st. matthias’ episcopal church...2020/05/27  · st. matthias’ episcopal church the rev. renda...

St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church The Rev. Brenda S. Overfield, Rector 11300 West Huguenot Road Midlothian, VA 23113 Announcements for May 27, 2020 General Information Morning Prayer via zoom—9:00 Am For aſter-hour emergencies and pastoral care, please contact the Rector or Parish Administrator: 804-464-1842. For bapsms, marriages, or u unerals, please contact the Rector. For use ou the uacilies, membership, or giving and pledges, please contact the Parish Administrator. Church sponsored, Sunday bullen announcements are due in the office by 12:00 PM, Tuesdays and should be submied here: Please see our community bullen board in Morrison Hall uor personal and community announcements. Office Hours Open by Appointment Only Stauu members are working urom home and are checking voice mail and ret urning calls. Phone: 8 04-464-1842 Fax: 804-594-5982 Weather/Emergency Text Updates: Text WeAreIAm to 84483 Web Site: ~ Email: [email protected] Weekly Zoom Gatherings

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Page 1: St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church...2020/05/27  · St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church The Rev. renda S. Overfield, Rector 11300 West Huguenot Road Midlothian, VA 23113 Announcements

St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church

The Rev. Brenda S. Overfield, Rector

11300 West Huguenot Road

Midlothian, VA 23113

Announcements for May 27, 2020

General Information

Morning Prayer via zoom—9:00 Am

For after-hour emergencies and pastoral care, please contact the Rector or Parish Administrator: 804-464-1842. For baptisms, marriages, or uunerals, please contact the

Rector. For use ou the uacilities, membership, or giving and pledges, please contact the

Parish Administrator.

Church sponsored, Sunday bulletin announcements are due in the office by 12:00 PM, Tuesdays and should be submitted here:

Please see our community bulletin board in Morrison Hall uor personal and community announcements.

Office Hours

Open by Appointment Only

Stauu members are working urom home and are checking voice mail and returning calls.

Phone: 8 04-464-1842 Fax: 804-594-5982

Weather/Emergency Text Updates: Text WeAreIAm to 84483

Web Site: ~ Email: [email protected]

Weekly Zoom Gatherings

Page 2: St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church...2020/05/27  · St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church The Rev. renda S. Overfield, Rector 11300 West Huguenot Road Midlothian, VA 23113 Announcements

All you have to do is click on the links below to join (no passwords are needed).

All Sunday Service inuormation and links will sent to you in a separate email.

Seekers Sunday 10:15 AM Click here uor the Good Book Club

Click here uor The Good Book Calendar

Sunday School

Monday Evening Kerygma Monday 7:00 PM

Coed Book Club Tuesday 4:30 PM

Passing the Peace Tuesday 7:00 PM

Centering Prayer Wednesday 7:30 AM

Men's Group Wednesday 8:30 AM

Kerygma Wednesday 10:00 AM

Weekly Update From the Rector

Beloved in Christ, As the weeks pass, time seems to slow interminably, and updates seem to move at a similar tempo. I wish I could say otherwise. It appears to be Ground Hog Day again…(hoping you’re laughing…) So, here’s what there is to report as ou today,Wednesday, May 27: We are still awaiting word urom the Bishop regarding uuture planning. Everything that was mentioned last week is still relevant and in effect – there are no changes at this point. The Staff and I are in the office and available to you. Some are available uor an in-person appointment with uace mask and appropriate distancing. All are available uor phone or Zoom appointments. Iu we can be ou assistance to you, please call ahead to make an appointment. Regarding Zoom: it is the considered opinion ou some that the difficulties ou the last 2 Sundays have been systemic on the part ou Zoom. For our part, we have changed the link again and have eliminated the password to simpliuy the process. Iu you, on your end, could be sure that you are uully updated with Zoom, that will help as well. Thanks uor your patience and persistence. It is wonderuul to be with everyone on Sunday. Knowing that much ou this is already floating around in other media sources, I would still like to offer a uew tools to support and help in this time. (pick any or all as suits you) :

1. Get dressed in regular/ street clothes every day.

2. Exercise. Any way you want- but do something.

3. Maintain as much ou your regular habits, chores, schedules as is possible.

4. Make time to pray/ sit quietly with God – every day uor at least 10 minutes.

5. Take the bubble wrap that has come with all ou the packages you’ve ordered, and pop it – with abandon – regardless ou your age! It will help you to laugh.

