st. joseph - st. lazarus parish · 6hfrqg6xqgd\2i/hqw 0dufk st. joseph - st. lazarus parish is a...

Second Sunday Of Lent March 8, 2020 St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers. St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish Fr. Mirek Kowalczyk, fdp Pastor - American Community Fr. Antonio Eucinei DeSouza, fdp Brazilian Community Fr. Angel Pedro Alvarez Redondo, fdp Hispanic Community MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday Vigil ~ 4pm Sunday ~ 9am and 11am Weekday Monday through Saturday ~ 9am Parish Ofϐice Hours Monday -Thursday 9a.m. - 2p.m. Parish Ofϐice: 59 Ashley Street Phone: 617 569 0406 Fax: 617 569 8212 E-Mail: [email protected] WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS Please introduce yourself to us after Mass or contact the Parish Ofϐice to register

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Page 1: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

Second Sunday Of Lent

March 8, 2020

St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the

Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers.

St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish

Fr. Mirek Kowalczyk, fdp

Pastor - American Community

Fr. Antonio Eucinei DeSouza, fdp Brazilian Community

Fr. Angel Pedro Alvarez Redondo, fdp

Hispanic Community

MASS SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday Vigil ~ 4pm Sunday ~ 9am and 11am Weekday Monday through Saturday ~ 9am

Parish Of ice Hours

Monday -Thursday 9a.m. - 2p.m.

Parish Of ice: 59 Ashley Street Phone: 617 569 0406

Fax: 617 569 8212 E-Mail: [email protected]


Please introduce yourself to us after Mass or contact the Parish Of ice to register

Page 2: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

Second Sunday Of Lent

March 8, 2020

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday - 3:00p.m. - 3:45p.m. Monday - Saturday - 8:15a.m. - 8:45a.m. or by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated by Fr. Mirek on the third Sunday of the Month at 10a.m. Please call the Parish Of ice

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Wedding arrangements must be made at Least six months in advance. Please contact the parish of ice to schedule a Meeting with Fr. Mirek. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Please contact the Parish Of ice to have Fr. Mirek come to administer the Sacrament of the Sick

HOME VISITATION Fr. Mirek is happy to visit for confession, holy communion, anointing of the sick etc., anyone who is unable to come to church. Please contact the Parish Of ice. Preparation for First Communion

and Con irmation 2 year programs Please contact Fr. Mirek or The CCD Director

Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament with recitation

of the Chaplet to Divine Mercy and Rosary Monday through Saturday 8:15a.m. to 9a.m.

The Church is open for private Prayer & Meditation 8am-4pm Mon-Fri





Page 3: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

Second Sunday Of Lent

March 8, 2020

From the Pastor Reflections Today's Gospel portrays Jesus as a new and great-er Moses. Moses also took three companions up a mountain and on the seventh day was overshadowed by the shining cloud of God's presence. He too spoke with God and his face and clothing were made radiant in the encounter. But in today's Lenten Liturgy, the Church wants us to look back past Moses. Indeed, we are asked to contemplate what today's Epistle calls God's "design...from before time began." With his promises to Abram in today's First Reading, God formed the people through whom He would reveal himself and bestow His bless-ings on all humanity. He later elevated these promises to eternal cove-nants and changed Abram's name to Abraham, promising that he would be father of a host na-tions. In remembrance of His covenant with Abraham he raised up Moses, and later swore an everlasting kingdom to David’s sons. In Jesus' transfiguration today, He is revealed as the One through whom God fulfills his divine plan from of old. Not only a new Moses, Jesus is also the "beloved son" promised to Abraham and again to David. Moses foretold a prophet like him to whom Israel would listen and Isaiah foretold an anointed serv-ant in whom God would be well-pleased. Jesus is this prophet and this servant, as the Voice on the mountain tells us today. By faith we have been made children of the cove-nant with Abraham (see Galatians 3:7-9; Acts 3:25). He calls us, too, to a holy life, to follow His Son to the heavenly homeland He has prom-ised. We know, as we sing in today's Psalm, that we who hope in Him will be delivered from death. So like our father in faith, we go forth as the Lord directs us: "Listen to Him!"

