st. henry catholic church 24750 w. lower buckeye rd...

ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326 July 05, 2020 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil . . . . . . . 5:00pm Sábado (Español) . . . . . . 7:00pm Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00am 10:00am Domingo (Español) . . . 12:00pm . . . . . . . . (Español) . . . . 6:00pm DAILY MASS SCHEDULE Mon. Tue. Thurs. Fri. . . . 8:30am Wednesday . . . . . . . 12:00pm noon CONFESSIONS Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00pm ADORATION Wednesday 1:00 - 5:00pm CLERGY Fr. William J. Kosco, Pastor Fr. Kevin Penkalski, Parochial Vicar Dcn. Mark Gribowski Dcn. Victor León Dcn. Nick Bonaiuto Receptionist Flor de liz López Secretary Nancy Vela OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm Facebook: St. Henry Catholic Church Buckeye, AZ Parish Office: (623) 386-0175 E-mail: [email protected]

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Page 1: ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd · 8:00 am Fr. Jim Lee 10:00 am +Raul Martinez II 12:00 pm 6:00 pm People

ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd. Buckeye, AZ 85326

July 05, 2020


Saturday Vigil . . . . . . . 5:00pm

Sábado (Español) . . . . . . 7:00pm

Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00am


Domingo (Español) . . . 12:00pm

. . . . . . . . (Español) . . . . 6:00pm


Mon. Tue. Thurs. Fri. . . . 8:30am

Wednesday . . . . . . . 12:00pm noon


Wednesday 3:00 - 5:00pm


Wednesday 1:00 - 5:00pm


Fr. William J. Kosco, Pastor

Fr. Kevin Penkalski,

Parochial Vicar

Dcn. Mark Gribowski

Dcn. Victor León

Dcn. Nick Bonaiuto

Receptionist Flor de liz López

Secretary Nancy Vela


Monday - Friday

9:00am - 12:00pm


St. Henry Catholic Church

Buckeye, AZ

Parish Office:

(623) 386-0175


[email protected]

Page 2: ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd · 8:00 am Fr. Jim Lee 10:00 am +Raul Martinez II 12:00 pm 6:00 pm People

July 05, 2020 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday July 04 5:00 pm +Maria Fisher 7:00 pm +Ricardo Vazquez Sunday July 05 8:00 am Fr. Jim Lee 10:00 am +Raul Martinez II12:00 pm 6:00 pm People of the Parish Monday July 06 8:30 am Amber PicoTuesday July 07 8:30 am +Walter VesteckaWednesday July 08 12:00 pm +Bob CoakleyThursday July 09 8:30 am Monique PicoFriday July 10 8:30 am +All Souls in PurgatorySaturday July 11 5:00 pm +Bob Laundra7:00 pm Maria PicoSunday July 12 8:00am +Gabriela Loya Ramirez10:00 am +12:00 pm People of the Parish6:00 pm +Carmen Orozco

This week our Chapel Sanctuary Candle burns in honor of the

Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament in memory of:

+ Bob Coakley+


Coakley Family


To keep in touch with St. Henry parish, we are encouraging parishioners to join FLOCKNOTE. To join, simply text the word Buckeye to this phone number: 84576 or go directly to the website:

Kissing the Altar at Mass Question: Why do priests kiss the altar at the start of Mass?

Answer: Our churches and chapels are filled with symbols. We might think of the more common symbols (like the crucifix, statues, stained-glass windows, vestment color and altar cloths) as well as ma-jor symbols (such as the paschal candle and the baptismal font). But there are some things that we can take for granted in our sacred spaces, because unfortunately, they seem to just be part of the building, including three of the main symbols of our liturgy: the ambo (lectern), the chair for the priest celebrant, and the altar.

These three objects are placed in a specially designated area called the sanctu-ary. They are the places where the Word of God is proclaimed, where the priest prays and presides at the celebration, and where the bread and wine are offered by the priest during the Eucharistic Prayer. Although each of these objects is sacred because of the role they play in our worship, the altar holds a special place. In a document containing the rules and instructions for the Mass — the “General Instruction of the Roman Missal” — we read: “The altar on which the Sacrifice of the Cross is made present under sacramental signs is also the table of the Lord to which the People of God is called together to participate in the Mass, as well as the center of the thanksgiving that is accomplished throughout the Eucharist” (no. 296).

One of the ways that we recognize the importance of the altar is when the priest and deacon kiss the altar at the beginning of Mass. Kissing is an ancient act of devotion. Remember, we also kiss the cross on Good Friday, and the deacon or priest kisses the “Book of the Gospels” after the Gospel is pro-claimed. This act of devotion reminds us that the altar is a symbol of Jesus, the “living stone” (see 1 Peter 2:4), the foundation stone of our faith. It is a symbol gesture, but it is a powerful reminder of the One on whom our faith is built and in whose name we gather as the “household of faith” (see Galatians 6:10).

To learn more, see the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” (no. 1382-1383).

Recent Funerals

Crescencio Rosales Jr. 07/12/1985—02/23/2020 Crescencio Rosales Sr. 04/20/1955—03/16/2020 Paulino Ramos 06/22/1928—03/24/2020 Andre Christopher Camarena 04/06/1970—03/30/2020 Joseph Krzysztofiak 11/15/1942—05/06/2020 Leslie Marie Casillas 11/08/1977—05/15/2020 Emily Marie Baughman 05/26/1941—05/18/2020 Teresa Fraga 10/17/1934—05/24/2020 Gabriela Loya Ramirez 07/15/1978—06/10/2020 Carmen Orozco 02/23/1938—06/21/2020

May the souls of the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace.