6. Pick up old hobbies, or start new ones. Painting, pottery, puzzles, model building, gardening, playing an instrument -something.

7. Limit your exposure to the news agencies. Remember that while they are inuormational, they also make lots ou money off ou your uear and anxiety.

8. Limit exposure to depressing music and television shows that reinuorce negative thoughts and emotions.

9. Find positive, solution uocused activities, shows, etc.

10. Spend some time playing with your children.

11. Play with your pet/s.

12. Rediscover which Bible passages offer comuort/ strength/ hope/ and encouragement uor you.

13. Call someone and ask them how they are without talking about what’s going on with you.

14. Keep a journal about the day’s or week’s experiences. Honor your ueelings while remembering that they are not necessarily uacts. Remember to include one good thing

with each entry. Keep a gratitude list.

After His Resurrection , Christ instructed the Disciples to return to the Upper Room and wait – that He would be there soon. Our rooms are bigger, but we also wait. There are

things we can do to wait in peace – or we can ueel uorced to wait in a state ou dis-ease. Seek peace. The Peace ou God that passes all understanding, the Peace ou God that is

with us even to the end ou the Age.

Your Sister in Christ,


Early E-news Deadline; Items needing to appear in the June 3 & June 10 E-news must be submitted to the office by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, June 2.

Page 3: St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church...2020/05/27  · St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church The Rev. renda S. Overfield, Rector 11300 West Huguenot Road Midlothian, VA 23113 Announcements

Christian Formation Teacher Appreciation

“For every lesson you have prepared, The love ou God has been shared.”

As with most things during this time, our Christian Formation Teacher Appreciation is a bit different this year. We are so incredibly grateuul to the people ou St. Matthias

who give their time, treasure, and talent because the love ou God wells up within them and overflows to others.

This is evidence ou the work ou the Holy Spirit in their lives. They were called and gifted to teach.

What could we possibly do uor people, who come to church every single solitary Sunday with a lesson prepared, and sit in a room uull ou students to lead them through the

intricacies ou the Bible, teach them, raise them up, pray uor them, and ultimately lead many ou them to saving uaith in Christ? I tell you right now - whatever we do . . . it is

not enough!

The next time you see one ou the uolks listed below, please let them know how much we appreciate them. In the meantime, we can offer our prayers ou thankuulness and

pray they stay saue, happy, and healthy.

Merci, Gracias, Grazie, Domo Arigato, Do Jeh, Danke, Khop Khun Mak Kha, Spasiba, Gamsahabnida, Takk, Mahalo, Toda, Efharisto to the uollowing Sunday School and Chil-

dren’s Liturgy teachers:

Cece Allen

Ned Armstrong

Merriann Clark

Chuck Cruz

Dawn Fiske

Carol Giles

Jill Griffith

Liz Jones

Rob Ketron

Margaret Kolster

Sharon Lowe

Ruby McCowan

Audrey McElhinney

Patrick McElhinney

Julie Noyes

Tammy Reinhardt

And lest we do not uorget our uaithuul Nursery Attendant, whose dedication and love to our youngest children should not be uorgotten - Donna Hernandez

Passing the Peace

To continue to BE community and to literally see each other’s uaces and hear each other’s voices, we will begin something we will call “Passing the Peace” where we will

gather virtually by Zoom just to be able to be together. This will begin on Tuesday, April 7 at 7PM and will continue every Tuesday evening at 7PM throughout this time ou

separation. Please join us! Bring your uavorite beverage, dessert iu you’re just finishing dinner- whatever you like. Bring the kids, the pets, and yourselves and we’ll have a

happy visit and pass God’s Peace among us!

Contributions to the Church Updated

Please continue to offer your uaithuul gifts by mailing your check to our church office at 11300 West Huguenot Road, Midlothian VA 23113. Please be sure to note on your

check iu it is uor the General Fund or the Outreach Fund and or how you would like your amount split between the two.

Now that staff are in the office you may also give via debit/credit card over the phone by calling Br. Mark.

On-line giving has been set up and activated to provide an avenue to continue to receive members’ donations. This includes Debit and Credit cards as well as direct ACH

transactions.We offer these various uorms ou payment ou your donations uor your convenience and ease, but never with the wish that you indebt yourselves in so doing. We

are grateuul uor your generosity.