Late in spring, my young nieces would stay with me for a few hours while their parents worked. I had them plant an assortment of small flowering plants. During the summer, they often would help me water the garden and marvel at the size and beauty of the flowers that grew so quickly. By summer’s end, the mature plants added beau-ty and grace to an otherwise barren spot. When Jesus is transformed before the Apostles, he is not just a bright light in a dark moment. He reveals something new and as yet unseen: the glory of the Father, proclaimed in the Law and the Prophets, and now fully seen in the person of Jesus. This is God’s love and mercy, promising new hope and new life to the whole world. En-couraged by their vision, the Apostles would be the first to witness to Jesus and to the Gospel. Every so often, we may get a small insight into faith. An understanding of the Gospel, or a new appreciation for the sacraments or a sense of awe during a special holy day can reinvigorate our faith. It gives us an added incentive to seek the truth or to delve more deeply into our beliefs. It may also be the little spark that renews a falter-ing faith. Look for those little moments when we are transformed. When we seek the Lord, He is always to be found. ———————————————————- ******** Risk Alert: Coronavirus ********* The exchange of the sign of peace is to be offered without any physical contact. If the Priest celebrant chooses to extend the invitation for the sign of peace, the faithful, instead of a handshake, may bow to the person nearby.

Page 4: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

Second Sunday Of Lent

March 8, 2020

Anna Kavjian, Joseph Curry, Christopher DiRuzza, Mike & Sarah Enos, Jim Manning, Claire Burke, Paul and Susan Shramm, Bill Berube, Janet, McKenna Snow, Raj Mistri, Joseph Testa, Doreen Gattie, Susan Guadagno, Joseph Serilla, Julia Ferrara, Joan Leone, Marty Allen, Jerry Mazzarella, Janice Fantasia, Kerri Antonuccio, Athena Fantasia, Paul Martorano, Josephine Giuffre-Lee, Albert Angelone, Jennie Colantonio, Sandra Voltero, John Lonati, Alice Meucci, Marshall Pierce, Rahna Peirce, Eleanor Guarino, Alan Manfra, Josephine Palmer, Norma Maiullari, Linda Baldwin, Kirsten Sullivan, Ann Serra, Taylor Clarke, Amy Keech, John Antonuccio, Jr., Danny Trainito, Dorothy Simonini, John Tirrusa, Jaclyn Habeeb, Anna Ciano, Denise Bartehl, Martha Gallego. Mary Ann Lysiak MaytheybetouchedbythehealinghandoftheLord,andreturntoafullandactivelifewiththeirfamilyandcommunity. Pray for all members of our parish family near and far, especially those serving in the United States Armed Forces.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT February 22- February 23

Offertory Collection Weekend Offertory Collection $1477.00 Second Collection –World Church $547.00 Online Collection $190.00 By Mail $210.00 Candles $78.00 TOTAL COLLECTION $2502.00 Church Around The World (-$547.00) ACTUAL TOTAL COLLECTION $1955.00 Weekly Expenses $4500.00 (-$2545.00)

Remember St. Joseph ~ St. Lazarus Parish in Your Will

Have you ever considered remembering St. Joseph - St. Lazarus in your will? Also at the time of the death of a loved one, memorial donations can be earmarked for the parish. Include this request in the obituary notice. Many parish communities have bene ited greatly from such memorial gifts. This is a wonderful way to make sure St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is on a secure inancial footing now and able to continue to serve the community effectively in the future. Think about it and Thank You!

Please Pray for the sick in our Parish

New Gift Items needed: for various upcoming fundraisers ( events and dates to be announced) Baskets and gifts to be raf led. Do you have access to Bruins, Celtics, Patriots, College team or local event tickets? Could you arrange donations of tickets as a fundraiser? Please bring all items to the parish of ice Monday—Thursday 9a.m.—2p.m. ………………………………………………………………… This weekend, we will of icially launch the 2020 Catholic Appeal in our parish. Each year, we are called to make a gift to the Appeal so that we can support the Archdiocese and the many Central Ministries that make our parishes and communities stronger. This is our Church and every gift to the Appeal makes an important difference in the lives of so many. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Page 5: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

Second Sunday Of Lent

March 8, 2020


CCD Program

***April 2020 Calendar Raf le*** Raf le Tickets are $5.00 each

Tickets can be purchased from the Parish Of ice, CCD Families & Teachers

Please purchase and return your

completed raf le tickets and money to us by, Tuesday, March 31st

to be entered into the drawing.

The irst drawing, $50.00 CASH prize will be drawn April 1st.

A total of 30 Prizes will be awarded. Winners will be announced in the

weekly bulletin and contacted by telephone.