Page 3: ST. HENRY CATHOLIC CHURCH 24750 W. Lower Buckeye Rd · 8:00 am Fr. Jim Lee 10:00 am +Raul Martinez II 12:00 pm 6:00 pm People

Julio 05, 2020 14º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Besando el Altar en Misa Pregunta: ¿Por qué los sacerdotes besan el altar al comienzo de la misa?

Respuesta: Nuestras iglesias y capillas están llenas de símbolos. Podríamos pensar en los símbolos más comunes (como el cru-cifijo, las estatuas, las vidrieras, el color de las vestimentas y los manteles), así como los símbolos principales (como la vela pascual y la fuente bautismal). Pero hay algunas cosas que podemos desapercibir en nuestros lugares sagrados, porque desafortunadamente, parecen ser solo parte del edificio, incluidos tres de los principales símbolos de nuestra liturgia: el ambón (atril), la silla para el sacerdote celebrante, y el altar.

Estos tres objetos se colocan en un área especialmente designada llamada santuario. Son los lugares donde se proclama la Palabra de Dios, donde el sacerdote reza y preside la celebración, y donde el sacerdote ofrece el pan y el vino durante la Oración Eucarística. Aunque cada uno de estos objetos es sagrado debido al papel que desempeñan en nuestra adoración, el altar ocupa un lugar especial. En un documento que contiene las reglas e ins-trucciones para la Misa, la “Instrucción general del misal romano”, lee-mos: “El altar en el que se hace presente el Sacrificio de la Cruz bajo los signos sacramentales es también la mesa del Señor a la cual El Pueblo de Dios está llamado a participar en la Misa, así como al centro de la acción de gracias que se lleva a cabo durante toda la Eucaristía ”(n. 296).

Una de las formas en que reconocemos la importancia del altar es cuando el sacerdote y el diácono besan el altar al comienzo de la misa. Besar es un antiguo acto de devoción. Recuerde, también besamos la cruz el Viernes Santo, y el diácono o sacerdote besa el "Libro de los Evangelios" después de que se proclama el Evangelio. Este acto de devoción nos recuerda que el altar es un símbolo de Jesús, la "piedra viva" (véase 1 Pedro 2: 4), la piedra fundamental de nuestra fe. Es un gesto simbólico, pero es un pode-roso recordatorio de Aquel en quien se basa nuestra fe y en cuyo nombre nos reunimos como la "familia de la fe" (ver Gálatas 6:10).

Para obtener más información, consulte el "Catecismo de la Iglesia Católi-ca" (n. 1382-1383).

CONFESIONES EN SABADO Esperamos reanudar las confesiones del sábado por la tarde en este mes de julio. Pronto anunciaremos la fecha. El tiempo de reconciliación cambiará de 4p.m. a 5p.m. Si tenemos dos sacerdotes disponibles, las confesiones deben termi-nar a más tardar a las 5:30p.m., indepen-dientemente de cualquier persona que esté esperando en la fila. Cuando solo tenemos un sacerdote para la confesión y la Misa, debemos terminar a las 4:45p.m. Por favor, no continúe esperando más allá de la hora de finalización. Le pedimos que esté bien preparado y haga su confesión directa y breve. Por favor sea considerado con los demás esperando en la fila. La confesión no es un momento de orienta-ción o asesoramiento espiritual. Simplemen-te declare sus pecados y pida la absolución. Le pedimos que complete su Acto de Con-trición en la capilla o en otro lugar para limi-tar su tiempo en el confesionario (sea cons-ciente del Corona virus) y permitir que otros tengan la oportunidad de confesarse. Nuevamente, estamos esperando anunciar la reanudación de las confesiones del sába-do, ¡así que estar atentos para la fecha de reinicio!

SATURDAY CONFESSIONS We are hoping to resume Saturday after-noon confessions sometime in this month. We will announce the date shortly. Recon-ciliation time will change to 4pm until 5pm. If we have two priests available, confessions must finish no later than 5:30pm regardless of anyone waiting in line. When we only have one priest for confession & Mass, we must finish by 4:45 pm. Please do not continue to wait past the end time. We ask that you be well-prepared and make your confession direct and brief. Please be considerate of others waiting in line. Confession is not a time for spiritual direction or counsel-ing. Simply state your sins and ask for absolution. We ask that you complete your Act of Contrition in the chapel or else-where in order to limit your time in the confessional (Corona awareness) and to allow others an opportunity to confess. Again, we are waiting to announce the resumption of Saturday confessions so stay tuned for the re-boot date!


We extend a blessed anniversary wish to the following couples who are celebrating their anniversary this month.

July 03, 1965 Carlos & Gloria Machado 55th Anniversary July 03, 1971 Jesus & Eloisa Rabago 49th Anniversary July 08, 2000 Edwin & Olivia Figueroa 20th Anniversary July 15, 1978 George & Bonnie Fisher 42nd anniversary July 17, 1999 Paul & Carmen Davis 21st Anniversary July 23, 1997 Hector & Teresita Diaz 23rd Anniversary July 24, 1965 Cecil & Mary Daly 55th Anniversary July 25, 1981 Dcn. Mark & Cindy Gribowski 39th Anniversary July 29, 1972 John & Shirley Bozenski 48th Anniversary

If you are a parish couple celebrating your anniversary of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, contact the office to be listed in our bulletin.