to face selling is the most powerful form of selling in the world, and that is what you get with webinars.

2) Follow Up on Autopilot

Thanks to the webinar ’s increas ing functionality, automation of your company’s sales funnel does not have to end with the initial presentations.

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For example, the webinar host may offer a text box where participants can ask questions and interact. Even if your webinar is not live, they can certainly get responses back very quickly.

Depending on the type of feedback you receive, a follow-up webinar may be merited to address oft-repeated comments and roadblocks that may jeopardize future sales. Use it to clarify product features and benefits mentioned in the original presentation and totally automate your follow up.

For products and services that require more than a single webinar presentation, consider offering an e-mail series (i.e. autoresponder) that provides more information and serves to further encourage sales. Prospects who take advantage of your e-newsletter automatically become part of your subscriber list.

In the end, send personal follow-up messages that make use of prospects’ own interactivity (i.e. replies from past questions, surveys etc.).

3) Automated Lead Generation

Businesses do not survive on current customers alone. Generating prospects is one of the key ingredients for a successful business. Many people use automated webinars to generate as many leads as they need.

Typically the way it works is that the business sets up an automated webinar, the prospect attends the automated webinar and thereby qualifies himself. From there you can follow up with them. Send them to a form, have them sign up for a Strategy Session, Coaching Call, etc. Saves you time and adds prospects to your pipeline on autopilot.

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4) Defeat Buyers Remorse

Webinars not only offer an exciting new sales tool, but they can play a large role in defeating buyers remorse. Buyers remorse is the feeling that the client did not make the best possible purchase or that competing products offer better value.

Buyers remorse is particularly intense with big ticket items, but all business owners need to be aware of how to cope with it. Highlight the best features and benefits of your products and use comparative analysis whenever feasible (“Brand X is better than Brand Y because…”). Testimonials from regular people, experts and celebrities often reassure new customers about your product, so make sure to include a few in your webinars!

New customers are usually most susceptible to second thoughts immediately after the purchasing process, so emphasize your company’s credentials and staying power in your webinar (“Company XYZ has been in the [niche] business for over ten years…”).

Use your webinar to accentuate the positives of your offer. Do the prospect’s homework for them, anticipate their concerns and address them prior to the customer. Be proactive. That way the sale will stick and your clients will be happier and more successful with their purchases.

5) Get Buy In and Increase Consumption

Each prospect’s purchase should be a watershed moment that, if leveraged properly, can lead to many more purchases down the road.

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Unfortunately, most businesses don’t do everything possible to convince consumers to generate the next sale. Maybe they assume people will recall the benefits and pleasure of the original purchase long enough to come back on their own.

Your widget may be the greatest thing since sliced bread, but if consumers don’t have the time to appreciate it, any positive “buzz” to the brain will fizzle out before it has a chance to trigger the desire for more.

So, what can you do to encourage people to understand your value? You get them to consume your product. I’m not talking about eating your product physically, but rather instead to consume it in whatever matter makes sense… Maybe to watch your video products, read your written products, use the tool you provide, etc.

The more you hold their hand the more value they will get. Don’t assume just because they purchase a product from you that they use it, because most don’t. Here are some quick tips to increase consumption, thereby increasing their satisfaction and your value:

• Walk them through their product and hold their hand to make sure they actually deriving value

• Include demonstrations to remind them how great it is, to highlight key concepts

• Address challenging points or key areas • Make sure to the best of your ability that your customers not only buy your products / services, but are more importantly using them and understand the value you deliver

By doing so you will increase your success and that will lead to…

6) Create Lifelong Clients

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Using webinars to create lifelong clients is akin to putting your best foot forward whenever your company has something exciting to share with the world. It’s a mandatory practice (if you want to profit handsomely) to turn occasional customers into regular buyers. The payoff is substantial once you incorporate a few strategies into your webinar marketing:

• Start by introducing a superb product or service, great bonuses, money-back guarantee, etc.

• Use follow-up webinars (see above) to reinforce relationships and hold your clients’ attention.

• Incorporate continuity programs that give you a regular presence in your customers’ lives.

• Create messages within your webinars that can go viral.• Over deliver and be more than a “business” ‒ be a trusted advisor.

All this will…

7) Make Your Business Stable

The key components for business stability and ultimately long-term success have been outlined above. As a marketer, you can best achieve your profitability goals with a

strategy and tactics that:

• Are duplicable.• Systematized.• Contain built-in urgency.• Appear personal.

These are just some of the most popular applications of the “automated webinar” concept. We have businesses and organizations in all walks of life that are applying this tool and generating value. If you want to look more into using automated webinars in your business, I invite you to visit StealthSeminar, a service that was born to address

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the needs of business people looking for another way to automate their marketing and maximize business profits.

Granted, webinar replays may not be part of your core marketing mix now. However, with the way marketing is advancing in the 21st century, entrepreneurs who take action first and exploit new marketing channels will prosper the most.

If you are like most our clients, automated webinars can make a big difference for your business, It can set you free from the manual labor and chart a course for higher success. I welcome you to give us a look right now at

I look forward to hearing about your success!

P. S. If you have never attended an automated webinar (that you know of) feel free to check out our demo. No doubt you would set yours up all different, with different registration pages, etc. but this will let you check out the demo. Click here for Automated Webinar Demo.