CCD Program Lenten Mission

This Lent our CCD program will be focusing once again on helping the St. Vincent DePaul Society chapter

that meets in our Parish. There will be two baskets in the back of the church beginning the weekend

of March 1, 2020. One basket will be for any anonymous monetary donation

you would like to make and another for any non-perishable food donations.

These baskets will be out for the next six weeks during Lent and will be

presented to the St Vincent DePaul Society during Holy Week.

Ham & Bean Supper

Saturday, March 28, 2020 After the 4pm Mass

Tickets on sale after each Mass and at the Rectory.

Lent 2020 A Time for Change

“And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became dazzling white.”

How does Jesus’ example in suffering

help me deal with my suffering ?

Ash Wednesday - February 26 Mass ~ 9am & 7pm

Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament

Monday - Saturday ~ 8:15am

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Monday - Saturday ~ 8:15am Saturday ~ 3pm

Stations of the Cross Every Friday ~ After 9am morning Mass

Holy Triduum

Holy Thursday ~ April 9 Morning Prayer ~ 9am

Mass ~ 7pm

Good Friday ~ April 10 Morning Prayer ~ 9am

Stations of the Cross ~ 3pm Veneration of the Cross ~ 7pm

Holy Saturday ~ April 11 Morning Prayer ~ 9am Easter Vigil ~ 7pm

Easter Sunday ~ April 12 Mass 9a.m. & 11a.m.

Page 6: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

Second Sunday Of Lent

March 8, 2020

Please Keep Our Church Clean………………………… We are asking all who come to Church for Mass and other services to please do not bring Coffee cups and water bottles with you and leave them in the pews. It takes much time to clean the pews between Masses. We also ask you to please return the missalettes to the holders and take your Bulletins home please. Don’t leave them in the pews. We humbly ask for your cooperation. Thank you for your understanding. Cell Phones……………………………………………… Please turn your cell phone off when entering the church or put them on vibrate. Mass Pricing……………………………………………. (Check Payable to Sons of Divine Providence) Weekday (Monday—Saturday) 9a.m. - $15.00 Weekend (Saturday 4p.m. , Sunday 9 & 11a.m. - $20.00 Community Mass (4 times a year in the months of Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct - The last Saturday of the month at 9a.m.) $5.00 per name. Mass Cards……………………………………………… Available at the Rectory for $5.00 each Candles / Host and Wine………………………………. (Check Payable to St. Joseph - St. Lazarus) Blessed Mother, Sacred Heart, Divine Mercy Candles - $10.00 each (Burn Sunday - Satur-day) Host & Wine - $10.00 (Offered Sunday - Saturday) Bricks on the Church Walkway…………………………. $150.00 each - Contact the Rectory Church Parking Lot If you or some that you know takes the T in town or is flying out of Logan Airport Why not use the Church Parking Lot (How about Winter Parking !) Parking Rates $7.00 Daily $45.00 Weekly $100.00 Monthly (On the Parish envelope system) $150.00 (Not on the Parish envelope system) Please call the rectory for details

Page 7: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Joseph & Saint Lazarus, East Boston, MA 4358

Pilot Printing seeks a full-time Customer Service Coordinator with graphic design knowledge to assist on all aspects of the print jobs, including customer relations, graphic design and fulfillment.

Please Submit Resume to [email protected]

Graphic Design & Customer Service Coordinator

Pilot Printing is a full-service, ministry-based Catholic printing organization focused on evangelization. We partner with many dioceses, parishes, ministries, and Catholic schools throughout the United States—especially in the Archdiocese of Boston—on numerous critical campaigns and initiatives.

Job Responsibilities:• Work with customers on printing design needs

and specifications using Adobe InDesign.• Take incoming sales and customer service calls.• Track the administrative process and ensure all

steps occur in a timely and accurate manner.• Filing and other duties as assigned.

Qualifications:• Good understanding of Catholic faith and

liturgical practices required.• Excellent visual design skills.• Excellent and professional written and verbal

communication skills with a strong attention to detail required.

• Some college education and 1 year of professional experience preferred.

• Salary: Around $40K

Page 8: St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish · 6HFRQG6XQGD\2I/HQW 0DUFK St. Joseph - St. Lazarus Parish is a community of believers served by the Sons of Divine Providence ~ Don Orione Fathers

For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Saint Joseph & Saint Lazarus, East Boston, MA 4358


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