On-line giving is available through our website at

For updates from the Diocese Click on the Link Below:

Diocese ou Southern VA.

Page 4: St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church...2020/05/27  · St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church The Rev. renda S. Overfield, Rector 11300 West Huguenot Road Midlothian, VA 23113 Announcements

Sunday Christian Formation Zoom Classes.

Sunday School uor Children & Youth (all grades)

Join us Sundays at 11:30 am – 12:30 pm uor a live get-together uor all grades. The gatherings will be via Zoom. This week we will celebrate the Feast ou Pentecost with pin-

wheels and doves! (Acts 2:1-21)

Join Zoom Meeting

Feel uree to contact Kristen Ketron, Director ou Formation Ministries iu you have any questions. [email protected]

Christian Formation – Online

St. Matthias now has a website dedicated to uormation opportunities uor all ages. Here is the link to the website: The link

will be available in the biweekly eNews, on Facebook, and on our St. Matthias website (

For children and youth – each group has their own page with the regular lessons urom the Sunday school curricula available uor downloading and watching videos. There are

some bonus uormation opportunities at the bottom ou the page.

For adults – the various groups that meet at the church have provided inuormation about continuing content and online meetings.

The Home page has links to each group’s page as well as event calendars uor each group at the bottom ou the page.

Iu your group would like to be included or you would like to update your group’s inuormation, contact Kristen Ketron, Director ou Formation Ministries. kris-

[email protected]


A “Seasonal Formation Opportunities” page has been added to our Christian Formation uor All Ages website. It includes activities uor Holy Week and Easter. Click here to

check it out:

Seekers: will be on break until the uall.

Youth Group Activities:

Check out our Minduulness, Service and Formation calendar on the Youth Group FaceBook page. Email Kristen ([email protected]) iu you would like a hard


Wed. Morning Kerygma Join our weekly study ou the New Testament via Zoom! Classes take place every Wednesday, 10:00 to noon and are based on the Yale University Lec-

ture Series available on YouTube at no charge. Iu interested, email Ned Armstrong [email protected] to receive a Zoom invite and a link to the lecture series. All ages and

genders are welcome!


Page 5: St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church...2020/05/27  · St. Matthias’ Episcopal Church The Rev. renda S. Overfield, Rector 11300 West Huguenot Road Midlothian, VA 23113 Announcements

Prayer List

Prayer requests can be sent to Br. Matk at [email protected].

Our Congregation is asked to keep in their prayers the following:

Anne Thomas

Lou Zajur Wellhouse

Erik Anderson

Claude & Pamela Bandy

/Arnold Strulson

Bill Collins

Charles Johnson

Liz Brengel

Dot Worsham

Rodger Hardy


/For the inmates and staff at Haynesville Correction-

al Unit

For the residents & staff ou Morningside

Ed Rafter

Matt Allen

Lisa Stanko

Shannon Larkin

Angela Graveley


Dick Harman

Elizabeth B.

Gibbes B.

Kenny Welton

David Fry


Ed McCowan

/Joan & Jimmy

John V.

Fran Olson

Sam Hard

We also pray uor those in the military, especially:

Todd Batteau

Sooky Brooks

Alex Burton

Christopher Garland

Michael Handlan

Jake Hentges

Rebecca Jenkins

Donta Mason

Tom Montgomery

Jacob Murdock

Phillip Plourd

Andrew Rodgers

Heather Smith

Hank Truillo

Nat Williams




Members celebrating birthdays

Michele Riedel 27

Chris Bartle 29

Rob Ketron 29

Bill Oglesby 31

Caroline Sears 31


Ann Tobias 1

Jenna Johnson 2

Lou Montgomery 2

Nicholas Sears 3

God ou all wisdom and knowledge, giver lyour blessing and guidance to all who teach in your Church, that by word and example tey may lead those whom they reach to

the knowledge and love ou you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Rob Ketron

Margaret Kolster

Sharon Lowe

Ruby McCowan

Audrey McElhinney

Patrick McElhinney

Julie Noyes

Tammy Reinhardt

Cece Allen

Ned Armstrong

Merriann Clark

Chuck Cruz

Dawn Fiske

Carol Giles

Jill Griffith

Donna Hernandez

Liz Jones